ifcSBfciia . VACIV SIX anrcp-pcmn matl tribune, arrcPFORD, oktcoon. ttttti?sdat, febtuut?y n, ion. k ? hS. 4 i HEADQUARTERS E E COERCION OF MOLD CURB THE ;IW RALLY TO GRINGOS PUN GREED EOR POWER1 AID OF CHINA W: MEEKER 6 CO'S. EXCLUSIVE STORE Chief of Plant Department of Soutli-jDfaz of Mexico Said to Be Considering So Says Senator Brlstow in Speaking Seattle Rushing Much Food Stuff io ; crn Oregon District of Pac. Tel. anil Tel. Company Moves Office From Eugene Here. TlocaiiBo Medford Is moro advanta geously situated, (ho Pacific Status Tolophono and Telegraph company has caused tho IiondquartorH of their plant department for llio district of Houthern Oregon to be i amoved from Hitgene to thin city. C. 10. AndeiBOii, general foreman or tlmt branch or the company a working roco, Iiuh already moved here. The dlgtrlet which formH tho terri tory at which Mr. Anderson Is at the head comprises nil the territory be tween JCtigene and the California line, Including the counties of Lake and Klamath. Forcing American to Aid Him in War Against Revolutionists Noth ing Yet Done. SALT J,AKK CITY. Utah, Feb. 9. That President Diaz of Mexico, pross- in Favor of Direct Election of United States Senator Before the Senate Today. WASHINGTON', 1). ("., Feb. 0. -In- Red Cross Headquarters in San Francisco for Dispatch to China Needs is Great. REATTLi:, Wnsli., Feb. 0. All . -". frt??'Vl$ VVWS, rTSW) !' creasiliL' triced lor nower mi (lu mm l i i , , . . oil liv Mm ii.vnliiMnnltH i. n,in. ,. ., ... . .. ' . -"i uuinmureiiii aim enuriiauie 01 a - """ oi uic "iiiieii'HiH was assigned n nig coercion to American citizens to gnnizntions are today gatherin;; con tribittioiis of money and foodstuffs I to be rushed to the red cross head otmrters in San Francisco ami foi waidcd to China for (lie benefit of the hturvinj,' millions. 'J'lie local innnnircr.s BIG DEMAND FOR EXPERTFROITMEN Oregon Agriculture College Cannot Fill the Many Calls for Experts By Large Orchard Companies of the Northwest. Senator Ilristotv of ICniiHim iiiesni-. help him In mipproaalnK the Insur- iBelll Wmhr , , 01(. (f (,)C ,,,,. rcctlon iu the statement here today ,, .pelliim; making nece-snry the of Mormon Elder A. W. Ivlns, who (Iilt,.t o1elio., of senator,, has just loturnod from the Mormon ,,,. ;,, ...i.i,,,.,.:,,,, , tl ,.,. colony In Mexico. "We have boon in- ,i... ,...,: V..,-! t .. ,. . . l,".T v wmijiiiuii tiiiu wiiuun in nvim viiifiiiiii7iitiaiiiiTiTriiuriiijiiujiuiiifir. . . tn ...,, II,.. , .i, ., ,Ti, t","l 'li', are provalcnl andliaelof (he red cross fund liae received orniBh tho revolt, Ivlns said, "and !lI(.l1IIKf,(1 11S ,.,.,,.:. !.,.,. woi.l (, .I,,.;. , i,..la ..t .... I the fulht we wll, mlit o,vi TKJlVTml ""rl'i J' K"'MI ,nlnl""i """ iuiiiii-iii mi-, i uuiice inner j-ujjci nouuu pninis and will ne Unit not oulv senntors bill all dele-1 assigned to enrry lelief to Cliinu iw Kates Io national conventions ought soon ok congress pases the necessary to be elected by the people." resolutions. We all are American citizens, though, and will stand on our citizenship and refuse to participate In the quarrel." YOUTH ELOPED: X IN MISS N JOHN BULL NOT : T By PACT. MM W T GIVES MOTHER ALL NBW YOltlv. .Feb. f). Wlmii rZ ' w i y clphla last night, Z Portland Boy, Student at Harvard, Canadian Minister of Finance Hastens! Woinmit in Phiiad reuimeci io New York to Correct Impression Gained in Refuses Offer of $10,000 to Jilt Former Wife of Mayor Gaynors Son Can't Be Found Nov. COUVAIiLIS, Ore., Feb. fl. IVf. C. I. Lewis, liead of (he ricpnrlinc.it of horiieiiltuie at tho Oregon Agricul tural College, has hud thirteen calls