, 'f PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MfiPFORP, ORlCCtOX, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 32, 1911. U i ' t :. i t . n vi il 1 i :$ . is i I' t I "t Medford Mail Tribune AN INDRPRNDHNT NEWSPAPEH PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT 8ATUH- DAY DV THE HBDTOKU PMNTINO CO. The Democrntlc Times, Tho Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune. Tlio South ern OrcRonlnn. The Ashland Tribune GEOrtOE PUTNAM, Editor nnd Manager ia Entered as second-class matter No- vxmhnr 1. 1009. at tho DOHtOfflCt! Ut Medford. OreKon. under tho act of March 3, 1879. Official Paper ol tho City of Medford. - " BUDBCBIPTIOH BATEB. Ono year, "by mall.... 15.00 Ono month by mall . . .60 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medfcrd, Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point -GO Bunday only, by mull, por year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 mil JioattA Wire United Press Dispatches. The Mall Tribune Is on salo at the Ferry News Stand, San Kranclsro. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman Nowb Co., Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokane. EWOBIT CIBCULATZOIf. Dally nvoraKo for six months ending December 31, isiu, fzi. GRANTS PASS TO EXTHM PAVING With Cominfi of Spring Petitions arc Beinfl Circulated in Neighboring City Asklnn That Hard Surface Streets Be Increased. GRANTS PASS, Fob. 11. During tho past week property owners In tho First wnrtl linvo been busy filling In nnd circulating petitions to tlio city council for various street Improve ments. An effort Is holm; linulc to docldo upon tlio style of roiulwny, somo favoring n .'10-foot roadway of a light water bound macadam, while others aro contending for a 30-foot roadway of mncadam with a bitu minous wator proof surface It Is conceded that nothing short of a first-class hard-surfneo pavement will do for tho downtown blocks, but B street fiom Sixth to Merlin road, Fifth streot from F to Kvelyn ave- lyn nvenue, Third from F to Kvo lyn and a portion of Fourth street aro holng considered for somo kind of macadam. It Is understood Hint residents on Washington boulevard, which Is tlio northerly extension of Fourth streot, aro contemplating parking along (ho centor of tho street and lenvo a driveway on either side. This Is tho only 100-fooi. thorough faro In tho city, and lying as It does Is well adapted to an Improvement of this kind. A portion at least, If not tho ontlrowldth of Sixth street, from II street to lOvolyn nventio will bo figured out lhqt has been necessary to follow up to II street on Sljctji,-' City Kuglneor Uohson, who re cently spent somo tlmo making ex amination of about -0 kinds of pave ment and macadam in California, Is preparing plans and specifications for the kind of Improvement' best adapted to our conditions, ho that when the question comes up to his office no time may be lost In prepar ing for actual work. WANT SUPERVISOR TO SAl.K.M. Or, Feb. 11 Supervis ors to assist countv school superin tendents by visiting county schools and Instructing the teachers Is pro vided for In a bill which passed the Hinnto yehtenlay. It luttl already passed tho house and gooa to tho gov ernor for signature. The bill applies only to largo counties, those contain ing (iO or more school district, and was fathered by Itoprwoutmlvu Hunt ington of Douglas. Oliver ot I'ulon tuid Wallowa nnd Miller of l.lun khvu ihw bill twinei! support, ileclnilnu It Is neflded to rIvo adequate Instruction to county teach ers and point lug to Indorsement by tho grange, the state school superin tendent and the prts Wood said tho county superintendent of his county is ngalnwt It, and Barrett of Umatilla also opposed, hut the bill passed with only five negative votes. SENATE COMES TO AID OF FAMINE RIDDEN CHINA WASHINGTON. I). i, Feb. 11. Tho senate today adopted a joint resolution authorizing the wccetniy of war to uc an army li'Hnxmit l forward Red Ciosk supplies to thtt famine sufferers in China. Tin uiua are, approved in the lowor Iioumo ap propriates $.10,(1(10. Can Play Sunday