hi iAIEDFMd aLAli TRIBUNE, 'liroPFORDQTOaoy, TlfURSPAY, TBttUARYVioil. - PAGE SEVEN Y A WITH RllliOJlD Grants Pass is Very Much Aroused By Road Which Is to Be Construc ted From That City to Applegale Valley. The city of Grnnts Pass is thor oughly aroused over' the latest move in railway construotion in that city, which will he immediately commenc ed and carried forward as rapidly us possible. This is what is known as the Grants Pass and Rogue River rail road. The parties interested in tin proposition have, held three meetings with the trustees of the Commer cial club, and laid before them the full plans of the enterprise, the ob ject and and aim of the corporation. The trustees have approved nnd endorsed the plan and will do nil in their power to assist in the cou nt ruction of the road. A surveying party under Engineer J. E. Gardner will begin work imme diately at tho Southern Pncific de pot, running (hence- south towntd the river, and it is guaranteed with in 110 days enough road will be built to permit the hauling of material for the bridge which -is to be located at White Rocks.,. The right of. wny has been purchased from tho South ern Pacific passenger -depot to the water's edge and as ,the syndicnlo owns the laud on the other side to a point i)n the Wilderville road, the line will he located to that place a once. Tho balance of the way will be located as soon as tho survey is (omplctcd. From now on every day i'tid hour will be improved, so as to qoniplote tho lino to the Applcgute, up that slrennl to William river, and on to the Josephine county caves or the famous Marble Halls of Ore gon. , It is the purpose of the syndicate organized under the name of the Pa cific Western company to , build, a line of railroad 30 miles in length from, Grants Pass to the Applegute and thence to Williams Valley to tho famous Josephine county caves. The line will .start in just south of the Southern Pacific depot, thence run froulliMo (he bank of the Rogue river at a peint: just be',low tho White Rocks, where it crosses and extend', upon properly already purchased; From here tho linc&runs to the Mur phy road and thence along Allen Creek to the low divide at Nowhopo, thence up the east bank of the Apple gate, and following up tho. west side qf Williams river to a point near the Williams creek and Sucker creek divide. The syndicate, is composed of A. P. Bowon, H. L. Chapin, J. W. Hef iVrliu, J. G. Kiggs and a number of others of both' San Francisco and Portland. Tho syndicate have had survey nindq and estimates prepared as lo tho cost of tho line, togotluli' with Chtiinates of (he probable business such a line will, bo able .to do, nnd it is said the prospects are- vory faorablc. In conjunction with pre paring the plans for tho building of tho line of railroad, tho syndicate have secured several excellent town sites and have optioned sctoimi thousand acres of the very best hind in Apploguto and Williams Crook - valleys. It is the purpose to coi onio theso lnndn and to sell them to the actual settler from thp east and clxewhcro and build up a large set tlement iu these territories. GIRL STUDENTS FLEE HALF CLAD FROM FIRE BALTIMORE. Feb. 2. -Firo which enured a panic and for a time threat ened the livos ,of -10 young women sjudonts early today destroyed the main building at the Maryland Col lege for Women at Luthorvillo, en (njling a loss of $50,000, covered b. insurance. The students fled to the campus, half clad. a Warrts Pacific Fleet., OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 2. Washington proposes, through its legislature, ,to make a forcible de mand from the .federal govornmoul for more naval force- on tho Pa cific. A memorial by Ropresontntiw Uoiinon not only directs a request to President Taft and tho Secretary of the Navy but .ask- that co-operation bo Miiurht from California, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon nnd Idaho, in mak ing this demand. ' , Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun qil of the city of Medford, Or., at its rcgulnr meeting on February 7, 1911, for a license to sell spirituous, vi nous and. malt liquors, in quantities loss than ft gallon at its place, of busiiios in the Rostoll building, lot 11. block 20, in said city, for n per iod of six months. W. M. KENNEDY. Hasklns for Health. LOST.' LOST Sunday nflcmbon a ladies' pocket book containing n sum of hidiiey. Return t6 ' Tribuu'o 6'ffico nnd reccivo,,rov'n'ru v ' tf. FOR EXCHANGE. i Ileal Estate FOR EXCfrANGE 15 acres of choice ulfalfa close in, for Modfoid property. Must bo well located and reasonable. Address W. It. Lnmo, Medford, or phone 7051. 372 TO EXCHANGE For Medford preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 . acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 .acres, improved, $7500; 52 acres, improved, $11,000; . 30 qpres, improved, $000.0. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR- EXCHANGE Medford and suburban proporty ranchos, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 199,' care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR RENT. lfdases FOR SALE OR RENT New 8-room house, West Sido. Also good build ing lot for sale, lnquiro Attorney II. A. Cannday, 20-1 Fruitgrowers Bnnk bldg. 272 Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise stce in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, ?on railroad) 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty , Co , 206 W'Mftin. "l ''tf. " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five pnssengor. 4-cylindor touring auto mobile. Address Uox 2UU. oare .Mail Tribune office tf FOR RENT Hoard and Rooms ROOM AND HOARD With Mrs. J, D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlctt. FOR RENT At tho Cottage, pleas ant furnished rooms nnd board, with hot nnd cold running water; baths, largo sunny porches. G04 W. 10th st. or 124 King st. tf Furnished ROoins ' OR RENT Largo furnished room, $1.50 per week. 1001 South C. Ten minutes walk south from po&l offieo. 271 FOR. KENT A'i the. Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold running water, sleeping por chos, bath accomndntions and hent if desired. G04 West 10 st. Phone cnll private exehn'ngo 141. tf. FOR RENT Furnshed sleeping room; everything now innd clenn; rcnr.onnblo. price; easy walK from Main st. Only men need npply. Oleson nnd W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT 20 modem equipped rooms, steam heat hot and cold wa- lor, electric light, -toilets and baths, suitable fcr first-class rooming houso; rooms en suite, suitable for families or modern offices. Inquire ' Aldonhugcu, cure Roguo River EIoc trio Co. tf FOR SALE 20 ncrcs, incoino $J000 $0000 will handle. 1(50 ncrcs, 2,000,000 feet good tim ber; rnilrond divides (rnct; 20 ncrcs will pay for all; prieo very low; terms if desired. 110 acres, 3 miles from town, 70 cleared, G iu orchard; rich black soil; buildings; $85 per acre. 00 acres, y miles from Eaglo Point, near railroad; cleared and fenced; finest of pear soil; sell uny pait. $85 per ncre. i , tl ncrcs, 8 in penr orohnrd,- good house, well, windmill, 8 chicken houses, 4Vb miles out; $3300; good tenns. 31 ceres under ditch, on main road, 3 miles out, $250 pbr acre; terms. CITY PROPERTY Lot on W. Tenth, $350. Lot on W. Palm, $250. 4-room house, pantry, bathrooro, cl6so in, $2100; tenns. Westmoreland lots $275. West Walnut Pnrk lot, $275-$350; $25 down, $10 month, 0 per cent 7-room, new, strifilly modem houwt, completely furnished, a vory at tractive home, $5000; tonus. 