f ! 8: Personal thhnM; ?,M f ,Mrs; stcl,a For" sytho have been shipped to Corvallls for Interment. Potty thieves have been globes from the electric light clus ters In thu park. Steps are being taken to apprehend the miscreants Mrs. George E. Osgood has left for a visit In Los Angeles. Don't buy an auto until you see the 1911 nulcks. J. P. Brown or Eagle Point Is vls Hlng Medford. J. D. Samuols of upper Itoguo riv er is( vlsltlngi this city. 13. 's. Jenks of Sams Valley 'is spending a few days in Medford. W. E. Johnson has returned from a business trip to Portland. Pivo hundred fino Dartlett pcai trees for sale. Call on J. A. Port al flioarorii National bauk. tf Tho sensation of the auto show at Portland 1911 Bulcks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dunlnp of Grants Pass aro visiting this city. II. O. Frobach of Ashland spent Tuesday In Medford. Is 'your touso wired? One clgai loss a day would pay for a hundred per cent increase In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. Mrs. S. S. Stevens of Talent was a recent visitor In Medford. J. S. Spitzor of Tnlent was a recent Medford visitor. The car that stands the gaff The llulck. See II. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. 28f II. n. Patterson, 110 E. Main, has snmo nice English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best).' Now Is a good time to plant. 'Drop in nnd see me. tf John It. Miller of Phoonlx was In Medford Wednesday on business. '"Th'o Rogue River Valley Horticul tural society Is meeting this after noon in regular monthly session. Pro fessor O'Gara Is to deliver an address on spraying. Call phono 3151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Ask Colonel Ton Velle about those 1911 Dtilcks. Word has been received from Bal lard, Wash., to the effect that Mrs. II. Ilolllngsworth died -hero on Jan uary 24." Mrs. Ilolllngsworth lived for many years on North Central ave nue In this city, leaving hero some five or six years ago. Any person pnsslng through con fectionery at tho Natatorluin on Wed nesday from 2 to C p. m. will receive a chock which will entltlo them to 5c worth of peanuts or popcorn. W. h. Bain, manager of tho local office of Moss &. Co., who have quit tho local field, left Wednesday morn ing for Fresno, where ho will -hnvo charge of an office .Tho triumph of auto building the 1911 Bulcks. W. W. Smith of Woodvlllo spent Wednesday in Medford on business. George L. Davis Is In Jacksonville todajvattendlng tho regular session of tho county court. Sond nnmo and address to P. O, Box 49G for full particulars about tho most Interesting book over writ ton, tf Don't bo In a rush to buy your now auto sco tho 1911 Buick. Henry D. Wood of Williams Crook Is spending a few days In Medford. Edgar S. I Infer, manager of the Crntor Lake Lumber company, will Icavo Sunday for a business trip enst. Mrs. Hafor will accompany him as fnr as San Frnncisco. Henry D. Van Volzor of Sacramon to, Cal.. Is Hpcndlng a few dnys In Medford with friends. John II. Cnrkln, nttornoy at law. over Jackson County bank. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and surgeon. Offlco ovor Strang's drug store. tf. Rail wood, $5 a cord. Farmers 7116. tf Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmcr Successor to tho undertaking de mrtment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About Fobruary 1, Private Am bulance Service. Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butler, 3571. ' I " and Local Jnn,cs DoncBa- co"nt' nsscssor f Harney county, left the city today J for San Francisco. Ho has been vis staling .itlng his brother at 'Jacksonville. What car has delivered tho goods in tho Rogue River vnlley? Tho Buick That Is why there arc so many In use. , Tho short squib artist In tho Eve ning Telegram says: "Senator von der Hcllen has tho finest set of whis kers In the senate." Colonel Prank M. Lei nnd of Kerby, who recently consolidated tho Deep Gravel, Osgood and Logan placer mines In Josephine county, Is visiting In Medford.. Ho Is also president of Mio Greenback mine and of tho Mack- "y smelter at Mackoy, Idaho. Light, durable, strong, powerful, economical tho Buick leads tho au tomobile world. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wright and Mrs, Jonas Wold aro spending tho week In Portlnnd. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Garnett brought back with them from Port land a six weeks old babo that they lavo adopted. II. B. Nicholson and Mr. Ashpole have returned from Portland. A. Conro Piero and n party of friends mnde a trip to Jacksonville ') automobile today. Deputy Sheriff Robert Dow was In Medford today on business. ITCHING SCALP Get Rid of it in a Few Hours There is nothing made thnt will o (uk'kly rid the sculp of distrcssinc itchiness as PARISIAN SAGE tin hair dressing nnd beautifier. Clias. Strang guarantees Parisian Sage to cure dandruff; stop itehinu scalp and falling hair, or money back, and sells it for only f0 cents n lurgi bottlo. It puts vitality into thu hnii nnd gives it a radiant luster. It is the favorite lmir dressing ol refined women beeuuso it so quioklv refreshes the scalp and not beiiif: sticky or greasy is delightful to use "I haven't been bothered with dan druff and itching scalp sinco 1 begai using Parisian Sage." Lena Mr Gough, Wichita, Kns.r June 8, 1010 RICHMOND SUFFERS FAMINE IN HOUSES ItlCUMOXI), Feb. 1. Thoro is n cry for more dwelling houses in Kieh moiid, though new ones uro going ii everywhere. Tho Industrial Commits- "siou of this city, which is spendius; much money and energy in its ad vancement, has hit upon a plan aid in adding to tho number of homo3. It will ask non-resident lot ownoi to erect houses to help supply th demand. There aro hundreds of pcrsoni who bought in Hielmioiid who nv rt'hting content with thu profit thoy aro getting in t lies increase in realt. values. The Industrial Coinmissioi will point out to thesu tho excellent revenue that can bo obtained iron dwellings erected for renting. With the addition of the Pullmai works the demand lias been given i htill greater increasu and to accom modate many families drawn hero b these works and who have takci residences temporarily in Berkeley, (lie Santa Po has put on a niornin;.' and evening motor service to and from that city. COMM ITTKK A.VXOUXCKM HNT. Wcalonkn team, No. 0, will give a dance Fobruary 1 at tho Natatorlum to which tho public Is cordially In vited to attend. Dy order of committee. f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. " i FOR SALE At Three Oaks, throe iniloh south of Medford, two cordi drv oak, and laurel grubs, one cheap team, farm horses, twenty-fivo tons hay. Telephone Main -1081. 2(10 WANTED Man and wife, man to care for young orchard, wife to cook. Poudiuat Connor, Table Hock. Central Point, It. P. I). No. if tf. WANTED Wo can handle promptly hoveinl choice loans in amounts from .fuOO to .flOOO. Huntley-Ivrcm-er Co. '27'2 WANTED A roll top dek in firM class condition, X. V. Z. Tribune FOR SALE We hnve have a client readv to buy an income property in Medford, paying not less than 8 per cent upon an invostineut of $10,000 or $1 2,000. What Jiavo you to of fer. Ifuntley-Kromer Co. 272 FOR SALE One of tho host estnb-j Iished bueinobs in Medford. This is a money maker, but owner haul other iiitoronU that require liis at toiilion. IIunlloy-Kruiiior Co. 272 j MISSING MR MAY COME BACK After Seventeen Years of Exile Man Whoso Banks Failed Has Paid Back Every Cent Can Now Come Home. OLYMP1A, Wash., Feb. 1. J. K. Edmlston, president of tho Walla Walla Savings bank of Walla Walla and head of the old Security savings bank of Seattle, when thoso Institu tions closed their doors In 1893, may now return to Washington nftor 17 ears of exile. Becnuso Fdmlstou hns paid back jvery cent duo thoso who lost by the bank failures, ho lias earned a par don, and Governor Hay has Just granted it, although Edmlston has not sdrved tho two years' penitentiary sentence pmoounccd upon him. The whereabouts of tho fugitive janker Is not known hnvo by his nt .ornoys, who hnvo acted as his agonts In settling his debts. Some Bay ho Is In Egypt, others .hlnk ho Is In Central