w nrv " Y"TTTT "" HJP"?""" vnr',?'.1 ""T ' ai icDjORniAiLTirmuN'KiKnFOKB, OKKfioy. Thursday, jaxuakv uk inn. W I 1 F Medford Mail Tribune AS INnnPENBEIfT hswspaphk runiiisnuD daiht except Satur day BY THE MEDrOIlD PEINTINO CO. A coiiHoIlilatioii of the Mfdforl Mall, CHtabllslicd 1889, the Southern Ornfjon lan, established 1002; the Domorratlc Tlmex, ostnbllnhml 1872: tho Ashland Tribune, established 1S9G, und tho Mod ford Tribune, cntnbltsliod 190C. QKOHGR PUTNAM. Kdttor and Manajjsr Kntoroil an Hecond-olass mattor No vember 1, 1909, at tlm postofflco lit Modfard, OrpRui), under tho act of March 3, 1879. THE PORTLAND CAT Official Paper of tho City of Mcdford SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono year, hy mull $5.00 One month bv mall 50 Per month, delivered hy rdrrlor In Medf.ird, Jacksonvlllo und Con trol Point CO Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per yoar 1.C0 Tall Leased Wlro United l'rcs ElapatcliOB. Tho Mall Trlbuno Is on wilo nt tho Terry Nrvn Stand, San KranclHCo. Portland llotol News Stand, Portland, llowman News Co , I'ortlund, Or, AV. O. Wlillmy, Senttlu, Wash. )Iotl Hpokano Ncwh Htund, Hpokano. SWORN CIRCULATION. AVIOHAOI) I-Olt YHAIt 1010, 2IH.1 MEDrORE, OREOON. Metropolis of .Southern OroRon "am. Northern California, und tho fustosl BrowlpK olty in Un-tion. Population tJ H uhiisiih 1910; 8810, estimated in November. 110, 10.00U. Klvo hundred thoiiMaiid dollar Ornvlty Watnr System completed, Klvlntr finest supply puro mountain water nml Hlx toon miles of street Im'Iiik paved and contracted for at a cost exeeedlnfr Jl, 000,000, making a total of twenty inllen of pavement. Postofflco rerelntH fur year endlnp Novembor 20, 1910, show n i;aln or 5) pur cent. untiK ihpnNiiH woro ?2,:i7(i,naa, a fjam or -- ei cum. HanntT f i tilt rlty In Orcjon HoRUe Hlver KpltxenberB apples won Hweep Htukun prlzo und title of "Applo King- of tho World" at tho National Appln Hhow, Hpokano, J 909, and a car of Nowtowna won rirst Frlso In 1010 nt Canndlan International Applo Show, Vancouver, I J. C Itofjuo Itlver pearn lirmiKht lili;hcn( firlcus In all malleoli of tbu world dtir UK tlio past six years. Wrlln C'oinmeiclal club, Inelonlnj? r. cents for posture for tho finest commu nity pamphlet over written WITH tlio grin of n Cheshire at, the Portland Clinm-j her of Commerce has now come forward in the role of a patron saint in a written petition of intervention in the -Medford rate cases before the State Railroad commis sion after these cases have passed to the stage of briefing. The first appearance of this feline in' the Medford cases, was a voluntary solicitude for towns other than Mod ford in southern Oregon, where it purred sortly and cun ningly 'iid rubbed itself caressingly about the shins of the commission, awaiting an invitation to curl and cuddle itself in the lap of the commission, where it could send its warning nail into a commission nerve when a fancied dis turbance seemed to threaten a transportation privilege of an infinitesimal number of dairy jobbers who nirmsh this cat with toothsome cream. Under the prod of justice and equity this feline reared itself into a man-eater of southern Oregon interests irre spective of location or name, and in this form is seen its real character and purpose, Thus unmasked it retreated to its lair the Portland Chamber of Commerce hall licked its wounds received in the encounter at Medford to a healing, deftly concealed its scars, again assumed the SENATOR FLAY SEC. lUuWHa? Weiflljetl 450, Proud Of It. f" .MMMf ' ........... ..., .. ma '"- IMTTSM'UC. I'a., i.tn. 