(SWWBWWWHB)MttMl PXGE TWO IVEEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, JANtTARY 00, 1911. .. 1 M m i I P. Personal Miss Juno Erlmrt Is enjoying a vacation nt Portland. R. P. Ashpolo Is spending a few days In Portland. W. II. Stnlkor, formerly of Med- ford, but now a resident of Mlnno npolls, Is on a business trip to tho cities of Bontliorn Oregon. Five hundred flno Uartlett pear trees for sale. Call on J. A. Perry at Medford National bank. tf J. 0. Altken of Woodvlllo bns re turned from a viuit to Portland and Salem. A, D. Ilowen and a party of cap italists are visiting the valley. They are promoting a rnllrond from (Irants Pass to 'Williams, thirty miles distant, in the Applegate. Dr. "W. K. Vangborn, editor of the Pacific Methodist AdVorato, will preach at tho Methodist church, South Tuesday, January 31. at 7:30 p. in. Come nnd hoar this gifted orator. .T. V. McQuado of tho Sliattuck Ink company, San Francisco, is visiting various towns of the cvalley In tho interest of his firm. L. A. Allohoff of tho Allan Lewis company, Portland, Is calling upon customers again. Is your louso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent increase In comfort. Start living tho electric lire. tf. OlaC Olson, assistant Mipoiitileinl cnl of llio South Pacific company was in town a few lionrrf tho lull it part of llio week. See It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bunk. 2 8Ti II. 13. Patterson, 110 13. Main, has hohio nice English .Hollies and all kinds of Bhado trees. Roses (all tho best). Now is a good tlmo to plant. Drop in and sco mo. tf A. E. Lal'onto made a Imihuichh trip South mimluy morning". Mrs. Myru, one of llio teachers in llio public- school at Talent, visited her brother, II. O. Hertford, and fam ily Saturday nnd Sunday. Call phono 2K1, 1032 for baggago wagon. 4G1 Any person passing through con fectionery at (ho Natatorlum on Wed nesday from 2 to 0 p. m. will receive a check which will entltlo them to Dc worth of peannls or popcorn. Send namo and address to P. O. Ho !!)( for full particulars about tho most interesting book over wilt ten, tf Prlvato room and board with Mrs. J, D. Fay, three blocks from central part of town, 310 N. Uartlett. H. A. Moars of Gold 11111 Is spend ing a fow days In Mod ford. J. W. Opp of Jacksonville was a recent Medford visitor. David Payuo Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. 11. Kinsman of tills city. At tho request of Siipi-rlntoiidont Collins, Gerard Talllaudler, head of tho Medford conservatory for music and languages, played for tho high school students Inst Thursday. He bad solected U It. Mills' Saltarollo and prefaced it with a short (all; on national music. As an encore he played tho Spring Song by Mendels sohn. J. T. Sullivan, agent for a well known lino of automobiles, has re turned from a luminous trip to Port land, where ho attended the automo bile show. John II. Carkln, uttornoy at law, over Jackmon County bank. V. S. Crowoll. president of Med forrt's "mllllon-dollnr bank," is upending a few dny in Portland on bUHlnuHtt. Lynn Purdln spent Kiiturduy In Gold Hill on btiiiliionH. Dr. J. 10. Shonror, physician and surgeon. Office ovor Strang's drug Htoro. tf. ,1 O. l.i.icson, returned night I ruin llli clcnilul mm! lo I'n-ndcim, Draperies We carry a oiy complete line of draperies, hue curtains, fixtures, etc., nnd do ah clahses of upholhterliiK. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will give ax rood sen Ice as Ik possible to get in even tht' lntgt bt i Hits. Weeks & McGovvan Co John A. Perl Undertaker and L'mbalincr Successor to the undertaking de partment of Medford Kurnlturo Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About February 1, l'rlvato Am bulanco Service. Sick and injured conveyed to uiy part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 3(1, Night: John A. Pari 4 1 1 J. C. W. Conklln, 3C01. J. H. llutlr, 3G71. - I "$ and Local J. 15. Sterns unions the shopper from Tolo Saturday. A. D. Helms of Ashland is in Med ford visiting friends. II. L. Andrews, secretary of tho Grants Pass Commercial club, was a recent Medford visitor. The Pacific Telegraph and Tele phone Co. are preparing innnuscrlpt for a now directory. All subscribers that aro listed incorrectly kindly call at tho office, as wo want to have tho new dlrostory out by February 15. L. A. Now ton, commercial mana ger. 2C8 Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Kirby of Ash land aro visiting relatives here. Mrs. Kirby is a sister of Mrs. Kdmendes of -this city. Wanted Boarders A now board ing house has opened at 70C South Oakdale. Call and sco its for fair treatment, or address F. II. Moro land. 302 Ranger John Cribble, U. S. F. S., left this morning on a business trip to Ashland. J. D. Heard Is on a business trip to Portland. Rail wood, ?!) a cord. Farmers 711(1. tf LABOR TO ERECT GREAHEMPIE American Federation of Labor Will Build $1,000,000 Office Buildlnti In Washinnton .for Use as Head quarters Committee Is Appointed. WASHINGTON, .1). C, Jan. 30. Plans for tho erection of a $1,000, 000 office building hero to bo used as headquarters of tho American Federation of Labor, wero announced today by tho executive board of tho federation. A commltteo has been appointed to draw up plans nnd mnkc estimates. COMMISSION NOT A COURT. (Cmitlnupil fiom I'nKo 1.) respect to testimony or by his ad- missions. "It may bo of Interest to note that the proposed amendment would, of course, work equally against tho truth being brought out on tho part of tho cnmplninnut. In most of the complaints that aro heard before the commission the complainant is not represented by counsel In fnct, ono of the main purposes of tho commis sion law Is that such complaints can be sifted without the necessity for an Individual going to the expense to employ attorneys or experts If the commission was bound to compel a complainant to produce all his tes timony at tho first healing in our Judgment it would result In a mis carriage or justice In many cases and (be complaint would not receive the relief to which more thorough mid painstaking examination of the facts would require. Very frequently It Is noeowmry to examine into records or cm!! for data which the complainant does not know arc In existence, "I wish lo state In connection with the Southern Pacific mutter brought to our attention that no objection whatever was raised by the complain ant to the request of the Southern Pacific company tor time to exam ine the ten ottimlunuM exhibits in troduced by plaintiff upon the heal ing. The commission first deslied to set the healing for an eaillei date than was done, but this was re sisted, as we locnll It. by tho attor ney for tho Medford (raffle bureau, who said that be would piefer thai Hie mat lir come on a few days later. In four eurs' experience in working under (he present rules of the com mission, this Is the first complaint of tbiu character that has ever boon brought to our attention. "We have none uxor this mutter with the attorney general, who coin tide, with the views here expressed." sTEMBAUGH FUNERAL i HELD THIS AFTERNOON Tin luiictnl ol the late Columbus Siciuhuitgh. whose hoilv vas brought hi'Je lii'iu Colorado Saturday for m tciiiiriit, wilt be held tin afternoon I mm (he IV li I mlerttiking coiitwui'V eliHH'I. liitiiment will follow at the I. O. O. I cttttelerv. Says Jack Is Liar. Ni:V YORK, Jan. 30. "Jnuk Johnson is a