Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 09, 1911, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Hank clearings today were
$:U ,1)0 1.00.
Occasional showers.
No. 276.
Atiimc Bill Fixing Responsibility of
Telephone and Telegraph Com
pany's Passes Housa By Narrow
Shave .
Governor Vetoes Bill on Ground That
It Would Simply Encumber
Statute Books.
SALltti, Ore, Fob. J). The Amme
hill fixing the responsibility of tele
phono find telegraph companies passed
in the house today by a close shave.
The measure makes void the printed
contract on the hack of each telegram
blank and compels telegraph com
panies to repeat messages without
Quaking an extra charge. Representa
tives of telegraph and telephone com
panies tried to have the hill defeat
ed, nud Thompson camo to their aid
in tho house, but the hill got through
by a narrow margin .
The Oregon delegation in congress
was called on today to oppose tho
Canadian reciprocity agreement now
before the national body. A house
joint memorial revolution introduced
by Fouls of Mullnnmuh County urg
ing the Oregon senators and congress
men to fight the agreement, was pas
sed in the house without much op
position. Several bills passed in the house
this afternoon make numerous, chang
es in tho stato game laws. House
bill 08, by Fonts, provides a penalty
for anyone having over Ho ducks in
his possession at one time, and the
Church Bill amends the game law to
allow sportsmen the privilege of kill
iii" five deer regardless of sex. A
license of .f.'iO is provided for non
resident hunters in Wallowa County
to prevent tho Indians from hunting
door in that county during the open
season. House bill '240, introduced
by tho Clatsop County delegation, pro
hibits the future- propagation or pro
tection of Dolly Varden trout.
An amended bill prepared by W. L.
I1! n ley, the Oregon naturalist, which
creates icfiigo for birds and game,
passed without opposition. The bill
provides t luit all lands owned by th
state Khali be bird and game prcsorves
and the &)te game warden is empow
ered to nmj;(f contracts with owners
of privjfln land, for the creation of
additional prei-cncs.
SonalpY NTijlUiglinin bill to pre
vent the ifd location of linseed oil
was vctrtxl today hv the governor.
This is (lie second time the governo
Iiiim exercised the veto power, the
other measure turned down bv him
being also a Nottingham bill. In hi
veto message the governor calls the
hill useless and ineffective and says
it would serve no other purpose than
io encumber the stnfulo books.
Tho entire morning session of tip
donate was taken up today bv tho de
bate of Malarkey's public utility bill.
Senator Joseph of Portland spoke
aim in si the measure and occupied the
senate floor for an hour in discussing
it section by section. He made the
statement that the passage of the bi'l
would build up n slate wide political
machine, and would encroach on the
initiative rights of the people.
Senator Kellaher accused the auth
or of being under the influence ot'
certain cororaiion men. u iiecur-
od that President Joseph .losclyn ot '
The Portland, Railway, Light and
Power company, wa backing the Lai 11. 1
SAN FRANCISCO, (V... Feb. 0.
In nil "official" nu'M.iiL'e "deadhead-
od" over the eminent telegraph!
wires President Porn trio Iiumt Mex
ico has declined to turn over Lower
California to Richard Ferris, of U
Angeles. "I cannot accept your prop
osition,; must refuaa energetically, '
i'j;.-..j u n:.i .wfuiil tol
, y T. i . :.. ..f thjbr tha war department to watch tha
cede to hun IJ WU In tb Mexican revolt.
afoMM republic. I'.rri. today wt J dQ u Texflg
President !).,.. a second message aA-.
ing him ti reconsider. 1 . . .
As Moody n llnttlc as Was Kvcr Wag
ed in City of Juarez Is Indulged
in on Outskirts of Town.
Thoir minds fired by thrilling talcs
of the doings of thoir patriot broth
ers across the border. Jose Cardina
and Antonio Cistotn, Mexican laborers
employed at the oil tanks at tho north
end of town, yesterday accomplished
the Mexican equivalent of "liokoring
up" and as tho result were both land
ed in tho city jail by Constable Singlor
and former city policeman doe Mcin
sic. The session began when Cardena,
his vocal organs almost puralizcd
from tho effects of a peroration de
livered in condemnation of Diaz the
Oppressor, discovered the whero-with-which
to purchase plenty canobebri
and immediately proceeded to do that
(Continued on Prise 4.)
Humes Rogue River Fish Bill Mullify
ing Peoples Measure is Passed By
the House Thirty-two in Favor
SADKM, Or., Feb. I). J'lie house
today defied the iieoplc'.s will by pass
ing Hume's Koguu Kivci- fisli bill,
nullifying the measure passed in No
vember by the people by a majority
of over 1(1,000 votes.
The bill was passed by tho follow
ing vete: Ayes 2, noes Hi.
Itepiesenlutlvcs We.Merlund mid llu
chauuii spoke in opposition to the
passage -of the measure.