151. Tin- i fattoa "bjjrpor hi the United Stntes died lioro thin week of apoplexy. He 1 Harvey of Carnegie. He 50 pound? and was proud of It. Pure White Flour r fhere are Declares That Official's Acts Have Been "Just Inside the Line of Criminal Guilt" Does Not Mince His Words. Where ho Go Tonight Fifty Years Ago Today. Jan. 19. Georgia withdrew from tho Union. Twcnty-fivo Years Ago Today. The presidential aticcusHlnu Mil (now In force) became a law tinil hail tho Immediate elTeet of donlguiitlng iih Htieeessor to tho proHldoncy Secretary of Slato Ihiynrd. a Democrat, Instead of John Mioniuin, a Itcpuhllcnn, at tho time prcHldcnt of the (senate. Tho ollleo of Ico president wan vacant, V SOUS SAY THEY IT WASHINGTON', V. C.,' Jnn. IV. Declnriiitf Hint tlio acts of Secre tary JJallitiKer had been "jtiit iiwide the lino of criminal jfiiilt.'' Sumtior Fletcher of Florida today spoke in tlio senate, endorsing tliu minority report of tho eongrcMonnl invoeti- gntinj; commiltoe. "JJetwooii vtirgur jtinft and pcr feclion," ho naid, "lie-, the standard of conduct of tliuir olticiah tliat tlm IK'ople Iiavc the right to exaol. Thc.v form of a domestic creature, and emerges from the recesses !l t, renmm mfniiahihty, bin the.v certainly aio not, -satiieii 10 iiuvo their officials unruly keep on "io windy hide of the law and pursue a couiso of ue;lootfiilner'.s and im fitlifiiliH'Hd to their interests which U just within t,ho line of criminal guilt. "Hallinger was far from candid in his letter to tlio provident which de nied the truthfulness of llio Ohtvi statement, and 1 hurts is no donh t tliat aflur his lofignation as land commiwt"ioner ho acted us tho legal representative of the Citnninghnn gioup. J ti fact, ho' admitted oil tho stand that he acted in that capacity. Throughout the whole record it ap pears tliat as lawyer, as commis sioner and as soorptaryof the in terim, Mallingor fully sympathized with the coal laud claimants and de sired that they ho gicn the patents they dciied. If they hud violated the law, ho held, it was hecaiiHO the law was absurd. Now hero does it appear tliat lie wanted tho law en forced; nowhoro is lie shown as info guarding tho public interests. lie always seemed to fool it his duty lo look out for private interests ami to entirely lose sight of tlio fact tfiat the people's. properly was at stake." Fletcher declared, that it was pos itively wicked in Ihilliugor to send a "young lawyer, oly a year out of college, und who had never tried r case, to tln5 Pacific count to defend tlio government'!! Mitcrchts. in the hearintts on the Ctiiuimgham claims." lie further asserted that Ualliugcr when on the witness stand, was evasive and apparently afraid thaf the truth would coin'eout." New Attraction at THE ISIS THEATRE Romiji Twin Sisters Novelty, Singing tun Dancing Ayl. 1 I CINClNN'Vn, Jan. 10.--OecarliiR their ahaenco from tin- Went Vli Ktuht li'tjlBlnttuo 1m due to a iIchIic to avoid hiicIi a traKody lib occurred In Frankfort, Kentucky vhon Ui1v ornor QnohnI whh luln, the fifteen lojiubllenn nnutoru who fled here, yoaturdny auuouncod that tho wouhl ronmln in Ohio during tho whole lo ilayw of tho legislative bchhIoii. OliuiiHHBton In filled with reimhll can inoiintttlnoerB, who .no prepared to avuiKo any attack upon tho ic inildtcun Htato twiiatorg. If tho doinorrHtti organise the leg iBliituro nuii attempt to pnsa an liioHaurog a confllot will in-ohnhU OIIBIIH. With the MBletauca of AdJutHtit Oenenl ICIHott, who is l'ero repie aoutlnii (Jovernur. Olnuuork of Went VlrKluItt, tho fu:Mtlvo uro conduct ing