liar if ha ways that I ottered him a penny as hm induce ment for Walter Moiiuhau la 'l.i. down' to iue." Tlii w Carl MorrU' answer to the ouhli-hcd iliui'itc attributed to John son that Morris uittntttfer offered him a l.i rue sum if Johnoit would have Monahan throw the fight" lo Morriv to give Johnson $10,000 if he l"oe. the charge, I In tiki us for health. MEDPQRD WELL KNOWN SOUTH A. A. Davis Returns From Outing In California and States That He Can See Many Improvements Here In Short Time. A. A. Davis, the Medford capital ist, Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mis. Davis have returned from a six week viuit in Southern California. "We are glad lo get back," stated Mr. Davis, "although we had a good lime and enjoyed our vacation. 1 enn see substantial improvement in Medford, even in Ibe short time we weer away. Wo found Medford well ndvortisctl in California and indica tions are that many Cnliforninns will come here, both to Vhit and lo locati this year. "The hopes of Snn Frnnci&eo arc centered upon (securing the fair urn' tho fair will be a great event foi the entire const. "Medofrd looks good lo me, beel- tcr than ever and the future brightei limn the past." SKATTLK, Wash., Jan. HO. Mrs. Hellnda A. Corbonneau, a comely young womnn who looks anything but a mnn handler, today admitted that It was she who administered a sevoro threshing to A. F. Husor, cash ier of the Dome City bank of Dome City, Alaska, in a room in tho Arch ibald hotel Saturdny evening. Mrs. Carbonneau Is stopping at the N'ow Washington hotel. Mrs. Car bonneau said that sho gave Ituscr a horsewhipping because of his alleged persecution of her sister, Miss Mar garet Mulroony. Kuser came to Se attle to prosecute a suit against Miss Mulroony Instituted by tho bank to regain ? 10,000 tho bank alleges Miss Mulhooiiy obtained by fraud while she was cashier of the institution. Mrs. Carbonneau admits that she lured Itusor to a room in tho hotel and piled the lash. Rimer complain ed to the police and declared that Mrs. Carbonneau was aided by two men, who held him while sho lashed him. The woman has not been arrested. FORESTER SICK US . . RESULT OF TRIP Deputy Supervisor Sam S. Swen nlng of the Crater national forest le turned to .Medford Sunday from an Inspection trip of the re-seeding work being carried out In tho district burn ed over last summer. Owing to tho heavy fall of snow In the mountains Mr. Swonulug's trip proved a trying one, and as (ho re sult of the exposure he went through he Is now confined to ills home. Supervisor .M. D. Krlckson is still away, but Is expected to return short ly. GROCERY STORE WILL 8001 MOVE The Allen (Iroeery company wrl move into their new store on South Central avenue and he open for busi ness Tliuixlay iiiuriiiiiiK. Hustings will be earned on ut the old Maud up to Wednesday night. The new store will he large, com modious, light and clean and a most complete stock of groceries will be euiried. You aie invited to call ai the now store afler Thursday. You know our reputation for fair, Minnie ih ahng. We mean to be progressive along all lines. EGGLESTON'S bTlLPASSES. (CondnutHt from Puko l.i tin house Thompsou of Lake coun ty tiiwl hmd to Imvo tho roaoliitlou re-referred back to tho committee, but the boue showed by lurgo vote that it wants o be fair t Stelner. A hi fight le u in tho houao this afternoon ovor tho Amine bill, which la uiojmm1 to bo Hliued nt the Ao elated lrw. Tout of Multnomah tu advocHtluK (he pttte of the bill grew cauilif at the expense of oue of the reponem for a Portland paper. whom he uccim of misrepresenting biui in his reKrts. Heprenenutivee of the Associated Press ure here tr Iuk to luve the bill killed, u prob ably will fall to imw the Uoute. as few members outside of Touts and iuiue have i liaiiiptoned It. IlaskUis for health. Mi A HORSEWHIPPING MORE TROOPS TO PATROL BORDER American Cavalry Arrives Under Or ders to Resort to Most Strinnent Action to Prevent Passage uf Mexican Insurgents EL PASO, Texas, Jan. .'lO.