Assistant Secretary of State Bill
Passes After Fight This Gives
Corey Power to Vote at all Board
STATU HOUSE, Salem, Or., Fob. 9.
With tho tension at breaking
point, tho deop sllonco being jarred
niogaphonlcally by tho voice of tho
reading clerk and tho responses of
members, tho house yostorday, by a
vote of 32 to 25, passed Senator How
ormau's bill making tho chief clerk
In tho offlco of the secretary of stato
tho deputy of that official and allow
ing him. In tho absence of the sec
retary, to sit as a member of the
state boards. Politics cut a largo fig
ure In tho debate, and tho delibera
tions of tho house woro at times
stormy and at oUiors dramatic.
Thompson accused (Sovornor West of
sondlng his private secretary Into the
chamber to "throw tho foar of CSod
Into mombors." Nouner rohuked
Fonts vohomontly for saying that
Secretary of Stato Honson probably
would not iecovor from his Illness,
declaring his remarks not only to bo
unkind 'but entirely out of pjoco. Mc
Klnuoy hrandod Fonts as a politician
who registers as a republican and
votes as a democrat, and made a
forceful appeal to republicans to show
their colors. Hrownhlll absolutely do
fled Speaker Husk when orderod to
take his seat, making It nocessary for
the seigeant at arms to be ordered to
seat him.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex, Feb. 0,
P narrow escape from death
at Fort Sam Houston, where ho made
a hazardous descent after the englno
of bis aeroplane clogged while 1C00
feat high, Lieutenant Foulis of tho
United States signal corps Intonds to
continue bis flights along the Mexl-
can border
FouIIm has been ordered
Examiner Prouty of Interstate Com
merce Commission Will Reach Med
ford Tomorrow Morning and Will
Hear Case at Once.
Medford Traffic Bureau Will Put in
Much Testimony Railroad Of
ficials Also to Come.
Examiner Prouty of the interstate
commerce commission will arrive la
.Medford Friday morning for tho pur
poso of taking testimony in Uio Med
ford traffic bureau's commodity rate
case. Tho hearing is scheduled to
begin at 11 o'clock at tho Commorcial
club rooms.
Tho Medford traffic bureau Is seek
ing lower rates on 23 commodities
and some time ago lodged tho com
plaint. A laro number of local men
will appear as witnesses.
It Is expected that tho Southern
Pacific will have a largo number of
thoir representatives present for the
purpose of testifying.
Terrible Cold Spell Adds to Horrors
of Famine Situation Babes, Once
Fdod, Now Drug on Market Mil
lion Starving and Deceased.
NANKING, Feb. !). That 1,000,000
people are starving and another 2,
000,000 are dying of disease in the
plague-ridden sections of China is
tho estimate hero today of the Rev.
10. C. Lohenstinc, who has just re
turned from the .stricken districts.
Only one-third of tho population
of An Ilui province, Rev. Lobeustine
says, will ho able to sustain life un
assisted and other workers in tho
famiuo districts report conditions in
creasingly terrible as the days pass.
So giave is the famine that even chil
dren who have been sold by their
parents for food aro now a drug on
tho market and not enough food re
mains to feed those who formerly pur
chased the little ones.
To add to the horrors of the situa
tion, a cold wave has set in over the
famine district and hundreds of thon
at the last stages of exhaustion iroin
i mimic and freezing to death.
i i
Elensbury Councilman Plan Ordin
ances Taxing all UnMarried Men
and Women $25 a Year Only Un
proposcd May Escape.
KLLIONSHURG. Wash., Feb. (.--
There is coneernutiou among the
bachelors and the women who wear
no wedding rings in FJIonssburg today.
Tho reason is that tho FJIensburg
couneilmon may adopt an ordinance
taxing unmarried men and women $'23
a year onoh. The proposed ordinance
was introduced in the couueil meet
ing Inst night.
The mouMiro provides that men who
shall swear that thoy have- proposed
to thrco unmarried and uuhetrothed
women and givo their nnmos shall he
exempt from the tax, and women who
have nover received a proposal shall
also ho exempt whila thoo that have
rofusod a proposal shall bo taxed an
additional $10.
Sheehan Still Has 75
AL11ANY, N. Y., Feb. 0. The sena-
torUl situation was unchanged today i
when the bullot was taken. Sheehan
had 75 ote,. ,
Saloons Prepare to Open Doors Early
Next Monday Morning Will Carry
Question to Highest Court is Rumor
Move Made on "Q. T."
Will Operate Under City Ordinance
Fixing License at $800 a Year
Claim They Have Right
, Regardless of the recent ruling of
tho circuit court which uphold the
decision of District Attorney 1J. F.
