anSDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OttlSflON, SUNDAY.TANUARY 22, 19.11. Where to Go Tonight r--rr -nn4-rr SHIPS' BUNKERS s s s - EXPL0S10K Ensinn Is Severely Injured When Gas In Coal Bunkers of Battle ship Kansas Explodes Ship Vis itiiiil English Seaport. NEW ORLEANS, Li., m. 'Jl. - An e.)lonon of Ki'.s in the co-il linkers of the battleship Kansas, now at Portland, England, is icpoit cd in piivutc eablo diipatchi's r ceived hot'.'. Kiisifjii Theodore Wil kenscn was tiovcrely injured it t iaid. Wilkcn&on and cfoht men vcie tu.stintr the coal bunkers. They en teied with an unprotected liht and an explosion followed. The ciiH;;n was burned about the head and aims. RUNAWAYS CINCINNATI, Ohio. Jan. 21. In dication that the adiuiuistiatiou at Washington endures the action ot 1.") lcpublican members of the West Yjiinia senate who fled heie to prevent' the organization of thai body by democrats-, is been today in the announcement that Clunk's 1 Tuft, brother of the president, will dine the fugitive legislators. Under a compioniise arranged be tween Senator-elect Chilton, for the democrats, and Governor Gins-cock of W't'bt Virginia, for the republi cans, the exiles will leturn to then legislnthe duties Monday. BATTLE IMMINENT REPUBLIC POUT AU PRINCE, Ilnjti, Jan. 21. Hattle is expected at or neai Saltrou, Ilajti, within the next few days between a foice fioin Santo Domingo which cKissed the border at Grand Grozier, and is marching to ward the former town and tlio hoops of the Ilaytieu 'jopublic. Large forces o finfantrv and artillery ate being ru.shed to the fiont, all efforts at conciliation by the Hiitish and German ie-idcnts having appaienth failed. TALKS ON THE EYES Our Guide for Buyers The season of Automobile Shows is here. An excellent 'duufce foi careful Comparisons, as the cars stand al most side by side. The multitude of cars and the claims of salesmen are confusing especially to iirst-time buyers. So here follow a few points which may be used as standards when selecting and buying. .First, learn if a car has proven itself a good machine, considered purely as a machine. Service in the hands of owners and performance in contests are the only absolute proofs. This test will eliminate some. There are many good cars nowadays, mechanically considered. After 3011 have settled on several that are, in your opinion, of about equal merit as machines, compare them from other viewpoints. Beauty first. There is beauty of line and beauty of finish, and beauty in a motor car is deeper than paint. It goes down to flic materials and the construction. Lt menus something in addition to eye-delight. Then look carefully to the matter of comfort comfort for the passengers and comfort for the driver. Com fort and mere bigness don't necessarily go together. t?fliffaB During demonstrations note how the cars treat you when going over rough spots; note how you feel after rid ing for an hour in different cars; note whether the seats have springs in them, whether they tire tiltod; wheter the cushion fits your back and shoulders, or not. , Wi: Observe the springs on different cars, how they act when called into play. Observe how bodies are suspended, whether they hang between the axles or whether the tonhave springs in them, whether they are tilted; whether the cars are resilient or harsh. 1 Sit behind the steering wheels oj" other cars. Nofe whether your position there is comfortable whether the gear shift lever and the emergency Jjreak lever are near at hand or whether you must stoop over to reach them. Note the position of the pedals, of the throttle and the accelerator. And do Ihe same with the Chalmers car. Look carefully to the four main factors of safety; frame, wheels, steering connections, brakes. You cannot ex amine these with too much care. Examine the refinements the wood in dash and door strips and body the lev; ers, the pedals, the door handles and locks, the floor coverings, foot rests and all the other ''little things." See what they are like on other cars. Then on the Chalmers. &N$Mi W$ - . Scrutinize the workmanship on the chassis of the Chalmers. Look at the motor, see what a neat, clean job it is . Then note the simplicity in the design of the car from end to end. Comparison with all other cars has sold more Chalmers, than all our advertising. v ' . ; ' k In ......II..... ...J.,..,,, I,.,. ,, .,,...,!.... ' Jll (IIIWIIIV. 