Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 18, 1911, Image 1

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    i ifV
Hume Interests Now 6eeR Compromise With Local Fish Association
Medford Mail Tribune
Rain tonight nnd tomorrow.
The Xeaiare of th Vlg.
White Fair weather.
Illuo Ilaln or snow.
Whlto and blue Local showers
Black triangular Abovo white,
warmer: bolow white, colder.
White with black center Cold.'
. !
. i.
No. 257.
Makes Splendid Flight In View of
Cheering Thousands Along San
Francisco Water Front and Then
Gently Descends On Cruiser's Deck.
Says It Was Very Easy and Will Try
It Again Circled About Ship
Like a Great Hawk. -
SAN FHANCISCO. Cal., Jan. 18.
Swceping like u giant bird up from
tin south, through Sun Frnncisio
lm V, Eugene Ely in a Curtiss bi-phuio
today made tin) first landing any
nninan has ever accomplished on
the dock of .1 warship.
At a high rata of cpeed Ely swept
over the water amid the cheers of
thousands who lined the shores and
swarmed on the masts of the ships in
the harbor. Just as his machine
neari'd tho cruiser Pennsylvania Ely
slowed down, hovered for a moment
and then buttled down on the deck
of the vessel us easily as a bird. He
stopped with 120 feet to spare from
tho edge of the pint form built to re
ceive his cm ft.
Tho aviator had two seven foot
pontoons and five hooks to cut the
ropes on landing on tho wurtdiip and
one hydroplane aboard his nreopluuo,
the latter being designed to prevent
the machine turning a somersault,
should it strike the water.
Ely arrived early at Selfridge av
iation field and began preparations
for his i light. Special skids, calcu
lated to check tho ninchino's flight
more rapidly than the ordinary ones,
were attached to the aeroplane.
Hundreds of visitors and the avi
ators and mechanicians from neigh
boring hangars watched tho flight.
Around Ely's shoulders the inner
tube of an automobile tiro was fas
tened as a life-preserver.
The bay was crowded with boats
watching Ely, ready to aid him 111
case ho fell.
Ely's wife was the first to greet
the daring aviator. She was aboard
the Pennsylvania and, rushing up to
her liiiibaml, throw her arms about
his neck and kissed him. She pinned
a big bunch of violets on tho biplane
which had home him aboard.
The officers of tho warship hoisted
the aviator on their shoulders and
carried him into the cabin, where
they congratulated him.
When Ely landed ho greeted the
(Continued on Pjibo 6.)
Bitter War On Between Progressives
and Foes of Initiative and Recall in
State Legislature Over Kcllcher's
SALEM, Or., Jan. 18. Tho big
got fight yot held in tho legislatuio
wn. started this morning over Kcl
li'hcr's resolution asserting that tho
'Oregon sy&tem" was tho best on
colli. Couutrary to all expectations
mo.t bitter att.icks were mado on
tin resolution, and Senator Abraham
diiii'd both tho peoplo and the ben
n te to "make a fool of mysolf by
sa.Miig we have tho best ystem. '
Au hour was taken in fighting over
tin-, re-olution and an adjournment
w,.s taken until this nftorjipon when
the campaign will bo again on. As
thM nidation is introduced in the uro of advice to every legisla
ture in the nation now considering
tin- Oregon systom it dofoat is
by thendherots of popular
t;n eminent to moan that tho hardest
blow et struck at thoinitiative, ref
erendum, and rooflll has boon struck
l. the Oregon legislature.
Perhaps most of your "bad luok"
fi.nsists in failing to answer thr
., nit ads that ooutain opportunities
for you.
