o JHEDFORD IIAJL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1911. PAGE THREE e s N OF SOCIALISTS ASKS SOLON TO SING TO THEM Japanese Novelist Denounces th2. California Legislators Balk at Poss Ministry of the Premier as Beinn at the Bottom of the Growth of Socialism In Japan. Ing State Song Because its Spon sor Refuses to Warble for Their Benefit. TOKIO, Feb. C Denouncing the SACRAMHNTO, Cal. Feb. 0. Flnt ministry of Premier Marquis Katstirn i rebellion disturbed the Sattir as being at the bottom of the growth, day dor.c of the California Assembly, of anarchy in Japan, Tolcutoml Roku,! And all about n-sonjj. Assenihlyniiui a prominent Jnpancso novelist, ere-: Clyde Bishop of Santa Ana just Ion ated the greatest excitement In To klo today when ho openly lauded the memory of Denjlro Kotoku and the 11 other socialists hanged hero last week. They were martyrs to the progress of tho empire, ho said. Tolcutoml, who Is a close student of the philosophy of Tolstoi, dilated fof two hours on the fato of Kotoku and his comrades In a lecture to tho Students' Debating society of the Ko togakko goVernment college. He roundly denounced the drastic meas ures of the Katsura ministry against tli" socialists and said that of all tho factors the action of the ministry nioro than anything elso was respon sible for the growth of sentiment an tagonistic to tho present form of gov ernment. Throughout his lecture To kutomi wns wildly cheered. GREAT ROAD EXPLOITS STATE ig Sun is Being Spent by Milwaukee System Advertising Resources of Oregon, Says Immigration Agent Good Results. HATES TO PAY ALIMONY TO ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE NEW YORK, Feb. 0. Charles A. Henderson, former husband of Uer nice Golden, the actress bride of F. W. Ileinze, hates to pay alimouy, es pecially when tho money is to co to the wife of a millionaire, and Supreme Court Justice Gerard took under ad visement his application to be re lieved of paying Mrs. Heinzo $100 ii week. Newspaper Man in Trouble. CUMHERrfAND, Mil., Feb. 0. John V. McConmtghy, Cumberland correspondent of tho New York Evening Journal, was arrested bore today on two charges of libel grow ing out of the publication yesterday in tho Evening Journal of a sensa tional story in connection with tho Elosscr-Twigg murder story. M" Conaughy is held pending a prelim inary hearing, r to got the legislature to adopt a cer tain ditty ns tho official warble of the golden state. Today when ho pressed for n vote, Chairman Randall of the engrossing committee snid, thr.t Bishop must sing the song to the assembly. Bishop refused flat. So did the committee. Then Chiof Clerk Mnllory was ask ed to hit the high C. lie. too, balk-' ed. And now, if Rishop. still wearies for a state wnrble. ho will have to import a piano and some triller of the concert halls whose notes uiv guaranteed not to rasp. MILITIA OUT TO CHECK LYNCHING RALEIGH, N. C, Feb. (i. Deter mined to prevent the lynching of an unidentified negro who today is be ing hunted by posses of enraged clti zons near the village of Wilson, tho militia has taken the field. The ne gro shot and killed Deputy Sheriff George Mrmford and probably fatally wounded Chief of Police Glover, at Wilson, when they tried to arrest him. Threats of clearing out the negroes of the section about Wilson were made today and a race war is feared. REVOLUTIONISTS GAIN THREE GREAT FORTS WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. G. Fort Liberty, Oannmintat mid Tron hnve fallen into the hands of the Ilaytien revolutionists according to a message received at the state de partment from American, minister Furniss at Portau Prince, the enpilal of Ilayti. .The cable adds that two ministers of tho Ilaytien cabinet have loft the capital to aid the federn! troops. PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. fi. "It mnv not be generally known here, but tho Milwaukee system is spending some thing over $15,000 In exploiting tho resources of Oregon and Washington In tho middle west and east," said Immigration Agent M. II. Welton, of j the Earllng road this morning. "Jt is divided about equally between the two statcc in tho size and variety of exhibits and products which we are showing on our present tours. i "Wo have- had three largo exhibi tion cars on tho road since October, and they will bo kept on tho go until May. Each car costs us an nverago of $75 a day or over 845,000 for tho entire exploitation campaign. "In addition to tho cars we havo corps of advance men who go ahead of the cars