Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 13, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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J. H. Wilson of Evans Creek spent
Monday In Mcdford on business.
Don't buy an auto until you seo the
1911 Bulcks.
Henry B. Tate of Ashland was in
Medford Monday on business.
An order wnB recently placed for
40 Bhade trees to further ornament
Summit avenue, which from the char
acter of building, location and im
provements is sure to bo ono of the
swell homo additions of the city.
C. W. Woltors of Talent was a re
cent Medford visitor.
W. 0. Murphy has well under way
a $1500 residence on Summit ave
nue. J. E. Enyart and Gcorgo Putnam
leave this evening to appear beforo
the seimte committee on fisheries
against opening Itogue rlvor.
First annual dance of W. O. W.
camp No. 90 will bo given at Nata
torlum hall on tho evening of Feb
ruary 21. Tickets $1.00. 281
Bonjamin F. Ileldel, highwny en
gineer, returned Sunday from Salem,
whore he has been assisting tho leg
islative committee on highway mat
ters. Dr. J. E. Shearor, physician and
Burgeon. Offico over Strang's drug
store. tf.
Dr. M. S. Burgess, who has been In
Medford for past three weeks looking
over tho city from a professional
standpoint, has opened up offices in
Medford National Bank annex, and
taken a residence at 200G South Or
ango street. 280
M. J. Lave'B $5000 hqmo on Sum
mit avenue Is Hearing completion.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Telfer return
ed this morning from a" week end vis-
It to Grants Pnss.
Watch for tho "Plerco," the
smooth running motorcycle. tf
District Attorney B. F. Mulkcy was
in Medford today.
H. B. Patterson, 11C E. Main, has
Koruo nice English Hollies and all
kinds of shado trees. Roses (all tho
best). Now is a good time to plant.
Drop in and seo me. tf
E. A. Lobrer of San Francisco Is a
guest of the Nnsh hotel.
Tho car that Btands tho gaff The
William Courtwright of Spokane Is
visiting Medford.
Is your i ouso wired? Ono cigar
less a day would pay for a hundrod
per cent Incroase In comfort. Start
living the electric life. tf.
P. C. Washburn of Tablo Rock Is
a, Medford visitor.
Don't bo In a rush to buy your new
nuto see tho 1911 Buick.
William McQuado of Portland ar
rived In Medford this morning.
The sensation of the auto show at
Portland 1911 Bulcks.
J. E. Green of Berkeley Is In Med
ford on business.
Call phone 2151, 1032 for baggage
wagon. 451
C. E. Ward of Now York city Is a
business visitor in Medford.
Ask Colonel Tou Velio about those
1911 Bulcks.
Thomas A. Deerlng of Portland ar
rived In tho city this morning on a
business trip.
Light, durable, strong, powerful,
economical tho Buick leads tho au
tomobllo world.
Arthur M. Geary returned to his
ranch on Griffin crook Sunday after
noon. What car has delivered tho goods
In tho Roguo River valley? The
Buick That Is why thero are so
many In uso.
Arthur Brown spent Monday In
Grants Pass on business.
John II. Carkln. attornoy at law.
ovor Jackson County bank.
John Williams of Trail Is spend
ing n fow days in Medford on busi
ness. Flvo hundred flno Bartlett pear
trees for salo. Call on J. A. Perry
at Medford National bank. tf
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phenes:
P. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692. '
John A. Perl .
Undertaker and Ernbalmer
Succesoor to tho undertaking de
partment of Medford Furniture Co.
Office With
Medford Furniture Company
About March 1, Private Am
bulance Service. Sick and injured
conveyed to any part ot city or
country. v
Telephones; Day 351.
Night: John A. Perl 4111. C.
W. Cooklln, 3601. J. H. Butler,
and Local
Chief of Police Hittson received
word from Sheriff Sibley of Stock
Ion, Cnl., asking him to hold W. M.
Johnson, negro, n fugitive from jus
tice arrested here Inst Saturday until
the arrival of n deputy sheriff with
requisition papers here.
Tho triumph of nuto building tho
1911 Bulcks.
Seo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance
Man, Ovor Jackson County bank. 285
Charlie Brown of Big Sticky Is in
Samuel Gompers Quick to Explain to
Supreme Court That He Did Not
Make Statement Accredited to
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 13.
Anxious to have it understood that
he is not seeking the role of dofond
ant In another enso for contempt of
court, Samuel Gompers today made a
rather peculiar explanation to tho
United States supreme court.
