.1 , n , ;. . .,..r ,T ,.r 'Hiniii irTKimn 1 H wet . ."V'! 3 MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDlOR!), OIIUCION, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911. 7 f . "' ' ' I Medford Mail Tribune iA?J..S5'Bbi"jEHT NEWSPAPER rUBI.IBKXD IJAH.Y EXCEPT SATUR DAY BY THE MEDrOKD INTING CO. A consolidation of the Mcilfonl Mall, established 1880; tho Southern OreRon Jan, established 1002; tho Democrats Times, established 1872; tho Ashlnnil Trlbuno, established 1806, and tho Mod fordi Tribune, established 1006, GEOIiaE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager , Entered as second-class mutter No vember. 1, 1000, dt tnji"'poHtoffIdo ill Medford,- On-Ron, under tho aeC Of March 3, 1879. Official I'apor of tha City, of Medford "bubscmption rates. Ono year, 1 imiil E.0( Ono month by mall CI Per month, delivered by carrier In Molfnl. JuckHonvlllo and Cen tral Point to Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 GRANGE OPPOSES GOOD ROADS. Full leased Wire United Press Dlcpatclici. 111. Tho Mall Trlbuno Is nn salo nt Ferry News Hlnnd, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland Hov.'iuan News Co., Portland, Or. W O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hotel Hpokano Nows Stand, Spokane SWORN CIRCULATION. AVNKACJK FOIl YHAIt JDK), 3185 MEOFORO, OJIEOON. Metropolis of Southern OreRon nni. Northern California, nnd the fastcst KrowltiK city In Oregon. Population U. S. census 1910; 8840, estimated In November, 3 910, 10.000. Klvo hundred thousand dollnr Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply nuro mouniaiu water and six teen miles of streot being paved and contracted for nt a cost exceeding fl, 000,000. malting u total of twenty miles of pavement. Postofflco receipts for year ending November 30, 1910, show a gain of CI per cent. Ilank deposits wero $2,376,632, a gain of 22 per cent. Uannnr fruit city In Oregon Kogue Itlver Spltzcliberg npples won sweep stakes prlzn and title of "Apple Xlnff of the World" at tho National Apple Show, Spokane, l'jpo, und a car of Nowtowns won First Prlie In 1010 nt Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver, IJ. C. Iloguo Hlver pears brought highest prices In nil markuts of tho world dur ing tho past six years. Wrlto Commercial club. Inclosing C conts for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlet over written THE state grange, whoso membership is principally composed of Willamette valley mossbacks, is, for some unknown reason, opposed to good roads, just as it is opposed to the state university and to normal schools and to progressiveness generally. The grange represents the old Orcgoiuspirit, which has retarded the growth and prog ress of the state so manv years. The grange has introduced bills in the legislature de signed to block the bills introduced by tho State (lood Roads association, or to so modify them that they will mean nolhinir. They would make the state engineer the state highway commissioner, instead of an expert road builder as contemplated, and would restrict the power of tho county courts to prevent them ii'om designating whore roads shall bo built, substituting construction only on pe tition. The effect of these amendments would be to prevent any uniform system of construction, to permit tho building ol any sort ol a highway, and to substitute thirty-six va rieties of highway ior one approved system. .It would leave road building as it is at present happv-go-lucky methods, and work no material benefit to the counties or state. It is to be hoped that tho grange meets defeat in its reactionary program, as it did in its opposition to theslalo university. Fifty Years Ago Today. Jan. 24. Re-enforcements for tlio "Unit ed States KnrrlHon nt Port Pickens, PoiiHticoln, Fin., Balled from Fortress Monroe. Twenty-five Years ago Today. Six great powers notified Greece) that n iinvul ntlnclc which hIio threatened upon Tur key would noL bo permitted. JACKSON COUNTY spent J roads. AN OBJECT LESSON. last yvitr $103,777 on its TRUTH ABOUT THE SPRATTS. well Ah lo llio meat that was upon Tho J. Spntll'H hill-ol'-furo Now, Mrs. Hprntt liked liurs (louo . While Jack preferred his rare. i -n-Now York Mail.' t SZ V. Jack Spruit liked Io(h of lipjil,. ' : llin wife donned it dim. JjW lior the Hliaded lamp and low -i Tho Ill's Tor him. Huston Transcript. 