Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 01, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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rEDFORDMAiiRjBi.uuiw iiMox, mkmBmManim
An ordinance assessing tho proper
ty adjacent to and borief uJ by the
C-Inch latdral Bower constructed
alone Laurel street from Eiclitli
street to Tenth street, for the cost Mall 'irlbune, n newspaper published
ments for the Improvement of Btrcetai wood. Lot 9, block 1, Newtown nddl-
tncrcin. , tlon to the city of Mcdford, Oregon;
Uj-iftlna J Tl f fiikilina .. .1 .. n .1 '
3. It Is further ordered
that thn notlco above provided for
lio published throo times In the Daily crlbed In Vol
of constructing the somo and oro-
vldlng tho manner of carrying snld
assessments Into full effect.
The city of Mcdford doth crdaln
ns follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho council
did horetoforo provldo by ordinance
j for the serving of the owners of prop-
i erty adjacent to and benefited by the
j construction of tho lateral sower hore
j Innfter described to appeal before
i said council and show cause, If any,
why said property should not be nB-
jessed for tho construction of said
sower, and did fix a time for hearing
any such protests, which Notice watt
given In nccordanco with said ordl
. nance more than ten dnys before the
beginning of the construction of said
ower, but no protests agnlnst Bald
construction or assessment of the
cost thereof was mado by anyone
and said sewer was by said council
ordered constructed; and,
v norejis. tno cost of tho construc
tion of on Id sewer has been and here
by Ir. determined to bo the Bum of
Now thorcforo, said city doth or
dain and declare that each parcel of
property described below Is adjacent
to and benefited by that certain lat
oral Rower C inched In size, construct
ed on Laurel street from Eighth
Htreot to Tenth street, and that tho
proportion of tho cost of said sewer
which each of said parcels of land
should bear, based on tho benefits
derived respectively by said several
tracts of land is tho amount sot oppo
Blto tho description of each parcel
below, that each of said parcels is
actually bonofltcd In the amount sot
npposlto Its description below by the
construction of sr'd sewer, and that
said several amounts represent tho
proportional benefits or said several
parcels from said sower. And onch
of eald parcels Is hereby nssosBod In
tho amount set opposlto Its descrip
tion below for tho contraction of
said sewer.
Assessment No. 1 V. W. Weeks et
al. A pnrcel of land commencing at
tho northeast corner of block 3, In
tlnlloway's addition to tho cltv of
Mcdford, Oregon, ntid running thonce
west 300 foot along West Eighth
street to northwest corner of said
block 3; thenco south 100 feet;
thrnco east 200 feet; thenco north
100 fcot to tho placo of beginning;
frontage 100 feet on tho west side of
Laurel street, and described In Vol.
78, pago 31, county recorder's rec
ords of Jucksou county, Oregon; GO
foot; rato per foot 89c; amount
$44. CO.
Assessment NO. 2 Mnrgarot E.
Oray. A parcel of laud commencing
1,00 fcot south of tho northwest cor
ner of block 3, in Galloway's addi
tion to tho city of Mcdford, thenco
east 200 feot; thenco south 112 foot;
inonco west 200 root; thenco north
112 fcot to tho place of beginning;
frontage 112 foot on tho wost sldo of
Laurel street, nnd described In Vol.
40, pago C10, county recorders rec
ords of Jnckbon county, Oregon; 112
feot; rato per foot 8do; amount
Assessment No. 3 J. T. Daley.
A parcel of laud commencing 212 fcot
south of tho northeast corner of block
3, (inllowny'H addition to tho city of
Medford. Oregon; running thenco
weHt 200 fcot; thenco south 58 foot;
thenco east 200 feot; thenco north
58 feet to tho placo of "boglnulng;
frontngo 08 on tho west aide of
Laurel street, and described In Vol.
. pago , . , county recorder's rec
ords of Jncknon county, Oregon; 58
feet; rato per foot 89c; amount
Assessment No. 4 W. T. York. A
parcel of land commencing at tho
eouthwest corner of block 4, (Jnllo
way'B addition to tho city or Medford,
Oregon, nnd running thenco oast
along tho north lluo of West Tenth
Btreot 113.9 feet; thenco north 121
feet, thenco weBt 113,9 feet to tho
east line of Laurel street; thenco
Bouth 121 root to tho place of begin
ning, frontage 121 feet on tho oast
Bldo of Laurel Btreot. and described
in Vol 05, pago 70. county recorder's
records of .Inrknon rounty, Oregon;
21 feet; rate per foot 89c; amount
Atfstfi-HiiUMtt No. 5 Otto II. itolch
muii. A parcel of laud commencing
at a point on tho oast line df Laurel
Htreot 121 feet north of tho Kouth
west corner of block I, (Snlloway'B
audition to 1110 city or Medrord, Ore
gon, nnd running thenco eaut 113,9
reel, thenco north CO foot; thenco
Vest 113.9 feet; thenco south CO feet
to tho placo of beglnulng; frontage
00 feet on tho enr.t side of Laurel
rslreet, nnd described In Vol. 75, pago
493, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; CO feet;
rato per foot 89c; amount $53.40.
