packe src MEDFORT) MAIL TRTBUNIS, BEDFORD, OftEGOy. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1911'. 3T7'"" ii. i i ' " II HOW OTHERS VIEW MEDFORD CENSUS Papers Over Northwest Forccil to St Up and Take Notice When They Sco Great Strides Made by This City. (EhUicihIii J'roj,'ri."s.) iMi'tlforri lias a clinncc to ni over the showing imulc ly llic laic i'uiikuh iim (IhcIo.-oiI in tliu roporis remit ly issued. Willi one exreptiu.i says the. ci'iiwiis bureau, MlmU'okI shows (ho reutct pereontnue of growth of any city in tho United States during the In-t ld-yeiir-per-iod. Tho t'ity that outdoes Medl'oiu is Oklahoma City, Okla., whidi lias u percuntagu gain of 1118. Mod lord's pcrcontago of growth is 11!) JlOU OL'llt. (Seattle Time.) jredford, Or., in tho center of tin fruit holt of southern Oiogon, sho what apples will do tor a oui. Ii tho decade .Medloid increased ii population U!)H."i per cent, by far tin largest in the stale. Not a city ii Oregon showed a (ss; lnjl even in that the state is far hehaiid Wash ington, wliohi though one-thiid siniil lor in aioa, has nluiobt. twieu as iniill people. i i i (Springfield News.) Mud ford has a chance to immv over the tjiowipg niude by Uo lali census as disclosed in the leporl rocontly i-jsiied. Willi one exception bays the census bureau, Medfoio shows tlio greatest pel cent ago i growth of any city in the L'nili States during the. last 10 yqar piirim The city that outdoes Medford . Oklahoma City, Okla., which has i purcentiigo gain of 1118. Medford' percentage of growth is UD12 per com, (Kiigcno Register.) Medford is coining right ulouj, thuso days, l'litns uie drawn I'm i six-story hotel Id cost over $100, OtIU. They are hustling to keep i sight of Hugene. It will reiimrc tint $112,000 booster fund for next ye i to make this city the continued jmt tern by which other western Oregoi. towns will cut tho cloth lor tho die of progress. (Villi) Oriano.) ModtVnl litis a chance to crow oe tho showing mado by tho Into coiimi as dibi'iohed in the. uiportb niuuiili issued . With ono exception says the census bureau Medford shows Hi greatest percentage of growth of au, city in tho I'nitud Stale during til last l(). year period. Thu city tin outflood Medford is Oklahonui, wliiol has a percentage gain of !H8. Me I ford'h percent ago of giowth is ,'IH uor cept. (Sheridan Sun.) Medford has the distinction o milking the greatest iiicieasc in pup iilntion during tho past 1(1 eais o any oily in the United States with tho single exception City. of Oklahoma Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash rioretieo Muck, Now York; J qui: Klynu, Mr. anil Mrs Daggett, much; .. M. Tucker, S. Louis; M. A. Smith, Sun Fninciei (J. 0, Miller, W S. I'arker. Minnon,. tdis; C. K. I'Vaiiois. Portland; II. J'almoi. Central l'oiut; (Icore '1 Hiihluin, Kluuialh Fulls; C. ' Uoggs, Seattle; 1'. W. William I flit t u l-'als; ,1. C. Stanley, Adilaiii llrightl. l)iiton, New York; J. t llerrin, Portland; (ioorge Damn XeUiui Nye, I'ro-.pecl, Ore.; W. S Luy, San 1'rauoisco; Mi"i I trow t and l'oo, Kagle Point; Mi. and Mr K. P. LMiuenee. Prairie Cit, Oie. .Mr and Mrs. M. ,1. Kuill, New Yoik Mr. and Mrs. .1. M Craig, San e'uut cisco;. C, A Peterson, Portland. Tho Moore Mi. and Mis. Kuinl Madden, Mi. Sterling, Clueamo; A C. Ilohnc, A. (iohUiuilh, II. It. K hon, W. A. Ilo.iley, A. .). Mu-er, !' C. Staiuford, T. A. Young. .1. W Luke, C. Pray, Portland; Louis Alt Klaiaiih FulU; Mrs A. Mvers, An-hii P. Myeiv. Ilerherl V. Ptury. Seulllc 0. C. Piiluaui Sau 1'iaiieiiieo; P. il Noyau, Tolo; T. K. Dew ill, Spokuti. f. P. HriKgs, Hump Pulls;. 