i -te.r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBITNF,, MEDFORD: OK1WOX, SUNDAY, FKBRFARV 12, 1011. PAGE TWO BRAVES WATERS 1 BODIES MEN BILL ABOLISHES EAR CHEEK EM SCOTT TOMB PHARMACY BOARD pirates mul those on hoard slain, but 999l99JMiy '" h """""" "" ""r 'to' I AN INVESTMENT IN A .' Man Plunges in for Purse Gains $50 Reward Beautiful Young Talent Girl Anxious to Recover Valuables. A purse wmtilinlrtg $100 In gold ftiul t-bck tor $300 was lost orsr bosrU from the Bear creek bridge es tertlsy afternoon by Miss Nelson rrom TfyPAiri,nl effort to recover tne purse was mad by a number of hunters, but their best ef forts' lth long poles and boat hooks proved unavailing. As a last resoit a message was sent to the Nutate rltwn for a man who would swim un rter water. This man worked for two hours In Ibb tnwtdy water, bnt without result. Tie reported that he did not think he could recover the nurse, as It had probably been awept many feet down the (reek. He declared, however, that after a short rest he would make another attempt. Miss Nelson told him if he found th purse she would prosunt him with $60. Spurred on by tho offer or reward, the man again want down. After several attempts ho camo up tri umphantly waving tho purso above his head. , Mlm-Nolson, who Is a very hand some' girl, promptly paid over the $60 promised liltn, lioaideti tlmuUliiK him heartily for his hard work. "I did not euro for tho purso or tho monoy," sho mild as hIio handed tho two twenties and a ton to tho snilliiiK fellow, "but I did notownnt to Ioho a tlokut to tho performance of tho "Military Girl," to bo given by the High Soliool Fobrunry '18. Detectives Meet Puzzle No Motives House Measure Passed to the Gov for Lootlnn Shown Silver Oma- crnor Very Sweeping in Effect merits Alone Are Gone Shrouded in Mystery. Would Makq Many Changes in Pharmacy Examinations. BH1E, !'., P'1. ll-I)i-euvry ot, $ALEM, Oio.. Feb. 11. Ginernoi i the fnet that mo bodies wen tr ken ,VmI belieu that homu' hill "U -.'iih from the broil mauwfettm He'., a mend ncetion -lol ol land n urc whieh was looted by ghouls, is todny y0lt )Hw otenibly for the pm-poM1 pruning a piiceie to the nhoal of de- 0f Jimitin the governor in arJoi '' teetivee trying to (race the drepfdn- jnir the member of the state board ot torn. AuxioiiH for wune trflee of the pltnrmncy to lettered pliatiiuui-t-nndnlf), mined ioliee and detect ief actively engaged in the id. ul dmi: hid all Jast night in the ceinetotv but bitinea nltccts the section ii.imed their vigil was fniilTis. go that it does not provide fo- a at.it'1 ' Tho fnet that ome of the ailer boaid of phnrmaey and ivp".iN Hie ornament of tho smashed cofiinw pro Won-, of the old section pro.ul wcrc taken is about the only clue in ing for the appointment of n ilnte the poPHCssion of the polieo which btiaid of pharmacy. It pniciw-iill.. holds out nn iiomifc of a Ko'nimn abolishes the slate hoard of phnr ir the inWery. Eien thi, hnwocr. inncy. hn not lot eed all the un-M".:.'' -( The bill lino gone to the irowmor to the ccinclii-'iiiii that robbci whs for his appiowtl huiii pa-ed both the inotio lor the .crime, as much house. leit vliuh cusiU could The Quality of every drug, chemical medicine our store guaranteed. or in is iler wis hae been taken. llasklns for Health HOTEL ARRIVALS. At tho Nash h W Kinney, A II Galloway, K .Mailer, Dovll's Lake: T Shankland. W S Wntorliury, Port land; Ward I'routy, Washington City; HI. Flai'mery, Kansas City; J J Clnn sldell, W T Cuslck, II N Stan, Port Ijind; D W JnlinnnDslierg, Dayton; W .1 Slattery, Snn Krancisco; Mrs Albert Iluppuii, Medford, Hal H Phllbrlck, San, Kranclsoo; W 1 Do Itnugo, Co lumbus; IC F Pockhnin, Now York; Robert Anderson, San Francisco; H J Lu Hurt. Now York; W T Nlchol uon, I.oa Angeles; C", ,Mognl, Mrs