I PAOE EIGHT MEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, IVrEDFOUD, QRECION, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1011. L SHOW RESULTS JRESPLEN0I0 TAX ROLLS WILL OPEIHINDAY plol on ll.e part of Hie Souther., the Panama Canal, fuliimniii mei- back of the rate war nliidi lins been bven a ery en uiumusuo uuci Paciiie railroad, ally of the two cor-' cliauts and buMm.- interests tod.iv ' declared on the California and At-, (lament of real estnte is not o lei? Derations named, tn m-ni. nil tlin'nrn iini(i..1 iii nnnn ntiiwimtimi to the lniitie Steamhii) Connmiiy, operated mislendiiiR for a good rcnl estaf .financial benefits uhirii uoulil accrue' iiIIpcpiI vc-heme. It is charged liv tho independently liv Unto-, and Che-, -bnipnin juslifics some cnthusinsm w ROUGH SEAS I to shippers upon the completion lor shinpeis that the Southern I'uciiie 1 brough. nd crtiMii tr. f European Powers May Soon Step in . and Straighten Government Out People Not Wholly Satisfied With I Extensive Editorial in Southern Fruit For Convenience of Tax Payers a What m Your Grower Points Out Benefits De rived From National Apple Show List of Various Precincts Have Been Sent Out Through the County to Different Places. the Government. in Spokane. POM 1 ft.Ml I 1T111IU, Id 5 m ? LONDON, Feb. 18. One of two things sooinu pretty certain to happen In Portugal within the next few months. lSItlror a dlctntoi-Hhlp will he ostabllHhed there or one of thu bigger Huropoiui powers will atop In, restore order and becomo practical owner of the country. . Undoubtedly It would bo tho for mer If Portugal had a really big man. Hut It In (iiii'fltlounblu whether It Ihik. Maybe Dr. Bernardino Machado Is the one. Ho Iiuh still, however, to piovu hlniHolf. Ho Is big, compared with other Portuguese men, but that Is not saying a great deal for him, Porhaps ho really Is big and will man ifest his bigness In an emorgoncy. Porhaps he Isn't and won't. Palling a dictatorship, IJnglnnd will almost certainly be tho power to In tervene. Following a visit to Port ugal Itself and a first hand look at things ns they exist there at present, 1 am convinced by conversation with I3ngllHhmou In close touch with the llrltlsh foreign offlco that tho step Ib under serious consideration as suming, of course, tliiit.enily develop ments In Portugal aio what they 'promise to bo "No one Is In position to foretell the extent of the lnfl.ix of capital and desirable settlers Into dm Pn. clflc slope country as tho result of tho national apple shows in Spoknno iind Chicago lust fall, but It Is not over-stating It to sayf that every dis trict Is bound to receive a hundred fold for every dollar expended In making tho expositions what they were. Tho shows confirmed tho re ports given In print or by word of mouth of tho marvelous development of tho npple growing Industry and and the rapid and substantial Btrldes made In the northwest." Tho foregoing Is a portion of an extensive editorial devoted to tho na tional apple show In the February Issue of the Southern Fruit Grower, published at Chattanooga, Tenn. "Perhaps the most significant re sult of tho two applu shows," tho writer adds, "is tho widespread at tention attracted to thu commercial 01 chard districts of Washington, Ore gon, Idaho, .Montana and British Co lumbia. Tho expositions were gratlfy lngly successful and, taken in all, It was the best exploitation tho apple The tax rolls will be open for the payment of taxes on Monday, Febru ary 20, 1911. For tho convenience of taxpayers a list for the various precincts has been sent to the following places: Ashland (!. F. Hillings, First Na tional bank, U. S. National bank and C. II. Gillette. Talent C. W. Welters. Phoenix llearn & Fisher. Medford Jackson County bank, First National bank, Medford Nation al bank, Fanners and Fruitgrowers' bank. Central Point Central Point State bank. Gold Hill Gold IIII1 bank. Woodvlllo Jones and Palmer. Beagle Postofflce. " Fnglu Point George Brown Sons and A. J. Flory. Applegate Pernoll's store. Kuril Postofflce. Sams Valley F. Gardner. & Attracting Most Atten tion in M edlord Today? Now, don't let a thousand minor incidents crowd your mind don't guess at random don't figure wrong. Just give one quick, bright, honest, industrious thought, and you will at once arrive at this conclusien: The thing that is attracting the most attention in Medford today is the grtjat S. P. Busy on Scheme. over had, next to tho story of Its first Why England rather than any 0ti,.I"Ipenranco in tho Garden of Eden. (r nnwnr?? simitiv imnnnin it i ir. .Moreover, tiro peoplo of tho M sslssln- pi valley country and tho states to.,.,,,, iftWI,jml, steamship Coiminnv n the east, south and north have bet- SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., Feb. 18. Discerning in ieecnt Panama height rate cultiriL' by Ihe Pacific Mail Steamship Company and tho Ameri REMOVAL SAUE cess fully. Not that Kngland cares particular ly for Portugal, but It cares a great deal for Portugal's colonial posses