Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 12, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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If tho rccont reduction did not mii1toT,iluiil. mill from Portland to Tuleiit day moriiifiK, howcu-r, il wi"
.. . i.-. I ... .1 . :.... i... it.,. iiiKiii'ml flint iiiiilhiti- nl tin' Wlllll"1
tho rates from 1'ortlnnd to hub cuy Hlioulil, umliT timi praure iiu "-
.. ... .....l . . 1 4- lit.. Kiifriu
to the testimony of H. F. Gurnett.i
relatively much lower than the rates
President of Commercial Club Reg
isters a Kick Aflalnst Mcdford
Traffic Bureau Using Club Rooms
In Which to Hold , Hearings. ..
.TiiiIko W. Jr. Colvfg," president o
ilm Medfonl Commereln) cliih, pro
IwtudjJgQjjWUiJx MPWt jiunntlling
tlio flKSfalbnrtinw -lo " the rooms
of the clul) i the Ntatoriiim ImiUI
iny for the henring for lower
froight rate bring brmiKlit by
the binrnu ;i?nin8t tho Soulheni hi
oific Kuilroad eoinpntiy liefore Spe
cial ftxnminfcr I'umty of the infev
Ulti eotnmeiee iiiiiiiiiiiMi.
Mr. Colvia deplored before the
uiombors of the traffic liiirenn. the
rnilrond officials nnd the examin"r
who were present nt tho Coininerein!
elnb moms iniinediately before the
commencement nt the hearing lnit
Friday moniiiijr that " the Inireim hud
better Iiire a hull in which to hold
their hcnrinuK1'
Washington, . a, Fob. ii.
Tile-somite today refused to consider
thojblll Ineorporntlng tho Curnoglo
Peayo lOndowment hecaiiHO CongrosB
inaipJonus of Washington urged that
tho "government should not perpo
tuato tho memory of anyone. Joiioh
snlcl ho favorod tho proposition if It
wore carried under an lmpornonal
The bettor the day the bettor the
deed and the fact that cleunlinosg "w
coiiBidured next to fiodlinoK are tlis
two ronsons held out by tho iniui
ngemont of tho "Natntoriput" why
the shower and tub baths, which re
main open all day, should he patron
ized on. Sunday.
Tho skating rink is open during the
afWnooji and the bowling nllny,
biliiurd room and rifle range remain
open thioighout the dny.
The clean manner in which tho
"Nnlntoriiint" i conducted and the
fact that no objectionable people arc
permitted within its dooi, make of it
an ideal place to spend Sunday.
(C'lntlniioil from pntto 1.)
tho rlflomon over Hyod who could hit
my. It tnkoa a crack shot to hit a:
low-flvlnir bird. I flow hiKher thaiij
any of thorn do. And If I had lnhjti
over auemiei I would have flown
twluo an high and boon twice im hard
to hit."
lfll, PASO. Tex.. Keli. 11. With
about 100 liiBurrtetoi ncatterod
about Junrei today. It looked ns
though tho alege of the city had be
gun. Oruuxi'n force were iprmd out
In a wide seml-clrcle, eloudlng from
lieur SftrHgowR, and every piece of
cover In the hllli wu tetiHiitod with
luutrii of reb&U,
All through the night suudl baiuUj
(m4 In to the support of Orotru
nudjtlie leader of the UiBiiriwto
neem'ud to have tnde up hla mind tlmt
nothing waa to be gained by rurther
dolHj. It waa believed probable that
at l&at there would be "aoinethlng
dolug." In the city the Tederala o.
erctaed marttul law mid made every
effort to t lengthen their defeuae
Hgaltist the aeemlugly' InipeuUlug at
tack IMlea of aandbuga and of adobe
bricks were heaped up In the inoal
exposed atatloua of tho derendera and
' the uaual lethargy of the troops was
today transformed Into an activity
which Is taken to mean that tholr
aptes had brought woid of a move
ment for the capture of the city.
QlHreuurdlng a warning by Ameri
can Consul Ndnards uot to venture
into Mexico, two Americana. A. Cog
net and Thouias arirflu, went ncroaa
tl river last night and were arrest
imI bv the federals In Juarei. After
from San Francisco and wan told that
the reduction reflected on the rate
fioiu the south here at. that rate is
bused by the company on the tuinor
rate from Snn Francisco added to the
local rate from Portland to tho ship
ping point.
