Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1911, Image 1

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d Mail Tribune
Continued i-nln; trace snow.
Local Conservationists Are Wiring
Friends In Legislature to Support
House Bill 50 Calling for Appro
priation of $100,000.
Orcflon Is Only State Not Appropri
alhifl Fund for Purposes Want
Intelligent Action On Matter.
In an endeavor ( secure Hit pas
sage of II01180 Hill 50, calling fin
an uppropiiation of $100,000 toward
tlio formation and iiuiintuinance of a
state forestry bureau and Jue pn
tiol s.Vblcin, when it conies up before
(lie ways and means committee ol
tbe senate and houe at Salem to
morrow, local conservationists an
urging that every one interested in
inc movement jorwuru personal tele
grams to the chairman of each com
mittee requesting them to favor Hie
approprintion. A large number of
local business men have forwarded
such teolgrnniB.
Kupervinor M. L. Kriekon of the
Crater lake national forest, reeeieil
a telegram fiom II. T. Allen, former
ly raited States forester in charge
of this district but now secretary i
the Western Forestry and Con-erva-lion
acociatiou, lequesting lam i
put the matter before as many loce!
men as possible nnd to nk them tn
telegraph their sentiments, on tin
subject to either State Senator II
If. Albee, chairman of thu;eonunitti
on wn.w. and mean-, of the senate
Representative J. I). Abbott, chni.
man of the corresponding cominittu
in the house.
According to information scat
tered about the state in pamphlet
bejying ibe signaliireH of the Oregmi
State Conservation commission; tin
Oregon Stale Hoard of Fore-dry; the
Oregon Forest Fire association; the
Oregon Conservation uxxncintieii:
and the Western Forestry uud Con
servation association, the state of
Oregon is the only one which at prc.--ent
makes no provision for lighting
forest fire.
Cndcr the proposed law. a stale
forester Mould bo appointed wh
would have power to nrtal offend
ers jigainst any foi-ctry lawn that ine
now in foreo or mav he passed am!
he would also bo supplied the nec
essary funds to carry on prosecu
tions. Me idffl this, the fund would pro
vide fur (he enrrviuir on of aa cdu-
' (.-implicit by the slat"'
i'mmiii tin' pulilit ."'il .imoiig linibei
1 1 III is.
Local Business Men Arc Colcctino.
Shipping Bills and Receipts Rail
road Must Now Refund Extra
Money Collected.
Mwlford merchants and shippers
are collecting their shipping bills and
receipts pieparatory to collecting; the
i hate from the Southern Pacific for
not enforcing the reduction In rates
o nk rod In effect last October by toe
si.ite railroad commission and which
were protested on appeal to the fed-
ial circuit court by the railroad.
The decision of tbe court last week
iirdoivtl the reduction into effect
and the railroad aust now refund
Hi.' extra money collected .
I he reduction to Wed ford is about
j i. ... r cent and the yearly coat to the
Si.uiiern Paclfle in southern Oregon
i, . rituatad at $160,000, which
in. it s that tbia amount of money is
..iv.. I 10 the people, of this section.
i 'i.- saving to Med ford shippers is
about $2300 a month.
The state railroad commission has
. ! n.ord In its office a statement
n x all shipments made during
V ,' II ' In' llll Hll.t )f I i
ill STA1E 10
Jersey Prosecutor Plans War
On Big Cold Storage Concerns.
Tafewi S. VS2Si I rN.IVVs?KSiN?
I HI iiranit i
Hit V - ' aw 3&&i?W!!MWp&mm
m A I M:r -J&sUn
V gifeggL PMOra.edfrk)HT.g?PAUL THOMPSON 1
The condemnation of the practices of cold storage concerns made in bis
inaugural address by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey has tired
anew the indictment hopes of Prosecutor Pierre P Gnrven of Hudson county.
Governor WiNon asked the legislature to enact a law to govern this business,
and the cold storage men of Jersey City, Iloboken and other points opposite
New York city are apprehensive of more grand jury proceedings. Prosecutor
Onrven brought Indictments against several of them last year, but it was held
that the law wus not sulllcient to sustain them. Now Mr. (Jarven Intends
visiting Trenton nnd supplying data about the industry to the lawniakeis.