Gompers' troubles grew out of tho
similarity of the names "Wright" and
"White." Tho labor leader discussed
his contempt case in Now York yes
terday, In which Justico Wright of
tho supreme court of tho District of
Columbia figures as tho aggrieved
person. In reporting Gompers' speech
several newspapers substituted tho
name of Chief Justico Whlto of tho
United States supremo court for that
of the purist affected, mnking Gom
pers say:
"Can Justico White imagine that If
wo went to Jail our voices would bo
As Gompers.' case Is ponding In tho
United States supremo court, ho lost
no time In making his explanation.
Not a Day in Hod.
Gramllng, S. C. In a letter from
Gramllng, Mrs. Lula Walden says: "I
was so weak before I began taking
Cardui that It tired mo to walk just
a little. Since taking it I do all tho
housowork for my family of nlno, and
have not been in bed a day since.
Cardui Is tho greatest remedy for
women on earth." Weak women
need Cardui. It is the Ideal woman's
tonic, because It Is especially adapt
ed for women's needs. It relieves
backnehc, headache, dragging t feel
ings, and other female misery. Try
Cardui. A few doses will show you
what It can do for you. It may bo
Just what you want.
Body of Man Stood Against Wall of
Home and Shot by Diaz Soldiers
Falls Into Arms of Wife Mur
dered Man Accused of Being Rebel
(lALVKSTOX, Texas, Feb. .13.--Murder
of a Mexican merchant, Al
quies Saldou, in Pueblo, Mexico, by
adherents of President Diaz is re
ported hero today by Dr. 11. A. Hates
of Sail Antonio.
The physician says the Diaz ad
herents discovered that Saldou was
acting as treasurer for thcinsurrcc
ton. When tho Mexican troops first
reached Saldou's home and he re
fused to surrender they opened fire
with machine guns, riddling the resi
dence. Finally a charge was made
and when tho houso was entered Sal
don and his family wore found hiding
in n cellar. A further search re
vealed $1500 and numerous revolu
tionary documents which wcro con
fiscated. Saldou was ordered shot.
The soldiers of tho firing party
stood him against tho wall of his
home and as his body fell, riddled
with bullets, his wife, who was
standing nearby, rushod forward and
caught tho body in her amis.
I LONDON, Feb. 13. Edward Hoi-
:ton James' Paris publication, the
Liberator, containing a repetition of
' tho story of tho king's morganatic
marriage, was circulated throughout
England today. King George and
! Queen Mary nre most exasperatod
that the scandal will not down, and
It is' undofltood the king may have
the attorney goneral ask Franco to
(fxnadltp James from Paris to bo
'tried for criminal libel.
Safe of Nippon Bank Blown Up and
$5000 Cash Is Taken as Well as
Much Jewelry N itlit Watchman
Is Seriously Wounded.
SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Feb. 13. A
gang of desperadoes ta an early hour
today blew up the safe of the Nippon
hank here and escaped with .foOOO in
cash nnd several thousand dollars
worth of jewelry that had been left
with the bank as security for loans.
Ono of tho robbers with a shotgun
seriously wounded Chnrles Ptillcn, n
former night watchman, and slightly
wounded Albert Allison. Rcnorts
are conflicting ns to whether there
were four or five bandits. They nre
believed to be the same gang which
attempted a robbery at Winters, Cnl.,
The detonation of the nitro-glyco-ritte
was terrific, tl wns heard nil
over the southwest quarter of the
city and the interior of the bank wns
totally wrecked.
According to the most reliable stor
ies, three of tho robbers were sta
tioned at separate corners" ns pickets.
They halted a scoro or more before
and after tho explosion. Two of
the pickets had shotguns, tho other
a rifle.
Tho robbers had stolen n rig be
longing to Jnmcs Knnpp. They
hitched this nenr the bank and after
lite robbery made their escape in it.
About seven blocks from the hnnk
the polico found a quantity of jew
elry dropped from the buggy.
Pullen nnd Allison wcro walking
along the street toward tho bank and
heard the explosion. They saw a
man with a shotgun guarding the
street crossing. He commanded them
to hnlt.
Pullen stepped forward to investi
gate and the bnndit fired both bar
rels nt him. The distance- was about
f0 paces. Tho shot struck him in
tho legs from the hip down. A few
stray shot hit Allison.
The police were summoned. In
vestigation disclosed a 0-ounco bot
tle standing near the wrecked safe,
tl was half full o l'nitro glycerine.
The remainder had been poured into
a hole in the snfe and touched off
with u fuse of powder.