The only exception to this rule,"
ho Hold "Is the established rate from
San Frnnclsco to Mcdford, which was
found to be lower than It would be
under any such computation."
Contradicts Self.
Under cross examination by Mc
Cune, I.ounsbury frriiiitly contrad
icted himself and at ono time, whon
risked if hlb theory of lowost rate to
greatest population held good In New
York city he stammered a reply, and
nt the mention of Chicago, answered
bluntly that the rates In and out of
that city were not then undor discus
sion. "Under your theory, Mr. Uu mi
liary." questioned JKCitnu "should
not San Francisco luivo a .lower
freight rate from tho east than Port
land." "No" was tho answer "thorc are
many other thlriKS than population to
be taken liito consideration."
Admits Mcdronl Klc.
I.ounsbury admitted that Medford
has a larger population than any
other city In southern Oregon, put
required to be told what constituted
southoru Oregon bo'oro ho would
consent to nnswor tho question.
According to hla lino of theorizing,
Jledford Is entitled to a lower rate
than any city south of Ungeno, but
this feature he refused to admit when
put to him in u direct question.
That the present adjustment Is un
fair to this city wiib brought out In
Mr. Lounsbury's testimony when the
question of rates on furniture from
Portland south were brought up.
"Upon u minimum shipment of 'J0,-
000 pounds," lie said, Mho present
rale is (10 cents per hundred to iMod-ford."
Memory roor.
Later, under direct questioning, he
ndmittcd that thin same rate applied
lo points south of Mcdlord oven liu
yond tho California lino, but ques
tioned as lo what particular point, lie
could not remember.
Gaining permission from the com
mission, Kdward A. Welch, a nieni
hcr of the .Mcdford traffic bureau,
took up the questioning of tho wit
ness. "What is the freight rate from
l'oiillnnd to Yolo l'al.7" he askud.
Yolo is npproximntoly l.'lt) milch from
Han 1' raneisco.
"1 believe that it is (il cents" an
swered Mi'. IiOiuisbury.
"Why, when Yolo ir so much fur
ther south than .Medford should the
rule be' less'" asked Welch.
."I don't know," was the onlight
euJlg nnswur given by tho railroad
"Illg Inteicsts."
.Speaking of the subsorvinnco of
flie'riiilroad to big interests,, and re
lating particularly to a cube in
which local merchants were discrim
inated against' in favor of Portland
jobbers, Welch aked :
"Is it not true, Mr. Lounsbury,
flpil four yenrs ago the firm of M.
I. TheibH of thifc city wore doing
business in cereals in carload lots at
tho rate of 71) cents"
Lonnsbiiry believed that such
might huve been tho cusu.
"Well, then is it not true that
Portland fiiuis, fiujling that they
vou.Nl not compete in lhi torritor.
requested the railroad to reduce the
rate," asked Welch.
The Unto on Ucer.
"1 don't know, but 1 believe not,"
was the reply.
"Well, wlisjt is the present mto on
"Thirty-five cents."
"What wus it thent"
"Heenty-nine cents."
"Whnl made it drop!" aked
snnio, but questioned nr to tho rates
in force, Mr. Loiinslniry stated that
the rule on first class Jreiglil trom
Poi'tlnnd to Talent is $1. per hun
drcd pounds, and that the rale on
freight of the same clarification be
(,....,.,. ui, l'i-iiiirisco and Talent is
It'll! tllll - '
$1.00. The difference in distaice
ii 7J! mile.
From Snn Francisco to Portland,
and reverse, by boat is 4." cents per
bund. ed. lly train it is 51 cents.
From San Francisco to the Cali
fornia slate line i $1.M per hun
dred, yet to the next stntiou"norlh.
only a matter of n few miles, the
rate is $1.50.
Answer Is "IJocnuse."
Asked "why?" the answer was
practically "ln-'CMiiisf.'
The hciiriuir then adjourned until
Saturday morning.
Desnitc (he fact that no limit had
been placed upon the length of time
which the railroad might cure to de
vote lo cross-exiiiuinntion ol (lie
traffic bureau's wilno.sKe-, (lie first
request made by the railroad vn-
lhat the hearing be limited so that
the official of the road could len.e
ic city on the morning train for
(lie south. Mr. McCtuie objected,
The Grocery Ituslness.
