MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1911. PAGE THREE J5 TAFT TO DEFENSE OF HEW TREATY Warmly Defends Reciprocity Agree ment With Canada Says it is Not a Manufacture's Agreement as is Charged By its Oppcnents. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 11. In an address before the Illinois legisla ture today, President Taft warmly defended the reciprocity agreement with Canada. "Criticism of the reciprocity agreement with Canada as a manufac turers agreement is unfounded," ho said. "The truth is that between Canad and ourselves a reciprocity agreement must necessarily relate more to the agricultural products than to the manufactured articles. In other words, tho great benefit that will be derived from the treaty Is tho profit In mutual exchange of agri cultural products that will come. The agricultural change in tlie older states from raising wheat alone to raising dlvlrslfled crops, cattle and hogs, Is what Increased the return per acre of land and made prices of land higher. The suggestion that tho opening of the markets to Canadian wheat and cereals will lower the price of land in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana is refuted by every tablo of statistics regarding compiirulivu increases of land In states under the influence of the opening of wheat fields In states further west. "Permitting wheat from tho north west to come to Minneapolis and Chi cago will steady the price of wheat, make speculation more difficult and Insure against short crops nnd high prices. It will Increase Amorlcan control of tho wheat markets and enable the millers to turn Canadian wheat Into flour and send nbroad tho finished product. Tho Increase In population nnd the reduction of farm exports are so rapid that unless the production is greatly Increased with in our borders wo will soon consume all wo raise. "Wo need a source of supply like Canada's nt our doors. Wo would bo blind if wo neglected this oppor tunity to ndd to the strength nnd virility of tho country by Increasing Kb self-supporting capacity. Conser vative protection Is the opening wedge In free trade. My own vlow Is thnt no step more in the Interest of HAS PRESIDENT GOT THE GOUT? That is What Christian Science Lead er Says But Taft Has Lots of Faith That He Hasn't Got It and Won't Give in. WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob. II. President Tnft lias the gout. He must have. Mrs. Elizabeth Cherry, pastor of the Divine Church ot Uiiiminn iP Kiiltimnrn Afiirvliiml. sriVI iso. Tho information surprised lliC chief executive. He hasn't had even a twinge. And he isn't convinced yet. In a letter, Mrs. Cherry counsels the president to seek relief from u di vine healer and "have faith. ' The president has faith, all right. Lots of it. But is different from that of Mrs. Cherry. It is that ho hasn't got tho gout, nnd won't have it. JOHN D's PASTOR MAY MOVE TO COAST SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. 11. New York's fashionable Fifth Avenue- Baptist church of which John D. Rockefeller is n member, may lose its pastor, Br. Charles F. Akeda, who is in San Francisco today consideriM;: an inviation to take the pulpit of the First Congregational Church, where ho will preach for three successive Sundays. Crippcn's Will in Court. I.ONBON, Feb. 11. The will of Br. II. II. Crippen, hanged last November for tlie murder of his wife, Bcllo Klinore, is on tile tortay in the pro bate court. It irives all his properly to Ethel Claire Lcneve, the girl who fled to Canada with him. Tho total value of tho estate is $1,:M1. BILLING TAKES MAYOrS OFFICE Gill Gives Up Room in City Without Protest Old Chief of Police Sus pendedOther Officials Arc Soon to Be Supplanted By New Mayor. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 11. Mayor George W. Billing, who was elected to supplant Mayor Hiram C. Gill, took office today. Mayor Gill giving up his room in tlie city hall withqut protest. Mayor Billing im mediately replaced Chief of Police Wapenstein with tho new chief. Cal udo Bnunick, who was a police cap tain under Wnppenstein will be the new chief. It is expected that Mayor Billing will announce n successor to day to R, W. Anns, superintender.l of the municipal electric lighting plnnt. It was because of charges against Arms and Wappcnstein that the recall petition found many sign ers wJicn it was first directed against Mayor Gill. Gill will resume llw practice of law, he said today. i, J. B. ENYAUT, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President F. E. MERRICK, Vico-Presld?nt JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashlor. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 I SAFE DEPOSIT llOXKS FOR KENT. A ClKNKRAIi HANKING nUSIXESS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. H2 wiJSil lJr'A M A K E Y O U It R E M I T T A N C E S Sjgjg ly checks on this bank. Thon thoro will bo no chnnco of tho money be ing lost or disputes as to payment. Checks can bo mnlled for a two-cent stamp. They aro thus at tho same time the cheapest and safest way of remitting money. Open your account today nnd commence getting tho benefit. Farmers and Fruit Growers Bank a reasonable policy of protection could bo taken thnn approval of this treaty. The very exlstonco of this policy depends upon our abolition of a tariff where It Is really not needed. If we persist in retaining it In these times of high prices, gradually ex hausting our supply food base by Its retention upon protection principles, wo will arouso opposition thnt will not know moderation, increaso In rad ical economic changes till It removes tho last traces of tho protectlvo system." SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Office