1, M. Sei, ior, Afciilaiid; P. M. Hoipl, Sau Pruu t'isco; If. W Dm is, lliiirislnng; .1 i. Monahan, Chicago, Lleaiioi llabe, )San Fraueiseo; K. Porter, Oinu jja; John Townseiid, Koschurg; W S, I load, Sun 1raiiciscu; 0. P. (iivy orv, L'viitntl Point. Kelly Is Bishop. ANN AKIIfJK, Mich.. Juu 'Jtl. Kcv. Kdwufd Kelly wit coiiMMiulcd bishop of Oofetiit in Si. Thome' church toduy by rfirdintil (iilihiuin. Arch lislio) jiohuifl of St. Pmn. who wits roportod ill yCMloidny. de nied tiio roport, Ol'd "ll'do on d drus. Tho ooromony wis attended b II bi-hops and ;iiflihi-lii and .lou pur .I-. HusUlns for Health. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. I IH. Aii ordinance authorizing tho Ihbii ance of ISTiOO.OO of tlio Improvement bonds of the city of Medford, Jack son county, Oregon, and directing tho advcrtlKliif,' of tho samo for Halo In nrcordanco with chnptor V of tltlo XXVII of nellliiBer & Cotton'fl Anno tated Codes and Statutes of tho Statu of Oregon. Tho city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Sertlon 1. Whereas, the city of Medford hns heretofoio duly caused certain streets of said city to ho lin- pioved, and has duly aRKcssed tho cost thereof to tho property benefit ed thereby In accordanro with tho charter of said city; and Whereas, certain owners of sun dry pieces of property each assessed for such Improvement In a Bum ex ceeding twentv-flvo dollars, have duly mado and filed application to pay said several assessment?) In Install? meats In accordance with section 2727 of said Hollfngor & Cotton's An- notated C'oden and Statutes; and, Whereas, an assessment and bond lieu docket has been duly made up la accordance with the provisions of said section and of section 2728 of said Codes ami Statutes, and tho to UU amount of unpaid asscHsinontu for such street Improvements and Tor whloh application to pay under the provisions of said sections above cit ed has been made and filed as afore said Is the sum or ?8rOQ.OO, uh shown by said bond Hen docket; Now thorefore, said city of Med ford (loth ordain as aforesaid, that thoro is hereby authorized to lo Is sued the bonds of said city In t lie total amount of $81500.00, hi denom inations of two hundred and fifty and five hundred dollars each, as may be convonlont. Section 2. Said bonds shall be mado In the following fprm: CITY OP MEDFORD Jaolwon County State of Oregon IMPROVEMENT HONI) Know all mon by these presents, that tho city of Medford, In tiic coun ty of Jackson, stato of Oregon, for value received, hereby agrees and .yronilscH to pay tho bearer the sum of i Dollars 'n gold epn of tho (MHtod States of America, mi the presentation and surrender of this obligation, on tie day of In the year of our Lord one thousand alnc hundred and , vlthout grace, with Interest thereon rom the (Into hereof until redeemed, ir until tho time of tho sotiil-aaiiual nterest payment next ensuing the )iibllcat(on of notice by the city of Medford that this bond will bo takoa ip and cancelled and that Intercut hereon will ccttso (it the Intorest pay unut period next following such pub Icatlon, at the rato of fll P" cent tor annum, puyablo seinl-anniiaHy, In like coin, on tho lay of and . , 'oar, on tho presentation and snr under of tho pronor columns therelo nne.M'd. principal and Interest payn ile at the office of tlio treasurer of lie city of Medford. This boipj Is opp or a erl0B author 'ml by an act of the legislative as lembly of tho sta,to of Oregon, on ltled "Ai act to provide for the ls Miaucp of bonds for tho uiprpvenim.t if streets and the laying of sowers In ncorpnratod cities and for tho pay nent of tho cost of such Improve uentH and Uiymg of sowors by Install- uents," filed In tho office of the ocretary of stato February 22d, SOU, as amended by an act entitled 'An act to amend sections I. 2, U, I. t, C and " or an act entitled 'An 'ct to provide lor the Issuance or 'onds for the Improvement of streets tnd laying