'WF ,l!--l ". aETCDFORT) MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFOflD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2-1, 19.11. T'WI'' V . ft., CITY NOTICES. the amount est opposite the descrip tion or each parcel or land below, and that ench pleco or parcel or laud is benefited by tho laying of said water, mam to tlic full extant of. the nmounl set opposite the description of the tame, and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said wnter main to said respective pnrcels of land, and also the propor tion frontage thereof on snld street, nnd the council does hereby declare each or tho parcels or property des cribed below to be assessed and each of the same horeby is assessed the flnraount set opposite each description ror tho cost of laying said water main. ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN ON WELCH STREET FROM JACKSON STREET AND RUNNING NORTH 520 FEET. Assessment No. 1 T. W. Dallev. Lot 2, block 2, Oak Park addition to the city of'Mcdrord, Oregon; frontage 37. f feet on the west side of Welch street, and described in Vol. 78, page 244, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 37.5 feet; , rate per foot S3c; amount $31.13. Assessment No. 2 D. R. Swockcr. Lot 3, block 2, Onk Park addition to lw ( nf Atw1frtl J"l.,n, r.nn.vn r' ". m".'.' r'..,':,."' , 'S v yj iv;ui uu itiu nvoi. oiuc vi uiuil Btreet, and described in Vol. 78, page 134. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; "rate per root 8Cc; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 3 T. W. Dallcy. Lot 4, block 2, Oak Park addition to tho city or Medford, Oregon; frohtnge 50 feet on the west side of Welch streot, and described in Vol. . . , page .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 83c; amount $41. 50. Assessment No, 4 E. Denningho ven. Lot 5, block 2, Oak Park addi tion to the city of 'Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west side, of Welch street, and described In Vol. 7S, page '180, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 fret; rate per foot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 5 T. W. Dallcy. Lot C, block 2, Oak Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontnge 50 feet on the west sldo of Welch street, nnd described In Vol. . ., page .,. , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per foot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. C Oris Crawford. Lot 7, block 2. Oak Park addition to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west side of Welch street, and described In Vol. 73, page 341, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot S3c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 7 Farmers &. Fruitgrowers' Rank. Lot S, block 2, Oak Park addition to the city of Med ford, Oregon; frontnge 50 feet on tho west sldo of Welch street, and described in Vol. 78, page 87, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rnte per foot 83c; nniount $41.50. Assessment No. S T. W. Dnlloy. Lot 9, block 2, Oak Park nddltlon to tho city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 reet on the west side of Welch street, nnd described in Vol. 72, page 14, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per root 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment .No. D oris Crawrord. Lot 10, block 2, Oak Park addition to the city or Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west side or Welch street, and described In Vol. 73, page 34 0, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per toot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 10 H. A. Freden burg. Lot 11, block 2, Oak Park ad dition to the city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west side of Welch streot, and described in Vol. 72, pago 91, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per toot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 11 D. E. Wood. Lot 1, block 1. Oak Park addition to tno city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 100.7 feet on tho east sldo or Wolch street, and described In Vol. 82, page 37G, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 12 A. Ilonney. Lot !, block 1, Oak Park addition to the Jity of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 Veet on the enst side of Welch street, and described in Vol. S3, pago 245. county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto per foot 83c; amount $11.50. Assessment No. 13 A. J. Emerson. Lot 3, block 1, Oak Pnrk nddltlon to the city of. Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho enst side or Wolch street, and described In Vol. 83. pngc C22. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 50 reet; rnto por foot 83c; amount $41.50. Assessment No. 14 F. E. Wood. Lot 4, block 1, Onk Park addition, to tho city or Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the east side ot Welch street, and described In Vol. 7S, pngo 32S, county recorder's records oT Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rate per foot S3c; amount $11.50. Assessment No. 15 A. J. Emerson. Lot 5, block 1. Oak Park nddltlon to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho enst sldo ot Welch street, and described In Vol, S3, page! G22, county recorder's records 01 Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto ppr root 83c; nmount $41.50. Assessment 'o. 16 A. Donney. Lot C, block 1. Oak Park addition to tho city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho east side of Welch street, and described In Vol. 83, pago 245. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregen: 50 feet; ratoj per root sac amount ji.ou. j 1 AccdDotnonf rvr 1 m , . b rpnnn. 1 burg. Lot 7, block 1, Oak Park addl-t tlon to IIIO Cliy 01 .tiemuru, uri'Rua, frontage 50 feet on the east sldo of Welch street, and described In Vol. 72, pago 91, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rate por foot 83c; amount $41.50. Soctlon 2. And it Is hereby ordered and ordained that the several assess ments and the liens thereof bo en tered In tho water main lion docket of said city, and that thereupon notice no given to tho ownors or reputed ownors or sam property, hiiu wm i r, samo bo enforced and collected in me innnnor nrovldod by tho charter 01 the city for tho collodion of assess- monts for tho improvement 01 stroois theroin. Section 3. It is further ordered that the notice above provided for be ...... .!. ,l...na In 1 ll n Hi IK' Slall Tribune, a newspaper published CITY NOTICES. and or general circulation In snld! city, in the- manner provided by ordi nance No. 250 of snld cltv. The foregoing ordltmnco was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 17th tiny or January, 1911, by the following vete: Merrick aye. Watt aye, Wortmnn aye. Emorlck nbsent, Eifert aye, and Millar aye. Approved Jnmtnry ISth, 1911. W. H. CANpN, Mayor. Attest: RODT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE. To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel ot property described in tho roregolng ordlnnnce, as named therein, and In the Hen declnred by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket ot city Hens: You are hereby notified that tho assessment declared by the foregoing ordinance has beep mndo and the lien therefor entered in the city lien dock et, and that the same is due nnd you arc hereby required to pay the same to tho city recorder within ten days I from the service of this notlco, which service is made by publication of the ! foregoing ordinance and this notice I three times in tho Medford Mail Trl bune, pursunnt to an order of the city council of snld city. RODT. W, TELFER, City Recorder, LOST. LOST One hay nnd one sorrel horse. Kewnrd offered. Addles? W. B. Campbell, 1L I l)..No:..:. Central Point ' 204 FOUND FOUND One Ivors Johnson bicy cle. Owner address Box 114, iden tify bicycle nnd pay for nd. 202 FOR EXCHANGE. ltehl Estate TO EXCHANGE For Medford preperty: 20 acres, linimprovcd $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 ncrcs, unimproved. $1000; 18 ncrcs, improved, $7C0D: 52 acres, improved, $11,000; 3d ncros, improved, $G000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford abd suburban proporty, ranches, timbet lands, for other property. Address Box 109, caro Mail Tribune. ti FOR EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANGE One tenm, 1100 work or roild double linol; harness to cxehnngo for good all-round gen tle ranch horse, weicht,fc1300 to 13;50. Address II. C. Stoltzo, R. F I). No. 1, Medford. Or. 203 FOR SALE OR RENT. Houses HOUSES for rent or sale by owndr 00 N. Ornngo at. if IJusliicss Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthl payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford, Gold Ray Ranlty Co. 