jmmmz&tmzxbM" PAGE SIX iMKDKOKI) MAIL TRIBUNK, AircLWQttl), QKlttlOX, TlTttS1)AV, I'MCHKrAKY 7, 1911. S t .1 . s . . I- v-:-hn . v I " T ifcV :itfBtt fvi,1--' ir. .i -.., hu iv. :' s ir CITY NOTICES. orduvaxck no. iin. An ordinance declaring tho nsscsB inont on tlio jiroporty bcnofltod for tho coat of laying a G-lnch water main on South Ivy Htrcet -from Ninth stroot to south city limits, rtnd direct ing tho recorder to ontor a statement thereof in the wntcr main Hon dock et. Tho city of Medford doth brdaln as follows; Section l. Whereas, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution do 6lnr6 lis Intention to lay a C-lnch wfttor main 911 South Ivy atroot from Ninth strce to south cltv limits, and to assess tho cost thereof On tho property fronting on mild por tion or saw street In proportion to Uio fronlngo of snld properly, nnd fix a tlmo and placo for hearing pro loft ng&lnu. tho laying or said water main on said part of said street and tho assessment of tho cost thoio of as aforesaid. Aid whereas, snld resolution was duly published and posted as requir ed by section 110 of tho charter of mid city; And whereas, a meeting of the council was hold at tho time and plnco fixed by tho said resolution,! tor tlio purpose of cons tier nir nnv fiiich jirotcsts, but no protests were at sulci nine, or nt any other time made to or received by tho council to th said laying of said water main or tho assessment of the cost thoieol as aforesaid, and said council hav ing considered the matter, mid deem ing that safd water main was and H. Of material liomifll In unlit rllv mill jLImt all property to ho assessed there for would bo benefited thereby to tho extent of the probable amount of tho rospectlve assessments to bn lev ied against snld properly, dhl ordel wild main laid. And whereas, the cost of said wa ter main hns been and hereby Is de toi'inlnod to he the itiiiu of $ 2 H .'i I) . ! r. ; NOW. therefore. It in herebv fur ther' (10101111111011 that tho proportion ate share or the cost of laying said water main of each parcel of prop orty fronting on said portion or said street Is tho amount set oppostto the doscrlptlon of each parcel of land holow, and that each piece or parce1 of lniid bonofltcd by tho laying of said water main to tho full extent ol tho amount, no set opposite Iho des cription of tno same, and that tut' rospectlve amouutii represent tho pro portional benefits of said wator mala to said respective parcoln of land, and also tho proportional frontage there of on mild street, and tho council (loon horoby declare each of tho par cols, of property described bolow tr ho assosscd and each qf tno name horoby Is assessed tho amount net opposite each description for tho cost of laying said water main, AS3USSM13NT FOR A SIX-INCF WATWR MAIN ON SOUTH IVY HTRK13T FROM NINTH ST R HUT TO SOUTH CITY LIMITS. ' Assessment No. 1 Patrick Dalloy. Lot C, block 7r, original townsllo of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage no root on. the west side of South Iv CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. r0 feet; rate per foot SI. OB; amount t and described In -Vol. 51. page 318, county recorder's records of Jackson, $52. i0. : t county, Oregon; 50 feet; into por Assossmcnt No. .1 1 C. W. Palm root ?i.0u; nmoiint 802.50. ... I Lot 11, block 71. origlnnl townsltc assessment, .o, j.j. u. w. 0f tho city of Medford, Oregon; front Palm. Lot C, block 73, age 50 feet on tho oast sldo of South origlnnl townsllo of the city of Mod-Iv' street, nnd described In Vol. 73, ford. Oroiren: front nee no feel on Mm Paga 375, county recorder's records west side of South Ivy street, andi of .Inclmon county. Oregon; 50 feet; described In Vol. G9. pago GOV r"to "or foot $1.05; amount S52, 50. county recorder's recoids of .Inckson i Assessment No. 30 C. W. Palm. county, progoti; 50 feet; rato per Lot 12, block 71, orlglnrl townslto foot $1.05; amount $52.50. of tho city of Jfedford, Orogon; front- Asses'iment No. H C. V. Palm, agn 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Lot 5, block 73, original townslto I Ivy street, and described in Vol. 73, or tno city or Medford, Oregon; front-ipnge 375, county recorders records age 50 feet on tho west side of South I of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foet: Ivy street, nnd doscrlbod In- Vol. 00,, rale por foot $1.05; amount $52.50. pago 001, county recorder's records Assessment No. 30 The Society of .Inckson county, Oregen: 50 foot; of tho Sisters of tho Holy Names of CITY NOTICES. rate per foot $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 15 A. J. Wllks. Lot 4, block 73, original townsllo of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front- Jesus and Mary. Lot 7, block 72. original townslto or tlio city or Med ford. Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the onst sldo of South Ivy stroot, and age 50 reel on tho west sldo of Seuth: described In Vol. . ., pago . .. county Ivy slruut, and described In Vol. 73, recoider's recoids of Jackson county, pago 308, county recorder's records Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.05; or .Micicsoii county, Oregon; 50 reel; amount $52.50 rate por root $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 10 "-Wesley W. Truax. Lot 3. block 73. original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on tlio west aide of South Ivy street, and describ ed In Vol. 03, page 30, county re corder's records of Jnoknon county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate por foot $1.05, amount $52.50. iAPbwsnicni so. iy Adrian (J. Holony. Lot 2, block 73, original townslto of tho city of Modtord, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on the west side of South Ivy stieot, and des cribed In Vol. 7S, pago 585, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rule per foot $1.05; amount $52 50. Assessment No. 18 W. If. Har den ot al, Lot 1, block 73. original townslto or tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on the West sldo or South Ivy street, and des cribed In Vol. 80, page 102, county recorders records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rate por foot $1.05; amount $52,50, Assessment No. lit. Ilernlco Cam eron. Nortli- 60 foot of tho parcel of land marked DM on tho map of tho Assessment No. 37 Tho Society of the Sisters of tho Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Lot 8, block 72. original townslto of the city of Med rord, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the onst sldo of South Ivy street, and described In Vol. ... pago .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 38 The Soclotv of the Sisters of tho Holy Names of Jesun and Mary. Lot 9, block 72.. original townslto of the city of Mod ford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the east side or South Ivy street, and described In Vol. ... jingo .., county recorder's records or Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feel; rate per foot $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 30- Tho Soclotv of tin Sisters or the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Lot 111. block 72. original townslto or tho city or Mod ioli!, Oreiion; fionlago 50 root on the east shift or South Ivy street, and described In Vol. .., page ... county recorder's rooordu or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reel; rate por Toot $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 40 Tho Society bo given to tho owners, or reputed owners, of said -property, and that tho samo be onforced and collected In tho manner provided by Iho chnr tor of said city, for tho collection of assessments for tho Improvement of airocis merein. Section 3. It is further ordered that tho notice above provided for no puoiisiiod threo times In tho Dnlly .Main Tribune, a newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in said city, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 250 of safd city. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by tho City Council of tho city or Medrord, Oregon, on the 3d day or January, 1911, by tho follow ing vote: Welch absont, Merrick aye, Emer Ick ayo, Wortmnn aye, Elfert aye, nnd Deminer ayo. Approved January 4th, 1911. W. If. CANON, Mayor. W. TELFER, City Recorder. city Notices. city notices. or Medford, Ore. Frontage 84 feet; Mall-Tribune, a newspaper published on the east dido of Cottage street, and of general circulation In said and described In Vol. 53, page 10, city, In (he manner provided by ordl county recorder's records of Jackson! nance No. 250 of said city, county, Oregon. 84 feet; rate pur! Tho foregoing ordlnanco was toot, '88c; amount, $73.02. ! passed by the City Council of tho Attest: RODT. Assessment No. 9 Efflo nuroh. North 30 feet or lot 12, block 1, Cottage Home addition to the City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo. 30 feet on the east side of Cottage street, nnd described in Vol. G3, page 10. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon. 30 feet; rate por foot, 88c; amount, $50.40. Assessment No. 10 13. J. Fouls. A parcel of land fronting 100 feet om the east side of Cottage street, ana (lescriued in vol. 70, pago 170, county recorder's records of Jackson NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each liarcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named theroln, nnd In tho lien declared by said ordinance, as recorded In the docket or city Hens: Vou aro hereby notiried that the assessment declared by tho foregoing ordlnanco has boon made and the Hon therefor entered in tho city lion docket, and that tho samo Is due and you aro liorehy required to pay tho samo to tho City Recorder with in ten days from tho service of this notice, which sorVlco is made by pub lication or tlio roregolng ordinance and this notico threo times In the Medford Mall 'Tribune jiurntinnt to an order of the City Council ofc said rity. ROUT. V. TELFER, City Recorder. City of Medford, Oregon, on the 17th day of January, 1911, by the follow ing vote: Merrick, nye; Watt, aye; Wort- man, aye; Emerlck, absent; Elfert, aye; and Miller, aye. Approved January 18, 1911. W. H. CANON, Mayor.' Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE. IlTo the nwnflP nr rnmifrwl nu'nnr county, Oregon. 100 feet; rate perl of each narrel or nronertv rtescrlhoil foot, 88c, amoimt, $88. ! In tho roregolng ordinance, as named Assessment No. 11 Cora Lyon.! therein, and In tho lien dcclnred by A parcel of land on the southwest i said ordinance, as recorded In the Intersection of East Main street and docket of city liens: Cottage street, fronting 137 feet bn You are hereby notified that the iiu weal nine ui (..ounce sireei. nno i nHgnn.ommif .inoim-u.i t, n, rrnnin described In Vol. ,S, pages 259, 470 I ordinance has been made and the lion and 471, county recorder's records of docket. aiidThat the same is due and Jackson county, Oregon. 37 feetiiVoti am hnrehv rnnini tn ,nv M.n -,w -.. . (va u ltJ v city of Medfrtrd, Oregon; fionlago 50 of the Sisters of tho Holy Names of vy street, and described In Vol. 12, pngi' 508, county recorder's records of Jueluon county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate iior.foot $1.05; amount $52.50 Assesifpient No. 2--Patrick Dalloi4 Lot 5, block 75, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; tront ngo 60 feet on the west side of South Ivy Hlmot, and described In Vol. 12. jingo 508, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 relit: riilo par foot $1,05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 3 Ellznbotli Mo- onkhouse. Lot 1, block 75, original townslto or tho city of Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 50 foot on tho west side of South Ivy street, ami des cribed In Vol. 20, page 032, county rooordor'H records of Jackson county Orogen: 50 feet; rate jut foot $1.05; amount $52.50. Asiessmeiit No. t (leorgo 11 Hendrluks. Lot 3, block 75, original lowimlte of tho city of Medford, Ore- eon; frontago 50 feel on the west side of South Ivy street, ami dos urihnd In Vol. 03, jingo 20, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Orftgoti; 50 foot; rate per foot $1.05; amount $52. no. AsBOMBinent No. C M. F. Mulkej liot 8, block 75, original tuwimlto or tho city of Medford, Oregon; front IIC 50 ruot on tho west side of South Ivy trout, nud described In Vol. 81. uag X4, county recorder's records of Jfickson oounty, Oregon; 50 feet; into per foot $1.05; umount $52.50. Asamtut No. 0 Amelia Hunch Lot 1, block 75, original lowuslte of lb elly of Mtfdford, Oregon; froul age 00 fet on the wot hide of South Irjr street, nud described in Vol. 77. page 611, couuty recorder's records of .Itickioii county. Oregon; 50 roet: isle jier foot $1.05; amount $52.50 Auootftnflnt No. 7 -Snroh A. Hal ve)'. Lot 0, block 71. original town sit of the city of Medrord, Oivgeu: rrouta 60 feet on the west side or South Ivy street, nnd described In Vol. -60, JIUKO Gil. county recorder'n records or Jackson county, Oregen: 60 feet; rate per foot $ l.os; umount $63.60. AHsmameul No ft Orogon A Cal ifornia lnd Co. lot 5, block 71, original towuslte of the city of Med rord. Oregon; frontago 50 feel 011 the west side of South Ivy hi reel, and datfcrllichl iu Vol. 61, page 3 IS, coun ty recorder's lecordu of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet; rate pet fool $1.06: amount $ Assessment No. U -Oregon & Cal ifornia Und Co. Lot I. block 7 1. urlglnul lowmdto of the city of Med ford. Oregen: frotng 60 fet on t In west side of South Jvy street, and described In Vol. 6, intge 84 8 county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 fwt; into pr root $1.05; amount $52. 