I Ashland City Council and County County Court Will Be Asked to Help Secure It for Them Action Is Taken. ASHLAND, .Inn. 19. Company 13's effort at landing an armory for Ashland has reached another Important step. Monday evening Cnpt. II. L. Knapp of the headquar ters staff addressed members of the company arid citizens of Ashland nt the local barracks during which con siderable Information was brought out. The annual appropriation has been consumed but the present ses sion of the legislature will renew It again. The state pays half the cost of the armory and after that mnln tnlns It and will pay any street pav ing or other assessments. It will give free use of armory for distinctly public gatherings, and will exact n nominal rental for other purposes. The building Just completed nt Al bany can be duplicated at Aashland for $30,000. At Albany the city paid one-fourth, and the county, one fourth. It seats 2500 people, In ac cordance with scientific regulations for safety. After discussion, two committees were appointed to meet with the council. The committees mndo a re port to the council last night asking the council for an appropriation of $7500. They will ask tho county court for an equal amount. It was referred to a commltteo. EMPORIUM IS SOLD TO O. E. Tackstrom has sold the Em porium to the Southern Oregon 'Brokerage company. ' .Mr. Tackstrom has been trying to sell for some 1 1 mo In order that he could leave for Alaska by tho first boat leaving Seat tle. The stock of the Emporium was sold for 00 cents on tho dollar, and will bo put on sale Immediately at prices that will be lqwcr than the cost of raw materials. Tho stock was bought for a speculation and tho buyers expect to clean It up in double quick time. Mr. Tackstrom states that ho re grots leaving Medford, but says that he feels that his interests are In the north and that he must get away and take care of his Interests in Alaska as soon as possible. A bet tor price might have been secured for tho Emporium stock but he thought that he would rather sell now than to wait for a better price. Mr. TackEtrom will bo about town Tor a week or ten days nettling P his nffairs before leaving for the north. Ho stated that ho felt suro that the brokoers would make most as tonlshlng prices In order to close up the business on short time. ITALIAN BARBERS REAP HARVEST OF QUEUES CHICAGO, .Inn. 10. Italian barber shop-, of South Clark street ait ei tintr the benefit of the decision" of the Cliiiinmnn to part with his queiv. There are no Chinese limber in t!u South Clark street district, and Ital ians have hniJ notices writ Ion in Chi nese ported in their windows un iiountMiiK that they are ready for all the queue trade that comes their way. Tho Chinese have fallen in with this Miguet'tinii and the trade is gei'iu: to Italian bin her xhoph. The reason the tlnlinns me so anx ious to yet this business is that thee is n double profit in it, for they not only jjet pa;,i f0r their hair cuttinu, lint fret tho queues besides, and queues are n remarkable coinniodit NO ONE WILL BUY A MAN; SALE AD BRINGS NO BIO WOOSTER,, Ohio, Jan. 19. Stan ley Power, an architect of this city, who inserted an advertisement in a Chicago paper offorlng hlmsolf for salo to the woman who would pay tho hlghost price to marry him, says he Inserted tho advertlsomont ex pecting to got somo fun and amuse ment. He said ho hnd not yot re ceived any offer. Powor Is a grass wldowor. Five years ago ho wedded a young woman of Detroit, but ho says the union was not a happy ono and they separated nfter living together six months. Robbers Clean Out Bank. WHEELING, W. Vu., Jan. 10. The Fir.t Nationnl bank of of Kim Grove, a t.ulaiili of Wheeling, w.i robbed of mery dollar in ca-h, b' tween $30110 and f 1000 being taken by the robbers. . . , COMPANY WAN ARMORY E LEAVES; EFFORTS FAIL Members of Rorjue River Fish Pro tective Asociation Refuses, for the Most Part, to Consent to Any Modification in the Billl. Herbert Hume and Ivan Ilumason', representing the Hume