ft MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911. PAGE FIVE & y $ t y - 1 Personal and Local 1 Koso, nn nutomobllo mnn from Portland, is In tho city on busi ness. Charles Gay spent Thursday In Central Point on a short business trip. Don't buy an auto until you soo the 1911 Bulcks. W. C. Flnnigan is snendlnc a few days in Grants Pass. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and Burgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug Btoro. tf W. I. Vawter, W. J. Roberts and S. L. Leonard spent tho early part of tho week in Grants Pass on business. All local attacks on Socialism will bo answered in n most scholarly man ner by Howard II. Caldwell at Smith's Hall, Friday at 8 p. m. Admission free. 285 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Day will leave tho city soon to spond a month in California. Watch for the "Pierce," the smooth running motorcycle. tf J. C. Herring of Central Point was in tho city Wednesday. K. S. Tumy tho city property spec ialist can be found at 201 QarnotU Corey Bide. 282 Eli Jones of Central Point was in tho city Wednesday. Have you any coupons on tho kit chen cabinet from tho Art Studio? 3131 East Main street. 281 i -- t.o iuuuiuiu vitmur yesterday. His homo Is in Central Point. Let Tumy handle your city proper ty if you want to sell it. 282 William Heckathorn of Lake Creek qpent Wednesday In tho oity on busi ness. II. B. Patterson, 116 E. Main, hae sorao nice English Hollies and all kinds of shado trees. Roses (all the best). Now is a good timo to plant. .Drop In and soo me. tf D. C. Karnes, formerly a Medford merchant, but now a rancher In tho valley, when in Medford yesterday. Tho car that stands tho gaff The 13 nick. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Streets of Woodvillo were In tho city yester day. Is your iouso wired? One cigar lesti a day would pay for a hundred per cent lncreaso In comfort. Start living tho electric lifo. tf. S. Garth has left tho city on a busi ness trip to tho south. Don't bo in a rush to buy your now auto see tho 1911 Dulck. Miss Mary Pcnlnger was a Medford visitor from Central Point yesterday. Tho sonsntlon. ofUhe auto show at Portland 1911 Bulcks. F. G. McVIIllam8 of Ashland spent Wednesday hero on business. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bonk. 285 Henry D. Mincer of Grants Pass Is spondlng a few days in Medford on business. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 .William R. Wilson of Trail Creek is spending a few days in Medford with friends. Ask Colonel Tou Velio about those 1911 Bulcks. Howard S. Dudley has left for a business trip to Chicago and other eastern points. Light, durable, strong, poworful, economical tho Bulck leads tho au tomobllo world. Court Hall will leave Thursday night for a short business trip to Portland. What car has dolivorod tho goods in tho Roguo River valloy7 Tho Buick That is why thoro are ho many in Ufle. ' E. II, (Jonlee left Wednesday night for Cincinnati. John H. Carkin, attorney At law. over Jackson County bank. E. L. Harmon Is making a busi ness visit to Medford. Tho triumph of auto building the 1911 Bulcks. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor (o tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About March 1, Privato Am bulance Service. Sick 'and injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butle-, 3571. C. A. William Harding of Phoenix is vis iting friends In Medford. Mrs. C. Carey of Eden Precinct was a Thursday visitor in the city of Medford. William Gerlg, chief engineer of tho Pacific & Eastern railroad, is homo for a few days from Portland, where ho is superintending tho con struction of a huge dredge for use on tho North Bank railroad. A. S. Rosenbaum will spend Thurs day night in Grants Pass. Accom panying him will bo a number tho members of the local chapter of Royal Arch Masons, who plan to at tend a banquet given by the Grants Pass chapter. TAKE SUSPECT SOUTH TODAY Officer From Stockton, Cal., Expect ed to Arrive Today to Take Al leged Horse Thief Arested Here Back to Face Trial. Chief of Police J. T. Ilittson re ceived word from the