Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 22, 1911, SECTION ONE, Image 1

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    , its iff
Med ford's Building' Record for 1911 Will Surpass That of 191Q
Fair tonight nud tomorrow.
Ths ICttnngB of tht nf.
"White Fair weather.
Blue Ilaln or snow.
White anil blue Local showers
Black trianuular Above white,
warmer; below white, colder.
Whlto with black center Cold.
Medford Mail Tribune
No. 260.
Building Operations During 1911
Promise to Be Much Greater Than
They Were During 1910 When All
Records Were Smashed.
City Improvements Will Be Greater
Than Ever Much More Pav
ing Is to Be Done This Year.
That building operations in Mod
ford during the year 1011 will exceed
in gain over 11)10 more than that
year did its predecessor is the prom
ise made by locul contractors. These
predictions include, besides business
blocks and residence?, street, sower
and city work of all descriptions.
Topping the list of contemplated
buildings i3 the structure to "be erect
ed by the federal government. This
building, for which considerably over
.$100,000 is already assured, will
house nil the federal offices main
tained in this city and provision will
also bo made to take care of any of
fices likely to be established here
within tho near futuro as increase
in tho population will make neces
sary. Tho Odd Fellows building, ns it was
not completed until nftor the advent
f the now year will be included
in this year's figures when, next Do
combebr, tho accomplishments for the
12 months nro reviewed, and among
tho others which will occupy promi
nent positions in thb list are tho Ma
sonic building, to bo erected at tho
cornor of Riverside avenuo and
Main street at a cost of .$50,000;
the two now school buildings to cost
approximately $:KI,000 each and to
be located, one in the Queen Anne
addition and tho other on Jackson
boulevard; the Puhn building, to be
built opposite tho St. Mark's build
ing on Main street and to cost in
the neighborhood of .$120,000; tho
Medford hotel, $l2,y)00; the Cnrno
f'io library, to cost .$120,000 and io
occupy the site in tho city park for
merly occupied by tho water tower;
th" John M. Hoot building, to cost
.$:i(),000, work upon which bun al
ready boon started; Howard building
opposite tho probcrt po-.toffico; and
the completion of building on tho Neff
property, adjoining tho Mail Tribune
Tho Siulors of Charity arc con
templating tho erection of a hospital
building in East Medford which will
cost in tho neighborhood of $100,
000. It is the intention of tho sis
ters to complete this building and
have it ready for occupancy within
A numbor of business enterprises
already suitably located nro con
templating the building of additions
to their present quarters; principil
among theso being tho Union Meat
company who will shortly start work
on threo new cold storugo buildings.
Owing to tho fact that the Southern
Pecific in tends to park their prop
erty on tho west side of tho track tho
I'nion Moat company may possibly
hnvo to secure a now site for their
entire plant, but whether this u
made necessary or not they will in
stall three now cold storage rooms
before the coming hot season.
The Southern Pacific railroad for
tlrir part will spend somewhero in
the neighborhood of $lf,000 or $20.
000 in parking tlieir right of way and
the street railroad system upon
uluch work has nlroady been started
will mutornlly increaso building fig
ures for tho present year.
Not only will building notivity bo
great in tho businos portion but be
tween four and five hundred resi
dences will bo built during tho com
ing vonr. They will vary hirgoly i.i
co-,t, but an average price of $2000
each will be estimated by tho class
of building put up Inst year.
Apart from tho work contomplntod
hv individuals the city will this year
spond almost as much as it did dnr
(Continue! on I'nc )
Grants Pass Must Remain In Dry
Column for Some Time to Come
According to . Decision Handed
Down In Circuit Court.
The License Fee Was Fixed at $800
a Year One Saloon Was to Be
Allowed for Each 750 People.
Twelve hours after tho Grants
Pass city council passed an ordi
nance providing for licensing, regu
lating and controlling snloons, Judge
F. M. Calkins of the circuit couit,
upheld the ruling of District Attor
ney B. F. Mulkoy and declared the
recent election, at which the town
was voted wet, illegal.
Thursday evening the council in
session passed a model liquor lic
ense law, restricting the number of
saaloons to bo iuhnabittants and
placing the license at $800 per year.