or Southern merlcn. A short time previous to his dls ippcarnnco Edmlston said that it vould do neither tho state, himself ir his creditors any good to lock 'Urn up. Then ho turned over his iroporty to his creditors nnd dlsnp leared. Sinco then ho paid paid his debts a little at a tlmo and now his account s squared with tho stato and his creditors. , BOXERS START THE TRAINING "STUNTS" Fighting Dick Wheeler, who will box ton rounds with Frnnklo Ed wards at tho Medford opera house next Tuesday evening, was former y a sparring partner to Battling kelson nnd Is said to bo ono of tho uost promising lightweights on tho aclflc coast. Ho has a number of ring victories already to his credit, having secured decisions ovor such men ns Johnnie Frayno and Johnnio foley, tho Canadian. Both he nnd Edwards, who will bo his opponent in tho main event of tho venlng, hnve already started work 'ng out nnd beginning this morning ommonced their road work. Edwards, who is now engaged In Mio plumbing business in this city, has had considerable ring experience in California nnd is conceded to bo ono of tho most scientific of tho light weight boxers. MEDFORD COUPLE GET LICENSE TO MARRY E. C. Amidon and Miss Amy W Woltor, the sixteen year old daugh ter of P. E. Wolter of this city, secur ed u marriago license at tho office f County Clerk Willinm R. Coleman this morning. They wore accompanied by Miss Wolter's father. IlnsUlas for Iioalth. OPEN THURSDAY You Are Invited to Gall and See the Allen Grocery TO CONSOLIDATE PHONE SYSTEMS Morgan Engineering Great Financial Deal Independent Concern and Bell Interests arc to be Brought Under One Head. NEW YORK, Fob. 1. Tho pro posed consolidation of tho Hell nnd independent telephone systems which Is being engineered by J. P. Morgan, may not bo consummated unless ho gives the independents a square deal, according to Frank Woods, president if the Independent companies. Woods has been in conferonco with P. II. Davidson, Morgan's roprcsentative, and President Vail of tho American Tolophono and Telegraph company, tho parent company of tho Poll inter ests. Wood said tho independents would fight the merger unless It woro completed on an equltablo basis. Tho committee nppointed by tho Natlonnl Independent association ex pects to report to tho independent convention in Chicago during the month. "Of courso wo want to do some thing to stop ruinous competition and rate-slashing," snld Woods. "Tho Oell companies aro better nblo to contlnuo theso tactics than we nro bo- cause thoy are great strongholds and thoy can mnko rates at they pleaso, earning tho money used In rnto cut ting elsewhere. But wo do not pro poso to play tho cannry bird to tho Bell nitcrcsts' cat. Morgan must show us thnt our lines nnd our sub scribers will bo as well treated as tho Bell stockholders and subscribers." CASE- AFTER CASE Plenty More Like This In Medford Scores of Medford people can toll you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Many a happy citizen makes a public state ment of his experience. Hero is a case of it. What hotter proof of merit can be had than such endorse ment? T. J. Williams, 017 Oakdalc nvo nuo, Medford, Ore., says: "In 1007. after Doan's Kidney Pills benefited mo so greatly, I publicly recommend them. At thio timo I nm pleased lo again speak in'( their prniso nnd give permission for tho continued publi cation of my testimonial. I suffered for yours from kidney nnd bladder trouble, tho symptoms being slight at first, but becoming more pro nounced, as time passed. The pains in my back bcoanio so acute that I oould hardly ouduro them and as tlio result of restless nights, I arose in tho morning all worn out. Often I was so lanio nnd stiff that I could not stoop nnd headaches and dizzy spells were common. I tried so many remedies without being helped that I becanio discouraged, but when Doan's Kidney Pills were recom mended to me, I decided to try them as a last resort. I procured a sup ply at llaskins' Drug Store and nf tor using two boxes, I could see that a great improvement had been made. grew better from tiiat