Assessment No. G Henry Griffith
A parcel of land commencing at a
point on tho oaBt Hue of laurel Htreot
1 L0 feet south of tho northwest cor
ner of block 4, Gullowny'B addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon, and
running thenco south along tho east
lino of Laurel streot 75 foot; thenco
oabt 113.9 feot; thnnco north 75 feet;
thence weat 113.9 feot to tho place
or beginning; frontngo 75 feet on
tho east Bldo of Laurel street, and
described In Vol. 50, page 5 4S,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Orugou; 75 feot; rato por
foot 89c; amount $00.75,
Assessment No. 71. W. Horry.
North 110 foot or block 4, Galloway's
addition to tho city of Medford, save
nnd oxcopt therefrom that portion
described under J on tho map of the
city "f Medford; also nil rights to u
strip 10 foot wide along the north bide
of tho nbovo doaeribod promises;
frontngo ltd foet on the tfaat sldo
of .Laurel streot, and duagrlbud In
Vol ... pago .., county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Orugou;
'CO ifegt; rato per foot 89c; amount
Section 2. And It Is hereby or
dered and ordained that Bald no vera I
-Assessments nnd tho liens thereof bo
ontored In tho Hon docket of said
city, and that thereupon notice bo
'given to tho ownors, or reputed own
ora; of eald property, and thnt the
samo bo enforced and collected lu the
imujnQr provided by tho chatter of
aald-clti' for tho collection of;.
. -, - Wt lllf 'Mll ' .
.., , "TT
rrorttnge 50 feet on the north sldo
of West Fourteenth street, and des-
recorder's records of Jackson county.
nnd of general circulation In said city,' Oregon; 50 feot; rato per foot 98c;
in tno manner provided by ordinance 1 nmount $49.
Assessment No. 8 Richard Sher
wood. Lot 10, block 1, Newtown ad
No. 250 of said city.
The foregoing ordinance was nass-
!' l!' dtJr council of Ujo city afidltloii to the city of Mcdford, Oregon;
Mcdford, Oregon, on tho 17th day of
January, 1911, by tho following vete:
Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman
aye; Einorlck absent, Elfert nyo and
Millar aye.
Approved January 18th, 1911.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Itecordcr.
To the owner, or reputed owner, of
each pnrcel of property described InJ
the foregoing ordinance, ns named
therein, and In tho lien declared by
said ordinance, ns amended in the
docket of city liens:
You are hereby notified that the
assessment declared by tho foregoing
ordinance nas necn made and trie lieu
therefor entered in the city lien dock
et, and thnt the satno Is duo and you
are hereby required to pny tho snme
to the city recorder within ten days
from tlie service or this notice, which
servlco Is made by tho publication of
the foregoing ordinance and this no
tice thfeo times In the Medford Mnll
Tribune, pursunnt to an order of tho
city council or said city.
City Recorder.
An ordinance declaring tho assess
ment on the property benefited for
tho cost or laying a 4-Inch water main
on West Fourteenth street rrom King
street to reach street nnd directing
the recorder to enter n statement
thereof in the water main Hen dock
Tho city or Medford doth orduln
us follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho city coun
cil did heretofore, by resolution, de
clare Its intention to lay a 4-Inch
wntor innln on West Fourteenth
street from King Btreet to Reach
street, and to assess tho cost (hereof
en tho property fronting on said
portion of said street in proportion
to the frontngo of snld property, nnd
fix a time and placo for hearing pro
tcstB ngalnst tho Inylng of said wa
ter main on said part of said streot
and the assessment of tho cost thore
ror as nrorosald;
And whereas, said resolution was
duly published and posted as requir
ed by section 110 of tho charter of
vld city;
And whoreas, a moating of tho
e-juii'-II wna held nt the time and
place fixed by said resolution for the
rvrpoile of considering any such pro
teatu, but no protests were nt said
time, or at any other tlmo mado to
cr recolved by tho council to tho
said laying of said water main or tho
assessment of tho cost thoreof ns
aforesaid, nnd said council having
considered the matter and deeming
that said water main was and is of
1 ntorlnl benefit to said city, and
froiitagc 50 tod on the north side ot
West Fourteenth street, and des
cribed In Vol. .., pago .., county
recorder's records or Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 reef, rato por root 98c;
amount $49.
