m-3tT0 MEDFORD aiAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1011. PAGE FOUR i . r- A Medford Mail tribune AN INDHPHNDRNT NEWHIUPEK PUUL1HIIKD DAIL.Y EXCEPT HATUIl- DAY I1Y THE MHDKOnD 1'MNTINO CO. TIio Domocrntlc Times, Tlio Mrdforil Mnll, Tlio Medford Tribune. Tho South oni OrcRonlnn. Tho Ashland Tribune. OKOnOR PUTNAM, Editor and Mnnncer a Entered ns second-class matter No vember 1, 1909, at tho postofflco ut Medford. Orecon. under tho act of March 3, 1879. THE ANCIENT WAR. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. SUBQORIFTXON BATES. Ono year, by mall JB.00 Ono month by mall BO Per month, delivered by carrier in Modfard, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point .60 Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.G0 mil leased Wlro United 1'zem Dispatches. Tho Mall Tribune is on salo at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stnnd, Portland. Bowman News Co , Portlnnd, Or. V. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hol"l BnoKano Nowa Stand, Spokane, swoxin cmcuLATioK. Dally avernffo for six months endliiK December 31, 1910, 2721 PESTS Our Daily Disconnected Story. In order to secure more concerted rictlnn, tlio Society for tho Abate ment of Public NuIhiuicoh, tho An vil Chorus and the Society for the Suppression of Uncalled-for-Mirth de cided last night to combine and will hereafter he known as tho Southern Oregon Association for tho Poultic ing of Civic Cancers. The Hiiffragotto auxiliary rendered a beautiful bal lad entitled "Wc Want What Thoy'vo Got, nnd Wo'll Get It" In dedica tion of tho new society. Tho Joint meeting was called to or tlor by WIlllo Monday, tho groat suc cessor to Carrie Nation, nnd Leklek, tho eminent French detective, was unanimously untied on tho advisory board. Tho first business tnken up wns a communication from a prominent cit izen rclntlvo to tho usago being made of tho Southorn Pacific right of way by express wagons nnd automobiles. "Following tho example sot a few days ago by a pair of runaway buzzard-heads hitched to an express wag on," It road, "fashionable Medford now motors right up to tho stops of tho Pullman cars when desirous of taking a llttlo Journey. Yesterday afternoon, when tho evening train for the north pulled In, a number of podcstrlans and others of tho com mon honl endeavored to place a few farewell smacks upon tho cheeks of departing loved ones, but wore rude ly prevented by tho nerve-racking honk of n chug wngon, which at the moment was preparing to heave to alongsldo of the chocolate soldier In chnrgo of tho slcopor "Miserere." Then followed a clipping from the minutes of tho last session of tho American ltallroad's association for Keeping In Check of Paid Passongors, which read: "Don't No. 3rI Never allow any wheeled vohlclo larger than a dollar watch to bu brought onto tho depot platforms." After a lengthy discussion, it was decided to undone tho communication In a pigskin and to forward It to the local agent of tho railroad for his edification. Five-cent beer was laid on the tn- ble until the next meeting. HOLD ON THERE, JUAREZ (Cmitliuiml From PrtK a ) with money which, in the eye ol members of the thimt quiMirlior f'rut ornity, that at tiff was originally m i en tod for. In (lie vonln of Hie immortal hard, their "thoiiRht grew liglil at the froth on hour" after numerou trip had liooii iniiile to the luifat? of supplies and, mora talk bccnming too lame, (iiuileu.i proceeded to extract from the draw er in the kitchen table n knife liuili much nfter tile mmMe proportion of (lie beloved mitchette of liio native laud. Hi womnuly innlilulion, inherited from Ilia mother, tellinit him Ilia boiuctliiuu aliichlly out of the ordiuiux wuk about to lie pulled off, ('ietm.i nihil (fathered for himself several munition of war. Then the buttle Iicjmii. Luckily for both the attempted duel wuk accompanied h.v n lnrjre amount of vocal effort with the reiull Unit noighhorK were attracted uiul the police notified. Neither remembered anything of tho fray litis morning when haled he faro Justice of tlio I'oneo Ciloim O, Taylor so ho remanded theiu buck to tho city jail and linn afternoon brought (hem out airniii, Moiiteiierd each to thirty days, and Mtapendml the biupo pending their future good behavior. FARMERS LINE UP FOR ROADS Strength Gained By Advocates of Good Road Measure in Legislature Delegations Call on Solons for Their Support. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 0. With con sideration of the senate good roads bills postponed in the house until Friday, probpeets of their passage arc bright. Sentiment union? inuiiy representatives previously nppobed to Sheriff Killed. n. j-..v rminr i XTI- ill ir.1. CLLUIUillljmM.', Mil., i mi. ii .-x Wliilo Sheriff Noah Hendlev wui serving ojoofmont proceeding today upon John Swaitzor ho wax idiot ami killed by tho Jqtler. Peputv Sheriff Clay, ne lie anw hia chief fall, ojm'ii t'd firo md Soilzcr wib killed. STNCTC tho earliest dawn of civilization the world has watched tho struggle between two great classes of minds conservative and progressive. The first of those, the conservative, is content to dntt along, clinging to old institutions, dead laws, obsolete cus toms, hiding from the light, anxious to be let alone, content to remain hidden unless someone disturbs the refuse to which they cling. Then they rush forth shrieking against the disturbers, the dissatisfied, hurling fierce maledictions at these restless spirits, who no sooner got a roadway into the wilderness than they must clear up lands for homes; who no sooner find their Jittle cosmos crowded than they begin the search for other worlds to conquer. The conservatives are ever in slavery, ever in bondage, over the barnacles clinging to the vessel, retarding its nrnirress. drairirinir it down to destruction. They are typi- .. r, " i..- i i 4:i,...4--:.,i i,i,! lwwirep iff nv Hwniiins. siatrii tiiL nuwis, h-mul-uiuu uwh.o, '""",, ... : ,.,, ,,. all forms of filth find lodgment, whore all disease sately .stluldinK of the bills is obtained in the breeds and emerges to scourge humanity. They are, as 10Uh0 a,i jn u10 nm,i districts. ' they ever have been lovers of darkness, fit companions Jinny of the house members pre for'owls and bats and for weeds, noxious. They are, as mmed l't all the fanners ami rei- , . , i ,i.'.....,i ;.,. 4iw lJ.wilninou lnts of outlying counties were iight- thoy over have boon, Jorcmg backward into the blackness, i. ... .. .. . . ,,. dreading the )hantoms that shrieked among the roods otido7ieog ol! tho faliacy o tll;s )0iiui: the morass. They lay hidden in, or roared amidst the reached Salem yesterday. Ono was Storms that lashed the trees or caves, about tllC hollOWS n delegation of leudinK citizens of 41 ,...11 l.. ,1....IJtwrlwi fli mru tlw.v omt ( nnr. 111H en'- rciitucioii, memners ol me umninia stand, yet warring upon all promptings for better, until the morass spewed them forth, until the tree fell and the caves closed. No conservative over blazed a trail, built a road, cleared or plowed a field, crossed a stream, fashioned a loom, carv ed a work of art, crossed the ocean or performed one use ful stroke to uplift humanity, until the progressive ones made plain the way repeatedly or the crossing became easy. The conservatives would yet be using rocks and clubs hammering frogs, snakes and lizards to death for food along the Nile if some restless progressive had not fash ioned a hoe or sickle. They even crucified the Savior of mankind. They have sought ever to crush those who cry "forward." The lives they have taken if gathered would bo is the sands of the sea. The agony they have caused in tho upward climb is beyond the realm of thought to over touch the borderland of. We gather an atom of it only from the days since written history began just a breath of all the torture, just a feeble cry here and there from the multitude, of the awful tide of woe that swept the earth, drenching it in blood again and again. We learn but little, though even that is too frightful to dwell upon. With all the enlightenment of the present age, these monsters of darkness yet drive the thorns into the brow of truth. From Japan has just come word of the death of a little band of progressives. In the Congo thousands of arm loss natives salute the memory of a cruel European ruler. Not long ago Forrar's body dangled in full view of the multitude. Thousands foster today, in foul prisons in Mexico. -"Whole villages men, -women and children volleyed to death by Diaz's lurid assassins. Tho dead lay in heaps in Itussia and Turkey, those later years, whilst thousands moan in chains. In America we have recentlv had our Idaho bullpous, our Colorado horrors, our shambles in Pennsylvania. Wo had a president calling seekers of light ''undesirables." Ono hundred thousand Americans are annually mangled and killed upon the mils, as many more in mines and mills, thrice that number of mothers and fathers are gaunt and haggard, slowly dying in the sweat hells. Hundreds of thousands