5u. Assessment No. 10- Oregon & Cal ifornia Laud Co. lot 3. block 7 1, original tovuislte of tun city ot Med ford. Oregon; frontage HO feet on the west side of South Ivy street, hiiU feet 011 the West side of South Ivy Lreet, and described In H til's 50 feel; rate jier root $1.05; amount sr,i no. 1 Assessment No, 20 llornlco Cam eron. South 50 foot of tho jmrcel1 or land marked DM on tho mi(p of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho wost sldo of South Ivy street, nnd described In R-!)l; 50 feet; into per foot $1.05; amount $52.50. ' ' Assessment No. 21 Ellzbhelh M. Smith. North 50 foot of tho parcel ot land marked 1)0 011 tho map or tho city or Medrord, Oregon; front age 50 foot nil tlto Woat Aide of South Ivy stroot, and described In R-101; 50 feet; rate jier foot $1,05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 22 Ellznbotli M. Smith. South 50 feet or tho jmrcol of laud marked DO on tho map of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west side of South Ivy street, nnd described In R-101; 50 feet; rale jier foot $1.05; amount i.52.50. Assessment No. 23 F. Lnrotlcho. Ninth 50 feet or the parcel of land marked DP Oij tho limp of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the west side of South Ivv street, cud described In R-523; 50 feel; into por root $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 24 F. Laroucbe. South 50 feet of tho parcel of land marked DP on the map of the city or Medrord, Oregon; frontago 60 feet lesuii and Mary. Lot 11, block 72. original townslto of tho city or Med rord, Oregon; rrontngo 60 reel 011 the east sldo of South Ivy street, and described In Vol. ... pago .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, uregon; no roet: into per root $1.06; amount $52,50. AsseBHinent No. 41 The Society or Iho Sisters of the Holy Names of .icstis and Mary. Lot 12. block 72 original townslto of tho city of Med ford, Oregon; rrontngo 50 root on the oast sldo of South Ivy street, and described In Vol. ... pago .., county recorder's records' of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.05; amount $52.50. Assessment No. 42 O. O. Shlrloy. A jiurcel of land commencing atglhe sontiieast Intersection or South Ivy and Twelfth streets nnd running thence south along tho east lino of Iry sheet 00 feet; thence In an east erly direction 100 feet; thenco In n northerly direction 00 feet to the south line or Twelfth street; thence In u westerly direction to the nhico of beginning; ft outage 00 feet on the oart side of South Ivv street, and described In IMOfl: (!0 feet; rate per foot $1.05; amount $03. Assessment No. 13-0, O. Shirley A imrcel of land commencing nt a point on tho oast line or South Ivy stroot 00 feet south of the southeast Intersecthfn of South Ivy and Twelfth street, running thenco In a southorly direction along tno east lino or South on tho west sldo or South Ivy sttoet, Lvy street CO feet; thonco In an cast aud doscrlbod In R-523; 60 feet: rate orly direction 100 feet; thence In n por root $1.05; amount $52.60. Assessment No. 25 Harrv C. flfoddard. Lot 7. and north 25 foot of lot S, block 70, original townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; front r.go 75 feel on tho onst side of South Ivy street, and described In R-331; 76 root; rate jier root $1.05; amount ?78.75. Assessment No. 20 A. It Rhodes. Lot 9 and south 25 feet of lot S, block 70, original towiiHlto of tho city of Modfoid, , Orogon; frontage 1 5 feet on tho eiiBt sldo of South Ivy street, ami described In Vol. 72, nnge 17, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 76 feet; late jier foot $1.05; umount $7S.76. Assessment No. 27 I). H. SollSs. Lot 10. block 70 northorlv direction 00 feet; thence In a westerly direction 100 root to tho jilaco of beginning; frontago 00 reel on tho east side of South Ivy street, and described In R-109: 00 feel; into por foot $1.05; amount $03. . ' Assessment No. 44 Philip U, Crowley. A parcel of laud commenc ing at a point on the east line of South Ivy street 120 feet south of the Intersection of tho south lino of Twelfth street nnd the east line of Ivv street, and ruuiiliiK iu n south orly direction along the east lino of South Ivy struot 50 foot; thenco In an easterly direction 100 feet; thence In a northerly direction 50 feet; thonco In n westerly direction 100 10. block 70, origlnnl townslto, feul to tho iilnco of heulnnhiK: front- nr the city of Medford, Oregon; front-, sge 50 feet on the past side of South age 60 feet on the east side of South! Ivy street, and described In R-95; Ivy street, and described In Vol. 76, 50 feet; rate por foot $1.05; amount page 350. county lecordor's records $52.50. of Jackson county. Oregon; 60 fedt; Assessment No. 15 -Agnos Dal rate jier foot $1 06; amount $62.60. Inlre. A parcel of land commencUig Assessment No. as Lillian S. , at a point on tho east lino of South Moore. Lot n. block 70, oilgliml Ivy street 170 foot south of the In townslto or the city of Modfoid, Ore- lorseetlon or tho south lino of Twelfth gou; froutage 60 root on the mist sheet with the east line of South side of South Ivy street, and dt- Ivy street, and running thenco iu an irlbed In Vol. IS, pnno 5U8. couuty iwutorly direction 100 feet; thonco In recorder's records of Jackson county, i northerly direction 60 feet: thence . -.