Assessment No. 9 Richard Sher
wood. Lot 11, block 1, Newtown ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on the north
sldo of West Fourteenth street, and
described In Vol. ... pngo .., county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 98c;
nmount $49.
Assessment No. 10 Richard Shor
wood. Lot H, bloek 1, Newtown ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 1 19.1 G feet on the north
sldo or West Fourteenth street, nnd
described In Vol. . ., pago . ., county
recorder's records or Jackson county,
Oregon'; 1 9.1 C foet; rato per foot
98c; amount $19.8.
Assessment No. 11 William Hnm-
liri. A parcel of land at the northwest
Intersection of South Newtown Btreet
nnd WeBt Fourteenth street and
fronting 132.5 feet on the west sld"
of South Newtown street nnd 250
feet on the north Hide of West Four
teenth street, nnd described in Vol.
.., page .., county recorder'-' rec
ords of Jackson county Oregon; 150
feet rate per foot 9Sr; amount
'ftM-'.n.t No. 1' .5 IlenR'n.
Ill- t, Rttherlln To-vt.e addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 feet on tho north aide of West
Fourteenth street, and described in
R-4 05; GO feet; rato per foot 98c;
amount $4 9.
Assessment No. 13 II. F. Henson.
Lot 15, Sutborlln Terraco addition
to the city of Mpdford, Oregon; Iront-
age GO root On the north side or West
Fourteenth street, and described in
R-4 04; 50 root; rato per root 98c;
amount $49.
Assessment No. 14 R. C. Klnloy
sldc. Lot 14, Sutberlln Terraco ad
dition to tho city or Medford, Ore
gon; rrontngo ru icct on tno norm
sldo of West Fourteenth street, nnd
described in R-439; GO feet: rato
per foot 98c; amount $49.
' AoscBsment No. 1G Catherine
Wakeman. Lot 12, Sutberlln Terrace
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gbn; rrontngo GO reot on the north
side or West Fourteenth streot. and
described in Vol. 78, pago 5G3, coun
ty recorder's records or Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 reot; rato por
root 98c; amount $49.
Assessment No. 10 B. P. Henson.
Lot i:i, Sutberlln Terrace addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on tho north sjdo of West
Fourteenth street, and described In
R-4 03: 50 feet; rate per root 98c;
amount $49.
Assessment No. 17 Catherine
Wnkemnn. Lot 1 1, Sutherllu Ter
raco addition to the city of Medford,
Oregon; frontng'o 50 feet on tho
that all property to bo
liercfor would bo benefited thoreby north Hide or West Fourteenth street,
to the extent or the, .probable nmount and described in Vol. 78, pago 553,
of tho respective assessments to ue
levied against snld properly, did or
der said main laid;
And whereas, tho cost or Bald wn
tor main has been and hereby Is de
termined to be tho Bum of $1S18.76;
Now therefore, It Is hereby fur
tliei determined thnt tho proportion
ate Bhn.-o of tho ooat of laying eald
water main, of onch parcel of prop
rty rronllnx on 3nld portion or said
street 1st the amount sut npposlto the
Juxcripllou or, encu parcel or lanu
below, and that each piece or parcel
of lam: Is benefited by the laying of
said -water jsnln to tho full oxtont of
tho amount so set opposite tho des
cription of tho same, and that tho
respective amounts represent the pro
portional benefits of said water main
to Laid respective parrels of land,
and also tho proportional frontngo
t icreof on Kald street, and tho coun
cil does hereby declare each of the
parcels or proi.orty described below
to be aasetised and each of the snme
1 ereby Is luiscsEcd tho amount set
opposite. each description for tho cost
of laying suld water main,
Assessment No. lO. 11. Trnnn
Uit 3, block 1, Newtown addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 119.10 feet on tho north sldo of
West Fourteenth ntreet, and describ
ed lu Vol. 77. iago 22, county re
corder's recordu of JneUson county,
Ciogon, 19. 1G foet; rato por foot
98c; amount $18.78.
Assessment No. 2- P. A. and Pru
dence Traun. Lot 4, blecl: I, New
town addition to tho city of Medford.
Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho north
side of West Fourteenth street, nnd
described In Vol. .., pago . ., county
recorder's records of JacKfiou county,
v regon; 50 feet; rate per foot 98c;
amount $49.00.
Assessment No. 3- P. A. nnd Pru
dence Trnnu. Let 5, block 1, New
town addition to the city of Medford,
Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the north
side of West Fourteenth street, and
duscrlled In Vol. . ., page . ., county
refill der' lororria or JniUson rounty,
Oregon. 50 foot; into yor foot 9Sc;
amount $iu.
