aiEDFOItt) MAIL TRIBUNE, jtfEDFOKD, OttTCOOX, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1911. PAGE SEVEN L WITH THE HUMES Rogue River Fish Protective Assoc iation Meets and Decides That no Compromise is Possible Want River Closed to Commercial Use. ".No compromise with the Humus" wiib tlio decision of the Hoguc Hiver I'i&li Protection Associtition at a lnuetinj,' held in the Commercial Club rooms Friday evening, when the ac tion of the Humes in iiitroduciiij; a hill modifying the initiation law pars ed last fall closing the Kogtio Jllivcr to , commercial fishing. '.'We have the upper hand alter a fair light and should keep it. Give the Humes an inch and they will tnuc a .mile. lUnke any concessions, and conditions will soon be as bad as thoy were'' tntcl Dr. L. Himdy, sec retary of the association. 'So compromise under any condi tions" said President Jinks McCouu. ".Inko it n clean cut isuu of keeping what we have secured or losing 11 all., Either make the Hogue an an rlei's stream or abandon it. If the legislature amends the bill, we will invoke the referendum an put it up to the people again, holding it up for two, years." J. E. Enynrt took the same view nitd. rpoke vigorously against mak ing any concession. "The news bus spread over the countey that there is one river in (lie coast reserved for anglers, and they are preparing to come from all suctions. It will he u riXMU resource to the country. I am opposed to changing the law in any way." ,Q. Putman stated, that if a coin Mromiso were entertained, it should limit the fiuhing to nets of 8 or 9 inch mqsh, below theino'uth of the Illinois, close the balance of the river alto gether, bar all seines, provide a closed seat'on from November I to iWny 1 and from August 2." to September 10, and closed Sundays, for that portion left open, forbid catching of steel head or trout except with hook and line, olassify the steel head as a trput and forbid the sale or shipment ofj'ish caught above the mouth of the Illinois. Such a compromise, ho con tended, would protect the fish and stjll permit the cannery to operate a. portion of the year. The sugges tion found few VujrpoiTers. ' jAfter extended discus-ion, J. E. Euyart, W. V. Isaacs and J. W. Her rjnn were appointed a committee to visit the legislature and represent the association, intrusted to stand pat for the initiation bill. A reply from Governor West to thy association's letter was read, in which the governor stated that the i bill would receive his most care in consideration. LEAVES HERE TO JOIN REBEL ARMY Local Mexican Left City This MoYn int) to Fight With Revolutionists in Land of Birth Alleged to Have Been Provided Funds by Cause. To join his compalroits in Mexico ii$ their fight to overthrow the dicta torship of President Porfirio Diaz, W. II. Ford, a Mexican, who has made liib home in this' city foi' the past year luft Saturday morning for Sail Eran ojco. Ho will travel from that city to some poSnt across the Mexican border where ho will join the vuumI army of Madero. .(Although he refused to admit be his departure that he had boon furuifthed funds with which to make the trip by the leaders of tho rebel .juoveiiiont the fn;t that he ha for ;i long time been in communication wjith poisons in Mexico is now known to his friends here, many ot whom prophesied sovoral weeks ago tljat ho would, before long, join the ranks of tho men who are now fight ing for the establishment of a re publican constitution in the laud ot bin birth. Shortly after the publication of a sories of articles in tho magazine of. tliio country last your calling the attention of the world to the terri ble, conditions to which the Mexicans of tho poorer classes are forced by tho Djhz toeriunoiit, Eord made known his sympathies with the revo lliliouary cause an intimated at the tinje that the first sign, of opon re volt would 11ml him ready to answor a call to ami. 1'IMIS CUItKD IX (J TO 11 DAYS. PA.0 OINTMENT la guaranteed (A cure any caso ot Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles la 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c yjj i s a i&.