-.. .... j 1 . ... uregon; no reet; ram per foot $1.06; In a westerly direction 100 toot to amount $53.60. AMiessiiient No 20 Mooie. Lot IS. block LIU Inn S. the place of beginning; frontage 60 feet on the osst sldo of South Ivy townsllo of the city of Medford. On gnu; frontage 50 feet on the east side of Hon Ui Ivy street, and do-n-lbed Iu Vol, IS, page 692. county recoider's lecords of Jsckwon couuty, Oregen: 50 feet; rate r toot M.06; amount $58.50 Assessment No SO- First Fiee Methodist Oh 11 1 rh Lot 7. block 71, oriKtnnl lowuslie of the city of Mod ford, Oregon, frontage 60 feot on 70. original Street, and described In R-507: 50 feet: rate jier foot $1.05; amount Assessment No. lit -l Larouche A parcel of laud commencing at n point on the east line of South Ivy street 220 (Vet south of the Inter section 'of the south lino of Twelfth street and the east line of South Ivy street, and running thenco In a southerly direction along tho east line of South Ivy stieot 60 feet tu east side of Houtb Ivy stropt, and thence In an easterly direction 100 feot; thenco In a northerly direction 50 feel; thence In 11 westerly direction 100 feet; Iron (ago 60 feat 011 the east side ot South Ivy street, and -Ifllisw J. Lew-! described Iu R-532; 50 feet: rate original tuwu- iut foot $1.05; amount $53 50. Assessment No. 17 A L. Marquis parrel or laud commencing at a described Iu Vol 58. page 190, nouut) ix-nrder'a recoids of Juckson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rate ier fool $1.06; amouiit $53 50. AsMCMitmeiit No. 3t b- Lot 8. blink 71, site of the cltv of Medford. Oreaou frontage 50 r-"i 1 a the east side of South Ivy slice mid denorlbed in polut on Ihe oast line of South Ivy Vol 73. Huge 38S. cmt'Hv recorder's ti-et and i-iinnlnir thenco In a miiilli. riefltrthed In Vol. 51. jmge 318, ctiuuU' records of Jackson i-hmhv Oregon; orly direction ulnng the east line of reroroer s ionium oi jiickkoii counif, an reei; rmu ier loot si or.; anioitut Month lv street 19 feet to the south Oregen: 60 feet; rale per Toot $1.06'; $S'.'.50, corpoiatlou boundary ot the cltv of amount $52.50. Assessment No 33 V 0. Lolir. Medford. ruuiiltis: thence iu an east. Assessment No. 11 Oregon Cal- Ijii n block 71 oiKMiimI iouiioKa nt orly directum along said houndarv the city of Modrm.l Oregen: front- '" 106 feot, more or less; thence age 60 feet un the eait side of South '" a uorthurly direction 75 feet, more ly strewt, and d-nrltd in Vol. SS. '' less; thence in a westerly direction page 359. rouutv recorder's records l0 f"t to the place of beginning: of Jackson com.. Oregon; 50 feel: frontage 10 fvot on the east side of rule per foot S OS; amount $53.50 8011th Ivy sttl, ami described' in Assessment No 3S--Mrs. M. j. K-5K3: 19 toet: rate per fool $1.05; Howell Lv 10. block 71. original aiuount $51.15. towualto ot the cpy of Medford. Ore- flection S. It Is liorUy or. iroruig !id co. :i.ot 2. block 7 oridlldl townslte of (he cltv of Met ford. Orogon; frontage 60 feet oh till watt sldo of South - streei nnd dosoTlbod Iu Vol. ni, puno 3 is. county roeurdor'g record of 'ip-ksoh couuty, Orogdul'SO feet. iat. tor foot $1 05; guuflint 862 M Assessment No. 18 On- n .v i's1- Ifomln Land Co. Lot 1 l.ln ' ,' gun: frontage 60 feat 011 the eait side UotihI and ordulmwl U11U said bv. ' Booth ivy sfroet, and described In era I asaeasuioula and tho Ileus ther. fuwiiajt( Gt the i m M 1 rnnl uri'Liiiii. Iioilliluo :o r. , , ii 1 1 ,..,. im .....m.. ....... ...I..-.. .. ,.. .,... ... ....... 1 :r .11 a 1 . Tn 1 . 11 f -.-.... ii-,iii)..r 9 iu uv vuivrvti 111 iue mill uoraet 01 tho wost sldo of bouili Jy streei, iviords of Jackson county. Oi.gou, suld city, and that thereupon notice OKIIIXAXC'K NO. 1 17. Ail ordlnanco assessing tlio prop erty adjucont to and benefited by tho 8-Inch lateral sewer constructed along Cottage street from East Main stroot to south 'end of said street, for tho cost or constructing the samo and providing the manner of carrying "aid assessments Into full effect. The City of Medford doth ordain 111 follews: Section 1. Whorons, the Council did heretofore provldo by ordinance for tlio serving or the owners of projierly adjacent to and benefited by the construction of the lateral sower hereinafter described to ap pear betoro said Council nnd show cause, if any, why said property should not bo assessed for tho con struction of said