w -wpr 'timmm'tr mmnouT) matl rmrBUrrc, mepfqtu), oj?kcjox tiiltrsi)y, January id, inn. WkhWjM'MiMM L fc..' lift M BT? r X iii im-i . i-- mi -- --- -- - ---- ; r i - i ' - - -- - Personal and Local TIES SUSPECTS ARE SEEN If H. Corlhs of Phoenix van a vlHltor In Modfoul Wodnostluy. Q. E. Wheeler o Uutto Fnllu Is spending u few dnys In tho valley. 11.11. Patterson, 110 K. Main, lias Bomo nice 'English HolUu.s and all lcfmis of Hliitdo trees. Kosoh (all the bust). Now 1h a Reed (line to plant Drop In ailil rioo me. ' If w. s'. Ilricon of Koiby was a Med foid visitor Wednoacle.y. W. I. Scantlon of Talent is vlalt inj? Medroi'd. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. . 4GI Three oluctrlc HoeltH were burned out laat night In tpo city and ,hh many 'biillillnga eiidaupmutl, The isuali and Mooio hotels were endan gered as wan the Medford National ban If. ' ' ' ' i'l! 'e. Whiting hn returned 'from a short stay on his ranch near Eagle Point. Prlvato room and hoard with Mrs. J. 1). Pay, threo blocks from central part of town, 310 N. llartlett. Tho hIucpuih for the Los Angelep qxcursloniHtu have anlvcd and those who plan to leave can occupy their berths tonight. Tho train Will leave M id ford at a late hour. C. C. Scott of Phoenix was a vis itor III Medford Wednesday. , , Klfty-thrco acres opeclal, 10 acres coming Into bearing oi chard. Call on, J. II. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'s office. ti .lohn U. Ilondilcku of Talent spent Wednt'Bilay In Medford. 3. Garth of San Prnnlcsco, who spent several weeks hoio In tho slim mer, has roturned for u visit. John II. Cnrkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Mis. J. H. Plynii of Albany and eilld n,ro visiting at tho home of her iinclo, P. IC. Doall. Mrs. Plynn, as MIhh CVello Stovens, was a foiinor lesldont of Medford. Harry J. Neoly, who Is Interested, In llio llurrell orflinrds, has returned fiom several weeks spent at Spo; kane. Or. J. 10. Shonrcr, physldlan and surgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug Btnru. tf. '- W. D. lloiJson of Ashland was n visitor In Medford Wednesday. John E. Itoberts or Talent was a i count Medford visitor. Wanted Iioardors A now board ing houno has opened nt 700 Soutl Oakdalu. Call and boo us for fall) tiQiitmont, or address P. II. Moro land. " 303 II. A. Thelrolf. manager of the Hlg Pines Lumber company, has retuined front u buslnefca trip to Portland. Excursion iickots to J.o Ai,'el?s, while not jood until the Will, will .;. ho jilncotl on sale Sitlidny ntornjnv, " tlio intli. at U a. in., ami I'ontiniui 0'i siilo Until tho eeuraioii leaven, .11 1- .-; important t licit thofio uolntr do' iwl watt until the last day to )ui'eliae their tickets ne it takes time o pro- pure thorn, At tlio pronent wiitiu',' f 77 are inlemlinn to make the trip with other eilipiirios fumiiifr in. MnUc your sleeper l enervation, l'lillinan or touiibt. Cliaii' ears will ulao be mailable for thorni who do not eair for sleeper. 10. II. Watson of Hut to Palls Ik lulling .Medford i Is your ougo wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred por cent (ucroaso In comfort. Start living the qlootrlc life. tf. P. M. l'ojtoi of till city wan a io cent vUltar at Ashland. Arthuj' O'Xell o,t llqrwluuuk wan a runout Milley visitor. The Paoifle Telegraph and Tele plume Co. are preparing niauiiMorlpt for a new directory. All Biiboiilior that Hiu tinted lucorructl, kludl) call at tho offke. an wo want to Iihno the now dlrectoiy out by Poluuaiy 15 L. A. Newton, Common ial Manunii. 85 J V. J. Emerlek of this city la visit ing Eugene. Every Up.it nut electricity gives et9 ntnntn ri t 1 nmnUn itntitn inn rtnrt :y. :r. : " z : z. rr,r :::' - m ki.ii. ot., ..y u...i u,.vii curtains, draperies. Electric light, ,"'',, glows In an air tight bulb. ' tf T. 11. Johnion or Eagle Point la siiendlng a few dujn In Medford. six mShers i KILLED BV EXPLOSION: KEATINC, Mont., Jan. 10 Six mliiois aie dead, two injured and two are missing today as n result of an explosion In the Keating mlucj near heio late yesterday. They were killed. by concussion. An Investigation was begun today. Officials of I'm Keating Cold Mining company declared that no miners below the 1100-foot level wore In Juied. Those killed and Injured weio w oi king on this levol. , Jt Is gonoially believed that the pdwder magalno, which contained 500 pounds of dynamite, let