Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 26, 1911, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Hnnk clearings today xvcro
Rain tonight; (race snow.
Owinn to Illness of Louisiana Execu
tive Senato Committee Postpones
Hearinn of Claims of Rival Cities
Wantinn Fair.
Both Claimants State That Commit
teemen Are Unfair in Stayinq
Away From Meetings.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 20.
Owing1 to tlieillues of Governor Snn
dets of Louisiana, who laws lind fun
eral clitugo of New Orleans' J'ijrlit
for congressional recognition a& the
site for the proposed Panama e.xp"
sition, the healing to have been given
the San Francisco and New Oilcan.-,
lepresoulnlivos by a senate commit
tee loilav was postponed until Ion
day. Tlie (inestioa was brought iti in
Ihu coininittee in unofficial disciis
.sion in spite of Governor Sander-'
absence and an effort was made to
fix the time each delegation shall be
allotd for its argument. A general
disposition to cut the uigunienls
short, visible among the members ol
the committee, led to the surest ion
that each side be given one hour.
Senator flint of California sug
gested that New Orleans lie given
an hour and that San Frumiisco
would be sati-fied with half that
Soipitor Thornton of Louisiana
said that his constituents hud been
pi oniised two hours by the commit
tee, and as Senator Foster and not
he, was in charge of New Orleans'
light, he did not feel justified in con
senting to any change in his plans.
Senator Flint agiccd to let New
Orleans have two hour and San
Francispo only half an hour, but
owing to a lack of quorum, several
members having left the committ"e
room during the discussion, no dcti
nite action was taken.
Considerable complaint was made
liv members of both delegations tint t
commit teemont were showing a dis
position to sidestep the fair question
by remaining away from committee
Wrights Start Suit.
PARIS, Jan. 'JO. The suit brought
bv Orville and Wilbur Wright against
Aiatois Fannan. Hleriot and Santos
Diuaont for alleged infringement of
their patents was started here today.
Contempt Cases Against Labor Lead
ers Appeared Today on Docket for
Three Distinct Appeals Jail Sen
tence Still Pending.
Tlio contempt casoa against Prosldont
(ompcrs of tho American Fodoratlon
of Labor, Vlce-PrQ3idont John Mlt
choll and Secretary Frank Morrison
appeared on tho docket of tho su
inonio court today In throe soparato
appeals. An appeal was takon In tho
case of each poison. Both tho labor
faction and tho Bucks Stove ana
Range company askod tho higher
court to conbldor tho rulings of tho
lower one.
The appeal, backed by tho fedora
Hon of labor, Is expected to detormino
the vadlllty of a permanent Injunc
tion granted by the courto f tho Dis
ti let of Columbia enjoining the Amer
ican Federatloulst from printing the
name of the Bucks company In Its
We Don't Patronise" column.
Alleged violation of the injunction
caused separate action against the
three officer of the federation. They
were couvlcted of contempt and sen
tenced to Jail. The sentence has been
suspended pending decision by the
supromo court.
Wu Ting Fang Loses Cue Jan. 30 ;
Chinamen to
imiiipiiiiiii ''' ' ii tmmmmmmn m sn m wnsii t utmcmMMmmomHim.
Wrt 4lSSw lit . i
On Jan. 30 Wu Ting F.ang, former Chinese minister to Uie. Cnlted States
will have his cue cut off In Shanghai. One hundred ana rorty-lhe ollie
prominent Chinamen will follow his example. The sluit'c fact that a Chlim
man Is to get a hair cut may not be stmtlliig news, but when it uiims to (In
lime houoied cue It is another thing. This is but a step in the model ulzlui
of China. British" otllcials in China predict serious iiots among Hie native
when an order wljlch Is to bo iusued later on got Into ell is t ordering all cuc
to lie cut off
Connjessman Vould Have Mysteri
ous Delay In Sendinn. Reports On
Secretary Explained His Resolu
tion Is Adopted.
WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 20. -Aleged
in.N.sleiioiis delay in sending
the Mallinger-Piiicliot reports to leg
ular committees. i to be invostigated
according to an order of the limine
to tho rules committee today. LMsing
to a question of personal privilege
Congressman Hitchcock of Nebras
ka brought the" matter before ihe
house, presenting a resolution de
manding that the rides committee
probe the delay and lind out whether
any of the teporU hud been aide
tracked. The resolution was adopted by a
ia voce vote.