,H, ..........., -- ,,.,.. i i... ...... I" iv,.l,.li ifiiiii mtn I n in II N til IIS
oovercd that ne.lher of the witnesses, wiwaru .-., "' 'i '' . " ' " ", ;, ', llin.
present were wjtnesse, and to a Cu hrt, witnesses r me iran, ju -J - t ,.'
question,,, ol a-.echmcal nntiiu m buru
::, rs -,;;; ;; the .m ,n,.i.i,n,iifu.r a m i.;t business
le ignora cc ' tion it is impossible for local firms hero originate in the California innr-
Ac cqdi, 'to compiled to compc.e in the open market will, W Inert slippers ether have to
by 1 to cxprts in II., employ jobbers of Portland, and further ship then, in vu, 1'or land or buy d.
7. .. ........ i i .......!. ....! . inwi.i i nit aipi imii hovers are ne- reci uoin jwhuuiu jw.hv.-. - , . . ,
ol tno irauic nuronu ono .....-....-. - ., H11i1i,r i..stifi.1 tlmt in the innt-'zetto un or tl.e signniure oi nu e.x-
by then, as a fair Charge, they allow ingloreed to purchase in he e s C , .lie U f.e ... - "" . i)ert nmn(1(l Enlon (loillllB with the
mi extra charge of from 1.) to j.j.iiiimy suppnos nm uu,;.u,u ,,,., "'""";;', " ' . , r alifornia1 methods employed by railroads when
7 i tiw..1...... ...vim-., i.i 'iililiriiin Inn mi ..ii I rii iniiell elieilDei 111 1110 IIIIIUMHIH IMl"""". ' , ... . i
......... ....(. niiiiiiivi.i ..iiiitifi ill n'liii imuuiii i; .i'.i.i ... ...... ' w. .. ..- I
I UIH& JU1 llllll'll U Ml..'.- l-'V ' ' . . . ,
sold nt a lower price than if pur
chased in Portland.
A reduction in the rates, he said,
would enable a considerable reduc
tion in the price of furniture here,
as it is sold at the purchase price
plus the shipping chnrges.
Attorney McCune succeeded in In
troducing in' evidence an nrticlc pub
lished recently in the Hnilway uu-
Hie extra cost of
over the mountains
trnn-poitiilion'of the fact that the present freight
l rates absolutely preclude the possi
IT UU' IIMiliiliimi.s. .... . i. . . ,i i i i r I i
This, is claimed by the railroad lolb.lity of procurin-'them in the soulh-lexhorb, ant freight
be insufficient, vet one "I their wit- em metropolis.
nosses at tho hearing yesterday
morning admitted from the witness
.stand that almost all of the down
grades were "coasted."
Local Firms Can't Compete.
The first part of I he hearing,
which commenced shorlh before noon
last Friday morning, was jjien over
market than in the niurts of I ort-
lnnd that, regardless of tho present
rated it can
landed here from Sail Francisco and
iiiiiiii-niiiiiii.' rates; The commission
allowed the iqtroiljnjlion of tbet)nrti
clo despite sfreiruous objections 'by
tho rnilrond attorn oy. S
s w I
15 ncrcs, 3 miles from Talent,1
fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land,!
saying that he did no. know when JBOod J.ou.'.. pure water
he would bo through with the wp
nosses, but after the cominission hud
heard a number of the supposedly
"expert" witnesses placed on the
sland by the railroad, it was con
sented to allow the hearing to come
lo a close in tune for the ol heals
lo take their tnrin.
In Tospous(i In u icqucst from the
railroad atlorneys, Mr. MeCtino por-
miltcd the testimony o a rnilrond
expert witness, relating to eslnb
liNhed grades nnd cost of traiir.)or
lation over them and their tnnintnin
anec given nt a former case to be
entered into the testimony of the
present case. He specified, however,
that an expert witness be provided
by the operating department of the
road for cross-examinnlion. I his
was proini-cd.
So Technical Witnesses
When the hearing opened yester-
20 acres orchard, $1000 iiiconi'".
$10,000; easy terms.
50 ncrcs or more, all cleared, l1
'miles to Fugle Point, 75 per acre;
line fruit land.
80 acres, 'JO in (i year apples, 5 in
.'5-year-old pears, '2 miles to town;
115 per acre.
00 acres, clime to oily limits, $150
per acre. Terms.