for graduates (o fill positions of im porlnnco for wealthy corporations and indivdualh having largo orchards, williin (ho past month, which he lias boon unable to supply, since all of the graduates are cither conducting prof itable orchards of their own, or have nlrendy icceivcd appointments else where. The demand for (rained inon with western experience is not alone for fruit rauelie on (lie Pacific coast, but ulbo for eastern growers who widi to adopt similar methods. A large corporation in Maryland controlling some lliouinnds of acres of orchards winhos to plant several thousands more, and has asked for a mnn of sufficient caliber Io deiuand u salary of )j.2f()0. An eimlcrn universily wrilcs for ! mini fo fill (he position of head of Hi.' department of horliotillure, uud (he Cillinduu deparlmonl of agriciiltuio, -wliiuh appointed an O. A. C. man last liuio, now wants another. I'acilie eoiifit melliods aio o lie installed in largo orcliaidu near Cleveland, Ohio, and an Oregon man is wanted to (londuet llio woilc. One of (ho biggest develoiiiicn( eoinpanieti on the const, having (hou HtWid" of ueies in ils holdings, uud nmWiig o.xleiiKive duvelopiaeulH in- valvng the ep'iidi(uie of euormoii WWt, will gie $-JI)0() to (he right umn, nnd wanls one fiom O. A. (' Thjrly DnkoUiih have a tract of (1000 noron for which (hey want a foieman lo AUM$rtiifend (lie plunling, spraying, irrigation and general cure. An iinineiiHc es(eni enmpany witli n enpilRl f oer a million, now miik intr big dtfvolopmenlt, in vmioin hiiis of Onirn. nsks hit college for a mini lo RiiHrin(eiid 10.000 iumcm of or uhnrds among its holdings. Some 1)00 Here in 'etfrn Washington mv owiim! by u I'orlland eorpornlion vhieli linn nhked for ii foreman. A iiihii who has been wailing si lHonllm (o get an O. A. ('. giMdunle io lake chargo of his 100 acre walnut gmvo noar Springfield. Oie. is eom- iliff lo tho college to press his pica and I'ruf, UwH has only grndunte of the present xhoil eoinsc to olio hiin. all former graduates being profi Uhly euipjoved. In the Yakima Valley and id her jmrtii of Wushiaglon are large tiait of fruit land hld liv u Seallle firm which Itan asked for an orchard sup eiinlendeut, and a similar man is ie nnlrvd by I wo Portland hiiMiies,. m.-'ii for their combined holdings cnmnrH iiiK large fmit ranches n the Wilbur ullu Vallev. At UlH firhl of last ,Jul the college had wfneJ (weulv iviiuu fm- iad- liatua (O fill good poriitioiw. being mi ih!o (o gl men for them, mii.c the douiattd ifc not only for c..liU1. tr.iiniihr hut for western expeiicmi- f th,.,,. M'Bro t)0 or 100 graduate cei c,n Uiey oould h placed adwinliici i-h The college ue( itun f.r iu nui o')orliiiani alaUon work It n Kg inlalttru now in gosann uu i, the ap propriations reipiaelod for the es- Inhlinljmaul of now hramh station , Z (he oollega will nocd nine more men for tlU ons hmuoh of (yclfusiun woik v !S NKW YOKIC, Feh. I). No liaco of Nelson Qamiiion.s of Portland, Oregon, a sopunmoio at Harvard, ami bin bride formerly Alary Ouiffie, divorc ed wife of iMayor Gaynor'n son, could not be found today by Airs. Oammoiic, his mother, who in a vain effort lo prevent, (ho marriage offered llio ID year old youth 10,000. Young Gam mons, however declined the money, and the couple wore iccoutly mariied secretly, alter they were whisked away in an automobile. Airs. Gammons heard of (heir en gagement two weeks ago uud she lei I her homo "hi Portland uud raced across (he conlincnl, arriving iu Mus lim (wo days ago. She plead with him not (o go on with the mutch and to make sine that her wishes were obeyed took him from Harvard mid kept