go. This cannot bo positively learned, how-! over, until tlio debris that liovi away. ' JtlWALA, X. V., .Jan. V.).U ports to Buffalo police today from Is, Oiil. say Hint David A. Schmidt and J. 1). Ijryee, the three men wanted in con nection willi tile J-o! Aiiolos Tinier explosipn, have been seen U the i ciiii,v ifl' lle ('aiiadiaii tow'u. J'cdiou inspector Staines of tlio On tario piovinoial police lias n stpuid ot detectives soareliin for tiie trio. Watch in m1o heiiiK kept heioY ih.... . i Mail Clerks May Go Out. ANNNHAI'OLkS, Mum., .Inn. 1!). A lie-up of the country's mail nyiuin and it walkout of the inilwuy inal. clerks is likely uiilcs I'oMtmii'-'ei (lenoiiil lliteheook disco'lliuii. s oei Inin pluiKOH of his iio.tal Havii.ijs dj. ioy, iicordin to members of Hie Tw hi Cities Kuihvnv Inil Clerks' nsuci-utloii. Tnn I ATFTfl m ASSIFY. -f . 1 KOI,' JIENT 4-room house on ri. C'cnlt nl inc. Curiiotiiis-Onrii'T ltciill Co., i:i:i W. Main st. 'J3i) FOIt ItKN'T ."i-ioom furnished hoiife, elOsC, in, complete ior $40 t Cornetius-Garner JJenlty Co.( 133 1 W. Main ct. 'J.VJ" I J-'OK UKNT-.:i unftiriii-hod n.onn, :i2l) N". Alder Ht. 2UV , WANTED I-JxeuMitinj,' Io let by c(tp tlaet of two buHCineiitH, (all 'JUG ooseolt avo. Phone A'SM. '2m FOH SATjI: G'LMilrull' loeaied res-1 intrant li hplondld pa.iu lnisinot-. Poor health only ieii,-oii for '-oil.- i u jr. Apply nUJ'-'H Hast Main, up stairs. 'Jo'II I FOll WENT Thico fiiinishod hoii-f-keeping moms .suitable for two peo ple. Apply Oiikilnle Ca.i Cnocer.. South OaUdalo & llth. 2ti:i FOll SAIjK Two Iioiim-s, III H. Or ano, .$'J200; S'J2 Jleiuielt uo filOO; h .Idliu Ilender-on. 270 Tfrv I 0 ALLEGED BURGLARS HELD FOR JUR1 (In hi;: the liatnos of .lolm Snntl aiijl .lolm Wilianih, I wo liien, cliiiif;ei iiy, uie yoijci; aiiuipiuie oi asuimu with tfio (irime of burglary wo lodged in the county jailto await tli action of the grand jury. JOHN VON EHRWEGAN IS LAID AT REST Coiilaiucd in u magnificent ma hogany easkol, the remains of tin lute .lolm von Ehwogon, who died at hih home liere lust .Monday, will b laid to rostjhis afternoon in the I. O O. F. cemetery. Tlio funeral orioes wil ho eoi. dttctcll in (lie ohael of the Peil in delinking compiuiy bv tlio l!o. Mat look. -a ... llOISE, Ida., .Inn. 'lU. A hill nil Mated to put (i slop '(( lie pruolioi of Moimo whok'Mile inpior doulei wh ship i(iior into Oregon,' which is hit or shippe'd back iulo dry lorrilor.v m I'dalio, was, inlrodueod in the sound today, 'I'lio bill provide- a lioaw h copse for wJiolonuloi'h doing bu-ine-in oilier states. I A Wonderful Dirt-Starter SUNNY MONDAY Laundry Soap is kind to tlie clotlies because it contains a marvelous dirt-starting ingredient which drives out the dirt in an all but magi- cal way saves most of the rubbing and saves your clothes. Sunnv Mondav is h. white socio, made' from high-grade materials choice fats and, vegetaDie oils, it contains no rosin. All1 yellow laundry soaps contain rosin, and the majority of them are made from cheap tallow and re r - c rt !..-. lusuyipuse. uuiuiy lviuiiuoy o -;7pjgi w mrpnpss is m'nn or ili niirilv. JAjir.'A'MW& nC"c :.' ;:: j . r; vr a&r wxm v. Try Sunny Monday next wash day and you'll never use any other laundry soap. li l Vi The N. K. Fairhank Company, Makers, Chicago ., Prl fa o i ..7(- v IvV ix jr S5S?,W? iWJi't.&t' ,fi!fri. iiS;:;?.isS' m '!i?fc Wst(r''Z'SP" : W?vh J&Y' u r "V H- l ,tftut'" 'vxklaJotf' m riV ' ' ' f"" h J' Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDKIITAKKUS DAY PJ ION 10 2271 Night '.Phones: F. W. WooL5r2071 A. E. Orr, 3G92. L'AJ)Y 'ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker mid Cmbaliiior SuccoHdor to tlm umlortnkliiK do partmont of Mvdford Kiiiuituro Co Office with Medford Furniture. Company About February 1, l'rlvnte Am bulanco Sorvlco. Sick mid lujuted convoyed to any ptuto(U) or country. 'j'fllophenos: Pay 881. Is'lBht: John A. Peil -till C W. Coninin, 3G01. J. II. Hutlw, 3B71. 