their fluht over the long dlatuuce telephone. They imiiert t but the an aeutlug of reuiibllcHn neuutom, White nml llenit, ktnre the fifteen fled 1 liter,. it und an dett rnilucd not to on di i.uiip x. uli tlio avium ihIh. ASHLAND HARRIED WEDNESDAY of its lair and leaps, soft padded, into the fireside home of Med lord and with a soil purr, wherein subtly concealed lurks envy and greed and a purpose to devour, that says there is hut one fireside in Oregon, one home, one aim, one purpose', one people, I am yours and you, are mine, and we will go together before the throne of the railroad commis sion where 1 will radiate my genialily, which is irresist ible, and purr ji prayer, the granting of which is simply the asking, for the removal of the transpprtation injustice so long imposed by the dog of a railroad. Marvellous hypocrisv! The appearance of tho Port land Chamber of Commerce before the State Railroad commission as the friend and patron of southern Oregon interests is a flimsy deception, but no one is deceived ex cept the deceiver. The record of the Medford cases before the railroad commission discloses the Portland Chamber of Commerce as devoid of all sense of justice, and its ap pearance, disappearance and reappearance in differing forms in these cases, depicts it as personified selfishness without a single thought or desire for its redemption. Its efforts at intervention in these suits was not impelled by justice but the obstruction of justice. Its latest, and let it be hoped its last throe is in the dual role of friend and foe of all southern Oregon towns and people. "What blind ness! It is as though this feline lay stretched alone a limb bare of foliage in the belief that its spotted l)od v was eomplelelv concealed, from which concealment it could pounce upon its prey the southern Oregon people. Medford looks to the railroad commission to be con sistent to its oath and to weigh the evidence in the case and make a finding and order in accord therewith, but .Medford does not look to the Portland Chamber of Commerce for any assistance whatever. Medford is not swayed either by flattery or frown of the Portland Chamber of Com merce, whose latest form of intervention is a confession that it believes it has power apart from evidence and jus tice to influence the decision of the commission in the !Med ford suits, otherwise why should it appear in the character of a patron in joining in the Medford prayer for a reduc tion in the carload rates, and in another guise in the same petition as an opponent by the injection of an issue which the commission has already investigated and ordered pub lished, a scale of rates which are approved by the Portland Chamber ol Cemmerce: "INTO TIIK .TAWS OF DFATH" A PHATItnr. I.' HAT niw. fif hn y flnnaf oi'iic ,.hrivn 11rilif mlaa II. MATINKK KVKKY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 2:.10. j ; Three Reals of Pictures and ajfj r-mf0--9m , Ts the best hard wheat flour wo ever saw. 1 1 other brands that sell for more, but we know tnat 1 j none is better for general family use. VTv know this j from experience, and hundreds of women know it from experience. ,jf you have ever used Pure AVhite Plour you arc still' using it, no doubt. If you haven't tried it you should try a sack. IT you don't like it we will treat. We feel as' sure that you will be pleased as we feel sure that we are in business. CALL MAIN 2711 NATATORHJW ALLEN GROCERY CO. Main and Central Ave I nnsUthnll, Ahl.uid s I'rid.iv evening Jiuuuiry Utllh. S I o'clock. Ailiiiii()ii, adults 2."ic J s v cliildicn under 1'J car- 