a close watch on him at Boston, Gammoiis succeeded iu eluding her yesterday and with his bride fled lo New York whore a license was secured nud the malruiiouiul knot lied. Gammons i-, l0 sou of the lale G. G. Gammons, a wealthy Poilland al lorne who died about u year ago. England That Position Country is Affected. Mother OTTAWA, Oat., Feb. 9. Finance Minister Fielding took slops today to collect what Is regarded here as an erroneous Impression In Great Hrlt aln regarding the Canadian-American reciprocity agreement. It can bo said the Canadian government viewed with home alarm the Idea reflected by a portion of the Ilrltlsh press that tho agreement would havo a detri mental offect upon the trado between Canada and tho mother country and would adversely affect tho prefer ence granted to Groat llrltaln. Minister Fielding has taken up the matter with Lord Strathcona, Cana dian high commissioner In Loudon, and In liohalf of the Canadian gov ernment has sent a long cabin fully explaining the agreement and show ing that England will not bo dam aged. today, ho ! y dumped the entire $2,100 ho had1 won Into his mother's lap. She gavejJ him $5 for spending money and i J banked tho balance. Urown, who Is only 19 years of ,5 age, has but two dissipations Ico cream and soda and there were blgij doings about the fountain In the drug stoie on the corner when the fighter J i irr t niv jt yoPf WE GUARANTEE A DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A DOLLAR If voit get moro than that at this store so niiich the better for you. Whenever it is possible to give our customers more then Jheir money's worth we give it. In addition we guarantee complete satisfac tion in every purchase made here, regard less of the offering or price of the mer chandise. If you find after patronizing us that you are not satisfied, we will ex change the goods, refund the money do anything within reason to keep you per fectly satisfied. The greatest asset of this store is your good wilj. McCall Patterns No. 3867 Wal.t. No. 3879 Skirt Price, 15 ccnlt each A SMART FROCK Advance Sale of White Goods Jt is to our commercial advantage to sell you your white goods for spring early. New Spring lines are now here, and in or der to induce you to select early, we name the following very special prices: Clearing Out Ladies Neckwear Broken sizes, broken lines, of nearly every kind. Choice of a goodly collection if fancy neckwear, formerly priced at 25e, 3jc, 50c each. Anv one in the lot now 19c arrived. VICTORIA '8 FOUND FULL WATER HILL MAY ROT SUE PRICE ELLIS FOR LIBEL Vin'OltlA, 11. ('., Feb.!). It is In., lieu'd today that the threateii"d court proceedings against Price Klli sion, niinisU'i' of I'inunee, will neei ninlei ialize, following his public de- . .. 'duration tlmt he had not direetlv charged that .lame .1. 1 lilt, the rail- COKDOYA, Alaska, I'eb. !). The mad muu'nnle lim! mveu i-nii.-im i,... Steamship Nictmui is m llio bailmr pi,, m Winnipeg .(). 000 to assis here todu with l(i led of water in ilicni i their campaign for icciproe her hold, indenting lliul a large hole itv witli the United Stale, was lorn iu her sled hull when hhej Slioilly after adjournment of par htruck the rocU of liiiicinhrnok I-.lininent ftllinu rose on a (UCKtioii ot bind Tuehdav night. The vessel ar-'pionnl privilege correetK inioled m having in-Heiled "thai il wax wild," that Mr. Hill had given the inouev a Husband Kills. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. ().