and bill the towns along the line, and then wo cngago halls and givo lectures with stcreoptlcon views tnken from all parts of this section of the country. Tho dally average number of visitors to each of tho cars has been over 2000, and tho attendance at our lectures has been so great that often we havo had to arrange for overflow meetings." HOTEL ARRIVALS iPfc!:i J. 13. E.SYART, President J. A. PEKIIY, Vice-President F. E. MERRICK, Vice-President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashlor. I -The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT 110XKS FOlt RENT. A GENERAL HANKING J DUSIXKSS TRANSACTED. We SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 2 fr4S4eMfifr44&fif J9J0& t STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING J PLUMBING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable i Phone 303!! f'' V l COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford Ore. 'rre'0 Hie finest Sample Koonv in Hie otv ML M J" r Single rooms or in suite also rooms with hnib Moore Telephone In Ever)- Itooui .RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN EJLL- Studebaker Garage Co. Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co, I This Oarage and Machine Shop is new In eh.iT" nr ;. prnctWl ante repair man. All kinds of autos and ga3 etn"pr, well and quickly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Cars stoied and cared I for by tho month. Oil and gasoline for sale. 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 sr4sssrsr4ss'4 Ml svsdl ijj!0&&p&mp . Medford Iron Works It. (J. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST Ail kinds of Enerinev, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers unci Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Nash J. M. Frin k, George V Meachain, Seattle; Ed. Mills, A. I Young, C. 1,. Burton, H. W. Pencil,, Portland; E. Gorrann, San Francisco; G. II. Libby, Grant's Pass; A. II. Kennedy, St. Paul; A. L. Peter, Port land; II. L. Uobersen, Chicago; Webb S. Wright, John Wjillinms, Central Point; E. D. St urges, San Franciseo; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Clarke, Lincoln. Nebraska; F. W. Gray, Dunsinuii, California; N. 0. Powers, Talent; S. J. Frcdenbcrg, G. W. Williams, Butte Falls; Hubert Simpson, Portland; 15. G. Northrup, Dallas, Oregon. The Moore F. S. Land, Seattle; E. C. Doyle, St. Louis; W. T. Hall, San Francisco G. E. Pnddock, E. 13. Dam en, Portland; V. T. Mills. Hnskins for UcnUh, Perfectly Lighted Wo are now wiring tho Medford Furnlturo & Hardwnro Co.'s build ing, tho largest in southern Oregon. When wo finish It will bo perfectly lighted and everything about tho wiring will bo perfoctly safo. Sco ub about your wiring and feel safo for all tlino. Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. Medford. "We arc now open for business. Hot waf fles, hot fakes and short orders. Quielc ser vice cooking done in window on gas. Co mo and sco us. I 3tftfwr 4r44f4f4& -WOMEN Did It over occur to you that It Is as Important to NURSE YOUR PLANTS as It Is your children? EVERGREEN V1TALIZER nour ishes and puts now Ufo Into tho weakest PLANTS OR BUSHES Cannot bo equnled for flower pots window boxes, fernH, palms, etc. EVERGREEN V1TALIZER kills all insects. Send today for frco samplo. Encloso 10c for mailing, Great Western Agency Co. Ji!H5 GKKKNWOOI) TKKRA0I3 CHICAGO, ILL. tr'ir Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies I Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phone, Night 1HD1, Day .11(11. 27 South Central Avenue EAGLE PHARMACY, 1051 East Main St. Phenes: Home 03; Pnc. 232 WEST SIDE PIIARMACY 200 West Main Stroet Phones: Home 43; Pac. 4041 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Ph. C, General Mgr. The Roxall storos Medford, Ore. tr 1911 1911 We Have Only a Few m n AflRCT KtKKUtHKfKiBK kEi The Cadillac has made its own reputation all over the world for reliability and economy in operating ASK ANY CADTLLAC OWNER -. flW ,t ' The Cadillac Factory is unable to put out cars' fast enough to supply the demand. For this reason we were unable to get an assignment of over fifteen cars for the 1911 season. Of this number tho majority are already sold. Ul .dfffiiihae : -JKg RaMi Wo would advise anyone eontomplatinug buying a Cad illac car to arrango for demonstration and to placo his order early, in order to got what he wants. t f 4 r BEAR Pacific Telephone 2551 Main. Home, 255. CREEK MOTOR CAR CO. 104 SOUTH BARTLETT ST., MEDFORD, OR. J. H. Corrigan, Mgr. and Sales Agent. r Li m W f A-