MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1911. PAC1TC FOUR , m.i ti V"' "'' ' . n ' V iXJtf'.TVB-r- lUTWWfiqyT wnmn w ERMAN IS LOSERJN SENATE Administration Bill of Senator Cal kins and Bean Providing for Stale Purchasing Board Passes Senate After a Fight. SALHM, Or., Fob. 11. Uy a vote of 17 to 13, Hindu more emphatic boimuso it wag duplicated on a hcl oiid vote, the senate has placed Its Btntnp or dlnnpproral on Senator How ermnn's bushwhacking and pnised the administration bill of Senator Cal kins and Dean for the establishment of a stnto purchasing board. IJoworman and the old guard made a last stand, Howurinnn making a la bored speech hi support of tho bill he had prepared. Senator Miller tore the mask away, declaring that the notion of the senate should be bnnod on hlghur ground than hampering of tho freedom of the administration. Sonator Joseph, too, stated the case plainly by saying that tho How ornian bill appeared to him to be an attempt to ombnrrasfc the state ad ministration, nnd ho vigorously op posed any playing of politics, holding tho administration Is entitled to fair support, ISoiveriiuiirH Hand Shown. It was tho clearest out Issuo be tween liowormcm on ono sldo nnd the administration on tho other, present ed sinco tho session opened. Uower man's extreme interest fu tho bill he proposed, senate bill No. fiG, was evi denced not only by tho earnest speech ho made yost onlay, but by talks he mado on previous days and personal appeals to mombers, in which ho as sured them there was "no politics in it." On tho athor hand, Senator Cal kins of La no, chiof sponsor for sen ate bill 100, did not seek to dis guise tho fact that tho bill Introduced Jointly by himself and Hean was tle Blred by Governor West and Treas urer ICay and that the passage of the lloworman bill would be regarded by tho administration as an effort to hinder and hanlper tho working out of Us policies. GOES EAST FOR TIMES SUSPECT CITY BEAUTIFUL KLAMATH FALLS Scores of Arrests Follow Despatch of Good Govcn.mcnt League Grows Circular Letter Descriptions of Men' Amhitious Plans arc Madp for I in j.jL;.,fLniirrrrrrrri'r - "T '' Wanted in Connection Willi Times Dynamiting. F PREHISTORIC LUTE LOS AXRULHS. Cal., Fob. 11. After a Mlenru of two thousand years, the Aboriginal Simla Catallna riulc. made from tho femur bono or a wom an, has given forth south. Clifford Elliott Martindalo, II, a schoolboy who knows nothing of music, has ac complished what scores of tho world's moat famous fluto players failed to do. Tho flute was found yearn ago be slilu thu bono of a pro-historic man sovuu font high on Santa Catallna Island. Apparently perfectly cou Htriuittid, no one until yoitorday over was able to make a sound come from it. A party of school children visit ed tho Southwest museum, where It Is kept, and youiiK Martindalo, while UkstJiiK It, diew forth a long, mel nnuhuly wall. A tier prnutlclnx ho was aUlo to maUu a complete scale. LOS ANfltfLKS, Cal., Fob. 11.--Although Chief Deputy Samuel L. Ilrowne in en route to Oklahoma with extradition papers, the report that David Caplan, alias William Morris, wanted for dynamiting the office of. the J. os Autfuloa Times, is under nr reHt, is looked upon with hiispieion to day by Poliei! officinlw and nttnehos of tlie .slieriff'H office. Keoros of arrests of suspects hnVe been made .since circulars bearing ileNcription of the Times supped were i-ent out by the police, but em-h has proved to he a cane of mistaken identity. Circumstance Himitiiiiliuj; the nrrest nl Mabel, Oklahoma, wore unusual and the police believed war ranted a full investigation. Should tho man held there prove to bo Cnplan ho wjll be extradiled and brought hero. Heporls that a man with a glass eye who resembled JL A. Schmidt, another nllccil dynamiter, had been arrested in Knoxville, Tumi., won confirmed by the district iiltoruay today. riaskins for health proving the City Outside Speakers Will Be Sought. KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. 11. Tlie recently nrgnuizcil Good Cloverniuent League now holds regular weekly meetings nnd is gaining proportion whfeh will he a factor ill the future political wclfaro of this city. Its membcrnhio is running up Toward the 'J00 murk and no work lias been don" to boost. It is now announced that tho members will solicit membership and expect to run this up to 100 or ."()) within the next lew months. IMIiKS CUHKI) IN n TO 11 DAYS. l'AKO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any ctso of Itching, blind, bleeding or proirudlng piles in G to 14 d..ys or money refunded. GOc. Agency Grand Union Tea Co. 1 10 Tripp St. Phone 901 Teas, Coffees, Baking Pow der, Spices, Soaps, Starch, etc. Orders taken. Prompt Delivery VICTORS Victor-Victrola XI $100 Victor-Viclrola X $75 yZl?i r4H Victor-Victrola XIV $150 There is no question about, tho superiority of the world renowned VICTOR machines. Call and hear the latest records as played by the Victor and Edison machines. I Whetsel Music Co. I i WITH SHERMAN CLAY & CO. r Oxford Wins. LONDON. I'YIi. II. Oxford d.