--Mrs. Margaret Van Fttcn Alexander, II'-', was shot and instantly killed to day by hor husband, Sahanns Alev nnder, from whom she secured a di vorce six months ago. Deadlock Firm. 1113LKNA, Mont., Fob. i v 1 I? I I n. Tho y SOMEN'S WAISTS-SIX DAY SALE ONLY' New Attractive Values for the Coming Six Days Selling $1.50 $1.25, $1.19, and $1.00 values for 98c 28 South Central Ave. senatorial deadlock Is still firm In V the Montana leglHlature. Tho vote Z today stoed: Carter .'10, Walsh !! 1, ,,tfr,..rftf4Jtf Conrad 25, scattering 13. SUMMIT AVENUE- THE STREET MODERN (Between West Main and 4th Sts.) lived here late veMenlny under her own hlenni. I'iihmmikcin who weie tiaiifferred to the Steamship Ih'ilh.i hortl after the accident nay that theie was verv little eoutiisiuii follow ing the grounding. If the patiouage of the reader m' tliiH iinvvxpaper n. iuipTii tr.nt to yon, make vour toio-udveiliMiig impoit mil to TIIFM question, lie declined lie hud gom no furl her than that. .Mr. Hiewsler who had oppiwed F.lli ou on tin. floor Mini he was- williuu to accept the explanation but that he had "understood the gentleman olher-wi-e." Ilafkins for health I y s. z' " ' " ' ' l'l . t V f vfl - ' fcT- . ' i v.u -- ss r hi i ' i f - " i-Sl.( - w! . . , . .r N " . . . r-?S. ---"ZTZ&Z---- f '. de'ffir IrnMcfemeril of'GOfi Qhx'oiia SminilTAW. o,m Ijnuscssol 20f kiiig r ft. InsiclcPdrJting cfloin. J3jdcj jcsLdcLionoOcH A L:UII-:VKL IIAMILTOX OK A L:i-.l KWKL VAX (ll'AKM) WATCH AUM: PK'KI-'KKIfKI) liV MOST K'AILK'OADMKN. SOI I) AND (U'AKANTKKD HV J. W. DIAMOND Bo'ck Il wuiilil he iiiipiissiliU In ilo lu-tttT wntfli ropair work than c turn out. If jmir watch is sick, take it tn I) I A M 0 N I) ' S A suggestion of the future appearance of the street, showing the improvements now in. In an effort to build an addition f hat has every modern improvement that can he had in the very best homo see tioil.s of the lamest cities, we have been working on Summit avenue. We luivi :itt(nnirid In i.i'nwvl intn t i.n.n.c tlie miproveiuenis that would otherwise have taken several, believing that there is a class of investors that would ap preciate this fact. How well we have succeeded is for you to investigate andjudtje. Ve have taken the bare land, graded the street and lots, put in the water and sewer mains, connected up each lot as shown above, laid the cement walks on the whole traot, paved the wide street and have shade trees on the way to set out the entire awnue. By doing this improvements are all uniform. Now we have a modern street with extra level, high lots on each side. Our building restriction of $2500 has iitMired a street of fine homes and desirable neighbors.. Several fine modern homes are built and more building on this street, which is a sure testimonial of the sterling merit of our proposition. to ' Ii m 111 'lie, no.vt Juno. J. H. KNVAUT, l'realdent J. A. PICK It Y, VC(-Preidont F. Ii. illJKUICK. Vtct-Prtild'4t JOHN S OUTII, Cashier W. II. JACKSON. Ain't Cuihlar. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, 320,000.00 su'i: iiki'osit iio.M-s ron iu:r. a (jknkiui iianmno lirsl.MXS TKA.VSAITI.I). m)I.I('IT YOIIC IMTItON (ii:. t 'he paid inmroveni a snort tune onh on e Summit avenue is rc.nhed by the main street of the city, a paved street; the avenue itself is paved and Fourth street on the north end ot the street is ordered paved. This means a dvy, easily accessible street. in ts on this close in tract amount to one hundred dollars er lot. and the lots -ire sellino- for Mi, mel.N liberal terms at SWa.- 4 ,,-. &xaem& 750 and $900 PER LOT J' SEE W. C. MURPHY AT 136 EAST MAIN, OR W. T. YORK & CO. AT 102 WEST MAIN and take a free ride out J and look this over. , , : PICKEL, KLUM & MURPHY i HaslcIiiB fur llculth. '',''wf-rwrvsrwrfsws