2 Jack Sprnlt liked IoIh of nir, I J All windows opened wide, ": VhiJo Mrs. S. dololed draughts J "This J'latoih mild !" tho oriod. j Chicago Uecoid-IIerald. Jack 'Sprrtt like comedies, The jnixHiitt ikt)d lo weep Al diHinal dramas, kiicIi as put Her lawful hpouo In bleep. , Loiiih illo Courier-Journal. " "iilm Hprall, ho hiitod limine; .(Slliti connorl wa a fieml Who iilwnyn would niikkch( a pinie Wlienoer i'licndu ooineiipil. KatiHiiH City Star. J. Sprat i liked keeping uouo, His wife preferred to hoiirri, "Nolhiuif Hku that for Colonel Spruit!" Dtiolurotl her liotcoat lord. -Pimor Iti'piililienit. Jack Spiiitl wiim nil for prune, Hie wife wns ull for ill vine And ho helwut I hem holh, joit mo, They luid a holovu lime. (WI'Altltll e.-oics J I' tho county voted a million-dollar bond issue at (J per cent the annual expenditure would be but $(50,000, and we would have the roads to enjoy, instead of constructing them m piecemeal fashion. The taxation would be loss, and the count'' have some thing to show for its money. Instead of ton years' wait to spend the million dollars in unscientific fashion, it would he spent scientifically in one year, or two, and everyone reap the benefits. The valuation of property would be increased, the mar keting of products be made easier, farming be made attrac tive, and countless benefits follow. No city could pave its streets, if it were not for the bonding system. No county can construct its highways without similar bonding issues. The sooner Jackson county votes bonds for highways the better for everyone in it. MANY MINERS ARE SIGNING OP Over Fifty Join New Association Which Will Work to Advance Min inn in Southern Oregon Paper to Bo Published. r 0 r S d 1 ft No,hing Just as Good as the REXA1 Remedies :: I 15 acres, 3 miles from Talent, i;! fenced, timber, alfnlfa nnd fruit lantl,'i good house, pure wnter, Vi mile from I X school, .100 young pear trees, lovely place; $2000, one-half down. EAGLE PIIAKMACY, 109 East Main St. Phenes: Home G3; Vac. 232 WEST SIDE 1MIAHMACY , 200 West Main Street Phenes: Home -13; Pac. -10-11 Over 50 l.avo Bigned up for mem inerBhip in thr Southern Oregon nnd .Vorthorn California .Mining congress, organized In Ashland last Tuesdny, tho membership hnll.ng from the hcv ornl localities ns Its name Indicates. Those In attendance at tho recent meeting express themselves as high ly pleased over the proceedings nnd look for good results ns tho outcome of tho agitation Frequent inquiries are coming from outsldo points re garding tho scope'of tho organization, which indicates thnt interest Is being manifested abroad, Tho special committee of five ap pointed to draw up by-lawn and take silch action 'on other matturs as they folnd advisable, 'will tako sufficient time to formulnto such laws and rules of order, mpotlng at Medford on call of the chairman, lo perfect tho same. A. Ij. Lamb, whoso paper was crowded out on account of pressuro of other mutters, will hi duo season l'o heard from In the columns of the Oregon .Mining and Timber Journal. I'hls Is tho official organ of mine workers In tho state and Is having a Aide circulation. Mr. Lamb will treat of topics of general Interest to ho mining Industries, particularly he network of quartz ledges through out southern Oregon and northern ,'alifornla. Ilnsklns for Health. CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTIES. So Does Sore Throat, Mnmchltl.s ('mop and AMlium. Yon can uttilly tell by funding the Kyiuptnina Mow, whether you have entnrrh or not; OffuiiHivo breath, frequent grieoi ing, discharge from tho noe, titop pago of the none. ItusklneBi of (he voice, tickling In throat, diopplnp la throat, a cough, jihIh In chet, omh i of strongth, variable auiKHitp, Hpiutiim or coughing, low uplrlted ut t linen, raising of mucim, difficulty In breath ing, loss of vital forco. Glias. Strang has a HeiiHlhlo reme mfy (moiioy back !f it falls) for ca tarrh, called HYO.MICI (pronounced lllgh-o-nio) whlqh is a yaporlited uir, so imtlsoptlu that when It Is breath od over tho lnflamod nid, gorin-iu-foutod monibrnne, It kills all Kenu II fo, gives relief in two nilnutes, und euros catarrh. Tho price, including hard rubb i jmckot liilmlor, Ib only 1.00. Th R13I,R.KKigNTArl,IVI0 ,1". A. HITCMIANAN of Jnokson and Douglas has introduced a bill Unit should booonio ti law, )roviding for the classification of counties, fixing the salaries of officials and' providing for the appointment of deputies nnd payment of their salaries. . ,Undor,p;us.ting