Z' -- -v 6 MIODFORD MAIL T1UBUNE, MEDFORD; OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1911. REVENUE MEN GUARD COAST "THE MAN OF THE HOUR" X HERE ON WEDNESDAY Search for Smugglsrs Alcng Mexl- ai tne .Mculoru ilientrc on Wednesday, January lot (he Hour' will be presented, and ns the theatregoers nave heard and rond ho much of this great pluy there is no doubt .stniuliiiK room will lie M a premium. While Georce can Coast Is Under Way Hcav- Hrunilhurst, the playiijjht, 1ms taken 'J'or his theme certain conditions which exist in every large city, still there is said to be interwoven in "The Man of the Hour" a delightful ,i love story. The pbt in it concerns a cfltlmnte, is the opinion of II. C. by the curloaii shipments are flash ure jj,e f,vurcs jfsued by the Pacific Gnrnett of the Onrnett-Corey Hard-, weights, of which we handled four e, . , , s . . . ,, , . . States Telephone & Telegraph corn ware company, cars; wall plaster, ten cars; sewer , i . .. .... tiiinv in ulinu tlmir iirnu'l i in tlio f'ltV ! ..i.i f- tmip. inn enrs: roorinir in.iinrini. innr . " - , - . uiuui-, num ..ii -- - - -- r . ---- ,,....., .!.... t. t, .... ..f n.ii.rarn. and iihiniblilir humilleB. nlclit "l '"""Ulu """" l,lt ,UOfc J-"1 i)in w iiitiin ' - --. Of uur company or, Tlio Mn Gnrnett, "Imported 13 w, -, -( during mat at least three additional -"B' carload lots were brought here be- I From 078 telephone in operation and one private hotel exchange with Among the other articles of build-1 December HI, 1U0U, to 1250 on 61 instruments connected with it, Ing harware that can oo estimated u(.t.t.mot.r ;), 1J1(), or almost double, which will shortly be intsnlled in fie ily Armed Men on Lawbreakers. Lookout for LOS AXUELES, Cul., Jan. 21. Willi the coast from the .Mexican line to .Monterey bay guarded more closely than ever before the United States revenue cutters Orient and lj'ear, carrying heavily armed men, are today searching southern Cal ifornia waters for a smuggling craft bearing contraband Chinese and opium which is known to be seeking an unprotected point on the coast to make a lauding. MANY BUILDINGS IN 1911. this number, eight represent private i branch exchanges, either already in stalled or in process of installation, Nosh hotel. The figures ior last ye"ar, com piled by the local branch, show the company now has a sufficient length of wires overhead ntid in under ground conduits, installed within the city to reach a distance of 4800 miles, if strung out in a singlt! strand. During the year just ended the company spent close on to $250,000 in improvements, operating expenses and making additions to their local service, an.l the business of the Mod ford branch of the company has reached such a proportion that ft working force of oO persons, is now retiuired to handle it. y. Haakins for Health. trr4 lias doni (Continued from I'ago 1.) young milionnire who nothing worthy." He then enters politics and is elected mayor of his city. After assuming the duties or tho office he manfully refuses to bow to the political boss. One of the n i. in.. i i.i i. i.i. . .... i. Hi-Hi iin uruiiKiii in nun jor ins sig- nnturo has to do with a fraueiiioK grab, and is prompted by the uncli of the girl with whom he is in love Tho harvare to tho valuo of $100,000 was used In building con struction nlono In Medford during tho year 1910, and that this figure1 represents only a very conservative Second Week of White Sale at MANN'S MEDFORD'S POPULAR PRICE STORE CENTRAL AVENUE-NEAR POST OFFICE MANN'S ing 3010, Their program includes adding about nine mile of street paving to the ten miles already laid in tho city. Last year the city spent .'177,(515 for paving and will equal that amount this year. In the mat ter of sewers and water mains the city will spend approximately as much this year as last, during which time .110,M2 were spent in sowers alone. It is expected that .building this year will not be retarded us it w.is last through luck of help, which .it times practically paralyzed the ac tivities of builders. Send a Greater Values Than Ever All His Week The success of this, our first Sale of White has been marvelous, showing that the women of Medford appreciate our efforts to give For If tho pntronagc of tho renders of this newspaper is important to you, make your store-advertising import ant to THKM. California Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, fa mous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, milking that favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. Von can sec it .t its best vln the M I! them good, clean, up-to-date Merchandise at popular prices. Foi messenger : this weeks seuing we have added Thousands of Yards Beautifu H,t wm m7r,ith ,. '! Embroideries, Insertions and Laces which we will sell at wonder- rrlla0! fully LOW PRICES, also a NEW line of Muslin Underwear, "Made if a messenger won't answer. It Hie bent should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable vnrdie.r. ' Rite" quality at about the cost of material. The early buyer wins out What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondint thinks. Don't buy Tht iltmjirj atr fr imrinrtl llalicntry Muslin T case soft finish bleached lmislin full 3(5 inches wide worth HO cents white sale price 7c. Sheets 72x 90 bleached sheets good heavy quality worth 75c. white sale price each i 59c. BED SPREADS. Full size bed spreads new patterns worth $1.25. White sale price each 98c. Towels. Large size Huck Towels good weight well worth 15c. White sale price each 10c. Wash Cyoths. Sanitary wash clo thes good large size. White sale price each ' 4c Sheeting 1 ball 36 inches un bleached sheeting good weight 8c. sale price, yard 6c. i; "Ar tkt ivatir-tHrk" Shasta Route and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders"! SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Up-to-dato trains, first-class in cvorv respect, uuoxccllcil diniug-cai ' service, ipiick time and direct eou-j ucutions to all points south. STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE Of, $55.00 because it pleases you, but'; because it influences the man .you write in your favor. j Old Kammmih Rond It cltan, criip rPr, mle for clMn, criip ltutnen folio. Ii It kjIJ on III .mumptioii that tlierr't rconomy in quality. A liandiome specimen dooli glim upon rrqiiMI, liow. ins; Irtlrrhtadl ami nllicr btuinrM fnrnif. rrmtH, llihngraphfid and engraved on tht while and louilefi colon 50c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 29c. $1.00 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 59c. 50 dozen womens corset covers, skirts and drawers . 50 dozen women's muslin night gowns, skirts, corset all new goods trimmed with beautiful cnibrideries in- : covers and drawers well made trimmed with new laces sertions and laees a great chance to replenish ?0f embroideries and insertions values up to $1.00. TQ, your underwear up to 50c values. White sale price.... White sale price Jv Laces. 2000 yards wide. Lorcheon lace and in sertion -real 10c. val ues. White sale price, Edging. 2000 yards fine cam brie embroidery and Lnsertion. Sold every where at 10c. White special 12c. Corset .. Cover ..Em broidery. 18 inches wide new patterns values up to 35c. White sale price, Baby Sets. Fine Swiss match ed sets all " new pat terns values up to 25c. White sale price 12 c. 27 Flouncing inch cambric flouncing beautiful pattern worth $1.00. White sale price 18c. Flouncing 27 inch fine Swiss flouncing all 1911 pattern worth $1.00. White sale price, s) ell v I J tj U Portland to Los Anijclcs and Return. With corrcspoudiiiK low faros from ill other sections of tho Northwest. Liberal stop-ovors in each direction .mid lotitr limit. Intcrcstinc; and at tractive literature on tho various re sorts and attractions of California can he hud on application to any S P. or O. H. & .'. Acnt, or from WM. McMURRAY. General Passenner Agent Portland, Ore. MadtW lUiiriiiKu Vhm Lommni, Urn mil' Ppr malifrt In hrorM milium bond )rclutively. i Medford Printing Co. Last Call on Winter Coats and Suits WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING STOCK ARRIVING DAILY. m i One half price on winter coats. One half price on winter suits. Women's $15.00 winter coats on stile at ....a $7.50 Women's $25.00 whiter suits gn sale at $12.50 Women's $25.00 winter coats on sale at $12.50 - Women's $30.00 winter suits on sale at $15.00 Womens $30.00 winter coats on sale at $15.00 Women's $40.00 winter suits on sale at $20.00 All new goods every ganiment guaranteed. Style lit and workmanship guaranteed. Don't Forget the Place j Near Post Office - MANN'S trt rrr-r Medfordfs Popular Price store Pioneers In Our Line .!! Sell from the tree to the consumer. We own the forests that produce the lumber manufac- tied and finished in our mills Largest and most complete stock of Building Materials to be found in Southern Oregon Woods Lumber Co. Cut out the middle man. Why pay two prices? We sell Direct