Screens, card rooms aand all other
evils are debarred by tho new law
and every applicant for a license
must, under its provisions, file a
bond of $1000. Thi law will bo in
effect on February 8th, or twenty
days from the date of its passage.
Friday morning, Judge Cunlkins
overruled tho rcinurrcrs to the in
dictments of tho men accused of vio
lating the local option law and held
that law was still in force in Grants
Pass nolhwithstaauding tho recent
As the thing stands it seems as if
the council has no right to issue
ithasnoinorerightto 'license snu-Vifll
ii has no more right to license sa
loons that the county court or anny
other unauthorized body.
Tho opinion of Judge Cunlkins,
given in part, is as folews:
In tho Circuit of the State of Oregon
for Johcphine County.
Tho State of Oregon vs. Jack
This matter was submitted to tho
court for determination upon the
demurrer to tho indictment filed
herein. The only question for de
cision is whether tho constitutionaal
amendment known aas tho homo rule
bill operates to repeal the local op
tion law so fur as it aifects Grants
Unlil'tho taking of ccct of the
amendment known ns the homo rule
nuiendmont. all municipalities of tho
(Continued on I'nRo 0.)
City Engineer Harry Foster Report-1
,, t
ed contemplating Leaving uiy-,1)(mjy
Place May Be Filled by S. E. Se -
mon, Present First Assistant.
Harry Et Foster, city engineer,
will rosign in tho near futuro and
leave Medford, according to a re
port circulated last evening, and it
is bolioved by his friends that his
resignation will bo tendered to tho
mayor at an oarly date.
Tho fact that Foster has been con
templating a removul to unother sec
tion has been known for some time
past but ho has not at yot decided
when ho will tako tho step.
His position horo will in all prob
ability be filled by S. E. Semon, nt
present Foster's first assistant audi
formerly n inombor of tho onginoer-' turned in tho alarm. Despito the
ing staff under City Engineor It. A. I efforts of the firemen the house, was
Thompson of Sonttle, Wash. destroyed. Tho woman was bumod
Mr. Foster could not bo looatod' almost beyond recognition and u er
last night and no continuation of vunt girl, Violet Martin, was badly
the report was obtainable. " burned nid Inken Io the hospital.
Ono Time Society Leader Does Not
Tell Her Story In Court Con
spiracy Is Basis of Defense of
Millionaire's Wife.
Sixty New Witnesses Are Sub
poenaed to, Rebut Evidence
Offered by Defense.
WHEELING, W. Vu., Jan. 21.
Without a ehunco to hear from the
lips of Mrs. Laura Fnrnsworth
Schcnk her personal refutation of the
charge that she administered lead
and arsenic poison to hor millionaire
hucbund John O. Schcnk tho jury be
fore which tho one time society lead
er is being tried heard tho announce
ment nt 3 :.'10 this afternoon, "the de
fense closes."
As soon as the defense had closed
prosecutor Haudlr.n announced
ho had subpoenaed 0 now witnesses
to rebut the "conspiracy" evidence
of Mrs. Tcdgos an dothers. Mrs.
John Lasch, one of these, cnuscd a
scene in court just boforo the noon
recess. Leaving tho stand sho walked
quickly to where Mrs. Schcnk sat and
kissed tho defendant. Each woman
wopt in the other's anus.
Prosecutor llaudlnn this after
noon bitterly attacked the credibility
of Mrs. Hedges. IIo produced u
nolo she wns alleged t have written
to Albort Schcnk, brother of John
Schcnk, alleged head of a conspiracy
against the pneker's wife.
"No doubt you will bo surprised
when I take tho stand acalnst your
slBtor In lny." tho nolo said.
Handlan asks: "Did Albort blto?"
Witness: "What do you mean?"
Handlnn: "You know you wrote
that. You wanted to boo If Albort
wouldn't buy you off, didn't you?"
Mrs. Hodges bristled and sheuted:
"No, no."