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylindor touring auto Tnnliiln Arlllrnca TInT- 900. ffirf I U.V.VMW. MV.J.. wt a.vv, w. Mai Tribune office. tf FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE Accto leno plum, 30 to 50 lights, with gns fixtures; bargain. P. O. Box 088 or telephone 7184. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Gaso line engine, two horso iwwar, now; just right for light pumping plnnt. for good two horso wagon. Phone 7078. . 203 FOR SALE 20 ncros, income $4000. $0000 will handle. CITY PROPERTY 7-room house, 5 blocks from P. O. $2500; terms. Rooming house, closo in, .$650, Lot on V. Tenth, $350. Lots 50x210, $325; terms. rt on v. Palm. $250. Warehouse propert3 corner sue, 3500. FOR EXCHANGE. Income property for raw land. Seattlo income property nt cash valiio for ranch proporty 10 Qs cnrs 1 und 3 yrs 3 miC4 , ,. -? 240 pcre ranch, 100 under ditch, for I modem house, 7 or more rooms. 100 ncre subdivision, closo in, for city lots. Few closo in ncres for residence in Medford. Rooming houso in Los Angeles, for Medford proporty. WANTED 'c - ty and rajich propcrjy to list. n, . . flnnr jinSfiWnrk. " --" , . .ainn nnu wuo on ranch; house- keeper. t f, i lima Room 206, Taylor & Phipps Bldg, I Housekeeping Rooms TOIl KENT Nice elenn housckeep ing rooms. 317 '2nd st. W. PhoiH 2142. 203 FOIt RENT Newly furnished house keeping rooms; center town. 234 E. 9th st. 207 Uonrd nnd Rooms FOR RENT At tho Cottage, pious ant furnished rortnis nnd bonrd with hot and cold running wntor baths, lurgo sunny porches. GO' W. 10th st. or 124 Kinir st. tf Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms 320 N. Aider at. 2C3 Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Two furnished roonn 325 S. Riverside nvo. 200 POR RENT Furnished rooms ftr transients at No. 10 N. Grape st. next Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' ban! bldg. tf FOR RENT Neatly furnished from room. 230 S. Riverside. 202 FOR RENT Furnshed sJcopin; room; everything now and cloati reasonable price; easy wnltc frou Main sL Only men need apply Olcson and W. Hamilton sts. Phoin Main 4474. lf FOR RENT Furnished rootnis o center business district, Medford modern equipment, steam hcnlj elee trio light, bnths, hot and cold wnte nnd janitor service. Ruorus slngh, or en suite. Enquire Aldonhngoii ltogue River Electric Co.. 210 Y Mnin st. tf FOR RENT 20 modern equippct rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wn ier, electric light, toilets nnd butht suitnblo fcr first-class roomiui ltoiiRe; rooms ch' suite, suitnblo foi families or modern offices. Inqnir. Aldenhngcn, enre Rogue River Eloc irio Co. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnisher rooms,, bonrd next door. 345 N Bnrtlett. tf FOR RENT 1 furnished room, 21! S. Central nvo.' Inquire at noon oi after 5 p. m., or phone 2933. tf Houses FOR RENT 3-room cottage nt $1 per month. 215 N. Court st. In quire nt 10 N. Front st. tf FOR RENT A now 0-room modon bungalow with all conveniences. Ap ply nt No. 37 S. Central nvo. I. P Moore. 204 FOR RENT New 3-room cottage close in. Inquire 510 S. Centra1 nvo. -202 FOR RENT 4-room house, .$10. In quire nt 334 W. Gth st., corner Ivy street. ' 202 FOR KENT 4-room house, rent $10 Call nt 334 W. 0th M. 203 FOR RENT 7-room, modem bunga low, suitnblo for 2 families or tr sublet for light housekeeping. Chns I). Hoy, Oregon Orchard Svndicuti office. 203 Furnifthcd Houses FOR RENT A new 2-room house, furnished or unfurnished. Large rooms with closet nnd' pantry. Elec tric lights, city water with sowei connections. Applv nt once. 317 2nd st. W. Phono 2142. 