f" !! I I Itllll HUI'II II Ulfcftl . lllll 7 i A ; ft J IMtiPFORU MAIL, TlUBlJff J-1 aIKJJFOW, ,Ql?KgQNt .AIQJjAlJAlJARY 10, 111 MEDFORD 1MA1L TRIBUNE ah morrsuBWTT jrswsi'AjrBJt puni.xiinli fcAlMr jtxckit aAi'un- J3A.7 nr TKB MOUrOHD ennrrmo co. ib A cnii.uilJt.ioii of lh Mh31'oi(1 Mull, 8tnh,in! I S 8 0 . it'-- hciiiluri) OruKon lun. aiiiliimhril 10(V; tli DeinoctiittP riirx-a, abll8hc 187:; ; tlio Ashland Tribune, entatilliihe.l 180. nnd the Mod. ford Trthiwe. tmtabllghwl lflQC OlvKJK UTNM I'M! I or anil Munugr A SOTJTHESH OREGON POET BESIDES covering the Valley with its glistening mantle' of white. benefitting orchard and iann, forest and stream, the snow storm has inspired a poem that will-live lonir after the snow will have gone the wav of all snow and have been forgotten verses that will live to be quoted for snows of future years and take rank among the elassies! Eaton Admits He Is Not Strong incir umnc iiutm isuluu. HIS P llli! 'eRlrfature convened today. They doclnred that their folIoYIug would i otnml nlli11v ncrnlnat tViA Inutirrnnf n. and any nttemntB tUoy mlsht make to deprive the speaker of the rights which have been existent during pre vious mcotlngs of the legislature. Want to Rent Strictly modern 6 or 7-roora house, in good neighborhood Agency Grand Union Tea Co. 110 Tripp St. Plime901 Teas, Coffees, Baking Pow- IVIilWrtfO HH MuVUIMl-UIHIM mutter hu tuinOnr 1, 1DUU, at till poHlotflcc at Mtwlfnnt orvitfin utiilcr the not of Mtiroli 3. 17 r o'rflcinl Paper of the City of ilcilfonl. svn&onivviox rates. One ytr, by mall 4 IC00 Ono month by mull 60 Cor month, allvwcU hy cnrrler In Modferrt. JacttHonvllIi' nnd Con irwl 1'olnt Mi .-UiihIhn only, by moll, per year... 2. (lit wWkiy iw yonr 1.50 EhouqIi to Wrest Power Speaker Rusk Forces Pat. From Stand Full Lotieod Wire Unltod Proas i;lapatcho. it till Tribune lfl on s.ilo tit tho . iry News Stand, Snn FrnnclHCo. t'ortliitid llotol Nowh Htnml. Portland. Hoivrnan News Co,, I'ortlnnd, Or. V O. Whitney, Srnttlc, Wnnh. Hot"! tipoUtmo Nowh Stund, Kpolttino. BWORU OIRCUI.ATION AVHIIAOK KOIt YKAH J OlO, 12. HS". MEDl'OKD, OBZQOH. M.-lt oihIim or Houtliurn Orvi;uii un. Northern California, nnd h fustust mowing olty In Oregon. l'opiilatlon--U. S. cuimus 1U1U; K840; onlltimted In Novt'iiibt-r, 1UI0, 10.001). I'lvi- liuwlrml IhoiiHund dollar Gravity Water KyUm comiiUlcil, Klvliift f limit upply pure inouiitaln water and six l.'un milts of trwl IiIuk paved and eontraolMl for at n cost o oeoillii! ?1, 000,000, trmldiitf a total of twenty inlk'ii of pavement 'oBtofflci- ri'feiptB for your viuIIiik November SO, 191U, Hhow ii cnln of At lor .oorti. Bunk deposits ivem 8,370,538, a (tutu of CI per cent Bann-r fruit oily l Omkoii Hokiio Illvtir Uirltvnbnrg iiui1ih won swiwp BtalioH prlxo and title of "Apple Kliitf of the World" hi the National Appln tlhow, Mpolcunc, 1008. and a itar of Knnlowiin won Tlret Xtze ta 1310 at itniKitan Int.j-natlonal Appir tthw, Vhi'coi." t-r. II ItoK'i Hivti prtim biougln lilt;lit.i S'lcva In .ill nrai Kutii of thi world dm K Hi pun; hU yeura . ' Write CuniniiTOlfct club, Indloatng 6 cVnta fot .oi.tf;c for th lineat (iniflinii nit.x pMnpcio! ever wrltiwit '. ' .! i aJTBL. ' i Itm-i ii J 'n'l .IT. . iVi nii of Oregon. Jn lex IE. Lampman of the Gold Tfill News southern Oregon evidently can boast of si real poet, if "Snow in Oregon" is si fair