r-KMfc-' " MEI)lmM)MAIIlTmmTE,MED.KORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY f, 1011. PAX1E TWO mmtmz&$gsfr- 'i K I t. . i , ., -- . It ' ' i 'i ' 4- i ' " i , 11 HliLFSS Mi ! Scene From This ian and This Woman JEROME SHY URGES NEW LAW Appears Before Voluntary Committee and Offers to Go to Salem anil Work for Better Workman's Com pensation Act. ., ., , lWCrAtfl3, Q"J.. IWi. 0. Ilon oit J8. Roland of th dty, ltantite and dependant rendered no by on fcooMent in tha Went Side I.iiaibar ami Sliingl I'ompuny lnt April, nnpwu 6d lfore the voluntary committee -wliir-h is fighting for the cuii-i " h injured workomnn by th adoption ot i u workman -optional eomiHsnwition MlLdiy tha leieialaturo 'l offorod to jo hoforo Uiji judiciary commit tec whan thp advocate of the nliovo bill jpvaji a lionrintf MoadnV night nn.l exhibit IimiBelf an n victim oi u present syntoin of recovering pergon al injury damage. Mr. Holnnd wild teday: "If I we n soldier, injured as I am. I would bo ruouivinjj a pension of $75 per month. I am iiijmud in t lie industrial bnltlo, and fbt my ciibu in court. 1 now find myfeelf wholly dopondont on others at tJio no of forty-tlireo with a wifo and thruu ohihlion whom I am unablo to mipporl. 1 duairo to do my pail toward convincing the pim ple of Oregon that, without a jtitl oonipuitanlibii act, any law howover draitio, is unjust and unspeakably orjiol. Jnjurud laboring mon ncod in stant relief at time of injury." A coincidence of Mr. Rolands ap pearance before the committee n th.it while llioro bo met Frank C. Yoiuie jtmnngor of tlie Wont Side Lumber and Shingle company, tiKninst whom ,hu loat hi suit when injured. 11 r. Young is now one of Hip moat nggrea sive lighters for the adoption of thn coilipoiiBntion act. no potato shortage in california says king I , III ! I ' - " ifr. :t- ' " im mm Our Correspondents 0B1N Refuses to Enter Bankers Plan in Court Belligerent Attitude of Lawyer is Rebuked by Judge In dicted for Bank Wrecking. ' . LOS ANUKLUS, CaL, lVb. (1 -Thuio i m; danger of a potato or onion famine" in tins tdatc, according to iMorriH Ziiukciuian, tho "potato kluir" of California and head of the largoNl produce concern in Los An ,fc'0lo8. , "In 'Soulhern ralil'orniu wo hac JaiOu (joufrontdd yitli a situation Hint hill occasioned a slight increaHe in tlio. price of potatoes and al the same thno given r'mo to tho rumor of u fwmilic," said Zuckcrman today. "Wnslimit on the rnilroiulH between here and ShM Lake bine prevonlcd .sliipiiiauls of spuds coming in. We :wtro woll slocked up with poluloi ihsrs, however, and bad thousnuds of jsaflks of onions in hlorugM. Wc tuulurally look ndvunlage of llio sit jlialion to make n Utile money. Willi jiu h week we will have cnrlouds ol iolalos ill. Tlie Salt loike supply :of potatoes is practicully exlmusttnl iud wo will mil Jmrs to tnnr b iObio, bnt us far as a famine is sou josniud, reports to thut effect are UtafoHnUvd. There are plenty ot "onions." RAILROAD LOSES A BIG CASE IN CANADA NEW YOHKt Feb. 0 Sticking fast to lite contontlon that his client, Foscph Hobtti, wrockor of tho North ct n Hank of Now York, is Insane, 'i inipr District Attorney Jerome to da. in Judgo Swann's court, refus fil to cnlor a plea. The court order ed tl.at a plea of not guilty bo on ( u-d. When Robin was indicted on oiBht counts which charged larceny of more tf an $100,000, Jerome interposed a d' murrcr to the prcHontments, call 1'ii, the attention ot the court that the j did 'not conform with the law, 1' iviiiK been improperly signed by the district attorney. In the arguments that, followed Fudge Swnnn overruled tho demur ' r .Icromo then refused to plead, ll's bc-lllgeiunt attitude was rebuked bv JiiiIkc Swaun ami his attempts to evade trial were fi owned down. LAKE COUNTY EXPECTS TO SEE SPRING EARLY CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. J. W. Aleu-itl left for Gold 11:11 Sunday morning to he absent sevoral days attending to bnninehH. Attorney Ilolbrook Withingston of Medfoul was here Snturiluy on legal biisiucxs. Uev. Coeii of Woodville was hare Sunday between trains. .Mrs. ( L. fluid was a Cutilrul Point vihilor Sunday. Conro Ktcio and wife of Wood lawn orchard culeitaiued u number of Medfoul friends at their spacious home Satuiday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wonherlon. returned fiom a short, visit with Medfoul ic Ih lives Sunday iporuiug. The young people of the l'umby terinn chureli will have ft social -it the luxideucu of W. J. Kieeinan Wed ne day evening. KIomI Ifor. and Claience Pankev relumed trniu. a i-it at Gold 11.11 Siiudin inoiiiuig. IT, V. LmdM'v was a Medfoul iwi tor Suudiiy morning. The membeis of the Christian church Kino their pastor K'ev. K. N. Sickafoase a lautuHl reception Fri day evening. It was. a very oijjoy able a 1 fair. Mr. and Mr. Sicka loose woui both presented with handsome gold fountain pens in honor of (he heigh esteem with which the member.