Mulkey that tho election at which
the town was voted "wet" was ille
gal, Grants Pass will bo wet on Mon
day, If tho present plans of the wot
element of that city aro allowed to
According to a local man who re
turned hero from that city this morn
ing, thoro Is u movement on foot
among tho adherents of tho wot cause
In Grants Pass to make a test of the
recent ruling of tho court, to carry
tho question of whether or not tho
local option law of tho stato Invali
dates the recently enacted home rule
Under the local option law GrantB
Pass Is dry, and must remain In that
condition for two years from last
November boforo another election can
bo held. This contontlon Is based on
tho ruling of tho stato .attorney gen
eral. Tho "wets,"' hawevor, claim that
the homo rule ameadmont carried at
thoTnst election nullifies tho provi
sions of the local option law In so far
as thoy affect what, under tho homo
rulo amendment, constitutes a unit.
Tho people of the city of Grants
Pass aro almost solid in their do
mands for a wet town, but are kept In
a dry state by tho county voto.
No Intimation has been received
by tho authorities this morning of
tho proposed move by tho wot forces,
and until such tlmo as tho saloon
doors aro actually thrown opon on
Monday no action can bo taken.
Tho city council recently enacted
ordinances for the controlling of sa
loons and fixed the liquor llconso at
$800 a year. Any action taken Mon
day will bo at tho hands of tho county
authorities, as the city Is virtually un
der a "wet" administration.
Telephone and Telegraph Communica
tion Will Soon Become so Cheap
That Mail Will Be Discarded for
Faster Method.
NF.W YORK', Feb. . That tele
phono and telegraph communication
in the United State will so bo mi
cheap that letters and mkIuI etud will
become things of the past is the opin
ion oxprossud bore today by Presi
dent Theodora N. Vail of tho now
telograph and tolophonc merger, which
tho government may proscuto as a
combination in rostraint of grade.
Mr. Vnil declared that contract-,
md boon signed by which tho telo-
phono wires would be used inter
changeably in futu'n', and that the
consequently groatcr return for the
enpital invested by both tho Ameii-
cau Tolophono and Telegraph com
pany and tho Woatern Union would
decreaso tho complirutive expunge
'that sweeping reductions in tolls for
both telephone nnd telegraph uwo wu
a certainty of the near future.
"At $72 per mile for a telephone
wire," said I'roaideui Vail, "whenever
a man in New Yoik calls up Cliicao
he has use of our pmrty, counting
poles and equipment, to the value
of $125,000. At 0 per cent this must
return $fi0 per day. And the charges
must ha high onou-h to cover ttii -.
ITnder pur mw oonlr.icU those tele-
nbone wires alio will he used for
telegraph and with the fixed charge
the same the rodiict.oii in tolls would
be great."
Arkansas Congressman Opposes
Caleb Powers Being Given Seat.
A new opponent to Caleb Powers being given a scat In the national houso
of,rcprescntiitlves has urlsctMii Congressman Robert II. Macon of Arkansas.
Powers was secretary of slate in Kentucky eleven years ago when Governor
Goebcl wan slain, the shot being llretl from Powers' olllce In the statehouse at
Frankfort. Powers was tried four times for the murder and convicted three
times and was pardoned In 11)08. Since then he has campaigned for vln
i dlcatlou through an elect Ion to congress. Tills he won bust full. Congressman
Macon declares that If the Kentucky delegation does not take action against
Powers he will present a resolution to have the matter taken up. "If the Re
publicans could not sit with Roberts of 1'tnli because lie was accused of being
a polygaiuKt," says Mr Macon, "the Democrats certainly cannot sit with a
member onleled on the charge of murder and who is enjoying his liberty
only by fin or of a purll-win e utlve."
Street Car Plunges Through Opon;
Draw Into the Sfichayan River
Three Bodies Have Been Recover
ed. SIIKIIOYGAN. Wis.. Fb. 9.- Five
woman passengers were drowned
when a street car plunged through
an open drawbridge Into tho Sheboy
gan river hero today. Threo bodies
have been recovered. The conductor
and motornuin jiimpud Just before
tho accident.
One of the dead women is Anna
Mathls, a music teacher.
NKW YORK, Feb. !. -Promising
to pin ZylivuAco to- the mat twice
within an hour and u half, Gsnrgo
Hackeuschmldt. the Russian Hon, will
meet the giant I'olo heie tonight. The
promoters or the affair declare th'at
if ilucketiscliiuldt makes good ho will
havo a chain e to meet Champion
ADMANY. N. Y., Feb ! 1'uless
William F. Sheehan witlidiuws from
the race, It Is believed heie today
that the New York legislauue will
adjourn without election of a Full
ed Slates senator to succeed Uepew.
Indications are that Murphy and
Taimuauy Hall will Insivt on Hhse
hait's elecllou. They failed to fomi
the Insurgent democrats at yester
day's conference to support btm, how
ever. The Quly thing depended on Ui
force action Is tho fear that the ituxt
legislature may be leiiuhlliui..