10c. S Skating free'al'lor'gniiu'. TV s X night ladies .skate fire. t it wrtrrrerrrt t .Med lord , --- - --4 MEDFORD THEATER Thursday, January 19 X Md ford's K.xcluaivo Picture Tho jatcr. Latest Licensed NPhoto- plnya. X 1ni) lilme No More- One Dime.; l '" "NAI intAJKC The Messrs. Slmlicit nniiouiHC Vlary IVSaoiierisig IN Agency Grand Union Tea Go. 110 Tripp St. Phone 901 Peas, Coffees, Baking Pow- it is this duplicity of the Portland Chamber of Com- d'. Kpiees, Soaps, Starch, etc. Orders taken. Shown nil the latest and itu iirni'ii.t nwt'iii.. iii.tiif. t X Phance of tirin'rimi iiuirv Rim ? dnv. Wednesdnv and Friilnv J Special inatitioo every Sunday I ul'tcinoon. ADMISSION 10c. Prompt Delivery! merce that has cost it the respect and confidence of the Oregon people. CECIL 10 8E MADE lEGl'SBIGGEST iTT": B1STR1CTF0RESTER CASE, SAYS JUDGE (Saturday rr-r r- ---'----4j x Hlflh-Class Stock Co. TONIGHT PRINCE OF LIARS Three-Act Comcdv. -By- U-GO x s s . s X s A PI,AV IX KOUU ACTS 1JV ItACIICL CUOTIIKUS Seats on bale Monday, January Kith. Prices Toe, $1.(10, $!..".() and $2.00. STRENGTH SECURITY CONSERVATISM J! s Three important factors to consider when selecting a bank to transact your business I CAPITAL iIOUArilUi3 IINJJ JTXVUA' XLQ x I J MAIt.JOIUi: M.VXDVU.LK STOCK 7 S1f. ff. t - VW.Ill ili X Specu.lties Itetwccit Acts s s s si I Columbia Machines audi Will Succeed C. C. Chapman, Who! Suit Aiialnst Bank lias 3000 Pan.es X Records will bo on sale fori, of Testimony; 26G Exhihlts-Jiulne h(' ,'l,'sl ,,nil on Saturday, ji u n e i- utit it n, I dannuarv 121, in, the room 5 1 Has Been Stniflcjliiiu Wit It for , , ,, ,. j li occupied bv the .PaciticJ motor Supply Co. X iS J L . ,s You are innvintend toi Goos Into Private Business Cecil Is V.'cll Known In This City, Havinu Been Here Often. Kills Nov ton of Atthkutl. n nd Ml N'olll ICdtM, tho Mlxteea-yoai-old (Initghter or Mm. M. Kntoa of Ah- laud, wr0 nt.urleil by the Uev. I tho work. Mr. Chapman will he I'OUTI.AN'l), Jan. 11). Orogon'i grout forest wealth oien mtich liivlt iug flotd for o.iorluced mou to work In private capnclly that tln fed end Kovvrutueut wtvm Itu dlntrlut rorcHtem rnpldl) hero. Tlm toslgu ilon of ('. C. C'huiiuin to lake up work with private unsocial ton In the hh'uiuI event of the kld In your, iih Mr. t'hainnun'a predecennor, li. T. Allen, reitgiitMl tho dint riot forouter' off Ico to hecomn (HKTHtary of the Weiiteru Korwtry nml Couavrvgllou auoelatlou. Aiiorlato 1'ort'iter Oeo. II Cecil will U promoted to fill ChHputMii'a pInco m dlnlrlct forenter. lie bait hud uuuy )!' (ii;eiience In Chnrti II. Jitiuaoii. p:utor of tile ,il. 12. chinch iu JHi'ktouvllle. Wvd nontlay. Tho couple, urcoiupaolod by tho lirldn'B mother, necured lleouiu 10111 County CI01K Wlllium H. 0le mail nnd, after tho cerouiou), re turinwl to Axhland. GOVERNOR REFUSES , TO PARDON Y0UTSEY I'lMNKI'OHT, Ky, Jan. 10.- fjv vv.ior WiIIhou Udjiy ivtUhfd ' par jlon lloury IS. Yput'-ev, i..i,m. uI ol' (ho inunUf of Ouvt'iiK'i Willi. m lti lid. 'J'ho Governor he ImIicih Yoiilhoy it. Hiiilly ol ciml inui-j UasUIuu for Health. come MHietuiy of the Oregon I'orent Khe ttHHoclHtton, hl riMtlgnation from the Kovt Hiiueni poult ton taking of loct Juu. 30. N Offutt Rornes Auto Co. I'OKTUXO, Jan. l.