3iIEDFORD3kLUIi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1911. PAGE FIVE Y - I Personal and Local V. C. Brown litis returned from an extended business trip to Washing ton points. William C. Vincent of Ashland has returned to his homo after a visit of several dnys with friends. Mr. and Mrs. I,. E. Wakeman have returned from a short visit hi Port land. Don't buy an auto until you see the .1911 Bulcks. John Williams of Woodvlllo was a visitor In Medford Friday. An order was recently placed for 10 shade trees to further ornament Summit avenue, which from the char acter of building, location and im provements Is sure to be one of tho swell homo additions of tho city. T. 11. Johnson of Sardine creek Is spending a few days In Medford on business. W. q. Murphy has well under way a $1500 residence on Summit ave K. L. Nutting of Central Point was a recent visitor in Medford. Dr. .7. K. Shearer, pnyslclan and surgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug store. tf. C. II. Pierce has returned from a short business trip into tho northern end of the valley. . M. J. Lave's $5000 homo on Sum mit avenue Is Hearing completion. Mrs. Ella Hoper of Grants Pass Is spending a few days visiting valley friends. II. B. Patterson, 116 E. Main, has sonio nice, English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best). Now Is a good time to plant. Drop In and see me. tf Mrs. C. I Garrison has returned from a visit at Table Hock with friends. Tho St. Mark's Guild servo a chick on pie dinner from 5 to 8 p. m. nt St. Mark's, Guild hall tonight. Price 50c. Come and enjoy a good time. Miss Maud Fields is visiting with her parents, who live In tho neigh borhood of Table Rock. Tho car that stands tho gaff The Buick. J. R. Facklam of Willow Springs was n recont visitor in Medford. Is your touso wired? One cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase in comfort. Start living the electric life. tf. Tho many friends of Mrs. P. J. O'Gara will be pleased to learn that sho Is recovering rapidly after under going an operation. Don't bo in a rush to buy your new auto see tho 1011 Buick. F. P. Cooper of Central Point was a recent visitor In Medford. Tho sensation of tho auto show at Portland 1911 Bulcks. Rev. E. II. Hicks of Ashland was a recent visitor In Medford. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Charles Tryer of Talent was In Medford Frldny on business. Ask Colonel Tou Velio about those 1911 Bulcks. E. T. Staples of Ashland spent Thursday In Medford on business. Light, durablo, strong, powerful, economical tho Buick leads tho au tomobile world. Carl Deal' of Klamath Falls visit ed valley frlonds recently. What car has delivered tho goods in tho Roguo RIvor valley?- Tho Buick That Is why there are so many In use. 11. R. Ling of Medford spent Thurs day In Ashland. Tho triumph of auto building tho 1911 Bulcks. J. W. Churchill of Yroka, Cal., was a rocent visitor In Medford. Flvo hundred flno Bartloti pear trees for sale. Call ou J. A. Perry at Medford National bauk. tf John II. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jacksi-n County bank. DIED. WIMER In this city, Friday, Feb ruary 10, 1911, the Infant daughter of It. L. Wlmcr. Funeral Satur day afternoon. Interment In I. O. O. P. cemetery. Just threo weeks ago today tho mother of the child was burled. The little one will bo laid at rest by her side. Validates Charters. OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 10. Tho lower houso today passed a bill val idating nil charter amendments by cities of tho first class regarding tho recall, tho initiative or referendum. Tho bill also gives all cities of tho first class tho right to pass such measures. This bill is designed to settle finally the question of legality of these measures. Representative Wray, who Intro duced the boxing bill this morning, permitting ten-round, no decision contests, has 24 men supporting tho measure. Marriage License Cheaper. OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 10. Rep resentative Carlson and Doming of Olympla Joined today In n bill re ducing the fee for marriage licenses from $1.50 to $3. This Is ono step the legislature can make, it is argued, toward reducing the "high cost of living." Pile of Silver Dollars High as Horse Not Enough to Buy Him. . ! I AiTi 7 I ! iSllB - ' i ' ,ili! . Mm I . Jl . ' ' II i'VH f . l1l'l''mlffi IHhUEm mm IIIBK as liLlSr: "iji Favor Direct Election. SPRINGFIELD, Ills., Feb. 10. The stntq senate here today adopted n resolution favoring the direct elec tion of United States seifntors. The houso referred tlio matter lo n committee. JINGO PRESS OF EUROPE WOULD STIR UP WAR PARIS, Feb. li. The Jingo press of Europe is sendinj; up n howl to high heaven and