sample of his work. It is in striking eon- rrasi 10 niosi 01 me ijjetuocj'e ompui 01 coiiiiiiuiijjjiicc iiiuuis laljelled "poetry" simply because it has a jingle hurled upon a helpless public. Mr. Lsunpman's paper is the best country weekly in the northwest, published in a town the size of Gold II ill. The strenuous duties of a eouniry publisher lesives thc-1 editor little lime for verse making, lie is to busy striving to make both ends meet in an unsipprceiative community. There is nothing that will take the poetry out of siny one quicker than educating mossbacks and the country editor tlisit can keep enough of his vitality and youth to write verses sifter continuous smd sill but hopeless effort to rouse his neighbor from their lethargy, is si wonder. Like autumn lesives dropping in the forest, is the con stant, never ending, tailing of newspapers from presses . ...... 4l.s .. .11 iiiil .ir, 4-1-wt 1ntifiM ntii lil.itrii iitfiinl li' UVCJ till." UUU llllll lO Lllt ltd 1 LB U I Mtv;ll lU'HIWU 1' I ,...f lw... nnnlrnlln,! '(ft vnlnu nv the eddying winds aud disappear, so sire the nowspapersU majority of rive, shortly bororo'tho swept aside smd forgotten the one the product of many ? r days, JNature's story ol the yesir, tlie other Hie product 01 msmy minds, the record of humanity for si dsiy. So there appears little of rcsil value in the uewspsiper on sieeount of its iinnsuory cnarncu'i' nui. once in si wane mere is aoiuc- thing worth while-like Mr. Landman's poem-thougli it JZtorir! &l in n rare event m Oregon. ,nn,, ,a hoIW0 ,nirc wnlor, Vl " mile from school, .100 yonnjr penr A BUSINESS LES-ISLATUKE trees, lovely place; $2000, o.ie-l.alf dowp Where to Go Tonight Will take short time lease. Ider, Spices, Soaps, Starch, nl . , etc. Orders taicen. PflOfle Main ZIZI Prompt Delivery SALE.M, Jan. 1C Admitting that his following is not strong enough to deprive Speaker Rusk of the power of appointing tho standing 5 the standing committees of the house Representative Eaton, who was de feated for speakor by Rusk, said this morning that he would go down to defeat on the floor of the houeo to day protesting Rusk's appointive rights. Eaton said that ho believed that the speaker should not have tho right to nominate his committees, as he asserted, such procedure dele gates too much authority on ono man. Tho Rusk-Thompson forces assert- New Attraction at THE ISIS THEATRE TH13 do'LONGS FOR SAIE J la Their Ojiemtie Indian Act J 7 A. "CIJirPJjK WING" i "IXTO TIIK JAWS OK pHATIl"- i 1' rsiYl UllEi I' 1UM UIIC OL II1U finest ever shown. Don't miss it. .LVTINKE- EVERY SATURDAY J l AND SUNDAY AT 2:30. J inree Reels of Pictures ami a J Good Sona. r-rr, I X NATATORIU&I V Land For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. ' Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon i Box Ball, HriAr in rf Billiards and lit Rifle Range X H I MEDFORD THEATER Wednesday, January 18 rrr4 1 f-r-rrn..trrr-r AT. L appearances indicate si businesslike administ ration at Salem. TJie election of Welling as president of the! 12 HI MjJ (., I'r 1 l'i Fifty Yc;.-3 V'o roVj. j- " 1 Pr5l'''i! ! !' "'1 "' to fltHri! Cvi' !.n. 