Hitchcock alleged that the reports
were presentod to tho house Decem
ber 7. Thoy weio not referred to the
ngi cultural coininittee, ho eiiid, u.i
til December 10. As a matter A
tact, ho said, tho report reached
the coininittee ye-torduy, more than
a month after their presentation t-t
the house. Ho domnndud that the
iciison for the myteriou dUupjieur
mice be found.
LOS ANGKLLS, Oil.. .Tan. -JO.
Shooting at a man with whom he Imd
quaricled, W. L. Hrent, a special
deputy sheriff, aimed badly and
killed Rudolph A. Schrciner, his lile
long friend. Today Hi eat i in jiil
charged with manslaughter.
Brent and Jumes .McLean caine to
blows last night ns the result of a
depute that begun when thvlwo men
ilisxohed n buines ppurtiierhip.
Schreuier w'a eudeaoriug to pre
vent the fight.
Men Like Blonds,
COLl'MHIA. Mo., Jan. 26. The
preference man long has shown for
I fair xkinned women u against bra
nettos iH reiou- ible tor the blenched
i blonde of today, according to Dr.
diaries El wood, profcitr f sociol
ogy at the I'liiversily of ilissoun
Man's tav..nti-ni ..r t'.e blonde tM
ha, created llie dcirn aniou 'nwi
to be fair, he .-.iv .
Follow Example.
Navy Department Tryinji to Reach
the Wheelinu Report Current
That Explosion Has Occurred On
Board Can't Be Reached.
MOW YOBIC, .Inn. 20. Thcro was
an unconfirmed report horo today
that an explosion had occurred on
honrd tho gunboat Whoellng, now on
route to Gunutauamo.
Tug and rovoiiiio cu'torB woro held
in readiness at Philadelphia to go
to hor asslstanco. Tho Wheeling left
Saturday. Sho carrlos 1 1 1 mon and
was loadod with ammunition. Sho
was under tho command of Carlo
The navy department this morning
had not hourd fiom tho gunboat
Wheeling, aboard which It was ro
portod, nu explosion had occurred.
Wireless stations woro ordered to at
tempt to locate hor. Tho last ro
port was received yesterday, whon
tho veskol was 200 miles off Charles
ton. S. C.
Tho bureau of navigation Issued a
statement discrediting tho report that
the Wheollugii was damaged or that
an accident had occurred. Tho bu
reau asserts that tho vessel lind boon
within short range with wiioloss sta
tions. She was duo In Gunntanamo
TKGlVlGALPA. Honduras, Jan.
Jli. New htix jut reached hero of
a clash today near San Antonio be
tween the government troops and a
body of insurgents, in which the rev
nlutionUu were defeuted and Gen
eral Velasquez, tlieniMirgent loader
killed- Salndor is preparing to pre
vent the rebels from entering its tor
ritorj'. To Reform Frisco.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 20.
The Sun Fianciscu charter amend
ments, providing for the mol sweep
ing nimMJin. goviininieiu relornn
iu the hitorv of the city, were rati
fied today bv the state senate. Tlu
bill will be -eat t" the asemblv and
i u passive 'the re the umendiacit-.
'become clltcUve.
Abraham of Dourjlas County Leads
Fifjlit Against Measure Character
izing It as Cruel and Inhuman Is
Indefinitely Postponed.
THE $100,000 ASKED
Fourts' Measure for Public Service
Commission Is Introduced
In Lower House.
SAL13M, Or., Jan. 2C Tho fa
mous Owen Adair sterilization bill
received Its death blow today In the
senate, when further consideration
Of tho measure was Indefinitely post
poned. Abraham of Douglas county
led tho fight against the bill, which
he characterized as cruel and Inhu
man. Astoria mny got tho $100,000 ask
ed for to aid in its contonnial cole
brntlon. A senato bill which pro
vides for tho approprlaton was today
referred to tho commltteo on ways
and means with Instructions from
the senate thnt tho $25,u00 recom
mended by that commltteo bo In
creased to $100,000.
Among tho moro Important bills
introduced in the lower house todny
aro tho Fonts measure for a public
service commission. Tho bill Is al
most an exact dupllcato of tho Mn
larkoy commission measure, which
extends furthor powers to tho state
railroad commission. Portland Is ex
empted from tho Pouts bill.