202 Huslne.su Rooms FOR RENT Offieo rooms over th Postoffico. Seo G. F. Dyor, 123 E Main st., room 2. FOR RENT Offieo rooms in Elee , trio building, modern equipment 1 stonm heat, clcctrio light, baths I toilet, hot and coli wntor. Golr Rny Realty Co.. 210 W. Mnin st tl FOR RENT Business room on W Main st., 24x140, suitable tor ros tourant or billiard room or othei business, stonm bent. Gold Rn Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf ' Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 acre to 400 acres, ulfnlfn land, fruit ranches, garden Innds, genera farming ranches. Gold Rny Realh Co.. 210 West Main. tf MlscHlnucouu FOR LEASE Fully equipped plncor mlno. Call on .Alrtonhcgen, Rogue River Electric Co., 216 West Main. tf FOR SALE. ntmincHH Property business prop-j FOR SALE Choht erty nt a bargain, on long time: easy terms. Address Condor Wn- ter Powor Co. Acreage. FOR SALE 30 ncroa rod fruit land 4Vs miles from Medford; will t,ot to any kind of fruit and furnish treos nl will onrit for tho orchard for live vcars for $250 uu nero; will clear and pi mt for $200 per ncre M.V FOR RENT. FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncro tracts just within nnd adjoining city litn its, nt a bargain, on 5 nnnunl pay mcuts. Address Condor Wntei Power Co. FOR SALE Your Opportunity. 177 ncres, 3 blockj to street cat lens than n mile to niversity of Or egon, li miles to court house just outside city limits; henutifu' view of city; all fine applo ant' pear land, could not lay hotter; 51 bearing fruit trees; house nnd large barn; fine springs, nrtesinn wntut in house nnd barn ; now 0-foot side walk nil tho way to city. Half uu der cultivation. Best subdividitn proposition in the state: lots ncros street from $150 to $400. If Inkei nt once will sell for $350 per nerc spot ensh. No ngents. Addret owner, B-x 93, Eugene. Ore. t- FOR SALE 5, 10 nnd 20-ncr. tracts with perpetual wnter righ for sale on ensv payment plan Rdguelnnds Incorporated, Fred N Cpmmings. mnnngor. if FOR SALE 42 neros fine free Soi lnnd, nearly nil cleared; close i station nnd three-fourths milo t school, $125', 4 per n; terms. D II. Jackson & Co., llS'a W. Mai street. 2722 Lots FOR SALE A good high lot 00x125 in Walnut Park addition, 1 bloel off paVemeht from V. 7th St. Prici $40D; terms. This lot will bo wortl $500 in ntiothor year. AddrcHs X10, caro Mnil Tribune office. FOH SALE Five lots, $100 crnili ench; worth $250. Leaving, town Must sell nt unco. Address P. O Box 88 203 llOUKCH FOR BALE We have n splendid 5 room liotiHo dni ,b. Central nvo., at only $1500. On good terms. Lot is 50x140, niid hns n good burn oi it. It is worth your time to lool tllte up. CornetiuH-Qnmcr Renltj Co., 133 W. Mnin st. tf FOIt SALE tfciv 5-roora cottngi ntid bard; lot 50x140; near school $1500,;' terms. Six-room hb.use, burn', 50 to 01 fiult trees; lot contains 1 ncro facing- 300 feet on street. Will hi near now Queen Anno school. Prict $4250; termB, 1). II. Jrtckson & Co 1181a W. Main; Phonq 2722, ' FOR SALE A! brand new 4-roon hoiiHo furnished, within 5 blocks 0 this office, on 11 street to bo puree this spring. Ttis house is plus tercd, hits electric lights,, bnth, toi let, etc.; solid cement foundation and is thoroughly u to date in ever. respect. For a short time we cili sbll this proporty for $2500, will qnly .$500 down, balance like rout Conietius-Gnrnor Realty Co., 13." W. Main st. ' tf FOR SALE Lnrgo raodrn hourtt with south nnd oast front, 113 fec front on paved street, by 181 fee' long, nicely improved grounds; cv erything strictly modrn; rousoi for selling, Indy of buso needs change of climnto; this plnco' i suitable for nice homo or first olnss rooming boupo; easy terms t right pnrty. S-i tho Jncksot County Realty Co., C04 West Tentl st. Wo nlso hnvo Inj-go nnd smal tracts of imutoved and unimprov ed orchard lands. tf FOR SALE Hero is the thing foi some one ho likes plenty of roou around the house. A lot that b 168x258 with 11 dandy 4-roon house. Thih property is only i? blocks from our office nnd will v hnlf block off tho pavement thh spring. $1200 will handle, nnd t!i balance will be less than the first payment. Cornotius-flnrncr Renin Co,, 133 .Main. tf FOR SALE 3-room house, large lot; good soil; fruit nnd shrubbery. Knoy terms. 