officu of Shor iff Sibley of Stockton, Cal., to tho effect that nn officer had been sent to this city to take William Johnson, u negro, arrested hero Inst week by Officers Ilittson and Hall as n fugi tive from justice, back to the Cal ifornia city. The Stockton deputy is now in Sa lem securing the necessary requisi tion tinners mid will arrive in this city today to tnke charge of tho pris oner. Johnson, who, it is alleged, stole a horso in btoekton, was working on the new Sparta building here when arrested. He admits hnving sold the horso but says that he only acted as agent for another man, and that ho did not know that the horses hud been stolen. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merchants; Potatoes $1.35(3)1.50 per cwt. Cabbngo iy2lo. Squash 85c(5)$l. , Parsnips lc. , Carrots lVc. t I r Beets lVc. Onions lVic to 1.85. Ponrs iy2(5)2o. Prunes Dried, 4c. Pumpkins SlQo. Apples 2o. "" "".?' Celery 75c$l per dozen. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants) Butter Fresh ranch (roll), o'5c. creamery, 70c. Eggs Fresfi ranch, 35c. Poultry Mixed, 1014c: spriii'.' "hickons, 14lb'c; turkeys, a 7c. (Prices paid producers.) HayTimothy, $10; alfalfa.n $M: .Trass, $14; grain hay, $16. Grain Whcnt $1.15 bushel; oats, $31 ton; barley, $32 ton. Beef Cows, 441(5 steers, 5(a) VnQ. Pork 7V&8c. Veal Dressed, 0c. Mutton 55V2o; Jambs, 6c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barloy, $1.75 cwt.; $32 ton; bran, $1.75; middlings, $1.851.00. fnklnR fnr Health. srrrr--- 4 New Spring Silks The now goods are ar riving daily advance heralds of spring's new styles; pongees, semi-silk dots, mar quiestes, silk foulards, rajahs, taffetas. The Home of McCall Patterns 98c each TWO PROVE ON TIMBER CLAMS . M. White and Louis B. Minard Make Final Proof Before U. S. Commissioner W. H. Canon Prop erty in Different Districts. Edward M. White, brother-in-lnw of Joseph Brown, made final proof upon n timber claim situated in the Antelope country, cast of Hoxoy Anne, Thursday, boforo United States Commissioner V. II. Canon in this city. Louis 13. Minard nlso mndo proof upon nn entry on u claim situated adjoining that now held by Joseph Bilas, with whom ho came to this section of the country. Tho loca tion of the property is north and cast of Medford. EDNA GOODRICH TO ENTER VAUDEVILLE NEW YORK, Feb. 1G. Jf. S. Ben thnm today has tho signed contract of Edna Goodrich, divorced wife of Nat Goodwin, for a vaudeville tour, It is said she will receive $2500 weekly. "NAT" TEAM WINS AMATEUR HONORS The Natatorium's "talent" de scended in a body upon the Ugo the ater last night and carried off nil the honors and prizes offered by tho management of that theater for the best amateur performers. Bert Cumniiiigs, a clog dancer, took the first prize, whilo "Fat" Jerome, a piu-sctter in tho Natatoriuni bowl ing alloy, got honorable mention with n Swedish dialect recitation of tho "Lifo of Ycneral Yackson." Vera Marshfield "also ran" with u Dutch ified recitation. An outsider or dark horse, in the person of Homer Reynolds, carried off tho honors in tho pio eating con test ns tho judges ruled tho Nata torium entry off' for attempting to conccnl tho major portion of his pio in his cars. Drapery Expert Here. Harold G. Heiwig, until recently in the drapery and upholstery business in Seattle, Wash., is now associated with the Medford Furnitiiro & Hard ware company, incorporated. Mr. Holing is an expert iipholhtercr and drapery man and comes with all the advance knowledgo about homo dec oVntfng. Tho Medford Furniture pooplo wil be prepared to handle any work in this lino and invito you to cnll for estimates or phono for nn appointment when Mr. Holing will call and talk over decorations. Tennis Amazons Meet. LONG BBACH, Cal., Feb. lfi. Interest in tho tennis tournament on tho Long Ueach courts todny center ed In Miss Hazel Hotchklss, holder of tho United States women's singles championship, who enmo south for tho puriKiso of meeting her old timo rival, May Sutton. Doth Miss Sutton and Miss Hotch klss drew byoB in today's play. Thoy aro expected to meet in tho finals. Meeker's FOR f(ly