anaDFORDMAn, TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 19J1. PAGE FIVE Personal Mrs. S. A. Illsdon of Peoria, 111., who lias boon spending the winter In southern Oregon, stopped off Thurs day on her way homo for a short visit with her nlcco, Mrs. D. 13. Sollss of this city. II. Hall of Portland is registered at tho Nash hotel. D. W, Hamlin of New York is vis iting Mcdford. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. 2S5 Thomas Slater, a San Francisco business man, is sponding a few days In Medford. H. D. Patterson, 11G B. Main, has eonio nice English Hollies nnd all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the hebt). Now is a good time to plant. Drop in and sco mo. tf C. G. Stewart of Seattle 1b mnklng a business trip to the city. Tho car that stands tho gaff The Buick. George Dolfel of Seattle arrived hero tills morning on a business trip. Is your louso wired? One cigar less a day would pay tor a hundred per cent Increase in comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. S. W. Crnbtreo of Portland arrived in the city this morning. He is ac companied by B. F. Walker and A. W. Shcaror. Any person passing through con fectionery at tho Natatorlum on Wed nesday from 2 to C p. m. will receive n check which will entitlo them to 5c worth of peanuts or popcorn. J. B. Enyart is spending a few days in Salem. Don't bo in a rush to buy your new auto sec tho 1911 Buick. Leonard Carponter of Veritas or chards returned Sunday from a trip north. Tho sensation of tho auto show at Portland 1911 BUicks. AV. W. Henderson of Ashland was a visitor in Medford "Sunday. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Mrs. .1. A. Westerlund has returned from a visit in Salem, where Mr. Wes terlund is in attendance on tho state legislature. Ask Colonel Ton Velio about those 1911 Buicks. S. A. Pattlson of Central Point spent Monday In Medford on busi ness. Don't buy an auto until you boo the 1911 Buicks. Benjamin F. Heidel returned Sun day from Salem, whoro ho was or dered by tho government to assist tho highways committee. John II, Carkln, attorney at law. over Jackson County bank. Henry R. McGee of Talent is spending n few days with friends in this city. Flvo hundred fino Bartlett pear trees for sale. Call on J. A. Perry at Medford National hank. tf Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hanson of Woodvllle are spending u few dnys in Medford. What car has delivered tho goods In tho Roguo River valley? The Buick That Is why there aro so many In use. Victor Grnco of Central Point was a Medford visitor recently. Rex Lampman, editor of tho Gold Hill Nows, Bpcnt today In Medford. Light, durable, Btrong, powerful, economical tho Buick leads tho au tomobllo world. A. A. Davis spent a portion of Inst week in Grants Pass on business. Arthur M. Geary returned to his ranch Sunday afternoon after a short visit to Medford. P. W. Williams of Butte Falls, who has been sponding a few days In the city, returnod to Ills homo this morn ing. It. H. Ellsworth of Contral Point spent the week end visiting friends In this city. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PTTONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to tho undertaking de triment of Medford Furniture Co Office With Medford Furniture Company About February 1, Private Am luIatKo Service, Sick and injurod onvoyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 361. Night:' John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butler, 3571. ' and Local W. W. Parker, county road super visor, nt Butte Falls, was a Medford and Jacksonville visitor recently. Send name and nddress to P. O. Box 49G for full particulars about tho most Interesting book evor writ ten, tf R. Hay and W. C. Martin wero vis itors In the city recently. They liavo returned to their homes nt Central Point. Tho triumph of auto building the 1911 Buicks. L. Roynolds of Woodvlllo spent Saturdny in Medford. Rail wood, So u cord. Farmers 7116. ( tf Mrs. F. L. Caldwell of Gold Hill spent Saturdny visiting friends here. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and -uirgcou. Offlco over Strang's drug toro. ' tf. M. E. Hawkins, brother or D. II. Hawkins, who during tho past 24 years has been a resident of Rogue valley, nrrlved in this city last Satur day. M. E. Hawkins, whose home is In Massachusetts, Is on this coast for his health, and for tho pnst threo months has been visiting In the north west. Mr. Hnwklns' Interests aro mostly lu the east. He is tho orig inal inventor of the lamy bracket, tho headlight bracket and tho nllumlnum bronze nlpplo and first Improved the chain rivet, nil of which aro used on tho Victor machines. It was duo to Mr. Hawkins' skill nnd careful ness ns Inspector of army guns a few yeais ago .that something Hko $300,000 was saved to tho United States government through his hav ing discovered imperfections In weap ons being turned out under contract. If possible Mr. Hawkins will per suade his brother to go back to New England with him. MANY TRIBUTES PAID TO CAPTAIN M. F. EGGLEST0N (Continued from 1'hko 1.) somewhat Improved In henlth, return ed to tho capital city, and Monday morning found him at his desk ready o servo tho people. Ho died at his posj of duty, llko a faithful soldier. He always was ea ger to watch any legislation that camo up, and ready and not afraid to give his views for or against any measuro under discussion. To show his eagerness, although ho was then a very sick man, tho following dny, Tuesday, ho had three bills before the house, and spoko in explanation of the same. He was so weak that ho could hardly rlso from his chair to address the speaker so as to pre sent his bills to tho house. Ho did o, and after a few moments, ho hnd 'o ask to bo excused, thinking best to go to his room nnd rest tho bal ance of tho day. This was tho last occasion that he occupied his chair In lie houso. He nlways had a kind word for his "ollow men. Ho was ono of tho cham ilons for tho good ronds movement In the state, and his untimely domlse will bo keenly felt by his associates 'n this particular respect. Wo sincerely mourn his loss and jrlovo that his kindly voice Is hushed rorever, and that only the empty hair remains to remind us of n 'rlend whom wo have lost. Smnll hotel uuil lodging liousi keepers will be hit hard if the hil introduced this afternoon in tile liou-t ')V Rcpesoutntivc' Clyde get throiul both limiM'f-. The 1 i 1 1 cnmpck tin twuci'x of all places that iiccoiik. date trnv(crs to chnuge tho he-' nhect and pillow slips after a lodg "r hu. occupied the bed for one night Snap, clean towels nnd sheets that ire least 81 inches wide and i) feo eut: must he providud under tin Clydo law. Important hills introduced in the -emitc toduv me; S. B. 'J.'i.') by Car .on of Marion (diking step-, towav' roiding a new capitol building aix "rounds for the stale,' and a hill In Senator Beau which nttompts 1. amend the direct primary law t movent democrats from regNterin, us republicans. The first attempt, to buck Onvornoi West was made this morning In Senator Nottingham who is endeavor ing to have senate hill tf which wi vetoed by the Governor Saturday passed over the voto. Nottingham : trying to line up ever man in the up nor hoiisP against the governor fo 'isiiig his veto powor, nnd n livoh debate on the question was cut shoi bv making the matter a special ordei for 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. JACK LONDON A CHICKEN THIEf (Continued from Pace 1.) laws of tho sort that formed the gal lant band that took Mexican, of tho sort that Is heroically enduring the prison hoi OS of Diaz, of the sort that Is fighting and dying and sacrific ing In Mexico today. 'I subscribe myself a chicken thlof and revolutionist. (Signed) "JACK LONDON." Hnklns for Health. ESENADA ASKS FOR BATTLESHIP United States Asked to Dispatch Warship to Sower California Port for its Moral Effect on Rebels. Warships Held in Readiness. SAN U1KQO, Cnl., Feb. fl. Pri vate advices from Ensennda state that officials there have asked the United States government to send a vnrshlp to that port for the moral effect It would have on tho rebels, believed to bo preparing to attack the city. It la also stated that Washington lias replied that a war vessel, proba bly ono of tho torpedo bont flotilla now here, will bo held In readiness for such a call. Officers of tho threo cruisers now In this harbor