of earth's brightest blossoms tins driven upon the streets, bruised and mangled beyond almost all sem blance of Clod's imago. Millions of babes, stunted, distort ed, twisted, destroyed yearly. Ton irtillions of our men, women and children underfed, existing in routed pons they call homo, unable to escape the death about them. No wonder the bands of tramps sway with the sun in its oscillations north and south. No wonder divorces are so common and marriage almost impossible among the toilers. No wonder millions seek to drown all care, to for got their troubles, in intoxicants. When men seek to find a way to escape, then uplifts tho serpent's head upon the very waters tho pioneers must cross to roach tho flowers and tho healing springs, hissing them back, shaking its rattles and exposing its poisoned fangs. Vet the onward march is begun. Those upon the sum mit behold the fertile valleys of peace and plenty and shout the gladness to the swaying millions. And they believe and press forward as they pressed forward over the bar riers of feudalism and slavery. Triumphant, over victo rious, the seekers for truth will pass beyond unto bettor things, where they will gather from the infinite a clearer vision of truth and refining power, and walk on broader highwavs into ever and ever more perfect knowledge, and ever and ever more perfect blossoms, fragrant with love and goodness. County Good Roads association, which has u laro number of fann ers enrolled in it; the other was two petitions containing hundreds of names, forwardod to Representative A. J. Derby of Hood River i'rom his county niid i'nvorinj,' the senate bills. Tho Pendleton committee is com IKiscd of T. C. Taylor, former presi dent of the state senate; E. J. Mur phy, mayor of Pendleton; W. L. Thompson, president of the Pendlo tou Commercial club and of the American National bank; H. J. Tay lor, president of tho Umatilla County Good Roads association nnd a fann er; Thomas Thompson, a farmer; S. It. Thompson, secretary of the County Good Roads association; R. Alexand er, merchant; C. E. Roosevelt, mer chant nnd president of the Eastern Oregon Fair association, and E. B. Aldrich, editor of the East Oregonau. The members talked to members of the Umntillu county delegation in the liouse yesterday nnd will appear bo i'oro the roads nnd highways com mitteo tonight. Chainnan Mann of the house committee on roudq has never definitely committed himself on the vote, but it is probable he will cast his vote in the committee nnd the liouse for the senate measures. PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 9. Voting is in progress today throughout Arizona on the new state constitution. There is hardly a doubt, that the people will approve the document and its friends say it will have at least l0 per cent of (ho vote. Those opH)sed to tho constitution, while admitting that it will be adopted, predict that President Tuft will veto it on account of ts socnlled radical provisions, particularly that providing for the "recall" against which the president has expressed hinihelf. WILL REACH ALEUTIAN ISLANDS BY WIRELESS WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. I). The Aleutian Islands, along the Alas kan Const, will bo included in the coast wireless system which the nnvy department is establishing. A. !'. A. Jl., ATTK.VTION. Work In third dojjroo Kridaj eve ning. WM. MUIiLKK, Sec V THREATENS EDDY WILL COM OKI). N II . K.b. !l .Wilier content it. threatened today oer the dipoHl of the $J.0t)0.OllO residue U the uMtiitp of Mr. Marv Paker G. Eddy founder of the ChrUiian Science Church. George W. linker, a nephew of Ml. I'ddv, linn iutructtd his at- KAISER THOUGHT TO BE SERIOUSLY ILL MERLIN, Feb. !). Cancellation oi the elaborate military ceremony ar ranged for today at Potsdam in con nection with the iiibiallation of Prince Joaeim as hii officer of (ho first foot irutiriU, announced today because of the ill bvulth of the KnUer, has cau tornevs to bring Miit fr a haic if ed the Mixpicioit that the emperor i the ctlulc. I erioul ill. He had cancelled all hi eiumgcimniU tor the present. An- SOl'TIIKU.V PACIFIC COM PA XV Office of Agent, Medford, Or . Keb. Sth, 1911. Advertising Department Wo tako pleasure In announcing that our enatorn connections will sell second class colonist tickets daily at reduced fares March 10th to April 10th, inclusive, Itlll. Wo have iccelved tho following rates and will bo pleuuud to .irrom modale you In glIng you all the In formation that Is required. Yon mi deposit