MEDFORP MAIL TRIBITffK aEEDFORI), OTtEOON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1911. PAGE FIVE Personal Ross Thomas, superintendent of! Nomina 1). Cooko of Salem Is vlslt tho Opp mine In .Incksonvllle, hnsjiiiK liis sister, Mrs. C. D. Henry of returned from n week end visit with this city. friends at Grants Pass Hex II. Lumpman, editor of the Gold Hill News, spent Monday In Medford. Benjamin F. Heldel, highway en gineer, returned Monday evening to Salem, where he Is working with' the highways committees of the legisla ture. Alhert Pape, the famous oarsman of the Olympic club, San Francisco, is visiting Medford. Mr. Pape Is an all round sportsman, bolnc former champion single sculler of the United States, lie camo here from Klamath Fulls, whore he has been promoting ten-round boxing events, and will rof erco the bout tonight at the Medford theater between Dick Wheeler and Franklo Edwards. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. 2S5 W. M. Dunlap has opened a now barber shop on Front street In the room formerly occupied by Moss & Co., grain brokers. Mr. Dunlap will be pleased to meet his many friends and patrons at his new location. 275 II. B. Patterson, 11C E. Main, has fionio nice English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best). Now Is a good timo to plant. Drop In and seo me. tf T. V. Johnson of Trail Is spend ing a few days In Medford. Henry R. Thompson of Sardine creek is visiting friends In Medford. J. D. Heard returned from Port land Wednosdny morning. The car that stands the Gaff The Bulck. R. C. Washburn of Tablo Rock If visiting In tho city. Is your iouso wired? Ono clgat less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase iu comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. R. D. Unit of Portland Is a guest at tho Nash. Don't bo In a rush to buy your now nuto seo tho 1911 Bulck. R. B. Struthers of Boston. Mass., is spending a few days In Medford. A. II. Greenborg of Portland Is in tho city. Tho sensation of the auto show at Portland 1911 Buicks. Among tho arrivals In Medford Tuesday wero Alton Anderson of Pierre, S. D., and George Fitzglbbon Charles B. King, W. P. Parep and W. E. Flack of Portland. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Young of Port land arrived In Medford on Tuesdn morning's train from tho north. Ask Colonel Tou Velio about those 1911 Buicks. Horace D. Jones of Rock Point spout Monday In Medford. Don't buy an auto until you seo thr 1911 Buicks. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Nye of Table Rock aro visiting with Mrs. Nyo'E parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Greg ory, bore. John II. Carkin, attorney at law over Jackson County bank. Sheriff William Smith of Josephiiw county spent Sunday in Medford witl friends. He returned to Grants Pass yesterday. Five hundred fino Bartlett peai trees for salo. Call on J. A. Perr at Medford National bank. tl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynoldt spont Monday In Grants Pass. What car has delivered tho goodE In tho Roguo Rivor valley? The Bulck That Is why thero are so many In use. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Adams from Table Rock wero over Sunday guosti of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bissell, North Central avenue. Light, durable, strong, powerful, economical tho Bulck leads tho au tomobile world. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmcr Successor to tho undertaking do lartmont of Medford Furnlturo Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About February 1, Prlvato Am iiilanco Sorvlco, Sick and Injured "onvoyed to any part of city or country. Telophenos: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. V. Conklin, 3C01. J. II. Butler, 3571. and Local M. M. Samuels of Evans Creek Is spending n few days In Medford en Joying a tasto of city life. Deputy County Fruit Inspector Clyde Barnum and Vera Pendleton made a business trip to Central Point Tuesday morning. Send namo and address to P. 0 Box 49G for full particulars about the most interesting book over writ ten, tf Tho Methodist Brotherhood will hold an interesting meeting in tho church Wednesday evening at 7:30. A short program will bo given and a good time is assured. All' men in vited. Tho triumph of auto building tho 1911 Buicks. James F. Nutting of Applegate Is spending a few days In Medford vis iting with friends. Rail wood, $5 a cord. Farmers 711C. tf Frank Fallis of Los Angeles, Cal., is visiting with his parents, who re side in tho neighborhood of Itucli. Mr. Fallis arrived Monday evening and was met hero by his father, whom ho had not seen In 18 years. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and inrgeon. Offico over Strang's drug Uoro. tf. Forest Rnngor Neff lias returned to his station at Odessa after spend ing somo two weeks as nctlng super visor in the local office during the L absence of Supervisor Erlckson nnd Deputy Supervisor Swennlng. Mr. Neff enjoys the distinction of hav ing worked on nil sides of Crater Lake, within three miles of that body, and still nevor gnzlng upon its mar olous beauty. W. A. Cornitius, salesman for tho Studebaker cars, succeeded In add ing one more namo to tho numerous lists of satisfied Studebaker own ers. John V. Brown of Central spent Tuesday in Medford friends. 273 Point with Policemen on Trial. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 7. Charged with gniflring from tum bler, druukoiines' on duty and var ious other infractions of their oatli.-s. nine members ' of th colice depart ment were placed on trial here today ns the result of the epose which fol lowed the killing of Gustnv Postler. n ruined gambler, when he attempted single handed to raid the Saratoga Club, where he had lost thousands. Accused of various dereiutions ol duty, Captain Henry O'Duy, Ser geants James Donovan, Philip Frnhci nnd Michael Griffin and Pntrolmci Wallace Wilson, Oliver Cox, William. O'Keefe, Frank McCounell and Thus. Curtis faced the police commission ers, while Chief of Police Seymoui was on hand as accuser. Great uneasiness was evident among tho defendants following rc norts that one of tho alleged grafting policemen had confessed. The hear ings will occupy some days. Stocks Irregular. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Today', -dock market opened about .venter day's final prices. The tone was ir regular. United States Steel, Si Paul nnd L. and N. wero off Jf Heading, Union Pacific and Grea Northern preferred gained fraction ally. The market closed firm. VIIE YOU INTERESTED IN A OOOI' INVESTMENT? One hundred acres Dutto Creel bottom, undor Irrigation, porpotun vntor right. Al for apples or pears -an make big monoy raising onlonF olory, tomatoes and all kinds of vop tables; big monoy In subdivision 'olns n now townslto and tho rail "oad; nil under now wlro fence; cai in bought for one-half tho prlco o adjoining land. Buy from owno mu snvo tho commission. Addres nox 35, Medford. Or. tf CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE Office of tho City Treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, February (illi, 1911. Notico is heroby given Hint those arc funds on hands in tho City Treat) ury for the redemption of all out standing city warrants isMiud ngaius (he followig funds: Warrant No. 01 on South Holly street, Improvement Fun. Wnrrant 2 nnd 3 on Lateral No. G, Distriot No. 3. Wan-ants 5, C, 9, 10 and 11 on Waer Mum Improvement Fund No. 2. Interet-t 011 the same will coase uf ter tho above date. L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer. If tho patronage of tho readers of Ann ucwsipApor is important to you, make your storc-udvortisiug impart nnt to THEM. Hasklns for Health. Ifl. E. BIBLE CLASS GIVES ENTERTAINMENT the United States acronnutlcal re- j serve, Is In Los Angeles today, pre- The yomiK men's bible class of tho(,mrllB to ,lt tnroe blplaneB Into uc- Fii'ht Methodist Episcopal church I tlon to assist in patrolling the Mex- gave a. musical entertainment, in the church last night. Light refresh ments were served following a de lightful musical program, which was interspersed with talks on bibliUnl matters. The program consisted of the fol lowing numbers: Introduction ly the orchestra Solo Mrs. Van Scoyoc Talk Mr. Steep (The extent of the organization of bible study classes.) Quartette The M. E. Quartette Solo Mr. Hoy Talk President Mennctt (The local opportunity for bible study.) Qunrtetto The M. E. Quartcite General discussion. Talk by the Rev. L. V. Pelkijap. Revolution Spreads. MEXICO CITY, Mex., Feb. 7. While full details aro unnvailablo ow ing to tho government's having plnc od censors over tho telegraph lines, reports nro current horo today that a serious uprising has occurred in tho district of Niozes, in tho stnto of Zacatecus, which is known to bo strongly favorable to Mndero. It is not known how many have joined the standard of revolt. Dispatches from Mnzatlan, on tho Pacific coast, stato that preparations nro being inado there to resist an expected rob ot attack. It Is posslblo that a gun boat may bo sent to aid in protecting tho port. Meager tologrnniB from Navajo, Sonora, say that tho Thirteenth fed oral cavalry dofeated a force of 200 rebels near that place after a five hours' fight. Tho rebelB aro said to have lost 20 killed and wounded. No n dunkir, Montana, ranchman. Liviug dotalls aro given of tho casualties to.ston had been fined $100 and sen- tho troops. Ohio Lines Up. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 7. Direct election of United States senators was endorsed horo today when both houses of tho Ohio legislature unan imously passed resolutions favoring Mio proposed chnngo in tho federal Constitution on which submission is ponding in congress. Tho legislature requosted United States Senators Uurton and Dick to vote for the sub mission of the constitutional amend ment when It comes up In tho sen ate. T. R. to Address Solons. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 7. If the legislature is in session iu tho latter part of March, when Theodore Roosevelt comes to California, Gov ernor Johnson will nsk him to addres it. Johnson today received u tele gram announcing that the colonel would arrive iu Los Angeles March 21st. Epect Scandal. TORONTO, Ont., Fob. 7. Prortlc Mon of a parliament scandal at Ottn va as tho result of tho proposed rec iprocity bargain with tho United Stntes Is mnde hero today by tho Mall and Emplro, tho lending Cana llnn conservative orgiin. In n dls mtch from Montreal tho Mall and Emplro declares American Interests 'iavo mippllod their llbornl agents In , "annda with funds to advance the 1 yniso of freo trade. It declares that lotalls of tho deal will bo exposed, n tho floor of parllnmont. NOTED PEDESTRIAN CITY ON WAY AROUND WORLD A celebrity of unto is usiting 11 ' Medford for a couple of days 111 tho jersou of Gottfried Rodrigues, chain- don pedestrian of Franco, England. Switzerland and Belgium. Mr. Rod iguos is (ho holder of many medals Tor his various walking stunts throu ghout the country and he is now on gaged iu a battle with the Amsterdam 'Telegraph" iu a prizo winning con lost around the world. IIo is to travel tho entire distance around the globe working his way us best ho can, i.i hreo years. Ho left ArmMordam, Holland, Fobrunry 1st, 1U00, and must bo buck on the fir l of Fbru iry, 1912 to win tho 4-r,000 offer ed. Ho nrrived in this country unmt time ago nnd has since won a gruat many medals for his walking tours including thoso offered for the bronl. inir of records between Clrongo und Dnlas, Toxas, Now York to Hob ton tud Shu Francis 00 to Luk Angolo. Tho latter trip Mr. Rodriguos made in 190 hour, boating the former roc- rd of O'Larry by 11 and one-half iOrB, He has traveled all over Europe, Siberia, Egypt, and has in all ludid 30,000 miles of what ho be- CURTISS READY TO PATROL BORDER WITH AEROPLANES LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 7. Awaiting word from Washington, Aviator Glonn II. Curtlss, colonel In lean border. It will not be a difficult matter to uso aeroplanes on tho border," said Curtlss this afternoon. "In fact, thero Is nothing of the Impossible in tho contemplated action of tho war department. It already has been demonstrated what the aeroplane can do under conditions such as now pro vail on tho Mexican border. Person ally, I would respond willingly to a call to action. Wo have three ma chines at San DIogo now nnd I could get more from the east If necessary. "If tho war department has any doubts ns to the feasibility of using aeroplanes for patrol duty they should hnvo that dispelled by tho fent of Aviator Hurknoss today in carry ing government dispatches from Fort Rosecrans to tho troops at Tin Ju nnn." To Buy Aeroplane. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Feb. 7. -Hurried by the war department's plan to purchase an air fleet, for scout duty on the Mexican border, the Kt'iiale this afternoon adopted un amendment to the army bill. This makes .$2.r),0()0 immediately available for the purchase of aeroplanes nnd will, it is believed, mean thut at least u part of the National Aeronautical Reserve will skim tho air over the Rio Grande within a week. Taft Pardons Man. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 7. On evidence that n bottle of whiskoy which he carried through the Hlnok- foot Indian Reservation in Montana, was for medicinnl purposes, President i Tuft today pardoned Guy Livingston, tenced to GO days in jail. Send Food to China. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 7. Recognizing the serious plague and famine situation in China as ono de manding Immediate action, tho houso military affairs committee todny re ported a bill authorizing tho uso of an army transport to carry supplies of food collected In tho United States across the Pacific ocean. Tho bill will bo rushed through tho house. Tho collection of food will at onco bo commenced by tho American Red Cross and kindred associations. It probably will bo gathered for ship ment at Seattlo, whenco tho trans port will sail for Asia. Even a very enthusiastic adver tisement of real estate is not often misleading for a good real esta.e bargain justifies some enthusiasm in advertising. -f -t- -f -f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, -f ll f-f f -4 FIRST CLASS HOARD With or without room. 10 North Grape st , next to Mrs. .1. L. Stone, Farmers and Fruit Growers Hunk. tf. WANTED Planters wanted, steady work at good wages for 2 or 3 good workmen who understand planting trees. Phone Paul hidings. Farmers rmr, 27 F0K SALE-Corn. Inquire Dr. Clniiuv :,. ,,,l!m,s m,,., nr ,.,. ,. fiOl. ' "-II !T " J - tf. ARRIVES IN Moves will amount to about flS.OOO miles in tho trip. In his walk from ha" '"'iicisc, to Los Angeles In wits backed bv the San Francisco Chronicle und in this manner ho is working his wnv nroiind tho world. Ho has pictures of his vuriou travels and ho lectures upon them iu different places where lie stops. M Rodrigues is also an operatic sing or. Ho has mot with a groat many in cidents in his travels including ho ling arrested oor 100 times. f:i Franco and -cvcnil other Europoni' countries ho tr.ivoled in the ('ostium of his native hind, thut of Holland mid has boon "jugged" for a spy for hlonknding traffic ns well as for various other reasons. Ho sometime,, trnvels in tin- costume with wooden shoos for the purtoHo of attraotinv attention so that ho might draw a orowd to hw lectures. Tlio name would lend one to boliow that ho was Spanish but such is not the case . ho is a full Hollander, Tamos Ho vie and W. W. Roe amateur loin.' distance walkers. mn uooopt a i-lnillenifu made by Rodrigu-- that ho mil i-onlcwt his abilitv with oon-'nnyono, i.tli ru. them iiioik tarj od.l- of two to one SHOW TOMORROW T AT THEATRE "This Woman and This Man," tlui most finished nnd meritorious work from the pen of Avery llopwood, the author of the latest and best comedy of recent years "Seven Days." will be the attraction nt tho Medford theatre on Wednesday, February 8th. Tho company, which is of the very best players, is headed by the well known versntilo comedy and emotion al actress, Miss Minnie Victorsoi have won unstinted praise from pros and public, wherevor they hnvo ap peared, and the play when presented at the Mnxino Elliott theatre, Now York, met with unusual praise from tho leading critics. The New Yoil Aineiicnii. February 'JSrd, 1000, said "Tho nndicuco gnve the production a flattering reception. This was es )ccially true of the women! who wept nt the pathetic scenes and lnughc' uproariouslv at tho humour." Men Hurt in Explosion. NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Five ...or wero fatally injured and M ovorol, hurt at Jamaica, L. I., today when i barrel of i?nsoliim oxnlodeil. Tin gasoline was on u work car in th' Long Tsland Railroad yards and the injured men wero clearing snow Iron, the tracks. The force of tho explos ion hurled several men many feci in to the air. Tho cause of the evnlos- ion could not be learned. Quako Recorded. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 7. -Tho seismograph at St. Ignatius college hero registered an earthquake which began at 8::i() last night, reached ill maximum at 8:.'l.r and continued un til 8:411. According to Father Odon- buoh, scientist of the college the dis turbance occurred about 12,000 milos from here. It was not violent enough to have caused much damage, he snid. Can't Get Paper Out. PARIS, Feb. 7. As tho result of the conviction of Edward Mylius for libelling King George of England in tho Liberator, a periodical published hero by Edward James, an American James was todav by his former pub lisher that ho could no longer print tho journal. Tho printer stated that tho Pritish chamber of commorco hnd threatened n boycott. James tric( several other publishers but nil re fused to do tho work. A. F. & A. M. ATTENTION Masons will meet at Lodge Hall nt 1 o'clock Tuesday to attend in a body, funeral of Profiler J. W. Lyons. WM. Jf. MULLER. Sec. 