002 E. 9th st. B:n r.o 205 FOR SALE We have just gotten hold of a now 4-room plastered house on W. 9th st., that we con sider well worth $1500; if sold hi we can get it for $1200. C'ornntius Gnmer Realty Co., 133 W. Mail street. ' tf FOR SALE -A well located lot on the Kouthenst comar of Washing ton nnd Howard streets, East Side For n oih!i consideration we can bell this for $850. Any one wanting 1. good lot cunnot boat t lair, for loca tion nnd price. Cnrnctiub-Gnrncr Realty Co., 1313 W. Mnin st. tf IFOR RALE fl-room-house nnd lot strictly medern: two vncant lots; cement walk-.; 140 foot from Mnin l ht. Price $4000. 'Address R. F. D , No. 1, Box 23, Medford. 203 FOR SALE-Two houses, 31 S, Or nnge, $2200; 832 Bonnctt nvo $900; by John Henderson. 270 Miscellaneous FOR SALK -Double sented 4-spring mountain wigon C'nll on L. A. 207 Rose, rnoenix, ur. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOR SALE J?ir wo'od. Phone 511 or call nt 1311 W. 11th ht. FOR SALE hny, 10 ranch. -Choicest bnlcd nlfalfn por ton. Dnggctl FOR SALE Two notes $3333.33: ench paynblo March, 1012, and March, 1D18J security thrco time? amount of notes. Address box 58 Medford. tl FOR SALE Write to Snmpsoi Sprny Co., Grants Pnss for prices as tho association hns not dorto so I We will quoto you prices ns un in dividifnl. nmpson Sprny Co. Grnnts Pnss. Or. 275. SINGER und Wheeler & Wilson sew lug mnchines for snle or rent; sup plies nnd repairs for nil kinds Everything guaranteed. Office at Allin's Store. Phono 0043. FOR SALE Limited number pure bred Poland China hours, 3 nnd ' inbuths old, cligiblo to go in tin best herds nnd cheap enough foi any farmer to buy. Berkeley Or chnrds, Geo. C. Osgood, ingr. Phouf Farmers 703x3. tf KOR SALE 12 and 10-inch length oak rtnd fir block wood for usu il boaters nnd fireplaces; also splb fine for kitchen use. F. Osen bruggc, 401 Riverside avenue. Pn cifio phono 1041. 270 FOR SALE Pair Pair of driviup ponies. Address R- C, enro Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE, Milch Cow coming fresh in five weeks, $05, if tnken with'n 10 days. Call or address ltuiiuh, 2 miles south of Gold Hill. Blowers, Gold Hill, OK Mnck 207 FOR BALE New cookiilg rnngo mm heater, nlso household furniture 418 'S. Onkdnle. 202 FOR SALE Now Wheo'.or & Wilsoi sewing nmchiilc', diVp bond, sl drnwors. Prico $25. 013 W. Mnin stroot. tf i i.i. i.i .... , FOR SALE Cheap for cash, If acres wood land. Address P. H., 11 Phoenix, Ore. 203 FOR SALE 4 fancy bronze turkey? ftnd Home Whito Leghorn roosters, Robt. Dutton. 202 FOIt HALE Spring wugon, covered nnd horso for snle, $200. COB N Grnpo st. 203 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, FOR SALE Cohtrnlly located res nurnnt a tiploildid pnyjug huslnoas, Poor health duly reason for sell ing. Apply ut 128 Eurit Main, up stairs. 203 FOR BALE A woll established busl noss in Medford. A nuitioy maker Hunlloy-Krcmor Co., 214 Fruit growers' Bunk bldg. 200 FOR LEASE 22-room hotel nevJ renovuted, large grounds, fine lo cutlon. Enquire nt Stone's Cundy nnd Cigar Store, 122 Front st. ti SITUATIONS WANTED. ' WANTED Position by Japanese cook in n family as general housn work. P. O. Box 204. 203 WANTED Position ns housokeopni for widower or hachelnr by middle aged lady. Address Box 21, enre Mnil Tribune offh'c. 200 WANTED A position ns mnnnger of first class rooming houso by mid dle ngrd lady. Address Box 22. enro Mnil Tribune. 200 WANTED By a competent man, one of 20 years oxporieuee, contract for tho cutting of 300 or moro cordt of wood. Address Win. Edgni Smith, Medford, Or. 202 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Mulo WANTED Salesmen in ovory local ity of tho northwest; monoy ud vnnrcd weekly; many mnko over $1000 month; choico of territory Yiikitnn Vulloy Nursory Co., Top peiiish, Wnsh. Help WuiiU-d Feinnlo. WANTED Competent lady stonog ruphor wishefi position in city. Ad drnsK O. euro Mail-Tribune. 200 WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED To rent, not later than March 1, four or fie room houwe for six months, or longer. D. L Woodruff. 