X l4t,.l04d,.. aiEDlTORD MiOT TKIBTJOT; ItfEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, .JANUARY 1G...1D1 L . 5 aTy-invTTifl1irfflHIWBB PRICES EASE OFF ON FIRST CLASS CATTLE PORTLAND, Jan. id. Receipts for tho week have been 2'2t)S cattle, $2 calves, 12(53 hogs, 2 893 sheep and 99 horses ami mules. Under tho Influence or increased cattlo receipts prices cased off a nuartor to fifty cents from the high point of tho week before. Tho un usual prices of tho week before were not representative of the Intrinsic worth of cattle, but were the result of unusual scarcity. Tho market is still high, being "50c to 75c higher than Chicago and $1 higher than Omaha for same quality of cattle. Tho hog market was characterized by liberal receipts from Oregon points. Tho quality was good and prices eased off 10c to 15c toward tho end of tho week, with the best selling at $S.90 to $9. The establishment of a central horse market has been undertaken at tho Portland union stock yards and buyers aud sellers of horses throughout the country vill be grat ified to know that thore Is n basing jioint for establishing prices in any thing in tho horse and mule line. Moilforu Markets. (Prices paid by Medford merchants, Potatoes $1.13(rl.35 per ewt. CnbbnRo li!J4c Squash 85c(5)!?l. Parsnips IVzc Carrots lV!c. licet dHie. Onions lVyo to 1.S5. Pears li(.2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. Pumpkins 812je. Apples 2o. Celery 75c$l per dozen. Mutter, Eggs ami Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants Butter Fresh ranch, 32Vc: creamery, 37c ' Eggs Fresh ranch, 35c. Poultry Mixed, 1014c; spring chickens. 1410c; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) linyTimothy, $10; nlfalfa.a $14; grass, $1-1; grain liny, $1G. Grain Wheat .$1.15 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, $32 ton. Beef Cows, 4-li2c; steers, 5(? Porlc 7VaSc. Veal Dressed, 9c. (Selling prices.) Rolled'bnrley,' $1.75 cwt.; $32 ten: bran, $1.75; middlings, pl.S51.00. Mutton 551lc; lambs, 0c. JUMPED FROM CAR TO SHOW HOW; IS KILLED LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Jan. 10. Remarking to friends that most peo ple, especially women never knew how to get off a moving ear prop erly, J. O. Nitchkcr leaped from a street car to show his companions how to alight correctly, fell and fractured his skull, dying a low hours Inter. After Nitchkcr was injured h" jumped up aud was explaining that his feat would hnvo been successful if the pavements had not been wet. While he was talking he became un conscious. JACK LESTER IS SOON TO MEET DENVER ED SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 10. Tom my I Ui rn t has reconsidered his de cision tliat Jack Lester, his heavy weight protege must feed on baby food for a while, for it is announced today that Lester will meet Denver Ed Martin in this section on Janu ary 31. Tint big bout probably will be held in Tacoinn. ! Lester k in training in Tacoma forlod; price low; line bottom land; $85 an exhibition match to bo hold with per ncrc. Pete Muldoon tomorrow night. xoricn. Tho funeral of Mrs. I. II . Stowart will bo held today at 1:30 p. m from the late reldenco on South Oulidalo avonuo. Interment in I. O, O. F. cemetery. Friends and acquaintances hulled to attend. etltWWW I, ! WM 1W PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON i MEDFORD s s s s s s s s CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. X rtr LA FOLLETTE JOT . TEODY, IS LEADER LOS ANGELES. .Ian. 1C Colonel Roosevelt baa not shown himself to be a truo Insurgent, according to John D. Works, California's- United Statcs senator-elect. Senator La Folletto today is the Insurgent