'n i. ?oUtti ''ftf :' 1 h'i I, t ' '"' I '' ' J : And:- i'ii ta u, it t i.P liirsntd". ' . tteff WHlie'.m pf I" nttl vrur an 'u I.j r;-pa(i!ttR to hi.' -t." '1 n ,t t) I 'Mtj In lil- ' . .' l. w pirnd ' lo u.'' : b r iv.rlth. rnyy kt the ilnt we active In ww iiropCTfttlon. ' Twemy-flve'Yestfs Ago Today. Je 1 ,rp, jmitnoior of tho French Pdu.tun cnnal. prmlb'tetl that tlio oannl wnulfl be llniiihiMl In t4 imil "tlio Iniuijriirii'tloii take plan- in 1SHII ul Urn (Mill of tlio rnlny s"nn " THREE NEGROES LYNCHED BY MO Sheriff Begins lnvcstijatioii lint Sayt. Ho Has Little Hope of Mentify.'iu Men Who Took Law in Tholr Hands. S11ELBW1U1J, K.,Ju. 17.-A.l-iti&flff Umt tiy have little liopu ot itlwitifyinir tbt meinlwt ol' the mob Umt took thn0 nirnM from jail liMfi'ftml lu'lir! tlim, both Sherift' PtrkinH atiil Coroner Hullork totlay btgan nu invtHttigution. Tlio hod) ui uH of lb nenroen ltil not been fwnul whu tho invtwthnition li';an nnd olficers were nt out to hoaroli Jar it. The mob t-tonncd tho jail early ymttwdny. The umbIiciv workftl qntolty, Roiiitf to the jail utter tho i gfakMtr ot tho fity alootiio plnut hu li'oon comiwlled to hut ot't tbo fi linviuff tUe htrteth in darknt-. Tlu loader at tht mob, without lvrina u Kkot, bnHt'ct'd down tlie pill i!imi Uild took out the throe in-uao '. l.-av iqir four other prionciv uiiuuiifud Kiitone Marshal, en.u-t.l nit tlio muiiier ol u tut:i-, 'Ui- t.t : i.t vtouuM. lie wuk lianc 1 .i t u.w.u Itfid- W4 lttns. i. hi oihv iijjio, fhnraiHl with an ..u.uk on . iviiilo wooian. w shot to death ami Jxii h'd ihrnii i itu t iii Jftiufu Wis i. u thiid t.otfio i u Uf ii from the jail, wa killed, 'in . niliorilioN lllievr. No fare c .. ofr. bad beon toiwti w tbtion tK'jraa iotl. Alio '54 ncros, 1 mile from Talent I .. .u.n n4 JV.Maffr Am!l. .Wnt.i,Y I I-. utrics ui 1.1 Ull, inuiii.y uiiimm aiimiti nn'l ?-?nuf n RtinnL'fv rl' tlif hmiao mvpfs ilip control lleuruitr: apples. Newtowns, 32 to pjogi-essives and insures a minimum" of politics smd (i ve if.i'('' 7 nfr7 1.5n;bfr 1 . n i. , , A- ii i . , J UThjnteil, (lwelhnjj liou-e shmleil oy ninximumol busmeKs unless Mr. Howerm.Mii succeeds inlflW, ., . ,,,,,,,,, r WIICP. organizing a filibustering opposition. I ''crtiie toil, garden mi, pumping (Jovernor West, Treasurer Kay and Secretary ueuson uiani: terms, $1:1,000. 3000 cash, have evidently formed an agreement not to plav politics,' h8 balance in payments of $1000 hut to sict together to give Oregon the best administration vearl' nt (i ,cr cont tlio state litis ever had. Consequently, we may look for Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit merit to govern appoilitmenls, rthcr than pnriisanship. ''ll,l '' i'ulher-1 .IBil(- 1,:o,,n T,01U TOn .w.f;,l ,f 4 Un irtnvi il .kiwmm 11. . Mi, I II I 1 .1 IM, VT1 i .''"-'"" v.ibh minii, Jni i.i.i.n. ....... J 111 ill I IV 111 Kl Ull ' II, ( III III II III" II 1 1'i. tj . 1'. 1 ltllll.ru SI 1- T i wiofWiOfaarffZOl : JWJVvr5 MVImuuUhi hi ? SzS-f -' ii x ;!4 r 5 Wcdlord's Exelusivo Picture Tho-?i S ntcr. Latest Licensed Photo 5 j ulays. X . "ib iniiid- ino Aiore uiib uime. s -vr4-4 sr I n little ovei $300 an acre. f "NAT" THEATRE ,. .. 'Ill ! "I It I llttl, m -ib i urt akii isr 'v i fiii 111 r -ki kji ! d.ii'r'iriBiiii. rviiiir(iiiii.iii . . - uiu, irrruMj ujM.iunvi i,v 'vmK v.wvi-jiiui "" Vlierp can you find near tho depot i j as superintendent of the Eastern Oregon asylum, is to be' ,nd railroad n cmm- iluceV cunimended. The asylum will not need si MipennteiKlout, ,r ... . . . . , r .1 iiiiiii linn in iiik iiiiiiii iui iiiiiiuiii Shown all the latent and im-J j proved moving piotun. 