420 Gumott-Coroy bldg. Phone 0121. 203 WANTED The best bargain in from 10 to 120 nores of first cIiikh uudovelopad fruit hind that good hard onh will buy. Miut ho with in 15 miles of Medford. Give full particulars in find letter. Add km Box 700. caie this officii WANTED- To rent n 0 or 7 room modern house with u hnrn. Will louse for one yonr. Addrons Bos 14. cure Mail Tribune office. -207 WANTED TO RENT Smnll fur- nifdjed hniueimmcdiutcly, Mu-t have buth, bo rcasonublo nnd closo in. Apply A! R- Manes, Mail Trib une oi'iicn or phone 3021, WANTED. 'Miscellaneous WANTED Room 'mid board with privnto family b' young man. Give rates. Address T, Care Mni' TriL- unc itii WANTED 4 mules, 4 to 5 yours old, broken. Stuto weight und price firrst letter. Address Box 17, enro Muil Tribune tf WANTED Boarders nnd roomer home cooking. 440 S. Evergreen st.. comer 12th. 2i(l" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited nnd kept for n rensonnblo figure; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg.. room 200. Phono 3122. Architects LOOK. READ AND THINK I will draw plans, mnkn estimates build your houso fosuit you; will lake ns part pay hogs, cows, fur niture, fruit, acreage, or city lots in any desirable location, or will take your notes on terms to suit. I nlso have n ilico home, 100 ncres im proved down S. E. will exchnnge for lots or ncrenggo hero of same value. Cnll nt 112 S. Riverside nny day, nfter 7 p. in. or phone 3032 nt 0:30 p. m., or drop me card stating your wants nnd needs W, A. Lovelace, Contractor nnd Builder. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Buityore. Offioo 7-8, 325 Main Phono Mnin 3471. Rosidonco phone 744. Assnyer nnd Analyst EARL V. INGELS, B. S. Bo.it equipped nssny office in Oregen: food products, soils, fertilizers, sprny products, wntor, etc., an nlvrod. Grnnts Pass. Attorneys COLVIG & RflAMEB W. M. Col vig, C. L. Ronmcs. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, Bocond floor. PORTER J. NiSKF, ,WM. P. MEA LEY Attomeys-nt-lnw. Nos. 1 nnd 2, Postoffico building. A. E. REAME8 Lawyer, Garnottr Corov bldg. WITIIINOTOK & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. B. F..MULKEY Luwyor. Room 30. Jackson Co, Bunk bldg. ' Ililllunl Parlor" .-.. T. BROWN & CO.-BillinrdM, Ci gnrs and Boft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool plnco to spend tho hot aftor lioons. Rill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster nnc" Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 20, Jnckson Count Hank building, Medford, Or. Collections ACCOUNTS Collected in any part of tho world. No charge if not col lected. Pnciflo Collocting Co., 33 Jnckson Co. Bank bldg. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouao DeulorH in tobacco, cigars nnd smoroka' supplies. Exclusive ngoute of Lewis Binglo Bindor. El Moritt nnd El Pnlencin. 212 West Mam stroot. Fidelity nnd Kimity Ilonds L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds in tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new nnd si.toud-hund furniture nnd hurdwnro. Agents for House hold stoves and Tangos. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly ntrcots, Med ford. Mission furnituro mndo to order. Cnbinct work of ull kinds A trinl order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovef and ranges. New nnd necond-hund furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F st.. South. Phono 01, Medford (iriiulto Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W Mnin st., manufacturers nnd deal ers in gmonumontal nnd huildin granito, crushed granite commou brick nnd pressed brick, coarse and fino washed rivor sand. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W Priddy. O. D. Naglo, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors nnd mnnu- fncturcis of bri:k; dealers in pressed brick and Jimo. Office in Onroelt-Corov block, room 209. 2d floor, phono No SI SI Nursery I'roiluctM THE OREOON NURSERY products uro ull ono-ycur bud on 3-year roots; rcprusoutntivo office now in Medford; can supply apple, pant nnd walnut trees on short notice; all guaranteed iu every rospoot) rnucb era, write us of your needs; will be glad to quote you prices. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nurseries ." ": i QUAKER ' NURSERIES Our treos nro budded, not grafted. Our stoik is. not irrigntcd. Wo guaranteo ev erything put out. Wo nre1 nolm tho trust. II. B. Patterson, offieo removed to 110 E. Alain st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUIN SERY CO,, inc. Growers ,f high grndo nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201.- Notary public NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2o7, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC MaU Tribuna office Physicians mid Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician nnd Surgeon. Spccinl nttcntion given to internal medicine and gen eral office practice. Offieo hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Office phono 731, residence phone 4542. Office over Strang's drug store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physician nnd Surgeon. Office 210 E. Mnin st., .over Has kins' drug store. Phono Mnin 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phv. siciuus nnd surgeons, Tuylor au Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offieo phono 501, rosidonco phono 012. Offieo hours 9 n. in. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostcopnthlc physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 nnd 4J7, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main C351. DR. E. II. PORTER Discuses of women a specialty. Rooms b, 0, 7 8. St. Murk's bldg., Medford. Oi Phenes: Offieo 4901, rcsideua 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tlco limited to disonscs of tho oyc, oar, noso nnd throat. Office Suito 318, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Officu in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Mnin. Gas administered for ex traction of tooth. Telephone Mnin 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK llomooputhio physician; residence 203 Olson st., phono Mnin 4474; office, rooms 3 nnd 4 St. Murk's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur goon. Office Gurnotl-Corey bldg rooms 211-212, pliouu 1092. Rcsi donco 313 Laurel St., phono 2092. Dll. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Prnotico limited to diseases of wo men. Office Ilaskius bldg. Phono Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Vun Scoyoo. Doutists. Gnrnctt-Co-oy bldg., suito 318, Med ford, Or. Both Phone?. DR. It. E. GREEN, eye, oar, noso nnd throat. Rooms 212-213 Gnr-nnott-Coroy bldg. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinoso medicines will cure rhoumntihin, eiitnrrli, colds, goiters, thront nnd lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vnto diseases nnd nil kinds of chronic und nervoin ailments. Stoiu ni'h trouble, coiiHtiputiuu, indiges tion, womb nud bladder troubles. See me nt 241 S. Front st.. Med ford, Or. Printers nnd Publishers ArEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns the best equipped job office in South em Oregon; Portland pricos. B7 South Central nvonuo. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work dona quickly nnd well Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin nnd shoot iron wnro on hand nnd mudo to order. 128 North G st. Road- Tents and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., mukers of now, ropuirors nf old. Both phones 405. S. Onkdnle. Undertakers MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Couklin 3001; J. E. Butler 3571; John A. Peri 4111. Unlous CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots nt Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, evory Thurs day oveolng promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journoymon carpenters, na well ns local members, urgod to bo pros en t. Business of vital intorest lo ull carpenters transacted nt those meetings. J. J. Ronl. liuninpsn wgt. Miscellaneous SOUTHERN OREGON HOUbh- MOVERS Wo buy, soil nnd move nil clussos pf buildings; two years' successful oarcor in Medford; rof orencos and bonds furnished if de sired. Berdun & Sons, phone, Maiu 0002, Medford, Or. INS 1 f I I 1jri TTTfy'fal I fcHllWI riai3MeM-