Ball. LINCOLN, Neb.. I'eli. It. -Sunday baseball has received leuhdativo Ap proval. A bill making the playing of the national game on the Sabbath op llonnl with oily ooiaiwiU ad county commissioners bus bi'on p.id by the filale IcgiBlntiU'tf. SEVEN HUNDRED BILLS IN FORTY DAYS THE present legislature lias not clone much to justify its existence. If we had guadrennial sessions instead of biennial, the state would probably be as well off perhaps better. A large part of the legislature's time has been taken up with licnnut polities a frantic effort to einbarass the ad ministration instead of calmly considering the real needs of the state. But five days more remain and none of the really im portant measures yet passed. The appropriation bills are still to come. The good roads legislation has notyet been enacted. Trivialities have taken up most of the time. Some seven hundred and more bills have been intro duced, for consideration and action, in the forty days of the session. How many of these 700 bills get the time and attention needed? Last fall the people, after some four or five months con sideration, voted upon .'32 measures, and we are asked to ity the poor people with such a gigantic task: on tueir nanus, ver, wo expert rue legislature 10 coiismer juu meas ures in '10 days and no one thinks it a great task. The legislature is lacking in leaders and ability. This is to be expected. Every new political movement brings untrained minds to the front. Lawyers of skill and elo quence are lacking that is because most lawyers, by their training, are reactionaries and stand patters. Their busi ness is not creative or progressive. They are seldom found with the masses nearly always with the classes. If leaders of acknowledged ability will not champion progressive measures, the people will elect unknown men who will, it is the principle rather than the man in Oregon. If tho newly elect do not measure up to standard, they will be replaced, until the ability is developed and the man is always ready when the occasion arises. Trained politicians of Oregon are nearly all in the standpat element, but by refusing to hood popular desires, they aro getting on the shelf to stay and a new school will gradually arise to replace them. LOW COLONIST RATES AN army of home seekers will take advantage of the colonist rates this year and the railroads are prepar in for the greatest influx on record to the northwest. Low rate tickets Avill be sold from March 10 to April 10, from as far east as Boston, as far north as Winnepeg and from all intermediate points. Prom Missouri river points, the rate will bo $25, from Chicago 5fvJ3, from Bos ton $l).f0. Tho immigration from the oast to the northwest grows heavier with each year, duo largely to the splendid public ity work of the communities and the railroads. Colonist folders will soon be issued for distribution from Medford and other towns, part of the publicity cam paign inaugurated by the Southern Pacific. FOUR SENATORIAL DEADLOCKS FOUR deadlocks exist in legislatures of four states over the election of United States senators in Now York, Colorado, Iowa and Montana. Knell of these deadlocks will bo accompanied by more or less scandal, corruption and ill will. Each involves a great loss of time on the part of the legislators and a loss of money to the public. Probably none of the states will elect a man satisfactory to the people. All this would be avoided by popular election ol sena tors. All of it has boon avoided under the "Oregon plan." Legislation election of senators has been out grown and should bo discarded, just as congressional election of presi dents has boon long since thrown overboard. Text of Pierce Rogue Fish Bill The following i& the text of the amended fierce hill, lloin-e Mill iM. 1K. which nullifich the initintive hill1 elosiug the Koguo river to commer cial lulling. The hill pushed tho hou-e with one vole to spare Thurs day nnd i now in flio seunto commit tee on l'ihherich: A Bill For an Act to amend an act entitle 1, "uu Act to protect fish in Resiio,00'-'!'1 "'"' ''k and line, commonly ,;,, 1(i, tllll, was ,ms.scd bv the peo river; to