-?wi;.ji ""MEL MEDFOKD MATT. TKTBUNTC, irTCDFOTCD, ORTCCiOX. TrKSDAY, rKBTirAHY 7, 1911. Pi'OE roim is I J?! l I4- l . .! 'if tl i J ! V : i i T.. i i. 5 v '4 .. '1 ?r.r ' ft " 1 pin ( & Medford Mail Tribune AN INDKI'KNDKNT NM5WSPAPEIJ PUHL1HUHU DAILY KXC'HI'T HATUR- DAY 11Y TIIK MHrKOrtD PRINTING CO. Tho Democratic 1 linos, Tlio Medford Mnll, Tlio Me.Ifonl Trllninc, The bouth orn Orogonlnii. The Ashland Tribune. OKOnOK PUTNAM, Killtor und Manager gp KntereU an ecotid-clas matter No vemlior 1, 1H09, at tho postofflco lit Mn.ifnnl. Orfiron. under tho act or March 3, 1875 Official Paper of tlm City of Medford. BUDSOBIVTIOK BATE. One yor, by mail. l5-j One month by mail ,"; ,b" Per month, delivered by carrier In Madfcnl. Jacksonville and Cen- tnil Point ,-fS Sunday only, by mall, per year.... -.00 Weekly, Pr yeur 'B" mil I.oaod Wlro United Pre DUpntclioB. Tho Mull Tribune la on sale nt the Parry. News Stand, San Frati"ls'-( Portland Motel Ne Stand. Portland Ilowmun News Co, Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney. Pcuttlu, Wiish. llolil Spokano Nuwh Htand, Spokane HWOIUI CinCUZiATIOH. Dally average for nix inortha oikimk Decern lici 31, 1910, 2721 MEDFOHD, OKECIOZT. Motropolla of Houlhern Oregon nnu Northern California, and t faatuHt erowliiK city In Oreuon. ift Population IT 8 wriHim 1910: 8840, estimated In November, It'll), 10.000. Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Wutiir Byalem completed, Klvliu? Annul nupply pur" mountain water and hix teen mlieH of Httuet IipIiik paved and contrnotod for at a coHt exceeding f 1, oon.orio, innldiiK a total of twenty ml I cm of pavement. PoHtofHco recelptB for year ending November 30. 1910, hIiow a Rain of fil tun- mutt Hank doposlta wero $2,370,532, a Rain of 22 per cent. Ilinner fruit city In Oregon Horiio Jllvor HPltenlieig nnpien won wrui HtakeH prlr.u and title of "Apple Klnff of tho World" nt tho National Apple Show, Hpokano, 1909, and a car of Newtowna won rlrst Frlzo In 1010 nt Canadian International Applo Hhow, Vnncouver, 11. C. Hokuo Hlver pears brought lilgheat prlcoH in all matketH of tho world dur ing tho past six ycurn. Wrlto Commercial club. Inclosing C conta for poatago for tlio finest commu nity pamphlet over written Fifty Years Ago Today. Feb. 7. Tlio Choctaw nntlon of In dians declared tlielr iilleglnnco to the Houtlicrn nlutos. Salutes in lionur uf Vh'Kltilu'H Union volo on the tli Inst, wero flred In many northern states. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 'J'ho Clilneso In Seattle were driven from tlio city by an up rlKlnp; of citizen. Ifr. Furroll, the now president ol tlio Unitotl fcsteel Corporations, lie Kiin as a mill hand. Nearly ono-lliiid of (lie econo mic aolivily of. Oorinany ro-ts loday Oil lUlllllllllO HllOllldUt'S. Tho Sultan of Sulu lun decided that this Jb the Kicntoat country on II. II ...!,! I !..'. omul, no in 'tiuuiK a niuiuj iiinii our Kovuriuiiuiit. Don Jiiiino. tho Spanish niotun- I' dor, nnnoniictm that ho will rotniiht1 tho prutouiliiiK InihinoHB oatly in iho BpriiiK. Go (o it, Don. Tho nioro love affairs a iiian huh )md tliu nior,o attt'iietivo ho appear Ho most uirln. iho moto loo ul- JTnirit a trii'l Iiiih hud the limn at t tmotlvo aha in to inoHt inoii. " r - NutwilllHtAixliiiK his K"d ''" j oilUiuu, Mr. L'linioirio'H money will . roely k uiuch farther in r-lali- liBliiiik' pence tlian it did m chanu iut; our tiina hoiionxl spflhut;. John D. lloekofeller, Jr., wi-.lic lo nIioUnIi Iho oumtoiit of puhHing .i ooiitnbiilion plate in ohiiich. ile has pruhubly been looking at th oouleutH of one of the plate ufWi it has been imihimmI. In KtuiHux'thiity bunk lime ben robbed duriiiK the ml Ibio" months. It i a Hiiciiifimiil furl thni lmi'dly any of them ltuxe been rob m by their ofiicorn,. In New Votk I hay do thiin differently. CUinnmon haw been ordered b thotr oiuiwiw lo haw Ihuii iUue iviuovwU by lbrunry 1 1 Ladiw who wnut more huir houid hot )ijrltM-t lo look iu at the laiia drwu. There inny he ehkiietis for one ijood bargains. illh lloroMni, thiuKhttfr of Jay GuuUJ'fl purine!" and Ii'micud to an en tat valued ut f.'