-les 41 MEDFOKD MATT. TTCmTJNE, MEDFORTf, OKEGON, WEDNESDAY, "FEDRUARY 1, 1911. PAGE SEVEN ln -M ' I . - l 4. , i i - -r- V HQOB RIVER APPLES AVERAGE $1.76 BOX SgObol & Day under date of Jan uary 25, say: The English markets continue In good slinpo as per cables received, which read as follews: Liverpoel: L. Connolly & Co. cable Watsonvlllo four tiers 8s Cd to 9s' 3dj mostly from 8s 9d to 9b, i 1-2 tier, Watsonvllle, 8s to 8(s,8dOreKon ay )les 80 to 9G sizes,! 93-fill lo 10s;" Binaller sizes 10s Od to 1.1s. Strong demand on all apples,.. . Londen: M. Isaacs & Sons cablo tlielr mnrket today Ss Cd on Watson vlllo apples, presumably both 4 and I 1-2 tier, with a good demand. The Campania sailed for Liverpool today, with about 11,000 boxes. We know of sales of a few cars mado to English houses from cold storage here at $1.80 per box f. o. b. steamer here, on 4-tIer Watsonvllle Xewtowns. The prices on barrel ap pies abroad continue strong and the buyers there undoubtedly are turn lug to the boxes so It- looks all right ahead, and any of our Watsonvlllo friends who havo cars stored In Cal ifornia might do well to let them go over, and we shall bo very pleased to hear from said friends on the sub ject. Yesterday one car of Hood River Spltzenbergs sold here" to average $1.70, It had been previously sold to a party 50 miles away, but was re turned here. Wo understand that a car of finest Hood River Spltzen bergs sold lately at $2.62 and that choice can be bought for $2, while some Rogue River valley. Spitz are selling at $2,12 1-2. Wo do not ro grqt that wo sold all of ours on ar.-l vaLIn the fall at top market valuo then, and net returns would have been less If thoy had been held until now. However, we confidently look for nn ndvanco In this market on npples which will stand up. Our market on fancy evaporated ring npples is very strong at from 11 to 11 l-2c per pound with the pros pect of doing even better In the near future, os If any of our friends have any of these goods we can advise their being forwared hero or samples can. bo mailed to us and we might sell them f. b. b., but naturally sub ject to examination and approval on arrival here.' '"'" - DC A I CCTATC R." L. Gibson et ux. to W. C. Wil son, et al., warranty deed, portion of section 25, township 37 south of range 2 west of the Willamette merid ian, comprising about 1 aero; $10. Ford nana Webber et ux. to J. A. Forrieros, warranty deed, let 3, block 3, Olson addition to city of Medford; ?S00. George II. Sweeny et al. to Gust Fnske, warranty deed, lots 11 and 3 2, ,in block 73, of the city of Med ford; $10. Helms Land company to Jackson county, warranty deed, land In sec tion 2G, township 38 south, rango 1 west, dedicated by Helms Land com pany to county of Jackson for road purposes; $10. William J. Wallace ot ux. to Sam uel S. Davies et ux., warranty deed, lots 1, 2 ana.,3. la-block P, Railroad addition to town, of. Ashland; $10. L. M. Rhade8-.ot.ux. to W. M. Ab bott et ux., .warranty deed, Iqts 13, 11, 15 nnd'lG,Jn block, B, of the Melklo & Payne, addition to Ash land.; $10. . " 0. W. McDonald of al. to W. Sher man Coe, lot 3, Rlvorsldo subdivi sion in section 25, In township 3G south of range 4 west of the Wlllam etta meridian, formerly known as the Duffleld place, 10.44 acres; consider ation $2349. Mary 13. Smith to C. H. Rcdflold, contract for deed, west 50 feet lots 7 aiul 8, In block G, Park addition to olty of Medford; $2150. Frank S. Miller et ux. to C. E. Trask, quit claim deed, parcel land lying south of lot C5, of Pracht's ad dition to the city of Ashland; $10. O, II. Carner et al. to Roy R. Reoves, warranty deed, lot 5, block 1, In Carnor & Sabln's addition to Woodville, Oo.;$200. II. G. Balcom ef ux, Jo Arthur G. Knapp, lot 1, block 1, King's addi tion to the city of Medford; $1. George M. Eaton et ux. to Ashland Manufacturing company, warranty dood, west half of the northwest quar tor, tho southeast quarter of tho north west quarter, and the. northwest quar tor of the southwest quarter, In sec tion 1, township 40 Bouth, rango oast Willamette meridian; $3000. William F. Entrop et ux., to Med-ford-Butto Falls Recreation club, warranty deed, north half of north west quarter southeast one-quarter of tho northwest ono-quarter, and the southwest ono-quarter of tho north oast onolquarter of section 18, In township 35 south of rango 3 east of tho Wlllametto meridian, containing 1G1.Q1 acres; $1. Hnsklns for Health. -t- LiD