--Amer-ienn cavalry arrived at Mnrcnn. Texas, today to relievo Hie Unitrt States infantry which luis been na trolliug the Mexican border in an ef fort to maintain neutrality. The cavalry is under orders lo resort lo the most stringent iiteion to prevent the passage of Mexican insurgent. Jicpoiis from Nnco, in the state of Sonora, today sny Hint the revolu tion there is imminent mid that a company of Mexican federal troop-, have arrived there to overawe (he Maderis.ts. The report that Colonel Koster litsky, commanding the Sonora rul alos. has been killed in an action with the rebels is denied by llio officials of the Diaz government. IIUAC'IIUCA, Ariz., Jan. HO. -Report, concerning the fate of Col onel Kosterlitsky of tho Mexican federal army, rumored killed in a baltle wtih rebels in llio Snhuuripn district, where Mudero's forces are being recruited and re-organized, arc conflicting. A report from Cnnanen today p.nys Kosterlitsky is in a pri vet o honpital there. Mayor Arnold of Cnnnnea consid ers (he situation there fo critical I lint he hns sent his wife lo Tucson Ammunition for (he federal anny i being shipped from llisbeo to Cuna nea. American troops along the bor der will be trebled, according to the latest reports. 1HJACIIUCA, Ariz.. Jan. .'50. A mining limn from Montezuma re ported today thai the jefe politico of (hat town was slain in n battle with rebel. The revolutionists and the iefc, with a small force, clashed n the outskirts of Montezuma. m raidpour Twclvo Inches of Rainfall Recorded In Three Weeks at San Francisco Rain Still Fallinn. Steadily All Records Broken. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 110. A downpour of 11! inches in throo weeks is the record for San Francisco and vicinity, according to a bulletin is sued from (bo weather bureau today. Rain, which began four days ago, fell steadily today and was predicted to continue tonight and tomorrow. The rain report of tills season compares favorably with those of others, ac cording to Iorecastor .MoAdlo, des pite tho dry months last fall. Tho rainfall was general throughout tho state, .McAdlo says. HasUtus for Health. t t-f tttf-f -t f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. J t f I'l I1LIC STENOGRAPHED, .102 Ciiunett -Corey Hldg., Modfoid, Dr. .Mi. U J. Uiiigtou. Telephone Home lKj. WANTED Room, with two nieaN preferred, by iptiot, refined busi ness woman. Addro& Po. 121), eat" .Mail Tribune. liu'S , r'OU UKXT -Throo-room house at 21. W. Court s,t., at $! pur month Euiiuiiv Hi X. Front M. tt WANTED -W'miiim fur iiiuilriuo or - .'... p. "'I .....i i i. :.. c.....:i.. ..i' i' 1-111-1,11 UlMISiMtOl IV in inning I'l ll'lll on much two mile east of .Euirle 1'oiut. I-', l'oloiuo, Eagle Point. 277 r'OK EXCHANGE U' acres of choice ai tal fn close in, for Medfoul pi-oiHMtv Must he well located an .; reai.onahle. Address . 1. Eamiij .Medford, or phone 70.')