M0 ncrcs fine fruit land, all cleared.
clos,. in, .$'200 per no re.
Jl0 nerus, 10 in orchard, Jio in al
falfa, 70 undor ditch.
'JS0 acre, op It. U., clone to town,
fine bottom land, $100 per acre.
ISO no res in bottom, l.'!5 cultivated,
water, right well situated, $1'J,500.
lit) acres, :i milos from town, 70
cleared, (i in orchard; rich black
soil; buildings; $S5 per aero.
II acres, S in pear orchard, good
house, well, windmill, S ehickon
houses, -IV2 miles out; ,.$31100 ;
good terms.
!11 acres under ditch, on main road, H
mihiri out, $250 per aero; tonus.
5 (loud lols, $1,250.
Lot on W. Tenth. $1150.
S room bungalow, new, plastered, all
furniture, $1500.
Lot on W. Palm, $275, tonus.
West Walnut Park lots, $275-$350;
$25 down, $10 month, (1 per icit
7 good lots, $11)75; easy tonus.
school, 1100 young pear trees, lovely
place; $2000, one-Half down.
This 15 acres Is ono of tho love
liest small ranches in southern Ore
gon. Sholtorod by tho hills from
the cold winds of winter, deep, fer
tile soil, an Ideal nlnco for health.
$i:il Acre.
Also 3-1 acres, i mllo from Talent.
'l acres or fruit, family orchard In
li.iiit'ftii'? minion. NTnwtowilH. lli acres.
peach filled; 7 acres timber, irrigated,
dwelling house Blinded oy largo laurei
treps, plenty of water; fertile soil;
garden spot; pumping plant; terms,
? i:i,000, $7000 cauli, the balance In
puynionts of $1000 yearly at C per
s;:i8:t Anv.
Also 2 0 ncres alfalfa nnd 'fruit
land, with timber, 1 mllo from Tal
ent; $0500 cash down; just think
what a snap, .1 Httlo over $300 an
acre. Where can you find near the
depot and railroad a cheaper place?
x:vr. a civ.
Town lots In the nowly Incorporat
ed town of Talent, Or., on the In
stallment plan.
From 150 to $.()() a J.ot.
Also 17 acres, II acres commer
cial fruit bearing orchard, 2 miles
from Talent; $10,000, one-halt on
!S.-)81) Acre.
Also 80 acres fine timber, $2000,
one-halt down.
$2." Acre.
A fine fertile Fruit Farm, all un
der cultivation; fenced; new five
room house, bath room, etc.; out
buildings, barn, etc.; level; ono and
oue-hnlf miles from Talent, Oregon;
good woll of water; young orchard
of apples, mostly Newtowns and
Spitz; twolvo and one-half acres In
pears; two acres In peaches, etc.
Trees young, from 1 to 3 yoare. Price
!SH,7."0, ouo-half cash, halanco to suit
30 acres $21:5 acre. ,
Forty acres; about 3 miles from
Talent and Phoenix, Ore; fruit land;
2 good springs, fi-room houso, out
ulldlngs, small fruit. 5 acres cleared;
a good poultry ranch, over $1000 of
standing 'timber; $1200 dowp, bal
ance 0,1 time to suit the buyer; only
tf.-( an acre Look all over tho coun
try and see If you can find u place
so cheap.
Also 20 acros, orchard and airaiia
land; 2 1-1 miles south of Talent,
Or.; 1300 young fruit trees, apples,
poaches and pears; ono aero in bear-Iim'-
lmusn. lmrn and outbuildings;
all foncod, most of It being Page!
wire fence. ID-strand, rabbit tight;
snb-lriigated and tiled; -Y''--.' aero; '
over half down, tho rest on tlmo at '
7 pur cent. " '
Also lands, alfalfa and fruit, from 1
20 to !iio acres Write, enclosing
stamps, or ivine and see 1110.
L. N. Jodd
Talent, Oregon
City nnd ranch property to list,
fiirls for general housework.
Man and wile on raiuh.
5j Women cooks on ranch.
I) raiuh hands.
Ii uu lowered si the renueat of Span of henw i.uih luis,.-
Portland shippers, muwered Uuu l"n mun-
, bury.
"At about that same time, what
!knpH'iied to the locul brewery f"
liiskcd McCune.
"I believe it cloned," the witness
uu ueivd, but hastened to add:
I ' "W'alcr Was Itiul."
t "il ilnseil Lscuuse the waler
E. F. I
Room 206.