leader and not Roosevelt, Works declared. Asked to state, who, in his opinion, was the most prominent figure In the progressive movement, Works named LaFotlotte. "How about Roosovoltf" "Roosevelt has aided tho reaction aries at times," Works said. "And has not shown hlmscl" to ben real insurgent." FOUND FOUND Stick pin; prove property, pay for this advertisement. D ,L. Woodruff, 420 (larnott-Cory build ing. :.w FOR SALE OR RENT. Houses. HOUSES for rent or sale by owner j 00 N. Orange st. tf Business Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing, for general merchandise stcc in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from ! Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 20G W Main. tf. FOR EXCHANGE Itcnl Kstatc. FOR TRADE Seattle or Portland property. I have about $200,000 ot choico Scatllo or Portland prop erty for trade, both income prop erty or in lots.; also farms and Ki'o-1 eery stocus lor trnuo lor nogue river property or city property; also hnvo some California pprop erty for trade. Write A. L. Cusick, formerly of Cusick & Meyers, 1140 W. 10th st. phone Mnin 2232. 200 TO EXCHANGE For Medford preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved. $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500: 52 ncres, improved, $llj000; 30 ncrcs, improved, $0000. W. T. York Co. tf KOR EXCHANGE--. Mcdiord and suburban property, ranches, timber lauds, for other property. Address Box TOO. enrp Mail Tribnno tf Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE Giocery stock m invoice; one of tho best stocks aud locations in Ashland, to exchange for good residence property in Med ford. Sco A. L. Cusick. 1140 W 10th st. Phone Main 2232. 255 WILL" EXCHANGE old established legitiinato business showing good profits, for improved city property in Medford. Address G, care Mail Tribune office. 255 FOR EXCHANGE 1 team, 1100, work or road; hack heavy double i harness to exchange for first class young," gentle single driving horse, weight 1050 to 1150 nnd singlo buyy and harness. Address E. D. E., 135 S. Central ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fivo Dassenger 4-cylindcr touring auto mobile Address Box 200, care Mail Tribnno nffie f FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE Acote lene plant, 30 to 50 lights, with gas fixtures; barcain. P. O. Box OSS or telephone 7LSI. FOR SALE Splendid Mib-diu-ion, well local CITY PROPERTY Six lots and hou-o $$2100. m. .i... ..,..., i,t..t (v.. ionnrt. 4..,....c Waieliou,o properly, C'orncr sitoj u 'Jiliuill il.ilirta jwi (,'Mff., luiiiio. $3500. For -room funiishod house, mod ern; $2300; easy terms. i j FOR EXCHANGE. ! ! For exchange, gilt edge income piop- , erty, 5-10000, for timbor well lo 1 rated. I Cloo in acroago up to $50,000, for Medford income inoporty, Scattk ineomo proportv at cadi I value for ranch property 10 acres pours, 1 and 3 yr., 3 miles out, $4500. ' First das restaurant $4000. 240 jicre ranch, 100 under ditch, for modern house, 7 or more rooms. 100 acre suhdivikion, eloio in, for city lots. 0-rooui modorii house, close in, 1? lots; take 4 or 5 room house in trade. WANTED 'City and ranch properly to liat. j 'Jirln for ccnornl housework , Rooming house cloe in, $075. I Man and wife on ranch; lious keeper. . F. I Room 200, Taylor & Phlpns Bldg 8IMI FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 45 X. Dartlett st. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 405 South Oakdnlc. Plume Mam 1011. -255D FOK RENT Three furiiHied house keeping roum.s (Suitablo For two peo ple. Apply Oakdnlc Cn.h Grocery, Soutli Oakdnlc and 11 st. 250 FOR RENT Light housekeeping room at 717 West Sih st. tf FOR RENT. Hoard and Room. FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas ant furnished rooms and board, with hot and cold running water; baths, largo sunny porches. 