&ijj ERS FOR COMING GO fnm Both in Good Shape for Sparring Match Seating Capacity of Opera House Will he Taxed Referee Not Yet Chosen. "Fighting" Dick Whcclor, who will box ten, rounds a the Medford Open House next Tuesday night with "Frankie" Edwards is one of the most promising young light weights in this country. , Horn in Chicago, before. he wis "H. -' a VI twenty years old he became attached to the training staff of Hatlling Nel son, and in the train of the "Dur able Dane" has followed the boxing game from coast to coast. Shortly after the Gaus-Nelsou fifjlit in Goldfield, "Nelson proposed to coach Wheeler to make him eligi ble to qualify for championship hon ors and with. that end in view "n kept Wheeler with him until his re tirement from the ring. .. Since that time Wheeler has lc- eloped great speed and stamina and by virtue of constant training and total abstinence from the dissipa tions usually thrown in the path ul aspirants to ring honors, he lids mad" an exceptionally good record for him self so far. lie has fought such men as ''One Hound" llogan, Frankie Nenl, Canadian Johnnie Foley and lohniiio Fraync. Frankie Edwards, his opponent in Tuesday's bout, is well known io coast fight fans. Ho has a number of decisions to his credit, wrested Irom the best lightweight' fighteis in the Golden State. He is one ot the ring fnvorilea of San Eraucisto and is being matched by promoters in that city to fight several "hind nuts" in Frisco next fall. Doth men are in excellent condi tion nud while only .contemplating a.i exhibition boxing bout and not ,i prize fight, they expect to give a pi"' Icct exhibition of their ail' vvlijlti omitting all semblances of brutality. Seats are now on sale nt Ilaskius Drug Store and arc going fNt. OltAXC.'KS KIIO.M CIIAXCK'S filtOVK AltltlVK IIKItK. Included In tho trnln load of Cal ifornia oranges which just reached hero from tho coast arc sovoral cases from Captain Frank Chance's grove near Los Angeles. The "Peerleaa Lcador" of the Champion Chicago Cubs has shipped all of tho present crop from -his old ranch and Is at presont looking over his now grovo recontly purchased. According to reports from Chance ho stands to make a big profit this season. He personally ovorlooks all the picking and shipping of his or anges and It Is a common sight to see him carrying his mon from place to placo in his big auto. N Cliauco glows two grados of or anges on liU ranches tho famous "Sunklst" brand and tho "Rod-Ball," equally as popular on eastern tablos. Last spring, whllo on his way to lead tho Cubs on tholr spring train ing trip. Chance brought a suit case full of his own orangos along with him. It was his Intontion to troat his playors. But ho hjtpponod to men tion tjie fact to one of his follow pas sengers, with the roe ii It that only five woro loft when he finally reach ed Chicago. Pitchers Mordecal Brown and Or val Overall ot the Cubs will spond a couple of weeks with Chance this winter and their bow hopes to con vert uotk of his star pitcher to or ange growing. m KtAUY - 4VM6&. uWl.iWKv t i ALARM IS FELT t ivriai i FOR MISSIONARIES Uhought That Americans in Famine Instructs of China arc Suffering Efforts are Being Made to Reach Them. SHANGHAI, Feb.' -I .Great alarm Is felt here today for tho safety of American 'missionaries working in tho famine, districts, and every effort Is being niado to get Into communication with them, Not a word has been re ceived from the Americans slnco tho hunger-maddened mobs started pil laging villages, and It is feared they may have been killed. Shuan Chlen is in ashes today and a-large portion of its Inhabitants arc klllrdi according to dispatches hero. Only a few escaped. t Tho streets of tho town .In tho fa mine districts, aro littered with un burled dead. Relief stations have been established by foreign mission ary committees nt Llnhwni Kwan, Hwal Ydan, Nanhsouchow, Ling PI and Kuchen. Rice gruel Is bolng given to all applying for It, The: re lief officers say they can feed two million persons until spring for $1.50 each. i SYNDICATE TAKES--OVER RURAL 'PHONE Uy a, decision of the County Court dtlivercd last Friday, a byndicate io