.ooo.OOb, hi mar ried u former polu-eiimu, notuith alaudbiir lht fuel that there are miui imMveii bed hi'ttluu(fi.Mtb vi1im iu tho lowrket. ISartiu Dcie, the 4.'i- ear-old ISttKiiMliionii who i- to innns Vixi.in floilli), iho J7-yeai dd heiie, sa ho oail't UUtkrkl.md why aliOUld ttlulk HP u '"" '1 ti her n why (lwy should h ui.iknur 'Surh "bally fuw ahaut i " Nciilur oau we. Tl Rlrl'a JlWtlU' ne.-.ndiiitf iy the Imron'b oxilwllon. i pUn-d . Kd a title for Utr duiiliier, am! htr lather is uilliiilf lo l" 'I" ii4.- i-.iiy pure, and lll Kin i- i nnnfune oohoiuum i 4ruiiw ." lo know iinv hollor JluiU I" n-k h. i 'wiiiiiiiivcl lo iwpmi P.dav, nml hi lifipiuiiecH thin. Wllflt liloi. i i l .imaiib wiiil ho iuihIiI iiw i biiid? ,"wr, . . i . . BUILDING INSPECTOR DEMANDED. TJIIO fact that the lives of many school children were recently discovered to have been endangered through carelessness in construction again calls attention to the need of a building inspector in Medford. More schoolhouscs are to be built, blocks, all of which should conform to established rules lor public safety. Collapse of the Central Point bridge approaches calls attention to the danger of constructing buildings out of the same material namely Bear creek sand and gravel. A certain amount of earth is carried in the sand, and a collapse would impress upon the public mind the neces sity of adequate inspection. 'Other cities have learned the lesson by costly experi ence .Medford should take a leaf from their history, and before more fire traps are constructed insist upon neces sary safeguards. ' 'To do williotit a building inspector and the necessary building laws enforced elsewhere is a penny wise and pound foolish policy. MOVE THE RAILROAD. Til 10 disgraceful condition of the Southern Pacific right of way through Medford is an argument for the re moval of the tracks to Hear creek and the utilization of the idle land for business purposes. Piles of lumber, tiers of cordwood, movable lunch wag ons, junk piles, debris of all kinds, billboards, collapsing and flimsily constructed shacks and warehouses make this stretch of the most valuable business property in the city an evesorc to the community. If the tracks are to remain in their present location, the right of way should be parked. Put J'or the benefit of both city and railroad they should be moved, and moved while it can bo done at a profit, as it can be at present. Within a vear or two crossings will have to be made at Sixth and Ninth streets, and each year will see demand 'or more crossings. JO very to life and expensive to maintain, while ll the tracks wen; placed along Pear creek, all crossings would be by bridges and endanger no one. The matter of removal should be lakeji up by the coun cil and Commercial club with the railroad, the cost and feasibility ascertained, for the future growth and develop ment of the, city and the convenience of its inhabitants depends upon a satisfactory solution of this problem. It is all right for a railroad to split a country village into two sections, but it is not right that a city furnishing a large amount of traffic be so hampered in its upbuilding. LODGE'S NATIONAL MENACE. PNATOP LODGE of Massachusetts declares that pop ular election of senators is a "menace to the nation" and "strikes at the very foundation of the national gov- ni'llllieilt " Opposition by Senator Lodge was to be expected. Tn, a long legislative career there is yet to be cited an instance in which he favored the people as against special interests. Senator Lodge has worn the collar of Vall street and Ihe'liverv of the trusts since he entered nublic life. He ct.liI.W ll.ro.iKl. Iho Now llnvon ,,,ilroa,l, in oll.or words, by the grace ol .Morgan. If the election of senators was left to the people, Mr. Lodge would not be iu it, any more than manytother mil- honaires. Popular elections .,,..',,. i the nnt ion is threatened. Vet Lodge is the man lor so earnestly and energetically, and his support helped to elect this reactionnrv, jiledged to opjiose all progressive legislation Uooseveli has championed. And this is one ft , ,, , ,. . , . ' ,. .,, . ,i . -j i. so earnestlv and energelicallv, and his support helped to reason wn me punnc is losing laitu in uie sincerity 01 Theodore looseell. ES 0RDERST0TR00PS For First Time In 'History of Avia tion Despatches Aie Carried ly Air Route to Government Forces Splendid Flight Mntle. 