1 wiiiiiiii V" wil lli"l!l- I page) of this issue. Dr. Rickoit, the eyesight hpcciiilist, commences a scr-, its of optical talks which will appear; exclusively in tuts Mail Tribune eii"li , Sunday edition for a number ol I weeks. ) Few pcrr oils lealizo thu impoitaiice j of caring for tho eyes, neglect lin ing generally the rule; we trust Un people in general will profit bv Ihc-t little "talks' by J)r. Kickeit and will seek his beniees t a piofc&sion.i! optomehist. , The "For Sale" clarified ads nu the maiket-plaeo for the useful things that have already been used Sometimes a second-hand at tide would servo you as well as a now one. Watch this classification! Een 11 ery enthusiastic ndvor Medford Mall Tribune Want ads i. ....... ,.n ' I .nt is mil ..fli.n nro business urlngors. misleading' for a good real estate! I baigain pishes some enthusiasm m Ilasklns for Health. ,, dualising. Valley Auto Company Phone Main 1851 for Information I V-sJp5 Mk VICTOR MACHINES I'.ijon ;,( (1 sh (lion 01 ben g pi li.icd b lino i' pip) w other machines . v-ipt po--ibl tin Ldi on m Save 25 to 50 Per Cent on Cut Glass, Silverware Etc. ILAVYlvUtt' M1JI3IY'S AND HOAR'S KICJI (JIT GLASS. ( O i Suse Wt l,eI1 '"Jtl1 tlu' VOMluX 'GGiSf ' I Pr Edison fe.i w 1 piukk r : . ,m1hm ( "JKmk 2J& Wj WHETSEL m WJ music co. sgyki I ssisjJLsaium Fino Silverware in Tabloware, Flatware Etc. You can't find finer styles or more perfect cut glass than we show and during this sale we stive you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases. Our specialties comprise watch repairing, jewelry manufacturing and engraving. " ' ' For am thing in the line of satisfactory jewelry see If you want the best in silver ware we can supply your demand and our exclusive patterns will surely please. Come here and ''OTf&.f W r , WMtwk$ WATrffF. SftV0 - l0 l'01' " on your pur- ftM"SL-W'"-" .-uibbh (.liases ii3t.GO ALL OVER THE WORLD "- B. T. Van De Car PHIPPS BUILDING EAST MAIN STREET Now Attrnclion nt THE ISIS THEATRE ii i i 'i :: Senator ami Miss Montrose ;, Comedy Skutoh Team. ? !' '! ilMATINKE EVERY SATURDAY;; : AND SUNDAY AT J:30. !; ' i i; Three Reels of Pictures and a Good Song. NATATORIUM W. L. HUBBURD, Musical Lecturer. IVriiiwiiiv I'Vni'nii' ill H'IO. lis. sisted by Alfred Hereon, tho fa mous baritone, who will illustrate his- lecturei). Charles Luivoy ni I. .! Jl. I . ..!.. !! Mr. Hubbard and Mi. iferyen use '! ! in ilhiMtralioii ol thu lecture, ;; -. i 'p 'i JWtWWWWWWWJWWWW 4 myegM x JModford's Excluslvo Picturo Tho- 1 :: lator. Latest Liconsod Photo-:' ; j plays. ;0ne (lime No Mora One Dime . WWWMWWWWWW All tho films have been j iti-( utl "NAT" THEATRE Has exceptionally strong pic- !;ttires for this afternoon's mat! slice. All tho film: ; I recently released. 1 "A Poor Student" is a strong Z drama ot exceptionally stromr nclniL'. Z lit 1 T. I.J. -1!1 II I., i - a. iiuhu uuniuiu uiri. iiuii tho tiling to interest the children. 13 "Foolshead Inspector of Hy- Z III n ' Kieue." a hcreani trom start to finish. Admission 10c. ADMISSION 10c. r-rrr4j ...i..pfffffff-w.J..., ....... i U-GO High-Class Stock Co. TONIGHT uwi. w mi in "ine man rrom wBvaon Four-Act Comedy Drama. -By- ; MARJORIE MANDVILLE STOCK j! ij COMPANY J; !; Specialties Detwccii Acjls I; .H.MMI..M....MM.a..VM.iM. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231. Corner Central Avo. nud 8th tSt Medford, Or. Typewriter Ribbons Every Color record or Copying for EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE. Medford Book . Store ' s (- ---- - 4- - - - 5 ?.S1 NU --- - --