MTOBiaiAib'iyhiiiiaiiJiwii)koiioii.iuMi.yLujkiaaALTWff PAGE FOUR mi U' k vl i Tr T- m- W urt! J i t i m lv '! - - Medford MAil 'Tribune an independent nkwbpapkil puumhiied daily kxcept satuii- day i1v tub mkdford l'MNTING CO. The Democratic Times, Tlio Medfard Mull, The Medford Tribune, The South ern OrcRnnliin, The Aphlnml Trlbuno. GBOnOB PUTNAM. Editor and Manager 'TtWWf Entered ns Hocoml-clnss matter No vember 1. 1909. tit tlio nostoffico at Medford, OrcRon, under tlio act cf Mnrch 3, 1879. Official Paper of tlio City of Medford. OUBSOniFTZON BATHS. Ono year, by mall 15.00 Ono month by mall ..... .. .60 Per month, delivered by carrier' In 'r.o 2.00 Medford. Jacksonville and) .Con- trnl Tnlnl ,. . . ... 11 I . ' Sunday only,ly mall, per ycAr.J.. :r.year :,;.t Weekly, per. .year rail Zieaiea Wlr Unlttd Pittm Slipatchei. The Mall Tribune 1h on iale at the Perry News KtamU Satj Francisco. , , Portland Hot$P News Stand. .Portland Hownian Nrwo'Cd., PoMlnnfl.Or. . f W avvWhltnfy. Seattle Wash. 4," Hotel apokijne'NovjH Htdnd, Spokane. . STATE INDUSTRIAL AOOIDENT INSURANCE. swonw ornouiATion. December 31. 1910, 2721 Daily nvorare for hIx months ending WISCONSIN GIVES OREGON GRFETING Sends Connratulations on Progressive System; Kellaher Jealous of Claim Beliaveinrj Beavers Would Steal Thunder. SALIOr, Or., Fob. 1. Wisconsin i1osirSid 'lcs "raiiketl with Qrcjjjon n a lontlcr among progrc&idvo stutcs. A ' resolution of greeting from' tlitT leg islature of Hint stntc ennio to" Snlem yesterdny nnd was rond in tlio hcu ntc. It smneks slightly of tin "Oregon system" talk which has been stirring tlio senate. Cluiirainn Kellaher, author of th originn'l resolution approving the Oregon system, evidently regards the action of tio Wisconsin legislators as an effort to appropriate Orogor thunder. "They Imvo llioir norvo" was hi comment when shown a copy of the Wisconsin resolves. vTho Wisconsin resolutions road iu follows: "Hesolved by the senate, tho iik- Kcmfdy concurring, that wo soin' ....i:.... ii... . ... .. ,-. iL-uiiiin in mo icgi"iiiiiro oi urcgon witii ' tho hope that tho binding tit of progressive popular govcnimlnf now existing between Wisconsin am! Oregon may soon hold all tho state of (ho union in common rccoguitioi of tho priuciplo that the will of Hit people. shall bo tho law of tho hind And bo it further "Hcsolved, that a copy of thi resolution bo sent to tho senato am' , a copy to ho assembly of Orogon.' Alhee's resolution indorsing tin Oregon 'system still slumburH hmom tuition and mciiih likely to stay their until Albcc himself goes in airdpulf it out. Ho lias suggested nn.umeud inonl to Kellaher, expecting ft"wort)i' bo reported with this amendment oi in Home other form, but there i nothing doing. Kellaher says ho i satisfied with the resolution without changing it and is waiting for Alhci to come in with his proposed change which is a modification of the laiig lingo to Mill some of the critics. FAT MAN MAKES A ..-VERY POOR DETECTIVE PASSACUU of tlio employers' liability law by initiative at the last general ejection has rendered necessary the passage of some act establishing a fixed rate of com pensation for the victims of accidents, instead of leaving it to the mercy of employers and insurance concerns, or as a spoils of shyster lawyers. To fill the need house bill 251 has been introduced by Representative Abbott. Jt has been endorsed by both employers and union labor organizations, by the lum bermen, by the State Editorial and other associations. Jt