004 W. 10th st. or 12 1' King st. tf Furnished riouscs. FOR RENT Furnshed steeping room;, everything new and cHiui; reasonable price: nasy wah lront Main st. Only men need appl.. Olcson and W. Hamilton st. Phone Main 4474. tf t FOR RENT Only hotel in town of' 1000 inhabitants, Rogue River vnl- Icy; modernly equipped, toilets, baths, water and electricity; 4U rooms; nearly rill refurnished. Call Aldcnhngcn, care Roguo River Elec tric Co.. 210 W. Main st. a '''OR RENT Two furnished rooms 525 South Central avenue. Phone Mnin 2035. 25Si FOR RENT Furnished No. 4 S. Orange. rooms atj FOR RENT Furnished rooms la- center busincus district, Medford;; modern equipment, steam heat, elec tric light, baths, hot and cold water aud janitor .service. Rooms single or en suite. Enquire Aldcnhngcn, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 W Main st. tf FOR RENT 20 modern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets and baths, suitablo for first-class rooming house; rooms en suite, suitable for families or modern offices. .Inquire: Aldcnhngcn, enro Roguo River Elcc-t trie Co 11 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, board next door. 345 N Bart let I. tp FOR RENT. Furnished looms with! private family, Ti' ? r.o t "- v ju J 250 Business Hooms FOR RENT Offico rooms over the Postoffico. Sco G. F. Dyer, 123 E Main st room 2. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec trie building, modern equipment steam heat, electric light, baths toilet, hot and col 3 water. Gnu Rav Realty Co.. 210 W Main St i FOR RENT Business room on l Main st., 24x140, suitablo fc res taurant or billiard room or othe business, stoam heat. Gold Un Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st it Houses. FOR RENT A furnished 5-room bungalow. Call at 510 S. I lolly street. '.",7 FOR RENT 10-room bearding and rooming house in center of busi ness district, Medford, Or. Inquire Aldcnhngcn, Roguo River Electric company. 210 W. Main st. If FOR RENT New 3-rooiu cottage closo iii. Inquire 510 S. Con- trul. 'J57 Farms. I-'OR KENT Farms from 40 aclir to 400 acres, nlfalfn land, frui ranches, gardon lands, genom farming innchos. Gold Ray Renlt "n 21 a Wos Mnin tf MlHccllmicous. FOR LKASK Fully cnufiiDed nlu'cc' mine. Call on AldonliRKen. Roum River Electric Co., 216 Worn Main. tf FOR SALE. rtusincss Property, FOR SALE Choict business prop erty at a bargain, on long time easy terms. Address Condor Wn ttr Powor Co. FOR SALE Rosidonco lots, close n j high elevation, commanding u beau-' tiful viow of tho city and valley host rosidonco district, at price t that aio right. A. F. Burnett, Jack-1 son Co. Hank bldg. Phono Main 42 residc'icn 2574. tf FOR SALE A good biuuiobs propo sition which will not 50 per cciit or investment yearly, $11500, hall cash, experience unnoce,nrv. Soi A. L. Cusick, 1140 W. 10th st Phono 2232. 055. Acicugo, FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro trac. juit within and adjoiuine city lira. its, at a bargain, on 5 annual nav j monts. Addrosa Condor Water j I'nu-or Cn ' ' TOR SALE 30 neros red fruit land". 4'j miles from Medferd: s ill set fo nnv kind of fruit and furni-di trco tor $00 per nrro; land as it h., t $125 nor aere: it interpRtrd. imtm H F Bowman JjcLonrjlle, Or CO FOR SALE. Acreage.