7 good lots, $1975;fensy terms. WANTED City nnd ranch property to list. Girls for general housework. Mnn nnd wifo on ranch; house keeper.' Span of rnneh horses, 1400 lbs., no blemishes. Gentle syiglo driver; '5 1000 lbs. E. F. L Room 206, k V Phipps Bldg. i n FO'rf. RENT. ' Furnished Itoonis FOR .RENT Furnished rooms, .Mod ern. No. '21' Gcnesee st." Phone 2-142 272 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients nt No. 10 N. Grnpo st. pext cxt runners' & Fruitgrowers' bank idg. ' '' ' " tf bid FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, board (text , door. 3 15 X. Bartlett. tf 'Houses FOR RENT Modern G room house. No. 729, comer Newtown nnd 13th st. Tucfuire at 027 South Central Phono 891. ' 274 FOR RENT 4 room house, $8.00. In quire 334 West Gth street, corner Ivy 271 FOR RENT Good G room house $15.00. For sale 2 very choice busi ness lots right inside, rondy foi business without waiting, each $2, 250. Ilumphcry, owner, room 3 Ad kius block. 270. FOR RENT Five room houso, mod ern. Inquire 340 Spilth Riverside 270. FOR RENT New modern (5 room house less than cost. Address 25 Mail-Tribune. 274. FOB .RENT-'JNow' modern' 5-room house, 4 blocks from Mniu. Phone 2455. 521 Hamilton st., W. tf FOR RENT Eighti room new house on.W. Main st. Cement' wnlk?nnd pavement, $35 perl month. .Store building at the Junction ofvJnck son st., nnd S. 1 Ry. ; best subur ban locntion in tho city, $30 per , month. Also three residence prop erties on east side now in course of construction for rent or sale nbout March 1. A. F. Burnett. Phone. Mnin 42 Pncific 2574. FOR RENT New 4-room cottage, clone in. Inquire 510 South Central uve. 270 FOR RENT: 1 4-room modern house, furnished $35 per month. 2 G-room modern house, unfurnish ed $au per montn. 3 3-rooni house, unfurnished nnd not ihodern.'SlO'Der month. 4 G-roora modern house, unfurnish ed $30 per month. 5 7-room house, modern except toilet, unfurnished, $27 per month. G 5-room modern house, new, rendy nfter Fcbrunry. 15th, unfurnished. $35 per month. 7 5-room bungnlow, not modern hud unfurnished, $20 per month. Cornitius, Garner Realty Co., 133 West Main St. -Housekeeping Itoonis FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, at 23 Rooscvolt ave. 2(2 IiusiucBH Itoonis FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billinrd room or o,thor business, stonm hont. Gold Rny Ronlty Co., 210 W. Main st, tf Offices for Kent. FOR RENT Over tho postoffico Willi hcut and light. See A. A. Dilvis.'tf. FOR RENT Offico rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, stenm heat, eloctrio light, baths, toilet, hot nnd cold water. Gold Rny Renlty Co.. 210 W. Mnfn st. tf FOR. KENT A huge hentcd offico plenty of hot water nnd baths fur nished froo to roomers at "133 W. Main st. 288 FOR RENT Ono front offico, nnd one inside office in Fanners .V Fruitgroworfj' bnnk bldg. Seo W P. Mealy, 1 and 2 Postoffico blk. (f FOR RENT Desk room in modern office, stenm hent, electric lights nnd phono. Address box 533. (f. -Fnnns " FOR RENT Forms 'from 40 acres (o 400 ncrcs, nlfnlfn land, fruit ranchos, garden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Main. tf MlHiclIimooiiH TO LET Ono thousand-loads loam soil lett. for hauling, 131 S. Burt- tf FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE 5, 10 and 20-ncro tracts with porpetunl water right for snlo' on ensy payment plan. Roguelauds Incorporated, Fred N. CummintrH. mnnneor tf, FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro tracts jubt within nnd adjoining -city lirn- . its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co FOR SALE 30 ncros red -fruit land i1? milos from Medford; will set to any kind of fruit and furnish treos nnd will euro for tho orchard for fivo years for $250 fnriNiero; will clear and plunt for $200 per acre. Land ns it is $125 per acre. H. E Bowinnn, JncUonviHo. Ore- Ron. 285 FOR SALE Acreage FOR iSALE-Your Opportunity -177i ncrcs, 3 blockj to streoticnr lens thnii h milo to nivcrsily of Or egon, 1 Vis miles to court house just outsido city limits; beautiful view of' city; all fine apple and pear iland,- could, not lay hotter; 50 benriug fruit trees; house nnd Inrge burn; fino springs, artesian water in houso nnd bnrn; now G-foat side walk all the way to city. Half uti dor cultivation. Best subdividing proposition in the stnte: lots across street from $150 to .