sower, and did fix a time for lienrlnu nnv such protests. which notice was given In accordance wiin said ordinance more tnan ton days before tho beginning of tho con struction of said newer, but no pro tests against said construction or issobsniont of tho cost thereof was made by anyone and said sower was, by finld Council, ordored constructed. And, whereas, the cost of tho con struction of said Hewer has been and heieby Is determined to be tho sum of $1770.60. Now, therefore," said city doth or dnlu and declare that each parcel of property described below Is adjacent to and benefited by that certain lat eral sewer Inches In size, constructed on Cottage street from East Main street to south end of said street, and that the proportion of the ?ost of said sower which each of said parcels of land should bear, based on the boneflts derived respectively by said several tracts of land In the amount sot opposite the description of each jiarcel bolow. that oach of eh Id jitircels ts actually benefited In the amount sot opposite Its descrip tion below by tho construction of said sewer, and that said several amounts represent tho iiroportlonnl benefits of said several jinrcela from said Eower. And oach of said parcels Ik horoby assessed in the amount set oiiposlto Its description below for the construction of said sower ASSESSMENT FOR A LATERAL SEWER ON COTTAGE STREET FROM EAST MAIN STREET TO THE SOl'TH END OF THE STREET. Assessment No.. 1 L. 11. Kent. Lot 3, block 1. Cottage Home addi tion to tho City of Medford, Ore. Frontage 3 10 feot on the eiibt sldo of Cottage street, and described In Vol. 55, jingo 300, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 240 feet; rate per foot, 88c; amount, $211.20. Assessment No. 2 L. H. Kent. Lot IS, block I, Jnckson't. addition to the City of Medford, Ore Front age 120 feot on tho oast side of Cot tage street, and described In Vol. 50, page 101. county recorder's records of Jackson couuty, Oregon 120 feet; rate per foot, SSc: umbhnt. $105.00. Assessment No. 3 Sarah C. Woody. Lot 0, block I. Cottage Home addition to tho Clt of Mod fprd, Ore. Frontngp 00 feet on the east side of Cottage street, and de 11 toed In Vol 03, pago 2.!, uuinty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 1.1. feet; rate per foot. SSc; amount, $,s.os. Assessment No. 4. F. A. P. il Lot 7. block 1. Cottage Home addition to the City of Medford, Ore. Ft outage I feet on the east sldo of Cottage street, and described lu Vol To mge li". count v recorder' tvnmN of liukaon county. Oregon. 7 4 foot; into per foot, SSc; amount. $73.02. AHsessinunt No. 5 F. A Peil Lot S. block I, Cotiugo Home tuldi Inn to ihe City of Medrord, Ore. F outage SI feel on the east side or Cottage stieet, and deHcribeil In Vol 7" pge ls7, lountv recorder's recent-, of Jackson county, Oregon. I feet; rate per foot, SSc; amount, $7:1 as. Assessment No. 0 Amos ipjs Lot h. block 1. Cottage Home addi tion to the City of Modfoid Ore Frontage Si foot on tho east side of Cottage street, and doscrlbod in Vol ?3 jtnge 38. county recorder i,v ords ot Jackson county, Oregon M fet: rate jier foot, SSc; umount $73.9. Assessment No. 7 A mo Uhs., Lot 10, block 1. Cottugo Home addi tion to tho City of Modronl Oi, Froutsg Si feet on tho east ,.1. or Cottage street, and described in Vol 73, pago SS. couuty rocordet r, ortls of Jackson county. Oregon si fst; rats per foot. SSct amount, $711. 98. AagMMHieat No. g Hlf.lo llnrcu West 187 feet of lot 11. block 1. j Cottage Home addition to He i'n rato jier foot, SSc; amount, $32.50. Assessment No. 12 Carrie E. Leonard. A parcel of land fronting 100 feet on the wost side of Cottage fitreot, and described In Vol. 82, pago 203, county recorder's records of Juckson county, Orogon. 100 feet; rato )or foot, 88c; amount, $88, Assessment No. 13 Maria L. Tripp. A jiarcel of land fronting 58 root on tho wost sldo of Cottago street, and being a jiortion of that parcel of land described In Vol. 42. pago 021, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon. 58 feot; rato por Toot, 88e;amount, $51.04. Assessment No. 14 Victoria M. Checsniore. A pnrcel or land front ing 50 feet on tho west side of Cot tage street, and doscrlbod in Vol. 00, page 4 87, comity recorder's records of-Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feet; ntto por foot, SSc; amount, $44. Assessment No. 15 Vlctlrln M. 1 Chossniore. Tho south 50 feot of tho west half of lot 4, block 2, Cottage flomo addition to the City of Med ford, Ore. Frontago 60 feot on the west sldo of Cottngo street, and de scribed In Vol. 05, page 138, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feot; rato per foot, SSc; amount, $44. Assessment No. 10 Conrad Reln Ulns. East hair of lot 5, block 2, Cottago Home addition to tho City of Medford. Ore. Front a ko 79 feet on I tho west sldo of Cottago street, and described In Vol. 03, page 5G0, county 'ecorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 79 feet; rate per foot, SSc; imoiint, $G9.52. Assessment No. 17 M. S. John son. Enst half of lot 0, block 2. Cottago Home addition to the City of Medford, Ore. Frontago 79 feet on' the west sldo of Cottago street, and lescrlbed In Vol. 72, pago 593, county recorder's records of Juckson county, Oroiron. 