MWrVB VJWWTIir)WF.! M.AtSAw .. - t 1 U PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MfiDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1911. E; lllfil WIFE IEFT Complaint is Filed by Judyo S. S. Pctity Were Married in 1906 Says He Doesn't Know Where His Wife Is. GAS PLANT FOR HOUSE REPORT GRANTS PASS: IS NEW BONDING Council Grants Franchise With Un dcrstandinn That Work Must Start I Within 30 Days Grants Extends for 50 Years. FAVORABLE cony F ORIHS COUNTY COIIfi Cluutriiijr desertion, Marion J-1. Castor filed suit in the circuit court Saturday morning for absolute div orce from his wife, Mario I. Castor. Tlio complainant alludes that lie altornoy for (ho plaintiff, avers tlial tho couple woro married in Jledfoa1 dilriiij March, 11)00, and alleges tliat in tlio following Juno, Mrs. Castor deserted Iior husband. A child, KujTLMio F. Custer, now l'i years old, has been born since. Tho complainant niches that he does not know tho present wliore- nhoiilH of Iiih wife, lut anserls thai lie believes her to be outsido of the jurisdiction of the state of Oregon. Marriage Licenses. Tlio following marriage licenses have boon issued by County Clerk Colcmnu : V. E. Qimkenbush of Oakland, Cnl., to Miss Iluby Jlaily, 18 years old, of Jackson county. Charles Hoynolds of Tola to Nina' Wilson. Tho couple were married iii the offices of County Judge J. If. Neil, who performed tho ceremony,' Miss Myrtle I. Duiiten acted as wit-' 11088. I CHANTS PASS. Or., Fob. 11. The city council at a special mooting granted to A. W. Uutlor of Minneap olis, I'. U. Herman and 13. U. Cchurch 111 of tills city a 50-yonr franclilHo for a modern and up-to-duto gas plant, vlth a capacity sufficient to supply a population of .'10,000. Tlio provi sions of tlio franchise aro that work shall ho commenced within DO days and the plant completed within eight months, tho company to hear all ex pense of connections from tho mains to tlio property lino. There- aro tho usual restrictions looking to tho pro tection of tho cHry stroots and tho paved districts. Tho city will havo tho option to purchnso tho plant nftor 121 years at tho actual physical valuo of tho property at that tlmo. Mr. Dutlor states that thoy havo By Vote of Twelve to Seven Ways and Means Committee Decides to Report Favorably on Canadian Reciprocity Agreement. Tax Lists Closing. Sheriff Wilbur Jones Is bringing tho work of compiling tho tax lists to a close, and It Is expected that tho clerical forco In his offlco will havo completed It by tho middle of next week. PNEUMONIA Tho common hoilof Is that pneu monia Is caused by oxposuro to changes In tompornturo and atmos-j phcrlc conditions. Medically speaking, it Is duo to an Infection with germs J (dlplbcococus pneumoniae). Hut tho, primary cause, that which makes II j possible for Infection to take place, Is tlio Intorforonco with uervo supply j to tho lungs, weakening their resist ing forco. Tho causo of nil dlsoaso Is positi vely provon to ho pressure on nerves as thoy oinonato from tho spinal co between tho vortebiao. Tho peculiar construction of tho spluo makes It an oasy matter for the vertebrae to become slightly displac ed no as to Interfere with tho nerves convoying Impulses from tho brain to dlfforont orguus and tissues of tho body. Tho oxudatlou present In pneu monia Is fronted by tlio action of tho oxcoeslvo boat or fovor upon tho sor-i ous fluids of the lungs. Hy removing tho prowniro on tho nerves tlio ex-1 cohhIvo heat mid exudation ceases, and nature again restores normal conditions In from ouo to three days.' Dlsoaso In any form Is caused 1 ) a doraugomont of tho uervo supply I to tho parts Involved. Hy no other i method Is It possible to obtain the! iuluk and porimiiiout results that can! bo had by chiropractic adjust moiits. Dr. h. M Gordon, ) Chtropnirllc SplliologUt. ' Office ovoi tho .Medford Hindu aro Co., 210 K. Mala strout, Medford, Oregon. Offlco hours 10 to 12 a. in. I a to 5 and 7 to 8 p. in. Other hours' and Sundays by appointment, FINE PIANO BUSINESS llalo'ii J'lano IIoiuo report a moid 'breaking salo of pianos and oikuiik during tho past wook. Mr. Hub- i pects to loavo for the oast on Mimh tho first and is soiling off all pianos at a big discount, an avoragu of ,jiu jilnuo nor day was tho record I n- the first sgvoji days of tho salo. Mr Halo HtatoH Uiut ho qxpoots to iHI ovory piano tho coining wook and he still has a nuinbor to soil. WASHINGTON, I). ('., Keli. 11. Tho house ways and melius commit tee, by a vote of 12 to 7, today de cided to report favorably on the Canadian reciprocity agreement. Representatives Dalell, Calderhead Gaines, I-Wdney and Ellis, republi cans mid KepreKontntivo Mrousmird, denim-rat, opposed the report, which included an amendment to (he phra seology of tho pulpwood paper clause. Committeemen assort that the amend ment fulfill tho purpose of the nego