deals with the vexatious problem of how to care for the workman who is injured at his occupation by providing instant rehei in the matter ol hospital attendance, sic! bene! its and compensation lor injuries. I lie title 01 ll)e act is Workmen s Optional Compensa tion Bill." J3y its terms the employer pays into a fund known as the accident fund an amount equal to 2 per cent of his total payroll, together with 1 per cent of the wages of each man employed. To this sum the state adds a sum oqluij' to 1$ of tlio amount, to be used for payments made inkier this, act. The bill at one step provides means for eliminating the casually lawyer and also the casualty indemnity comjmny, ana places employer and emplove in close relation on this vital question without intermediate agencies profiling1 tlierelrom. The hill is drawn wholly m the interests of justice to employers and employes alike. It has no spe cial champion; it is purely the work of a voluntary com mittee, who believe the vast and unnecessary expense now incurred for charges and court costs by which taxpayers are mulcted, should be slopped as speedily as possible. The cost of industry is a cost; of human life and limb. "Whey the accident occurs at present neither the employer nor the injured secure a square deal. The ambulance chaser is on hand to press damage suits, money is spent in litigation that should go to the injured, bitterness and hard feeling follow and-.ijuslicp lakes the place of mere'. ' , ' , J ' ? . , .aii unequal miracn under existing conditions is cast upon citizens, an unnecessary eost is incurred in litigation, divided between the toilers, the employers and the taxpay ers, who provide funds to maintain courts and juries 'to determine the damage and hospitals to provide care and support for the injured. Under the provisions of the act, a workman can, if he chooses, enter into a contract with his employer in respect to personal injuries, death and disability sustained, where by one per cent of his wages is withheld and paid to the state, together with an additional sum equal to twice this amount, contriDuted by I lie employer, and in event of M1U11II? -wm 1 mi J 1 J1 ,, 1 .- Jl. 1 ! J I It iii.i in, y vr uu.tiii, i,ne employe receives me oeneiiis 01 tnc r- Girl From Wyoming Is Due Here Nq Lights Out.. s i rat : MMk' rmvm Ii. 't . K IK2 SBK&rt t . .txiar-imiM:'. - 1A -.! rUi dEBHfet3 l as :JSte'.mmMm , mwsm-ismi ;bi w&mmmm. jMWti wmi m 2 ifs a ZM,t,,' i 7jir. s." arat.2- '. jc . . t ti" . --i -wc - c w.'vi', . wk .'. J"x a ... unrr.x .(,tr ftwniM !! . ii JiJnarrVTtl jii 1 1 wiwii wJWBmiwiiiiroirwHMiiiwiliiiiiHiww' c -CjzSolxa2liS us NO NEED TO PHONE. Let us do your wiring and there will bo no necessity of lulling them repaired day or night, year In or oar out. Electric Construction Co. l'HOXK MAIN (l."01 220 W1CST MAIN ST II HUT 1 " "" " " . Albert ( l.iire Known r- The Grl b lur dog Mikcv when ridiig nnd from Wjoming who is riding horse beck from Uuffnlo Wyoming, to New York in. l.os Angeles and Orleuu will arrie in Medford this afternoon. This remarkable young woman ha ndon .'$028 miles accompanied oinv has faced all kinds of weather and hardships, she has taken chances that would hae made a strong man turn pale. She will appear at the Ugo theatre tonight in two vnudeville acts at eacii how. MEDFORD POTS OP SOOD GAME ,10 M DISTRICT If! JOSEPHINE i Wisconsin Latls However Outplay State Senate Kills Senator Norton's Thciji by Throwinu Goals From Any Part of Court Lartjc Aud ience Present. 