estate, own ers of the cannery and land at the mouth of the Rogue, returned Wed nesday evening to Salem, after a vain effort to secure the co-operation of the Rogue River Fish Protection association In the effort to be made In the legislature to modify tho Ini tiative law closing the Roguo to commercial fishing. A few of the members of tho asso ciation agreed to remain passive on account of the injustice done by de stroying a largo commercial indus try, in case steolhead fishing wns prohibited, but by far the largest number refused to consent to nn modification, holding thnt the fisher men bad brought It on themselves years nnd refusing consideration to anglers, and that any attempt to modify tho expressed will of tho peo ple of Oregon would only lead to complications. Ncvot tholess tho Curry count;, delegation will Introduce a bill In tho leglslaturo permitting salmon rishlng from April to November, which they claim protects tho steel head whose main runs at tho mouth of the river nre during tho months of November, December nnd Janu ary, and a strenuous effort will be made to pass It. WITH PLAN OF ALDRICH WASHINGTON, Jan., 19. Many senators today expressed themselves as dissatisfied with tho Alilrlcli cur roncy bill. The scheme Is not In tho public interest and would create a bankers' trust, they said. The old guard, as a whole endoro tho scheme. Tho nionetnry commission lias made no arrangements to give the plan forninl consideration with the view of presenting a report upon it to congress. Its meinbers declnre they wish to have tho plan circulated through the country so that a variety of opinions may bo evoked before definite action Is taken by their body. ItAlt DREAMS Nightmare, Restlessness and Nlglit so;its nil Caused by Indigestion Half of tho nervousness In the world, all of the disturbing dreams, nnd nightmares can be ended In a few weeks by a simple, Inexpensive treatment guaranteed by Chasles Strang. Upset stomach Is tho causo of nerv ousness nnd bad dreams. Your food Is lying In your stomach undigested and fermenting; it Is forming pois onous gases which Irritates tho pheu niogastric nerve that leads direct from tho brain, and ends In n net work of tiny branches running through tho stomnch. It Is also tho irritation of this great pheumogastrlc nerve thnt causos hoadachos. Many times people have severe hoadaches and know they are caused by the stomach, but do not know how. if you aro norvous, hnvo dreams or nightmare, and lo not sleop sound at night, get a 50 cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablots and take one or two nfter or with meals. MI-O-NA stomach tablets rellovo distressed stomach In 5 minutes. Sold by Chns. Strang, and druggists everywhere, who guarantee MIO-NA to cure Indi gestion or nionoy back. Hnsklris for Health. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. r STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency 111 MKTTFORD MATL TRTBUNE, CLUB WILL SOON Real Estate Men and Business Firms Raise $2000 Which Is to Be Paid to Mr. Olwell Who Has Maintained Exhibit In the Past. . Medford Commercial club nt its regulnr meeting Wednesday evening, voted to accept nnd maintain the exhibit building, provided It was presented free of cost to tho club, and a committee, composed of F. Osenbragge, F. V. Medyaski and F. J. Newman wns nppolntod to con clude the transfer. S. A. Nye reported that he had raised $2000 among real estate and business firms for tho purchase of tho structure from John ,1). Olwoll, who had consented to take this price in order toend tho controversy nnd promote harmony In Medford. A copy ofo the resolution adopt ed censuring tho Portland Chamber of Commerce for butting into and trying to head off Medford's suit fol lower freight rates, was ordered sent to each member of tho railroad com mission nnd to tho Portland Com mercial club. , Prof. II. M. Parks of tho Oregon agricultural college and L. D. Mti hono, editor or tho Oregon Mining Journal, made talks on mining nnd Its revival in