sions. Portugal being so small a country, It unite generally passes un noticed that it Is tho second colonial powor In tho world. It hau never inado tho most of Us colonies, but It Is certain that under judicious man agement many of these colonies might easily becomo of enormous vaiiie. Fnglnnd Is particularly anxious to securo posBCBtdon of tho two vnst ter ritories of Mozambique and Angola, respectively In southeast and south west Africa, botweon which are sit uated tho now British South African United States. It Is oven suspected that Fugllsh Influence had much to do with promoting tho recent Portu guese rovolutlon, under the Impres sion that tho republic would bo will ing to part with theso two colonies for a prlco sufficient to establish tho provisional government niton a firm basis. But tho provisional govern ment has made It clear that It has no colonies to sell. Indeed, It does not require much Investigation In Portu gal to become certain that no gov ernment could survlvo tlroro with un dertook such a thing. Tho people would not penult It. tor acquaintance with tho apple belts of tho northwestern and Pacific states than ever before. "Tho Chicago show, which was in stalled In the Flist regiment armory, was attended mostly by men and women who havo monoy to Invest and others who aro looking for homes In tho country. Tho carlot displays, winners of tho chief prlzoB at tho Spokane show, headed by tho grand championship ear, were vlowed with Interest by thousandi, who nmiveled at tho color, slzo and uniformity of tho fruit; but It Is conceded that tho district bootliB were tho centers of at traction, largely becauso of tho fact that spectators wero able to grasp tho extent and Imporlnnco of tho fruit growing Industry In tho western states through having the evldenco In concrete form bofoio them and listen ing to tho talks by growers." Tho next dozen classified ads you aoiiuautud will a doen plume wheli you answer, will probably get you acquainted with a dozen phases of thin nity'H life that you novur on oountei"d bofoio xotick to m:,ii kstath mux. My residence property Is no longor on the market. U8H I3DWAKI) A. I0VANKOV. Buy Your Flower & Vegetable Seeds from tho peoplo who can say Wo know our seeds are good becauso wo have tested them; Wo are those peo plo. Cut flowers and all kinds of pot ted plants. J. T. BKOADI.FY & CO. Coiner (Uh and Central; Greenhouse near city lesonolr P. O. Box 521 Phones Store 1 il Main, Greenhouse f.tSl Main. Can You Guess? That Is what a lot of women do when they order flour thoy take a long guess. Now, with tho celebrated White Diamond bi and of hard wheat flour there Is no guess, 10 very sack Is up to standard lCvery sack Is a little better than any flour you ever tried. OLMSTEAD & HUBBARD wicst .sun; (.'itoer.us. WHAT MAKES US THINK SO? ' Every newly married couple in this vicinity is buying at this sale. IS very couple who are contemplat ing matrimony seriously are looking here every married couple who need extra furniture is looking and buying here. Every person who needs or desires a new rug, carpet, some shades or curtains, an of fice or ladies' desk or chair, and every household that is in the habit of choosing odd pieces of furniture, and every home builder who uses paper, is selecting from our stock. Wlfl ARK 131SY ALL Til 10 TIME. Why Do All Come to This Sale? A-We Have Reduced the Prices. Every Price Is a 1? X f 11 n f 1 V juilC uuv iJ.vr.il on1 U1IU 4 1 rm m m rno voitnvirtfi i V A. illV KJIA XllQO A1W E XTRA SPECIA L-- ! ALL LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES REDUCED 25 TO 50 PER CENtf. Don't miss (Jiis big Lace Curtain sale. You will find this the best saving opportunity along this line that has ever been presented, tains and draperies. in ex neri uranerv man win a item i w i:m.mi- r: '-- - o--- f I all lace cur- Medford Furniture Hardware Company rr'r""""'K-'ss r-,s.S..s,sss J---.-- -----. Your Mill Work Is Most Important It is very important that your mill work be first class in every particular. By placing your order with us you are absolutely sure of getting the best. Our facilities, our equipment, our skilled workmen, our long experience in this locality all tend to GUARANrEE PERFECT gATrgAr;TTrN The Finishing Touches io ti house often give the most trouble. You can avoid it all by having us supply the mill work. Then you will find the sashes, blinds, doors, moulding, etc., just right. They will fit with little or no labor, because they are all true to size and made anurate in everv detail. The Mechanic Points With Pride to the job he has finished with our mill work. How could it be otherwise when eerything fits so perfectlv with the least possible labor? To insure a good job make it a point to come here for railings, newel posts, balusters, window frames, shutters, etc. Their use means less labor and better results as well. I'VaI y J Medford Sash & Door Company Cor. 1 1 th and So. Fir St. MEDFORD, ORE. Phone Main 1841 4 I V-- t4-r4 ' t 6 J i 4. 4 4 4 4 ! 4 4 I v . &