Criticism by Mark Withdrawn at Last
Moment at Estate's Request In in
T. R, is Called' a "Showy Charla
tan." NI5W YORK, Feb. O.---TI10 sale of
many of tho manuscripts of tho late
Mark Twain at a Fifth avenue auc
tion yesterday did not Include, as had
been advertised, an artlclu ho had
written criticising tho career of
It was withdrawn at thu lust mo
ment by request of thu pstatu.
The 1 32 R page autoblograph manu
script of "A Double llarreled Detec
tive Story" was sold to a dealer for
$710. Tweuty-seveii pages of tho
"Adams Dlury" went for $180.
Thu total loalUed was $2750.
Tho withdrawn article 011 Hoosovult
refers to him as a "showy charla
tan," adored as perhaps "no impost
er of his creed had been adorod since
the golden i.ilf "
IS Ulldel'Htiioil tddll)
Tuft will soon inline
c . Fib 0 It
that President
a new man for
Cuited titutca marshal or Oregon, fol
lowing the action of the seuate, which
reconsidered Us recent adverse ac
tion ou the uouilnatlou of lClmer II.
Colwell as marshal.
At the request of tha president, the
senate reatured tbe nomination to tho
aeuate list, from which It was with
drawn by the president.
Thin enable colwell to retire its
if (heie bud been iiu objection,
Both Sides Today aro Restlny mi
Their Arms Making no Attempt to
Renew Fighting Cameras Aro
Bared hy Federal Authorities.
Seems to Be a Method in His Delay
Scores Said to Be Crossing
Boundary Daily.
V.h PASO. Texas. Feb. ;6rGolfti
lial'ael Martinez. Dm Wit-midiHon P
Juarez, today denied tlinta?rcpoHcd ,
engagement between NnvniToniul
Blanco had occurred near Samalay
ttca. lie said that so far as thu fed
erals in duarcz knew, Navarro had
not been lioard of since ho and his
forco left Chihunhun.
Gaining confidence from tho federal
inactivity, Orozco today moved h'm
outposts up to within easy range, of
tho ninin plaza of Juarez, whore ho
can easily pick off tho guards out
sido tho Church of Our Lady of Guad-
nloupo, in case tho fighting is renewed.
lloth sides today are resting on their
anas and no attempt is being mndo to
maintain oven a. scmblanco of war
fare Fearing insurgent spies, the Juarez
authorities today barred all cameras
from tho fortifications ,nnd u num
ber of picture mnchines ntjd films
woro seized.
Three wounded insurrcctos who
were shot in Sunday's engagement
nonr Imuelie Crossed the Itio Grande
at Yslutu tlii.s irtorning and u rived hero
today. They had been without food
or medicnl attention for four days
and wore practically walking skele
tons when thoy dragged themselves in
to Fl Paso.
That there may ho method in
Orozco's delays is becoming evident
to observers of his tactics. With
every hour recruits, supplies cross tho
boundary lino for his cninp, and all
tho efforts of tho Amoriean troops
on gunrd fail to stop their, passagq.
Nineteen recruits for tho insurrcctos,
including one American nud n Me.i
can engineer, who will commnnd tho
rebel engineer corps, crossed the rivor
opposito the HI Paso smelter la-t
night and all along the border iusur
rccto sympathizers aro said to be 're
luming to join in tho fight ngaiust
General Orozco Has as Yet Made No
Move Anxiety Still Holds Mexican
Town New Fortifications Being
Thrown Up.
FD PASO, Tex., Fob. 0. Tho sit
uation ut Juarez was unchanged to
day. Cionoral Orozco of tho revolu
tionary foices was still encamped In
tho hills west of tho city and Just
across thu Itlo Grando from tho 121
Paso sinoltor. Hu was apparently
waiting for uows from tho south,
whoro, It Is said, robol bunds undor
(ioncruls lilunco, Sanchez and Sa
slllas were In ambush waiting to at
tack the forco of 11000 Moxlcan reg
ulars which Cleneral Navarro was re
ported leading to the relief of Juaroz.
While Orozco nnd his troops woro
Inactive, tho most fovorlsh activity
existed In Juaroz. Tho federals thero
have worked night and day on now
fortifications, as If thoy oxpoctod an
at tat k. The streets and tho public
buildings of tho town aro now said
to huve all been mlnod and tho in
tention of the foderals, It waB said, Is
to fight to the last nud thon flea
noross tho river Into Toxas, blowing
the city to atoms as thoir last men
passed ovor tho Hlo Grando.
No news has boon recolved hero of
Navarro slnco Ida forco loft Ghlhun
hua City. Tolograph linos to tho
south havo boeu down and If tho
fodoials In Juaroz havo rocolvod any
nows, It must havo coino by courlor.