ffT J B ! etc w U I r i t :; .,., , . i. i. 1 1 ? $ l 1 1 t 1 I 1 ! j v ml I '' '11 1 ft- I 4 & ' mi PXGE TWO POSTAL SAVINGS BMSJIICCEED .Postmaster General Hitchcock Plcad- " (cd by Ofreralion o( New System- Deposits Show Plan Will Succeed ejnejBBWvw Look for Large Gain. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fell. 7. "If the necessary miproprltitlons were nvnllrtblo I would establish rt postal shvltiRs bank tomorrow In 500 addi tional titles arid towns df the United States." This statement was made last night by Postmaster General Hitchcock In view of reports of the first month's operation of the pbsttil savings sys tem. The reports nro most gratify ing to Mr. Hitchcock. They nro rognrded as demonstrat ing that tho now system has already passed tho experimental stage. ' They are regarded as demonstrat ing that the new system has already passed tho experimental stage. Tho certificate of deposit plan, which Ib an Innovation In tho trans action of postal savings business Is shown to bo admirably adapted to Its pnrposo. It is readily understood by depositors and Is easily handled "by postmasters. Tho total doposlts In tho 48 exist ing postal banks for January will ap proximate ?CO,000. This is tin nvbr- ngo of about $1200. Assuming that this average will bo maintained throughout tho year, tho aggrogato of aniliial doposlts will bo eloHo to thrcoiquarterH of a million dollars. It Is assumed by officers of tho sys tem that tho deposits will be corre spondingly greater when tho sorvlco is extended to first class offices. Rebels Rob Stores. CULIAOAN, Me., Fob. 7.A baud of, revolutionists at TnniiiHkin, near Siilnloa, Hceurcd 8(10 from the nior chlinlH of that plnco today by threat -eiiiny to destroy llioir cHtnhlishiuoiith if tho contribution were i outsell. Eighty insurreeloB aro -reported headed for this city, ancl Kovornor lledo linn soul J (10 rttrnlcH mid Rold ierri to incol tlifili. A clash Is ex pected. AT ANIENT DAI BURNS Tli) "Tiger" bunk house, occupied liy seven employes of (lib Golden Drift company at the- Anient dam, was destroyed by fire on Sunday af ternoon. Tho fire started about .'1 "o'clock while tlib boys Wero busy werkinj: nt the dam, u considerable distance above the liuildiujj, and the bouse with all il onntouts vviin noon destroyed. The men oeciiypiuj,' the bliuso were Outgo Snow, Phil Starr, Thou. Taylor, Chan. MoKiuiuiotiH, Hob McNutt, William Hunter and Mr. Floyd, and all their belonging. ennsisliui: of clothing, jewelry, m tdruinontt), etc., were burned, the boys fliivim; only tho working olollu's they had on at the timo of tho fire. Mr. Taylor, who is an cngiueor, bad his civil service papers burned, lif bidos his other article. Thin in quite it gorious loan to him. It is no' known bow tho firo utiiitcd. Thi" moniing fluorgu Sunders, agent of. the Chicago. Hogiio Hivor eompany, pre gcnlod oueb of Hie boys with a new suit oC clothe lo bulp make up their loss. Want Tlpplnn Stopped. MADISON, Win. Feb. 7.- Dissatis fied with tho present niili-tippiiig law. AsHcmiilyiiinn .1. N. Jnhiidin is today flaming a new hill which lie will in troduce in the Wiscon-dii legii.lH.tMrc, aaeowing n heavy penally upon nnv itoiiorMli(iii wlioh employe accept iHi. Johnson's bill in aimed directly at Hid ruilrmwU und the l'ulbnau Oompany. A luiuimtim fine of - witli a in.iximum poniHty of $fl00 4Ui(1 impriiioumuiil are provided. lobiiiHm litflievoa that tho railroad mid tho PullniHii company got all Hint is coining to them wlieu tho tiekols Hie purclmsed, witliout h gtriti ning purler holding out u black mlui ritli tlitt IdeH of getting it "graft ed." Bold Bank Robbery. UNWOOn, Kmin.. I'Vb. 7. Wrh drawn gun two or Hi roe yeggtorn t (hy buid back a crowd of eilisetw libro while a liiit'd blew oiuui and rob bed tlio safe of the Lin wood State Hunk, securing $1800. Morn than $2)60 in gold was overlooked. Wlion the first explosion set off the robber drew