--held there. Monday evening tho Y. M. C. A. ivill organise clubs for the boys and joiuig men. The First club consist ing of boys from 10 to 14 years ol age. The Second club being compos ed of boys from fouileen lo oighleccii years. Monday evening these cluo- will clod ol'ficors, Mr. McKilLip entortniued hi cliH of boyw ot (he Presbyterian churdi at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Fiidnv een iug. All icpurt hiiMiig a pleasant time. Joe M'irph entertained Medfoul l lalMc-. Siinda. LIBOR OBJECTS 10 PEMIIIGER FUNERAL WORK OF OMVERSITYl SERVICE TUESDAY SAN FlLWt IM (I, IMi. ti. Dc The funeral of John A. lVnnmcr, who died at Chico, t al., but week will be held Tuesday morning ut 10 o'clock from the 1'eil rnderlak iiitf t'ompunv's chapel. Irttennent will lyllow l the Jak- sonvillo ccmutery, to which place ilv I'uucral cortege will drixe alter tin rer ice. LONDON, 1'Vli. tl Judgment was "iveu out loduy by the pray council in the case of the minister of pubbf works of province of Alberta against j the Canadian Pacific Uailrowd. Tills! was a test ease regarding the r.scinp- j Uoa of the lands Cnuadia'n Pacilic Inuds from taxation mid reunited u tv victory for Uo railway company .ill! along tup line, the case being dismis sed without cod. Their lordship bold thai unoccupied laud were not taxable until 20 years utter the ac tual grant of letters of patent t tits settler, even should be there a delay of many years on his part i.i hiking out thoHO letters of patent. They also held tnat C. P. H. laud sold on the installment plan are not taxable until ull the installments aic ttkt GEORGE GP.EY, NOBLEMAN DIES IN EAST APniCA mnad that tlu Htutc unlerst of California cesse to tritlu lawyers who lead the assaults of privileged capi tal and corporations generally upon the iuhsmvs to votcod today in a reso lution adopted by the labor council The resolution was sent to Sacramen to and its matter referred to Ike law and legislative cummltteo if or further expiesslou. HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored to Natural-Color with One Bottle of WYETH'S SAGE AND sulphur Hair remedy The Only True 'Hair Restorer, Tonic and Rejuvenator ALMOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now 70 years old, I consider the result mpst remarkable. It is an agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE. 210 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. --tm: K59 IrlMlM EnLRJJuLteM MXOMM. I tlM CUT I ill' AN IDEAL toToirfcwiOressiiw ((I-MIU ClJ I W WJ .!"( k StniJi. m. !"-" - km4 u.h1l An ar d I fJ fl. k"M . 1!1... rf.hi.1 4kI k 3t.ll ''L' k4 iPRICE 50c. AND 11.001 lflCB tt0 ijHt w-rrm chcmical ,W row HIT LAKEVIKW, Or., Feb. (i Many ol the old setthjrs and others (pmliticd to make weather predictions for L ikf County, declare thut the fiiM robin' of tho season, seen here last Suudnv is a forerunner of an early -piing. This, year hn.s been remarkably mild and outside of a little snow and a few tlays of cold weather, there his been nothing like it in years. The prospectn for the coming year are bright and (he stock on the ranges is in fine condition and fully able to stand any ordinary winler weather that may come between now and spiing. Many of the stockmen sn they have learned n Icson in times' past and are now feeding hay dur uijt the few weeks in winter when it in sometime necessity. This they us .ert brings the slock out ill the spiing in better condition and elim- r&vrTiiEi$3&'3 JChf.GtT ,.i-. t.