!. H72 OH HKNT-Ono frout office, and one iiikiiie ofi'oo in ranuers , Eruilgrowcis' bank bldg. See W , 1 .Meolv. I nnd 2 Postolfiee hlk. i. s s s s s s FOK JS.U.K OH KENT New S-room house, Wct Side. Also good build ing lot tor sale. Inquire- Attorucv 11. A. Ctinailay, 204 Friiittfrowei- liank bhlg. 272 VOU SAl.K $030.00, neat 4-mopt hoiue: water in valtl: sewer in fnW. tuVe new vvooiUhed; lot Mv 112 ai ?.7 W. 14th si., between K evvtowil aiul King live., ur see Hut-Kti.it i ui I'uum .Mc;t IA 27J , IN CALIFORNIA TO WAGE FIGHT OB SECTIONAL LINES Representatives From Agricultural States Will Oppose Canadian Treaty Mining Communities Will Be In Favor of It. WASHINGTON", D. C, Jan. H0. The linoup today of congressmen on the Cnnadlan reciprocity treaty shows that the fight Is to bo waged enllroly on sectional and not on political lines. The representatives from the agricultural state will oppose- the agreement and those from the min ing communities will be in its favor. Opponents of the measure today aro using all the pressure at their com mand to induce the' house ways and means committee to pigeonhole tho treaty, referred to them. K. OF P. HOtlG All members in good standing; are urged lo be at the local castle hall tonight; three will be initiated in Hie .Second rank. A fine time is antic ipated. Don't fail to he on hand. Where ho Go Tonight r---.r New Attraction at THE ISIS THEATRE mo nocniiD imiL Til 10 KXUKDIjKIiS Novelty Musical Act also VIXAKI) j The Great Dutch Comedian 300 laughs for 10c and 20c. ! J MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY: AND SUNDAY AT 2:.'!0. Three Reels of Pictures and a: Good JJonfl. s-swr. NATATORIUM 1 CO, F BASKETIULL TEAM of I J Portage, Wisconsin, champions I of the United Spates, play two i J games with tlio Modfords Tues- day evening. January 31, and Wednesday evening, February 1st, j7:;!0. Admission 25c. Reserved j t seats r0c. The curtain at the op- $ era house will not rise until 0 o'clock owing to game. i Medford's Exelusivo Pioluro The- S I ater. Latest Licensed Photo- $ plays. s S Ono Dime No More One Dime, v "NAT" THEATRE Changes ita program ever,) J i I Siiiwhiv Wn,liiw.l.i. ...,.i ii :.i.... J y Jt ... i.i-ii nj unit I llli. I,). 1 A . ...:..i ,-. - 7J " .-"Miu'iu ujiiuiieu overy diui-ji day afternoon. j Wo chow nothing hut tho very latent and best films. ADMISSION 10c. IU-G Hlflh-Class Stock Co. - TOSflGllT- 'OIH XKW MI.NlSTKi:" Three-Act lliunil Drama. -ny- t MA1W0KIK .MAX1)V1IJ,K STOCK i COMlV ' ' ' $ Speeiallies KcUvecn Acts j win: DOW TOW IN T tui: ikoi "Wat' Confectionery in: ntKAM, soit humus, co.NKiavnoi:Kv, lixcii A light, pleaaaut room, open f i. iiii s a in. to mithuiilit 1.. V. (illVAICS Proprietor r-r-r-t rsrsrt Skmijkeg 7 1 i i uimDenand : i S t Pleasing You Is Our Chief We aie here to please you in the soiling and delivery of your grocer ies. AVe realize that you do not have to trade here that this is not the only grocery store in thj city that we do not handle all tho good lines of groceries and that other stores know something about making the right prices. Wo do claim to offer tho best goods that we can buy and at right prices, and, above all wo claim to treat every person with whom W1 deal in the most courteous manner. Wo try our level best to please you In all that wo do and at all times. If you over get anything hero that is not as you think It shouhl be, we ask you to toll us about It and assure you that wo will correct tho fault. You will never have cause to complain of being charged too much or that a singlo person employed hdrc has been discourteous. OU1J SPECIALTIES ARE "fiOM)EX OATH" COFFEE AX I) PLItE WHITE FLOUF if you haven't tried these goods, we ask you to try them and bollovo that one trial will make you a steady customer. ALLEN GROCERY CO We will soon remove to our now store on South Central avenue. Corner Main and Central Ave. STODDARD ION Automobiles Dr. P. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency Typewriter Every Color record or Cowing for EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE. Medford Book Store FURNISHED ROOMS Suites with Private Bath Rooms IiiGliide- Sleeping Pordies Breakfasts Served if Desired Reception Room for Guests 706 S. Onkdnlo Ave. Medford, Ore. Weeks & McGovvan Co. DAY PIIOXE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeto,"2071 A. E. Orr, 36Q2. LADY ASSISTANT The rfi a t -4 Are vou thinking of buying a ph no? We would like to talk to ion about pianos nnd believe that we are as well posted as any dealers In tlm state, or on the coast for that ninttor We have been in the piano buMm right here in Southern Oregon for i long time, and every ynar wo hav done a greater business by far than in the year past. We ha"o over two thousand satisfied customers who will testify that we handle the le t pianos and plavcrs that are oil tho market today. You are sure of n good deal when ou tiad hero. "r call tuivo you at least on iinv piano Ihn .vou may dcin Conic and m'c us. If we don't hap pen to have on hand the piano thiir you wish, we will get It for you nni guarantee to sell it to you for $1"0 less than the dealer that handles It We can do this because we are under no expense. We pay no routs, hire no help, we sell direct to you. We are factory to home distributors and can deliver the best pinnos for less nioii i'V, as hundred' will testify. Many people are buying pianos, and we are selling the bet that ha ever been produced. Call us up and allow us the pleasure of explaiuln , our methods. Wo sell on easy teinu and deliver anywhere in this section of tho country. .lust remember that wo save you $100 and all you have to do Is to call and see our slock to be conviui ed that we can and do deliver tln goods. 1") ,u n s, ?, niiles fnun Tab nt. fenced, tinibt r. alfalfa and lrnit land, good bouse, pure water, 'l mile lio n school, :!00 .voung pear trees, love! place; $2000, one-bolf down. This 15 acres is one ot the iovi llest small ranches In southern On iron. Sheltered by he bills frjuu the cold winds of whiter, deep fei tlle soil, an ideal place for health Also .'! 1 acres, 1 mile from Tab m 12 acres of fruit, funilly oiebnd m lieaiing: apples, Newtowns, 12 tu r peach filled: 7 acres timber, irriga'ed dwelling house shaded by laiye launl trees, plenty of water; feit.lo hoil garden spet: pumping plant; term $13,000. $7000 each, the balance In paymeuts of $1000 yearly at G p r cent. Also 20 acres alfalfa am! fmlr land, with timber, 1 mile from 'fit out; $G500 cash down; jusi thin' what a snap, a little over $.!oo i acie. Where can you find near t'e depot and railroad a cheaper pl.-u Town lots lu the newly imoipo. el town of Talent, Or., on the i i stallment plan. Also 17 ncies, 14 acres coinniei lal fiult boMiliig orchard, 2 mi'. lioni Talent;- 10, OO'o. oue-h Ml . lime, Also 80 acres fine limber, $'i'"" one-half down. Also 34 acres ent; fine house; half mile fiom T. fruit trees; .ill.il1 ui under cultivation; price $7 imiance to suit purchaser. Also fn- sale, home In Tab iit ,I.i Miii coiintv, Oregon (u nowlv menu iiited town); a tine home ot is .it .. level, fertile ulfnlfa anil fi ult J.m ir!i,4led; one block from pn.tnlii. on the main road and extends to i:. reek; has two acres bearing . towns it .vears old; 12 acres II in 1 .Hid d'Anjou pears: 2 acres all ill ill is fine garden land; a nv-in lioiibc; climate very mild; pun- v, ,' lioni the niouiitains; very luabl '-hurchee, schools uud literary sot i ties; no unlooiiB or drunkenner-K n a dry town; It Is midway btw. the thriylng cities of Medford ,u Ashland; price $ 1 0,000 -- ?r.' down, the remainder on time at pei cent. A1m lands, alfalfa and fiult. li 2o id umi .Hies Wilte. ci.i'n stamps or come and ne me Lo Mo Judd Talent, Oregon ttiABMrntarunaawM agency Grand Union tea oo. 110 Tripp St. Phone 901 Teas, Coffees, Bivking Pow tier, Rpiccs, Soaps, Star. . etc Orders taken. .iJ jJfZ$L - irron n u a 1 1 v a r v , t