'wr1 " -r-T t HlJJiWf," T wwyTjr "TT? li"JI"fi!pw'111 wy MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1911. PAGE FIVE Personal and Local H. C. Jenkins of Cedar Rapids, In., Is making u pleasure trip through the hoguo River valley. Arthur Drown spent Wednesday in Central Point on business. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gore spent Wed nesday In Grants Pass. Colonel and Mrs. J. F. Mundy re turned Wednesday from a trip to Portland. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Private room and board with Mrs J. D. Fay, threo blocks from central part of town, 310 N. Dartlctt. John Wiuulnghnm of Dutto Kails was a recent visitor in Medfoul. A lluuor license has been granted ('. P. Drlggs of Dutto Falls by the United States government. II. .1. Stinson of Central Point was a Medfoid visitor Tuesday. John H. Carklu, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. W. C. Crane of Ashland spent Wed nesday in Medford on business. Harry C. Denson of Woodvillo was a Medford visitor Tuesday. The most profitable as well as the most interesting "little Journeye' are thoso made in answering class iflod ads. J. W. Allen of Drownsboro Is spending a few days In Medford. Henjnmin F. Heidel, highway en gineer, leaves this ovenlng for Sa lem under orders from Uncle Sam to assist the highway committees of the legislature In framing .good roads bills. Wanted Doarders A now board ing house has opened at 706 South Oakdale. Call and see us for fair treatment, or address F. II. More land. 302 William DIttle Wells of Portland Is visiting frlonds in Medford. Miss Dollie Parker of Dutto Falls is sponding tho winter in Forest Grove. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. 2S5 J. V. Mclntyre has returned to make his homo In Medford after sev eral months In northern California towns. II. D. Patterson, 11C E. Main, has soma nlco English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best). Now Is a good time to plant. Drop In and see me. tf Is your louso wired? Ono cigar loss n day would pay for a hundred per cent lncreaso in comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. Mrs. 10. C. Gaddis is visiting Ash land friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chlldora were recent visitors in this city. J. 13. Kremer spent Tuesday In Medford on business. Esther Merrltt of Central Point wns a recent Medford visitor. Dr. J. E. Shoaror, physician and surgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug store. tf. T. M. Dayllss lias returned from a trip to Seattle. Mrs. Edith Davis of Central Point was a recent Medford visitor. G. II. Llbby, who Is connected with tho Grants Pass Courlor, was a Med ford visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Harris of Gold Hill spout Wednesday in Medford. Sam McCIondon of Gold Hill was a recent Medford visitor. Mr. and Mrs. John D. 01 well arc visiting frlonds near Gold' Hill. T. Fuson of Grants Pass was a recent Medford visitor. Every llg.U out electricity give? orr smoke and smoko contains soot, which deposits on your wall paper, curtains, draperies. Electric light glowp In nn air tight bulb. tf. J. W. Opp, manager of tho Opp nilno on Jackson cr.eek, spent Tues day in Medford. E. X. Warner of tho firm of War ner, Wort man & Gore is visiting Port-laud. H. D. Nye of Rock Point spent Tuesday in Medford. Miss Dess Clough of Roseburg Is (pending a few days visiting her aunt, .Mrs. Lou Enyart. From hero sho will go to Chlco and San Frnncisco to visit other relatives. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to the undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About February 1, Private Am bulance Sorvlco. Sick and Injured convoyed to my part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W Conklin. 3C01. J. H. Butlr, 3571. CLUB NOW IS OWNER OF EXHIBIT BUILDING John D. Olwell and the Medford Commercial club representatives sign ed a contract Tuesday whereby the club becomes the owner of tho Ex hibit building after April 1, when Mr. Olwell will vacate. Five hun dred dollars was paid Mr. Olwell, the remaining $1500 to bo paid on April 1. Tho money was raised by a syn dicate of Medford real estate and bus iness men. Ry this action a long continued source of friction between the real estato agents Is removed and both Mr. Olwell and those who put up the money acted for tho best Interests of tho city ns they saw them. Mr. Olwell has maintained a credit able exhibit, nt his personal