conditions, special act, of the legislature' is necessary lor readjustment ol county ollicers to suit conditions. M a county doubles in population, no pro vision is made for the increased work ant responsibility of the official and a special bill must ho lobbied and log rolled through the legislature to secure needed change. The federal census of 1911 and the assessed valuation too, made the basis of classification, and the county as sessors' enumeration thereafter every five years and the 'federal census alternately afterwards. Counties having a population of from (i(),00() to 75,000, or an assessed valuation of 70.000.000. are made first uihiss, and the other classes range downward to the fif t&Vulh clnss,jomprising counties with loss than 2500 pop uTafion or assessed valuation of $:i,7P0,000. .Multnomah is excluded from the provisions of the bill. jiO count ies of the state fall under the first and second class, but several soon will. By classification of tho bill Marion, Lane and Umatilla counties rank in the third class; Jackson, Clackamas, Douglas, .Linn and Washington in the fourth; Dakor, Clatsop, Coos, Union, Wasco nnd Yam hill in the fifth; I'olk in the sixth; Iionfon nnd Columbia in the seventh; Crook, Hood Uivor, .Josephine, Klamath.1 Malheur, Tillamook nnd Wnllown in tho eighth; Morrow m the ninth; (iillinm, (irnnt, Lincoln nnd Shermnn in the tenth, mid Harney tind I nko in the eleventh; none falls in the twelfth or thirtcoth class; Wheeler in the fourteenth and Currv in the fifteenth. ! County surveyors shall receive $7.50 a day and 10 conts a mile. County commissioners, two in each county, are' It) bo paid .") n day and their trnvolinir oxnenses. Tile mw-A n --......-... .....--., oner receives such fees as are allowed bv law. Sheri are allowed such deputies as the count y court mav deem necessary, salaries to bo fixed bv the court. Other offi-'i cors over-burdened by duties may be allowed clerical as sistance by the count v court. In counties of the fourth class, such ns Jackson, the county judge shall receive one thousand, eight hundred dollars per nullum; the county sheriff, two thousand, five hundred dollars; the count clerk, one thousand, eight hundred dollars; the couiit recorder, one thousand six hundred dollars; the county treasurer, one thousand, five hundred dollars; tho county assessor, ono thousand, eight hundred dollars; tho county school superintendent, ono thousand, six hundred dollars. Save That $100.00 JYon can save $100 on ANY l'lnno or I'Injer I'inno by com ing to lIAllrs. Lot us ex Plain all njijmliour .methods. t -- Wo nro, tho. only Factory to Home Distributors of the world's be.it I'Innos und Player J'lan&Mn southern Ore gon. JWo sell pianos, we tune pi anos, we trade in pianos, In fact w. do the piano business of southern Oregon. iV YOU WANT Til 10 MUST KOK Till-: LKAST, S K 12 JA- TI Mil WD OAttim.K -Vs S.J Your Shoes an- here aw.mlng jour choos ing. You can't find better leather, batter stylo, better fit or moie nntltfuctlon for the nionej jou s-pond. A Trial s il s s s s s Olvo U8 a tii.il. Wo will guar antee that v. ii return again and again. Duflielcl Bros. .Mi:iroi:n sum: paui.ous Khouhl you ned a locouil bottle of IIYOM1C1, you ran get it for 50c. If the patronage of lliu iTaileiti of thU npwiHipor in Important to jiuu, make your olorv-advurtitiiiiK iiuH)ft ant to Til KM. AXMW1, .MIJICTI.Vt;. Notice ) hereby uIvm that thelfn Dual meatliig of the BiockHolderi of the Hon ue itlver Kiult & Product' Uihociatlon will be held in llortliul- t i r-.il ball. M( (Udiil. Oregon, at 10 h. ii, Tuiila. lYbctiacy Uth. 1U 1 1. to tiij: rnibio. Medford, Ore:on. Ju. 80, 1011. ThlM il to rertlfy thHt I hne hail roun-tim lnce the midJIo of .luly nud HAti not Mble to be out of bed much of (ij tlin? for the liut two month. ThU U the third ttttacU 1 have had, the firm being vlxteou yeans Ko. I liHve tried doctors .tuo doteuu f rbeumatlsui cures, but touid none 'o help m? mueh until 1 conuuenced taking ,I)r, Clow Youge medicine tii to weeks ago. All pain left me (ftor taking bta treatment four da) j Hid I feel afe In recomiuendlug htm s .Uivolie ).i fun W. ilu'iimatlkM. IS. DAVISON. Trimmed Hats to $8.00 for $1.98 Trimmed Hats to $4 OO for 98c. Home Millinery 10'.! I West Ninth Stm-t This 15 ncres is one of tho love liest small ranches In southern Ore gon. Sheltered by the hills from the cold winds of winter, deep, fer tile soil, an Ideal place for health. Also 3-1 ncres, 1 mile from Talent. 