E3fc ' ! S?3 t 1 a " it. l m W'4t l 1 t t iti , J'JI f ! . n III . W .T ' it -1 1 I I St ' i I ' I : ' !i ": !f . PAGE BIGHT MTCDFORD MATL TTHBFXTC, MRDT'ORD, OftEfiON. Tr?TT)AY, TTCBTCTTAT?Y 3, 1011. AUTO MEN FORM ASSOCIATION For Purpose of Gaining Concerted Action on Any Matters Affecting Their Business Organization is Perfected. REMOVAL OF IFAIR QUESTION IS MILK FAMINE BAILEY IS WELL PUT OFF BY SENATE IN LOS ANGLES So Says Dr. E. B. Pickel of This City, a Member of State Board of Health Bailey Has Always Neg lected His Duties. ' Following an Executive Session Com- Over 15,000 Families Are Affected The uutoiuohilu dealers of Medfonl mid llio HiKiie Kvit Valley met Thursday eveiiinm and, orpuiiacd a local branch of the Stale Automobile afiocinlion in order to juin coiicerl ed action oil mat tern alTccling their ImnincMs. The K""d roads bills in I he Legislature will be taken up at once and the influence of the ftmrization thrown in faor of the passage of (lie billrt. The following were elected ofli cers: President ,J. ( Neff; vice picsi dent, William Sullivan ; secietao and treasurer, It. A. Flynn. BOY ASKS TAFT FOR PARDON Inimitates Jcsso James and Then Writes President Asking for a Pardon Addresses His Letter to "Uncle Sam." That the removal of ,1. V. Hailey, state diary and food commissioner, lis recommended to the Leislatm" i by Governor West yesterday will re sult in fjood to the state, is the opinion of Dr. K. IJ. 1'iekc a mem ber of the state board of health. Dr. I'ichel slates that Hailey has at a ' times opposed the board, discard ed its recommendations, and U u competaut. "I do not speak for the board of health," states Dr. 1'ickel, "but pei Honally I feel that the icnioval would be of benefit to the people." mittee Postpones Action on Pana ma Exposition Question Until Next Wednesday. WASHINGTON, IJ. C, Pel). 3. I''ollowiiiK nn executive bohbIou the scnutc cominlttoe today postponed ac tion on the Panama Exposition (ju ca tion until next Wednesday Estimated That From 50,000 to 60,000 People Are Forced to go Without Milk No Relief in Sight. GIRL OF ELEVEN KILLS TWO BOYS ONE MAN $5000 DEMANDS FLOOD CONDITIONS UPTON ARE IMPROVING LOS ANGELES, Fob. H. There n a milk famine In Los Angeles, affect ing 10,000 families, according to President Darver oi tlic Ocainery Operatois' association It Is esti mated that from no.000 to 00.000 rtFWrtflll)hftftllfrftftflfrSi' t t T TO HEAR DIVORCES TODAY' DKNVKIt, Col., Feb. .'!. Henjamin Miller, an 11 year old imitator of .Jesse James in jail here charged with robbing the ixistottice at Giudner, Colorado, has written to Piesideut Tuft lo plead his cause. Addressid to "Uncle Sam," the epistle read: "I am going to tell you about what 1 done. I broke into your postoffico with two other kids. 1 know wo done , wrong. Wo got $14 and four or fixe packages of stamps, that's all. "My father and mother aro pooi and ain't got no money. 1 rend .lesse .lumen stories, and that's xvhat put me up to it. If you will let me o this time I won't do it no more. "I wns in bed xvhen tho other kids coiiui and culled mo. This is all for this time, ho good bye. llenjamiu Dewey Miller.'' Let Bride Wash Dishes. CHICAGO, 1-Yb. .'I. A romnnce was revealed in the Harrisou-sti-ec! (tourt today when Mary Watson, twenty, Cleveland, and Henjniniu .1. gloneman, twenty-two wore ariaign 0(1 before Municipal Judge lleitler. The ease whk continued until Tues day, and the young xvoinan's parents xvill be notified of her plight. She b'nid she and Stouemau came to Chi iugo to be married. Stouemau told the judge that he " tried lo get work, but was unable to do HO. "I don't think much of a man who xvill let a .young woman wish disho in a leHtaurant while he does noth ing," said Judge Meitler "PI con tiumi (his cae until her patents can be notified," Circuit Court Will Pass on Two Matrimonial Derailments at this Afternoon Session Case this Morning Carried Over. Sitting i nlhe Circuit Court al Jacksonville this morning, Justice P. M. Cnlkins opened the ease of the Med i'onl Builders Supply compan.x against IT. G. Stockman and assoc iates. The Hiiil, xvhich is to foreelo- e a lieu, was remanded pending tho submitting of additional evidence. At this nfternoon'fl sesion of court the divorce cusch of Phillips vs. Phillips and Ilegein vs. Ilegein xvill be hear. "THIS WOMAN AND