or uowoih In Incorporated Itles, and for tho payment of tho ost of such improvement! and lay ug of sewers by Installments,' filed a tho ofrico of tho aecietary of state 'ebruary 22nd, I. SOU," approved Feb nary 2Sth, I'.MU, and Is an obtlga lop of tho city of Medford, ufpre ald, and Is not to be deemed or tnk mi to be within or any part f the Imitation by laws as to tho indob dness of said cltv, and It Is further ertlfled that all requirements of law iao boon fully compiled with by the iroper offlceis In the Issuing of tills toad, and that the total amount of his Issue does not escced tho limit ueseiibed by said act. This bond Is redeemable n the of 'lee of said treasurer at the option of he cll of Mcilfoul upon tho ia uent of the face alue Iheroof, with iccnuul lulorest to the date of naj- uent at aiiv seuU-aiinual rouimii pe- Iod at or after one year from the Into hereof, as provided by bald act For tlip fulfillment, of the condl Ioiih or this obligation the faith and redlt or tho city or .Medford are 'lereby pledged In witness whereof, this bond has been signed by the mayor and attost m by the iccorder of said cltv of Mcilfonl and the corporate seal or the ty of Mod ford hereto arflxod lhl day of . I). CM I. Mayor. Attest: Hecorder or thu Oily or Modfoul. Section !!. Kuril of said bonds shall huyo attached thereto twenty cou oous. each or which fchnll he In the following ferm: CITY OF MUDFOU1) Stale of Oregon yVIU puy to the bonier 'IoIIhik in gobl colli of tho I'll I tod tfltet ot America, at the office of the t teas ui or of said eity, on the . dnv or , , belUK vl iuoiHIi' InloroHt on tin- proment Houd No unless vaid bond Is imonot redotfinod ns thoroht inovldwl. which redemption will ruiidei thin coupon void. Mayor. Attevt: Recorder of thu (Mtv or .Medford. SmIU coupom nhall he numbered from ono io tweuit. ifspecllvoly. Section l. 'I'tm aiuvar of aalil city U lierttb.. auilorUed and dlrecttHl to hixu ul(t baHibi ant) tho city rt oordor to i'V!iutMlun the nio bv QtUcblttlt tlioi-Mo tho soul of said ltv all mm liu: nlf nt wulil nitv Section 5 The rwo-der of hkM i lu it lureb tllredo.1 io reglstei M im. ' .Hid bonds and iniinbei lb. siiiin on. A- in. nt S'u .l.-lui A It b , ilie bl.uik tuosldcd thiclo! In ll.e.i,,,,, S't.uh lib led ol lot .1. Shoit'f. 'toiegoing foini In tucorUniutj wiIH,uit,iii,ji io the uh of MoiUord, Otc - CITY NOTICES. section 27HO of said Codes and Stat utes of tho State of Ore;;on. Section G. Tho recorder of the city of Medford Is hereby directed to ad vertise said bonds for salo and that the same will bo sold for the highest price obtainable, not loss than par and accrued Interest, and In snld ad vertisement he shall announce that he will recolvo sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds or any iifirllnn tlinfnnf fit ilia flfflen nt tint time before 1:00 p. in. on tho 7th' day of February, 1911. He shall publish said advertisement three t"" "" ....-.' ... . ...-. ...- .... -.-.. times In a dally newspaper publlsliec and printed In said city, and shall submit tho sealed proposals received In accordance with said advcrtlse tnont to the council at Its next moot ing thereafter. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 17th day of January., 1911, by tho following vote, to-wlt: Merrick aye, Watt aye, "Wortman aye, Kmerlck absent, Klfort aye, and Millar ayo. Approved January 18th, 1911. W. IL CANON, Mayor. Attest: HOnT. W. TKLFKR, City Recorder. Ordinance No. 442. An oidinniice dechirinir the asses,.. incut on the prouertv benefited foi the cost of hivitiir 1-iuch wulci main on Pine stieol from Jncksui. street to Austin street, and directin.j tho recorder to outer a stntomonl thereof in the water main licr docket. Tie Citv of Medford doth orda'.t as follews: Section