- FOR SALE Your Opportunity 177 u,crcs? 3 blocks to street car leas, than n mile to niversity of Or egon, lVa miles to court house just outside city limits; beautiful view of eit ; all fine apple and pour hiild, could not lay hotter; 50 bearing fruit trees; house and large barn; fine springs, nrtcsinn water in house and barn ; new 0-foot side walk nil tho wny to city. Half un der cultivation. Rest subdividing proposition in tin state: lots across -.trotst from $150 to $400. If taken nt once will sell for $350 per acre, r.pot cash. No ngents. Address owner, li x 03. Eugene. Ore. tf FOR SALE Largo moitnni house with south mid east front, 113 feet front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reason for selling, lady of huso needs i change of climate; Uiis place is Buitnhlo for nice homo or first -elnss rooming hous; easy terms to right party. S-o tho Jackson County Realty Co.. 004 West Tenth st. Wo also buvo largo and small tracts of imoiovcd and unimprov ed orchard 'amis. tC FOR SALE f, 10 nnd 20-acic tracts with perpetual water right for salo on easy payment plan. Roguelands Incorporated, Fred N Cummings, manatror tf Houses. FOR SALE Five room house, cor- 0r.iot G3xl00 on street to be paved this year. Water and sewer in: $onn. Sco owner, 00 N. Orange street. tf FOR SALE Nothing down, $31' monthly buys 5-rooni colage. Priji $925. B. F. Benson, Room 3.1 Jackson County Rank hldg. 25S FOR SALE A 5-room bungalow ot W. 10th at.; close in. Pjiiilt-in fire place and modern; water, sewor inn' sidewalk in and paid for; 2 assess ments on paving paid; $2700, on very easy terms! $050 down, bnl- unco, liko rent. Cornetitis-Garno' RenllyOo., 133 W. Main si. tf i FOR SALE A brand new 5-ronih ' hu.igulow, strictly modern. Tin property has a solid cement foun diitiou, is plastered, has -oleetrii ,1,l,!''1 ,mIt1,l. to!let im1 !nk', consider wits piuco worm .yj.iun can he bought for $1800; $501 down, balnneo like rent. Cornitius Garner Realty Co.. 133 W. Main. P FOR SALE-XV 5-rooiu modern Iiohm four blocks irom business center o' city; price $2500. Van Dvke Real ty Co.. 123 E. Mnjii s L f FOR SALE-Rond Ihis; One lot am' two small houses rented for $14 por month. A good residence street Prico $800. with term.. Tho Vn Dyke Co.. 123 E. Main st. tf FOR SALE New 5-room collagi aud barn; lot'SOxllO; near school $1500; term. Six-room houte, hum; 50 to 0( fiuil trees; lot contains 1 acre facing 300 feet on street. Will In near new Queen Anno school. Price $4250; terms. J). II. Jackson & Co IIS',;. W. Main. Phono 2722. Orchards. FOR SALE Hillitido orchard lun in the rough, L'i million feot timhi. this 'tract, 100 acres nl $20 pe acre. E. S. Jonka, Snnn Yalle'. Oic. 258 FOR SALE -Subdivision orohan bargain, 100 uuiuy, 40 of wliich . sot to 1-M'nr-old trees, ooiimieroin vuriotifh. Piiuo $1Q per auiu; wil exchangj) for oily inoporty. II. J Hcuaon. Room 33 Jncknou count v Bank hldg. J58 jOtg. FOR SALE Splendid Jot 00x125 ii Walnut Park addition, 1 block of.' pavement irom 7th st.; a uplon did view, Inyh lot, $100; on loim Addioss XXX, euro Mail Tribmi office. FOR SALE- An east 1'iont lot ii tho Kenwood addition, 50x115, u $500; $10 down; $10 u month. Coi notius-Gariioj' Roiilty Co. 133 W Main bt. - tf K0I? SALE Thi'uo dhoiqe. lots, 50 i:' ,'u0, '" " yo0(1 'ilt't-'o disirict lh0 lf soltl nl l'uw- 'NiQ v" 'Jyke Realty Co., 123 E. Main st. tf FOR SALE -Two co,o-iu loin, oi, Eut Side, just off imvoinent. A(i5l each. The Van Dyke Roully Co. t FOR SALE- Lot on S. Cent nil uvc $450 cash. Tito Van Dyke It 011 It Co., 123 E. M.nn fct. tf KOR SALE-A fipo jot with aouth front ou W. Sovuuth mI.; walei fcywor und p.iveiuunt paid; $L25C Tho Van Ii.U lioalty Co. tf ,'MibCOlIllllCOUS. ' -1 (FOR SALE-Animal furtiliaser fo orchards, lawn, ote.; write fo guaroJiteod nnalyis and profltnbli results from use. Union .Meat in.ll P()B SALE Two oott-i $1133.33, plU'h p.ddi Muich, P)U, mj!! M-m-hi 101 i, -.ecunty three time uniount of noted. Address box 58S M.tlfonl t, FOR SALE. .Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Xo 1A Toledo ratchet) die, 1 to 2-itlch, good as now, andj some other plumbing tools nt n baignin; ac also repair gasoline engines, centrifugal nnd spraj pump'!, sewing machines, luwii mowers, gasoline stoves and hum, locks, guns, trunks, etc. 31 North Dartlett, Medford, Or. Phono 4531. FOR SALE- riyinoulli roosters. Phono Farmer 7037. 4511 FOR SALE Choicest haled alfalfa hay, ;?1G per ton. Daggett 1 ranch. 273 FOR SALE Eight hives of heed at' a bargain. Jos. Taylor Ss Son Central Point road. or- FOR SALE liny and corn at Isanc's ranch. tf FOR SALE Write to Sampson Spray Co., Grants Pass for price--as Hie association has not done mi. Wo will cptote you prices as an in dividual. Sampson Spray Co.. Granls-Pass, Or. 275. FOR SALE Loae of 350 acres o. land, 200 acre", grain laud, 125 ini in and looking fine, bnlanco being plowed now, 50 acres in alfalfa; 3i head gooil heavy mares, 2 good work horses, 2 two-year-old colts 2 colts, 3 cows, 8 calves, 4 wagons 3 hay racks, 1 surry, 1 road wagon 1 cart, 3 set work harness, 1 set harness, 1 single harness, 2 good mowers, 1 rake, 2 double dice plows. 1 niolchonrd gangplow, 31 section drag liariow, 1 spring tooth harrow, 4 horso roller, seeding cart, full sot blacksmith tooN, cable car aud 115 feel of new :!i-iuch cable for stack ing hay, burn ear and cable; 10 Black Minorca chickens; all tho fur uituro for 0 rooms including iron beds, inulrcshes, bureaus, oak din ing table an dehairs, steel range and Voso piano costing $450, nnd other things too numerous to inentinn. Crop averages about 400 Jons fino hay; 3 miles of town on good cou:.- ty road. Best of markets. A I moneys maker. For parlicultr' write A. S. FiNon, Ashland. Or. if' FOR SALIC Secured real ealnie mortgaged discounted to draw 12 per cent ; look this up. Room 33 Jackson County Bank hldg. 258 FAR SALE Good span horses, hai-i ncss and wagon. Inquiro L. A. Rose, Phoenix, Or. 258 slNGlCR aud Wheeler & Wilson sew ing niacliincs for salo or unit; sup plies and repairs for all kind. Everything guaranteed. Offico a I Allin'n Store. Phono 0013. PIANOLA Self player, brand now, guaranlced perfect, fits any iiiuiio, cost $350. Will trade at $150 up to $100 full value in orchestra instru ments, or bent phonograph, 200 records and $50 cash;, or motor cycle; or )j125 cash. ' "Try 1110" on Irnde any thing equal value. O. R Cheat. Gold Hill, Ore. i''OR SALE One team of horses and harness, I double seated covered hack, good and strong; a good milk cow, nnd orchard cultivator. Call or address 115 Collage street, Mod frdL KOR SALE One or to work hord es, gentle; will work' double niy vvheie; weight 1300 to 1500. Pri'ao $150 und $250. Ages (i and 11. Terms on good paper. E. E. Mor riMMi, R. R. I, box 47. 11 b'OR SALE Giocery Ktoro and htock. Good trade and money make'. Good reasons lor soiling. No agouti). Cull 725 Pine . 251) 'OR SALE Limitod number pure bred Poland China boats, 3 and h months old, eligible to go in the best bonis and cheap enough foi any farmer to buy. Borkolov Or- chnrdH, Geo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phono Farmers 703.3. tf 'OR SALE 12 and Kl-inoh longlh oak and iir block wood for iifco ii healois and fircphtcos; also split line lor kitchen tihc. V, Ojioii bniggo, 401 Rivorfcidu avonuo. Pa cilic phono 1011. 270 '(JR SALE Any peisou coptoui olatiug puiclinniug a motorcycle thi uoaiiiig "cn -1011 will do well to ad dress Box 315, Mcdiord, llu weok. 255 HELP WANTED. Help Wautc:: romttlo. VANTF.D -- Afi.istanl cook an.) hoiibuhold girl. 314 South Ceutm' avenue. 