punish tlio.o who violate ',,llt"1 Bl"g. i j:"o river and its po a( a, ,,ei.tion. That there i- a thi net, and to repeal all laws m'tnbutane,, between a point where lj1M1,ilitv and even a prohalnlUv. conflict herewith," adopted Nov. j h,u'1'1 l"'"11' crosses said Rogue (,a, ,u, ilature mav nullif the S. 11)10. and became effective on'nm' t tlu 1('01 ,)l s'Ntl hl''it '" people law. What kind ol a hiiiuo proclH uuitum of the governor De M, ID 10. Me it enacted by the people of the stale of Oregon. He ii enacted bv the leuislative as- M-inblv .f the state of Oregen: Title That the title of an act oii..,,,li wiiu nook nnd line, wct ot ic tU.clnred for tilled "An act to protect fi-li in ''"Hueuee with the Illinois, river, or, i ,uv,. rend direct lnjishtnni Ii. Rogue river. o punish tho who viii-jw,,H lhlVi' m de of the mouth RUteuliauu of Switi I'laud, tin late this act and to repeal nil law. oC ""1 Krio 'ior from November rlltnoi. f direct legislation and .( in conflict herewith." be amended to!1, ,0 AU''1 "' "",l l'l'om A"K"st l" l,) where in his works does lie ellow the lead as follews: "An net to protei t Keplc-mbur . in any year and that no ,(00pu.s representative.- to iw flu' fish in ItuKite river, and to piohihit tll! ,uM ."l,h. ,l u'l illm- tliHii i-ight ,M,W01.( iul (, ,.niinrv h the the catching ..f stctflhend. providing I i''i size or any drag seiner be n.f,.r,M1duni ivo the people the ngiif a closed season for salmon rihuir. ' ,fcMl '" """i lt'K "ver during lb-',,,,,! t,, ,Mnvl.r to if thev cIiom- to M't and regulating tho iio of net mesh ' 1'","' ,,r "I"" between April, IUj,l( ami u that is ena.led bv Un used in fishing in Rogue river, to A "'"' ltusl 1' of each ,ear." legislature. If the legM.ihve h.nl punish those who violate this net and I'roiu the above it will ho seen that, has that power over the people, the i tu rca all Ihwm in conflict here-, lwhing in the upper river as far as of what use U direct lci!titinn? Ii with." '(Irani Pass is permitted from April is had enough for the supreme coiiii Sfotion I That MH'liou ou bo 13 to August 15, and in thtt iuwvrito have such power, hut it' mil iep MiiuMidfd to read as follews: river from April 5 to August 15 and roseatatives have it ali th-u direct Section I It shall he unlawful for 'from September 3 to-November I. legislation is a farce and .i t.uluiv any )nrson to take or attempt to Tlio spring and summer fishing is And is not a thing to be proud u', take any fish of any kind whatsoever limited to S-iaeh moa neu. hut drug hut rather looked iiwn iu a lialiv from the waters of Itogue river or seines and small mesh nets are pvi- rattle box or other pla.v tiling Soim any of its tributaries, nbov the steel unstable in the fall season. thin to fool the fool's and make ilnir hridgt) that crosses said Rogue river No provision is made to prevent btdievo that thav are it, when it -ut the foot of Sixth treet in l,he eilyjthe stroteliing af ueU aeros the plain that are ML Will oti pleiw of Grants I'us m Jouopltiii county, 'chaiuiol or for other satVgwards nmi- aliuw iu how tu solve this Chhui' with n Mine, net, trap, fish whed orjtained iu tha old lawa r"pald uy'wira puile. I really would like some by any other moaiia exeapt with hook the initiative, i information oa tho subject, respect. - and line commonly eallnd angiiag. and it shall he unlawful for au.v per miii lo hike or attempt to take any fish known us or commonly called 111 1 11 1 .'.. , ll """l, " "n" "" "l ""'. "mu in mini nwxui' river in nii.v ; us uiii- uturies with a seine, net, trap, t'i-li wheel or by nny other means except with hook, and Hue commonly called angling. "After the passage of this act it shall be unlawful to tul;o or l'ih tor salmon ot any kind, in any inanner'iiu,,.,.,,.. ,.olu.on,ini: the Rogue Hive uie city ol tirants Pass in .lobcphine county and the mouth of the llliuoc ,,ovv xHnw ,t that hi minont elected river from August l,' to April Jfl in'i... ti1(( .liio.