5 for two yeait? and the sippotlltment was merely a politically Jown 0 Talent, 0., on the in-1 Clmnse oi m-oram eery Suu- move to strengthen Bower man's candidacy for presidency Lutiimeut plan. ' !i di,y- Weinedny and Friday. of the senate. Senator Harrctt tt Imatilla. tsithttr-in-law uil fruit beariuc orabard, I'rotn lime. of Plamondon, switching to Bowermau's support in const1 .jucnee. I5y tho removal the state saves the salary. Efforts to plav politics in the legislature do not. meet favor with the people and any leader who seeks to enhance! hisstandnurand pivstnre bv it will onlv succeed in disered-i one-half down iting himself. Also 17 aoros. 14 acre eoimno" mileH1? n ft. moon Special matinee every Sunday DAINTY Grace Cameron Tn 0. II. Kerr's Great Masterpiece 'NANCY" A Soul Stirrins. Play. A lieautiful Story of Home Life. Full of t Pathos and Comedy, with Special Musical Numbers You Will Laugh, You Will Scream, You Will Roar and Then Some YOU ALL KNOW HER J Some of the Attractions she Las Marred in: Henry W. Savage Grand Opera; Whitney's "Piff Puff. Pouff;" the Bostoninns in 'Robin Hood;" "The Tenderfoot;" ".Johnny Comes Marching Home," "Foxy Quiller;" Sonsn's Famous l?an.d; "Dolly Dimples'' and ninny Others. Entire Production Carried by Company. Secure your seals early Sale Opens Saturday morning". tHMMtlMtl miMMmiMIIIMIMMIMIMH Talent; 10,000, one-half on Also SO acres fine timber, $'2000. ADMISSION 10c. n vvvrv' PARK THE RIGHT-OF-WAY Also 'JO acres orchard land; priei iH22."j an acre, near Talent. Or.; 2:' acre in I'ldtivutimi; about KI00 fruit troort tinititi of apple- BEroREAIcdrorfKiw.. - be made lor si future park system. II the money can j,IB. .,u ,,,.,.,1, niost of ii bchiu be ohtsuned, the land should he )iu'clisisc(l belore it climbs; Phko woven in-traud and rabbit j iliuher in ValilJltioil. twin: ub-irriBiitpd and tilled. One- One park site, probablv available now without much 1,,,lf (,wl1- bal"n(,' "" ti, iU 7 H" 'ost lo the city, and which will do more to beautify and, advertise Medlord than smv single improvement, is tlie, Alo :u aeiw, half mile from Southern Pacific right of wsiv extending from Fifth street "j1;"1- "uo h?"0' f5t,.trof9' nW 4 ri- i ii i i i.i . i iv i i talfa, all tinder euJUvation; pnee to Kighth between h rout and b ir streets. . 987S0i ,iaIlul(10 (0 Mlit piu,)Im!50l, j I he shacks, warehouses smd unsightlv structures tjiatj . i now occupy si port ion. of this vacant Isold, should be re-1 , A.ls for 'n homo , m ,?' i j. Yi ' .i .ii ,, iii i -Jackson county, Oretron (a nowly m- moved farther south or north, trees and lawns planted, andor,)onitPll lowll)t ft rmo ,imno of J8 the grounds otherwise beautified. This will give every I u-ro; level, fertile alfalfa and f run traveler si fsivorsible impression of the citv smd will make and. irrigated; one blook from post- an sit tractive smd uniiiue entrance smd result in much ad-, ,lio0' ,h" mai" roml nml ft,Ul wvtirnmnit lo 'Jonr orc,e: '1B nvo "ores bearing rm V. ii ,, .P. , ... N'ewtowns. 11 vears old; 12 aero- I he Southern Pacific is now parking, sit its own ex- nation and D'Anjou pears; 2 noroM pense, a portion of this right of wsiy. It is too much to ask! iifalfa; all is fine garden land; h j that the railroad park it all, but at the request of the citv, "x-room house; climate vory mild:J the railroad will probablv order it vst.