3MEDE0RD MAH TRIBUNE, AIEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 32, 1911. PGE THREE' AUTO DEALERS HOLD MEETING .1 i Organization Is Now Perfected Good Roads Are Urged Com munications Are Sent Member of Jackson County Delegation. The Southern Oregon automobile iiasoclntlon held a meeting Friday evonlng for the purpose of completing their organization. .Representatives from every automobile concern in the Hogue River valley were present and a most enthusiastic meeting follow ed1. The association has taken up tho good ronds matters with the members of the Jackson county delegation In tho legislature and have been assur ed by Itepresentatlve Wcsterhind and Senator Von dcr Ilcllen that they wero doing all in their power to aid tho cause. Meetings will bo held frequently by tho automobile men and It is thought that tho new organization by con eerted action will bo atile to do much good. , , RAEDELL AGAIN ADOOT STREETS Gold Hill Inventor Who Lost Both Hands and Eye In Explosion Is Able to Appear On Streets In Three Weeks. Lacking three days of throo weeks from tho time that he lost both hands and one eye in a terrific explosion of chemicals with which ho was try ing to make a waterproof match, II. C. Raedell of Gold Hill appeared on the street for u constitutional. He left the hospital several days before, and Is now back at home with his family. Tho little girl whoso eyes were Injured Is getting on nicely, and may recover her sight entirely. Mr. Raedell haB not yet decided on n line of activity when ho shall have completely recovered, but It Is pro bable that ho will locate in busi ness in Gold Hill. O'GARA TO AID OF STATION BILL Will In All Probability Visit the Leg islature Monday to Address Solons On Need of Experiment Station in tho Rogue Rover Valley. GOOD ROADS BILL WILL PASS MONDAY (ContlnuMl from Par'. 1.) Kinney, 2iInrrinoi, Clemens, Thomp son nnd Bigelow. Friends of the state university .it Eugene made a hard fight in the house- today for passage of the two bills -which carry appropriations for that institution amounting to $30.1, 258.02. The bills were vigorously fought by a number of representa tives from Eastern Oregon who were led by Thompson of Luke County, but they succeeded in passing by n Inrgc majority. The entire appropriation asked by the university this year amounts to over thrco quarters of n million dol lars. One item asked for to build a library amounting to $175,000 was in lunger, but the Lane delegation won over many votes before tho roll was called. RECALL BILLS HOTLY CONTESTED IN CALIFORNIA AT THE CHURCHES. t - SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 11.--With tho recall bills' in both houses of the legislature being hotly debat ed in committee, the fight of the ad ministration today concentrated in the assembly, which is believed to be less than the senate to the inclus ion of tho judiciary. rn the senate more than .'10 votes for the recall of judges are practi cally pledged nnd this assures vic tory there. In the assembly opposi tion to the making of tho bench sub ject to the will of the people grows. From all over the state leading law years are crowding here to work agniu&t that feature of the recall bill. In response to a summons from Representative Westerlund, Professor I J. O'Gara will In all probability leave fot Salem Monday to nrgo tho passage of the appropriation bills providing $25,000 for n branch ex periment station in this alley. Mr. O'Gara will be extended the courtesy of tho house and will address tho solons in regard to tho need for such an experiment station hero. Tho orchardlsts of tho valley aro taking a great Interest in this meas ure as they aro very anxious to securo such an experiment station. The bill was fathered by Representative Eg gleston and his death was a sovcro blow to It. It struck a snag in the house. POLICE MAKE A QUIGKJAPTURE Thirty Minutes After Receipt of No tice, Officers Hittson and Hall Land "Wanted" Negro Behind Bars Alleged Stole Horse. HARD FIGHT WAS E FOR DILL MAD Within 30 minutes after the arri val of tho mail from tho south, yes terday afternoon, containing a de scription of n horse thief, badly wanted by tho authorities of Stock ton, Cal., Chief of I'oSico Hittson and Policeman Hall had the man in custody, and had wired Sheriff W. Sibley of the California city, no- But Local Men Found That the Cards Had Been Stacked Against Them-Will Continue Fight Be fore Senate Committee. AT THE PORTLAND HOTELS. Rebel Leaders Slain. CAI'K HAYTIEN. Feb. J 1. News reached here today that General On;i uset, commander of the rebels, who captured Quauamiiith and General Mitchnol Codio insurgent leader, weio mIioI by the llaytien government forces. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 11. (Special to The Mail Tribune) Southern Oregon people visited Port land during the week as follews: From Medford At the Portland hotel, C. R. Ray, Sprague RIegel, John F. Merrill, James R. Barbour; at tho Cornelius, Dr. R. G. Gnlo; at thq Imperial, J. E. Barkdall, and R. II. Whitehead; at tho Soward, W. S. Crowell, W. F. Isaacs. From Grants Pass, at tho Belvedere C. II. Pollock, at tho Imperial, J. C. Smith, A. C. Smith, A. C. Hough and It. G. Smith. From Ashland at tho Cornelius, L. L. Mullt. From Ro8eburg At tho Soward, Walter Good and wife. From Weed, Cal. D. Montgomery. From Eugene At tho Cornelius, Geo. T. Wllloughlby, Dr. D. F. Skene. From Marshfleld At the Portland, John Morlne, L. W. Bennett; at tho Imperial, John F. Hall, Geo. Watklns. Hnsklns for Health. tifying him of the arrest The man wanted nnd now under ar rest at the city jail is William John son, a negro. According to thu notice sent out by the sheriff's office at Stockton, Johnson, who is nlso known by the aliases of Sam Johnson, Snm Delu satr and Lowe Delusatr, and who, when arrested hero yesterday was discovered to be masquerading under the cognomen of Monroe Johnson, is wanted in California for grand Inr ccny, the specific charge for which ho is alleged to bo under indictment being the larceny of a long piece of rope ui)ou the other cud of which was attached a horse. He will be held bore pending the arrival of an officer from tho Cal ifornia city. Ho admits his identity but denies tho alleged crime. ODD BEGGING LETTER REACHES ROTHSCHILD PARIS, Feb. 11. Offering to sup ply him with tho "elixir of life," nn odd begging letter today reached the Huron DeHothsehild, thu richest man in Europe. The correspondent wish ed to sell bis secret. The Rockefeller of Franco replied: "Dear Sir: To date 1 have had on ly threats against my life. You aro tho first to offer me life everlasting. Hetwcen those who wish to cut my days short and those who wish to prolong them, I have no proforencc. Tho one eventuality is as bad as tho other." Messrs. J. E. Enynrt, W. S. Crowell and Q. Putnam returned Saturday from Sicui where they wero looking' after tho interests of the Koguo river fish bill. "Toggory Hill" Isaacs remained to work among legislators, and Messrs. Enynrt and Putnam return Tuesday to appear before the senate eominillee on fish eries, where the Pierce bill has been referred. Senator Von der Ilcllen, who has charge of tho fight in the senate, is doing strenuous work against the bill. Ho is a member of the committee on fisheries, which gives him a point of vantage, and he has good pros peels of success. A strciiuoiiB battle was made by tho Medford contingent before the house committee, but the cards hud been stacked against them. During the entire session, Messrs. Ilumason and Kcarsoy, Herbert Hume and his brother and Mrs. K. D. Hunio have been lobbying for the Pierce bill. Judge W. M. Davis of Portland ap peared before the committee against the Pierce bill, made two speeches and worked liko a Trojan in behalf of a closed river. J. W. Horrian and Mr. Hossour of Central Point, who wero pioseut ear lier in the week, returned before the bill came to n vote. Monday the bill for an agricultural experiment station in tho Koguo river valley comes before tho house com mittee on ways and means. Profes sor O'flara and Professor Lewis of Corvallis will appear before the com mittee in behulf of the bill, as will President ICear of tho agricultural college. This bill was introduced by Captain Eggleston shortly before his death, and by error was referred to the agricultural committee, which after holding it for 10 days, turned it over to ways and means connniUoo. HAMILTON FLYIES OUT OVER JUAREZ EL PASO, Toxas, Feb. ll.IIow a iortified town looks from a bird's oyo view is being told today by Charles K. Hamilton. In his aero plane Hamilton gazed into Juarez from a height of 500 feet. Despite warning that the federal soldiers had been instructed to shoot at any aero, piano that crossed the border, both Hamilton and Garros flow into Mexico. G0VERNN1 IT MAY BUY EMBASSY BLDGS. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 11. The senato this afternoon passed tho" bill for purchnso of embassy buildings in foreign countries which aro to bo occupied as tho offices and residences of American representatives. Tho bill permits tho expenditures of $iuo,000 annually but limits tho cost or any embassy building ,to $150,000. ? r GET THE HABIT Of calling us if you have any electric work of any kind. Wi can fix you up in tho best posslblo stylo. It is o Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing Electric Construction Co ph6ne main 0501 r" Attention! Fruit Growers Aftor attending tho annual meeting of stockholders of Fruit Grow ers Association Tuesday, Fobruary 14, don't fall to sec tho "Cham pion Automatic Powor Sprayou" in oporation at tho Old Studc bakor warohouso. 1 An Automatic Cut Out Device, Oil Packed Plunger, Variable Spray Nozzle Aro Bpeclal features. in addition tho machino Is Ugllt and durablo, reasonable in prico and absolutely reliable For rurthor information ad dress T. E. HKAUL1EU, Agent, RogHo Hlver Valley, IIox 225, Medford, Oregon. Methodist Church, South. Corner Main and Oakdale. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Special sermon to children. Ep worth league and Bible study G:30 1). in. Preaching 7:30. Subject, "Salt." Everybody welcome. Stran gers especially Invited. J. P. Hipps, pastor. First Church of Christ, Science Servlco Sunday at 11 a. in. Sub ject of lesson-sermon, "Soul." Sun day school at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. All aro welcome. Heading room heurs: Wednesday from U to 5 p. ni nlso one hour after Sunday and Wednesday services. Church edifice 212 North Oakdale. wwww .. ...... T-frtrfrffffrfoOffj Presbyterian Church Preaching in tho Preabytorian church at 11 o'clock. A sormon to the young people. Subject, "The Great Stono Face." Good music. A union Sunday schoql convention at 12:30 p. in. by Charles A. Phlpps, liiterdouominntlonal state Sunday school superintendent. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Good mu sic. A lecture on Abrahnm Lincoln at :30 Monday, February 13, by a not od lecturer. Sunday school at 10 a. m. J. C. E. at 4:30 p. m. S. C. E. at C:30 p. in. Ladles.' Aid Tuesday, February 14, at 2:30 p. m. in chapel of the church. February Furniture Sale 0 This Sale Is Proving a Record Breaker Baptist Revival Meetings Continue. Evangelist J. Bruce Evans is at tracting large crowds to the Uapti't church every evening. Several have signified their desire to live the Christian life. .Mr. Evans will preach Sunday morning at 11, after noon at I and evening at 7:110 o'clock. Preaching every night this week at 7:110. Special music is a feature of the evening service. Tho lit. Rov. Charles Scaddlng, D. D bishop of Oregon, will officate next Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. at the church services held in St. Mark's Guild hall. All are cor dially Invited. Also on Monday ovenlng an in formal reception will bo given tho bishop in tho same room. A short musical program will be rendered. A talk by tho bishop. Also light re freshments will bo berved. To this reception aro invited all tho mombors of St. Mark's congrega tion, all subscribers to tho now ohurch fund and those ospoclally in terested in the new church. WM, LUCAS. SINCE the opening of this record breaking FEBRUARY SALE, scores of Medford people have marvelled at our gigantic offerings of splendid house furnisinhgs at small prices The advertising value of this great crowd is immense We can easily afford to cut off all the profits during this magnificent sale simply to advertise the store Better come early before the Rocker or Parlor Suite or Hall Rack you want is gone You will do yourself a favor by investigat ing this Big Sale, and especially by examining the HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS and RENOWN RANGES Our Greatest Advertisement FEBRUARY SALE THE GREATEST ADVERTISE MENT THIS STORE EVER HAD. One of our guests yesterday said: "You'll hoar from this sale for years. That is the object of this sale to show you tho tremen dous buying power of this store; to show you tho splendid quality of our stock; to acquaint you with tho volunio of our business; to let you see how small aro our regular prices. So we are giving these ridiculously low prices, simply to bring you into the store this month. Don't buy unless you need it, but we warn you that tho temptation will be groat onco you are in the store. Remember the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets and the Famous Renown Ranges 114-124 West Main WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. Medford Ore. A -1 4 -'.?J -v. i HasklnB for Health t-nnt4-rm4J