Philips Blilti
bolus- held for some hours both were fJ '"' '. mieiup -ruMod
early toay. They report .d b.c. made lo reach suitable
(hat federal pickets wir posted n " b boriuK williout ureN the
all the Juarez suburbs during the ""; "'' wwr al h brewers 11
. .- ..... .1.-. .1 ......n. w ...... Portland, mailed llieuichek ol ih
vitsrisi ss nil imbii s iibbi iiuuusi anis sish
m J
rently watchliiK tar au alUclt.
j lower rule to ship in here instead l
manufactHring. '
8Mnkiug of the effect of wulci
IrausiMtrtutiou and water couimod-
MJJXICA1.I, Mex., Feb. 11.- Qen
.!... - 11 it Ji. UJ i.1. vBMl f
oral l won urru.wm hh. Httiu -"" ..... 1
Insurgents ie-tapured J.jleall at a u.v "- . ." -oVIuelt
this morning The tnsurg eats, t ween huii uud hhi..
wore camped about two miles below . "lunar the line and Portland uud H.e
Moxlonll lt iilit ".l martheU Into iw"'1- bivught out thai
tho town tpduv .iiihig in Mexlcau'by lae system used, that of aililuu
officers who en .scd the border Into' lo the Iwal rate I'mh Portland 1
tlib Unitod Stun. 'the point in iinestuin the water rati
y from Kan FroneiMM lo Portland, a
.Jii euniuc it IQ FNTITI Fn crtlliinr ike sum the lrcighi rate Hon
CITY SHOWS IT IS ENTITLED FrMm,w,u , tlllll ,.. Ul,
J Jnf Talent u the '.nl of cip.ali.
(ContlnOiut froui ie 1 ) ,ion. VuAy direct ex.uiiimiu-.
- ion -il1.;,,. ... ,,"73 luder direct examination, Iiowcmm,
. .... .1,. (.... , ..iinie.i N.jimWw W raw.
JUKI BUI lHW K'. ., , . -is.lm.1.
' t I "I""5 " "-
iWilnnri horo
jSxainfiior J'rouly nBkod
You can't afford to do witliout
this sploudid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a oass sent to
tho houso. The purest, most
henlthlul drink known is
P. C. HIGH AM, Ayent.
witness' The rate irom Sou Fiem-isco in -
Rogue River
1 5c
You will Und these of exceptional
fluuir- eeiy can fine Quality and
the best value over offered for
the price.
25 pounds of fine
Prunes for $1.00
Onl h limited supply left. These
are J ni hi. Reed ns you havo
boiiuht tu times past at 50 pol
ecat more than wo aru asking uow.
Tliih Is. .1 hpcclal lot new crop and
teit.lllllv h baignlu.
New Arrivals Added to
the Showing of Attractive
S p ring S uit s
Now Spring Suits are arriving bv must every express, adding in
terest to the already excellent showing. There are numerous attrac
tive si vies from which to select, all representative of fashion s ten
dencv "toward the straight narrow effect. iMany are severely plain
tailored, others have some braiding or buttons to relieve the plain
ness. Skirts are cut narrow enough to give the desired effect with
out being extreme; made of such materials as worsteds, suitings and
serges, in all the new light spring colorings and staple shades. Alanv
of these are shown in small women's sizes as well as the regular and
outsizes. .Moderatolv priced at from
$22.50, $25.00, $30.00 up to $45.00
New House Dresses
The new House .Dresses tire making a great hit, such values, such
prettv stvles and patterns vou positively cannot afford to spend your
time 'or afford to buy the materials and have them made. Come, sec
this showing, priced at
$1.50, $2.25, up to $4.50
About 30 Winter Suits to close out at Half Price.
Entire stock of Winter Coats at Half Price.
Dresses and Furs Greatly Reduced
, i
222 West
St. Marks
North Cen
Is the Number of Our New
OFFICE located on the ground floor
01 the Medford National Bank Bldg.
PROPERTY OWNERS of high class city and ranch
property are invited to avail themselves of our efficient
selling facilities. If you earnestly desire to sell, list with us.
PROSPECTIVE BUYERS who investigate carefully
before purchasing will appreciate the care we take in
selecting the list of properties we offer for sale.
We invite you to call
Huntley - Kremer
15 North Central Ave,