Oregon,, told of the work being done in this connection by tho agricultural college and by tho American Mining congress, and urged Jocnl co-operation In efforts underway to open up mines in south ern Oregon. A committee composed of Messrs Branson, Nowiunifund l.orlnier was appointed to draft resolutions do daring this club was In favor ol atato conservation of resources,, rather than nntlonul, and approving tho leasing bills pending In congress as Inimical to tho industry. Soothing Potion Kills Two. NEW YORK, Jan. 11). -Tho twii babies of Mrs. Raphael I'tusbC, a' Italian, went o sleep sucking a' milk bottles in which popy seed liai been placed ns n soothing potion Hoth died within a few hours am autopsies wil bo held to determine the cause of death. Mrs. Sluso tolt the police that the use of poppy hce for this- purpose was sustoninrv among Jtaliau mothers and that sli could ascribe no cause for the dcatl of her babies. A portion of the sue used has been turned over to III board of health for analysis. "Tasking for health. WN I The Death of THE, OWNER Enables us to offer what we honestly believe is the best bargain in a producing orchard in the valley. There are .15 acres in the tract and it is only a mile from a shipping station. . ,tf There are about 11 acres in apples, Ben Davis, Winesaps, Spitzenbergs, Ncwtowns. Trees are about 20 years old. They are in good condition and produce heavily. There are also about 12 acres in standard varieties of peaches, in full bearing. About 8000 crates of peaches were shipped from this orchard last year. There are also 8 acres planted to Newtown apples, which, were three years old this winter. Tho balance of the land is cleared and was in grain last year. The buildings consist of a house, barn and packing house. We think a reasonable estimate of the crop on this place this coming year would be P.OOO to 4000 boxes of apples and GOOO to 8000 crates of peaches. A team of horses and a full equipment of machinery goes wtih the place. The price is $15,000, a 1 rifle more than $-100 an acre. The terms asked are half cash, balance easy. If you cannot meet these terms as to the ash required, make us an offer. 7 W. T. York & TODTjRD, 017E00X. TTTTTCRDAY, .TANlTATCY 19, 1911. Eagle Point Eaglets C. Farrifr, the man who bought the Lamb place on the North fork of Lit tle Unite creek, came out on the ear Sunday and Monday, procured a hore here mid went up and back, lie is at present a resident of Seat tle. Wash. W. .). Raymond of the Raymond Shoe company, Stockton, Calif., Scnt the day with us Monday, in torviowiii'ir'our merchant mid view ing our country. He was accom panied by W. W. Speuglet of the llardrymuii Hat company of Seal tie. Wash. Thev took the entire day looking over the land and asked a great many questions. Marian Adair of Trail creek, who has been to Rosehuig to prove up on his homestead, came out Monday ex pecting to take the stage Tuesday morning for his home, but found that the stage does not leave hero oin in .Mondays, Wednesday and l'ri days. So he stopped with us m tn,.( Suiinyside taking the stage cduc. day morning. Israel ratten. Frank Veiheilund. George Smith. Miss Reck and Mr. Mills,, all of Itutte Falls, came out Monday and the most (f them look the ear for Medford the same after noon. Mr. Lottie Van Scoy, daughter of the late Hon. George Rrewn. was visiting Mrs. E. L. Wolfe r last Mon day. There is a great deal of travel on the road. Monday morning there Acre four passengers on the Trail stage and I wo more are booked for 'he same stage tomorrow, Wedues luy morning, and there is i ustinl all for rigs to go to all pelts of the nun try. Lud F,d-nl loam ook two ncn, civil engineers, up to the MiRo Mauley ranch Tuesday morning and two more hired saddle horses here- the same lime and parlies are lier low waiting" for horses to go to Darby. The men who have been engaged limiting trees have had lo lay off 'or a t'ow days on account of llu mow, but tonight, Tuesday, it is raining and the snow will soon he 'soiio