Spook Says it
Helped Doctor
Cook to Pole
AVlIlliim T. Stoad Declares Shade of
Sir John Fi-nnulln Cmuc nnd Told
Hint of Helping Dee Cook Out
testimony from tho world of
f shndes Is to be taken at its faco -f
value, neither Cook or Peary
reached the north polo, though -f
the Brooklyn doctor got nearer
than Peary did. -f
William T. Stead mado the
declaration in a letter to Ar- -f
f thur Rollinson Colburn, a Wash-
f Ingtoli lawyer, who turned the
document 'over to Congressman -f
Roberts of Massachusetts. Stead -f
writes: -f
"with regard to the polo con- -f
f trovorsy, the only message we -f
f nave received on tho subject -f
f ono from Sir John Franklin. Ho -f
f did not say nnything about -f
-f Peary, but ho said l.o had per- -f
f sonally conducted Cook nearly -f
f to the pole and then left him to
f continue tho journey himself." -f
Willamette River Rises 10 Feet and
Is Coming Up Eight Inches an
Hour Barometer Here Drops, In
dicating Heavy Rain.
4. 4.-f 4.
f The storm now prevailing in
tho Willamette is headed this
f way and according to local bar- -f
f ometcr readings it will strike -f
f tho valloy within tho next 2-1
A low barometer and a high
f south wind tend to make tho
- deluge heavy. But tho wind
f may beat tho storm away from -f
f this valley partially. -f
- r-r -r-t-
SALEM, Jan. IS. Tho Willam
ette valley is going to huvo ono of
tho worst floods In its r.istory unless
tho torrents cease mighty soon. If
it stopped raining In the entire up
per Willamette- country right now
soino new high water marks would
bo set beforo tho torronts subsided,
but as tho rain continues In Increas
ing volume tho outlook Is gloomy".
Tho river hero has jumped up ten
feet abovo tho low water mark and
it is rising at tho rate of eight Inches
an hour. Tho flood crest from tho
upper river has not started to hit
Salem yet and tho local downpour
is damming up every sewer and out
lot until nt noon North Salem Is un
der water. Tho Southern Pacific is
out of commission and a few feet
more will cut tho last link and put
tho Oregon Electric out of business.
Three streams run through Salem.
They are all out of their banks and
mllos of suburbs ae under water.
Four Indies of rain has fallen In
tho last 24 hours and It Is raining
harder than over.
Wins Out In Spite of Hardest Fight
of His Career Ames and Foss Bat
tle With Him to the Very End.
BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 18. Homy
Cabot Iogo was today re-elected
to tho Unitod Stntos somite, winning
out dospito tho hardest fight of hi
political caroor, in which tho personal
animosity of Governor Eugene N
FoM and tho ambitious efforts of
Congressman Puller Ames- were tho
backbone of u most bitter opposition,
Japan, Despite World Wide Protest
Orders Death of Socialists Ac
cused of Tinh Treason to the
Great Secrecy Surrounded Farcial
Trial of Men Socialist Papers
Ahe Suppressed.
TOKIO, Jan. 18. Sentence ol
denth was passed hero today on 21
of the 20 cocinlists under nrrest for
mi alleged terrorist plot which aimed
at the assassination of the mikado
All wero found guilty as the result
of- n special trial. Two wero given
long prison sentences.
When tho death sentence, wns
passed this afternoon in the court of
cessation, Denjiro Kotoku, the leader
of the socialist, hand, and Kanin,
his mistress, calmly bade each othei
and their fellows farewell and the
whole baud joined in 11 chorus,
danced frenziedly beforo the throng
of spectators who jammed tho court,
Wild Demonstration
Tho two socialirts who were given
prison sentences Nitta and Niiiuurn
joined in tho world demonstration
which which was only suppressed af
ter tho most severe measures by Ihe
officers of the court.
When tho result of tho trial became
known nnd it was learned that sen
tence of death was to bo pronounced
immediately on the bund of sociali
sts, the whole city was thrown into
tho wildest excitement, and if tho solo
hope of clemency, 11 pardon from the
Mikado fnils, it is believed the most
sorious outbreaks here and through
out Japan will follow.
Aro Socialists
Whilo tho bund of socialists sen
tenced today aro dubbed "anarch
ists" by tho government of Marquis
Eatsurn, which has hounded them I
ward death by star-chamber trials
for months, they aro generally re
garded by tho socialists throughout
tho world ns comrades. It is believed
that from nil tho world over will
eonio protests ngainst their execu
tion. Kotoku, who imbibed his social
ism in America five or six years ago,
is the father of the movement in Ja
pan. IIo nnd his followers allege
thnt their doctrines nro like those ol
the American socialists and that the
deprocato the employment of force.