As soon as Prosecutor Handlan
finished grllllu Mrs. Hodges tho
stato began tho examination of 80 ro
buttal witnesses partlcuarly reapec
crcdibllity of Dr. Myors
Wife of Manager of Fairbanks Scale
Company With Four Children
Loses Life When Home Burns.
Lived In Toronto.
TORONTO, Out., Jan. 21. Five
j persons met their death and another
was tukeu to tho Western hospital
badly burned as tho result of a lire
which destroyed tho lesideuco of
HrookBf niIinBcr of tho Vaiv
! bunks Sci'.lo company of Toronto, nt
iNo. 4335 Indiun road early today.
!jt H believed tho firo started from
a defective furnace. '
Tho dead nre:
four children.
Brooks is at present in Chicago
on business.
Tho bodies of two of tho childran
wore found on the first floor in tho
bath room while tho body of Mrs.
Brooks and her two youngest chil
dren was discovered in hor bedroom
on tho second floor, Tho positions
of Mrs. Brooks' body indicated that
she had thrown herself before her
children as a shield from tho flame.
Tho firo was discovered by a
neighborhood, T. MoAvish who
One Eye Is Lost and Small Hope Is
Held Out for His Recovery Was
Carrying On Experiments With
Chemicals In His Home.
Mother In 'Next Room at Time of
Explosion Ruptured Vein
Bursts Endangering Life.
In full view of his baby daughter
II. C. Kiedel of Gold Hill had both of
his hands completely blown oTf yes
torduy when chemicals with which
ho was experimenting at his home
exploded. Besides tho injuries to
his hands, whieli! necessitated their
amputation, fragments of tho tin
pan in which ha was mixing the
chemicals cut him about tho face
and ruptured a blood vessel, in his
neck so badly that it burst shortly
afterwards. His left eye was al
most blown out of his head and sur
geons attending him at tho Gold Hill
hospital hold out- little hope of his
Tho little girl Jwho was standing
beside him suffered burns about tho
Itcidcl, who is a miner by occu
pation, was working on theju voli
tion of a now friction match which
would ignite oven though it had
onco been wet. Tho chemicals ho
was mixing in tho improvised mor
tar wore powderod red phosphorous
sulphur and chlorate 'of potash.
A few minutes boforo tho explos
ion Roidel turned to tho child nt ids
sido and told hor to run away .is
tho material was almost dry and
when in that condition easily com
bustible. Sho had turned to obey
when both she and father were sud
denly enveloped in a sheet of flume
Immediately nftor the explosion
neighbors who had boon attracted
by the noise summoned Dr. R. C
Kelsey. Tourniquets were applied to
tho man's wrists to staunch the flow
of blood and he was rushed to the
Both hands wero amputated nud
for a while it was bolioved thnt the
patient would recover but the rup
tured vein burst causing a loss of
blood that may result J'utally.
Mrs. Riedel who was confined to
her bed in an adjoining room es
caped injury.
Cement Approaches to New Struc
ture Across Bear Creek Near Cen
tral Point Arc Damaged by High
Tho cement approaches to tho new
county bridge across Bear creek,
near Central Point were displaced
by tho recent high water and travel
over it at present is impossible,
causing the orchurdists in that sec
tion much inconvenience.
This bridgo carao into notice early
last fall during tho primary cam
paign whon Joshua Pnttorson, coun
ty commicsionor, was up for re
election. It was charged then that
tho cement work was not done in
tho proper mannor,
Tho bridgo approach on this side
of tho crook whs swopt out of plnoo
while tho ono on tho opposite sido
is badly crackod. Those who hnvo
seen tho structure sineo the flood of
Tuesday snv that the bridge will
hnvo to be pruHirnllv n-built
Rffl N
Attacks Rogue River1 Fish Bill In
Senate Evident He Has Not For
gotten Big Majority Given West In
Jackson County.
He Seems to Be Devoting His Ener
gies to Punishing His Political
Enemies Attacks Bourne.