-The li.i.ll and sec these wonder-j Ke,t eae eur tried Owgun," X x inachii)ts and records. J the wuy Ciivuit Judge Qutens tie-15 j M-rilws the .'00,HUO hitit lmniitht Uv J Heceier TIiuiiium C Automobiles Dux tin ayain-t the ot'licer and directors of the J bankrupt Oregon Tnnt & Savuu- li:iik, with whuli the JtitUa) Huh mvu ti'iiKKliug for Heveu mouths. The .! fendiinln in the cuso include W. II Moor, II. A. Moore. K. K. l.Mlc 1. t ItaUloii, U'o Frii'de, J. R !. .' I W. ( Jlorrirf'Uiul fleoruc I., ll-n "I niu eoiivineed," tlmd.uvd .1 0;'teii thi luoriiiny;, "that tin deuce Mibuiiteil in this, i.i-i it (he mof-t inoimtuental ,ie i the Miint of work involcl iK ' eer been MibimUcil to a - l. Oivuun. It took eery da (i wccki. Iu hewr the evidence aini i (luring (he vaealion penod i I miiiht to hae been out reiu. in There hoi been ;1000 )Htcei m . leu tcMimouy submit ted l me i -till exkibitM. in addition t alt ih bank Iwuik. Twelve lawvci-, -i cuiil(ed and eicbt bae ubuuiti. brictV of from ,"0 to 100 ttein Medford Music Co. 1220 West Maln-St Marks Block OEN'BUAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE KEPAIIUNG. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Coruor Conlral Avo. nnd 8th St Medford, Or. $100,000 $ 65,000 JACKSON COUNTY BANK of Medford, Ore. W. I. VAWTKIt, President G. R. I.I.N'DLEY, Vico-Presldcnt C. W. McDONA LI), Cashlor Pounded by W. I. Vawter in 1888 to CAPTURES RIVAL'S FIANCEE; SUITOR WINS AND WEDS GIRL LKX1NUTON. Ky., Jan. l. -When ilix. P. Viii'iti t'ritleher ar ticd ut the ni-iut'ttce here lo mail the invituiioiik ol the ueddim; if her self and William Ue Iummmi Huim lUUUH, tt leal estate aiau, Eugeiro Qriicbt. n yotnuf liuille kUilor, was there with an nolo. The auto e nr-, miM.ible to any. lie its trying ih. i ried uirl, itiilaliu and all to Dan- case eciv dav and ha l lake In illc. uhcic h,. i ui.niicil t Mr leisure lime lir I be foiifidcriitinii n' lllllil iiiiiil; Kiiiunuiao tt.l WulK llic lllj li. lik e.lte. inj ai 1 1 1 di-lv wlu-n loM thai hi ho.... I. ut II..MIIHI llnjil. 1 H'tkliih for Health. i eu iwijex, which K i necei.-ni read and consider carefully." When a-ked when a decision wiml be rendered the judge deehired it w l itigiiiBv gHf A SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses during, the formative period of childhood. Let us prepare the glasses for your children's eyes, and tlio chances arc tho sllplit error will be speedily corrected and .vitiiln a short time the chil dren's eyes will be restored to normal, DR. STEPHENSON Office Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street, Phone Main 1857. Medford, Or. V s s s -r-f-r-4 The Best Shoe s s s s s s A Narrow ,Escape From Getting Rich has been tho common lot of a number of men In Medford during tho last few yeaiB, from their failure to follow tho good advico wo have given them. Take a straight hunch from us on this: Wo offer for quick no tion 28 acres of land adapted to subdivision, factory bUob, townslte platting, or small aero age tracts, with city water and M'werugo already available, and can mnko oxtremoly good terms on the trait, for only twelve thotiwind dollars for ontlie holdings. Take a iiulcU Mcp In the right direction ami land on a solid basis by buy ing this at once. See us only In regard to It. Will mnko tho host terms possible. This will lay the foundation for a fortune to tho lucky pui chaser. Don't delay on this. Rogue River Land Company 1 No. 11 NOKTIl CKXTIUL .tVK.VUK. J J5" f, Tfr ft fjK COFYMtUMT I- the celebrated und justly famous J: & M: r If you vuint n shoe tliat feels old whwi new, looks new when I ..'.I .....1 ...Id i I.A. ...II I... . ... A w u, huu uhs jwat "ill il JU.1 ' u Utile loniter thau any you ever tried, call aud let us hhow u X the J4inhop A MurtUty hue. , JI, , Duffield Bros.'. '11 4mtm.ert Land For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon . . "rf'ii x -" -; &,'.