8AN nilKlO. Cul . Feb. 7.--Harry A. HaikneHH, luilllonulro nvUlor of Pasadena, made the flrtt flight lu the history of aviation today carrying dispatches from the United State government to troops In the field. lie started from North Island, Sun Diego, where the Curtlss and Hark ucsa hangars are located, flew along 8au Otego bay to (he Tlu Juana, Cal ifornia, on the border, whore United Btates troops from Port UoMcraus are ou guard to euforoo ueutrality. and dropped a package of government dispatches aud mall and copies ol the San Diego Sun Into camp for the officers and soldiers, by order of Ma jor Mciianus. coiuuiaudlug Kort Itoaecwna. ..yaiktiess delivered the package AVIATOR AR m.(lijYrom his Antoinette mouoplano at V:sU a. Ui , new vwo luuvs uuu .ui"- loan territory and then started back to San Diego. Arcliblslioii Wetter, I'ltlUAnHlil'IUA. !.. Feb. 7. . ;. .. .. I .l.l.:l It..,.. as well as many business. one of them will be a menace threaten his seat tuerelore0011 B,-0" I0,u"lu- I No immediate plana for tho lion ltymoon woro nnil0lince,L It Is prol). whom Roosevelt campaigned ul)lo tlmt th0 POHpIo wll, K0 t0 tlu PAPE TO ACT AS REFEREE c m.n i n ni i .!(. i States Will Be Third Man in the Rinil at Toniijlit's Exhlliltion Opera House. at " Tho faHt three round pivliininiir es between loan local ho.Mn. w.l,",, "" " ......,. pjeeedo the luniu oent, tou round tnveU Hlui rlghUnK nw h.ne won spniniiK e.hibition helweeu KightJni" u,p heart of Mhu Vivien, for Lord Dick. Wheeler, of Chicago, mid I'YuuW-' Decles was a fietpiont guest of tho e l-MwiwiU of Sun KrimeUeo at the Uoulds at tlielr Georgian court and Medford theater Umiuht. , tj,wu residences. Lord Oecles. how- The lo.nl boy huui beeh Uolnis ' VBP' ilanWlX the liHmcliuient that u good deal of training and liae de-jne nd plajed Othollo to Mis Gould's veloped grenl apod. j DewJeinona. The ho nt a will bu pulled off in it ,Snjs u, xt did. iug built on the htuge of (he Opera jrd Denes bluisolf thought it IIoiim'. A cod view may he hud t ' nothing uiiumuiI that u nun of 44 lie figkU'l'g from ull pints of the should wish to marry it girl of IS. loiiae mid wilh Al. rpe. of Khiiuaih, "Why! Wh. I am not old." he 'alU, a ret'tttfiu the fun are n-lsald to the New Y'ork Interviewers ured a clean Q.slllhition of the turnip "n Rngland a man of 4 1. esp. dully art. If be has lived aotlvely in the open 1'upe was fotuierly ihiimpion oniN-jalr. as I hu done, is considered mail of lb Ob'uipio I'lub of Sii'rlht Iu his prima. Ulfforence in VnneiacQ, m is a limn well known ages such as between Miss Oould nnd o cxeryone inleresteU in porliiiglnie. are very coinmon In Kngl.mil" 'wuU ou the Pgoifio toat iu rece.it I l addition to being a soldier. vears. ! lnrd Decles is one of the most prom- Keats are on sole at Haskins dmc;'unt sportsmeu in Ungland He .tur aihI I bet ba.iU w.mineiw.., ul ii'oVUI a SOlSlI iHi'ltlg stable and Is .'dock. l'erhapa most of your had luck" oiihUU in failing to answer the wint ads that contain opixirtuiittio-. lur jott. LAWS GO INTO EFFECT! ONCE So Decides Judge Bean in United States Federal Court Decision nf Far ReachHifj Importance No Action by Governor Legislatures. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 7. In nn opinion which irobnbly will have n far .reaching offect, Judge Bonn of tho United Staton court has decided that all JawH paused by tho voters under the Initiative beconio laws Im mediately without any action of tho governor or legislature. The decision was made in tho caBO of Walter Ilradley, who was suing the Union Bridge and Construction com pany for damages for the death of bis son, who foil from one of tho com pany's barges and was drowned in tho Willamette river. Urndloy brought action undor tho new employers' lia bility law which' bad carried at the general ulectldn November 8, tho day previous to tho youth's death. Would Bar Classic KANSAS (MTV. Mn Feb. 7. A 'iiovemeiit is today under way hen lo bar Mark Twain's novel, "Ilucklc berry Finn" fro mlho public school