- wvPTH'fi SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just such results? After years of study and analysis of thchajr, we have been able to produce an ideal Hair ionic and Restorer, which contains an actual constituent of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and restores laded and gray hair to natural color. Leon B. No matter how long 2?? tWck your hgr !? WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM- EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. rr, e i .(..i l v.A nrntn in erntv! of CSSeS. inusu are lauis mat nuvc "ii u . ii-iirJrCv WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is guar anteed to do all that it is claimed to do or tne price win dc rciunucu. 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS If Your Drutftflst Dee. Not Kep It Send SOo. In SUmtujij and Wo Will Send You ik torflo Bottle. Express PrepoJd COIEpany9 WEWYowcmr.R.Y. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Haskins, Medford, Ore, inates the loss thai h.is often lesul ed dining a severe wintcy on tlie higher altitude aboe the alley. ' TIasklns for Health M edford Theatre Wednesday Feb. 8th Tho New York Success, direct from the Maxine Elliott Theatre. "This Woman 111! S J! mn 95 Ilasklas for IiohUTi By Avovy Hop wood, author of "SWVKN DAYS" with Minnie Victorson KuppoHort bv WILLIAM W. BLAIR and a Specially Selected Company. Scats on salo jMondtiv, Fob. (ith. BOX ING EXHIBITION MEDFORD THEATRE SGY FEBRUARY 7 -MAIN EVENT-- Rounds - 10 - Rounds Fighting Dick Wheeler of Chicago, Battling Nelson's Sparring Partner. vs. Fraiikie Edwards of San Francisco. 2 GOOD PRELIMINARIES 2 General Admission $1.00, Reserved Seats $1.50, Ring side Seats $2.00. Seats on sale Friday morning at Haskin's Drug Store. . js a jtui'W-i,jjMu& r4fir4MMMVV'''"f "W'"""4Vf4V r'-sv-r'strsv4rr 9-W-4--m 4 Hurrah lor J SHE IS ALRIGHT; . YOU BET-BUT, 1 VI R NVESTOR: Why Not Enlarge Your Perspective. LOKIXIN, Vh. U. - liipntt hM from Nairobi, Kust Atucu, today tell Of the tlvuth theic of Ocoi'o (lre, lurothfr of Kir Kdwind Oiv. the Hiii trt Jiiiuiiitdr of Foreiirn Amur, a lb ratuU of being: nmimed by i (Jry, who wn huntintr in the siiih1 MfHintry that travei-ned by Colo Mi ltuonevelt, became separated irom hi MHUUJtuion, ur tbf At hi Hicr. Housing lion from tbuket !., firad Wid wounded the animal, hut ma kuotfkttd down by it clmr-e and Hflforc h could fire n second time frightfully daued I'0 Cl'JtIC A ClIMl IX O.N'IS l)AV Tak. I.AXAT1VK HHOMO Quinine labletx. U. usrlt rffuiid money Ifi (i lM U euro. 0. W. OROVK'8 iIk uuturo in Oj Mch llOX. 2Uc Look annuid - investigato st'o what the ntluu1 follow has to offer. Modftml has mado a wonderful growth But did vou ever stop to consider that site did so simply beoause she is in the U()(K'K UIVKU VALLKY and that where AIKDKORD lias traveled with seven-league boots other towns in the same valley have also advanced, though not quite so fast? DO YOl' mCALljFtho fact that of nil-tho towns in the publie eve, .when taken in connection with FUTURE KAII ROAD miYKLOPMlCNT, none lead and few equal 0 rants Pass DO VOU RKALIZIO that (VhWNTS PASS is in the 1 1 "WART Oh1 THE YALLEY and that anything that will grow AXYWUKRK in the valley will grow as well OR 1JKTTER in the vicinity of GRANTS PASS? 1)0 VOU REALIZE that where a dozen profits have been taken from every acre and every lot and business blork in MEDEORD, not even the first profit has yet been taken in most instances in GRANTS PASS, and the field is virgin territory in the fulelst souse of the word, and tho same opportunity that presented itself to you in Medford five ouvk ago is again presented to jmi today in GRANTS PASS? FOR1 lXSTAX('E;weeanscllvontho BEST ERUIT LAND at from tflo to $100 per acre, BEARING ORCH ARDS at from $100 to $8W) an aero, three and four-voar-old UOM.MERGIAL APPLE OR PEAR ORCHARD :i(R to HH) t.er aero, HIGHLY IMPROVED FARMS at from b'0 to $100 per acre, INCOME-BEARING BUSI NESS BLOCKS at from $1000 to 3r,lKK), LOTS in the business section of the citv at from $530 to $2500 each RESIDENCE 1 OTS at from $100 to $1000, TIMBER' in anv quantities desired as low as .M) cents per M, ACRE G 12 in the (MTV LIMITS at from $200 per acre up. STATE YOUR PROPOSITION 'E 1)0 THE REST. EASY TERMS ON EVERYTHING ON OUR LIST, WHICH IS THE LARGEST AND MOST EXCLUSD7E IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Rooms 201-202 Albert Building N ipper & McDaniels GRANTS PASS, OREGON (OF COURSE) Jlnslilim for Health. t4H44H-l4f-'--4-i'4--t