be known as the Sams Valley tele phone company will take over the rural telephone lino formerly operat ed by the Pacific tclejrlione and tele graph company between Sams Valley and Gold Hill. The franchise under which the com pany, will operate permits of the maintaining of a single strand telephone-wire nlongithotdoiiniy road. COUNTY CLERK ISSUES - MANY HUNTING LICENSES Hunting licenses to the number oi one hundred and fifty six were is sued by C6unty Clerk William Tl. Coleman during the month of Jan uary. Eighty-three fishing lieojisos were issued during the-same period. AGED MAN ADMITTED TO COUNTY HOSPITAL Zeno' Baker. 8 Oycar old, was admitted to the county poor farm i, the County Court Friday. He said that ho had been in Oregon for six mouths. He has 'io Ut-ai" relative ILL ADDRESSED;, , . GETS THERE SAME Although Medford Is perhaps not on tho obsolete maps of tho effete Hast, that lt Is a familiar namo to tho postofflco employees throughout tho country was demonstrated yestor day when a letter from Now York, addressed to "Tho Clork In tho County in Which Medford Is Located," was safely dollvored into tell hands of County GJcrk William R. Coleman at his office in Jacksonville. , Although technically faultily ad dressed, the letter waB not delayed in transit, AT THE CHURCHES Revival Meetings Begin Today Evangelist J. Bruce Evans of Pasa diua, Calif., begiiisi special services i I tho Baptist church today. Kviiugcli-t Evans is u noted preacher and sing er and has the reputation of draw ing largo, ormvdn. Service will bo held every night at 7:'J0. Ooo.l singing at ewr.v service. The public is invited to attend. Methodist Church. Methodist church, South corner oi Main and Oakdale, Sunday school ai 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. in. Sub Chriftt teaching his disciple to pray, fi:'!0 p. hi .Epworth League and lb Me studv 7:110 p. m preaching. Every body welcome. J. P. Hipp, Pastor. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service Sunday morning at 11 o' clock. Subject of lesson senium : "Spirit", Sunday school at 10; te-ti-monittl meeting WedueMliiy ut 7 :'M p. m. The public is cordiallv invited to thofep service. Heading mti,i heur: Wodnoidny 'J to 5 p. tu. also one hour aftor ntfrvico Sundu.v and Wednesday. Church odlflce, North Oakdnlo. For Sale 15 ncrcs. 3 miles from Tnlent, fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land, good house, pure water, U mile from school, 300 young pear trees, lovely placo; ?2000, one-half down. This IB ncres 13 one of tho love liest small ranches in southern Ore gon. Sheltered by tho hills from the cold winds of winter, deep, fer tllo soil, an Ideal ulaco for health. SUM Acre. Also 34 acres, i mile from Talent, 12 acres of fruit, family orchard In bearing; apples, Ncwtowns, 12 acres, peach filled; 7 acres timber, irrigated, dwelling house shaded by large laurel trees, plenty of water; fortllo soil; garden spot; pumping plnnO terms, $13,000, $7000 canh, tho balnnco In payments of $1000 yearly at C pol ecat. $:iH:t Acre. Also 20 acros alfalfa and fruit land, with timber, 1 mile from Tnl ent; $G500 cash down; just think what a snap, ;i little over $300 an acre- Where catO'cAi find near the depot and ralirond a cheaper place? ."JUKI." Aire. , Town lots In the newly Incorporat ed town of Talorit, Or., on tho In stallment plan. ' "' Kiom $(.-() to $.") a. Lot., ' Also 17 acres, It acres i "commer cial fruit bearing orchard. 2 mtlos from Tnlent; $10,000, one-halt on time. $.- A m Also SO ncres fino timber, $2000, one-half down. $-". Acre. A flue fertile Fruit Kiirm, all tin dor cul'tlvatlo'n; fenced; now flve rodm house, bath room, etc.; out buildings, barn, etc.; level; ono nnd one-half miles from Talent, Oregon; good well of water"; young orchard of apples, mostly Ncwtowns and SpltzJ tvyelvo ii'nd one-hnlf acres fu pears;" .two acros In penches, etc. Trees young, from 1 to !! years. Price $H,7."