crowd of rarl.r riiors to the htnk the two uum out trido warned tUetti off. After a sec ond blast the doors of the vault gae way mid Hie Hire bandits fled. A posse is pureuiug thorn. BUNK ADVOCATES OF BILL T Trump Card Is Played by Opposition to Injured Workman's Compensa tion Act But Trick Is Taken bv Advocates Early Report Expeetci!. SAIiKM, Or., Fob. 7. Tho trump card of the opposition to the Injured tvorkmnn's compensation act, Intro duced In the loglslnluro by Represen tative Abbott, was played last night bofore tho Judiciary committee- by the opposition to the measure and the trick taken by the advocates of tho bill. Attorney William Davis, attempting to show a Joker In the bill, demanded an explanation ns to why a clause appearing In tho law was not nlso In tho contract to he entered In by workmen and employ er. And at tho climax when ho ex pected advocates of tho measure to ho confounded with confusion ho and those opposing the measure were thrown Into rout by tho unison cry from tho challenged to "put It In." Tho members of the committee were visibly Impressed by this ovldonco of fulrncBS and entire absonco of "Jok ers" In tho measure that they went thoroughly Into tho various features questioning Attorney James It. Keor, who served as legal advisor to tho voluntary cominlttco which drafted tho bill from a humanitarian stand point, closely In regard to tho effect on the employers' Indemnity measure adopted at tho Novombor election, which convinced them It would re main Intact. It Is expected tho com mittee will mako nn early report on tho measure. No Chanflo for Wheeler. HHHKKIiBY, Cnl., Fel. 7i Presi dent Hciijiiniin Ido W'lieoier of lite University '!' California todiiy iimdit official denial of Hid report that ho lind been ol'Jered mid would accept Hie presidency of Princeton Univer sity. Wheeler also onid there was nolliintr in tlm Hlory that lie would head the University of Pennsylvania, Us lie feels Unit lie Hues his services to California. GOULD WARNED AGAINST LORD DEC1ES NRW YORK, Keb. 7.- Threaten ing letters sent Miss Vivien Uould warning her against marrying Lord DocIcm mo In tho hands of tho pollco today. All wero anonymous and their contents wore kbpt fiocrot from MIha Gould. One of them read: ".My Denr, Sweet tllrl: How-are-. Itoiuembcr tho fato of your aunt, who niitriied a bluo-bloodod noble man, the rotten romiiaiif of a deeltu- Ing race. Tliore are still Colint Cus- tellaiies waiting to snatch up good, olean American gliiR for tholr dol hti'H. Ouco they have done this, they noon throw aside the pure young things and return to their ways of dissolution." GAS MAIN STARTS BIG SEATTLE FIRE SKATTI.K, Wah., Feb 7 -- The uullmritiw aNccrtHiiied tliat the fiiu that wiped out a business block on Second Avenue Saturday ovoniim und caused a los of at least $lft0, 000 VMi due to (lefectivc tfim nuiiiH. Two fiieuiou mo in the liiiwpiul loduv recoveriiiK front the effectii of inlialiinr smoke and sa funics-. Texas Plans New Fruits SAN ANTONIO. IMi. 7. - Kn coid'Hiffd by tho reulls froin e perinicuU "I the I'uitcd States K.pc rimciiial Sliiliou at Kort Hrnwh, near HrowiiNville, Southrct Tayiih, iVrtitci'h Hie planniiiK lo iuvnde the N'tirth witli nral Hbvv fruits mid vpkMuIiU'w hiiliorld uiiktmwu to (he great uiujurily tif Auiriftini. Ctni cruble hiieceoH bus been had in thi section of Tpxhh in vniwiuir varionM kinds of native ilcxiean fruits, e K'inllv the aiiuacalc. Thi, koiip (inieri callfd the "nlliKHior pear," grown readily and will prove h de cided addition u Naiad dialiws. It is the siae of a large huf, Htid W eoverud with a thick skin. The meat in firm ami of delicious Uitc, of irron color mid oily. The natiVf Mevicau pluck it fmni tho lrw, ieln off the skin and fiu (pientiy makca a meal off two or three arucates without retorting to the bread like tortilla. It is prtiposed to advertise it on Northern market, for visitors who come in San An