OH AND CLAMPED DOWN IN SALEM SALEM, Ore., Feb. 1. Chief of Police Hnmiltmi has put the lid on light. Notice has been served on nil the drug stores drawing their atten tion to the special ordinance regard ing fhe sale of liquor. A letter also has beeir sunt to the officers of the Jllihee Club, n fashionable resoit ritntu,ur thnt hereafter no liquor will belwbld on Sumlny or after saloon closing hours. Hie chief snid Hint he knows Ihe law wns being violated at this club and lie believes it is" within his juris dieton to close the elub unless th" ordinance is observed. This nibvo by the new chief is in' nccordanco with the policy of the new oily administration. Mayor Lnchmund niul the city council are backing Chief Hamilton in his work. FOR EXCHANGE. Real Kstato FOR EXCHANGE 15 acres of choice alfalfa close in, for Medford property. Must bo woll located and reasonable. Address W. R. Lamb, Medford, qr phone 70C1. 372 TO EXCHANGE For Medfor.1 preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved", $7500; 52 acres, improved, $11,000; 30 acres, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban proporty, ranches, timber lands, for other proporty, Address Box 109, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Houses FOR RENT OR SALE Now eight room house on west side of city, Dr, C. C. Van Scoryve, suite 318 Gar rett, Corey bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT New 8-room house, West Side. Also good build ing lot for sale. II. A. Cannday, Bnnk bldg. Inquiro Attorney 204 Fruitgrowers 979 FOR RENT OR SALE Hotmb partly furnished'. .Inquire 810 W lllh ctroet. ' .2Q9,. Business Property FOR SALE' OR BENT Good open ing for general' merchandise stcc iiinew town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford." Gold Ray Realty Co, 20G W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, cure Mnil Tribune office. tf FOR RENT. ' Hoard and Rooms ROOM AND HOARD With .Mrs. J I). Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlett. FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas ant furnished rooms and board, with hot and cold running water; baths, largo sunny porches. G04 W. 30th st. or 124 King st. tf FOR SALE 20 acres, incorao $4000 $0000 will handle 1(50 acres, 2,000,000 feet good tim ber; railroad divides tract; 20 acres will pay for all; price very low; terms if desired. L10 acres, 3 miles from town, 70 cleared, fl in orchard; rich black soil; buildings; $85 per here. 90 acres, Vz miles from Eagle Point, near rnilrond; elenred and fenced; finest of pear soil; sell any pait. $85 per acre. 11 ncres, 8 in pear orchnrd, good house, well, windmill, 8 chicken houses, 4 Ms miles out; $3300; good terms. 34 ncres under ditch, on main road, 3 miles out, $250 per acre; terms. CITY PROPERTY Lot on W. Tenth, $350. . . Lotpn W. Palm, $250. I room houe, pantry, bnthrooro, close in, $2100; termS. . We'siinorelnnd lots $275. West Walnut Park lots, $275.-$350; $25 down, $10 mouth, G per cent 7-rooin, new, strictly modern house, completely furnished, a very at tractive home, $5000; terms. ,7 good lots, $1975; easy terms. WANTED Cilv and ranch proporty to list. Girls for general housework. Man and wife on ranch; house keeper. Span of ranch horses, 1400 lbs., no blemishes. Gentlo single driver; 1000 lbs. E. F. L Room 208, & I Phipps Bldg. M FOR RENT. FuriilMidd Rooms FOR KENT Large luruishcd room, $1.50 per week. 1001 South C. Ten minutes walk south l'roin post office. 271 FOR KENT Furnished room; board if wanted. 10 Court st. '200 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms and two unfurnished communica tion rooms. Prices reasonable. In quire 520 S. Holly. 209 FOR RENT Furnshed sJecpiug room; everything now and' clenn; ronconnblc prico; easy walk from Main st. Qnly men need apply. Oleson dnd W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT 20 modern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets and baths, suitable fcr first-class rooming house; rooms en suite, suitable far families or modern offices,, Jnquhrfl Aldonhngcn, cure Rogue River Elec tric Co. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients nt No. 10 N. Grape st, nest Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' .bnnk bldg. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, board nest door. 345 N. Bnrt'lctt. tf. Houses FOR.RENTT-4.rouiu)iottsc $8.00. Jn mlire 334 West (1th struct, corner Ivy. " 271" FOR RENT Good G room house $15.00. For snlcfji'ypry choice busi ness lota right inside, , ready: foi busines' without waiting, each, $2, 250, llumphary, owner, room 3. Ad kins block. ' 270. FOR RENT Five room house, mod ern. Inquire 340 South Riverside. FOR RENT New modern 0 room house less, than cost. Address 25 Mail-Tribune. 274. FOR RENT Three-room house- at 215 W. Court st., ut $9 per month, Enquire 10 N. Front st. tf FOR RENT Now modern 5-rbom house, 4 blocks from Main. Phone 2455. 521 Hamilton st., W. tf FOR RENT Eight room now house on W. Mnin st. Cement walk and pavement," $35 per niouth. Stqre building at Ihe. Junction of Jack son st., nnd S. P. Ry.; best subur ban location in tho city, $30 per niouth. Also three residencp prop erties on enst side now in course of construction for , rent or sale about March 1. v A. F, Burnett Pliono. Main 42 Pacific 2574': FOR RENT Now 4-room eottngo. close in. Iuuiror510 South Central nve. . 270 FOR RENT: 'l 4-room modern house, furnished 435 por month. 2 G-rooni modern house, unfurnish ed $30 per month. , , 3 3-room house, unfurnished and not modern, $10 per month. 4 G-room modern house, unfurnish ed $30 per month. 5 7-room house, modern except toilet, unfurnished, $27 per month. li 5-room modern house, now, leady after February 15th, unfurnished, $35 jierinpnth. 7 5-room biidgalow, not "modern and unfurnished, $20 per month. Cornitius Garner Realty Co., 133 West Main St. , Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms at 23 Roosevelt nve. 272 UusIiicks Rooms FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, shitatyle for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Roalty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Offices' for Kent. FOR RENT Over tho postoffice with heat and light. See A. A. Davis, tf. FOR RENT Office rooms over tho Postoffice. ' Seo G. F. Dyer, 123 E. Main st., room 2. FOR RENT Office rooms in Eleo trio building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold wuter. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Mnin st. If FOR RENT A largo heated offico plenty of hot water and baths fur nished free to roomers at 133 W. Main st. 288 FOR RENT Ono front office, and 0110 inside offico in Farmers r Fruitgrowers' bank bldg. See W P. Mealy, 1 and 2 Postoffice blk. tf FOR RENT Desk room in random office, steam heat, c"lectrio lights nnd phone. Address box 533. tf. Farms IFOR RENT Farms from 40 acres! I to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit I ranches, garden lands, general' st. We also Pave largo nnd smull farming ranches. Gold Rny Renlty' tracts of imoroved and unimprov Co 21G West Main. tf j ed orchard lauds. t FOR RENT MlfwellnHcohs TO LET One thousand-loads lonm soil for hauling. 134 S. Bnrl lett. tf FOR SALE Acrongo Acreage. FOR SALE 5, 10 and 20-aore tracts with perpetunl water right for sale on easy payment plan. Roguclands Incorporated, Fred N. Cummings, mannger. tf FOR SALE Your Opportunity 177 ncres, 3 blockJ to Btrcet car. less than a milo to nivcrsity of Or egon, lYi miles to court house just outsido city limits; beautiful viow of city; nil fino npplo and pear land, could not lay better; 50 bearing fruit trees; house and large barn; fine springs, artesian water in house and barn new 0-foot side walk all tho way to city. Half un der cultivation. Rest subdividing proposition in tho state: lots across street from $150 to $400. If taken at once will sell for $350 per ncre, epot ensh. No agents. Address owner, B"x 93. Eugene. Ore. If FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-ncro tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 30 acres red fruit land ,41z' miles from Medford; will set to any kind of fruit and furnish trees and will enro for tho orchard for five years for $250 an onre; will clear and plant lor 'JUO per acre. Land as it is $125 per acre. H. E. Bowman, Jacksonville, Or.e pon. . , ,' ,2fJp- Lots FOR SALE VACANT LOTS: Newtown Addition, 3 lots. $300 each. Rose Park Addition", 5 lots, $350 each. Palm's Secolid Addition, 2 lots, $275 each. Gra3's Addition, corner lot, $000, In.sido lot $500. - Imperial Addition, corner lot, $500. Ihsdo lot $400. '. ( , Kings' Addition, ono?Jot, $060. Wo are ablt to sell the abivo resi dence lots qn a onflh lMiyinunt of $75 to $150 and the balance 011 monthly jinymehts of $5 lo $15. TJicso arq nil fine lots and are bound to increase in value vory rapidly in tho noxt few months. Invest your Jtioncy in Med ford City properly and1 let your dol lars work for.you. Contitins' Garner Roalty (Jo., 133 West Mnin St. tf. FOR SALEr-I have a few 'good bar- gain lots.