79 toet: rate nor flint. SSc! ! iinount, $09.52. Assessment No. IS Piatt J. Van Dusen. East, half of. lot 7, block 2, Cottage Home addition to the City if Medford, Ore. Frontage 79 feet; in tho west sldo of Cottago street, j ind described In Vol. 72, page 403, "ounty recorder's records of Jackson 1 1ounty. Oregon. 79 reet: rato perl foot, SSc; amount, $09.52. j Assessment No. 19 August Law- -entz. North 50 root or the Oast half; of lot S, block 2, Cottago Home addi tion to tho City of Medford. Front-' ige 50 feet on the west sldo of Cot-, tage street, and described In Vol. 75, i.igo 29S .county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; 1 -nto por foot, SSc; amount, $44. Assessment No. 20 Merrick &1 Enyart. Lot J, Merrick & Enyart rnct on Cottngo street. Frontago 50 Vet on tho wost side of Cottngo street mil described iu Vol. .., jingo . ., lounty rocordcr'a records of Jackson odnty, Oregon. 50 reet; rato por foot, SSc; amount, $4 I. Assessment No. 21 Angus Mac Oonald. Part or lots 9 and 10, block 2. Cottage Home addition to the City ir Medford, Ore. Frontage 100 feot in tho west side of Cottago street, nnd described In Vol. 58, page 423, -ounty recorder's records oi Jackson 'ounty, Oregon. 100 feot; rnto per 'oot, SSc; amount, $SS. Assessment No. 22. It. It. Ilotch Ulss. Part of lots 10 and 11. block 2, Cottngo Home addition to tho City if Medford, Oro. Frontago 50 fet m tho west sldo of Cottago street, md described In Vol. 72, pago 201 '!0tinty recorder's records ot Jackson "ounty, Orogon. 50 feet; rato jier root, SSc; amount, $44. Assessment No. 23 J. C. Ward et il. East half of lot 12 nud soitth ast 42 feet of lot 11, block 2, Cot tago Home nddltlon to tho City of, Medford, Ore. Frontago 100 feet on I tho wost sldo of Cottage street, and loscrlbod in Vol. 09, jingo 520, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 100 foot; rato por foot, SSc; -iinount, $ss Assessment No. 24 Angus and flnra MacDonnld. South 29 feet o 'ot 13, block 2, Cottngo Home nddl Hon to the City of Medford, Ore Frontago 29 feet on tho west sldo of Cottage stroot, and described In Vol. 12. jingo 000. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Orogon, 29 feot; rato por foot, SSc; amount, $25.62. Assessment No. 26 C. R. Helm roth. North 50 feot of th of lot 13, lilock 2, Cottage dltlon to the City of Medford, Ore. Frontage 50 feet on tho west side of Cottage street, and doscrlbod In Vol. 7S. page 030. oounty recorder's rec lrda of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 j feet; rate jior foot, SSc; amount, $44. Assessment No. 20 Angus Mnc- Donald. North 75 foot of lot 11,! same to the city recorder within ten dayu rioni the service of this notice, which sorvlce Is heio mudo by the publication of tho foregoing ordi nance and tlifn notico threo Utiles In Tho Medford Mail-Tribune, ptirauant to an order of the City Council ol said oily. ROUT. W. TELFER, City Jtecorder. Now At Home In Owr New Store WJion you are down town to morrow or any time this week bo sure and call at tho new store on South Central avenue. Yoii will bo surprised at the appearance of this now location and pleased with tho way tho goods are. displayed. Vou will Imnglno that you are in one of tho big city markets. NEW GOODS Our stockB aro virtually new in every respect. Wo purposely run all stocks low In order not to havo much to move. In consequence we hnve opened with most everything fresh from tho crates. Our treatment of our customers In tho past assures their continued patronage and we wish to assure nny who may contemplate start ing to trado with this storo that wo will always guarantee that you got goods second to nono In tho lnnrkot that all goods aro fresh and that the prices aro a little lower ban you expect to pny on most everything you buy. Come to the now storo and give trial. City Property First Class business property, im proved or unimproved, at the lowest figures. Dwellings of all kinds In all parts of 'the city at prices ranging from $500 to $15,000. A cood platting proposition of sev en ncros within city limits, on good street, $0000. ( Best residence lots on West Main street; south fronts; 70x110; corner or insido lots, $1575. Lots on paved street, with all im provements, $050. Lots on Second street, with water and sewer, 835Q. Call on us for anything In city property and you will find we have It at prices and term3 that arc always right. W. T. YORK & CO. 102 West Main. noil jihono 3301. Home phono 31. For us a ii Allen Grocery Co e R. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE .MAIN 27U 'Cure Your Rheumatism AND OTHER IIXS OF THE UODV AT THE o'oasV haul HOT LAKE Home ad- . L -1-'-t-l-V. 1 AS NATORIUM Hot Lake, Ore. - (Tho House of Efficiency) &o Orerlan.Wach. Navigation Co. block 2. Cot t a ire Home nddttlnn to 'ho City of Medford. Ore. Frontage' ingJtOKl Railroad IV ttrvi vil 1 iiv n 1-01 biui- ill vMiwig;t itretit, Riul described In Vol. 52. page S99. couuty recoider's records of Inckson coimt. Oregon. 75 feel; rate jer foot. SSc; amount. $tJ0. Section it. And it is hereby or dersd and ordained that said several assessments nnd the lions thereof be Mitersd In the lion docket of said city, and that thereupon notico be 1 15 acres, 3 miles from Talent, fenced, timber, alfnlfa and fruit land, good house, pure water. & mile from school, 300 young iear trees, lovely place; $2000, one-half down. This 15 acres Is one of the love liest small ranches In southern Ore gon. Sheltered by tho hills from tho cold winds of winter, deep, fer tllo soil, an Ideal nlaco for health. Itilitl Acre. Also 34 acres, 1 mllo from Talent, 12 acres of fruit, family orchard In bearing; apples, Newtowns, 12 acres, peach filled; 7 acres timber, Irrigated, dwelling house shaded by large laurel trees, lilonty of water; fertile soil; ;ardon spot; pumping plant; terms, $13,000, $7000 cnoh, the balance In payments of $1000 yearly at 0 per cent. tfitStt Acre. Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit 'and, with timber, 1 mllo from Tal ent; $0500 cash down; just think whnt a snap, a llttlo over $300 an acre. Where can you find near tho depot nnd railroad n cheaper place? $:J2." Acre. Town lots in the newly Incorporat ed town of Talent, Or., on tho In stallment lilnn. From Jj!inO to .SHOO n Lot. Also 17 acres, 14 acres commer cial fruit bearing orchard, 2 miles from Talent; $10,000, one-hair on time. )?."0 Acre. Also SO acres flno timber, $2000,' one-half down. $25 Acre. A fine fertile Fruit Farm, nil un der cultivation; fenced; new five- room house, bath room, etc.; out buildings, barn, etc.; lovol; 0110 and one-half miles from Talent. Orogen: ood well or wator; young orchard ot apples, mostly Newtowns and Spitz; twelve and one-half acres in pears; two acres in jienchos, etc. TreOs young, from 1 to 3 years. Price 'W.T.-iO, one-half cash, balanco to suit purchaser. 30 acres $2i:j acre. Forty acres; about 3 miles from Talent and Phoenix, Ore.; fruit land; 2 good springs, 5-room houso, out buildings, small fruit, 5 acres cleared; 1 good poultry ranch, over $1000 of standing timber; $1200 down, bal anco on tlmo to suit tho buyer; only r0 mi acre.. Look all over tho coun try and seo If you can find a placo so cheap. Also 29 acres, orchard and niraira land; 2 1-1 miles south of Talent, Or.; 1300 young fruit trees, apples, ueuunoH nnu pears; ono acre In bear ing; house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced, most of it being Page wiro renco, 19-strand, rabbit tight; sub-Irrigated and tiled; $225 ncre; over hair down, tho rest on tlmo at 7 per cent. Also lands, alfalfa and fruit, from 20 to 800 acres. Write, enclosing stamps, or como and seo mo. L. N. Judd Talent, Oregon Agency Grand Union Tea Go. 1 10 Tripp St. Phone 901 Tens, Coffees, Baking Pow der, Spices, Soaps, Starch, etc. Orders taken. Prompt Delivery Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Sells round-trip tickets, for for three nuuins, auowtng $a 00 worth of accommodation at tho Sanato rium, a Portland and all O.-W. R. & N. Stations xlven to the owner, or reputed own- For further tarnrmnHnn 1 m rs. of said property, and that the tratod hnnwL n , m"8' Mine bo unforced and collected In the tt(l bokIut. address Dr. W. T. Phy, nisanor provided by tho charter of Medical Sunt, and Mgr.. Hot Lake, ald city for tho collection of aesoss- Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N Acent nionts for tho Improvements 0(1 or write to ' streets therein. ,. ,.,. Section 3. It U further ordorod' . McMVIMUY, that tho notice above provided fur bo General Passenger Agent tublisuod threo times lu The Dally PORTLAND OREGON Automobiles OENTJRAL OTORITATJLrNG & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231. Corner Central Ave, and 8th St Medford, Or. . Hi l