300 for loss of limb and fore industrial accident fund thus provided. t, The scale lbi! compensation provides 1s) arinU $750 for loss of wrist, $-100 for loss of th finger, $200 for loss of finger, $1500 for loss of leg at hip, $3000 for loss of eyes, and $3000 for injuries resulting in permanent incapacity. During the period of disabil ity, weekly amounts equal to sixty per cent of wages are paid. Other provisions are included safeguarding the in terests oftho employe. . . The bilHs modeled after those in existence elsewhere and should become aJaw. Participation is pui;ely!volun jaryymd no one iieed lake advantage of the act unless' he desires to. ' EAT MORE FRUIT. npTllu OniOAClO-TRIMlTXW quotes Dr. Oeoi-ge ,1. .Drews as saying: "About 95 per cent of all diseases are caused by eating conked food. That is because food coming in contact with fire makes it unnatural. It gives it a sweet, taste which causes an abnormal appetite. In consequence the system becomes overworked and the blood doteriorntos." The moral of this Ava ruing is to eat fruit, and plelilv of if. K'lt apples, pears, oranges and other fruit. Xothintr The local basketball team put up a clay Jiglt nt tho ''Nat" last ovca ,iug ugaiiiHt Company V of I'ortng', Wis., but were defeated by a seoie of -II to 17. j M ed to ydV field work yag splendid but their inability to shoot basket cost them the game. TJio I'tirlnge boys on the ohor hand could shoot 'em from any portion of the field. Over "r00 people saw the game. A second match will be played tonight. Bill Providliuj for New Judicial District in Southern Part of the State. . MEDFORD THEATRE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1st AMERICA'S GEEAT COMEDY HIT WM. A. BEADY announces A GENTLEMAN FROM MISSISSIPP By HARRISON RHODES and THOMAS A. WISE NOW IN ITS THIRD TRIUMPHANT YEAR Thirteen months at the Bijou Theater, New York. Six months at the Walnut St. Theater, Philadelphia. Eight months at the Grand Opera House, Chicago. Five months at the Park Theater, Boston. "Every decent American should see it." President Taft. Given with the Special New York Company, an im mense cast. SEATS NOW SELLING Curtain at 9 p. m. owing to Basketball Game at Nat. The Slate Senate yesterday kilk'd the hill introduced by Senator Norton creating a new judicial district of Josephine county. Senators Elected. j CHAHLKSTON, W. Va.. Febtlf; Clarence Watson aud W. K. Uliilton.1 democrats, were today elected to the United State nenle. Former elec tions were declared illegal, i FIRE BOYS 10 eiut I The regular monthly meeting t the Medluid File Department will b Iiuld at.' the Cjty.ljall tonight. Ijtoutinb matters will lie taken up, after,, which iui adjournment until next V'jiliiolay" Mill he taken llflffOlu HlfluT BY PROBATE COURT C. C. Johnson is appointed admin , istrator of the estate of the late Wil liam Mciidcuhnll by order of the pro bate court. The will of thu late, Charles V. The affair Woxt eok will be in the Twiiscnd 1ms been admitted to pio- form of a banquet and will be served , in the rooms of the public library! in the City Hall. bat e. rinskitiB for health. is better, nothing healthier, nothing more calculated produce good nature and longevity. No cooking to ruin your digestion, (liven Kogne Uiv'or vallov fruit, air and sunshine, you can live forever. Everyone knows the bodily ills cured by apples and ais, lint )v. Drews also exploits tho orange ;is a cure for it Nr)y YOIIK, l-'eb l Hnphnol u ' bino, nlliookln furnituiv dealer, . coiiiuced today that it iw ueles for ipfat iiiiiii to piny doteotive. Yo boni wiib recently robbed of a $". pair of ear ring, two gold watchi and $00. Ho rtnoed lo be hU own thiof catcher, and plneed three inait cd bills on a table in hi bedroom Then ho crawled under the bed Harry Koks, IS, entered the r..t.i Yobino 8U.8, and took the uhiic. 