$400. If taken at onco will sell for $350 per acre, spot cash. No ngents. Address Owner, B-x 93, Eugene. Ore. If Lots FOB SALE VACANT LOTS: Newtown Addition, 3 lots. $300 each. Koso Pnrk Addition, 5 lots, $350 each. Palm's Second Addition, 2 lots, $275 each. Grays Addition, conior lot, $000 Inside lot $500. Imperial Addition, corner lot, $500. Insdo lot $-100. Kings Addition, one lot, $000. We are nble (o .sell the nbivo rosN deuce lots on a cash pnyinont of $75 to $150 nnd the balance on monthly payments of $5 to $15. Theso tiro nil fino lots and are bound to increase hi vnltto very rapidly iu the next fow months.- Invest your monoy in Mod ford City property and let your dol lars work for you. Cornitius Gamer Realty Co., 133 West Main St. tf.' ' FOR SALE-Ono lot ;in Walnut pnrk, close to pnving, 00x125; lays perfectly; on your own tenns. Bitt nor & Clork. tf FOR SALE-5 lots iu Laurel purk best offer, quick sales; terms or ennh. Seo owner. B. F. Benson Moore hotel. 271 Houses FOR SALE A new 7 room bunga low, completely furnished on South Laurel, closo in. When wo say com pletely furnished, it means that you stcn in, and the owner steps out, leaving thovhouse ready for you to occupy without your having an buy nnothcr article. Tho houso is thoroughly' modem in cVory detnil, electric lights, bath, toilet, etc. The price is $3000, with $1800 cash, bal nnco oasy. Cornitius Giirncr Renlty Co., 133 W. Mnin st. tf. FOK SALE A new 5 room bungalow, ono block from a'phvod street at $1500. $1000 ca'sli, balance oasy, Cornitius Garner Really Co., 133 W. Main st. ' tf. FOK SALE Modern 5 room cottngo and lot, houso nicely furnished, will soil with or iwilhout' furniture. Also hnvo three vacant lots for sale. This- is a bargain"' if taken quickly See owner for tonus and prices. P. E. Zepp. 1417 West 11 st., Med ford; 273. FOR" SALK Nothing down mid $20 monthly buys $1)25; cottngo rents for $10; monthly; onst i'neing lot 50x125. Lot 4, block 4, Benson nd dition. B. F, Benson, , Mooro bo tch 271 FOR SALE Largo modnrn house with south nnd cast front, 113 fcol front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ov ory thing strictly modam; reason for selling, lndy of huso needs t chnngo of climnte; this place is suitable- for nice homo or first elass rooming hous; easy torms to right part v. So tho Jackson County Ronlty Co.,- G04 West Tenth st. Wo also liavo largo and Bmnll tracts of inmiovod and tininiprnvi ed orchnrd hinds. Office 211 flai net, Corey Bldg. 2nd fluor. tf. FOR SALE -$1)50.00, nont 4-room hoii'ie; wntcr in yard; sewor in front; largo new woodshed; lot 50x 112 nt 737 W. 14th st., between K Newtown nnd King uve., or seo Burklmrt nt Union Meat Co. , 272 FOR SALE A new (5 room bunga low, that is beautifully finished in side, has a cement foundation, is on nn Ensl front corner lot nnd vory clone iu. This property is on South Laurel, and less thun ten minutes walk from this office. $2300 witli half cash nnd balance easy. Corni ius Garner Ronlty Co., 233 W. Main st. . tf. FOINSALE Two bonnes, 31 S. Or angc, $2200; 822 Bennett ave $900: bv John Henderson. 