tonio irrow very fond of it In agua cale salad, and the hotls and llexi iiiii reatnuranta feature it on thoir menu cards. IlatklDB for Henlth. H 0 jMEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, "MI" CALIOPE ' CALLED PES! -' Society for the Abatement of Pest Confers Decree of Butcher of Hai mony and Professor of Discords Upon Nat. Enujilccr At tho rogulnr dally meeting ol the Society for the Abatement ol Pests held last night on the c.ornor of street It was unan Imously decided that tho engineer of the Nntatorluin, he of the "Home Sweet Home" which nightly rend" tho nl'r. lit! presented with ono of tilt biggest and Juiciest of limes now en rotito from California for distribu tion among various pests. The blowing of tho whistle at tin Nntatorluin heralding the arrival or the three-meal periods every daj romos as a boon and n blessing ti tho many thousands whoso Inger dolls are with them only In tho form or a fond inbmory, but why the pub lic tympanum should be outraged nlglitly by tho horrible mnssacrelng of that ancient and honorable "Home Sweet Home" effort on the part of a musically Inclined engineer and a hundred horse-power botlor Ik more than the members of tho local lodge of the Show Me club can un derstand. CITY WINS FIRST TILT WITH LUMBER COMPANY KUOKNK, Ore., Feb. 7.-The Cit of Kugono iias scored its first vie lory in the injunction suit brought b the Ilootlt-Kelly Lumber Company 1. restrain the city from diverting tb water from the McKenzie Hivor foi uso by (ho city's municipal elect rl plaht which is liearing completion. Word wim received hero today ih.v Judge John S. Coke, before whom tin case has been brought, sustained th city's demurrer. The rfuil was brough into the Circuit Court of Lane Coiinh in November, 11)01), and when it wi filed created consternation nmoiu the members of the City Council, wh. little dreamed (bat the big lumbc corporation would pluce obstacles i, their way. J TO ACT SACKA.MKNTO, Cal., Teh. 7. Senator Jonathan llourno of Orogon has tolegraphed Uovernor JohiiBon urging tho California executlvo to take tpilck action on tho resolution calling on congress to let tho peopli vote on tho constitutional amend ment for direct election of United States collators. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. A. l'ViTeiros lo r'crdiiuind Web her bond for deed. M II blk II Ol sous udditioti lo City of Mudford, $800. (Ins Samuels el us to Martin Mc- Donoub. Warranty deed. Strips t-f and 10 feet wide mid along full length tract ol land comprised i Kirliou of seeliou 'J.'). Township Si" . rnnge 'J west Willmnetle Mer. $1. Dora Helms to 1). II. Hans cam .aiTiintoe deed, t'arcel land al iulcr- eetion east line "(V street with S. iue Hast Olh st. Medio id $10. S. Schupbuek el ux lo V. II. Dill. iW'arrautee deed, l'areel laud situat- d in section 111 township l$, S range H K. of Willamette .Mer. containing 0 acre, $2000. Tlionitis V. MeAudrews lo Isunr . Armstrong, (uit j'laim deed. W.iiH .ores contained in sections 'JO, 21, 2$, and 'J20. township 117 S. rnnge 1 vest Willametts Mer. $10. Maggie Huckley to l-.aae V. Ann- trung. Quit claim deed. 'Jli.OS aere in Ncclkuu- -'0. 'Jl, '-S nnd "JO in ownhip 117 S. rmige I Wont WHIu- aeite .Mer. $10. Uoltie L l'elton ot al to Otforgo H. 4rtdlfry. Warren I y deed. S. W. tjuar- pr of the S..W., (UHiter of section 10 ml X. W. niiurtor of N. W. quarter f section 13 in township 33 S. . nnge 1 west of Willamette Mer. 1000. Old Records Burn. CONSTANTINOI'I.K. Feb. 7. - Records of inestimable value, souV dutiui; buck to the times of the Caesars, wore destroyed hen totla when the council of state huildink bttrhed with nu estimated loss of about $1,000,000. The urtnie minis ter's hourfe. was badly damaged. Archives of the city from the day when the Turk conquered it from the RoUmits are not included in the estimate of the lojta. Only the les sening of a gnie prevented a large part of the eity being destroyed. 