""l"'..!1. afEDFOftD MAT! TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1911. fti KENTNER'S 15th Annual Clearance Sale The Store, of Quality Offers Some Wonderful Bargains i m H ff (i h , s i !'l rc Space Must Be Cleared for New Goods Big price nils in nil departments of Women and Chil drens wearing apparel in order to move them quickly and make room for the newly arriving goods which are crowd ing us for room. New bargains are offered daily and the prices named are for short period only. So act quickly if you would provide yourself with the articles you need at prices rarely made. i ' " BHBHraMwBMfflHff 'wBWtmmmmmKmmatmmmm" iBMmttttttttmtWBUHm'M WWI WMS'SMWlBMtttnBMWtttttttm BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkBmHEjBmMt9Ei ' rJlfef HhK rrn2fr, Saw, m9fV&TkmmtmMWLmBmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmr' r m H'H BWBB$w-ZBtlM&'"f!BB3nBBHBBAaBBBBBBBBBBBBBtL lI'BMwMHBnMMlP'nSai MWMJSiSS2MammSSBMMMMMMM-- WKMMmmKMMmamWKWKEM3r3 sBMHr!wVWSMPKMwMMKtMMttty-' i New Spring Goods Arriving The first showing of the new Spring gowns and party dresses. It is with extreme pleasure that we announce the arrival of these charming costumes. Twenty-five were received in the first lot to come to Medford and are 1104V on exhibition in the Suit Department on the second floor. They are one piece princess gowns made up in Foul ards, Rajahs, Marquisettes, ,Chiffons and Messalincs and in absolutely the latest styles. Butterfly effect, lace yoke and collar, Japanese embroidery trimmings, ,Chautielcr effects etc., By far the prettiest dresses' brought to Med ford in many a day. Call and see them. Long Separate Coats Less Tban Cost .$.12.00 to 25.00 long separtate coats in all the popular colors Special $4.89 Now coats in all the late colors and up to date in every respect were bargains at; $11100 to $18.50. Spe cial $8.49 Many otheii at great ly reduced prices. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND ZION LACES Thousands of yards of the finest swiss embroderies placed on sale at tempting prices. 500 yards ',) to I inches wide, yard 05c. 500 yards ( in wide, yard 10c. 50c. embroidery 10 inches wide, yard 38c. GOc, embroidery 10 inches wide, yard 48c. 75c. embroidery 10 inches wide, yard 39c. Beautiful flouncings with insertions to match 50c to $1.50. Many exqujte designs in corset cover em broideries per yard 15c. to $1.00. Matehelss skirt embroideries 09c. to $3.50 Embroidered shirt wais fronts IK) inches wide val ues $1.25 to $1.00. Special per vard $1.00 to $2.95. Thousands of yards of Zion Lace on sale at f to 15 cents per yard. He Windown Display. Choice of Our Entire Stock of Wool Dresses Va Price Because of the fact that our stock of new Spring Dresses will soon arrive we must close out our line of wool dresses at sacrifice prices. Here is,, your chance ladies to secure an up to date dress made in aksolutcly the latest style and in the late fall and winted shades at less than cost. Colors Navy, Rose, Brown Wine, Tan and Black. One Half Price. HANDKERCHIEFS Left overs from our Christmas stock marked way down to close out quickly 5c. Linen handkerchiefs two for 05c. 10c. Linen initial .. 07c. 15c. embroidered corner and lace edges .. lie. 19o. pure linen embroider ed corner . . 14c. 100 SUITS AT HALF PRICE We have a lot of Ladies Suits which will" go this week at . HALF PRICE They are all excellent models and this big price reduction is made to clear the booths or four new Spring Suits -SUITS HALF PRICE- FURS Half Price Bo you know that this means you can buy a fur piece or set at less than actual cost i Choice of our regular stock allies from $3.75 up l -j Price. Main & Bartlett KENTNER'S The Busy Store WHITE GOODS SPECIALS Fine write lawn 3G inches wide. 40c. values 29c. 35c. values 29c. 30c. values ..:..... 20c. 25c. values .sl9c. 22c. values 18c. 20c. values . lie. Finecambric muslin nain sook finish regular 15c. values 124c. 8 l-3c. India -Linon 6c 10c. India Lmon 8 l-3c. 12c. India Linon 10c. 15c. India Linon 12c. 20c. India Linon 15c. 25c. India linon ... 19c. Blankets-Grey, Tan and Plaids Blankets Grey, Tan and Plaid $2.50 and $2.75 values $1.98 Flannelettes, polka dot stripes and flower ed effects OGio French Zephyr Ginghams 132 inches wide our lead er at 20e. Special 15 NEW UNDERMUSLINS. We have just received many new things in Muslin un derwear. They are the choice of the pickings. Some of the most beautiful creations of this years manufacture also a most complete line of infants wear of every descrip tion and now ready for your inspection. First floor Corset 'department. Superior Sale of Sacrifi SKIRTS Made from the finest quality muslin lavishly trimmed with lace and embroidered. $1.00 values $ .73 $1.50 values 95 $2.00 values 1.48 $3.00 values 2.23 $3.50 values 2.54 $4.00 values 3.19 GOWNS 2,. covers trim- 33c. Among these gowns ma be found extra sizes., high neck, long sieves etc. Some are beautifully trimed with lace and embroidery. Chinese go wens trimed with lace. $1.00 values 69c. $1.25 values 79c. $1.50 values .... $1.13 $2.00 values ...,-.... $1.50 PRINCESS SLIPS Embroidered slips and lace tribed excep tional values from our regular stock. $1.50 values $1.13 $2.00 values $1.59 $3.00 values $2.37 $3.50 values ......... $2.59 $4.50 values . .. $3.37 Undermuslins at a ce r rice LOT 1. Corset covers lace and embridery trim med, drawers, plain hem ' stitched and tucked 35c. values. Special LOT H. Corset lace and embroider) mecl and tucked 50c. values. Snecial LOT Ill.-Corset covers lace and embrideryv trim med. Drawee extra wide, hemstitched and trimmed with lase 65c val ues. Special 48c LOT LV.-Gowi em broidered and trimmed with lace. Corset covers embiudcred and trimed with lace. Drawers extra wide, hem stitched and tucked. 75c. values. Special 54c 1