Corey, Nov York; Mrs .1 M Kilgour, Woodvlllo. At tho aioore Mrs llalloway and daughter, San Francisco; M IS Wlloy. V .lallinan, Portland; V M Smith, Aahlanrt; .Mrs l'hehe WellH, Illy; ill II Zlska, New York; A W Severance. Portland; O H- Ijiwler, Hushvlllo; 1) M McUade, 8pokaue; It Y Walker, J IC Butler. San Francisco; William D Feutou, Portland; Ida Unit, Kaglo Point; IS C Morrlsou, Dunsunijr; II 11! Louusbury, Poitland; i It llariin. San Francisco; Charles Daggett. Yre ka; D Dolvolla, Portland; Mr and Mrs. T 11 Jones. Watervllle: Mrs V Pelouse and son, ISagie Point; H C Camp. Los Angeles; Albert Ander son, Pierre; Heutoii Uowers, Ash-lsn.l. City Property First class business proporty, im proved or unimproved, at tho lowest figurca. Dwellings of all kinds In all parts ot tho city at prices ranging from $fi00 to $15,000. A good platting proposition of sev en acres within city limits, on good street, $0000. Dost resldenco lots on West Main street; south fionts; 70x140; corner or Insldo lots, $1575. Lots on paved street, with all im provements, $050. Lots on Second street, with water anil sower, $350. Call on us for anything in city proporty and you will find wo have It nt prices and torfnB that nro always right. W. T. YORK & CO. f 1012 West Main. Doll phono 3.101. Home phono 31. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles OENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PIIONH MAIN 0231. Corner Central Ave. and 8th St Medford, Or. Purity is always found here Let us fill your prescriptions " Orange Blossom and Lowney's Chocolates MAIN' 101, NIGHT Oil DAY Medford Pharmacy MEDFORD, OREGON. V - -'-' -- " "k. 'fcTw fc- ii i X ile 0 : ADVieitTISKI) I.lfflTUU MST. The following list of letters remain uncalled for at the postoffire at Med. ford, Orecou, Wednesday, February William Thomas Andrews, A. IC Angemoa (8), F. Badger, Harry II llalley, J. W. Brown. V. C. Browa. Charles E. Cant, Dodda A Urown. James L. Derwin, George J. Doris, Herbert B. klhler. Maxlne lSvaos. Frank Flnley, Mrs. 'Gladys Forester. Mrs. Bessie Fry. Kd C. French, Al Gordon. Fred Grauborn, Mrs. Heua Oregg. R. A. Uawklus, W. W. Hag gard, 8. M. HammouU, Vita Hender son, John Holeman. Mrs. J. B. Holms. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Howard, Holmes A Conlcy. Harlin Hutton, H. B. Iron ton. Carl Johanson, K. L. Jones, Jake Keehn (2). 'W. W. Kofelt. Mrs. Char lotte K. Kuni. R. A. liubrles. Mrs B. U. Iats, Frank Lapa, Medford Hospital, C. II. Millar, Henry Moe. Mrs. H. A. Morgan. D. W. Moore, Mrs. G. O'Reilly, George Pierce, I.eon Pede, Mrs. E. Powell, John Praden, George Reymond, fj. A. Idee, George Rice, F. B. Rhode W. L. Shaw. Henry Bbarr. A. G Snooks. Harry! Smith, K. 1). Boer. W. W. 8chroeder, Kugeae D. Townsend, Mrs. I. 8. Tat tle. Mrs. Delia Tuttle, Charles Wos terlund. C. J. Wldflfk, Ruth Wil kinson. Parties cadlllng; fr ike gfcove let ters will please 7 'imAtud." A charge of one cent will be mad upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD. P. M. Sooioty VVomnn Jallsil. KEW YOMK, Kcb. 11. ronueled of having attempted to amuggle a hoble coat alued at $tt,00U into the Uuited StatcK from Paris, lr. Rob- ota Aleukia i or win titii wetnuiy o- i'i woutun, is in a Tombs cell to l.i . Mrs. liill in addition to a 2,000 mi-i r'Wi AY Mi m SMfa "' JA 'syiyssfs. 