speaking in nlnrmed tones today of the "American peril." The general note would have ono be lieve that Hie United States is on the eve of gobbling up the uimerse. "Turn your eyes towards America," cries Rene Punux, u political writer of the day. "I have nlready warned Europe," ho continues, "that she should follow u little more closely the polities on the other side of the Atlantic Eat'li day afresh procs tho necessity for it. Yesterday President Taft demanded .,000,000 to .fortify tho Panama Canal, declaring it to i.e. the southern frontier of the United Stales. "To (his extraordinary audacious utterance tho voice of the distinguish ed editor of 'Lo Brcsil' is heard re-f-pundiiig that unless ono takes enro tho United States will finish by con sidering the Strait of Magellan their meridianal frontier. And M. Maurico Low, of the Morning Post, who hns just made a vovngo of study in tho United States, confirms tho appre hensions of M. Guilaino and the other South Americans. "In Washington," ho snys, "a great interest is professed in South America nnd they go so fnr ns to talk of war with Japan in ease Jopan should try, with any too much success lo immigrate there- and carry on a commerce." "Europe," Reno Punux hurries on to say in a frenzy of fear, "and pnrti- IJttle Miss Marlon Grey walked Into Madison Stpnire Harden, New York city, with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Austin (5 ivy, and there the little girl suw the smallest horse In the world. "I want that horse," the little girl said. "It's yours," said the father. And then til- troubles started. Chun nlug L. Dillon, n wealthy Englishman, did not want to sell the animal, but when .Miss Marlon explained that she would give a pile of silver dollars as high as the horse lie considered the offer. The exact price paid for the little horse was not made public, but Mr. drey said If his little daughter would stand ou top of the horse's head tho pile of sliver dollars he paid to Mr. Dil lon would still ! beyond reach of the little miss' lingers. CUSTOMS EMPLOYEES NOW UNDER MILITIA WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 10. The trensury department today order ed all customs employes on the Mexi can border to work under the direc tion of tho militia commanders of their districts. Johnson on Defensive. iMilfirlv Friinnn luia nnnciilernliln ill. . . ...... -. ' '. ........ ...... w.- ,w ... beau. a. iioimcB. '7nwl i Lntin America. We must Man. Over Jackson County bank. 2851 . f , , , - , ., ,, . San I , ' . . . ' , v..i.. niiiiigeroim e.piiiiwiuii-iiui(i j hiikuu. last co. Hho is visiting Miss ueien uags dnle. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PI10NE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT Miss Emma Harrington of rriui-ib.il uiiivuu in .ucuiuiu "'-:n i:.l....,i: iw.,,.(1. t.i.,.i.i l. night from her home n San ! rands-(I(iil (o F m, AblnUc Jm. I lion since perhnps Japan mny lake I the initiative which will domand tho neutralization of ho Panama Canal. But while wo wait tho United Stales i will continue negotiating for the naval station nt Guantnnumo which com ! mauds Iho Kastcrn routo to the Cnnal. Tnf no iurn nn nvnc InH'nrn vi i in tiii 'ii j vn i"i.i America I" Monsieur Puaux's voice was only one of u chorus. Europe luiloe strength wlion it is poscsscd by its neighbor, nnd of all countries of Europe, Frnnce (which has been said to have least causo) envies or de spises America most, and it is tho French pen which seratchos loudest. Ernest Judet, editor of l'Eclair, does a little thundoring of his own. "The die is east !" ho says tragical ly. "The United Slates will fortify Iho canal." He blames Kooevolt for tho fortification policy and snys it will keep Amoricans fighting for the rest of America's existence. The building of forte along tho canal i merely Roosevelt's plnn to impo.o himself ns dictator of tho country. Judet suggests : "Nothing provo that noosovolt has not ruwlied into a sort of politics whifh he, himself unknows, hut it is not less cortuin that they will rondor John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to tho undertaking do partmont of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About March 1. Private Am bulance Service. Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telophenos: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. O. W. Conklin, 3601. J. H. Butlor, 3571. SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Feb. 10. Vigorous fighting by democratic leg islators augmented by a majority op posed to the insurgent elements, will bo continued for the adoption of resolutions nnd hills aimed at Asia tics in California. An attempt by Senator Sunford to bring up for ac tion his resolution protesting against a federal treaty with Japan that might eliminnte the coolio clause nnd a series of bills by Senator Finn restricting Oriontnls today plnced the Johnson administration of the defen sive. Tho democrats in the acmbly compelled (o the majority (o promise a hearing on the Sanford and predict ed that ovory anti-nlion bill pre sented in tho sonnto would ho forced on the floor for nn open fight. Root Opposes, of Course. 'Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" It's too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen too late to care for your stomach when indiges tion is upon you. Why not take time by the forelock by dispensing with hog lard the breeder of nine-tenths of all indigestion, and insist instead that all your food be cooked with Cottoleue a pure, vegetable shortening which makes healthy, digestible food ? Cottoleue comes from the cotton fields of the Sunny South. It is a clean product, protected by patent air-tight tin pails to insure freshness and freedom from contamination. It is recommended by physicians as being fully as healthful as olive oil. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRnANfC COMPANY fakes Biscuits Liht and Flaky the Cotton Doll Search for Postmaster. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Fob. 10. -Local palico today stai'tcd search P !, 1 T t ..I .1 ,11 !.. 1 ..!.., . NO CONTROVERSY FOR iwenani u. iVHiiursi, riiiiiiuuipiiui GOVERNOR JOHNSON l'Stmuslcr who dropped lrom sight n week ago, in Atlantic, City. A man answering his description left El Paso, Tuesday giving Los Angeles u SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Feb. 10. Governor Johnson today refused to be drawn into any newspaper controver sy over the published letter of United Stnteg Senator Elect John 1). Works attacking the proposed law for Iho recall of judges. The letter has mon opolized talk among legislators here. The supporters of tho measure call Works a reactionary. They say that if ho had mado these statements be foro his election he would liavo lost Johnson's support and been defeated. Johnson Defends Lorfmcr. WAEHINGTOfov 15. C, Fob. 10. In a saYcastlc speech' In tho sonnto, Senator Johnson oT Alabama defend ed William Lorlmer of Illinois, whose election tho senate Investigated. "Threo senators ran a hurdlo raco for first plnco In oponlng the dobnto In this case," ho said. "Tho sonntor from Indiana (noverldgo), tho smoke of battle still (rcsh In his garmonts, fire flashing from his eyes, struck tho first blow. Sloso upon his heels enmo tho senator from Oklahoma (Owen), tomahawk and scalping kulfo in his hands, his Pocahontas blood surging nt tho sight of tho auburn locks of tho senator from Illinois. Later came tho sonntor from South Dakota (Crawford), his path through law and facts as fast and furious as a stampedo of frightened buffalo on tho South Dakota plains, trampling everything, leaving only desolation bolilnd." his forwarding address. No Action on Treaty. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Feb. 10. Action on tho Canadian reciprocity agreement today was postponed by tho houso ways and means commit tee until tomorrow morning. Ryan Still Low. PHILADELPHIA, Pn Fob. 10. Tho condition of Archbishop Ilyan was unimproved today and his Ken oral debility still alarming, accord ing to his physicians. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. " 4- WANTED A building suitnhle for moving picture theater or a moving picture theater now doing business ' in or out of the city, also n room ing house. Address W. E. M. Gen. Del. Medford, Oregon. 270 WASHINGTON, 1). C, Fob. 10. Sonntor Koot (New York) today in the seunte, dcclurod his opposition to tho direct election -of senators. "I am opposed to tjio direct of senators by the people and not by tho legislatures, or, to the nbnndo.i ing by the government of ils super- . ... ... vision over such elections," ho said. ' Want nds In tho Mnll Tribune aro It is unwise that the people should llko Investments In Medford rcul cs- ncquiro the habit of nuiendnig the tato Hiiro winners, constitution. Its stability is tho1!- -rr-r-. moat ussonuiu requirement ot our government." Wants International Road. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Fob. 10. An Jntornntlonnl highway from Can ada to Mexico through Washington, Oregon and California will bo sought In connection with tho $18,000,000 worth of roads this stato Is about to construct, according to tho plan out lined by the highways committees of both housos of tho legislatures. Tho other Pacific coast states will bo askod to Join California In the plan. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark The best kind of Valentino to send is ji nice BOX OF 'FLOWERS Wo have them. Choice flow er and vegetable seeds. J. T. Bradley S Co. J Cor. Sixth and Central. Medford Opera House Operatic Extravaganzi "THE MILITARY GIRL" By the Students of Medford High School Replete with good comedy, pretty costumes, catchy music and special effects. 70 - PRETTY GIRLS -- 70 FRIDAYand SATURDAY FEB'Y 17th and 18th ADMISSION, 50c, 75c AND $1.00. SWATS ON SALIS AT JIASlvlNS DRUG STORE Constitution Carries. PHOENIX. Ariz.. Fob. 10. Re turns from the principal towns of Arizona Indlcnto today that tho now constitution carried by a 2 to 1 vote, Noted Man Dies. SUMMIT, N. J., Fob. 10. Dr. Ed ward Janoway, 70, a noted diagnosti cian, died at his homo hero today. POHTLANI), Oro., Feb. 10. The victim of ptomaine poisonim.', .M.iljc!, five, duuejitor of Tlioiiin Kmi;, of 727 1-2 Williams Avenue, died today nnd King, hi wifo and two children were rcporlod in pucnrioun conditio.!. All rnemborg of t)i family became violently ill last night shortly after eating dinnor nt which friud livr whs the priuoiplo nrtiole of diet. Physicians worked over tliutu nil night. The coroner 1ms ordered an his (lictnturo nocesnnrv ns soon n lb investigation. impending perils will force the United i Stute. to umquitb or to dissolve." Ha8klna for Hoalt- ....;... :: ri. -. v vvV . '. ! v '.Ah.-;- vViO.-'AV-:.1 'iTTr-ir -Jj--ftTfrrri r"r-r'i"Tl ti ri-rT-rrrl-, ;nilriMiff rm iiwi-JMiii'iMiiiiiiV n ilrtwiMii jCSSs. ers. XB! ' ". . I nSK l& s-x ? X V vV ?.!By klRt cell bca In o'('er to crct you to try it.! ist" C'r.mges t''il 'bun- s5 " I "mons and thus learn thilr ex- Si " finality, wo will send you free tho t fi I Kojiers (Jriuicu Spoon hero pic Three fourth actual iilO on receipt of 12 "Sunkht" wrappers You wi'l find both ,'SunkMMOranKesnnd N? Lemonr. at nearly every dealer's, packed in In dividual p.tpcr wrappers that bcur ono of the trade mark"! tliiwn below. If they aro not packed thus. aro not the "Sunklst" kind, but an Inferior fruit. th tYi Sunldst" Granges Choicest Fruit "SunUl -t" Orans;c3 aro Cab fornlu's treo-rlpunrd, firm and solid. All are lmnd- clioucst ( i' the stlect infspectcd picktU. Mo fallen, bruised or overripe crop of 5."'(J "rart'tJ Krovt-s. Noothur oranges. Hacli HtinUUt" Is a perfect oraapelsfc - wcet,iic!ia;ul juicy. Tlicy tpccuncn, ns delicious as if plucked fresh ore tbin sk.r.jcd, s-.cdless, fibrvlcks, from thu tree. Biiv "nnlrisf" 7 omnno wlilchnroof tlii'iametilelinualltyns' SunVUfOrancot i vy iJUtmiSl L.U1I1UI15 10im nnd ount. .Siinklf,Um'-niiarPso Jukyllmt two olt'.itnik' farther than three rl ny oitivrkln.l. In tue priiwrutlono(UcniorU. iuutc udiI i J f nfi rifif tk i pinT d ri'ull fiB VKr.lA r.m , "k.BiB i ivnniiiii.,vnnii. vii i tiii viuaiwi ywu nnui autr UJD k hi ' uranjif, una imoov. i Save the Wrappers , -a0 - VaffOT imttliiif. pluhenil oav (.t'Stvluiuioi when 8S V c.Mr...n. !L l.. !..... 9.. .... .a .iii'iHtti . .aa timii fc.w-. ui M' ' 'nn, hi.ove 21c, w prdfer iiinny onler, i xj.m Mlunr bnW Jrull. Don t SoriU'an.. Vs will (m U'l'i "" Maii von Lomplete Ut ( v il i lA'itn nrp I inn vu ii.iririr itnfn .Mm. .1" WnlUlK1rw4V rni'J"KdU4ll" wrupiium on premiums, auju-js m U w CALIFORNIA FRJ.UT GROWERS' CXCHANGE m US) 31 CUilc SUect Chicago, lit SOLD JX .MKDJOUI) AT KICiHT PUICICS JiY ALLIN & ALLIN OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD ALLEN GROCERY CO. WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE dMf I "lV7XnnK5Al ? YSjp tvi'vCOl" ' S1W 'I :: 'i '. I I ' ' i JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson County, Ore. !! Compiled nspoclnlly for the Mull Trllnmo by tho 4 uuiinouu vmiiiii. Jiuniiiiui. v. u, iiinuvt.'(l III1U Ulll- dally adopted by tho county court, July, 1310. SIiowh ownorahln of nnnh nnrool of nrnnnrtv. ; towiiHhlp and section Hiiob, county rondB, forest ro ll norvoH, railroad Rrant, city nnd town boundaries s and nil olhor necessary Information, ; Tho only convenient, hnndy, completo map of Jackson county published In mnny years. Size !; 20 by 10 Inches, on heavy map paper, tinned nt I both ends. No homo completo without this map. It soils for $U.D0, but will bo rIvoii away free to subscrib er to tho Medford Mall Trlbuno. HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE ? SUnSCHIHB TO THE DAILY MAIL TIUUUNE FOR ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE $5.00 OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRIllUNE TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE AT f 1.C0 A YEAR. $3.00 AND TEE MAP IS YOURS. Or got ono now subscriber to tho Dally or two now ones to tho Wcokly, romlt and we will Bend tho map. Old subscribers may socure tho map by paying up urroars and subscribing In advanco. Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. t 4--n 44rr '&! i- 4 '' A"- M P 3 v-