-stted. stud permit thei"" ""V101," the ,n,ou",taius :, T? 1 city to beautify the grounds and no money theVity eoulclhvSr Ttl Spend Would more improve the city. drunkenne-it 1- a drv tAwn; it i' By all tllcsills, p.uk the right of w;i. soul park it this n'.dwav between the thriving cilice Spring. of Medford and AsUbiad; price iflO,-1 ,, .. -..-,. , ' 000 $4500 down, the remaindor or 1 ; imc at tl per cent. i AUo lands, alialtTt end fruit, fron '0 to 800 acre-. Write, iucloeicw t-xnips. or i-oiui ;i d see uio. L. H. JUDD, Talent. Or. 2 1 x U-&9 High-Class Stock Co. TONIGHT "PAID I.V Kl'Tili" Four-act Society Drama. - P.v- s MAIMOKIE MAX11V1LLE STOCK X COMPANY J X j4rirrerr-r.t-r.r.r 5 S Speei 'Hie- BelwPMt Acts iVSEDFORD THEATER Thursday, January 19 Tlio MeiM'b. ShulrOrt annomice t Mary Mannering IN SNOW IN OREGON tlii'ini' i' ROTIfiE MERCHANTS 1IV RKX II. U.lAU'Jl.XN It nnowd lHt nlcht lu Oie&ou. tn Oregou the fair The greet bt. tdumsy. luff- riak? (jnie lowdlng ih rough the air; They fell thickly and no taut tr-ar wlun the- reached the srouud Tim warm varth oould ot melt them all, avd to the morning tous An errulne toat uimn the hllU ah. Low It KlUteaed ther?- It suowed luel utRlit in Oregon, la Qrefton the fair. You ehonld have seen tht madron with lie leave all ahln-gree And lu tierrle i-ed a ' ut'it. K.n.' : iouhU the now) vben; The iHntnlta tii an.v.'.l n u .. med I una bride, And the unai, dark i-.'Mi -i i'i i i- inaniing load with pride; Whea the luiKhty mn no nin -ameiu Jair Y'oa Hboiiid haw net' n ,i ' ' . ! Why, l""' !! tUi--.d (IKe I'ttihnderii erroMHl to kl ilu- ros. Like 'm it 1.' n'. 11. 1 11 1. i'i ;.i! Iu.i ! i. . - . s. i n 'inilliii n.le ytou Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING 1 MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN G231. Corner Central Ave, nud 8th St Mcdford, Or. i: "A MAN'S WORLD A PLAY IX FOUU ACTS 1IY ltACIIKL CKOTHKHS 99 Seats on sale Monday, January lOtli. Prkvs T.-.e, SI. 00, Sl.no ami $2.00. I .ijjunuiiu; tl.nl MacfJna MeriwAt tonkht at tm mclal fHt'b rp, The ml As the Hit hiu ot the 'i mi- !! il 8;Ci ''J-' rk dtfttnn ,T - l)' v ' aar 1. fl!l ' j I i i The Best Shoe I- tht- celebrated and juttl famoug J. & M. It jrott want a wJido that fuels 4d wUeu uiiA. looleg aev whn oI4 aad oue that will tat jut a lil tie lwiijer than any von ever tricd. iuill and lot a ! ou the J iuiMMi S. Muiphy line. id'l CA :.tj Cvy . 4 . X s X Dufiield Bros. SCHOOL CHILDRlN Often need Glasses during the formative period of childhood. Let us prepare the glasses for your children's eyes, and the chances are the sliQht error will be speedily correrted and vitiiin a short time the chil dren's eyes wOi be restored to normal. DR. STEPHENSON Office Over Allen's Store, .dam and C Street, Phone Main 1857. Medford, Or. Los Angeles AND RETURN $31,55 If sufficient number desire to make the trip an excursion will be conducted Medford to Los Angeles and return some time in Januarv or Feb ruary at tho round trip rate of $31.55 with a thirty day limit to return. Tickets will permit of stopovers and be good via githcr line to and from Los Angeles. For further information see or phone A. S. R0SENBAUM, Local S. P. Agent, or call at the Passenger Station. Foue341. 051 irttWkJn for JitraltU. j i n v id hat n.n t in O . j .mi, nOc n .o fan. - i rm-rrn ' 4 H