1. tried lo purHiie the boy, but einildu'. lie tniftled mid wriggled but the uici , hu tftrugiflpd the tighter he Ixtaiiu wodgod under the bed. N'eiuhbin - pulled him out with . t Dread of an 0Himtlou. N. .MmieUeiiter, 1ml. Mr. lSva la Hhoro or this plet, ny: "I miffereil fomnlo inlMtry o( oveiy dtMrlKkm. Two doctor attended me, hiiiI MdvU od an operiitlou. 1 loit weight until I weighed only nlnwty imjiiiiiIh. 1 droadeil an operation, and, Instead, lMSgan to take CHtdiil. Iu a short tinio I khIiumI :'.r iiouuda and felt u wall na I ever aid. Oardul. 1 tn min:, sned my lire." Cardul l twlay used In thouHaudt of homea, where It rollovim pain and Inlnvs back treugth and ambition it g a woman 'a uiwN icjno, for woiueu'a allmenU, and you nro urged to try It for your troub les. Ask your drugittt. Ha will tell youj about Cardul. IlnBlclna for health. P DOO.O fighters. Ilesavs: tit "Orange juice is the lmsL-infidote for an alcoholic appe e. When any one feels a desire to drink .invtliin.r i,,. toxieating all he has to do is to buv a couple of oranges After ettting them (he desire will sflon iass tiwav. The' se cret lies in the sugar of the orange. 'It immediately causes ji wholesome disgust oven for the odor of a barroom." "When you can't sleep, eat an apple. When you want to get drunk, oaf an orange. Kor overv ailment there is a remedy in some fruit, aud if ou don't take advantage of it you lh-uo only yourself to blame. -r ot-jgwwu l7rwsaaX3K& i-rt-rw .i M ,,n, , ,, The Only Life Insurance Company "Exclusively Oregon" 1 "4 O MEXICAN RAGES INTER-MARRYING NEARING TIA JUANA SAN niKOO, Cal. lVb 1. M,.Xl .m iroopt. ale epeled m Ti.( ,lu.n.. CAWsoy Xi., lb 1 AI..1M..U . i i . . -i ri n ,i.ii.iiies(i in,, -vv 1 1 1 . ,uc - lt' leil -mill tn 'ii intii id., v.iiiu. i-l.ix a allium. , with neroei,. A bill s lo,lav- u NHUd night aitnck . Itefinv the le(ilnluro tn that end, 'he rebels did not luateiialie. Ti.i ami ii i believed that within u fen Juimmi in jfiiurded by 0 business uu-.i da m it Mill become n law. The utea- ho are patndliuji tlie Ihmm. 'flu-Lure provHle draslii- puniMhmeut for 1,,ls "''' o actual fitflitiuir, hccoi.1 mi.v ivrnon elebilluir 8tnh unions '"tf 1 U Sn Diego Sttii'a stuff cor as well aa lor lhoe com reeling them respondent, mow In the ilexican town. OrojlBll Is Slnklun Out of the inon of the rive puu '"to which the guard of fifty lw di lU'OF.T SOL'ND NAW YAHD. uded w rout4 mil bv a euppoao.1 Wanh., IVh. 1. -The Puttie-hip Ore- rebel band !! uight. He ht-f,uit-Kn, quartered here ia leukmv badly d it toward tlie town, fell over u ttHlay and alowly sett tin Hlern. Tbe,.lif nnd broke hi arm. Then In' big fighting ahip was rnmu.ed by the duegvoivd thai he hud been chaaed Cruiaer Hoetou yesterday nfternonu by ikriJtt wild home, while the ve-i-U w ehanu'int: imm.!-' - ' ' "" tiollM. Tltr 11 ,, i.., u, it , , llnaWMB foi- l.nll, Has More Insurance in Force In Oregon Than Any Other Pacific Coast Company DISCRIMINATING BUYERS KNOW THE WHY AND WHEREFORE in Life Insurance HOME OFFICE: Corbctt Bldg. Portland '"' Best A. L. MILLS, President L. SAMUEL, Gen. Manager A. B. CORNELL District Mgr. Medford W r ."-. A '1 r . ftr Uillkgni for health. "