havo received no or ders regarding Mexico. SAYS ASBESTOS FRUIT IS BEST H. H. Lampman, owner of a ranch nt Asbestos, situated in tho moun tains enst of Medford, Is spending a few dnys visiting friends hero. Mr. Lampman is tho father of Rex Lamp man, editor of tho Gold Hill News. Formerly a resident of tho city of Grand Forks, N. D., where ho edited the "Times,' Mr. Lampman expresses himself as charmed with tho section of this country In which ho hns locat ed and proudly assertB that tho fruit raised In his vicinity is oven suporior in flavor to the products of tho Rogue River valley. "Transportation," ho says, "is all vo need. That will enablo us to put our fruit on the mnrket and to let 'ho consuming public judge for thom 'lolves the superiority of mountain raised fruits." Tho property owned by Mr. Lnmp n nn is situated in such a position Hint it at all times affords an un interrupted view of the city of Med ford on tho west, nnd permits of a ango of vision in the other dlrcctio ii reaching way beyond nnd over Ta blo Rock. A journalist by profession, Mr. Lampninn lias always been a lover of nature and his quests for out of doors wporlonces havo led him at different Mmcs to explore deep Into tho woods if Canada and tho moro romoto sec Ions of tho northwest of America. He asserts that this summer will seo n groat deal of travel from hero 'o the Asbestos country, ns tho road vill bo In excellent condition for au omobllo travel. JOHNSON ON HIS WAY TO SUNNY SLOPE CHICAGO, Fob. C- -Jack Johnson, Minniplon pugilist, Is today on his vay to California socking a clime, ho said, where ho' could run his buzz vngons without their bolus hung up o tho hubs In snow. Johnson said ho would stay on tho 'oast at least two months, after vhlch he might cither go to England 'or tho coronation or take a trip to Vustralla. After two months' velght reducing nmong the Callfor lla mountnlns, Johnson said ho vould bo ready to moot anyone If the iromotors would show enough mon iy. Until that time ho would not onslder a challengo from anyone. M0KMS TO AID MEXICAN REBELS LOS ANGELES, Cnl , Feb. G,--Tho icadqunrters of tho Mexican liberal unta, recruiting plnco of tho Mox 'can revolutionists, wore crowded to lay with Americans desirous of on Istlng in tho rebol cause. Former United Statos soldiers and sailors, sollego graduates and lnborors bo iclgod tho offices. Thoy woro ln 'ormed that thoy could not bo organ zed here, but that thoy would bo "olcomod by tho Insurgents at Mexl all. It was reported from Moxlrall today that -10 Americans had joined he rebels there wostorday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4 KOR SAM-Wliuu Oyster Parlor, centrally located; will well all u half intero-t Cull V2H Fn-t Mn.i. Mie. I, upM.ill-, tf. FISHERMEN OFF TO LEGISLATURE J. E. Enyart, W. F. Isaccs and J. W. Bcrrian arc in Salem in Inter ests of Rorjue River Bill Smith Introduces Amendment. J. E. Enyart, Toggery Dill Isaacs and J. W. Horrian left Sunday ovo llng for Salem, where they will ap car before the legislature to opposo my uniendniciit to tho Initiative bill losing the Rogue river to commercial fishing passed by the people at the ast general election. The bill introduced by the Hiimo 'ntcrests has been amended in tho houso committeo on fisheries so as to .irovldo for a six months' closed sea ".on and limit the fishing to gill nets, tcprcsentntlvo Smith of Josephlno 'ins introduced nn amendment pro viding for fishing in Josephine county also, while tho Humes and lower rlv T people only ask for It below tho nouth of tho Illinois. If Smith's amondment prevails, conditions will be nearly ns bad as they were pre vious to tho passage of the initlntivo bill, and the committeo will do nil in its power to accomplish tho defeat of the measuro. Tho houso committeo on fisheries Is composed of Plorco of Curry, Ma gouo of Clackamas, Holland of As toria, Gill of Wasco, Chanibors of Lin coln nnd Polk, nnd Is representative of the fishing Interests, nnd henco is probably favorable to the Humes. Tho loss of Captain Eggleston Is novcroly folt in connection with tho fish bill, ns ho was to mako tho fight on the floor against the Ilumo bill. HATPIN STARTS GREAT EIRE IN NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS. La.. Feb. (.