A large piceo of steel crashed
through the floor past tho bonds of
two Japanese sleeping in (ho base
ment below, just grazing, but not
wounding them.
Tho bank is owned by O. II. Kishi.
There are 40 stockholders. The loss
is covered by insurance. The bnndits
are boliovcd lo have fled toward
State Champions Arc Coming Down
to Meet Local Team in Basketball
Game Local Team Said to Bo
The Medford High school basket
ball team wil Icoinpeto against a
team from tho Albany high school
for tho championship of the State
Tuesday evening.
Albnny now holds the state cham
pionship, having cleaned up all the
school teams in the northern part of
the stato and ns tho local boys have
so far shown themselves superior
lo any teams in the Roguo river val
ley, it is expected that tho game to
morrow night will bo a hard fought
Tho game is called for 7 :-15 o'clock
sharp nnd will bo fought out on tho
Nntatorium floor. Thero will be
skating after tho game.
4 i
t 4
f -f -f'
FOR KKNT Now building Hx20,
suitable for enrpunter shop or barn.
Inqtiiro foot of Almond st. 285
WANTED 12;, fertile
price and brood. I
oggu. State
O. Box 143,'
FOR RKNT Furnished front room,
dose in, 219 S. Central, or phono
2933. ' 280
FOR RENT Furnishod 5-room bun
galow, modern; close in. Inquire
TilO S. Holly. 280
WANTKD To rent n largo house
tent for light housekeeping. Mutt ho
close in to center of town. Call mi i
R. ItliK-h at
Co 'a oftice.
Hoar Creel,
Motor Cur
28 1
Intimates That He Will Veto Measure
to Open Rogue River Points Out
Extract In His Message to Lcgls
lature ns Answer.
STATE IIOUSB, Salem, Or., Feb.
13. "1 say now that during my term
of offico I will zealously guard the
integrity of (htvo laws of tho people
nad will combat with every means in
my power any I'.ttoinpt to injure, in
fringe or subvert them. The people
of Oregon, at different limes and in
no uncurtain tones, have declared
for these laws, and no men or hostito
influence should be permitted to at
tempt in nny manner to wrest from
tho people their hard-earned victory."
This is on extract from Governor
West's message to the legislature.
Asked what he would do in case
tho house bill, throwing Rogue river
open for operations by the llumu cun
ning interests in defiance of tho ini
tiative law passed by the people,
should also pass tho cscnato and be
put up to him, Governor West turned
to page 38 of his incsoago and laid
his forefinger upon tho paragraph
given in tho foregoing.
That was his answer, lie would
say nothing further, but that answer
spells defeat for tho men who, on tho
representation that the people blun
dered, that, as Seneca Fonts said,
they mado "n' slight mistake," ex
hibited tho temerity and effrontery
to try to overthrow tho people's will
as expressed by a majority of 1(1,
000 votes.
Rain or Snow Is Prediction for To
night Field of' White Greet Local
People This Morning Storm
PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 13. Tho
general storm warnlngH Issued Sun
day against any vessels going to sea
Is still In forco today, and although
tho galo has subsidod somewhat, a
falling barometer Indicates that tho
storm Is not ovor, and may again ro
sumo tho intensity that characterized
It yestorday. A whistling wind, ac
companied by flurries of snow, ob
tained In Portland today. Tho pro
dictions for today aro for continued
rain ami snow.
Over four Inches of snow foil Sun
day night In tho valley. Tho predic
tion for tonight Is rain or snow.
Tlio "For Snlo" classified ads ni
tho markot-place for tho useful
things thnt linvo nlrondy been used
Somotimos n sccond-hnnd nrticlo
would servo you ns well ns n now
ono. Watch this clnnnifiontinnl
Presenting the Comedy Sketch
"The City Girl and
Her Country Beau"
Miss Fuller being one of the few
lady Ventrilaquists
Introducing her two MescriEsions boys,
Patsy and Snowball.
Three Reels of Pictures and a Good Song
"Grants PaBs Is rapidly com'ng to tho front with tho now rail
roads to bo constructed and other developments ot Irrigation and
power In prospect. Do you want good business property, hotol
site, residence property, or CI030 In acreage nt present low prices?
I have choice selections In each of tho auovo.
I00 0r4 j
Senators Bourne and Chamberlain
Stato That They Will Do All In
Their Power to Secure Trout
Hatchery for Rogue.