time on and wns soon frco from kidney com plaint. Doan's Kidney Pills cannot bo praised too highly." For sale by nil dealers. Price .10 cents. Fohtor-Milburn Co., Buffalo. Now York, solo ugents lor tho United States. Remember the nnme Doan's and take no other. " ON SOUTH CENTRAL New Grocery A COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW, CLEAN, HIGH GRADE, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. EVERY THING FRESH IN PURE BAKERY PRODUCTS TO CREATE FUND TO BOOST STATE State May Give $20,000 to Carry on Publicity Work in Oregon Follows Consultation With Louis W. Hill of Railroad Fame. SALEM, Or., Fob. 1. Sorrespond Ing with tho suggestions mndo before the joint nssombly of tho Oregon leg islature by Louis W. Hill of tho Groat Northern and Northern Pacific rail road systems yesterday at noon, Rep resentatives James D. Abbott of Mult nomah county will today introduce a bill In tho houso appropriating $20, 000 for advertising nnd procuring do slrablo immigrants for tho great un settled farming farming districts of tho state of Oregon. A stato Immi gration agent is to be created who Is to sorvo without compensation to col lect statistical information regarding the state's resources, industries prod ucts nnd physlcnl characteristics. Tho stato immigration agent is to co-operate with tho Oregon Develop ment league nnd tho Oregon agricul tural collego and also Is to commu nicate with the commissioner general of tho Immigration of tho federal government regarding tho disposal and handling of doslrablp prospcctlvo citizens. Tho immigrant agent is to bo appointed by tho governor nnd City Property First clnss business property, Im proved or unimproved, at tho lowest figures. Dwellings of nil kinds In nil parts of tho city nt prices ranging from 500 to $15,000. A good platting proposition of sov on acres within city limits, on good street, $G000. Best resldonco lots on West Main strcot; south fronts; 70x140; cornor or Insldo lots, $1575. Lots on paved street, with all Im provements, $050. Lots on Second Btroot, with water and sowor, $350. Call on us for anything In city property nnd you will find wo have It at prlcos and torniB that nro always right. W. T. YORK & CO. 102 West Main. Bell phono 3301. Home phono 31. Double Disc Records 65c Two records for tho price of ono. ' I'OTIKl Call and hear tho now COLUM BIA MACHINES. Medford Music Shop McNKAIA' .V CO. 220 "West Mnin ho In to report tho results of his col lection of Information to tho secre tary of stato November 30, of each year, who is authorized thereupon to issuo a pamphlet containing tho In formation gathered by tho Immigra tion agent. An additional appropriation of $5000 Is provided for statistical ro scarch, but all tho stato departments nro to bo drawn upon liberally by tho Immigration agent for such Informa tion ns nmy bo of uso to him. gM0l0lll(ll0l ONE CENT EACH VALENTINE POST CARDS ft OVER 10,000 CARDS TO ALSO A NEW LINE OP f COMIC POST CARDS; lc EACH. BOYS' IT c a v y fleece lined Shirts n n d Drawers, ft closing out price, 25c each . German China ft Kitchen Utensils, such ft ladles, soap dishes, rolling m etc., in a fancy decorated na, all popular priced at Hussey's !MMMMMMMMMrtMMMMMMMMMMMMWmMf CHIROPIACTIC NO nitUOS NO KXIVliS The now euro cures 90 por out of human ntlmouts. Sick head aches, neuralgia, paralysis, Htoinach trouble, constipation, ciitnrrh. I lavo you any of theso? If so, como and sco mo. I will euro you. Dr. E. :t(HI-:i7 ('aiiictt Corey Hiilldlng. Heurs: !) -1 '' , 1-0, 7-8. Appointments on Sunday. AVENUE ARCH-filSHQP RYAN ' IS SINKING EAST PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb 1. Arch Bishop Ryan was reported sink ing today and little hope was held out for his recovery. Physicinhd pre pared to administer oxygen to pro long life. SELECT FROM HERE; OREGON VIEWS AND ALL AT, YOUR CHOICE, f LADIES' II e a V y fleece,, lined Jersey ribbcel Union J Suits; a 75c value, 50c each as potato masher, strainer, pins, funnels, cream jugs, blue and white German chi- E. Koch riionu 0701. IN THE NEW STORE ROOM Store Co X i