(Continued on Phro 6,)
Partial List of Appointments Sub
mitted by Mayor Canon Passes
Council Committee Appointments
Evenly Divided.
Despito the objections of Council
man W. W. Eifert, the city council
last night confirmed tho uppoiutmout
of Dr." R. Stearns as city health
officer. Mayor Canon read to tho
council n partial list of his appoint
ments and, when he had finished Ei
fert jumped to his feet and moved
to confirm every nnmo on tho slate
but that of Dr. Stearns. Tho mayor
then read the names singly and alll
wero confirmed without protest ex
cept that of the now health officer.
Eifert moved for rojeolion but was
not seconded and on n motion by
Merrick tho appointment of Stenru
was confirmed.
The othor nppointmonts mado last
night were Porter J. Koi& city at
torney; Dr. It. W. Stearns,"ity health
officor; W. P. Hakor, street commi.i
sionor; William Hinton and Harry V.
Snyder, polico; T. J. Williams, park
attendant; Hnzloton reappointed
plumbing inspector; library board,
Mrs. V. E, Moriek. J. E. Watt, P. J.
"(Continued 'on I'ut'o 6.)
Herbert Hume, Nephew of Late
"Lord of the Rogue," Here to
Meet Fish Association Wants
Compromise in Regard to Fishing
Before Law Was Passed
, However,
Hume Interests Laughed
at Any
Suggestions from
Herbert Humo, nephew of tho late
R. D. Humo, "lord of tho Rogue,"
and manager of tho Humo estate,
and Ivnn Humason of Portland, for
merly of Medford, who has purchased
tho Interests of some of tho heirs,
aro In Medford trying to mako some
kind of a compromise with tho mem
bers of the Hoguo River Pish Pro
tection association, authors of tho
Initiative bill closing tho Hoguo to
commercial fishing. They aro will
ing to mako any kind of a compro
mise in order to keep tholr largo sal
mon packing plant In operation nt
tho mouth of tho Roguo nnd seek
legislative modification of the Initia
tive bill agreeablo to tho local ang
lors. "Tho initiative law," they stato,
"means virtual confiscation of a sov
oral hundred thousand dollar Invest
ment in tho cannery plant and the
abandonment of tho hatchory work
tho Humes havo long carried on. It
moans ruin for the two towns of Gold
Beach and Woddcrburn at the mouth
of tho rlvor, whose, Bola source of
livelihood Is supplied by tho fishing
Industry carried on for nearly forty
"Wo aro willing," states Mr. Hum
ason, "to stop fishing for steel head
ontlroly and only fish for salmon,
which nro valueless to tho sportsman.
Wo aro willing to shorten tho season
or Hvo up to any requirements
doomed neccEsary. Wo havo been
refrigerating tho steelheads and ship
ping them eaBt. Wo will ngreo to
ctoiso this urinch of tho Industry,
dlsmuntlo our cold ntorago plants
and help protect tho steollicad. Wo
will turn our Elk crook hatchery
ovor to the association to bo used as
a trout hatchery.
"Tho present ownors ennnot be
blamed for tho actions of tho into K.
I). Humo, and aro acting In good
faith. Wo do not thing tho people
gonovally would hnvo voted for the
bill If they had understood that It
meant confiscation and ruin to an
established Industry and two com
munities, nnd a largo number of In
habitants." Members of tho Roguo River Pish
Protection association stati that
when they ought compromise, thoy
woro laughed at; when thoy Intro
duced noedod legislation, it was
killed; and whllo thoy havo no par
ticular deslro to protect nalmon, they
do not seo how salmon can bo caught
and Htoolhonds escape. In genera!
tholr attitude Is to "bowaro of the
OreokB boaring gifts." Thoy also
claim tho matter has passed out of
their control and rests with tho peo
plo of Orogon. Nevertheless, thoy
admit tho Humos havo cause for
complaint, do not blnmo thorn for
Booking redress, nnd nro willing to
hear their side of the controvert)'.