of Agent, Medford, Or., Feb. Sth, 1911. Advertising Dopartment: Wo take pleasure In .announcing that our eastern connections will sell second class colonist tickets dally at reduced fares March 10th to April 10th, Inclusive, 1911. Wo havo received tho following rates and will bo plensed to accom modato you in giving you all tho In formation thnt Is required. You can deposit tho monoy hero In Medford ' and wo will bo glad to notify and havo our agents in tho enst furnish your friends or relatives with tickets and sleeping accommodations. Fares frem: Chicago $33.00 Minneapolis 31.75 Missouri rlvor points 25.00 New York, N. Y 50.00 Yours truly, A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent. J Campbell & Baumbach READ IN FERRUARY SUNSET MAGAZINE. San Diego, tho city of dreams como true. Beautifully illustrated In four colors. Tctrazzlnl singing in tho streets of San Francisco. Christmas Eve. Now on sale. AH news stands. 15 conts. 277 Raskins for noaltti MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. URJirrrp t - ll'i W A T 0 II I N G T II E H R E A 1) Ij I N E coming to and going from this bak ery gives a vlow of happy faces with not n trace of dyspepsia on a slnglo face. Don't start trying to make bread as mother used to, Buy It hero, savo tho labor and get bettor brend, nnd moro for your monoy. Everything warranted uro. Medford Bakery SL Delicatessen TODD .V CO. SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. iiLL Studebaker Garage Co. 2222 Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co. This Garago nnd Machine Shop Is now In chargo or a practical auto repair man. All kinds of nutos and gas engines well and quickly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Cars Btored and carort for by tho mouth. Oil and gasollno for salo. J 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 Che finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telepliono In Every Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies EAGLE PHARMACY, 10!) Enst Main St. Phenes: Home 03; Pno. 232 WEST SIDE PHARMACY 200 West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pno. 4041 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Fli. C, General Mgr. flio Roxull Stores Medford, Ore. s-4r.r4-r.0 f' -Nvssrrs srfs- And the Doctor Must Be Obeyed 35 acres best land In valley; on mnln rond; 5 miles from Medford; 8-room modern house, largo barn; 17 acres In alfalfa; 4 acres Dartletts 4 years old; 11 acres Nowtowns 4 yearB old; 2 acres truck land with gas ongino nnd Irrigating well; and tho wholo shooting match for only $15,000. This Is tho best thing wo havo had to of for for tho monoy this season. Cash $5000; balanco to suit at G por cont. Tho family physician has Issued his command to tho owner to make n quick change. Rogue River Land Company No. 11 NORTH CHNTRAIj AVKNUK. e-t 0 mmmAmmt$ i I : : ; : : : : : ; -: : : : : 1 DON'T BUY AN AUTO UNTIL YOU SEE THE NEW 1911 BUICKS They Are Revelations in the Art of Motor Car Building All the Money in the World, all the Art of Literature, and all of the Science in Advertising Cannot Defeat the Truth - A FEW TRUTHS. You don't have io work your passage changing gears if you own a BUICK. At, or anywhere near the price, BUICK OARS compel others to take their dust on hill or level. Anv salesman who will not admit that the BUICK has MOBIS POWKIl than any other automobile sold at or near its price needs to have his head ex amined. No other American automobile at any price leads them in standardization of parts, or have more parts fitted to 1-1000 of an inch, or better lubrication than the new BUICKS. Xo other maker has had equal experience in producing a moderate priced automobile. There are over 00,000 in use. No other prominent maker spends so little money in advertising to sell their output. BUICK owners do all of the necessary advertising. The BUICK is made in the largest automobile factory in the world. It's the third largest factorv of any kind in the world. The BUCK Motor Company is the largest shipper of FIRST-CLASS freight in the world. 1911 Buicks sell at Medford for $750, $1100, $1200, $1350 $1700 - $2000 A LOCAL RECORD Buicks last year outsold all competitors in the Rogue River valley and else where. They will do the same this season Cars built especially to stand tho wear and tear of rough roads They have stood the test Ask any owner. Tho 101.1 Buicks are not last year models revamped, but new in design and construction tho classiest, staunchest, most powerful, speediest cars for the money ever built and the cost of maintenance is least. The name Buick on a motor car is sufficient guarantee of its worth. A. pro duction of 37 cars in 1001 has grown to a production of over 27,000 CARS IN 1910 Over (10,000 Buick machines in operation, every one of which is giving perfect satisfaction to its user. The Buick is the largest automobile factory in the world. It is tho third largest factory of any kind in the world. It is the largest shipper of first class freight in the world. No other maker has had equal experience in pro ducing a moderate priced automobilo and no other auto is better suited for Oregon roads. Any sie or style, from runabout to the big forodoor, and at moderate prices. 10 very car guaranteed. We Invite Anyone Who Questions the Value of 1911 BUCKS to Make a SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON ; : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : ; : , -; -; : -: L ; : : : : : : . : : : tt T r a "IT T" 1 1 Rogue River Valley Distributor for Buick Automobiles f X1 . -L 1 UU V C11C CRATER LAKE GARAGE Riverside Between Main and Eighth Sts. Phone Main 4282 U1Jlanllrr-fl;1Jfrrrrrrrrl"rrrrrl"'' ", .uiiii.ii