following the denouncement of tin book by mothers of several boys whr imitated the adMenluies of "Unci Finn" and "Tom Sawyer." AMF.RICAN GIRL AND BRITISH LORD MARRIED (Continued from papo 1.) and at her presentation to tho Eng lish court In Juno. Tho bridesmaids' gowns wore of wblto cblffon over white satin, trim med with festoons of Boa. green sat in ribbons. The gowns wero In the blgh-wnlsted empire style. Tho hat were of white cblffon, trimmed wltl' green. The brldti's dress was made in Paris, as was the rest of hoi trousseau, on which was spent, it If estimated by n reliable person, the 3iiug llttlo sum of $10,000. Cost Is STo.OOO. Those who llkq(tp follow tho elab orate weddings ajnong Now York'? millionaires estlmato tho total cost i of Miss Vivien's transformation into Lady nodes at cfose to $75,000, to i3ll' nothing of tho "dot" of several millions tbnt sbo will take her titled husband. Mrs. George J. Gould if nothing if not lavish In her soda) affairs, and her planning of today't weddliiK, from first to last, was in utter disregard of cost. Tho prollni- -: ZSZ t0 th0 wodlllllK ,mrty nn,i the othor oddH and onds brought tho total ox penditures up tho proportions of n Gould properties at Jonyii isian Georgia, returning to New York m ninK on iho cnrinnnia on Fobrun 18. They will mako tho Modltorr Gould properties at Jonyii island and obruarj hey will make tho Medltorrn ncHM trip and stay somo tlmo in ICgypt before Koing to Sefton i'ark. Dilfei-eiico iu Ages. The great disparity in the ages of j.oid und Lady Dodos added a not. uf Interest to their wedding. Lord s lieeleM, whose full name U John Gra- ain Hone Do ha Poer llerosford ,iron Decle. of county Wiitorford. lieland, first met Mlfis Gould while lie wrk exhibiting hrTrses at tho Now York show t,eernl years ago. She was then In abort drosses, but It was seen ut the outset that he was grout- 1 Intel ested In tho child, as she then was. Lord lelos, who is only two yonn youuger than bU fntlier-in-law, ha seen much serlco as a soldier, luiv- ' hwii in the Boor campaign. Ho wMJt auirtfMlsl tliut hit utorio nt lite known aa a cricket aud football p)a- er, a kunter and bosar. Tke i.mnti J eU over hUb Uwly l0ii win lie i ml.tre. aie KlUoruy. IroUnl. Sof-;j (OU Park Sl.iuh, Kufland and, HeroMul Lo.ihr Kent. ES FLAYS I ill: II R Says No Doubt Exists But That Il linois Senator Gained His Scat Tlirniinh Rriherv nnd Other Un-I savory Methods. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. In an able speech that wns received by his colleague with pronounced in terest, Jones ( republican, Washing ton) announced his crdict uaiiist Lo rimer in' the bctiute today. He gae an incihivc loviow of the testimony. The senator argued that the secn known tainted otea cast for Loriiner were not ull that were swayed by corrupt practices. "In the case, before us," lie said, ,sit seems to mo it would practically ic impossible to determine definat'y and feiirely all of tho taincd votes, flie tainting of Lee O'Neill Brown'-, oto did not stop with him. Thcie were men like '.Manny' Abrahams, ivho voted as Browne voted, riylit or wrong, how many, no one knows, b'll Jio tainting of his vote tainted thciis ven though they were not guilty ol any wrong intent. Tho testimony Iself shown aye, Brown so testi fied - that here were men iu the llinois legislature who voted us irowiie oled whether right or wrong nd iiny transaction, iu my judg neiii, tainting Brown's vols, also ainls theso votes. His influence nis different fro mlliat of the or hnary member of the legislature. Itiny looked lo him as a friend, adur and guide. What eer ho dii hey accepted us concet and those iho were looking to iniliienco nn lection by improper means woiud ccoiuplish a great deal more by in liieiicing Biowu'h vote than by in liiencing (he votes of dozens ol ihcrs. It was plain lo be seen that f Browns could ho bribed, not oinv is vote would be bought, but that hero would be bought with it ninny ither votes." "1 have wished to sustain the ver lict of the niajoiity of the commit ce because of their learning and bility, their integrity nnd patriotism have wished to sustain their ver 'ict because of my intimate