Woman On Trll for Attempted Pois
oning of Millionaire Husband Col
lapses In Court Trial Is Stopped,
WHKI3LLNO, W. Va., Jan. IS.
Mrs. Laura Pnrniiworth Bcliouk, ac
cused of tho attempt to poison hor
millionaire husband, John O. Schonk,
oollupsod In court horo today. Tho
trial was Htoppud and tho dafondant
tnkon to a room In the Jail, whoro
sho was placed In the euro of physicians.
Institute of France
Because She
I Ml ' 'l-' ' .. I u J
After a long nnd animated debate tho lustltuto of Franco voted SO to M
that tho election of women to tho lnslltuto "was contrary to Immutable tradi
tion," nnd thereby tho candidacy of Mine. Curie, who, with her husband, dis
covered radium, was defeated. This decision was not imposed upon tho tlvo
separate academics which mako up the Institute. Mme. Curie's chances of
being elected to tho placo nindo vacant in tho Academy of Mornl Sciences,
however, aro adversely affected by the Institute's action. Scientific reports
havo given more credit to Mine. Curio than to her husband for tho researches
which resulted in tho discovery of radium. It was when working with M.
Schmidt in 1S9S, Independently, that she found that thorium was possessed
of properties enabling It to emit rays that would pierce liquids and solids. Sir
William Ramsay lately said of her: "Sho Is the most Important woman In the
world today und among the most brilliant. Her work tins added largely to
human advancement. I consider nullum the most wonderful discovery that
tho selentlllc world will know for many years."
J. H. Hittson Writes Letter Jointly to
Jackson-Bade Company and City
Seeking Balsam in Way of Coin.
J. l' Hittson, u resident of East
Main street nnd Willumette avenue,
is wearing u lurgo chip on his shoul
der ns the result damage inflicted lo
his properly by workmen blasting n
sower along East Main street.
"Tho City of Medford uud the con
tracting firm of Jucobson-Hndo aro
picked out by tho irato Mr. Hittson as
the foes ngainst which ho will invoke
tho wrath of the gods unless u sooth
ing buliii in tho form of u cheek
for $1(18.50 i Bpuodily forthcoming.
In a letter addressed jointly to the
"City of Mcdforil and tho Jacobson
Hade company," .Mr. IlitUon itemizes
tho extent of his injuries in the. fol
lowing manner:
Dainngo to roof, $lfi0.
Dnmngo to cement coping, $10.
To two day' labor romoving rooks
from lot, .tO.
To doctor's fees, $200.
Nor does ho intend to lot the mat
tor drop with tho writing of tho let
ter, for nppci.dcd to tho bill is a note
reading: "Tin-, is a compromise of
fer and will bo withdrawn uiile
promptly accepted,"
State Senate Today hy Vote of 25 to
2 Approves Amendment House
Yesterday Favorably Considered
tho Matter.
SALEM, Jan. 18. Orogon hna rat
ified tho inconio tax amondmont to
tho United Stato constitution. By
a vote of -fi to 2, with throo absen
tees, tho state senate today approvod
tho amendment, favorable action
having boon taken by tho house, yo
torduy. "liy our proftsut lax tyiitom, which
Is most unjimt," said Senator Hlnnot.
"tho poor man In taxod upon what
ho consumes nnd the rich man Is
(Cuiillliuod on Jiuuo 2.)
Rejects Mme. Curie
Is a Woman.
Rev. Mr. Black of Cottarje Grove
Would Be Reimbursed hy City for
Loss of His Telephone Connection,
That tho old adago "Timo is
money" is us equally applicable to
wearers of the cloth ns to Iheir lay
brethren is exemplified in u letter re
ceived by City ltecordor Hobort W.
Telfor hist night from the Kov. V. L.
Pluck, n minister of the gospel, ro
sidiug in Cottage drove.
Mr. Pluck desires to bo reimbursed
for damage done his house by work
men engaged in laying sewers along
East Main street under the direction
of the Jucobson-lhido company.
He enclosed tin itemized statement
which, rend by (he mayor nt a moot
ing of tho city council lust night,
caused a roar of laughter.