the money hero In Medford and we will be Kind to notllv and hau our agent in tho east furnish your friends or lelatlves with tiikets and sleeping accommodations. Pares from : ChleaKO ?.U? 00 Minneapolis 31 75 MUsourl river points '.00 New York. N. Y T.O.OO Yours truly, A S ROSENIUPM, Agent. Where to Go Tonight wrwfwrwwrw9 LI - G 0 HIGH CLASS STOCK CO. TONIGHT "HIjUXDEKIN'G HILLY" Three-Act Fnrco Comedy. Hy Mnrjirle MnndcvHlc Stock Co. i Reserve your seats by phone 2791 z GET THE HABIT T Of calling ua If you have any electric work of any kind. We can fix you up In tho best possible stylo. It is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing Electric Construction Co. 220 WEST MAIN STREET i: j! PHONE MAIN 6501 ..-.. ....jjj.jjtt, tuttfttttttit rr twf--w I cj Medford'e Exclusive Picture The ater. Latest Licouscd Photo- plays. One Dime No More Ono Dime.? ssvsv4s4sssrs r NATATORIUM Basketball, Ashland High School vs. Medford High School, Friday evenmg, j February 10, 7:45. Admis-i; siou 25c. Skating after i the game. Tonight ladies : skate free. " : ': SSSSSNN- L. N. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT Talent, Jackson County, Oregon. Midway between Medford and Ashland, in the fruit belt of Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild climate, and pure water. Alfalfa, fruit and timber lands from 15 nnvna fo 800 acres. Also lots on the instalment plan, in newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon. Write (enclosing stamps; or come ana see mu Talent, Oregon. at ' rr "NAT" THEATRE Changes its program every;; Sunday, Wcdnosday and Friday. A special matineo overy Sun day afternoon. Wo chow nothing but tho very J lntcst and best films. ADMISSION 10c. f!sr'srs srr THE ISIS THEATRE "ANCIIOU SISTEHS" Sketch Artists. it O A 1) The Champion IiOiig Distance lc. dcHtrlan of the World, "III GIVE AN ILLUSTRATED LEC- TUKE. Admission, . . 10 and 20c MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 2:30. Three Reels of Pictures and a Good Song. 4sss. 4 f4rWwy--ww mm ALFALFA LAND SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Choicest dnlry and alfalfa proposition In the state, located on the main lino of the Southern Pacific railroad, between Sacramento and San Francisco. IDEAL CLIMATE ABUNDANCE OF WATER FOR Write Us for DIXON ALFALFA LAND CO, IRRIGATION Information , DIXON, CAL. WHEN DOWN TOWN DROU IN AT THE "Nat' Confectionery ICE CREAM, SOFT DRNIKS, CONFECTIONEHV, LUNCH A lipht, pleasant room, open from S a. in. to midnight. SURPASSES ANY SAVINGS BANK HM& ESTATE ' llyf I Sj N .J 1 t. 5 W k' f tmm E1' NHS ! PROPERTY InLVZV Tho test Eagle Point truck land Is the best on earth4 "Wo offer 5 1-2 acres, with 12 Inches water, good flumes, and with one aero blackberries and 1 1-2 acres boar Jng orchard, all for $500 per acre. This Is close In Eagle Point prop erty and Is tho making of a cholco home tract. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. rrNTssss 4 4r444--4 L. 51. GRAMKS, Proprietor tww Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies EAGLE rilARMACY, WEST SIDE PHARMACY 100 Enst Main St. Phenes: Uome 63; Pac. 232 Draperies Wo carry a vory coniploto lino of draportes, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look nftor this work exclu sively and will give as good sorvlco as is possible to got In even tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co 206 West Main Street ; Phenes: Home 43; Pno. 4041 X Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Pli. C, General Mgr. rho Roxall Stores Medford, Ore. .rs00o9f lTnikina for health srrsrsrHsssssj Honeymoon on Horsrhnuk. OKLAHOMA CITY. OltU.. Krti. .' Winona L. Alton nnd Gay I!. Rharn h eowhoy, mwiTioil an hnrapbiu'lc lo- tlit Himoiuiiwl (heir honeymoon ullt he a mlilU' loin ot ill.- nil. noiincotiiont wax hUo nuule that the uuik.-riul yaeht lloheuaolleieii is tittiu ut for h Mtfdilorrnneau cruihC enrlv in March hal it ie holioved the Khuoi svilj fn to a liihlor elinwite. IltmKluu tor health. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. J rriwt Typewriter Ribbons Every Color reGord or Copying for EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE. Medford Book Store H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice English Hollies. 'All lands of shndo trees, shrubbery, roses (only tho most perfect plants), and full lino of pear, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. Office; 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 -Res. Phone 2493 --t-4-f-t-rrtrtrt-4 ' . i r. a "