expense, for over seven years, and his Individ ual efforts have widely advertised city and valley. It waB felt, however, that the city had reached proportions which justified municipal ownership and control of tho exhibit. The secretary of the Commercial dub will use the building as his of fice after April 1 and the exhibits bo maintained by the club. JURY TRIAL FREES 0' John O'Connor, arrested In Valle jo, Cal., on a warrant charging him with thtj theft of n quantity of pork from F. Y. Allen of Trail and brought back here for trial, was found "not guilty" by a Jury In tho circuit court In Jacksonville Tuesdny. Ho was discharged from custody and the case against him dismissed. PACKING FIRM NOW OPERATES OWN BRANCH ruder the management of S. G Macklin, the Cinluhy Packing com pany will operate a brunch of their Portland establishment in the build ing on the railroad track betwoJii Sixth and Main streets formerly oc cupied by the Medford Grocery com pany. The Medford Grocery company formerly handled tho agency for the Cudtihy company hero but the busi ness has become so big that a sepa rate institution hiis become neces sary. If you are sure that your store of fers hotter values than any other in your lino, be equally sure that it is better ndvortised. SAYS MEDFORD IS BEST ADVERTISED (Continued from Page 1.) different kinds of literature to meet specific needs. These include sev eral bulletins on various subject-., such us fruitgrowing, mining, timber, etc. "Medford is to be congratulated upon the splendid effective work that Secretary Malboeaf of the Com mercial club is doing in placing pub licity woik upon u high plane, and his work will give to Medford the kind of literature badly needed." Mr. Wells attended the Red Letter day of the Grants Pass Commercial club yesterday to celebrate the in crease in membership to f)00 of the club. He returns to Portland tonight. MANY REGISTERING FOR SEATTLE RECALL ELECTION SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 2.'). Witli throe duvs moro for registration I'm the recall election nearly 70,000 have signified their intention of vot ing. George A. Dilling, whom the Welfare league has put forward u i candidate to oust Mayor 11. C. Gill from office began n hot cam paign last night. He attacked Gill for permitting the police department to have protected vice agents. Carr Sips With Seals. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Jan. 2.-. Hnrtmnn Carr of New Yoik, out fielder, who opened and cut off ne gotiations with the San Francisco baseball team at least a doe-i time4 last year, has sent in a signed con tract lo Manager Danny l.oii', ITnskins for health. Send a Messenger TO SIT INSTEAD OF bench, Judge F. M. Calkins of the circuit court of tltis district will go to Klamath Falls next week to hold court there. In order to lelieve Judge Benson, of the circuit couit of Klamath county, fiom presiding over a num ber of eases in which he wns inter-1 ested befoio his accession to the' V -t- ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. f 4 l f-f-f-f-f-f-f- I WANTED The best bargain in fiom 40 to 120 acres of first class undeveloped fruit land that good hard cash will buy. Must bo with'n lo miles of Medfoid. Give full particulars in first lelor. Addles4 Box 700, caie this office. tf WANTED One thousand loads loam soil tor hauling. l!ll S. Dart lctt. tf FOR SALE A "Forcieiier" big jet black horse colt, will he II ycai.-. old May 15, 11)11. John B. Hah Woodvillo, Or. 2(18 CIVIL ENGINEER -Go to L. W Whiting at southeast corner of Main and Central for survcyi ig drafting, building grades, sewer do sign, city engineoiing, concrete or irrigation construction, or i.lher engineering work. Suhdiiding and platting a specialty. So see me if von contemplate such work. 2S'l that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of on r message. Any old kind r n messenger won't answer. The bent should always be sent ''if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tht standard fiaftr or butinill stali'ontrjr MJ HAHKHIRE BQHD "Lookor tht watir-marh" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. I Oi d Hampshire Bend Is a clean, criio .ilxT. nude lor Ucin. emu luuiness olio. It is told on the ussuniDtlon thut them's economy in ijiiality. A liundsomo specimen nook given upon request, snow, fnif letterheads and other business forms, printed, lithographed and engraved on tht white and fourteen colors Made by Hamkiiirk Pafkk