W. H. MEEKER & CO. PREPARE WORK FOR SUMMER Forest Office Busy Outlining Plans for Campaign Against Fire Menace This Summer Badly Handicapped by Lack of Necessary Funds. nans nre m course ot prepara tion in tho local office of the forest service for tho work to bo done in tho Crater national forest in prepa ration for the coining summer, and while everything depends upon tho amount of money appropriated with which to cany on tho work, it is be licvevd that sufficient now work- will be possible, to keep an increased force busy. The work of building tho portion of tho Crater Lake road situated within the boundaries of tho fore-it will bo commenced about April J. This work is being carried on under n provision of $5000 recently mndo for the purpose of which n part will bo apportioned for the work to be done within tho forest limits. The road is now pnssablo and about 1" men will bo put to work upon it. With tho exception of a bridge across Whiskey creek, almost 10 miles of tho rood has already been construct ed and eigli miles more will be added to it this summer. It is hoped to open the road by the latter part of June. No provision hns ns yet been mndo by the war department for tho sta tioning of United States troops in the forests during the summer months and it is feared that the proposed move has been allowed to die for want of sufficient agitation, but a number of extra fire guards will be stationed in the forest from timo lo time until, by July 1 n sufficient number to handle any ordinary blaze wil have been put to work. nun of SNIDER IS HIED City Recorder Robert W. Telfor, Thursday morning received and placed on file tho resignation of for mer Policeman Hurry F. Snider. Snider turned in 'his equipment to the mayor early this week. SKKKIXG INVKSTMHNT. Party contemplating Investment ot from $5000 to $20,000 improved Medford business or rcsldonco prop erty. No proporty nottlng less than S per cent of prlco asked will bo con sidered. Address communlcatlonn, giving full particulars, to It. W. Northup, Agont, Medford. tf Hnslclns for Health. Draperies Wo carry a very comploto lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A Bpeclal man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good sorvico aH Is poBHlblo to get in pvon tho largest cltios. Weeks & McGowan Co milD rVUA 250 all Linen Waists, regular $2.00 values, in White and Tan; this sale, choice ..... THESE WAISTS ARE PLAIN SIZES. NEVER HAS SUCH A BARGAIN BEEN OFFERED. NEITHER COULD WE GIVE SUCH VAL UES ONLY THAT WE MADE A SPECIAL BUY IN THE EASTERN MARKETS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER, HELM IS NEW MAD J FORCE Mayor Canon Appoints Former Jer sey City Policeman to Place Made Vacant by Resignation Assumed Duties This Morning. Mayor W. H. Canon has appointed Clarence Helm to tho position on the police force mndo vacant early this week by the resignation of Pa trolman Harry F. Snider. Tho new officer, who was sworn in Thursday assumed tho duties of his offico right away. His home is at 322 South Central nvenue, and ho has formerly seen sen-ice ns an officer of the law on tho polico force of Jersoy City, N. J., and in. California. WILL REPORT TO THE SENATE SOON (Continued from Pajro 1.) slons now begin enrllor in tho morn ing and laBt until Into at night, and a rush is bolng mndo to adjourn both houses at noon Saturday. Speaker Husk has asked members of tho houso to cut short tholr speeches from now on to onnblo the liouso to clear up tho Immense amount of business that must yot bo transacted. Tho biggest fight of tho scsfllon Is on today over tho Dlmmlck eight-hour bill, which Is up in tho liouso for third reading. This measure is bolng fought vigor ously by somo of tho largo employers of labor in tho state. Fonts, Clydo, Brownhlll, Carter and sovornl othor members nro making a strong of feet to hnvo It passed, and Thompson and McKinnoy aro leading tho fight ngaiust It. Tho next dozon classified nds you ncqiiontcd wth a dozon phnscs wheh you nnswor, will probably get you acquainted with a dozon phnses of this city's lifo that you novor on countered boforo. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Ilomcs any part of city Lots wholesale and retail M00R-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers IBank Bldg Every Day Is Kodak Time Medford Book Store KODAKS " and HiW Materials KKHII BIG SPECIAL IN LINEN WAISTS nAVC begins Saturday morning and UiilJ ENDS WEDNESDAY EVENING TAILORED, HANDSOMELY ROLL GONE: SO IS SECRETARY Owing to Absence From City of Sec retary of Illinois Society, Members Can Only Extend General Invita tion to llinois to Entertainment. Owing to tho fnct that tho secre tary took with her tho list of mem bers when sno went on a vacation, tho Illinois society of Medford is In constornntlon to Becuro tho names of all Illinois peoplo now residing in tho city, and has issued a frantic ap peal that thoy Immediately furnish M. K. Worroll, whoso offico is ovor the Medford National bank, with tholr names and nddresses. Tho reason is that tho society is going to hold n box social on March 3, at which all former Illinois people aro earnestly requested to bo present, and In order that each may bo Issued an Invitation, In tho absonco of the regular -list, it is hoped that all will furnish tholr nnmoB. Any former Illlnolan, however, who falls to get an invitation, and thoro is a possibility that nono will bo OX' tonded oxcopt through tho modlum of tho press, is invitod, nnyway. Tho affair will tako place In tho K. of P. Hall. SAY POSTMASTER GENERAL IS VICTIM OF PULL NEW YORK, Fob. 1G. Charges of Insincerity and inconsistency were mndo hero today against Postmaster General Hitchcock by P. C. G. Tessa- ro, manager or tno roriouicai ruu- Ushers' association, who Is aroused ovor tho proposed Increase In postal rates on magazine matter. Ho charg ed that Hitchcock's proposal to in crenso tho mngnzlno postal rate, In cited by statomentB emnnntlng from Washington, wore mnllciouBly fnlso Rogue River Canned Peaches 15c You will find thoso of oxcoptlonnl flavor ovcry can fine, qunllty and tho best valuo ovor offered for tho prlco. 25 pounds of fine Prunes for $1.00 Only n limited supply loft. Theso nro Just as good as you havo bought In times past nt DO per cont moro than wo nro asking now. This Is a special lot now crop and certnlnly n bargain. OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD WKST HIDI3 OKOCKKH FINISHED, THE SEASON'S LATEST, ALL EARLY SETTLER ON ROGUE DIES John McKee, a Resident in the Valley Since 1853, Passed Away Wednes day Afternoon at Eagle Point Here Through "Indian" Days. Tho funeral of John Mojvee, n res ident in tho Rogue Kivcr vnllcy sinco J8fj3, who died at Eagle Point Wedncsduy afternoon, will tako place Friday nftcrnoon at tho JI,cKco cem etery, on Forest crockj near Jackson ville. Mr. McKee, who was 83 years old, died ns tho result of gencrnl debil ity. Ho camo to this country when 'JO years old and located upon tho prop erty on Forest creek whoro his ro mnins will bo interred. Ho mined thoro for a while and later took up ngrieulturnl pur-suits. lie moved to tho Big Unite country 20 yours ogo, which property ho hold until hi denth. A portion of his original do nation claim is now n portion of tho Ilillcrenso orchard. Tho body, which is now held by tho Fori Undcrlnking company, will bo taken to the cemetery tomorrow, where n short burinl servico'wilLJio,. rend nt tho grave. '. Ho is survived by nino eons nnd dnughtors. Tho funeral party will lenvo the Perl undertaking company's chapel nt 10 o'clock Friday morning. Tho Rov. L. L. Bolknnp will officiate. NOTICK TO UUAIj KSTATB MRU. My resldenco property Is no longer on tho mnrkot. :S3 EDWARD A. RVANSON. A. V. & A. M.t ATTHNTION. Work in third degrco Friday, Feb ruary 17, 1911. Groceries Dishes Kitchenware Bulk Coffee and Teas If you havo no regular trading plnco If you aro not satisfied if you wnnt to got tho lowest prices If you doslro cloan, pure,, fresh goods wo invito you to call and get nccpinlntcd, Wo will do our best to ploaso you, Allin 6 Allin 1.TJ WKST MAIN STIIKKT 98c 'i u I 'I l 'I :: I :: u I 'I I '1 'I '. '. 'I '. 'I I, 28 South Central Avenue 98C each li M trr '' '''' ,,t,,',,,'''',,4,',,r,,',,'',,,,t'rr't,rr,,f-''' 'i r ftb