I. Whereas, the cit council did heretofore, bv rcsolutioi declare its intention to lav a -l-iilc!) water main on Pine slroot from Jack sou street to Austin street and to assess the coat thereof on the properly fronting on said portion of said street in pro portion to thu fron(uiro of said prop er! v. and fix a timo and place foi heariiiL' protests jmainst the In vinu of said water main on said street mid the assessment of Ihn eo-t lliere of as aforesaid And whereas, aid (''solution wn dill v published and posted as re ouireil bv section 11(1 of llic chartei of said citv; And wiicrcns. a meetiiur of tin council was held ata tlio time and place fixed bv said resolution, foi tile purpose of considering nnv such piotosls. but no protests ere nt sai time, or at auv other time made W or received bv (ho council to tin said lavino. of the water uiaiii or tin assessment of I he cost as iilurpsnid and said council hnvnu: consider''! the mutter, and k'i)iniii!r thai sau water main was and is of mateiiu hciu'tit to said citv. mid that ,il propcrtv to be assessed thereto would bo lujnelitcil thnrebv to the e lent ol llic probable amount of th respective assessments !o be Wk' iiL'iiinsl said piopertv did older suit itmiit luidt And whereas, the cost of sail water main bus been and heicby i deleiitiiucd lo bo the sum of $1800.111 Now Iheielore, it is heroin further determined (hat the pro pel lionato share of t)io cosl ot living said water main of ouch imrcol uf mopcrtv fionliui on snid portion of said street is tin amount set opposite the description ol each unreel ol laud below, am thill each piece or parcel of laud bei eliled bv the lavinsr of aid wate urn tti lo the full extent of the nmotm set opposite the description of tin siiuie. mid thit lc respectho ninoiuil represent the proportional benetits o, mini water main to said respectiv. imicclb of hind, mid also the proper lioiial froiitaae thereof on said slrcei ami the council does herein deelan each of the said pitrool. of properh dcsorihed below to he assessed am each of the nine herein js nsscssc the amount set opposite each descrip linn for the eo-i of luwuir kuu water iiuiin. ASSIWSMFNT POlf FOI L'-INCl WATKH MAIN ON PINK STKKK I'UO.M JACKSON STifllKT Tt ACSTIN STWKF.T. Assehhnieul No. I. J W. Jacob-. Lot 1. block -I, Shoit't. addition u the vitv of Mcdloid. sae and e eentuiL' therefioiu a strip of liu.t S'..'t feet in width oil' the norlh sui' of said lot, it being the intention ! convex herein the southerh port to of said lot I. fioiitiui; Sl..i feet oi Pilie street and 111 feel on the conn tv road. Frontline Sl.." leel on tin on! side of Pine stieel, and de scribcil in Vol. .v paao Il.'ilt. couum recorder's iceonU ol Jacksort count Oreuoii. SI..") feel; rate per loot Sic uiiioiiut .''liS. 15. Ahossiiout No. '2, l'.inil forties A stun of laud 1 1.7") IV el to witl olf llic north side of the parcel e: lipid described in iis-essiueiit No. I of this oriliiiuuee Frontaue 11-7" lent on the easi side ot Pine streol and described in Yo. 70. uaae ofll. uouiitN leeoitler's iccords of ,laeksi eouiitv. l)reaon; ll.7 feet; rate pei foot Sic; amount s::'',-'--Asies.uient No. !t. (leorge M. Mac- Donald Noilh !l.7r teet ot lot i. block I. Short's addition lo the cil ol Mcdloid. Orouou. Fronttmc ll.T'i feet on tlp east side of Pine street. ami iiescriiteti in oi. n.i, unise i.x. '"Uiintx ieeonhu,,s record.- ot ,lackti'i (eniiiitv. Oieucu; 11.7. feet; rate per I tool Sic: amount ..l.t.S'J. AftNOKhiiiPiit No 4. A. L.,,. n iilirhhmil mliHtlon to tho cltv South Hill feel of hit ;t. ShoitV ml- ttilioii to Ult' t'llv of Motlrunl. Oie - 100 fed . rute per foot Sic; amount utui Prontmie Hill feet op the ouU described in ol. l2. page uju. couui) -itb of Pimo Mreet. mid tleeribod in recorder1!