'wwirii, wxomw t. wmm wwj -m f0if A Enli Chat 111, iIf f . T , Pf. neiioueorgc! icaneayouup '' to tell you that when I was in the office of the Lighting Com pany today, I was shown that wonderful General Electric Mazda Lamp, and I want you to slop in on flft) your way home and bring one out. I just want you to see lor yourseu tne wonaers oi this new lamp. Why it gives twice the light of the oidinary carbon incandescent and costs less to burn. But listen, George, you haven't heard all : this G-E Mazda Lamp gives a pure white light just like a sunbeam." " I don't wonder that nearly every one is now having their house wired, for this G-E Mazda Lamp has greatly multiplied the many present advantages of electric light." Com.: in (or a moment today and let iti prove to your wtwlaction that if you ate not tttrng electric light and this wonderful ,.v G-E Mada Lamp you are need! denying youitt-lf the ineatat lioiuc convenience to say nothing of a a train and money. Rogue River Electric Company IV ..iiVv.,v0v.. Cv nMlm&M iey Wmrw hold &w1J 8 ol eye WSgT ". "ue Mil" ii ." ill. .Vu' , m i lHi...'F l .k... WV.' '"f. ivu'S'-Vwites. ci v.tr. . jtjvS... SSfo. '9 w T V ' 6SiJ&V. 1 1 I ('OaIPLKP.E j i D I A M O N D requires careful thomrlit aiul the proper confidence in'a firm to warrant abso lute satisfaction to -note the proper comparison you must inspect them from a largo and well selected stock, such as' I am able to show. In this way you fail become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assured of safe and economical buying through my binding guarantee. M!6 'Wm Loose Stones Martin a 9 Fedd y THE JEWELER MEDFORD, OllEdOX NEAR POSTOEFICE 'x.''iJifriik-k'''J'r,ft'p,, DO YOl KH OW? That NOW is llio lime to roplncc your old lonce with a new one. That it will improvo llio appear ance of jour properly fully FIKTV I'KIt C KXT lL the fenee is light and piopony lonslriipluil. TSiat The Page Wire Feeice is best suited for the pnrpo-e, a- it is made up of the liet IIi-;ii Caihon Steel Wiie tliat i,s found in IVnciiiy; in addition to thi, it is the only fence wliitli has the I'Atii; K.Mir, anil iliniuyj uioab 5 wiie to weave it together, hence it , , I Is The Best Fence that money can buy or modern science produce. Owinc to each line who heins coiled before the ience is woven, rac renco i piimiv erecieo over inns anci inioimu n.m culling and splicing. It id 5 nt Adiinn, Mich., and shipped by us in cnilond lots, direct from (lie FACTORY TO SUM tilt, thus insuring the ieatest value at the lowest possible juice. Let us show you why you should use P.iye Fence in preference to any other. Vo iurnish, ? without the necessity of MADE THE CON- without eliniKO, estimates on cost of fencinjr tracts, nnd contract to build fences complete. We will figure with you on any amount of feneini:. fiom oue lod to a carload. If you nre wantin-: Fence. Gates, or either yew or cedar poM-, lelt us fijjwe Mtli you. We furnish mnn and tools and assist in tho erection of Piijje Fence without extra cost. GADDIS Sc DIXON '"run PAnn pi:ntb men" Distiihutors for Southern Oregon and Nortlurn California MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. PIION'E 2081. ,arsa..sv.J 9 4 IN .$1475 We have some real bargains in second hand automobiles. One 1910 model 17, -10 11. P. Buick; top windshield, presto tank and all ex- equipment: Al condition. Price .'. One 1910. HO IT. P. Maxwell car; wind shield, speedometer, presto light tank and extra equipment. This car has only run 2200 miles; cost the owner $2000. This is a bargain. Will sacrifice ttinftft V- for One 1910, HO II. P. White Gas car: only run about UOOO miles; top wind shield, pnvsto tank, fully equipped. Will sell jM AAjj One 190S, :W 11. P. Rambler; all new tires, .1Gxl; a bargain 650 One 1910 K. Al. F. 30 II. P., two tops, speedometer, clock, glass front, storage batten and box, tire iron, shock absorbent, trunk rack, presto QAft light tank : $0VV One model 10, IS II. P. Buick only $1000 These cars can be .seen and demon .strated at the Bear Creek Garage 104 S. Bartlett Street MEDFORD, ORE. Main 2551. Home 255. J. H. Corrigan, Mgr. and Sales Agent ft A ft e, ft 6 ft A ft f rty te i w i- aeutoueed to three days in ;,..i 4 -. ... . V -- i 'tmwL.miiA.'m.Mt'MxmyitiiMwym w s7W