270 Uiislness Property FOR SALE Choi'it businosa prop orty nt a bargain, on long time; ensy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR KALE- -Wo hnvo hnvo u client ready to buv nn income properly in Medford, paying not lessmn 8 por cent upon un nn',tmont of $10,00i) or $12,000. What have you to of fer. Hnntlov-Krerner Co.. 272 Orcltaids FOR SALE -Two ohoico 20-aoro Connnorcial orchards with splendid improvements, in Tollmnn crook I valloy, nenr Ashland. Seo or writo V. O. iMeWilImm-. & Sen, 203 E j Main st , A-Uand, Ore. 27'J FOR 'SALE? Miscellaneous FOR SALE-- Almost now Edison Triumph Phonograph nnd 120 roc ords at a hnrgniu. No. 4 South Fir st., 27G FOR SALE-'One 200 egg inouhiltov, one brooder, kitchen range. Dr. J. Webster, Plfocnix. Telephone Far mer 715 X 1 ' 272 FOR SALE--Disc gang plow, one 10 inch Moline gang, one top buggy, one curt, one t.pun horses, harness nnd 3 1-4 in. wagon. Inquire L. A Rose, Phoenix, Oregon. ,27-1 FOK SALE A Crown orgnn iu onk, light finish in good condition, very reasonable, a good, strong two seated covered hack, 1 ten gnlldn iron kettle, 1" spool biub wire nnd sonio furniture Cull of ilddrcss115 Cottage st., Medford. 272 FOR SALE Choicest baled alfalfa hay, $1G per ton. Daggett runoh. 273 FOR SALE Shinglo mill; 24 incn surfneer, sticker and turning lathe, Address Mrs. 1). Sharp It. 1, box GO. ' ' 273. LIST1 LIST 1 Your proporty with E. S. Tinny, 201 Garrett. Corey Bldg. Ho specializes iu city proporty. 270. FOR SALE Writo to Sampson Spray Co:, Grants Pnssfor prices, ns the nssociation hns not done so. Wo will quote you prices ns an in dividual. Sampson Spray Co., Grrtnts PnBS. Or." 275. SINGER and Wheeler &rWitson sow ing machines for snlo -Or rent; sup plies nnd repuirs for- nil kinds. Everything guaranteed. Offico at Allin's Store. Phono 0043. FOR SALE Block wood, your orders at Medford ware Co. Lea o FOR SALE Limited numbor puro-i bred Poland China boars, 3 nnd 1 mouths old, eligible to go in the best hords nnd cheap enough for any farmer to buy. Borkoloy Or chnrds, Geo. C. Osgood, ingr. Phone Fnrmors 703x3. tf FOR SALE-r-Cook stovo in good condition, fino bnker. Chenp. Cnll 528 So. Fir st. FOR SALE Whito Leghorn eggs nnd baby chicks from henvy laying pure bred stock. Pullets began laying at 4 1-2 months old. Eggs per sotting, $1.50. Baby chicks, per dozen, $2.00. Will book orders for a fow baby chicks and settings of eggs from my high class single comb White Or pingtons for delivery nfter Mnrch 1st. Cockerels avoraged 7 pounds nt five months old. Writo for prices. Mrs. El E. Oninn, Jncksonvillo, Ore FOR SALE Emerson squnro piuuo with pianola self player nnd fifteen pieces perforated music. Writo lock box 7, Jacksonville, Ore. 294 WANTED Wo can hnndlc promptly several choice loans in amounts from $500 to $1000. Huntloy-Krein-or Co. 272 WANTED A roll top desk iu first clnss condition. X. Y. Z. Tribune HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Mnn nnd wife, mnn to cum for" young orchnrd, wifo to cook, tyuidiual Connor, Table Rock. Central Point, K. F. 1). No. 2 tf. WANTFD Salosmen in ovory locnl Ity of tho northwest; morioy ad vanced weekly; ranny mako over $1000 month; choice of torritory. Yukimii Vnlloy Nursory Co., Top ponish, Wnsh. WAITED A mnn to prune 20 ncroH of Jontnhun upplo troes. Apply Foolhill orchnrd, cure of Durroll ir ehurds. 27(5 WANTED Man or woman to sell fastest selling book over printed Can iniiko from $3 to $8 n day uy earnt'Ht work. Cull for .1. II. Frank lin at 203 (Jlosoii St., nfter (5 p. in., evenings. tf Help Wanted Fomalo. WANTED -Maid for general house work. Muut bo uoat and trust worthy. $25 por month. P. S. Steenstpof,s Jacksonville. Phone 321, Jacksonville. 270 WANTED Middle nged woman for general housework. No washing. Gootl wages, Call up Main 1771 322 S. Nowtown. Mrs. Ryan. 271 WANTED Woman for cooking or genorul housuwork iu family of four on ranch two milos oat of Englo Point. F. Polouze, Eaglo Point. 277 WANTED Experienced woman cook for outside city. Middle ajje piufor cd. Apply 733 y qih st or ad dross E. F. Knyrnond. city. tf. WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED I do houseelonning by day, houi-s or week. Ynnin. Tel Mnin G051. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Ono of the best estab lished business in Medford. This is a money mnkcr, but owner bus other interests Hint rcquiro his at tention. Huntley-Krcmcr Co. 272 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants 1). R. WOOD General nccountniit. Your books audited nttd kopt tot a rensonnblo figuro; your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assurer and Analyst KARL V, 1NOELS, B. S. Bo.it equipped nssny offico in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, wntcr, etc., un nlyxcd. Grants Pass. Architects LOOK, READ AND THINK I will draw plnns, muko cstimnter. build your Iiousg tosuit you; will lake as part pay hogs, cows, fur qiturc, fruit, ncrcagc, or city lots in any desirablo locntion, or will take your notes on tonus to suit. I also have n nice home, 100 ncrcs im proved down S. E. will exchange for lots or ncrcnggo hero of samo vallio. Call nt 112 S. Riverside any day, nfter 7 p. in. or phono 3(532 at 0:30 p. m., pr drop me card Btating ydur wants nnd needs. W. A, Lovelncp,, Contractor nnd Builder. ' JOHNS & TURNER, Architects nnd Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Mnin, 34 7L Rcsidenco phpne 744. A. V. GOODWIN, Arc'hitict, offico 34(5, corner Front nnd Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMEH W. M. Col vig, C. U Rcnmcs. Lnwyors. Of fico Medford "Nutiounl Bauk build ing, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomoys-nt-lnw. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffico building. A. E. REAMES Coroy bldg. -Lnwyor, Garnott- WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Pnlm building. , II. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. . . Dllllard Pnrlora S. T. BROWN Si CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A niee, coof place to spend tho hot nftoo- uoons. t Itill rosters VERNE T. CANON BUI postorano Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bnnk building. Medford, Or. Civil Kiiglneei CIVIL ENGINEUR Go to L. W. Whiting" nt southeast . corner of Mnin and Central for surveying (iruiiiug, nuiKiing grimes, sower tie sign, city engineering, concrete or irrigation construction, or other engineering work. Subdividing nnd platting u specially. So seo m'o if you contemplate such work. 2S3 Collections ACCOUNTS collected! in nny part of tho world. No charge if not col lected. Pnciflo Collecting Co., 33 Jn'ckson Co. Bank bldg. Cigars mid Tobacco IRKLAND & ANTLE, Smokehouue Dcnlers in tobacco, cigars and smoroks' supplies. Exclusive ngents of Lewis Single Binder, El Moritt nnd El Puluncin. 212 West Mum street. Fidelity and Hurety houds L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds iu tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bunk bldg. Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO., donlors in now nnd fiw.'oiid-hnnd furniture nnd hardware. Agents for House hold stovos and ranges. HI South Fir strcot. Phone Main 3101. MISSION FUKNITUKH. WORKS Corner 8th and Holly streets, Med ford. Mission furniture nuido to order. . Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicitod. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovcs and ranges. Now nnd second-hand furniture Ends' old, Btand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 01, Medford (Jt-aulto Works GOLD KAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Mnin st., manufacturers nnd dcnl ors in gmonumontnl and buildin grnuito, crushed grnnito common brick nnd prossed brick, coargo and fine wnshod rivor snnd MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd mnnu facturots of brisk; dealers m pressed brick nnd lime. Office in Qnruott-Corov block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 3181. i - - -'- r Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2o7, Phipps bldg. 10TARY PI NOT UBLIO Mail Trihum office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A. i W .,..,.,) 1 , 1- Niirscrics QUAKER NURSERIES-Out tress aro budded, not graftod. Our stotik is not irrigated. We guarnnteo ev erything put out. Wo are not in tho trust. II. B. Patterson, offico removed to 11G E. Mnin st, KOGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of nigh grade nursery stock. Offico 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M, D., Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to internnl medicino nnd gen eral offico practice. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Office phono 731, rcsidenco phono 4542. Offico over Strang's drug store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physicinn and Surgeon. Offico 210. E. Mnin at., over Has- kins' drug store. Phono Mnin 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy sicians nnd surgeons, Taylor utik Phippq bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phono 012. Offico hours 9 a. u. lo 8 p. m. DR. P. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopnthic physiclhns". Moved to Rooms 410 and 4J7, Garnett-Coroy'bldg. Phono Mnin G351. DR. E. II. PORT.ER Discuses of women n specinlty. Rooms 6, G, 7 8. St. Mnrk'n bldg., Medford, Oi Phenes: Offico 4901, rosidonci 4951. ' DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERSPraq tico limited tri disenscs of the eye, car, noso nnd thront. Offico Suite 318, Gnmett-Coroy bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentint Offico in Rinlto bldg., 123 F, Mnin. Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Telephone Mam 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. ' W. WICK Homoopathit physician; rcsidenco 203 Olson st., phono Mnin 4474; offico, rooms 3 nnd 4 St. Mnrk's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Offico Qanictt-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Resi dence 113 Laurel st., phone 2d92. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD - Practico limit ad to diseases of wo mon. Offico Ilaskiua bldg. Phono Mnin 1001. Dr. W. M. Vnn Scoyoc. Dr. C. C. Vnn Scoyoc. Dentists. Gnnictt-Co-ey bldg., suito 318, Med ford. Or. Both Phonos'. DR. R. E. GREMN, eye, enr, noso nnd thront. Rooms 212-213 Gnr-nnott-Corey bldg. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' j " 1)11. E. E. KOCH, Chiropractic dem onstrator of Psychology. Euse for nil (license. No drugs. No knives. Phono 0701, or cull nt 30(1-307 Gnrnod-Coroy blk. Hours 9 to 12; I to 0, nnd 7 to 8; by appointment on Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and , lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vate diseases and nil kinds of chronic nud nervouti uihueiits. Stom ach troublo, constipation, indiges tion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo me at 241 S. Front st., Med ford, Or. DR. LIOROY M. GORDON Chir prnclio spinologist; over .Medford Hnrdwnro Co., 2IG E. Mnin st., Medford, Or. Printers nud Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns the host equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central nvonuo. Stenographers KLLA M. GU ANY AW-Palm Block. Stenographic work dono qnickly nnd woll. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Gurnett-Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. Miun L. J. Iliughtoii. Telephone Home 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron wnro on hand and mado to order. 128 North G st. Road- Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'fJ SIGNS will help build up your btntl noK. Phono 802. 18 KtvoniJt Ave. Tents and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co,, mukors of now, repairers of old Both phonos 405, S. Oakdale. Unions '1. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810 Moots nt Smith's hall, 12.8 North Grapo street, ovory Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'oloclc. All journovmou carpentors, as well us looal members, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital interest to nil carpenters transacted at these meetings. J, J. Seal, business agt. wm mZ