1 liaakiu tor iiemup MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1911. 1' ' s nee Hosier Itrouu Xoniglit at the Jsls. Novelty In the line of artistic vau levllle is given in the comedy ere itlon of "UuBter's riurglar" present ed this season by Coyd Coleman and 'lis cnpablo company of performers. The sketch Is an original one, on lines far divergent from tho usual niidevlllo acts, and appeals bqth to 'ho humorous and pathetic sides ol lire. Llttlo Buster Brown, In the baractor rolo, Is tho Idol of ladles tnd chlldron, and tliou,;li but a child lis cloar cut work represents stage raft and .skill not found in ninn.v ilder actors. Boyd Coleman, the lever character actor, Invests vaude ville with a new presence tho high- 'r order of stago work. "BustorV nurglar" Is the vaudevlllo hit of the icason and Is playing tiver the leadlap Ircuits, and Its finish, tono and char icter aro now to the stage. I All WHITE SLAVER: Al'STIN. Tex., Keb. 7.--"IIam white slavers' " is the substance of i illl pending today in tho Texas leg islature. The house adopted It and it is believed the-senate will do like vlso. The measure provides five ears' Imprisonment for procuring In nates for disreputable houses. Tin lieiialty for a second offense la hnng iug. itHAi) ix Kism:iiAi:v .si'.vskt MACA'ASM. Ran Diego, the olty of dreams come true. Beautifully illustrated in four colors. Tetrassinl singing In the itreets of San PnTuclsco. Cluistmaf ICve. Now on sale. All news stands. 15 cents. 277 KHTTHX IIO.MK TMIlOl't.ll TIIK srxxv SOl'TII. When you arrauae your eastern trip be sure to Include the Sunset ltoute through New Orlenns, 151 Paso. I.os Angeles and San Francisco for return. It Is a splendid educational journey, and at this time of tho year especially delightful because so warm ami comfortable. ISvery mllo Ib through the sunny southland tlie rice and cotton fields of Louisiana and Texas, the vast mirage meses of New Mexico and Arlsoua now spread with bright green, the orange jtrove and semi-tropic charm of Califor nia, miles and miles along the ocean shore, and several of the most In teresting it on the continent. Ask our local railroad agent all about It. 292 Medrord, 'Or.. Pb. 0. 1911 This is to certify that aUout November 1st my daughter was taken wiih a se vere attack f rheuutatbtm which ren dered 'her loft arm useless, in fact It was so near paralysed that sho was not able to wove her finxers, but knowing of genta of Dr Chriw Young's marvelous cures of long standing rases of rheumatism, we de cided to consult htm. in which I am pleased to say made no mistake, as bis remedies acted at he claim, d they would, and after the third ticatmeut the rheumatic pain entirely left her and she has not had any symptoms of rheumatism slnee; besides her general health Is routk Unproved and I do not hesitate Itf Mtrlg I heliere those afflicted with riMtumatlotn or Paralysis will do well U) consult Dr Chow Young, wbogt bong is corner Tenth and Front street. Med lord. Oregon. CM A v v nss ELIEF UNDER WAY HHIE OBTRICT. Expcndltarc of $360,000 for hdtal of Two Million Suffers is Authorized Stencil From Unuurled Dead is Causing Diseases. NANKING, Feb. 7. Tho expendi ture of $3CO,000 for the rellof of 2,000,000 famine sufferers was au thorized today by the provincial au thorities of Annul and Kiang Su. The supplies will be sent out In pack trains to the remote fnrmlng sections, where the distress Is worst, and where hundreds of peasants are dy ing daily. . The stonch from the unburled dead In the streets is a fearful menace to the relief workers. To prevent a recurrence of the fam ine, which was caused by the" des truction of last year's crops by loods from the Hwal river and Its rlbittarles, embankments will be 'jullt to drain the vast network of cailals. REEDS RETURN HOME AFTER VISIT HERE II r. and Mrs. J. C. Reed, parents if Mrs. J. W. Bobbins of this city, wive left their home in BlooinNeld, 'a., after a Bojourn here of almost lx months. They will brenk their journey oast it Pueblo. Col., where tlioy will make short stay. Will Wed by1 Proxy. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 7. liirriiiKe by proxy is bein urritnsed oday by William Aijer, a chauffeur .iio dene, lo wed ji f;irl in Holland. I'w'o bridegrooms, twit brides, two veddiny ceremonies, thousands of idles apart, considerable red tiijio mil exchange of certificates and hen one wedding will' be required ef'ire Al.jcr will have tin; woman f his choice. Decause his sweet -icavt is jmor and the immigration aws bar her out tf ibis country. ljer will wed a proxy here, lit-. -weetlieari will do the same in 1 1 ol -and and then sail for America MAYOR GAYNOR'S AUTO MM BROOKLYN GIRL NP.W YORK. Feb. 7. -iliss isab l.i II. Smith, a Hroohlyn giii, is rc- ivering today from injuries received lieu Mayor Haynnr's automobile truck her on Ihooklyn Hridge. Mis-s Muith was tnkon home in the New oik mayor's innehine, while (iayiior loarded a car and sought his way 'irougli the slow o Iho city hall. iMIiKS ri'HKI) IX II TO 11 DAYS. PA.O OINTMENT is guaranteed o euro any caso of itching, blind, deeding or protruding plica la G to 1 d.-.ys pr money refunded. COc. To Whom It May Concern We Iiuvc no watered stock or -li rc if. any granite (imrrien to sell whicl' ironiise to pay in dividends one dol ii r mid upwards per annum, to very dollar invested by the iinw.ir, uU'chiMcr. In tact we have iiethin: o give iiwav JUST' IlKl'AlSH IT IS YOU. l'r instance, a in-imi nnt the ordiimry price of which, " (lose figuring would be $100.00 i-mil.' .iot be s:dd for $7.i.OO. Tbi cmi 1 not be douo unless tbu jirice w i raised in excels of the nciiml ..luc mil drop, ninking believe that n a were Kecuriiisc a bargain. Ye in doing a legitimate und honest bns nous, nnd carry a limited number . ihhmiineuts on lutiitl, mid we hImp vc,i went of the vnrilm gramle -iium rits in openitioii in Jackson Coint', the largest (Iranite (juarrviug oik' Polishing (.'ouijmuv irt sinithcrn Hu ston Kfnnii). Tlus oitipnnv gcner.iii their own olsotrio liower and Use ,!i uit in''rovsd modern irfachnierv, . if you patronise us yon will ymr, the most, and best, vnlucs tor .ir money. Phone or nddre tlu L X 1 MONTMKXT CO, iVnlr.il i'.n Ore. 2"it' $13,000 will buy s business proper! v one-h.iU block from th business center nf Malu street, lot 70x110; can lease for five yours st $2000 per year. This tul will not appear again. A. r. UAUNKTT. j Modfortl National Rank, opposite P. O.. srouud floor. tl Uasktis for health. HEW EHBINEEIb -- TO BE A Mayor Canon Will In all Protanlllly Name Successor to Harry E. Foster at This Evenings Session of City Council. In all probability Mayor Canon will at this evening's session of the olty council submit tho name of a ltew city engineer to succeed Harry 13. Foster. Tho appointment follows .Mr. Foster's retirement of his own Initiative, as he wishes to take up private work. PP0IN1ED Mayor Canon has two hibn In vlow.'"" a sub8tau. for the position, but ,, to , Jjj J J, boon ma(1, 8inco nounco thoir nnnios until late this "' b . ,,... ,,.,,. in,.ionsed afternoon as a final choice has not as yet been made. "om ?"v'"v" w T Gcoiko Tranna will this evening ...nr.-m uaotcm be named superintendent of the city! EFFORT MADE TO HASTEN water works, succeeding M. M. Gault. SCHOOL LAND SALES Other business to come before the, .... - o council this evening will bo for the, WASHINGTON. Kdi. . - Sena n most part of a routine nature, wlthll'hnmborhiin today was advise. o the exception of the request of the the Secretary of the Interior Unit c fireboys for the purchase of nddi-lforts will be made to expedite nflio.i tional equipment for tho department, Daring Bandits Failed. (illCAHO. Ills.. Feb. 7. Mcatt-i off nfler a hot light, two daring ban dits were balked in u street car hold no today which occurred within two