-. left that are, on a Htieot to bo paved this spring. Thoy arc going fast at $375 and $325, water and sower in on every lot. Terms. E. S. Tumy, 2201 Onrnett, Cprey bldg. JL 208. FOR SALE CHEAP South front lot on pavomont op Tenth st. In quire of 'owner, 015 W. 11th st. 20S FOR SALE Ono lot in Walnut park, close to paving, G0xl25; lays perfectly; on your own terms. Hit t ner & Clerk. tf FOR SALE 5 lots in Laurel park best offer, quick sulcs; terms 01 cash. Seo owner. B. F. Benson Moore hotel. 271 IIOUSt'H FOR SALE A new 7 room bunga low, completely furnished on South Lnurol, eloso in. When, wp say com pletely furnished, it means that you slei) in, and the owner steps out, leaving the house ready for you to occupy without your having to buy another article. The house h thoroughly modem in ovory detail, electric lights, bath, toilet, etc. Tho prico is $30p0, wjth $18)0 cilsh, Imj; ftiico ousy,,t!ornitiiiH Qiinior Realty Co., 333 W. Main st. tf. FOR HALE A new 5 room bungalow, one block from a paved street nt $1500. $1000 wihh, balance easy, Cornitius Garner Really Co., 133 y. Main si. tf. FOR- SALE Modem 5 room cottage and lot, house nicely furnished, will sell with or without furniture. Also havo thrco vacant lots for sale. This is u bargain if taken quickly Seo owiu-r for, terms iu prices. P. E. Zepp. 1417 West 11 st., Med ford; 73 FOR SALE Nothingdown and $20 monthly buys $925; cottage rents for $10; monthly; east facing lot 50x125. Lot 4, block 4, Benson nd dition. B. F, Benson, Mooro ho tol. 271 FOR SALE Large modrn house with south and east front, 113 feet front on paved streot, by 181 feel long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reuson for selling, ludy of lwise needs a change of climate; this pluce is suitable for nico homo or first class rooming lions-; easy torms lo right party. S tho Jackson County Realty Co., 001 West Tenth FOR SALE. . .Houses.. 4 FOR SALE -$050.00, neat 4-room house ; water in yard; sewer in front; largo new woodshed; lot 50x 112 nt 737 W. 14th st., between S. Newtown nnd King nvo., or seo Burkhnrt at Union Meat Co. 272 FOR SALE A new 0 room bunga low, that is beautifully finished in side, has n cement foundation, is on ittt Enst front corner lot nnd very close in. This property is on South Laurel, and less thnn ten minutes walk from this office. $2300 with half cash and balance easy. Coriri tius Garner Realty Co., 233 W. Main st. tf. FOR SALE Two houses, 31 S. Or nngo, $2200; 822 Bennett nve .0n0: bv John Hondorson. 270 llusliu'Hs Property FOR SALE Choi'it business prop orty nt a bargain, on long timo; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. , , . Orchards FOR SALE Two choice 20-ocre Commercial orchards with splendid improvements, in Tollman creek valley, near Ashland, Seo or write F. G. McWilliams & Son, 203 E. Main si., Ashland, Ore. 273 Miscellaneous FOR SALE Choicest baled alfalfa hay, $16 per ton. Dnggott ranch. 273 FOR SALE Shingle mill; 24 inch surfuoor, sticker and turning lathe, Address Mrs. 1). Sharp, K. 1, bus 0G. . 273. LIST1 LIST 1 Your proporty with E. S. Tinny, 201 Garrett, Corey Bldg; He specializes in city property. 270. FOR SALE Writo to Sampson Spiny Co., Grants Pubs for pricon, as tho association has not dono so. Wo will quoto 'ou prices a? an in dividual. Sampson Spray Co., Grants PaBS. Or. ,,, 275. SINGER atid Wheeler & Whson sow ing machines for snlo or rent; sup plies and repairs for nil k'uuls. Everything guaranteed. Offico, ut Allin's Store Phono ,0043, FOR SALE Block wood, Loue yo'lir orders at Medford lTard Wnro Co. 270 FOR SALE Limited numbor pure bred Poland China boars, 3 and 1 months old, eligible to go in tho best herds and cheap enough for any fanner lo buy. Borkeloy Or chards, Goo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phono Farmers 703x3, tf FOR SALE Cook stovo in good dnndiiion, fino bnkor. Cheap. Call 628 -So'. Fir st. FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs nnd baby chicks from heavy laying puio bred slock. Pullets began laying at 4 1-2 months old. Eggs per setting, $1.50. Baby chicks, per dozen, $2.t)0. Will hook orders for n few baby chicks and sellings of eggs from my high class jingle comb White Or pingtons for delivery after March 1st. Cockerels uvoraged 7 pounds at five months old. Writo for prices. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Ore FOR SALE Emerson square piano with pianola self player and fifteen pieces perforated music. Write lock box 7, Jacksonville, Ore. 29 1 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Salostncn m every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced wookly; many make over $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top ponish, Wash. WAITED A man to prune 20 acres of Joiitnhan upplo trees. Apply Foothill orchard, care of Burrell or fchurdH. 0 270 WANTED Mnn or woman to sell fastest selling book ever printed Can mako fioni $3 to $8 a day ny curjioht wprk. Call for. I. H. Frank lin nt 203 Oleson st,, after G p. m., f evenings. Help Wanted Female. WANTKD-Mn'id for general house work. Must he neat and trust worthy. $25 por month. P. S. Stccustuof, Jacksonville, Phone 321, Jacksonville. 270 WANTED Middle aged woman for goneral housework. No washing. Good wages. Call up Main 1771 322 S. Newtown. Mrs. Ryan. 271 WANTED Woman for cooking or general housework in family of four on ranch two miles oast of Eagle Point. F. Polouzo, Eagle Point. 277 WANTED Experienced womun eook for outside city. Middle age prefer ed. Apply 733 W. 11 th (., or ml dresH E. F. Raymond, cilv tf. WANTED. .MiHcclInucouR WANTED SowiiiR by day. Call at 421 S. Grape st. 200 WANTED I do houp"H'it!i'" 1V day, hours or week. ' Main 0051. LOST. LOST Sunday1- nTt'brnoon n IndiesM pocket book containing a sum of money. Return to Tribune office nnd receive reward. tf. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assnyer and Analyse EARL V. INGELS, B. S. Best equipped assay offico in Oregon; fopd products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water, etc., an alyzed. Grants Pass. Architects LOOK, READ AND THINK I will draw plans, make estimator; build your houso tosult you; will tuko as part pay hogs, cows, fur niture, fruit, acreage, or city lots in any desirable location, or will take your notes on terms to suit. I also have a nice home, 100 acres im proved down S. E. will exchange for lots or acrengge hero of sumo value. Call nt 112 S. Riverside any day, after 7 p. m. or phono 3032 at G;30 p. 111., or drop me card stating your wnnts and needs W. A. Lovelace, Contractor and Builder. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and guilders. Offico 7-8, 325 Mnin. Phono Mnin 3471. Rosidonce phone 744. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Ronnics. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. PORTER' J. NKFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffice building. A. E. REAMES-Lawyor, Garnott Corov bldg. W1THINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. B. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jnckson ,0,0. Bnnk bldg. Millard Parlors S, T. BROWN" & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nico, cool placo to spend the hot after noons. Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poateranrf Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Comity Bank building. Medford, Or. Civil Kiiglnccr. CIVIL ENGINEER Go tp L. W. Whiting nt southeast corner of Main and Central for survoyinj,' drafting, building grades, sewer de sign, city engineering, concrete or jriigntion construction, or i.tliar engineering work. Subdividing and plaiting ,a specialty. So see mo if vnn fWinlnmtilrt in ctn.li nfttTr ').Q?t 283 JW,. .... ..... ,,..., ........ ......V Collections ACCOUNTS collected in nny pnrt of ,tho world. No chargo if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co., 33 Juokson Co. Bnnk bldg. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE. Sraokohouso Doalors in tobacco, cigars and 8inor(oks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Meritt and El Paloncin. 212 West Main street. Fidelity and Surety Ilotijls L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds in tho best compnnios. 33 Jaokson Co, Batik bldg. Furniture II. P. WILSON & CO., dealers in now nnd svjond-hnnd furniture and hardware. Agouts for House hold stoves and raugos. 10 South Fir stroot. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8th and Holly ctrccls, Mod ford, Mission furuituro mado to order. Cabinet ,work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. i MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovos nnd ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F St.. South. Phono 91. Medford Gruulto Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO,, 210 W. Mnin st., manufacturers nnd deal ers in gmonumental and buildin granite, crushed granito common brick and pressed brick, coarso and fine washed rivor sand MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brijk; denlorB in pressed bnok nnd limo. Offico in Onmett-Corev block, room 200. 