(, one-half cash, balance to suit purchaser. Hit acres $2i:t acre. Forty acres; about miles from Talent and Phooni.J, Ore.; fruit land; 2 good springs, -Ti-rooni bouse, out buildings, small fruit, B acres cleared; a good poultry ranch, over $1000 of standing timber; $1200 down, bal nnco on tlmo to suit tho buyer; only jt."0 an new.. Look all over tho coun try nnd seo If you can find a place so cheap. Also 29 acres, orchard and alfalfa land; 2 1-! miles south ok Tajcnt, Or.; 1300 young fruit trees, apples, peaches and pearspwonc acre in bear ing; house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced, luost of It being Page wire fence, l'J-strahd, rabbit tight; sub-Irrigated and tiled; SMil." new; over half down, tho rest on tlmo at 7 per cent. ' Also lands, alfalfa and fruit, from 20 to S00 ncrcs. Write, enclosing stamps, or como andr:sQp me.- r L. N. Judd . Talent, Oregon The Quality of every drug, chemical or medicine in our, stpi;e, is guaranteed. , Purity is always found here Let us fill your prescriptions Orange Blossom and Lowney's Cnocolates MAIS MM, XKJHT OK DAY' Medford Pharmacy MEDFORD, OREGON. cli:mno HATS. Hats clean '1 ilxnl, blocked and rotrlmmod. Medford Cleaning and Dyo WorltB, 120 N. Trent St. 272 IlasklnH for Heultli. s Nrssr Bulk Coffee and Teas Did you ever stop to think that you ran save money by buying your coffee or teas In bulk? This is a fnct that you can't deny. Wo will bo pleased to have you cnll and allow us to explain why wo can snvo you money by selling you theso goods In tho bulk. Wo hnndlo several nf tho best known brands of bulk coffee and teas, believe them to be just what ytfu want!" ' KHMIOMUim Till) SALK OF . njsiir.s. ALL1N & ALLIN CO. liHJ WKST MAIN' STHKKT. 1MIOXK MAlNr. r 1 AN INVESTMENT IN A j?!Sa. fsiMrrAV i: 5 ? I 1 coaipLitis J I t STOCK I Martin J. Reddy TTTIS JEWELI5K M10DFORD, 01?tfCiON NEAR POSTOKKICK W,'ww':fpc , , ,. IN S 4. Use We have sonic j'eal bargains in second hand automobiles. One 1!)10 model 17, 10 II. I. Iniiclc; lop wind shiclil, presto tank 117 and all ex- equipment; Al condition. Price vlitl One 1910, l!0 II. P. Maxwell car; wind shield, speedometer, presto light tank and extra equipment. This car has onlv run 2200 miles; cost the owner $2000. This is a bargain. Will sacrifice $1000 shield, presto tang, fully equipped, ly run about 8000 miles; top wind for .' Will sell H ) jJA One HJ10, .'50 11. P. While Cias car; on tpJLJVV One IJK)S' :() II. P. Rambler; all new tires, :!0x-l; a Qfift 'bargairt .: i...;jt:...u: .' : One 10 II. P., 1-cylindcr C'atlillac in fine condition. $2? Two tops, ,s)eedometer, .shock absorbent, trunk rack, presto light tank, .) K M. F .-. , These cars can be seen and demonstrated al the Bear Creek Garage 104 S. Bartlett Street MEDFORD, ORE. Main 2551. Home 255. . . v ' V i.. v. SURPASSES ANY SAVINGS -BANK Tl 503!fcf f$&i ESTATE i , n. in i irn. la riL i r1" t siTL-.rj: y v 'S1 ' ttfyAI - ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. 11 NOItTII CHNTHAIj AVKM'K. L. N. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT Talent, Jackson County, Orogon. iMifi way between JMedt'ord and Ashland, in the fruit belt of 'Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild eliniate, and pure water. .Alfalfa, fruit and timber lands from 15 acres to 800 acres. Also lots on the instalment plan,1n .newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon. Write (enclosing stamps) or come and sec nie at Talent, Oregon. D I AM requires caruful thought and the proper confidence in a firm to warrant abso lute satisfaction to note the proper comparison you must inspect them r,om a large and well selected stock, such as I am able to show. In this way yon can become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assuVed of safe and economical buying through my binding guarantee. , i dAuto clock, glass front, storage J. H. Corrigan, Mgr. and Sales Agent J "V.-? Tho best Eagle Point truck lnnd In tho best on earth. Wo offor u 1-2 acres, with 12 Inches water, good flumes, nud with ono acre blnckborrics and 1 1-2 acres bear ing orchard, nil for $B00 per aero. This is close In Englo Point prop erty nnd is tho making of n choice homo tract. IMIOXK. I O N D Mfe Loose Stonso battery and box, tire iron, 11. r. s-K" ' V W i : Ilanklus (or Health. Hasklns for hoalth HaskUs for Iieallti. 5 ry-.j