-t vote of the people, n any year; or to take or fish for moii fish in Rogue river and it& trih '"lanes bV any means Whatever, ex I llasklas for lloalth. THE LIMIT OF (Portland Telegram.) When tho people pronounce in nn About iirf bijj u hit of presumption election, nobody presumes to inter ns over characterized n legislative i-venc; the: matter is definitely uiul body was that of the house ycslcr-for nil time settled. Precisely the duy, when a majority of tlic members same principle applies to thcinitia voted to override the popular vole.tion and ciirryine u Inw by tlio pilli on mi initiative inw. No belter proof! could be found of the shortcoiniiiRrf of representative government tlinn was thus afforded. The most ser ious charge that has been made ngniiiht the system is that it repre sented private interests instead of public interests. Many a time nnd oft lias this been demonstrated. But all of this was before the day of the initiative. In Oregon the people cluiin nnd have exercised the right to initiate laws. When tlioe laws have been passed by a majority vote of the people, it is just as ridiculous for tho legislature to intervene and nt tempt lo override the net as it would be for the same body to override flic popular declaration that a cer tain man had been elected governor. UNDOING THE (Portland Evening News.) The first successful blow aimed at the peoplo's Initiative Inw was de livered yesterday In tho lower house of tho legislative assembly. Forgetting its pledge that no at tempt would be made to meddle with Initiative laws, the house of repre sentatives put Itself on record as be ing superior to tho people ot Oregon by completely wiping out ono of the popular measures passed nt the November election. The passage of Pierce's bill amond closlng of Rogue river to nei Usher ing tho Initiative measure for tho cr law, slams the voters of Oregon In tho face, and drives the entering wedgo Into the whole Oregon system of law making. Tho Pierce bill was Introduced to protect the selfish Interests of the millionaire Humes of San Francisco, who have taken possesion of tho en tire fishing Industry at tho mouth of Kogue river. ., When It was first In troduced In the house It was Im mediately referred to a friendly com mittee which was brought under com plete Influence of the wealthy non resident packers. Members of the committee wero approached by the wealthy Hume heirs while the bill 4 COMMUNICATIONS. To the Kdlter: In your Issue of tho tenth Instant there occurs under tho head Hues "Horses trnmplo garden truck" ac customed to trample small unfenced garden patches on Capitol Hill and upper Siskiyou Heights. There Is no 'herd law" In Oregon and owners or gardens should fenco against stock. Who over the horses referred to Is freo from tho burden of keeping fields and gardens from being Invaded by horses. Tho horses referred to do not be long to any man by the nnme of Tay lor. 1 own horses but they are not running at large and have not dur ing tho winter months. The state ment that boasts of having red stock off other people is likewise untrue. I answer In this , manner because l have heard that some have thought my horses wero referred to In the article. .1F.SSI0 TAYLOR. I'OLO, Oregon, Feb. Illli, 1011. I'o the Fditor 1 see in our paper under the head of "A Never Kndme j , . lhiK ..... .,,. naiim? Aii wiu- ul-itom,j,y fm. ie purpose of upholding ,i. .,..'...!.. will. ml ..nn millitv and se, ,ulJtf ,Imt wj,j,.i, ,u. , tiplo .... ,....,... , Inn i rulv vniirs, YAin:u smith. PRESUMPTION lie vote. When that net has beenj accomplished it remains a settled fact until it is repealed by the same authority which created it. The legislature is but a creature of the public will. It is the people who created it and it is the people who give it power and maintain it in existence. That the creature should presume to riso above and vitiate an act of the people is so su premely ridiculous on the face of d that the very statement of the case is all that is needed to carry with it its own condemnation. The day of lobbying and logrolling a bill through tho legislature after the peo ple have pronounced upon it has passed, and those who think other wise are only inviting a personal ap plication of the steamroller. PEOPLE'S LAWS was