"To repairs and now shingles," the
Htnteincnt roads, ".tl.r0; to repairing
telephone, $100; paint and shingle
stain required lo rejuvonute appear
ance of mansion, $105; and to "Time
spent without use of phono, $f)00,"
Tho grand total asked by the niiu
istcr ns u balm lo his injured house
nnd feelings nnd for the gront incon
venience ho was occasioned by being
unable lo hnnr the musical "Number,
plea-.e?" of tho Tetrnzzmi voiced
"huV brigade is $!)!".
Provides for Laying of Sewers and
Water Mains In Fourteen New Or
dinancesAlso Passed $0500 for
Improvement Bonds,
Tho city council lust night passed
VI ordinances providing for tho luy
inif of now wutor in niiia an dsowors
throughout tho oily mid ono ordinance
prqviding for tho humunoo of $8500
in improvement bondd.
Tho e;vur and mains, with their
dimtmuioiiH and oost por front foot
to property holders on both sides of
the street abutting them nre:
Six-inch lateral sower on Lamol
from Kufhlh to Tenth; total $:I93.:I8;
(Continued on Pugu -.)
Declare That Governor Trapped
Himself When He Decided to Re
open Controversy Concerning Lo
cation of Branch Insane Asylum.
Bowerman and Kay Are at Outs
Bowerman Asserts Governor Is
Playing Politics In Deal.
SALEM, Jnn. X'8. Opponents pt
Govornor West today declared that
tho govornor trapped hlmBolf when
ho decided to reopen tho controversy
concerning tho location of tho branch
Insano asylum In caatorn Orogon. It
is now asserted that tho Orogon stato
asylum will como In for an Investjga
tlon nnd tho officials will bo brought
on tho carpet for a grilling, something
that tho anti-West faction ardontly
It was oxpocted that tho report ot
tho legislative committee on ntntp In
stitutions would read Us report today
and tho alleged oxtravaganco ot tho
asylum at Salem would flguro largely
In It. It Is prodlctcd that Superin
tendent Stolnor will bo asked to ex
plain why a big red automobile was
purchased for uso of asylum ofoflcluls
with ntato monoy. That othor ques
tions will bo asked, If Stelncr is
called, Is a forcgono conclusion. A
deficiency of $40,000 at tho nBylum
stares thu logislaturu In tho faco and
much ot tho commltteo's time prob
ably will ho taken tip' In deciding how
tho deficiency was brought about and
how similar oxpondlturos can bo
avoided In tho future
Jay Povorman nnd Treasurer Kay
aro at outs. Kay is a niombor of tho
stato board and Bowerman assorts
thnt the board headed by Governor
West Ib playing politics In connection
with n final sottlomont of tho slto for
tho eastern Oregon asylum. Shortly
boforo Wopt's inauguration tho old
board soloctod lands near Pendleton.
Now tho West board haH reopened tho
affair and threaton to Bolcct other
lands, Umatilla county wont ngainst
West, whllo Union nnd Palter coun
ties, both aspIrantB for tho asylum
slto, rollod In good voles for him.
Tho antts bollovo, however, that
tho asylum finally will bo built neur
Pendleton and that tho present flurry
Is to give the West followers In Pen
deoton a clianco to "savo" tho board
asylum from romoval to anothor dis
Fcarinn That tho Blind God of Jus
tice Was Overlooking, a Bet Young
Man Took Scolding Case Into His
Own Hands.
Declaring that nny man who
would throw boiling water on a
woman, whothor with lntont to harm
her or not, had a "licking" coming
to him mid uudor tho Improsslou
that tho. blind goddess ot Juctlco was
not attending to hor duties, WiUlum
Cook ot Jacksonville took Into his
own hands tho task of ropaylng Wil
liam Doltoboum for having thrown
a pall full of scnldlug water over
(Continued on pngo 2)
- " -
Chief of Polico II. E. Shear- t
"" or this aftornoon tondorod his "
resignation to Mayor W, II. ""
"" Cunou, Tho resignation wns
filod with City Heuordor Hob-
crt W. Telfor.
No suooossor has aa yot ""
boon named by the mayor to ""
fill tho position. '
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