Burke Case Soon to Jury.
SANTA ROSA, Cal., Jan. 20.
That the Hurke case will go to Hie
jury before Saturday was the pre
diction whoa Attorney James V
Cowan, at the opening of court to
day, resumed his argument del end
ing Burke.
Cownu Mtid ho expected to com
plete his presentation bcioie the
court closed this afternoon.
Attorney Leppo is still to speak
for the defense and District Attor
ney Clarence will follow with the
state's closing argument.
Judge Seawcll announced that he
probably will hold a night session to
night to expedite Ihe hearing.
Steamer Queen Is On Fire.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. !fi.
After u 10-ronr flight against fire
iu her hold Ihe tSeainor Queen crept
back into porl heie today with the
file si) burni'ig and lauded sal civ
her 1)0 pa i ngi r-.
Vviator Curtiss Flics From Waters
of Bay and Lands Safely Later
Used Pontoons Instead of
SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Jan. '2(1
Aviator Glenn II. Ciirlis at 1:1.' to
day iom from tho water of San
Dieuo hay, made a flight of a minute
and a half and landed on the water
It was the first feat of tho kind
ovor accomplished.
The flight wan made in hU special
ly constructed livdiopplauo, his big
gest biplane, with pontoon iu place
of the usual wheels. Tho feat was
performed for the war and navy
depaitmonls and is considered the
most wonderful achievement so far
in aerial navigation.
Roseuuru Wrestlers Busy.
KOSKIII '!((. Or., Jan. 2fl. 13m
mette Hall of Oakland. Or., will
wrestle Carl Busch before a local
club heie next Tuesday. Hall chal
leiiartul Busch JaM night immediately
aftsr the German middleweight had
failed in throw im; Jack Donovan two
out of three falU. The mutch w i
oue of the tastct ever pulled "It in
this city.
Latest and Best Picture of
J. P. Morgan, Who Is 111.
CopyrlBht. 1910, by American 1'rcns
Letters and Tclcjjrams Continue to
Pour In on National Propcssivc
Organization Kern Says Split
Will Come In Party.
WASHINGTON, I). 0., Jan. 2l!.
Letters and telegrams of congratula
tion poured In today on the lenders
of tho National Progressive Republic
an league. .Many of them suggoaled
that a permanent sec rotary nt onco
ho elected and that tho details of or
ganization bo peifuotod later.
Comment on the posslblu political
effect of the league will have in 1012
Is brisk In spite of denials of tho or
ganizers Hint It will oppose any par
ticular candidate.
A congressman not a member of
ilia progiosslve organization, specu
lating on the effect It might have,
declared that tho results Iu the small
number of states where national con
vention delegates are dlreotly elect
ed would prove a serious obstacle to
tho re-iiomlnatlon of Tuft If they
oppose him.
INDIANAPOLIS), Ind., Jin. 2(3.
That tho National Progressiva Re
publican league means a spilt In the
republican party Is the belief of John
W. Keru, democratic senator-elect,
expressed in an address lalfon a Jack
sou club celebration at Ltfayttte,
"The old party Is pulling one way.
the new another," he said. "On
diiestlons vitally affecting the peoplo
thure seems no hope of relief from
Kern predicted It would take yetrg
to heal the breach.
No Boxlnji for Jeff,
LOS ANGKLKS, Cal.. Jau. 3fl. -James
J. Jeffries today Authorised
a ttositive denial of a story that lie
and Iiuruev OldfWId were going to
.L-xico sight? t'fing and would com
bine business with pleasure by uri . -ing
a t sp.nin exI'ibitiAn- in
Mexico lll and .it olhci points.
I. jii ii i i
Says It Is a Woman Who Wants to
Raise H-ll and Not 'Children
Subject Under Fire In California
SACRA.MICNTO, Cnl., Jan. 20.
Woman suffrage had the floor In the
senate today. For a time It appear
ed that the constitutional amend
ment submitted by Senator Bell
would pass without discussion. Sen
ator Vvutee, however, opened debate
and soon the forces of the opposition
were disclosed.
Bell confined himself to a ploa for
tho passage of the measure upon the
ground that the ponplo demanded
that a constitutional amondment bo
submitted to thoui.
Senator Saaford, speaking against
the amendment, iead a lottor from
an antl-sufrfagotto, a "mothor of
children," whoso opltoiuo of a Hiif
fiugotte was "a woman who wanted
to mlse he!, but no children."