New York may hnvo a cold .storage In w soon, nnd another effort will be made
to pass a similar measure In Massachusetts.
As Introduced It Cannot Pass It
Prohibits Catching of Stcelhcads
and Permits Taking of Salmon
No Limit On Size of Mesh.
SALK.W, Or., .Ian. HO The long
awaited Iltifne iish bill, reopening the
Rogue river to eoniniereial fishing,
ha , made its appearance.
Tlii' bill it u short one. It prohib
its the catching of stuelhead in the
Ifogue liver, and permits the taking
of salmon below the mouth of the
Illinois all times of 3 ear, providing
so dosed season.
As introduced tlio bill cannot pass.
N'o limit is placed 011 size of mesh
used and no clause defiucb a steel
head, which under the laws of Ore
gon is classed as a fiihiion.
Thoahsence of a closed season ha
.intagonized the Columbia river in
leresU and the bill is xenerally re
garded ns a I rick 011 the purl of thi
ll nines to bog il all.
Ciilhiets will catch salmon and
Mcclhcad both, unless large mesh is
specified' and under existing condi
tions, the steelhead will ho classed a
.1 salmon, so the Humes will be en
abled to do as they please without
ic triction.
ivuu Iluinanson nnd I). F. Keasev,
wliu are negotiating the eule of the
piopcrtv for the Hume estate, Mrs.
If. I). 1 1 tunc, widow of the "Lord ol
1 he Ifogue," and Herbert Hume au
nt constant attendant)!) and lobbying
insistuntly iu behalf of the meas
ure. Mexico Concentrates Troops.
SAN' DIKflO. Cal.. Jan. 30. It w.ts'next fortnight. He is enthusiastic
reported today lrom Tia J nana., over the showing made by both
arm- the .Mexican line, and f roni makeu.
Km enad.i, the capital of Lower ("a!-; Mr. Neff wll handle tho Locomobile
if.'ini.i. ihrt all the government' at the Crater Lake garage, and ox-aniif-d
men that could be spared pacta to sell a number of thoso high
trom oidinarv police duty had beon' priced cara that are famous for
ent to Alexienli. I standing up under all kinds of condi
Sacramento River Up.
SACRAMLNTO, (a!., Jan. 20. I rwjucei Hoat tho time, tires bo
The Sacramento rher at this point ,ag reiuced a third and othor repairs
is at 24.5 feel today and wih a eon- j proportion.
tinuation of the rain floods are prob-i
able. ! Signboard Kills Many.
According to the reeord of tbe In-1 PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Jan. 30.--i-al
weather bureau, January has had Three persons were killed and sev-
a greater rainfall than any year in
the past 31 years.
. ......
bate figured upon each and between
6Aofl and $7000 must be dlstrlbut-
Many Agencies Arc Secured by Lo
cal People Many New Models
Arc Offered for This Season's
Medford's contingent to tho auto
show at Portland has returned, woll
pleased with now models offered and
predicting a lively year. All of tho
leading ninkos showod the now mod
els, and moro classy cnr.s woro never
exhibited. Among thoso returning
Monday were Colonel V. h. Ton Voile,
Ross Klino, Jack Flynn, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Naff and John Merrill.
What was universally admired aR
tho handsomest car on display was
purebnsed by Mr. Merrill. It Is a
four-pnsFonger. foro-door, 00 It. p.
Locomobile, ollvo greon color. It
will be shipped to Medford In the
aoxt tea days.
Colonel Ton Velio purchased two
carloads of new model Uuicks, which
be declares are among tho automo
bile lenders of tho season. Among
ihoin Is tho new foro-door Hulck
that replaces the old model 17, tho
now model 21, which takes tho placo
of modol 19; model 27, which ho
thinks 1m designed especially for this
country, being slightly largor than
last year's model 10, Is a five-passenger,
four-Inch clyinders, and selec
tive transmission. Kumbor 10, for
merly tho "White Streak," roappoar
as No. 33, considerably largor, with
foot coutrol. Tho Hulcks this year,
he states, is superior to nny yot turn
ed out In provlous years, .