AmPmiu.Mit No. t P. A, and I'm
duneo Truna. Lot U. bloelf 1, New
town nddltlon to tho oily of Medford,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon; 50 foot; rate per
foot' 98c; amount $49.
Assessment No. 18 Catherine
Wakeman. Lot 10, Sutberlln Ter
raco addition to tho city of Modtord,
Oregon; frontage 50 feot on tho
north side of WeBt Fourteenth Btreot,
ond doBccrlbcd In Vol. 78, pago 553,
county recorder's records or Jnckson
county, Oregon; 50 reot; rato per
root 98c; amount $49.
Assessment No. 19 Anron Wy
land. Lot 1, block 2, Newtown ad
dition to tho rltyot 'ledrord. Oregon;
rrontngo 129,75 reot on tho south
side or West 14th Btreot, and den
crjbod In Vol. .., pngo ... county
rocprdor'B records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 29.75 feet; rato per foot
98e: amount $29. 1C.
AHHOBHinont No. 20 Anron Wy
lahd. lot 3, block 2, Newtown addi
tion to the city of Medford. Oregon;
frontage 54 feet on tho south side of
West Fourteenth street, and descrlb
ed In Vol. ... pago .., county re
coidor'H records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 54 feet; rato per foot 98c;
amount $52.92.
Assessment No. 21--Ataron Wy
lahd. Lot 4. block 2, Newtown nd
dltlon to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 54 feet on tho south ftldo or
West Fourteenth street, and describ
ed In Vol. ... pago ... county re
corder b records or Jnekwm county,
Oregon; 51 feet; into per foot 98c;
amount $52.92.
Assessment No. 22 Aaron Wy
land. Lot 5", block 2, Newtown ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 54 feet on tho south side of
West Fourteenth street, and describ
ed lu Vol. ... pngo ,,, county re
corder's records of Jackson counly,
Oregon; 5 4 feot; rate per foot 9Sc;
amount ;r:.:2.
Assessment No. 23 -T. E. Merrill.
Lot 0, block 2, Newtown nddltlon to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on the touth side of West
Fourteenth street, and described In
Vol SO, page 101, county recorder's
records of Jackson count), Oregon;
50 feet; rate per foot 98c; amount
Assessment No. 24 T. E Merrill.
Lot 7, block 2. Newtown addition .to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on the south side of West
Fourteenth street, ami described I"
Vol. 80, page 101, county recorder's!
West Fourteenth street, and descrlb
ed In Vol. .., pago ... county re
corders records of Jackson county,
Oregon ', CC.42 feet; rate per foot
98c; nmount $0-1.09.
Assessment No. 28 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 4, Parker Placo addition
to tho city of Mcdford, Oregon; rront
ngo 140 teot on tjie south- side of
West Fourteenth street, and describ
ed In R-444; 40 feet; rato per foot
98c; amount $.19.20.
Assessment No. 29 Anna M, Par
ker. Ix)t 5, Parker Place addition to
tho city of Medford. Oregon; rront
ngo 50 reet on tho south Bide of West
fourteenth street, and described In
R-44 4! 50 feet: rate nor fnnf 9fin!
amount $49.
Assessment No. 30 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot G, Parker Placo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age r0 reet on the south Bide of West
Fourteenth street, and described in
R-445; 50 feet; rato per toot 9Sc;
amount $49.
Assessment No. 31 Anna M. Par
ker, Lot 7, Parker Placo nddltlonto
the city or Mcdrord, Oregon; frcrtit
age 50 foot on the pouth lde of West
Fourteenth Btreet, nnd described In
R-44G; 50 feet; rale per foot 98c;
nmount $49.
Assessment No. 32 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 8, Pnrker Placo addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago GO feet on the south side of West
fourteenth street, and described in
R-445; 50 feet; rato per Toot 98c;
nmount $49.
Assessment No. 33 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 9, Parker Place addition to
tho city or M'edrord, Oregon; rront
ngo 50 reot on the Bouth side or West
Fourteenth Btreet, and described In
R-445; 50 Teot; rato per root 98c;
amount $49.
Assessment No. 34 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 10, Parker Placo addition to
tho city or Mcdrord, Oregen: front-
ago 50 reet on the Bouth side of Wist
fourteenth streot, and described In
R144C; 50 feet; rato por foot 98cJ
nmount $49.
Assessment No. 35 Anna M. Par
kor. Lot 11. Parker Placo addition
to the city of Medfoid, Oregon; front
ngo 50 reet on the south Bldo or West
Fourteenth streot, and descrlbod In
R-447; 50 feet; rnlo per foot 98c;
nmount $49.