SALEM, Jan. 21. That Jny'Bow
ormau is devoting his energies to
punishing his political enemies la
made clearer every day. His bitter
attnek upon Senator Bourne, his
course on tho eastern Oregon asylum
and his assault upon Dr. Steiuer
and tho stato institutions, indicate
that ho is going to play politics
throughout the session. It is also
evident that he has not forgotten the
big majority given West iir Jackson
county, for ho went out of his way in
his Bourne speech to attack (he
Rogue River fish law, southern Or
egon's pet measure, paused by initia
tive hist November, which ho de
clared took the means of livelihood
from u hundred families.
Bowonnau is counted upon by the
Hunle forces to lead the fight to nul
lify the present law, nud restore
commercial fishing on the, Roguo. Ho
will have the support of tho assem
bly clement to a largo extent. With
this following and tho support of the
fishing interests, it is hoped to make
a strong showing, though tho fact
that the law had such an immense
majority of tho popular vote," ren
ders its repeal problematical,
Captain Egglcstou has introduced
a bill fixing fees for constables.
Senator Von dor Hollen has intro
duced a bill to prevent railroad rate
discrimination and Representative
Huchauan u bill to classify counties
and place officials upon established
(.alary basis, to do away with spe
cial legislative action for ovory in
civaso in salary uo to increase in
growth of busincsK mi dcounly.
Negotiations Have Been Delayed
Pending Completion of Details
Consent to Transfer Must Yet Be
Transfer of tho Exhibit building
from John I). Olwcll to tho Commer
cial club is delated pending com
pletion of detuils. Before papers
are signed consent of tho Southern
Pacific to tho trnnnfor must bo re
ceived and it will bo sovcral days
boforo their action is known.
At a conforoneo Saturday botween
Mr. Olwell and members of tho Com
mercial club committed appointed to
coujludo negotiations, a disagree
inont as to tonus arose, which may
delay final transfer. Mr. Olwell de
manded $.'00 cash, tho balance
($1600) to be placed in escrow until
deed was turned ovor, and agreed Io
surrender possession upon April 1.
This was not soon enough to suit
tho committee.
Ponding receipt of word from the
railroad uc to tho loaso, tho mutter
is up in tho air. It is probable that
a compromise will bo reached and
tho affair amicably adjusted.
To find n bolter furnished room
porhaps at even loss rent than you
now pay is surely a task worth a
fow hours of your tinio. Arm your
self with somo clipped nils and start
on a "little uurne '"
Over $800,000 Asked and Commll
mittco Recommends That It Be
Cut Down to $579,000 Which Is to
Cover All Expenses.
Legislative Committee Off to View
Site Chosen by Bowcrman for
Branch Insaane Asylum.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 21. From all
indications tho appropriation asked
for by Superintendent Stoiner for
tho asylum during tho biennial per
iod will bo pared by tho legislature
to about two thirds tho figures pre
sented by Steinor.
Tho superintendent asked for an
appropriation of $812,375; tho com
mittee in reporting back to both
houses , Into yesterday afternoon
recommended that $070,740 ho ap
propriated to cover all expenses of
tho asylum, including innnprove
ments nud further recommend that
tho asylum boinvestigntod by tho leg
islature. Tho report of tho house
committee declined tho aims, pur
poses and uses of tho statu school
for feeble minded hnvo been per
verted. In tho report Dr. Steinor was
(trilled for alleged mismanagement
and extra vaganco and mention was
mado of the fact that an automobile
was purchased with stato monoy for
uso of tho asylum officials despito
tho previous refusal of tho legisla
ture to appropriate money for tho
purchase of tho big red cur.
In explanation of tho deficiency
between tho asylum oxpeuso and the
appropriation Steinor doclnros tho
high cost of living is responsible.
Tho legiiilntivo committee named
nt the request of Governor West and
Stato Treasurer Kay will leave Sa
lem coon for Pendleton to viow tho
silo selected by Acting Governor
Bowcrmuii uta that placu for tho
biauch asylum.
Tho committee will undoubtedly
invito tho cnmmmittco of medical ox
ports named by tho board of trus
tees to neennnnpuuy them. It will
also sclent such engineor and medi
cal exports as it deems necessary to
advise it relative to tho site. Those
experts will bo selected by tho com
mittee in tho first purt of next week.