't!idi3B ION I U INPUSTRH-S, -".'ON CITY, III NOIS yiON LACES and many intcre3ting features in their manufacture arc on exhibition in one of our c how windows. This display is educa tional and every person should sec ii. From 3,100 to 4,500 bobbins are required to' thread ones lace rre.chinc, besides the beam and warp, making a tctrJ when the machine is threads'! av 13,000 threads in actual work. When r fruch-ne ip fully threaded there are ,700 ml!S ofcotron n it, enough to reach from hrs to tongland and nearly back again. Sec (he illustrations of the various machines in "Op-srntion where thay take in the thread and turn ,u -he dainty, attractive laces also skeins of yarns, yarn spools pieces of lace just as they come from the machines. Especially interesting is the process of clipping, scalloping and sepa-1 rating. The exhibit is so uniaue and the values so unusual that a visit will be of material interest to you. KENTNER'S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 li il 4 i 4 4 9 M V St ? V 9 V V V V V V V V f V V V I l t V I ! I t t 4 J 4 t 4 i 4 4 4 p I rf- tfV TSIc I b 11 1 1 i WHO K66pS ' ! I and the man who wants to If you are owner, manager or accountant in a manu facturing or mercantile enterprise and want to know what it costs to do business let us send you FREE, post paid and without any sort oi obligation, a new 180 page book entitled "Cost-Keeping Short Cuts.' A Book of Experience If you could look into the offices and factories of 110,000 of. the world's most progressive houses you would see many things that would interest you and learn many t hints tha,t would benefit you. You would see how carefully the really successful con cerns in every line are to know what it costs to da business. There is no guess work, nothing hap hazard about it. vi . n:i. f v -.; i i p FiTwfc 'i 'ffw A I . I M"v; IlKistKppninnl ft i 3hortgil5 wM ,W-M; - - r i ; m They knoiv. And they say it pays them to knoxv. Scattered over the land arc more than 110,000 users of Burroughs Book keeping Machines. Thcyhavedcvclopcd cost-keeping systems for every line of business. Our 300 salesmen arc in close touch with these users, they arc con stantly sending us the systems and methods found" beat in each line. "Cost-Keeping Short Cuts" This book of 10 pjios is well bound mid is illustrated by photographs, graphic charts and full paLve forms front cost systems bein used by. some of the most successful con cerns in the country. It tries to show how the little con cerns as well as the Acrv biggest are really knowing their costs with the help of BURROUGHS (Nftultftvirf tin tddji anj llillnc maikinn itU an Surnuili) Cost -Keeping Machines To give you this book is a service to you. No matter how much you know about'eost-kecping you'll find help and suggestion here from the experience of the thousands of concerns who hae helped us to write this book. We know that business will be safer and saner when more business men know their costs. We know that we can show men of hard business sense that the way to handle cost figures and o'thcr accounting is by machine, and that the Burroughs Bookkeeping Machines arc saving thousands of men much time and work and worry and rnoncy. Burroughs Motto is Service Maybe you know that we publish and give free, a 192-page book called "A Better Days' Work" just to tell how 110,000 users arc handling their bookkeeping work in the quickest and easiest way. So many business men have asked us for ;he book, we have had to print four editions, J.-J5.000 in all. And now "Cost-Keeping Short Cuts" will go to you, if you ask for it, without a cent and with no obli gation at all. If you want to go further and test in your own office what a Burroughs can do for you in your work, that test will cost you nothing, too. If you say at the end of a month that you don't need it we will take it away without a murmer. But anyway send for "Cost-Keeping Short Cuts" and when you write for it,if there is some particular prob lem in cost or bookkeeping that specially interests you tell us about it, we may be able to show you how some other concern has solved just that problem. This is all a part of our Burroughs service there is not the least obligation or expense to.you It costs us 5300,000 a year and pays both of us. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Largest Manufacturers ot Adding Machines for Ail puio-i in tin ui.iiii, , U&$Nvtv?y Burroughs Model ,101 0,,rrnu.,l.. ni....l. Detroit, Michigan jwofef Malt the coupon or write on jour business letter head Pike Model Please send mc your 180-page book, "Cosukecpin- Short Cuts ,j Mj Samt it 4(r Fatithn ', li'tth tit firm tj BtuimtM ddJrtti , The Btvintu it XmUr tf BwQlvm- "'' lTr.?""' " We cawot el tfaii UookiMtlets busheii .dims and firmer uXn. 444444444444-44S4-4t-e'-i-e4-4-44-4f4'-4-4-yl4't4 -