Mr. Klino took tho agency for tho
lteo and Apperson Jack Rabbit cars
and expects a carload within tho
tions and use.
Mr. Flynn brings tho oltoorlng
news that auto sunnlles have boon
eral badlv injured today when a
signboard over a Market s treat ahua
0or- fell on the beads of a big
thronif of hoppers. The ciowd
br),k fr ,.,, ,.,lHi, ,in,ieilUMl
in it n . p 1 -nil in llii- l-ii -1.
THAT $100,080
Fund Appropriated by Legislature
Two Years Afjo for Building uf
Highway to Crater Lake Has Not
Yet Been Turned Back to State.
Majority of Legislators Arc In Favor
of Passing New Bill Which Will
Find Favor In Court.
There Is ? 100,000 In the vaults of
tho stato treasurer, appropriated by
tbe legislature of 1900 for the con
struction of thu Crater Lake highway.
At tho expiration of tho allotted tlino
tho money will revert to tho stato.
Tho use of this money Is precluded at
present by tho decision of tho su
preme court holding tho appropria
tion unconstitutlounl, and the prob
lem for Med ford to solvo Is to se
cure the passago of a hill tha will
find favor with tho supremo court
perinlttliiK the use of this laonoy al
ready appropriated.
Inquiry at tho scdretary of state's
offlco confirmed thp fact taat tho
money was still on hand, untouched.
Inquiry among legislators confirmed
the fnct that a majority wero favor
ably disposed towards tho use of tho
appropriation for tho purposes It was
made for Indeed, a majority of the
senate comprises those senators who
voted for the ineasiiro two years afo,
while a largo number of present
house members also wero friends of
tho measuro, Including Speaker
The measure hns many friends at
the capital and Inasmuch ns no now
approprintion is needed, tho money
already being provided for, should
hnvo an easier timo in passing. A
bill Is being drafted for Introduction
this week which It Is hoped will avoid
the defect of the previous bill.
Senator Davis Says T. R.'s Thirst
for Dictatorship Was His Undoing
Has Been Consigned by Public
to a Political St. Helena.
WASHINCTON, I). f, Jan. .10,
Hradlng former President Itoosovolt
as a defeated Napoleon who would
spend bis remaining career In politi
cal exile, Senator Jeff Davis of Ar
kansas today delivered In tho sonato
a spectacular summing up of tho
"stronuous oiio'b" alleged downfall.
"With a groat brain and matchless
courage," Davis said of Itoouovelt In
discussing popular elections, "In him
Is blended an unquenchable thirst for
power and placo. Ketad and almost
Idolized by crowned heads while
broad, ho returned and was accord
ed such a reception as seldom falls to
a returning hero. Hut for his undy
ing thirst for dictatorship and his!
unbridled ambition to rule, ho would
have gone down In history as one of
tho greatest statesmen.
"But the people resnntod his 'now
nationalism,' which was simply a re
incarnation of the spirit of Hamilton
Ism, and they gave him such a stun
ning blow at tho rocont oloctlou that
ho has been definitely consigned to
a political St. Helena."
SANTA HOSV, f'al., Jnn. 30.
Sentonce upon Dr. Wlllard P. Burke,
convicted of having dynamited tho1
tent of Lu Ktta Smith, will be passed
next Monday, arcordlng to Judge
ISininett Sea ell, before whom tho
fagod sanitarium proprietor appeared
today. A raotiou for it new trial waa 1
filed today. ;
The continuance was granted on.
motion of Attorney Leppo, Dr.
Hurke's coiiusel, who asked time to
!pii-par- lii.i argiiue-iit for a new tilal
1 1
English Nobleman Who Will Wed
Miss Vivien Gould In February.
gggRs!kiiiiKHBSiSftHi fi! fc'v J(t S l vtH&i iK f""41 JaaS ! BlBflHIiukih w I 1
cos-YwiovvTvAt-a ricam
John Graham Hope Horsley Heresford, lift It Huron Decles, who Is to wed
MInh Vivien Gould, second daughter of George J. Gould, In I'Vbniary, accord
lag to uuolllchil announcement, has a lung record ns a Hporlmniin and a soldier.