Assessment No. 3C Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 12, Parker Place addition
to tho city of Medrord, Oregon; front
ngo 50 feot on tho south side or West
fourteenth Btreet, and described In
R-448; 50 reet; rato per Toot 98c;
nmount $49.
Assessment No. .17 Anna M. Par
ker. Lot 13, Parker Placo addition
to tho city of Mcdford. Oregon; front
ago 50 reet on tho south side or West
Fourteenth streot, and described In
R-149; GO reet; rato per root 98c;
amount $49.
Section 2. And It Is hereby ordor
ed and ordained that, tho several as
sessments and tho llenn thcrcor bo
entered In tho wnter main lien docket
or Bald city, and that thereupon no
tice bo given to tho owners or reput
ed owners or said property, and that
the same bo enrorced and collected
In tho manner provided by tho char
ter of tho city ror tho collection of
assessments for tho Improvement or
streets therein. ,
Section 3. It' Is rurther ordered
thnt tho notlco above provided Tor
bo published throo times In tho Dally
Mnll Tribune, n nowspnper published
and of gonernl circulation In said
city, In the) manner provided by or
dinance No. 250 of said' city.
'The roregoing ordinanco was pass
ed by tho city council of Uio city of
Medrord, Oregon, on tho i7th dny of
January, 1911, by the following vete:
'Morrick ayo, Watt aye, Wortman
nyo, Emerlck absent, Elfert ayo, and
Millar aye.
Approved Janunry lfith, 1911.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcol or proporty described
lir tho roregoing ordlunuco. aa named
therein, pud In tho lien declnred by
snld ordlnnnce, nu recordod In the
docket or city liens:
'You are taoroby notlNod that the
assessment doclared by tho roregoing
ordinanco haB been mado nnd the
lien therefor entered In tho city Hen
docket, nnd that the Bnmo Is duo nnd
!rlptlon of each parcel below, and
fhat each of said parcels Is actually
benefited In tho amount Bet opposite
Its description below by the construc
tion or said sewer, and thnt said sev
eral amounts represent the propor
tional benefits of said several parcels
from said Bower. And each of said
parcels is hereby assessed tho amount
set opposlto Its description below for
the construction of said ewer.
Assessment -No. 1 C. II. Plerco,
A tract of land at the northeast In
tersection of East Main street and
Roosevelt avenue: fronting 24G.8G
reet on the east side or Roosevelt
avenue and marked C on the map or
tho city or Medrord. Oregon, and
described In Vol. 77. pago 232. coun
ty recorder's records or Jnckson coun
ty, Oregon; 14C.8G reot; rate per
root 88c; amount $129.24.
Assessment No. 2 W. D. Roberts,
A tract of land fronting 138.44 reet
on tho east sldo or Roosevelt avenue,
nhd described in Vol. CO, pago G89,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregen: 138.44 feet; rato per
root 88c; amount $121.83.
Assessment No. 3 J. E. Roberts.
A tract or land fronting 138.44 reet
on tbo east sldo or Roosevelt ave
nue and described In Vol. CO, pngo
590, county recorder's records or
Jnckson county, Oregon; 138.44 feet;
rato per root 88c; amount $121.83.
Assessment No. 4 George P.
Llndley. Lot 6, block 2, Queen Anno
addition to the city or Medrord, Ore
gon; rrontagc 117 reet on tho east
side or Roosevelt avenue, and describ
ed In Vol. . ., pago ... county re
corders records or Jackson county,
Oregon; 117 fact; rate per root 88c;
amount $102.90.
Assessment No. 5 J. W. Lyon. Lot
7, block 2. Queen Anno addition to
the city or Mcdrord, Oregon; front
age 117 feet on tho east sldo, of Roos
evelt avenue, and described In Vol.
. ., page . ., county recorders records
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 117 feet:
rato per foot 88c; amount $102.90.
Assessment No, C Mrs. L. D.
Jones. South 58.5 feet or lot 8, block
1, Queen Anne addition to the city
of Medford, Oregon; frontngo G8.5
foet on tho east sldo of Roosevelt
avenue, and described In Vol. 82,
pago 394, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 58.5 feet;
rato per foot 88c; amount $51.48.
ABsossmont No. 7 A. N. Hlldo-
brand. 'North 5'8.5 leet or lot 8, block
1. Queen Anne, nddltlon to .tho city
or Medrord, Oregen: rrontngo 58.5
feet on . the east sldo of Roosevelt
avonue, and described in Vol. 85,
page 394, county recorder's records
or Jackson county, Oregon; 58.5 feet;
rato per root 88c; amount $51.48.
Assessment No. 8 A. W. Sturglsi
South 58.5 roet or lot 7. block 1,
Queen Anne addition to tho city or
Mcdrord, Oregon; rrontage 58.5 reet
on the east Bldo or Roosevelt avenue,
and described In Vol. 85, page 334,
county rucordur's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: G8.5 feet; rato per
foot 88c; nmount $51.48.