2d floor. Phono Nn. 3181 Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treos are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo gunranteo ov orything put out. Wo are not in tho trust. H. B. Pottorson, office ronwvwl to 11G E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of iigh grndo nursory stock. Offioe .'5 W. Main. Tel. 1201. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. &4ilairNjtarjrtl'nlllc, Sf x - - - - - J - NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2u7, Phipps bldg. NOTARY offico. PUBLIC Mail Tribun Physicians nnd Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to internal medicine nnd gen eral offico practice. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, residence phono . d542. Office over Strang's drug store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Offico 21G E. Mnin st., over Has. kins' drug storo. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phv sioinns nnd surgeons, Taylor nnfc Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, rosidenco phone 012. Office hours 9 u. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 nnd 4 7, Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. E. II. PORTER DiscMes of women a specialty. Rooms 6, G, 1 8. St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Oi Phones: Office 4901, rosidona 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eyo, car, noso and throat. Offico Suilo 318, Garnett-Corey,bld'g. ' . ', ',' DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE,, Dentist-''. Offico in Rialto bldg.,, 1231'., Main. Gas administered fdr 'ex traction of teeth. Telcphono Main ' 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homoopatlrif physician; rcsidonco 203 Olson st. phono Main 4474; offico, rooms 3 and 4h St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Offico Garnolt-Coroy bldg.. rooms 211-212, pliono 1092. Resi dence 113 Laurel Bt., phono 2092. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Practice limited to disonscs of wo men. Offico Uaskins bldg. Phone Main 1001. Dr. W.'M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. t Dentists. Garnett-Coroy bldg., suito 318, Mod ford. Or. Both Phonos. DR. R. E. GREEN, eyo, ear, noso and throat. Rooms 212-213 Gar-niiolt-Corey bldg. ml E. E. KOCH, Chiropractic dem onstrator of Psychology. Ease for all diuease. No drugs. No knives. Phone 0701, or call at 30Oi3()7 .Guruott-Coroy blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to G, and 7 to 8; by appointment on Snndnys. ' CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, caturih, cojds, goiters, throat nnd lung trouble, doufucfeH, paralysis, pri vate diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stom ach trouble, constipation, iudiges tiom womb and bladder troubles. See mo nt 241 S. Front st., Med ford, Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON Chiro practic spinologist; ovor Medford Hardware Co., 210 E. Main st., Medford, Or. Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job offico in' South ern Oregon; Portland prices. S7 South Contra! avenue. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Bloc. Stenographic work done quickly mi woll. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Garnett-Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. Miss L. J. Hingston. Telcphono Home 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin Bhop. Tin nnd sheet iron wnro on hand and mado to order. 128 North G st. Read- Signs. VALLEY SION ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Ave, Tents mid Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., rankers of now, repairers of old. Both phonos 405. S. Oakdnlo. Undertakers MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3001; J. E. Rutlor 3571: John A. Pori 4111. Unions CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810 Moots nt Smith's hull, 128 North Grape street, ovory Thurs day ovoning promptly at 8 o'clock. All ioiimoymon carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Businoss of vital interest to nil carpontors trniiBnotod at those meetings, J. J, Sonl, business agt. it in f -1 wo 1 T$&ffi I i.v , 1 $ V W i 'in" t1 w t h it" K - gt