THIS MAN" COMING Mow lo teach a man tho responsi- hility of love is the motif in Axeix m Hopwood'n new play "This Woman anil This Man" in which that elexer artist, Miss Minnie Vietorsou, ill,n g seen nt llio .Med ford theater on Wed- J nosdnv. Fobrunrv 8th. w The Philadelphia Record, in re VlUHlllg I 111 pill.X, hpOKC Ol II III in y - Underwear 25c each AVc arc dosing out about fifty dozen Boys' and aWisses"' ruder wear, as follews: ,Bovs' Ileavv Fleece Lined Flat Weave and a Heavy Jersey Ribbed Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, and a Misses' Pure White Jersey Ribbed 'Fleece Lined Vests and Pants boys' in size, 24 to frl; misses' in size, 18 to 3-1. A regular 35c, lf, and i50c garment; sale price, 25c each. LADIES' UNION SUITS Heavy Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed, gray mixed; a regular 75c value; special for tomor row 39c each MEN'S WORK GLOVES A 'new line of Men's Heavy Leather Work ( loves; a regular 75c value; tomorrow Men's Gauntlet Gloves, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 a pair. You save money on them. 50c each SACHAMENTO, Cnl., Feb. 3. -Further danger from floods along the Sacramento Hiver wns believed to have pnsscd today, xvhen the water xxhich had icached 27 i'eet at this point, fell to 20.8. Unless the flood crests of the Sacramento and San Jonccpiin Rivers reach the junctuio simultaneously it is thought that the levees xvill hold. Appearances indicate ''""! ... . rt t denied the shooting. Young Kennedy i,.,isiblv in secure the money. Police, that the crests xvill not be nil apaii. xxas shot in the forehead. The Brit- wcrc summoned mid Weldon arrest- when the intersecting point oi. llio Ion boy xvns shot through the body. C(i, two rixers is reported l cached and percoiiB aio compelled to go without ' warnings haxo been isued to fium- milk. There Is no relief In Bight., Rnskino for health ets near there. rt NKW YORK, Feb. 3. In a dying! LONDON, Feb. 3. Albert Weldon, .statement today, Joseph Hritton, ), wi, (r;ed to hold up Sir Thomas Lip charged Marian Riddle, 11, with on for ,5,000, xvns today adjudged wounding him and killing Thomas baiXQ iliU removed to jail from nn Kennedy, 7, xvhile the trio were play-1 infirmary. ing xvith a loaded revolver they had Weldon is the man xvh'o entered found while playing together in a sir Thomas' home and demanded vacant lot. J molR.v under threat of instant death. The girl is under arrest in a room s;r Thomas induced hi mto.be seut- at the children's detention home. She C(i wnUe he went to nnother room o imaarta i Wfrp1iM 1 V, ':: 'i: : : :.; i Sale Closes Tomorrow -AT- THE GOLDEN RULE I I x follouiug Iciiiih: "It is the familiar topic, but thej author of the play is entitled lo great praino for tho now and un I hackneyed manner in which he has treated the ipiestiou of the ages Tin audience was hugely pleased with I the play, and the principals were ic peatedly called before the cm tain al ter each act." Seats on sale Mondnx. r'ehrunix ('.Hi. Valentine Post Cards One Cent Each Over 10,000 Valentine Postcards, and as many more in Comic, Birthday and Oregon View Cards to select from at One Cent ICach. Hussey's I ; : ; : ; 1 ' H s i : f : f : f : f : f ' : t ' One day more in which to secure the new est styles in SEASONABLE GOODS AT SUCH Red need Prices All Men's and Boys' Suits and Over coats Reduced 25 Per Cent All Ladies Suits and Coats Go To morrow Only at HALF PRICE Ladies' Belts worth up to 75c at 50c One lot Men's Ties-Saturday Special- 25 Cents Ladies Undermuslins and Embroid eries at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Sample Hats, worth $3.00 to $4.00 at $1.95 Akin, Benton & Co. . ; 1 : , : : : - : -; 1 : : ; : : : : : ; : : ; : : : ; : : , - : - : : : : : : : : f llnRkliiH for IleiiUh rtrtii,H MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH)MMMMMMMM' aaiMfraaiiiaiMrtftiMiiiMihfl I - ONE DAY LEFT OF THE Mid -Winter Clearance Tomorrow-Saturday-Positively Last Day THIS HAS BEEN A WONDERFUL SALE, BUT OUR STOCK WAS IN FINE CONDITION FOR BIG SELLING, AND NOW AT THE WIND-UP WE HAVE Exceptionally Fine Assortments of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Underwear, Shirts, Trousers, Etc. YOU CAN CHOOSE SATISFACTORILY TOMORROW, AND SAVE BIG MONEY, TOO. (ALWAYS IN EARNEST) H THE TOGGERY , i ! (OF COURSE) .Yirrrrrrrrrrr,.r. irf