OLVilPIA, WiiHh., Jan. 2(5. -The
bun upon the sale of cigarettes is
likely to bo removed during this ses
sion of (he legislature. Rupioson
lativo Gosn iu tho house anil Senator
Collins in Ihe senate have each in
troduced n bill repealing tho present
anti-cigarette law.
Discount Reduced.
LONDON. Jan. 2f Li spito of a
money stringency the Hank of F.nir
lund today reduced its discount rate
i from -Wi to I per cent. The direc
tor believe that with the tuxes com
ing iu, there will be enough cash
ou hand to supply the demand.
Mnn With Unsavory Past, Dead.
LONDON. Jun. 2(1. --Sir Charles
Dilke, Meulthy mine owner who is
.said to have been prevented from
, altuiiung the premiership because of
mis.iwMV stnK, tidd regarding bis
i.njl lilc, dad today from hoarl
i liuluie.
No. 264.
Secretary Maluocuf Is Receivinrj
Many Inquiries From People Who
Have Learned of Rouble River Val
ley Throiirjli This Medium.
In Every Town Where Stop Is Made
People Show Great Interest
In Orctjon.
Tho Coni!norc!n,l club Is. receiving
hundreds of Inquiries from people
who have hnd tholr intoreat' directed
to Oregon and tho Iloguo Itiver val
ley In particular by tho exhibit car
of tho Hill lines which la being sont
through tho eaat in chargo of com
petent lecturers.
In a communication rccoivod thin
morning from P. V. Graham, woatom
Industrial and Immigration agont for
tho combined 1 1 111 lines, Secretary
Charloa A. Mnlboouf of tho Commer
cial club Is apprised of tho won
derful work being dono by tho Great
Northorn'H "Oregon" car during its
present tour through tho states of
Mlchlgnn, Ohio nnd Indlann. "In
Canibrldgo City, Ind., whero tho car
was on Now Year's ovo," Mr. Graham
writes, "over 2000 pcoplo camo
through tho car and, although that
day Is usually glvon up to onjoymont
rathor . than In pursuit of Informa
tion, couplod with tho fact that It
vviiB intensely cold, wo could baroly
acconunodnto tho crowds who camo
to tho lecture."
Tho exhibit in tho car Is typical
of tho resources of tho ontlro Btato,
but tho Roguo Itiver valloy Is ono of
the fcaturo oxhlbtts In It. Wlillo In
Chicago Messrs, Waterman and Per
ry supplied tho car managers with
a quantity of apples and other Roguo
River specialties from tholr exhibit
thoro, which will bo kopt In cold Btor
ago nnd drawn on an tho stock In tho
car Is doplctod.
The car has already almost com
pleted a canvas of tho states of Mich
igan and Indiana and Is constantly
being called attention to by the local
press Iu places It visits. Besides tho
exhibit In tho cars, apparatua for us
ing pictorial slides nnd films is car
ried along and lectures are dolivercd
whore posslblo. An evldeuco of tho
popularity with which the car exhibit
Is held may bo gloauod from tho fact
that 7800 visitors woro accommodated
In six small towns touched at consec
utively, whllo tho crowds woro bo
largo Iu many of tho Inrgor places
that It vviih Impossible to keep track
(Continued on pago 2)
Reported to Stand Eltjht for Acquit
tal and Four for Conviction Mrs.
Schenk Is Hopeful for Acquittal
of Charjie at Attempted Poisoning.
WHIRLING, W. Va., Jan. 20.
Tho Sehoulc jury disagreed this af
ternoon and was dUmik&cd.
WHISBLING, Vn., Jan. 20.
At n lato hour this afternoon nothing
further had boon hoard from tho
Schenk Jury, which Is reported to
stand eight for acquittal nnd four for
conviction. It is bollovod that Jittlgo
Jordan will Insist on a vordlct oven If
hu has to kaep tho Jury locked up for
a wool:.
Three of tho Jurors roquosted that
tho testimony of Mrs. George Colo
man, tho dofondant'u laundress, bo
read ovor to thorn. -4 He
Mrs. Schonk said: "It now looks
now as though tho Jury cither xvlll
acquit uio or disagreo, I didn't sloop
well laHt night. My lawyorB sepm to
think that things look till right (or
mo, unit I do, too." .