He Is forty-four years of age and a typically robust IhigllMi olllcer In appear
ance. Though his bride to be Is but eighteen, they hnvo ninny likes In com
mon, pnrtlctilnrly hunting. Hnrou Pcclc Is also a polo pltiyer of International
reputation. He Is lieutenant colonel of the Seventh hussars, winner of the
distinguished service medal In the cumpulgu iignlusl the Mad Mullah, and also
won renown In the Mntabele and Hoer wars
Wifo of Ranger W. C. Neff of Forest
Service, Accompanied hy Children
and Driver, Sleighs Over Deep
Snows to Get Here.
After a journey ovr tho Odessa
road, during which her Blolgb was
almost held solid by lingo drifts of
snow, Mrs. W. U. Nefr, wlfo of Act
ing Supervisor Noff of tho Grater
niitlonal forest, arrived In this city
from Klamath' Kails last night.
She was accompanied by two chil
dren and Dick Hrlghtonsteln of Klam
ath Falls, who drove tho team.
Tho Journey inquired ten hours
to complete, despite tho fact that
four heavy draft borsos, averaging In
weight 1S00 pounds each, woro har
nessed to tho conveyance
Hevoral times vvliilo traversing tho
Odofcsa road, snow to a dopth of ovor
four feet was encountered and It was
only by heroic work on tho part of
tho driver and horsiw that tho sleigh
was kept from being snowbound.
As soon as Supervisor M. L. Krlek
sou returns from an lnspeotlon tour,
Hanger Neff will return to bis sta
tion on Klamuth lake.
Says Diamond Is Jonah.
CHICAGO, Ml, Jan. 110. .May
Vobe predicted that Kdward H. Mc
Lean' gift of the famous Hope dia
mond to his wife would result in
"Thu diamond was a 'Jonah,' "
he said. It's touch blasted ovury
one who ever owned it and I fear for
Mrs. MeLeun. A year will toil; it'
bud luck doesn't oveituko Mrs. Mc
Lean pit ido that tune I will believe
that the diamond bus lost ila spall."
Archbishop Ryan Dying.
IMHLAI)KLIMHA, la., Jan. 30.
Weakened by his efforts in behalf
of the firemen' benefit cause, Arch
bishop (ttii, J0, is believed to bo
dying today of heart disease, and
praters in bis church have been
linked of all Catholics, Tha Arc.i
binbop wui) greatly interested in the
firemen's lien f it and worked un
ceasingly to make it a t.uocees.
Dr. Anders I Tlaoe aaaouneed
that bis ooudition was critical
Aivlilii'-liup Kviiu'i be.ilib bun been
I . llln' tm .1 V 1 .11'
- -" .
In Reply to Complaint of Mcdford
Traffic Bureau State Railroad
Commission Points Out Its Stand
inn In Bearing of Cases.
SALHM, Or., Jan. HO. In roply to
a communication from tho Medford
traffic bureau requesting that tho
state railroad commission law bo
amended to compel both complainants.
and defendants to submit their cases
at tho first hearing of a complaint
against a railroad, the state railroad
commission lias replied as follews:
"Apparently tho distinction bo-
tweon a court and court procedure
and the duties of an administrative
body luivo bona overlooked. A court
ordinarily determines rights as be
tweeu two Individuals, Tho Ihhiios
am usually simple and resolve them
selves down to a narrow question of
fact. If, howovor, as In equity casos,
there la a complicated Issue of fact,
very frequently the mnttor Is refer
red to a rofureu and tho taking of
toatlmony proceeds very much as be
fore the commission, from timo to
time until the relevant facta havo
boon fully brought out.