.Assessment No. 9 Quceno Xnne
Addition Inc. North 58.G feet or lot
7, block 1. Queen Anne addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; rront
ago 58.5 reot on tho east Bldo of
Rooseevlt' nvomie. and described In
Vol. 75, page 429, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregen:
58.5 feet; rato per foot SSc; amount
Assessment No. 10 L. G. Porter.
Lot 5,' block 3, Prultdalo addition to
tho city of Medrord, Oregon; rront
ngo 50 reet on tho west side of Roose
velt avonuo, and described In Vol.
. . . page . . , county recorder's rec
ords or Jackson county, Oregqn; CO
reet; rnto por root S8c; amount $41.
Assessment No. 1 1 L. G. Porter.
Lot 4. block 3, Frultdnlo addition to
tho city of Medrord, Oregon; front
age 50 reet on the went sido or
Roosovolt aovnuo, and doscrlbed In
Vol. ... pagt) .., county recorder's
recprds of -Jackson, county, Oregon;
50 feet: rnto per foot 88c; amount
Assessment No. 12 O. II. Hon
drlcks. Lot 3, block 3, Frultdale ad
dition to tho city of Medford; Ore
gon; frontngo 50 reet on tho west
side or Roosevelt avenue, and des
cribed in vol. .., pngo .., county
recorder's records ot Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 foet; rato per root SSc;
amount $ t i.
Assessment No. 13 J. C. Ward.
foot 88c; amount $44.
Assessment No. 19 Humphrey &
AndrewB. L.ot 1, block 2, Humphrey
Andrews addition to tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 6 feet on
tho west side or Roosevelt avenue,
and described In Vol. ... page ..,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 6(5 reet; rato per
foot 88c; amount $58.08.
Assessment No. 20 Humphrey &
Andrews. Lot 2, block 2, Humphrey
Androws nddltlon to tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage C6 feet; on
tno west BI00 OL uooseveu avenue,
and described in Vol. ... page
county recorder's records ol Jnckson
county, Oregon; CC reet; rate per
root 88c; nmount $58.08.
Assessment No. 21 'Louise R. Par
ker. A parcel of land fronting 83.1G
feet on the west side or Roosevelt
avenue, and described In Vol. 31,
page 539, county recorder's records
or Jackson connty, Oregon? 83.16
reet; rato per root 88c; amount
Assessment No. 22 John G. Tay
lor. A pnrcel of land ort tho north
west intersection or Roosevelt ave
nue and East Main street, and rront
Ing 242.9 feet on the west side of
Roosevelt avenue, and marked AB
on the map of tho city of Medrord,
Oregon; frontage 242.9 reet on the
west side or Roosevelt avenue, and
described in Vol. 42, page 278, coun
ty recorder's records or Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 142.9 feet; rate per toot
88c; amount $125.76.
Section 2. And It is nereuy or
dorod and ordained that said several
ase8Bments nnd the Ileus thereot be
entered in tho Hen docket or Bald
city, and that thereupon notice be
given to the owners, or reputed own
ers, of said proporty, and tnat tne
name bo enforced and collected in
tho manner provided by the charter
of snld city, for ins collection or as
wesninentB for the Improvements or
Btreeta therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered
thnt the notlco above provided ror
bo published three times In tho Dally
Mall Tribune, a newspaper publish
ed and or gcnoral circulation In said
city, In the manner provided by or
dinance No. 250 of said city.
Tho roregoing ordinanco was
passod by tho city council or ' the
city or Medrord, Oregon, on tho 17th
day of January, 1911, by- tbo fol
lowing voUrt
Welch absent, Merr.'ck aye, Eniei
Ick aye, Wortmnn avo. Eirert aye,
ann Dcmmor ayo.
Approved January 18th, 1911.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER,
City Recorder.
NEW ORLEANS, Ln., Feb. 1.
Grcving over the dentil of her proud
(laughter, the five months old baby,
of Air. and Mrs. Perry Muson, Mrs.
J. A. Mills kissed the cold bnby face
and withjn 24 hours wns stricken
with Bpinal meningitis and died. Tho
child had died from the same clU-ense.
Where to Go
..- - - - . . .....KS.
New Attraction nt
.Novelty Musical Act
The Great Dutch Comedian
I 500 laughs lor 10c and 20c
I Three Reefs of Pictures and a
I Good Song.
1 1
Portage, Wisconsin,
! ; of tho United States,
!: games with tho Medfords
1 ony evening, jnuuury ox, uuu,;
; ; Wednesday evening, February 1st, ! I
7:.t0. Admission 25c. Reserved'.