nssocia ioii with Mr. Loriiner in the house f loprcMMitntives. I have wished to ustain it for the honor of the great late of Illinois, in which I was bm-n nd reared, but I am compelled li iv oalh under the facts, as I s?c 'lcni, and the law, as I see it, to vole declare' the election of Jlr. Lou icr illegal and void." LEGISLATURE AGAIN TO VOTE ON SENAT0RSHIP CHAIJLKSTON. W. Vn., Feb. 7. .Iiiestion as to the legality of Ihc lection of Chailes Watson und Wal 'er Chilton having nrison, the legiMa ure, will within a few days, vote on heir nomination for the fonith time. I'he two moil were first elected while he republican members of the state 'Ciinto were in' Cincinnati to prevent egnl organization of the legislature I'hey wero voted upon a second lime titer the memheis lelurued, but t Is cpuhlicans refused to anwer ndl all. A third election wa- held ami heir connni'ions issued bv Oovei .r cnasMoek. i. u ,,ow i.e.,1 ,.,( e organization ol the loKislnluro nt io ne orgaiiizuiiou oi I lie leg) vliich thev were eloeted wan not ac ording to law and a fourth electioi vill take place. Pioneer Woman Dies. Heath claimed another Oiv.tn ioncer' Sundny. when .Miv. Mary .1 'iltridKo, died ul her home in Ai.ii and, iiKid (ID yearn. M-. Kitt.'idK firt came nero -he phiiiiH to Orcein in the ei-l 'iftK's. Tho family xelth-d lunr tlu ow eil of Portland. After her nin iiitftf to Jlr. Kittridjfr (he coupl.' ! lur ;i U:l.llKM' ui Ne.liv Hen l.akeiew. Tho fnmilv moed to A-l.- und several your ak". There are OHiinuiei-B and n Mtn who lie ul Ubliind. One of the daughters ... Mi.fc Mr- Kittridei. tencher (t thi ith trrnde in the Lincoln ochool (,' Medford. !.... 1.. l.i ... i Rcsumo Racing nt Juarez ,11'AIZEX. Me., IVh. 7- The Jnu er. .loekev (dub probably will resume iicinc thih afternoon, officials be ;eiinr trouble u round Junror is prai--t call at nn end, Hasklns for Hoaltb fr MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. s s s s s s s s s s s s l N OR M GET THE HABIT Of calling us if you have any electric work of any kind. Wo can fix you up in tho best possible style. It is a Good Habit and Will Cost Yon Nothing Electric Construction Co. 1'IIOXE JIAIX 0301 L. N. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT Talent. Jackson County, Oregon. aiuhwiv between Alcdford belt of Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild climate, and pure water. Alfalfa, fruit and t imber lands from 15 acres to 800 acres. Also lot,s on the instalment plan, in newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon. AVYite (enclosing stamps) or come and see me at Talent, Oregon. r ss A3LFALFA LAND SOLANO COUNTY. CALIFORNIA Choicest dairy and alfalfa proposition In the state, located on tho main lino of the Southern Piulflc railroad, between Sacramento and San Francisco. IDHAL CLIMATE ABUNDANCE OP WATEll FOR IRRIGATION "Wilto Us for Information DIXON ALF,ALK LAND CO, - - DIXON, CAL. SURPASSES ANY SAVINGS BANK .v K $ E&TAT t ratiw mnn',irVM w ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. II .NORTH CENTRAL AVEXIE. s-sr v s r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. J " - : Nothing Just as Good i J EAGLE I'HAILMACV, 10 K"t '" 1'lioneb: Home 0J; l'ac. 21V2 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Tlios. Bartholomew, Pli. C, General Mgr. Re.ail Stores Medford, Ore. riio i j i J The QUAKER i , i Everything in the Nursery Line See tlio nice Knglish Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only the most perfect of pear, peach, applo, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. Office 116 Office Phone 238 1 x L20 WIvST MAIX STUEET and Aslilnnd, iu the fruit rr Tho beat Eaglo Point truck land Is the best on earth. We offer 5 1-2 acres, with 12 inches water, good flumes, nnd with one aero blackberries and 1 1-2 acres bear ing orchard, all for $500 per acre. This is close in Eagle Point prop erty and is the making of a choice home tract. PHONE. to loan on improved ranches - rr - r.i - 0 as the REXALL Remedies " ' ,,,VM""' WEST SIIJE PHARMACY 20fi West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pnc. 4041 NURSERYMAN plants), and full line Main Street - Res. Phone 2493 ------ I ,1-3 .