"On tho other baud, tho complain
ant In a case Instituted before the
commission in no souse of thu word
has coutrol of the piiKeedlugs. It
Is tho duty of the commission, when
the complaint Is filed, to Investigate
the matter lu such a mannor as to
bring out all relevant facts, both from
the standpoint of tho currier and tbe
public gonerally, and In doing so It is
not bound either by tho case mado by
the complainant or tlio carrier, but Is
permlttod to extend Its Investigations
to tho limit In order that all facts
may bu fully before It, In other
words, Its procedure Is much tho
saute as would bo that of a committee
of a legislature and in no sense of
tho word Is It a more umplro to sit
for tho purpose of merely determin
ing which party has borne tho bur
den of proof. The responsibility Is
with tbe commission and not with tbe
"This waa presented before the su
preme court of the United States In
the Proctor and Gamble case, where
the supreme court said of thu Inter
state commerce commission that It
acted generally iu the public Interest
and that tho complainant which ap
peared before It did not control tho
proceedings, and that tbe public was
not bound either by bis omissions lu
(t ununited on l'.igo -.)
Hank clearings today wcro
$33,0 11.10
No. 267.
Burial Plot In Rlverview Cemetery
In Portland Will Be Purchased
$4000 Is Appropriated Eloquence
Marks Fight On Bill.
GET THAT $100,000
Dr. Lcc Stcincr Will Have a Chance
to Explain Before the House
Press Association Under Fire.
SALEM, Or., Jnn. .10. Houso bill
Xo. 2H, which appropriates $1000 for
tho purchaso of a burial plot in tho
Klvorvlow comotory at Portland for
voternns of tho Spanish war, passed
In tho bouse this mronlng. It wns
Introduced by Eggleston of Jnckson.
Stcolbainmcr nnd Johnson of Ma
rlqn blttorly assailed tho bill, which
thoy tornied publlu oxtravaganco,
and Huntington of Douglas county,
who rocolved a big socialist voto at
the Inst election, tried hard to havo
tho bill dofentcd.
Fonts of Multnomnh county, who
wns a mombor of tho Second Oregon
regiment, mndo an eloquent plea for
tho passago of tho bill. Ills speech
was tho best beard yot on tho floor
of the houso, and bo was applauded
by both tho members and gallorlos.
Tho bill passed by a voto of 38 to 1G.
AHtorltv Turned Down.
Astoria was turned down by tho
seunto today when tho bill asking for
an approprintion of $100,000 to assist
thnt city in its centennial colobra
tlon was killed by n voto of 11 to
11. Tlio Astoria delegation Is mak
ing nn effort to havo tho bill recon
sidered nnd tho 'question of extend
ing aid to tho fish town will probably
recolvo some moro threshing out In
tho senato olthor Tuesday or Wed
nesday. Hlgolow of Multnomnh county to
dny Introduced a bill In tho houso
asking for nn appropriation to de
fray tho preliminary expenses of a
survey to bo mado by tho sonato for
tho construction of a brdlgo across
the Columbia river near Portland.
Stcincr Will Mvplaln.
Dr. Leo Stelnor, superintendent of
tho stato asylum, will havo nn op
portunity of nppearlng boforo tho
houso nnd nnsworlng tho chnrges pre
ferred against him. Tho committee
on resolutions today roportod favor
ably tho resolution presented Inst
week asking thnt tho superintendent
mako an explanation on tho floor of
(Continued on pago 2,)
Snow and Rain Is Forecast for To
night To Date Season's Rainfall
Is a Littlo Over 10 Inches No
Change From Cloudy Weather Yet.
Tho barometer lost Us grip this
morning and took a tumblo, Indicat
ing a little moro snow for tonight.
The thermometer, this morning, how
ever, was up, but a chill lu expected
by nightfall. If thu chill comes, then
rain will fall, otherwise it Is snow,
Thu barometer camo down from
,'tl to 29 this morning. Tho tompora-
turo reglstorod at 49.
The total rainfall this season la
soiuothlng over 10 Inches. This as
sures plenty of molstuio for thu coin
ing fruit crop.
KUKKKA. SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 30.
-Fi-'i'iid of Carrie Nation hoio nro
iu receipt of nows that tho fumou
anti-saloon erufiider i sinking rap
idly ami that her death is mnitUMi-
tauly expected,
UglMBW I''