!; seats 50c. Tho curtain at tho op-;;
! -.. l.n.'.nn ...lit n nt ftdt HTlfll 0 '
' U4A IIVHOV W4 ftllfV liU uuv.t
I I n'olnnlf nwltlf. In trflTnA
w kivbj. ,...... vw n......
champions ';
play two '
To the owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcel of property described
in tho foregoing ordinance, as named
thoreln, and in tho lien declared by
snld ordinance, ns recorded In the
docket ot city liens:
You nro hereby notified that the
assessment declared by the forego
ing ordinance has been made nnd the
lion therofo) ontored In tho city lien
docket, and that tho same is duo and
you aro hereby required to pay the
sarno to the city recorder within ten
days from tho servlco of this notlco,
which servlco Is made by publication
ot tho foregoing ordinance and this
notlco three times In the Medford
Mall Tribune, pursunnt to an order
of tho' city council of said city.
City Recorder.
Modford'e Exclusive Picture The
X ntor. Latest Licensed
One Dime.;'
X plnyB.
One Dime ' No More
you am hereby roo.ulred to pay the
same to tho cltv recorder within ten
das from tho service of this notice. Lot 2. block 3. Frultdalo addition to
ago uo tect on tno west sldo or
Wanted, nil mombera of the Mod
orn, Brotherhood ot America In Med
ford and vicinity to leave that ad
dress enre of T, Mall Tribune. 268
Hasklna for Hcaltb.
whlrh service Is made by publication the city of Medford, Oregon;
or tho roregoing ordinanco and this ngo 50 feet on tho west i
nouco tnree times In the Modrord
Mnll Tribune, pursuant to nn .order
or tho city council or snld city.
City Recorder.
An ordinance assessing tho prop
erty ndjacent to and benefited by
the 8-Inch lateral sewer coiiBtructed
nlong Roosevelt nvenuo rrom Knst
Main Btreet to East Washington
streot ror tho cost of constructing tho
same nnd providing tho manner of
carrying said assessments into full
The city of Medrord doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1 Whereas, tho council
did heretofore provide by ordinance
ror tho sorting of the owners of prop
erty adjacent to and benefited by the
construction of the Jntbrnl s.nver
hereinafter described to appear be
fore said council and show cause, If
any, why said property should not be
nssessed for the construction of said
sewer, and did fix a time for hearing
of any such protests, which notice;
was given In uccordnnco with said
OroKen: froiiuiKo 60 feot on the north records of Jackson county, Oregon;
sine or west I'outuwuiiji struct, and ro reot; rale per foot 98c; aiuounti ordinance more than ten days before
deHorUmd in Vol. . ., pogo . ., county $19. ' I the beginning of the construction of
recorder's rtM'ords of Jackson county,' Assessmont No 25 --T. E. Merrill, bald sewer, but no protests against
Oregon; 5rt feet, rate per foot 9Sc; j Lot S, block 2, Newtown nddltlon to' said construction or assessment of
amount $19 the city of Medford. Oregen: front-1 the cost thereof was made bv nnv.
AEseMinent ah S -('harlot Seinon. age 50 feot on the south side of i one and said sewer was, by said conn
Lot 7, block 1. Nmwimwii addition to. West Fourteenth Htroet, and dewrib-jcll. ordered constructed;
tho city uf Medford, Oiegea: froiitngotd ln Vol so. pago 104, county re-J And whereas, tho cost of the con
50 fuel on the north tide of Wosljcordor's records of Jackson county,, fctruotlon of t.ald sewer hns been and
Foiirtt'Oulh street, and dwrlbed In Oregon; :.0 feet; into per foot 9Sc,herebv Is determined to bo the sum
Vol. SO. yajfe 3S4. count v recorder's nmount $19. jOf $1575. 03,
nworda of Jackson uouulj, Oregon;' Assessment No. 2C W. 1. Brown. j Now therefore, said city doth or
.o feet; rata Mr Toot Sc; amount Lot i, block 2, Newtown addition to daln and declare that each parcel of
$19. the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage1 property described below Is adjacent
AsBWwmont No C - Churle Stimuli. 'i0 feet on the south sldo of Wont, to and benefited by that certain lat
t s. block t. NYvtoun addition to Fourteenth street, and doscrlbed In' oral sower S Inches In Biro, con
tho city of JJitdfotd. Oregon. Hum-, Vol. ... miKo ... county rtvordorV ni,.i.wi .. iinQ......i ,
Mo 50 foot on I ta" north tldn of West records of Jackson county. Oregen: ' Knst rin .,-.,., . w. yr,"
5? toot; rate por foot 98c; amount! ton street, and that tho' proiiortlor
Offutt Rornes
Auto Co.