12 acres of fruit, family orchard In benrlng; apples, Nowtowns, 12 acres, peach filled; 7 acres timber, irrigated, dwelling house Bhadod by largo laurel trees, plenty of water; fertile soil; gnrdcu spot; pumping plant; terms, $115,000, $7000 cash, the balance In payments of $1000 yearly at C pol ecat. Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit land, with timber, 1 mile from Tal ent; $0500 cash down; Just think wjiat a snap, a little over $300 nn acre. Where can you find near the depot and railroad a cheaper place? Town lots In the newly Incorporat ed town of Talent, Or., on the in stallment plan. ' Also 17 acres, II acres commer cial fruit bearing orchard, 2 miles from Talent; $10,000, one-half on time. Also 80 ncres fine timber, $2000, mie-half. down. Also .'! 1 ncres, half mllo from Tal ent; fine house; fruit trees; alfalfa; all under cultivation; price $87.r0, balance to suit purchaser. Also for sale, homo in Talent, .Tuck son county, Oregon (a newly incorpo rated town); a fine home. of IS acres; level, fertile alfalfa and fruit bind; Irrigated; ono block from postoffice, on tho main road and extends to Hear creek; has two acres bearing Now towns 1 I yenrs old; 12 ncres Hartlett und d Aiijou pears; 2 acres alfalfa; all is flue garden laud; a six-room house; climate very mild; pure water from the mountains; very healthy; churches, schools and literary, socle ties; no saloons or drunkenness- -It is a dry town; It Is midway between the thriving cities of Medford nnd Ashland; price $10,000 $1500 down, tho remainder on time at C per cent. Also lands, alfalfa and fruit, from 20 to S00 acres. Write, enclosing stamps, or come and see me. I,. X. .II'DO, TAIiKNT, on. L. N. Judd Talent, Oregon s I s s K Jr Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thosi Bartholomew, Ph. C, General Mgr. 'he Iloxnll Stores MedlOrU, Ore. rt y&vC ferric il hwful1 LIGHTS OFF? This frequently occurs many times nt night. Just step to tho telephone and call up vvo will respond at once almost any moment, night or day, and fix tho break. Southern Oregon Electric Co Phone, night 1UD1; day !M(U. 1!7 South Central Avenue $600 Profit Can he made on two lots, woVth $1-100. One or both l'oi' $100 each, your own terms. Close in. .Fine lo cation. P. O. BOX 88. &JM&J.'J.J.&J& PLUMBING X STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING 2 All Work Guaranteed PriceB Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 2 11 North D St.. Medford. Ore. Phone 303 J tA....' 1 t-4-?--4-044 m-4:4-4-4-f-0-ei Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. ' Medford. "Wo are now open for business. Hot waf fles, hot, cakes and short orders. Quick ser vice cooking done in window on gas. Come and see ns. . l?ho finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Rvory Iloom RATJ-MOHR COMPANY Proprietor. EUROPEAN PLAN P -S'N-r-S-' ? N OW Open We will be pleased to hae ou drop in and see the latest improved Co lumbia (iraphophones and Hear the New Columbia Grafonola, The Grafonola Regent Columbia Graphophones Columbia Records Medford Music Shop 220 WEST MAIN ST. X X i s X s X I s X s Don't Think We Want to "Squeeze" You When wo call your attention to a prune orchard of twenty acres In a very desirable part of tho valley which Is a heavy and an nual ylelder of flno prunes, and make you tho offer, for quick sale, of tho property at sixteen hundred dollars. Good dryer and trees in full bear ing, capable of paying for tho propert in ono crop if properly handled. As prunes nro now net ting two hundred dollars per acre, such a proposition as this 'Is really a snap. None but fools turn down prunes ns staplo slnco 100S, and cvorjbody will be wanting such orchards within two years more, (iood terms. HL.7 Jv Rogue River Land Comp So. 11 XOKTI1 CKXTHAIi AVKXL'K. any s-rrj04r-L- The Cumberland FURNISHED ROOMS Suites with Private Bath Rooms Include Sleeping Porches Breakfasts Served if Desired Reception Room for Guests 706 S. Onkdnle Ave. Medford, Ore. s l X s s s x s s H.B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line Sco tho nico Knglish Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, l-oses (only the most perfect l;mts and full lino of year, peach, apple, apricot, primus, etc I'ti X X s Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 Res. Phone 2493 X s X s inbnlor will last a.HfluiOi so thH K. ti. Ml 1.1. UK, Stiorolury, r- JT r