under consideration, and n whirl wind campaign was made on tho floor of the house to have the measure passed when It came up for third reading. Somo of the representatives who voted for the bill wero Indirectly In terested In Its passage; all the ene mies of Oregon's system cast their vote for It, and several members who hnd pledged themselves not to assist In any plot to amend, modify or abrogate any measure passed by tho people of tho stato, traitorously turn ed tall on their constituents. Tho action of tho house In rush ing the bill through has aroused in dignation among frlonds of the In itiative and referendum and has added to the already strong suspicion that the lower house as well as the senate Is completely In the hands of tho people's enemies. Strong pressure Is being brought to bear on tno governor by tho few millionaire fish packers who nro In control at the mouth of tho Rogue river to have him not veto tho Pierce bill, but tho governor hns already gone on record as being opposed to nny attempt to tamper with tho peo ple's law and ho will surely veto the bill If it passes the senate. KIIAIMTL, Turkish Armenia, Fib. 11. Firo nearly destroyed the' French college managed by the Cap-1 iichin father of Toulouse. 1 0,000 Valentine Post Cards Your Choice ONE CENT EACH FANCY MAT CALENDARS Over -100 regular l.")e, 2n' and )oi' qualitv fan cy Alat 1911 raleiulars, each in neat box, at, your choice. 10c each or 3 for 25c (!Ai.rcmtt pads lc EACH. 10 dozen boys' heavy jersey ribbed and flat weave fleece lined Shirts and Drawers and misses' pure white jersey ribbed, fleece lined Vests and Pants, and children's fleece lined Tnion Suits; regular '.Mc. 40c and 50c values, TLOSIXd Ol'T PRICK 25c each Hussey's KS ROB THE FOOD DEPOTS AMOY, China, Feb. 11.- -Hunger-crazed coolies from the famine dis tricts in Hunan province i locked in fo tho country adjacent to Amoy to day nnd robbed the food depots. Au thorities beheaded four men in an ef fort to check the robberies. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. S rrocenes Dishe! Kitch enware Bulk Coffee and Teas If you have no r&gulnr trading place If you aro not satisfied if you want to got tho lowest prices If you desire clean, pure, fresh goods wo Invito you to call and get acquainted. Wo will do our best lo please you. Allin & Allin i:ju wkst main stkkkt MAT PORTEAITS Over 1200 large size peb ble lat Portraits; reg ular 2i)c values; over 50 subjects to select from; closing out price, 10c each or 3 for 25c Where to Go Toniftht NATATORIUM BOWLING BILLIARDS RIFLE RANGE SHOWER BATHk SKATING "NAT" THEATRE Changes ito program every i; Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.;! A special matinee every Sun-!; day afternoon. Wo chow nothing but tho very!! Intcst and best films. , THE ISIS THEATRE riuninn At (ilnriys Knller Presenting the comedy (sketch "The City carl and lice Country Itean" """""Miss Fuller being ono of tho fow lady venttilaqulsts. Introducing her two Mcscrla lons hoys, Patsy and Snowhall MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 2:30. Three Reels of Pictures and at Good Sonn. I ss sr sss rf 0 lU-GO HIGH CLASS STOCK CO. TONIGHT Don't Fail to See The Cowboy and the Latly Thrc'j-nct Comedy Drama by IMarjorio Mnndevillo nnd her Comjiany. Specialties between acts. Reserve your seatb by Phone 2!)71. x Modford'K Exclusivo Picture Tho- atcr. Latest I.icoiised Photo- plnya One nimc -No More-One Dime. WIIKX IIOWX TOWX DItOP IX AT TIIK "Nat" Confectionery IVK CKKA.M, SOFT IlRXIKS, ? rOXKIJCTlOXKKV, LUNCH I A IIkIU, jiloasnnt room, open from S a. m. to infiiniiii X i j L. M. (atA.MlCS, Proprietor Draper ies Wo enrry a very completo lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixtures, otc, and do an classes or upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo ns good service as Is posslhlo to get In even the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Y 6 E Filing Cases to suitvvpry uootl jit tho same prices vou pnv out sulo. PlimiO lie 'lllfl ii.r 1..01 eall and help you figure J m a mint,' svstein. Medtord Book Store ADMISSION 10c. cjmmjimM) X i &