Workmanship Guaranteed.
Corner Central Avo, and 8th St
Medford, Or.
Changos its program
Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday.
A special mntinco every Sun-1
day afternoon.
We chow nothing but tho very''
latest and best films. ;
Fourteenth tr. aud described In
Vol. 7S, papn 008, counly recorder's j $19.
"t da or JnckKon county, Oioon;i Asnement No. 87 W. I Brown.
10 root; rnto Hr foot 9sc; nmount Uit 10. block 2. Newtown addition
I"- to tho eltj or Medford, Oregon, front-
Abktttfuiuuiil No, T IUcluul Shelving ICC. 42 feetou tho kouth ldu of
of the cost of said sower which enrh
of said parcels of land should bear.
busHl on the benefits derived respect
ively by said seenil tracts of land
la (bo amount et oppoaUtf the den-
Roosovolt avenue, and described In
Vol. 82, pngo 334, county recordor'B
ii'corda of Jnckson county. Oregon;
50 feet; rnto por root SSc; amount
Assessment No. 14 J. T. Kads.
A parcel' of land commencing nt tho
nortlienst corner of 16t 1, block 3,
Frultdnlo addition to tho city bf
Mcdford, uregon, nnd running thonce
west 143 feet; thenco south 90 feot;
thenco enst 143 feot; thenco north
90 reel to tho placo or beginning;
rrontngo 90 root on tho west sldo of
Roosevelt avonuo. and doscrlbed in
Vol. 82, page 334, county recorder's
rocordB of Jackson county, Oregon;
90 ftvU; rato per foot SSc; amount
AVsessinent No, 15 J, C. Ward.
South 100 toot or lot 1. block 2,
Frultdale addition to tho city of Mod-, ANn OTHKR ILLS OF TIIK BODV
ford. Oregon; frontage 100 feet on) AT THH
tho. west side of Roosevelt avonuo,
and described in Vol, X2, pagb 334 ' TJTfYp T A J"T?
county recorder's records of Jackson V- X JLirxJ.S2j
county. Orogou; 100 reet; rate peri O A T A T"lTTTTTir
foot SSc; amount $$s. OAIN A1UK1U M
'Assessment No. lGHumplirw &.
Andrews. Lot 1, block 1, Humphrey- 'Hnt f.nk PI.a
Andrews addition to the city or Med-i ". . . ' wre'
ford. Orogou; frontage 50 feet on (Th( " of Kffidmcy)
the west sldo ot Roosovolt avenue,. prA Orf xr
and described in Vol. ... page ... P Ur?Bon-VasH-county
recorder's records ot Jnckson mgtOIi tVnilfOACi (SL
county, uregon; u leoi; rnio rior Navilntinn e
foot 88c; amount $44.- ! avi Ba" O
Assessment No. 17 Humphrey- & Sells round-trip tickets, for for three'
Andrews. Ixit 2, blecl: 1, Humphroy-i months, allowing $6.00 worth of j
Andrews addition to tho city of Med-, o..r,,,iti .. .....
ford. Oregon; frontage 50 feot on thai .Tr" .. , "-
"'i iuiuuuu mm an
Stock Co.
Three-Act Rural Drama.
Specialties Uctweon Acts
Core Your
"Nat" Confectionery
A light, pleasant room, open
from S a. m. to midnight.
L. M. GRAM IS, Proprietor
O.-W. It. & N. StaUons
wost sldo ol Roosovolt nvonue, nnd
described in Vol. . ., page . ., county
recorder's records or Jackson county,
ammmV $44 ra, PP Kpr urther ,n'orina"a and lllus-
Ansessment No. IS Humphrey &' tratocl bklet. address Dr. W. T. Thy.
Andrews. Lot 3, block 1, Huuiphroy- Medical Supt. nnd Mgr., Hot Lake,
Andrews addition to tho city of Med- Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N, Agent
ford, Oregon; rrontage 50 root on or write to '
the west 'Bide of nooserelt avenue,, ,.. .,.,...
and described In Vol. ... pago ... WM. MeSIUItUAl,
counly recorder's records or Jnckson Qeneral Passenger Agwnt,
couuty, Oregon; 50 feot; late oorl PORTLAND, OREGON.
1 1 know what mi r.TT'
!?&-? n'tTti 'XffiTOffS
deiivlii. i i"p "" " t for quick
Mil la Utn quntJo. yiWDrlcM
SSWsa'-- : fill
?Un,RrdL.Doo,' wltl P" tJ jf 00
fl ft( fli'lT 7ScK D.S.!e. 90c
. CTv.wr c5a.i,EVta
& I
t jftHS1'