255 T SITUATIONS WANTED. VANTED Position on fruit ranoh as overseor, and can eoiiHtruet ai orehurd from bUu to finish. Ad drcs . J. M. Steele, 23 W. 10th st. Eiitfone, Or. 2fll' 1 . . 1 1 .. 1 , , - 1 WANTED .Vltlltttiuil on I.11. Ii Ii. man and wife. ddu P ' cam ot thin office. .- , WANTED Bs iiiiicinit in.m 1 0111 11 'JO i i -' Cp '1 ii in I" 1 nl I Ii 1 1 I'd the cattit... ir J0U 1 more cord-, ot wood, Address m I mi ' mith MeJf tl Or r I ! HELP WANTED, 1 1 elp wanted .Mule. - W T "- - ' ' WANTED (Salesman in every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly, many make over flOOQ month; choice of territory. Yakima" Valley Nursery Co., Top ueuih. Wawli WANTED. MIsccIlancoBa. WANTED Boarders and roomers, homo cooking. 440 b. Evergn?:! St.. corner 12th. 200 WANTED A good homo, on a farm, for ti hoy 12 years of ago; must be able to attend good school. Prefer a homo whore there are no children Addresq X. Mail Tribune office 25S WANTED 4 mules 4 to 5 years old, broken. State woight and prico fiixt letter. Addross Box 17, care Muil Tribune. . if WANTED To buy a second hand roll top dwdv. Must he in good con dition. AddicsH Box 14, care Mnil Tribune. 255 WANTED Double huggy harness, Give description and lowest price. Address C-50. this office. - - i.l .- .-Illl . ..I. . I, WANTED Room in private family for gonruMiiun. Givo particulars. Address Box 207, Medford. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited nnd kept for .1 reasonable figure; your husincos solicited. Offico Phipps hldg.. room 209. Phcno 3122. Architect JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Man. Phono Main 3471. Residence phoin 744. Assizor and Analyst. EARL V. 1NGELS, B. S.BoM equipped nssay offico in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, yntcr, etc., an alyzed. Grants Pass. Attorncjs. COLVIO & REAMES-W M Col vig, C. L Roamcs Law vers Of fico Modfmd National Bank build ing, sooond floor PORTER J. VTAYV. WM P MEA LEYAtloriiPva-at-law. No. 1 and 2, Po-itofiiee building. A. E REAMER Lawyer. Gnrunli Corey hldg. WlTIIlN'nTON ICELl.Y-Lnwvoi--Palm huildhig. D. R MULICEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jackriou Co. Bank hldg. IJlllturcl Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Uilliurttk, Ci gars aud Soft Drinks. Up' statin, Young & Hall building. A nut. cool place to spend tho hot ulto. noons. lull Postern. VERNE T. CANON BUI H.ier m, Distributor. All orders prompt! filled. Room 20, Jackson Coum Hank building, Medford, Or. Collection! ACCOUNTS oolloctod in any part uf the world. No charge if not col- IUl-lUlt 1 illllll- VUIICVIIII vu., O.I Jack.-oti Co, Bunk bldg. Cigars iintl Toluu'ix). i..,.i..i i..:n,. r.,.n.;.... ,. n IRELAND & ANTLE, Smolcohousn Dcalor in tobacco, cigars and iinoroks' supiilios. Exolusivo agouti .f Lewis Single Binder, El Mont and El Palenoia. 212 West Mao street. Fidelity ami Surety wouus. L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co Hank bldg Furniture. II. F. WILSON ci CO., dealers i now and hv -ond-hand furuitiin and hurdware. Agents for lloune Iwtld Ktovett and "anuuc- 10 Soutl Hr stroet. Phone Main 3161 MISSION FURNITURE U'ORKs Corner 8th aud Iloll. et tents, M ford. MiaBioit furniture mude t ord or. Cabinet work of all kind' A trial aider solicited. IORDOFF WOLFF Coolwtove tad ranges New und .ocoiid-uui furniture End' old stand. 18 F nU South. Pkona 01. Mudfor-t flnialto Works, OLD RAY OUANITE CO., 216 W Main nt. manufacturer and deal rs in gmon.imMital and huihUn rntitc, I'fuhfd Lrumite I'oirinmi t '1 ' ) 1 Km v 1 , Clu. ,, Piid.lv. O. D. Kario. Geo. T. O'Btii'ti -Conti actors and munn- facturcrs of hrik; dealers n hi" id bneV and lime, Ofeo jn Onrnctt-Corev block, room 205), 2d riooi Phoao No 31$ l, BUBJNES3 . DIRECTORY. Nun'i'iqs. -w. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees ir budded, ubt crlifteu. Our stenl: is not ftrirtcd. We .guarantee ev er7tlaug put out Wo are not In the trust. II. B. Patterson, offico ronioved to 110 E. Main st fOOUE iyVER VALLEY NUR SKRY CO., uic Growera of nigh grade nunaory Btook OffiD "" W Mnin Tol '1201 N'ursory in-odiicts THE OREGON NURSERY products are nil one-year bud on 3-year roots; raprosoutativo offico now in Medford; can supply apple, pear nnd walnut trees on short uotico; all guaranteed in every roapcet; ranch ers, write us of your noods; will bo glad to quoto you prices. Xotnry' Public. VOTARY PUBLIC HZ 27, f'lnpps bldg .TAin PUBLIC Mai' rnbun. offico Physicians and .Surgeons, J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician und Surgeon. Special attention given to internal medioino and gen oral offico practice. Offico hour?, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phone 731, rcsidenco phono 4542. Offico over Strang's drug store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Pliysician nnd Surgeon. Offico 210 E. Main st., over Una kins' drug store Phopo Main 1001 DRS. CONRON it CLANCY Phv icions und surgeons, Tnylo1 n&ft Phipiis bldg., room 210-211-212 Office phone 501, residence phon? 012. Office hours. 0 a. in. to 8 p. it DR. F. O. CARLOW. DK EVA MAINS CARLOW -..Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 41u" nnd 4J7, Gurnott-Corc.v bldg Phoue Main 0351, DR. 13. II. PORT.ER Di80isos of women a specialty. Rooms 5. G, 1 tH. St. Mark'u bldg.. Mcdiord. Ot Phenes: Offiee 4061. residence 1051. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac lieo limited to dincnstr of tho evo, enr, noso nnd lhrn.it Ottiee .Suiie 318, finrnott-t. on v bk1?. DR. AITEMAS . lil'VNE. DcnlTt Office in Ri..'i,. i.'.g.. TSi l Mnin. G.ih ah.ii t. red lor c Iraction of luili l'i oplionc M.nn 081. Night pbonn 4 432. 1)11. W. W. Wlt'lC-Iloniooiittthie ' nhysioian; rcsidenco 203 Olson st., phone Main 4474; offico. rooms 3 and J St. Milk's blook. phone Main 1871. DR. STEARNS- Phygioinn and sur koou Office Giimotl-Corov bldg I'tHiniH 211-212. phono 1002. Rc3i donco 113 Laurel st.. phone 2002. DR. MYRTLE S LOCK WOOD ' Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offioo HaHkins- hldg Phono Main 1001 Dr. W. M. Van Sooyoo Dr. C. C. Van Scovoe ( Dentists. Qarnett-Co-oy bldg., suite 318, Med ford, Or. Doth Phones. DR. R., IS. GREEN, oya, car, nose and throat. Room 212-213 Gar-nnett-Corcy bldg. DR. CHOW YOUNG will cure lucum atistn, asthma, paralysis and other di-oases. See me at 241 S Eront and 10th streets. Pi'ltiteis und Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Contra! avonuo. Mrntjmifir I. LA M GUANYAW Palm ?lock tfino.-raohie work Jou ruckly Kid wll Tin Siiops. I A. Stmth Tin iliop. Tin and ththtt ii-on wars on hand and mndo .1 ordHr 128 North G et. td Uudcrtakcm. lEDKOKD FURNITURE CU. Un ilortakera. Day phono 351. Night illume; C. V. Conklm 3H01; J. K Mutter Hft71: John A Pn 4111 II H II I - .-L.M.. ... - Pnlom. UiPKNTKRK' UNION LOCAL 1840 -Mwta at Smith's hall. 128 Vorth Orapo street, ovory Thurs- lav ovauing promptly t 8 o'clock. Ml joiimovweii earienters, as well i local members, urged to be proa- it. Hiuineas of vRkI interest to 11 HfI.(utei-H Iran sae ted at theso '"nr. .T .1 nnl, huxiuepa art. M. .. ' N I' 'III1. o.. ti n ! 11.. imtistK. MOW Its l.nv. M and move u" ' ' uf 1) 1 Idnis-; two ytJuVft' i' i' 1, ui'in Mcdiord; ro- ' and be ids nvvt,i.hod if. dq. iti0 Pudnn & Sons, fhoHo Main 600", Mclford, Oi, rg 'Jt! "JMJI1, WW