nnd then work will be resumed. The tunic gang put up the tank lo .lay and at night succeeded in put ting on one hoop, but there is duu er of Iho wind tonight blowing the .liole thing down us it is 24 feet in liameler and 1(1 feel high and with nly one band if. Iho wind blows ns droiTjfi.'ns vil-sunTUiinos docs it wil) ikely go down; Charley Cinjjcuid who, with Ray Vshpole, ir, running a billiard and onfectionory establishment, h.is ecu in the hills near Soda Springs n Little Untie for the past few dn jntheriug cattle. Mr. Deler, one of our business Dy A. C. llowlctt. men, lias been away for several days mid when asked where he hud been replied that he had been out can vassing for a patent ironing board, dehorning cuttle and scllling phono graphs, rather a novel combination. Samuel Brice, who is in the em ploy of the S. l R. C. Co. criibiug timber, came out from his homo near Dudley Monday on the Uutto Fa'ds .stage, and so did Mr. Umber of Sh uttle conic out at tiip s.une time. C. M. Grimes and wife, who have been iuiting her lelativos for the nasi two weeks, relumed to their home Monday in Linn county. Louis AulL of Kliimath Falls came out on the car Tuesday nnd tried to get conveyance to the place uear Duiby, but could not 'procure one us nil of the rigs mid saddle horses were in use. E. S. I'urney, a civil cngiiieer who ins been assisting in laying off sonic of the lots in the new part of our town, is a guest at tho Sunny.side at P'eseut. Mcujamiii Kdmonsnii, one of our lending stockmen, came out Tuesday from his home near Untie Falls, he reports that the snow commenced to thaw .Monday nnd Tuesday. When he left there it was about Hi inches but was going off very fast. George Wiley of Ashlalid, a man who was mostly raised in this neigh borhood, emno up 'from his home Tuesday Id visit-viyue of his old time friends and neighbors, of whom lc has i great many here. Notice to ltenl KstnU Men My proporty Is now off tho m ar got. 258 Signed: W. 13. STUCKER. 2 I 9 -m " I -S off on all Calendars in stock Medford I Book I Store to lAMbfe 4t ' Co. . . AHK'-'. J Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times X and fruit land. PH0NE323I. Medford Ircm Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST AH kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. Medford. We are now open for business. Hot waf fles, hot cakes and short orders. Quick ser vice cooking done in window on ras. Conic I and see us. -rr;sf4r ...ALFALFA LAND... SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Choicest dniry nnd iilfulfu pioposition in the Htute, located on tho nuiin lino of the Southern I'ucitio rnilrond, between Siicntmenlo and Snn Francisco. IDKAli CLIMATE. AHUNDANCK OF WATER FOR IHKIOA'l'ION. Write Us for Dixon Alfalfa. Land Co, N"C5CT- iWfl'vmnjaTi;mnjr'l''1THijnw y yp .-' - - .w0;,ijj PLUMBING 2 STEAM AND HOT 1 All Work Guarantnod Prices Roasonablo COFFEEN (& PRICE 2 11 North I) St..Medfoid. Oro. Pl,nni mq Z --..-...Mvmjxrjlyi z. J. E. UNCART, President. J A. PERRY, Vice-Prosidont. JOHN S. OUTn, Cnshior. W. B. JACKSON, Ahs'I Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING IU81KEKS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. i -9-a4--t-i4 i - 4-r,rvn H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line See tho nice Kiitflish Hollies. All kinds ol' shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only Hie niosl poH'eH plants), and full lino of pear, peach, apple, aprieot, prunes, etc., etc. Office 116 Office Phone 2381 3 r to loan on improved ranches 320 GARNETT-C0REY BLDG. ..4rsrss Information. Dixon, Ca.1. CHILDREN THRIVE W0NDERFULY 1 on our broad and rolls. It is sinip'y astonishing tho ninoiiiit of nutriment they derivo from them. They like it, loo. Even tuku our bread in jiruf erenco to ordinary cake. It must bo liretly mind to attain that result. TODD & CO., South Central Ave. Mctlford Bakery & Delicatessen. Try 1-U'oIa lireud. WATER HEATING i3 - - - - a - c - c - a4 - CTC - ' Main Street - Res. Phone 2493 mAK-..m. ..-. . VJ