The Mait Tribune, in behalf of tho
Rogue River Fish Protective associa
tion, recently requested Senator
Ronnie nnd Chamberlain to secure a
$J."),000 appropriation for tho estab
lishment of a trout hatchery on
Roguo river to bo operated by tho
bureau of hatchories. Tho follow
ing replios have been received.
Senator Uourno writes as follews:
''1 noto your desire to secure iui
appropriation for a trout butchery
on tho Rogue rivor. 1 have recently
introduced and secured passage
through tho sonato of u bill appropri
ating $5(1,000 for hatcheries on the
Columbia nnd its tributaries. This,
I think you will ngree, is as much
us we could expect to secure for Or
egon hatcheries in one congress and
I think it would bo absolutely im
possible to soeuro nnd 1 think it would
bo absolutely impossible to secure
an appropriation for another hatch
ery now. Tho bill passed by tho
senate has not yet passed tho house
but I nm hoofuI of tho congress
men securing favorable action
upon it.
"After this is dono wo shall be
pleased to take up tho trout hatchery
question at a .subsequent session and
if the showing mado seems to justify
tho appropriation wo shall endeavor
to secure it. What I mean by this
is that as Senator Chamberlain and
I view government affairs, wo will
not ask the United States govern
ment to appropriate money oven for
our own stato until wo can show that
it is a wise investment, from a busi
ness standpoint."
Senator Chnmborluiu writes:
"With roforenco to an appropria
tion i ;,m.j,uuu to no used hy tlio
bureau of hatcheries in tho estab
lishing of a trout hatcherv on Rogue
river to bo used in conjunction with
tho salmon hatchery near Trail, pei-
mit mo to say that it will afford me
pleasure to do anything I can to so
euro mis appropriation, tiiougn vour
letter comes most too Into to lead
me to hopo that this can bo accom
plished nt this session of congress.
Tho appropriation bills gonotiilly are
so wen iiuilor way that from now
on it will ho difficult to secure addi
tions thereto on account of the
crowded condition of the calender
and tho short limo until tho adjourn
ment of congress. I will, however,
do tho best I can in the premises."
Sewed His Nose On.
MARTINS FERRY, Feb. 111. Har
ry King, 1-1 years of ago, and em
ployed in the Wheeling Corrugating
company's plant, on turning his head
suddenly struck his nose against a
sharp piece of tin, which protruded
from a pile, and tlio end of that or
gan was almost severed. Twelve
stitches were necessary to get the
olfactory member into proper posi
'i '
Real Estate
Grants Pass, Or.
Medford Opera House
Operatic Extravaganzi
By the Students of Medford High School
Replete with good comedy, pretty costumes, catchy
music and special effects.
FEB'Y 17th and 18th
ADMTSSTON, 50c, 75c AND $1.00.
Of calling us If you hnvo any oletitrlc work ot nny kind. Wo can
fix you up in tho best posslblo style.
It is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing
Electric Construction Co.
fil -
Farmers and
Cho finest
Sample Rooms
in the oty.
?fc i2Ss-?a-55SS:rJ
toj L n
Hotel Moore
Telephone In Every Room
J. E. ENYART, Prcsldont J. A. PERRY, Vlco-Prcsldont
F. E. MERRICK, Vlce-Prcsld?ut JOHN S. ORTII, Caahlor
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
E. M. F.
Studebaker Garage Co.
Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co.
TIiIh Gnrago and Mnchlno Shop Is now In chnrgo or a practical
auto repair man. All kinds ot autos and gas engines well nnd
quickly ropalred. Overhauling n specialty. Cars stored and cared
(or hy tlio month. Oil and gasollno tor salo.
128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131
match for only f 15,000. ThU Is tho boat thing wo have had to of
for for tho monoy this season, Cash $5000; balance to suit nt G
por cent, Tho family physician has Issued his command to tho
ownor to make a quick change. 3a-.
Rogue River Land Company
y o u it
ly chcckH on this bank. Than thero
will bo no chanco ot tho monoy be
ing lost or disputes as to payment,
Checks can bo mailed for a two-cent
stamp. Thoy aro thus nt tho samo
tIn.o tho cheapest and safest vray of
romlttlng monoy. Open your account
today and commenco getting tho ben
efit. Fruit Growers Bank
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
And the Doctor
Must Be Obeyed
3S acres host land In vnlky;
on main road; 5 miles from
Medford; 8-room niodorn
houso, largo barn; 17 acres In
alfalfa; A acres Dartletts 4
years old; 11 acres Nowtowns
I yenrB old; 2 acres truck land
with gas ongluo and Irrigating
well; and tho wholo shooting