Cusii-anv, the inly paper maker in hr world making bond Yd per exclusively. Medford Printing Co. Draperies Wo carry a very complote lino of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do an clashes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will give as good service as is possible to get in even tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a ease sont to tho house. Tho purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. The Quality of every drug, chemical or medicine in our store is guaranteed. Purity is always found here Let us fill your prescriptions Orange Blossom and Lowney's Chocolates MAIN 101, NIOIIT OK DAY Medford Pharmacy MEDFORD, OREGON. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST MEDFORD. OREGON rrssrs...fs.r.s.ssrv Trimmed Hats to $8.00 for $1.98 Trimmed Hats to $4 OO lor 98c. Home Millinery KKil Went Ninth Htmit Born. RODQERS, in Klamath, Or., to tle wife of Leslie Rodgers, u daughter. Modtord Mull Tribune Want ads .iro business brlngers. IlnfikiiiB for health. Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. Traffic Department Announcement The above named company was incorporated Oe cembcr 23, 1910, for the purpose of taking over the following lines: The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. The North Coast Railroad Company. Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. Idaho Northern Railroad Company. Ilwaco Railroad Company. In future these lines will be operatod by ind in tho name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav igation Company. F. W. ROBINSON, WM. McMURRAY, General Freight Agent, Oen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. W. D. SKINNER, General Froight and Passenger Agent, Seattle, Wash. R. B. MILLER, Traffic Manager. ii ti i i --ih' JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson CountSy, Ore. Compiled especially for the Mall Tribuno by tho Jackson County Abstract Co. Approvod and offi cially adopted by tho county court, July, 1010. Shows ownership of each parcol of property, township and uoctlon lines, county roads, forest re solves, railroad grant, city and town boundaries and all othor necessary Information. Tho only convenient; handy, complete map of Jackson county published In mnny years. Slzo 29 by 40 Inches, on heavy map paper, tinned at both ends. No homo complete without thin mnp. It soils for $2.D0, but will bo given away free to subscrib ers to tho Medford Mall Tribuno. HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY MAIL TRIBUNE FOIt ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE 95.00 OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRIBUNE TWO YEARS IN 'JJVANCE AT $l.G0 A YEAR.IjUI.OO AND THE MAP IS YQUR8. . Or got ono now subscriber to tho Dally or two new ones to tho Weekly, remit and wo will sond tho mup. km Old subscribers may Bocuro tho map by paying up arrears and subscribing In advance. Medford Mail Tribune .27 N. Fir Street Medford. Ore. -4t- r4 Columbia Quality Is Not Based on Mere CLAIMS The official Jury of Awards of tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at Seattle, after making distintercslod com parisons, awarded Columbia Disc Machines and Records the "Highest Grand Award." It is the same old story of Columbia superiority. Wherever Columbia goods have been in composition with tho world's product they have always received the highest possible award. Here is the letter from the chairman of the Jury of A wards: AI.ASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION, Seattle, August 27, 190!). Col. Ilenrny E. Dosoh, Director of Exhibits, A.-Y.-P. Exposition, Seattle, Wash. Sir: The Columbia Phonograph Co. are justly entitled to the grand highest award for Disc Talking Machines and Records, and also the highest praise for the superlative merit of their product. Special mention should be made of the marvelous reproducer used on this make, and the remarkable superior ity and smoothness of its motor. It is the unanimous opinion of your jury that this firm has attained tho highest standard in the manufacture of Disc Machines and Records. Respectfully submitted. (Signed) EMIL ENNA, Chairman International Jury of Awards. Grand Prix, Paris, 1900 Grand Prize, Milan, 190(5 Double Grand Prize, St. Louis, 1901 Highest Grand Award, Seattle, 1909. I " " , r , W. Main Street Call at the NeM- Music Shop end Hear the Columbia Phonograph and Grafonola Table MEDFORD MUSIC SHOP St. Marks Block h 3C4,..