blocks of a police station on the South Side. Stopping the car by a threat to shoot the inOtoriiian, one of the bandits on the front platform Marled through lit join bis comrade, who had bonuled the citr at the roar. One of the paseiigfrs punched' the robber just as he came through tlie door. Iviiockiuir him otf the platform. The othor, seeing his pal s lull, jump ed off the rear end and when the po lice amv'.c'd licit li had vhliishe'd. Sunday is Lovers Day LOS- ANOKLKS, Cal.. Feb. 7. Love letters constitute over half the mail called for at Hie local post of fice on Sundays, according to the postal nuthoiitics who me making an investigation to determine whether u would be advisable to close the pot office on the Sabbath. u r s FROH'IOGOHOBILES" The "Nat" Specials last night de feated the "Locomobile" team by ti score of 2211 to 2179 in a bowling tournament held In the Nntatorluin alleys last night. The first game was won by tho Locomobiles by a margin of fiS pins, but the "Nat" team picked up in the last two ganiog and won tho final score. ' Mornan at Nice. NICE, Feb. 7. J. I'lerpor.l Mor gan, apparently in Hie lies! of henlt'i m rived here todav. lie landed from ilav evening were held Tm-d.n aid r he -tc mer Cell ic at Yi'lc Franc noon. The service- were in chai md let i for Monte C.ulo. wbcie l.i'm' Mi'df.ud Lodge, No. 10.!, A. Vx will rcinnin several davs '. M. tkt&fotfcfrtf&Wtbfa& TIMBER LOCATIONS Evvvy rnitt'd Statt-s citizt'ii lias ,i tim hcr location right of lh'0 acres if von still liavf vonrs, lTSK IT NOW. Vc hare . . A FEW GOOD ONES on which wo can locate you. Fop fur Uiorjiartioiilars, address EVANS & McKERCHER TIMBER CRUISERS If OMYiamst. Ashland, Or. Medford Bakery TOPI) l 'IOMI' M V " ' ' ' !iA OFFICIALS A RE RE-ELECTED Jackson Coo Bank Kolas Annual Meeting Regular Dividend Declar edGreat' Growth ?flade In De posits in 10 Years. At the regular annual meeting of tho stockholders of the Jackson Coun ty bank all of the officials of that ihstltutidn were re-elected. They are! W. I. Vawtor, president; C. G. R. Lindley. vice-president; C. "W. ' ... uin. re a Flfor. as J C" J' cashier. The regular annual ,,..,.,..., ... ,ininro,l. JUU l ' snnnlOO iiu iiiproviug iiib wieu.... .. M'llOOl SelCCUOUS, SO Mini .m -..... inav have the early benefit of the funds to be derived from their saie. Under present rules all indcnuitlv lands selected by the stale nnisl be examined i the field by ti speci il agent before approval. This rule li is caused delay ill actidu hereto fori. To Restrict Marriage. SACHAMI5NTO. Cal., Feb. 7. - Common mnrrlagcs ratified by a min ister or jifBtico of the peace and wed dings at sea or upon tug boats will bo unlawful in California unless tho bride and bridegroom first secure a license, according to a bill Introduced today In tho" assembly. ' Man Beaten and Roblicil. SAN KltANTlSCO. Oil.. Feb. 7. -Y. U. (Irant, u business man and a life member of the Klk Lodge, Ju.i cau, Abtska. is at St. .Mary's Hospi tal following u severe beating iy thugs, flraitt was found unconscious ill a pool of water in the street, lie had been robbed. ELKS PREPARE TO PRESEil OPERA The local lodge of Klks i-. ptvparn z for Iho staging of the opera "I 1 Diavolo' at the Mcdfoid Opi.i Hoiiho on the evenings of .March -' and .'1. Tho east will bo filled by ioe il men and hfdios nnd parts for the per forinnueu will bo distributed anions Iho players for their study within Iho next few days. Lyon Funeral Today. The last rites over the remains of .1. A. Lyon who died in (his eitv Sipi- Box 204 Red Bluff, Cal. W A T C II I X (J T II K A I) l I X II wining. tQ and going from this Imk ciy gives a view of happy faces, with nt a trace of dyspepsia on a slii!?l i .e. Don't start trylug to make 'read m mother used to. jiuy it lure, save the labor and get better 1'iead. aud more for your money. Everything warranted iaire. . Delicatessen SOITII CKTirl, avkxi r 1 Vm CVK T .11 MN.p ,