-- Already holder of n police record, which includes murder, uiuyheni ami vicious ussnnlt, the long lint pin to day was indicted for another offen se, that of starting u fire. Investigating u blaze in Do Sotn street, the authorities found that ghi of the house burned inserted u long lint pin in her millinery and in turn ing from a mirror struck a lump, knocking it to tho floor nnd enusing uu explosion. Riley Not Suffering. INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Feb. 0. -Members of the family of Jumcs Whitcomb Riley this ufteriioon den ied reports that he hnd suffered a second nttack of paralysis. It was said that ho wns wlowly recovering from the fin.l nttack and his ulli muto recovery was expected. Early eports slated that Riley's condition wns critical, duo to a second attack and that ho was unable to recognize I'riends. ItOMUKU CATARRH Steals Energy and Will I 'oner From Its Victims. Catarrh robs its victim of energy somo phjslcinns say of will powor. That may bo tho reason why thou sands of cntarrh sufferers hnven't ambition enough to accopt this fair ind squaro offer by Chns. Strang, which ho makes without any whys nnd wherefores or rod tnpo of any kind. Chns. Strnng snys: "I guaranteo IJYOMEI to cure catarrh, acute or chronic, or money back," and that offer is open to every reader of the Mall Tribune. HYOMEI (pronounco it Hlgh-o-mo) Is tho purest Australian Euca lyptus combined with Thymol and other Komi killing nntlsoptlcB. Pour "a fow drops Into tho Binall vest pocket HYOMEI Inhaler and hreatho It Into the lungs over the In flnmed membrane infested with ca 'arrh gerniB. It Is pleasant to uso It kills tho germs, sothos the soro membrane, and cures catarrh, If It doesn't your money bnck. A botle of HYOMEI costs r.O cents at Chas. Strang's and drugglstH ev erywhere. A eomploto outfit, which Includes a bottle of HYOMEI, a hard rubber Inhaler nnd slmplo Instruc tions for uso, rots $1,00. Mdford Bakery TODD & (O IIOMM MMii J i S Mi PWIUY "LET THEM AL0NE"i i IS Central Oregon Town Starts Move ment Intended to Head Off Any Adverse Legislation in Regard to Railroads in the State. PORTLAND, Or.. Feb. 0. Itcio-l lutlons have been passed by tho bus- Ineas men of the town of Burns plcdg Ing their sincere friendship townrd railroad companies and promising to ' do nil In their power to assist in tho . modification or repeal of such laws In this state ns aro dangerous and alarming to Investors. A copy of the resolutions has been sent to the Portland chnmbor of conimerco for Indorsomont, nnd each representative from every part of tho state now at Salem will also bo sup plied with a copy, with n roqucst to oppose all measures dangerous nnd uncertain to proporty rights, and to assist lu tho repeal of such laws as aro now In force in tho stnto, which aro antagonistic to capital and con sequently detrimental to tho develop ment of the stnto. Are You a Woman? Hnltiiuoro, Mil. Mrs. W. II. lto.if nt MID Enst Madison street, writes "For several years, I suffered, oil' and on, from fcmnlo troubles, until finally 1 wns taken down nnd coutd do nothing. The pains I experienced, 1 shull never forget. I lost weight till I wns only skin und bones. believo 1 would have been in my grnvo if 1 hud not tried Cnrdui. 1 shull praise it ty long ns 1 live." iUiiny women, hko xurs. ison, are wenk nnd discouraged, on necount of some painful nilmont. Aro you one of these sufferers? Cnrdui will help you. Try it today. Any druggist. Chicken Dinner The Ladies of St. Mary's Guild will give one of their splendid chicken pic dinners next Thursduy, February 0. from 5 to 8 o'clock nt St. MurieV Hull. Price of the dinner, adults TiOc. children 'J.'ie. All nre cordially invited to attend. This will nppenl to nil of those who board as it is u well known fact that any reprcshmont furnished by tliofio ladies if of the very best. Every one who attends will bo nssur ed of a first class meiil nt a rouson nblo price. McKinlcy Got Fat Job. WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 0. President Tnft todny unpointed Rep resentative Duncan McKinley of Cal ifornia surveyor of customs for the port of Snn