-' urlB of,j3" 'ouly - Y ; ;Lprr,r iku at0 l,er ",ot su' reeorti. of Jttcks.011 emm v. OeuQU. v. 2l-0 o Hull CITY NOTICES. mm. Fronttmc !)fi feet on flic cast side of Pine street nnd describe! in Vol. ,"i8. iisl'u fl40. eouiitv recorder's records of Jackson eouiitv. Oregen: !)( feet: rale nor foot 81c; amount 77.7(l. Assessment No. (i. Liianna Den ton. Lot 2. Short's addition to the citv of .Medford. Oregon. Frontaui IDA feet on the east side of Pine ....... .in sltoel. and uesenljed in oi. u., wtgo 1(10. cpuntv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: !)( feel; raU ,)C1. joot sic; anioiint $ir8.7iJ Assessment No. 7. Willard E. 4: Colindn Thompson The wpst luilf ami the south half of lot 1. Shorts addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon. Frontage 81.7o feel on the oast side of Pine street, apd described in, Vol. (Hi. page 171. eouiitv recorder' records of Jnckson countv, Oietrou. 84. 7o foot; rate per foot 81e; amount, $(S8.b7. Ases-inent No 8. Win. Colvii:. North half lot 1. Short's addition' to the citv of Medford. Oregon. Front age 8.1.11 foot on the oast side of Pjnt slieot. and described in Vol. 7.")t page 01 1. countv tecordor'j records of Jackson coipil. Oregon; SI).!! feet rate per foot 81c; amount .t(!7.47. Ashoshinont No 1). Kininti C. Cline. A pa reel ot hind "L," fort ii width off tho nojth end of (ho par cel of laud described in as-essinepl No. 8 of this ordinance. Frontage il.,") feet on tho east sidq of Pine street, and described in ol. (. page 111. countv tui'onlers records ol hiekton countv. Oregen: 51.5 foot; rate per foot 81c: amount $41. '2. Assessment No. JO. C. II. Corey A parcel of land 5Lo feet in width iff the north end of the west jjalf ot the parcel of land described in as--.pssment No. !) of this ordinance, Frontage 51..") fcgt oi tho -tl side if Pine Uoot aipl dosciibed in Vol. -I!, page (101. eouiitv recorder's roo rd.s of Jackson countv. Oregon; 51. o teet : rate per loot 81e: amount Ml ,72. Assessment No 11. fl. D. How ird. A parcel of land 51.5 feet hi vidth off the north side of tho par el of land described in nsses,sinen( o. 10. of this ordinance. Frontage iLo teet on the ea-t side of Pine dreet and described in Vpl. 77. pagf ii)7. countv room dor's records facksou count v. Oregen: 51.5 fe-it ate per loot 81c: amount $ll.7li. Assessment No. 12. C. W. Davis. A parcel of land 51.5 feet in widtl l'f the north Hdo of the parcel ol and described in assessment No- 1 if this ordinance. Frontage 51." Vet on Hie, east side of Pine si ree: mil described in Vol. 75. page .'l(i I ountv iccordor's records of Jacksoi ouptv. Oregon $ 51.5 foet: rate nei Out 81c: iniiouiil $11.72. A8bessment No. i Frederick tclinelder. Lot 1, block I, Meeker's Mldltlon to tho city or Medford. Oio ton; frontage OH feet on the east Ide of Pine street, and described in ol. ti7, paito 181, county recorder's ecords of Jackson county, Oregon; 102 feet; rr,to -mr foot Sip; amount JS2.C.2. Assessinent No. 1 t - Lllllo J. Meek r. Lot I. block r, Meeker's addition 0 tho city of Medford, Oregon; rront mo lli-t feet on tho east side ot Pine treot, and described In Vol. 2 9, page 121, county recorder's records of aekson county, Oregon; lfil root; ate per foot Sto; amount $Kt2.S-t. Assessinent No. 15 John Klnerk. .ot 12, block 2. Mocker's addition to ho city of MoiUord, Orogon; frontage T-0 feet on tho west side of Pine treat, aipl described l(i Vol. 51, page !S0, county recorder's records or 'aekson countv. Oregon; 150 reet; ate per Tout Me; amount $121.50. Assessment No. 10 School District 'o. 49 Lot S, blqcU U, Mookor's ad lltlon to the city of .Medford, Ore 'on; froutaijo 100 foot on tho west Me or Pine street, nnd described In 1-1(15; 100 reel; rate per root 81c; imoiiut $81. Asbonipiont No. 17 School District Vo. 49. A pipcel of land comuienc ng at a point on tho west lino ot Mno Htroot where said west line In ersects the north line or lots 10 nnd It or Highland Park addition to the l'ty of Medford. Oregon, and from aid point limning thence south 55 legrees west :tll foot; thence north 15 dot roes west to the smith coruor f block :i, Meeker's addition, thence ilong the said so'itb Hue of block 1, north 5 1 decrees !10 minutes east ttO feet to a point where said south 1 no Inieibecis the west lino of Pine street, jhonco southeasterly along mill west line 20(1 feet, more or less, o the place of beginning, and marked S on tho map or the city of Med ord: r i outage 200 root on tho west tide ot Pine street, and described In Vol. ... papo ... county lecorder'h ecords or Jackson county, Oregon; 100 root; rate per root Sic: iwumnt 5102. AshOksneni No. IS O. O. Hull Lot it, Highland addition to the olt jf Medford, Oregon; frontage 57. S feet on the west side of Pine street, mil described in VOL. wv ... county recor lei's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 57. .S reet; rate per root Mr. .uitoimt $10. S2. Assessment No. 10 O. O. Hull. Lot 12. HlKhluud addition to the city ot Medfcrd. Oiegou; front.tgo 50 feet on the vest tide of Pine street, and described In Voi. . .. pare . , county recorder's reco.ds or Jackson county, Oregon. 50 icttt; rate pe. toot Sic, amount t to 50 Assessment No. 20 O. O. II:11 Lot 13, Highland addition to the city of Mud ford, Oregon; frontage 50 foot on the woht side of Pine street, and des cribed in Vol ... pugo .., countx rticorder's rei-oids. of Jaokhon roiut, Orogon; 30 feet; rato por foot sic. amount $10 jo. Asseesiuent No 21.- A S. Wells II of Medford, Oregcn; frontage SO feci' on tlio west side, of Mm ti'tiot, ad Lor u. hIkoIhiuI addition to the clt ! (or Medford, Oregen: fron,tiKo 60 feet ,.iti the wihsi silo of Pine street, and dtuieilhcd In Vol. .,pa . co.inty ro'rdcr'h reco;dt of JacUon eo niy, 0ITY NOTICES. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 81c; ,: amount $40.50. ' I!; Assessment No. 23 Alex Duff. Lot !! 1C, Highland addition to the city of ! Medford, Oregon; frontage 45 feet on';; the west 3'lo ot Pine ntrect, and des-' i crlbcil In Vol. 59, page 558, county! . rtrtniflaiTu fnniwlu rif Tnnl'cmi nrtlliitV. ' ' uvui uui n ov.i ta wi, uuvi.muii . v r Oregon; 45 feet; rato per foot 81c; ........... f i(- t AsseRsment No. 24. A. S. Wells. Lot 17, aud -north 22 1-2 feet of lot 18, Highland addition lo the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 67.5 feet on the west side of Pine street and described in Vql. 7C, page 141, county recqrder's records of Jackcqn county, Oregon; 07.5, feet; rato per fcot 81c; amount $54,08. Assessment No. 25 Alex Duff. Lot 19, and south 22 1-2 feet of lot 18, Highland addition to the city or o!,eTlve?trXfrp"Sstr6e7ef, Si should try a sack. If you described in Vol. 59, pago 558, county I recorder's recordB of Jackson county, Oregon; 0J.5 feet; rato per foot 8ic; aiiount 5 J. OS. Assessment No. 2G Ale.N Duff. Lot 20. Highland addition to the city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 45 reet on the west Hldo of PJuo ttroct, and described In Vol. 59, page 558, county recorder's records of Jackson county,, Oregon; 45 feet; rate per foot 81c; amount $aC.4G. Assessment N. 17 Alox Duff. Lot 21. Highland addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 190.5 feet on the west slile of Pine street, and described In Vol. 59, page 558. county iccordor's. rocoids ot Jackson county, Oregon; 9Q.i reet; rate per toot Sic; amornt $78. .11. Section 2. And It Is bereby ordered and ordalnod that tho several assess ments and the Hens thereof he eii torod In tho water main Hen docket pr said city, and that thereupon ho tlce bo given to tho owners or reput ed owners ot said property, and that Hie samo bo enrorced and collected In the mnnner provided by the char tor or tho city for the collection of assessments for the improvement or streets theroln. Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notlco above provided for bo published throe times. n tho Pally Mall Tribune, a nowspnper published and or general circulation In said city. In tlio m.annor provided by or dinance No. 250 or said city. The foregoing ordinance was pas1 ed by tlio city council or the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 17th day of January, 1911, by the following vete: Merrick aye, W'att aye, Wortman aye, ISmorlck absent, lilfert aye and Millar ayo. Approved January 18th, 1011. W. IL CANON, Mqyor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFJ3U. City Hecorder NOT1CR. To the owner, or reputed ownor, of each parcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance, as nnmed therein, and in tlio Hen declared by said ordlnnnce, as recorded In the docket of' city Hens: You are hereby notified that the assessment declared by the foregoing ordinance has been made and the Hen therefor entoretl In the city Hon dock et, nnd that the same Is duo and you are hereby rati ul ret) to. liay tbo Bqnje to the city lecordor within ten days from the service of this notice, which ) service is mado by publication of the, foregoing ordinance and this notice three times In the Medford .Mail Tri bune, pursuant to an order of the city council ot said city. HOHT. W. TKLFBK, City Recorder. Save That $100.00 (JfYou can savo $100 on ANY Piano or Playor Piano by com-1 ing to HALM'S. Let us ex plain nil about our methods. Wo aro tho only ' Factory to Home Distributors ot the world's best Pianos and Player IManoa in southorp Ore gon. fJWo sell pianos, wo tuno pi anos, wo trado in pianos, in ruct wj do tho plauo businpsa. of southern Oregon. ! tJIF YOt' WANT TIIK BEST' FOU THM LEAST, S M Ki TKXTH AXI) OAKIULK TTHT . 1U! The Cumberland FURNISHED ROOMS Suites with Private Bath Rooms Include Sleeping PWhes Breakfasts Served If Desired Reception. Roopi or Guests 706 S. Oakrialo Ave. Medford, Ore. Pure White Flour Is the best hard wheat flour we ever saw. There are other, brands that sell for in,qre, but we know that none is better for general family use. We know this from experience, and hundreds of women know it from experience. If you have ever used Pure White JTlour you are still using it, no doubt. If you haven't tried it you & tr yvp ;eei as sure mar you win ue pieaseu as u iui sure that we are in business. CALL MAIN 2711 4 ALLEN GROCERY CO. Main and Central Ave l X wifcJ7rr" - v-41rff-r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE b GO. jjM;rj.iMtlbJj I, J E. ENYART, President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashior. J W. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 F DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING SUSiNESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 4MM4Ht44f&4l&4&4M44(&44Ht4f44Hf4& Land For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon Medford CQMK TO GRANTS PASS AN'P OET IX NOW OX THE GKOrXD FLOOR. SKK ME VOK CHOICE LISTINGS OF ALL KINDS OF LND AND TOWN VUOI'ERTY J H. J . HKAL RSTATR 4on't like it we will treat. . CHILDREN THRIVE W0NDERFULY on our bread and rolls. It is simp'.y astonishing tho amount of nutriment they derive from thorn. They like it, too. Even tako our bread in pref erence to ordinary cake. It must he pretty good to nttain that result. TODD & CO., South Central Ave. Medford Bakery & Delicatessen. Try Pigola Bread. A. PERRY, Vico-PreBidont. B. JACKSON, Asu't Cashior. Investors PARSONS OfUVTS lASS, ORROOX 4 w -A,,rf