- J'imlud t'anihriilgo by llie hciiiv of ii to 1 in the annual nNociuiiou game I today plumed at the (jueeu'n Club. ItHTUK.V IIO.MH TIIHDCOII Till: srxxv soi'tji. Whon you arrnuxo your oauteru trip bo Hiiro to include the Sunaot Itouto throiiKli Now Orloaui, 121 1'nho. J 1.08 Angole-u and Han Krunolsoo for rtJliiru, it U a splendid educational 1 journoy, nnd at this time of tho enr (MpecUlly doliKhlful becHiiHO ho warm and oomfortablo. hlvory mile It- IbrotiKh the minny southland tin liOtt and cotton field of l.oiilal.uu ' and Toxun, th vast inlrwHo motion of ; Kgw Moxieo ami ArlwiiR now upreud ' with bright greon, the orange groves and Biu-tioplc elmrm of Callfor nlu, mlo and nil I ok along tho ocean shore, and aoveral of tho most in- tgrottlns cltle on the eontluent. Ask ygur IoorI railroad agut all about ' it. U92 NEW RAILROADS "Grants Pnsa In rapidly coming to the front with the new rail roads to be couHtructed and other development) of Irrigation and power In prospect. Do you want good bualniHS property, hotel Hlte, reHldence property, or chuo in acreage at present low prices? 1 hao cliolio seleitloiiH In each of the aboe A. N. PARSONS A Genuine Removal Sale -BY THE GREAT-- i Medf ord Furniture & Hardware Co., Inc. The House That Made it Impossible to Buy Furniture in Medford at Unreasonable Prices Others Lead, We Follow- , l . - WE ARE COMING If you would call and examine this immense stock, con sisting of the finest Furniture, Rugs, Carpetings, Furnishings and Wall Paper you would do as many are doing BUY DURING THIS BIG SALE. , This Is the Place We Are the People "Take it from us we offer the real, genuine bargains, and will soon remove to our new home on 6th and Central Ave." 1MMMWMMMMMMMMMMJI1JIWIWIM Tl fl Fcin Grants Pass, Or. j -0 4 V i X Z --ir-'-4'r- fPJLUMBlJNG Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. Medford. Wo arc now open for business. Hot waf fles, hot cakes and short orders. Quick ser vice cooking done in window on gas. Come and see us, L. N. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT . Talent, Jackson County, Oregon. Midway between Medford and Ashland, in tho fruit belt of Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild climate, and pure water. Alfalfa, fruit and timber lands from 1.") acres to 800 acres. Also lots on the instalment plan, in newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon. Write (enclosing stamps) or come and see me at Talent, Oregon. ALFALFA LAND SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Oliolcost dairy and alfalfa proposition in tho btato. located on tho main lino of tho Southern l'aclflc railroad, betwuoji Sacramento ami San Kranelsco. 11HUL. CLIMATE AUUNDANCB OF WATBH FOH IRRIGATION Write Us for Information DIXON ALl'lLIU LAM) CO. - - IMX, CAL. OOO.fin K.ST THE Spc .TIKJO GOODS SAOUAMEXTO, CALIFORNIA. HOUSE The largest exclus House on the Coast. Fire Arms, Ammun Bicycle, Automobilo, and Athletic Supplies Rambler, Ideal and Big New Catalogue. and receive copy. ive Sporting Goods Wholesale and Retail, ition, Fishing Tackle, Hunting, Photographic Overland Bicycles. Send us your name -i u t-f-rr'rrrs4U i I J " ,J i 3 ( ' Altl! YOU INTKUIISTKI) IX A GOOD INVKST.MHXT? 5 V All Work CJuarunteod Pricos Konsonablo 5 SI CAM AND 1101 WA1CK IICA1ING coffee:n a price 11 North J) St. .Medford, Ore. Phone 303 t4 Ono hundred Rcroe Dutto Creek bottom, undor lrrl(jfitlon. )?rpotual yiito.r right. Al for Rpp'.tw or peam; oan maho Ms money ralvlut; onloiiu. calory, tomatoca hihI all klmU of vog atqbloa; big money lu aubdlvInJuu: Joln'a a now towuslto mid the rail road; nil uudor now wire feuca; oan lip bought for ouo-hulf thu prlco bf adjoining land. Uuy from owr and savo tho commission. Addraoa Jl0v 3C, Medford, Or. tf Medford Iron Works R 0. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agonts in So. Orogou for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. : -: - : ,: ,: -i: - il: i Kiiiium0IKljl'KN0ftlf TIMBER LOCATIONS Kverv United States citizen has a tim ber location rlUt of 100 acres it' you still have yours, VSE IT NOW. We have A FEW GOOD ONES on which we can locate you. "For fur ther particulars, address EVANS & McKERCHER f TIMBER CRUISERS II ; ; : ; 67 Main St. Ashland, Or. B6x 204 Red Bluff, Oil. H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN ft m s w M Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice English Hollies. (AH kinds 1 ' . ' ii' ' .- of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only i ' i i tho most perfect plants), and full line of pear, peach, apple, apricot, pvuneSi etc., etc. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 -Res. Phone 2493 Y t jv i & M h i i r, ' i Si: i III I i :: i i i i I; ii ;: ) MMVMMMMWWMMWWWWl'WWWWMiWWWW llaslclns for Ilcftlth, ' rtt4 , m