Francisco. IRE YOU INTERESTED I.V A GOOD INVKSTMKNT? Ono hundred acres Uutto Crook bottom, undor Irrigation, pcrpotunl wnter right. Al for apples or poars; can mnko big monoy raising onions, rolory, tomntoos and all kinds of veg etables; big monoy In subdivision; Joins n now townslto nnd tho rail road; all undor now wlro fonco; can bo bought for one-half tho prlco of adjoining land. I)uy from ownor nnd snvo tho commission. AddroBB Rex an. Medford. Or. tf Double Di ISC Records 65c Two records for tho prlco of ono. Call and hear tho now COLUM BIA MACHINES, Medford Music Shop McNEALY A; CO. 220 West Main W A T (' II I X T II K ii it i: a i) ii i x i: coming to and going from this bak ery gives a vlow of happy facos with ' not a trace of dyspepsia oh a slnglo faco Don't start trying to mnko bread as mother unod to. Iluy It here, snvo tho labor and got hotter bread, and moro for your money. Kverythlng warranted pure. I (Si Delicatessen KOl'TII CKXTUAIj AVKXCK, LM)Y COOK IN' CIIMUIU. I NS ON Now At Home In Our New Store When you nro down town to morrow or any time this wcok ho sure nnd call at the now store on South Central avenue. You will be surprised at tho appcaranco of this now location nnd pleased with tho wny tho goods aro displayed. You will Imagine that you nro In ono of tho big city markets. NEW GOODS Our stocks nro virtually now in cvory respect. Wo purposely run all stocks low In order not to havo much to move. In consoquenco wo havo opened with most everything fresh from tho crates. Our treatment of our customers In tho past assures their continued pntronago nnd wo wish to assure any who may contemplnto start ing to trndo with this storo that wo will always guaranteo that you get goods second to none In tho hinrkot that all goods nro frosh and that tho prices aro n little lower ban you oxpect to pay on most ovorythlng you buy. Coma to tho now store and glvo us n trial. Allen Grocery Co. K. CEN'THATj AVE. PHONIC MAIN 2711 Offutt Rornes Auto Co. QI3NEHAI. OVERHAULING. & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Corner Central Ave. and 8th St Medford, Or. s rs-r Bulk Coffee and Teas Did you ever stop to think that you can navo monoy by buying your coffeo or teas in bulk? This Is a fact that you can't deny. Wo will bo pleased to have you call and allow us to explain why wo can savo you money by soiling you thoso goods in tho bulk. Wo hnndlo sovoral of tho best known brands of bulk coffeo nnd teas, bellove thorn to ho just what you want. iti;.Mi:.Min:it tin: sai,i: ok disiiks. ALLIN & ALLIN CO. I'M WHKT MAIN STHKKT. I'HOXIJMAIX. rt j " Automobiles Where to Go Tonight "NAT" THEATRE Chnngcs itn program every Sunday, Wcdiiesduy ami Friday. A Bpucinl mntiucc every Sun day afternoon. Wo chow nothing but tho very latest and best films, :: Skating lessons given hy I: Instructor "W.J. Tanner j: I Monday and Wednesday;; sssssssrssjsJ THE ISIS THEATRE SHU llUHTICIl lUtOWN TONIGHT Direct from Pnntnges Circuit. i The Greatest Drawing Card of 1; season. . ; ir you uoirt laugn yoirro sick.;; Admission, . . 10 and 20c;; MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 2:30. Three Reels of Pictures and a Gnntl Snnn ; i - U-GO HIGH CLASS STOCK CO. TONIGHT "TIIK SnXATOlt'S DAUGIITKK" ' Four-Act Society Drama j! Uy Mnrjlrlo .Mnnriovlllo Stock Co. Itesorvo your seats by phono 2791 Zf i Medford's Exclusive Picture The ator. Latest Lieonsod Photo plays. i ; i: One Dime Nn More Ono Dime. I' WIINN DOWN TOWN DUOO IN AT TIIK "NatM Confectionery j ICH CIMCAM, SOFT DKNIKB, L.O. 1 I'XTI WA i !; I IV, JiUAUl I A light, pleasant room, opon from S a. m. to midnight. It. M. GHAMKS, Proprietor r-r Draperies Wo carry a very eomploto lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., nnd do ah classes of upholstering. A special man to look aftor this work oxclu slvoly nnd will glvo ns good sorvlco as Is posslblo to got In oven tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Typewriter Ribbons Every Color record or for EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE. Medford Book Store rr4 ADMISSION 10c. NATATORIUM :: mornings, ladies and clnl-? i dron. Gentlemen Saturday:: ; morning 9 to 11:30 o'clock:! i wmjkegPw, - !Vl ft k4UM i V