'J78 Send a Messenger that will meet with tho ap proval of tho recipient oi nut. message. Any old kind f n messenger won't answer The best should always bf sent "if" you wish tho re cipient to pass a favorabh verdict. What you think about busi ness' stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tit tlami.trj flafir or tuli'mit ihltiitxrry . MMM BOND "teokor Ikt vialir-marh" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Oiti llAMriiMRK IIond it a clean, crltp r, inde lor (J cm, rip Imiincti olict. It It Mld on III' iiMp.iiipilou lu Ihere'i ttcoiivmy in i iany A liandiome iciiMi UxV glvrn upon rniurii, tltuw. (hi; Ictitrheaili und nl.rr buunMt forms, I'MTitffl, lilliuifrjilier anil ciiUfJVcd on (lie wlum and lourtix'i tolor Made by IUhuhiu PAI-KK CoMfANY. II 1 nly tuper maktri in lie world nuking bond jrei(.lmjvely Medford Printing Co. IMIAISU C.KOIUUA'S STATH CHEMIST. J Mr. J. II. McCandlcss, State Chemist I of Georgia, before a recent gathering, I gave emphatic testimony to the high quality of Cottolcnc. He said: 'Tho salo of thin product, and tlio proclamation that It Is rnndo from col ton oil, hnvo ilono nioro to Iirlni? cotton Recti oil truthfully nnd favorably beforo tlio publlo than anything olso In recent history." Mr. McCandlcss then pointed out why a pure, refined, vegetable-oil base, such as is used in Cottolcnc, is the only as surance a woman has of a clean, di gestible cooking product COMMITS SUICIDE BY FREEZING TO DEATH CHICAGO, Ills., Feb. 7. Suicido is mnrked on the police blotter again st the namo of J. Van Ilnsselt, 'Ao, the sou of a wealthy Dutch family, who was found dead today in n snow drift. Van Hnssolt's valuables had not been moisted, there was no dgn that ho had been drinking, and as he was in apparently perfect health, the authorities concluded he deliberately ended his life by frcez i"K. Will Fight Duel. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Thut Anth ony Drexel nnd Lord S. R. Herosford will don the gloves iu a finish fight was tho report in ultra fashionable circles today. Lord Camoys, frien 1 of Lord Deeics, it is said, will be Lord He res ford's chief second and Colonel Und ,nuother friend, will referee. SUNflY If you want to save time and labor; have sweeter, whiter, cleaner clothes; take no chance of shrinking your woolens, flannels and finer fabrics; be sure not to takr the color out of your colored goods, order Sunny Monday soap fromyour grocer today and give it a good, fair trial next wash day. Sunny Monday contains a wonder ful dirt-starter which saves rubbinc and wear and tear on clothes. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO L Notico Is heroby glvon thnt tho an- uial meeting of tho stockholders of ho Roguo Rlvor Fruit & Produce if.HocIntlon will bo held In Horticul tural hall, Medford, Oregon, nt 10 a. n. Tuesday, February 14th, 1911. K. S. MILLER, Secretary. Two Gilt Edged Investments Ten fcroH rlvor hottom soil, planted to thrco-year-ohl trcea, lhirtlotts and Oomlco, Just out iddo limits, Grunts Pass; $1000, half ciibIi. Forty acres, thirty acres planted to two-yonr-old Spitz and Nowtowns; small Improve ments; fi t-2 milos from GrnntB Pass; prlco $7000; prompt ac tion necessary. II. H. BASLER lilil 1-2 Xo. (lilt St. IMione in-.I (.units Pass, Or. Double Disc Records 65c Two records for tho prlco at ono. Call and hair tlio now COLUM BIA MAOHINKS. Medford Music SIiop Mc.NIJALY & CO. 220 Wot Mnln Where to Go Tonight i i i !! NATATORIUM I j: Skating lessons given by J: i; Instructor AV. T. Tanner:: ;; Monday and Wednesday;; : mornings, ladies and chiL I dren. Geutlemcn Saturday? !; inni-niinr CI fr 11-30 n'nlnnlr (( tUVllUIIU t- LV J..1. W J VIWVIV "NAT" THEATRE Changes its program every;; Sunday, W-odncsdny nnd Friday.;: A spuuuil malinco every Stiu-1; day afternoon. 1 p :; Wo chow nothing but tho very;! latest and best films. ;; ADMISSION 10c. 'i i rrr- THE ISIS THEATRE ski-; mrsTKit lmow.v TOXIOIIT SPECIAL RECEPTION WKDN'KHDAY AT I P. 31. Every boy nnd girl 1b invited to Z meet Buster, S Admission, . . 10 and 20c t MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY f AND SUNDAY AT 2:30. inrcc Keeis 01 Pictures and n i Good Song. i y! 11-1,(1 IIIOII CLASS STOCK CO. TONIGHT J "THE SENATOR'S DAUGIITKK" Four-Act Socloty Drama Uy Mnrjlrlo Mitmlevlllo Stock Co. Reserve your seata by phono 2791 'Sss gh 6ht i Med ford's Exclusive Piolnro Tho- ntor. Latest Liconsod Photo plays. One nirne No More One Dime.? WHK.V DOWN TOWN 1)1101' IN AT TIIK "NatM Confectionery K'K CIIKAM, SOKT IMINIKS, CONI'I-XTIONHIIV, LUNCH A light, pleasant room, opon from S a. m. to midnight. I L. M. (JKAMKS, Proprietor l rrr Draperies Wo carry a very oomploto lino of draporloH, lnco curtains, flxturos, etc., and do nil classes of uphoIstorlnK. A special man to look after this work exclu filvoly and will glvo as good sorvlco ub Is posulhlo to got In ovou tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Typewriter Ribbons Every Color record or Copying for EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE. Medford Book Store M m Sn IASWV Vs) .i.i.