Tho purpose of tho committee's will bo to report to tho legis
lature whether or not it deems tho
present locution Biiituh'j) for a
building sito
Office of Good Roads In Response
to Request of Chairman Von der
Hellcn,' Instructs Heldel to Pro
ceed to Capital.
Tho office of public roads, do
partmont of agriculture, noting upon
u roqucst mado by Chairman Van
dor Hellon of tho senate committee
on highways, hnvo ordered Benja
min F. lloidel, highway enginoor and
good roads export, who has boon in
charge of tho construction of tho
Crater Lnko road., to proceod to Sa
lem and tlioro wait upon tho comimt
tcog of tho logislnturo and furnish
them such data and adviuo ns thoy
may require.
Stato aided highways nro assured
at this session nud Mr, Von dor Hoi
Ion in being given tho uhairmuuship
of this oommitteo was placed in a
rosponsiblo place, which is gratify
ing to his constituents in Jackson
Meeting of Citizens Held In Com
mercial Club Rooms at Which
Committee Is Appointed to Ascer-
. tain Feeling of People in Matter.
Judge Kelly Acts' as Chairman Dr.
Plckcl Points Out Steady
Growth of West Side.
In order to delonninc the attitudo
of residents of Medford gcnornlly
towards tho sito reccnltly selected
by tho federal authorities for tho,
location of tho new postoffico 'and'
government building, n commiltco of
threo business men wero appointed
at a mooting hold in tho Commer
cial club rooms last night to mako
a canvas which, whon .completed,
will bo submitted nt n muss meeting
to bo held in somo designated hull.
Although tho meeting wus called
by persona fuvoring the sending of
a protest against tho sito to tho
postoffico authorities, a numbor o
mon fuvoring tho locution wero pres
ent and arguments along both linos
wore mado.
Tho theories advanced by thoso
not in TaVo'i' of tho present' sito cen
tered around tho fact that at the
present time tho business center of
tho city is located at tho junction of
Central avenuo nud Main street and
thnt tho probabilities aro thnt activ
ities will radiato from thnt ccntor
for some time to como by virtue- of
tho fact that that point is also mid
way botween tho two railway pas
senger stations.
Anothor point advanced in favor
of keeping tho postoffico on tho oust,
sido of tho Southern Pncifio truck
was that tho junction of tho four
highways ovor which tho rural and
suburban patrons of tho Medford
postoffico must travel is located at
Riverside avenue nud Muiu street.
E. E. Jclly who wus appointed
chairman of tho meeting, stated that
his opposition to tho present loca
tion wns not based on proporty in
terests but on tho grounds that m
placing of the postoffico in a posi
tion closer to tho business ccntor
tho interests of the people of tho
city us a whole Would bo bettor
sorved. Dr. J, G, Goble favored u
protest mid based his contention on
tho belief that tho next few years
will sco tho bettor residential dis
trict located on the east $ji) of Boar
creek. IIo maintained that in tho
nonr futuro thoro would bo not ono
but several bridges thrown across
that stream and that expansion is as
likely in that diroation as towards
tho west. Numerous sites betweou
tho two present passenger stations,
it was advanced, could bo obtained
by tho govornmont which would plnoo
tho postoffico within tho 80-rod
limit inside of which tho mails would
bo transported to and from (rains
nt tho oxpeuso of tho carrying rail
road; that the mnttor was ono for
tho people, who pay tho taxes, that
will build a fodoral building and for
whoso convenience such nn institu
tion is conducted, and not a fow
proporty or businoss interests to do
oido. Tho appropriation for tho
building, now already mado, thoy
claimed could not bo withdrawn by
tho govornmont and that so long art
tho building was an assured fact
tho docihion of u government oftioinl
who might novor oven seo Medford
again much loss bo himself placed to
any iicouvenicnco by a mistnko in
the location of tho postoffico should
not bo allowed to bo final if in tho
minds of tho major portion of tho
patrons of tho proposed buildiug it bo
inaccessibly placed.
Tho ohiof argument advanced by
thoso favoring tho Sixth street sito
wus tho faot that that location, be
ing near tho present conlcr of pop
ulation, which thov placed at tho.
point where tho Washington school