tiators better than did the original phraseology. " ' - several sites under consideration, but no definite locution as yet has been decided upon. Plans are now being worked on and It Is probable that actunl construction work will bo com menced within I!0 dnys. Western Bonding and Development Company Organized With Capital Stock of $25,000 Charter Has Been Received. Tho Western Hondlng and Develop ment company with n capital stock of $25,000, has Just' boon organized at Ashland. Tho charter has been received from tho State Department and the officers were sworn In Saturday. The company Is composed of Ash land, Medford, mid other capitalists and chnractor of the business which It proposes to undertake Is sufficient ly Indicated by tho name. T TO GOLD HILL All Members Are Present In Body to View Site Put Forward by Cit izens of Gold Hill for New Bridge to Be Constructed In That City. County Clerk William K. Cotetnnn. Henry T. Wentworth of Ashland, la named as defendant. Want ads In the Mall Tribune arc like Investments 'in Medford real es tate sure winners. 0W Wentworth Sued. Henry T. Wentworth, of Ashland, Is named as the dofendnnt In a suit to recover money filed by the attor neys of tho Ashland Manufacturing company with County Clerk William It. Colcmnu this morning. County Judge J. It. Nell and Com missioners Davis nnd Owens spent .Saturday In Gold Hill at tho request of the citizens of that town viewing tho proposed slto for tho new bridge across Kogue Itlver at that point. The citizens of Gold Hill are boosting for a new location at tho foot of Fourth street Instead of the one where the bridge crosses the river at present. Tho county commissioners did not decido tho matter but have promised to take It under advisement. Thoy declined to express an opinion In the matter. Evening Clothes Would Recover Money. John A. Harvey is the plaintiff in a suit to recover money, tho papors In which wore filed this morning with will become spotted and stained despite how careful you aVe. qjBy having us DRY CLEAN them, every spot, stain and iota of dirt will be removed and the garments consider ably "freshened up" in appearance. fJDress suits, ball gowns everyday suit, skirts, overcoats, etc., etc., dry cleaned in the best man ner at moderate charges flllats, Hats After March 1st wo will be prepared to clean and block all shapes and col ors of men's hats. llfRF Club Rates for Men $2.00 a Month Main 2441 No. 5 SB PANTORIUM t0-00 'jJFB v d0JBKtHgggi - y f - 1 Motor Cars The Car You Oug'lit to Have at the Price You Oug'ht to Pay. "SILENT AS THE FOOT OF TIME" .' Y i '..-i'"'.1 n V , w 1ui,ilM.ntfiwcOJE..i rMltrllPlI MnnVI R Slimlo Uumble Seat. I'otir-Cyllndor. !10 II. I'. 10iulpinent: MiiKiieto. Prfrn flV ftfllliDDfid $1200 PlUftllCII mm K Top, Klvo Lights, Generator, .Horn and complete sot of tools..' im' '"" CM"'fC". J1SU MitrllPlI MnnVI R aum HtM, '''mn Cillndcr, ill II 1 liitiliuuout PUllilMI HUUU l T()1( ,,,,U) U(,tB Generator, Horn, and complete sot K. PrlGC fully equipped. $1250 Mltr.hflll Mnrlnl T i-'Ivo-im-mhh r Magneto Pop l"io I biit", Ciiu lator Horn and lompl C.v 1'iMir C Under, 0 II P. K.,ulnuient Prlrft fllllv ftnillnnRfl. Slfiflft lete set of tools ' 1 ' ' '. . Mitcucii Model s s.ry?.:,a.:, ts: ..;:; ::i;.,,:rs; fnw. m mwi. $2250 All Prices F. O. B. Factory Why the Mitchell Cars Mean Satisfied Users Standardization, simplicity, increased safety, and relia bility are the principal factors of Mitchell Cars. The Mitchell Record the Best Mitchell Argument There are today over $30,000,000 worth of Mitchell Cars on the roads, in the hands of satisfied users. Our busi ness last year was a 98 per cent increase over that of the year before. The Relation of Manufactur ing Cost to Car Quality Some automobiles are built as cheap as they can be and much cheaper than they ought to be, by the combination of large facilities with shoddy ideals. Others, well con ceived and well intended, cost the maker as well as the buyer more tlitm they should because they are expensive ly produced in small quantities. Our endeavor is to com bine what is effective in one plan with what is good in the other. 'Che reason that Mitchell costs are low and Mitchell quality high is that Mitchell Cars are built as cheaply as they can be and be built well. The Appearance of Mitchell Cars For grace of outline, quality of finish, and refinement, of design, the new Mitchells are positively without peyrs in the automobile world. l i V A ... The foredoors are furnished on models T. and S.-. Thoy were not added for the purpose of transforming a motor car into a torpedo boat, but to eliminate tho discomforts of wind and dust to those who occupy the front seats. For further details or demonstration sec Offutt-Rornes Auto Co. 8th and Central Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. Telephone Main 6231 . f v i K Hnslclna for Hoaltli.