w.i jw.TfosiH 1 .M '.iiftJaWSftlwfc? i - 2 MEDFORP-MAJL TRIBUNE, .MEDFOBD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1911. i r !'. IH fill f r r FM Personal and Local Wllllnm It. Unmet) of ContVnl C. V. Jlomjoinqn of Trnll eponl Point uncut Hiimliiy In Medford on Saturday In Medford on 1iihIiiobb. tj i WAROU. biiBlnoss, .7. V.Contro of Tnlont wuh a vlo Aor In Medford Monday. Call iVltono 2151, 1032 for biiKBnKO 451 mAxIiio lOlllott jmBBod (IiioiibIi Mollfor'd Siindny nf 161110011 on lio'r way iuftilh. sho was hrcHonted with i JniBkot of flifu Homio rlvor fruit by local ndnilroni. For rocbiitloiiB. pnrtloH nnd lmn (iiota tho arrrthnoinontu of St. Marlc'u hall and lmrldni aro Ideal. Mtior- Khnl, agents, 212 FniltcrowoiH' Ilnnlc lntUdltiK. Phono Ml. 25-1 J. Vv. Lnito of Aultlmtd wan a Ih Itor In Medford Monday. . Private room and board with Mrn. J. D. Fay, throo hlocliH from coutrnl imrt of town, 310 N. Martlott. lio'nry C. Wilson of Tnlont Hpotil Sunday In Medford with filondH. ABiilutant cool; and honcohold tflrl at 3-M South Central nvonno. 255 MIbb Allco SticolH and MIbb Lucille MaiHhall liavo loft to rominio tholr Htmlli'H at Stauford iinlvotHlty. FIfty-throo ricron Bpoclnl, 10 ncroa comlnK Into hoaxing orchard. CaII pn J. II. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'h office. tf Mih. 3. M. Tuthorow of (IrnntH I'iibh Ib vltfltlnt; frlendB In McdTord. Auk 'for Columbia hniiiB, bacon nnd lard nnd go tho beat. For fiftlo by all flrat class grocorat anil butch o'vn. tf Sam h. Snndry of Woodvlllo ih spending ft few duyB In Medford. John II. Carkln, attorney at law, ovor JncltBon County bank. MrH. M. C. l'nxon or RIvornMo, Cal., 1b vlaltli'iR lit the homo Of O. C. lloHKn In thin ully. Dr. J. 10. Shonror, physician nnd surgeon. Orflco over Strang's drug Btdro. tf. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Thompson have lottirut'd from a ohort trip to Port land. Wanted Hoarders A now board ing honeo bu8 opened nt 70G South Oakdale. Call nnd boo ub for fair treatment, or address F. II. More land. 302 MrB. Carl Coffer or Klamath FallB la visiting rrlomlB In Medford. Knoutoioii HckelH to Los Angeles, while not uood until tlio 10th, will bo placed on t-nlo Sunday niornlnir, tlio loth, nt D n. m., and continue o srtlo until llio oxeitrmon leaves. It i h'nnoilant that tho iroinir do ni wait until the dW day to piirohlihp thoir tickutti lib it takes time o pro pure tho'i'n. At tho present wiiline: 77 tire intendine; to Innke the trip with other umpiirioK eomliig in, Make yonV sleeper re'turviitioati, Pnlhiinn or toirtist. Chair earn will nlso Ik nYnthihlo for thorn who do not o.nYe for steoper. Dr. J. M. Koono and Mrs. Kruno have relumed from n trip to Port land and Salem, whore Dr. Koono Kturtod tho legislature off on tho rlRht root. Ih your 4 0UBO wtrodT One cigar tens n day would pay for n hundred per rent lurroasn In comfort Start living tho nlortrlr life tf Dr. J. F. lteddy has lft for Ndw York city. lloforo Umvlng he Btated that ho would not apply for a frau uhlso for an tntorurban trolley until his return. Every Mg.U out electricity gives oft smoke and Binnko contains soot, which deposit on your wall paper, curtains, draperies, Kloctrlc light glows In nu ntr tight bulb. tf. L, K. Whiting is upending a tew dajH on his ranch near lCaglo Point Wanted, to buy a oarloud of fat hogs. If you have Ioh than a car load write us. Union Moat Co., Med ford Moat Co, Medford. tf Mr. and Mrs William Von dor Utt loii were Ultora In Mdrotd Monday. J. JO. Hnynrt Ih planning n short btuilnoBB trip to San Francisco. Co) .hihln iiiuiiH and Columbia nnd Itoynl Anno bncon aro dry augnr cured. Auk your dcalor lor Colum bia brand ln-d. tf tho Paclflo Tolograpli nnd Tdlo phono Co. aro preparing innnituerlpt for a now directory, All tAibHcrlljers that nro listed Incorrectly kindly call at tlio office, an wo want to have the new dlicctory out by February 15, A, Newton, Commercial Manager. 251 APOLOGIZE NOW AND NOT IN FULL Professor P. J. 0'Gara Says Present i Snow Storm Is Splendid Thlnu for ' Next Year's Crop Assures Kiffjti Color for Fruit. GEO. E. OSGOOD DO SUNDAY Tho Funeral, a Quiet Family One Will Take Place at the Famll Rcsldcnco On West Eleventh t Street Tuesday Was 64. "Hotter apologize for tho weather now thnn bo forced to upologlzo for our apples Intor." Surh Ib Processor p. J. O'Gara'a Bitiiimary of present wonlhor condl llotis In tho Hoguo river valloy, which aro to a great degioo without prece dent, as itnow hero la ordinarily of n diiy'H duration only, nnd this Htorm haa hung on for a week, with no end In sight today. "Tho present Htorm Is a splendid thing from tho orehardlHt'B stund polut," Hlntcs tho profcuaor, "for It nssitrea a high color for next year's. apple crop. The buds aro being hold back, but they will develop inpldly when tho warm spring sun brings them out. It Ib far bettor to apolo gize now for tho weather than be fortiori to apologize In tho fall for our fruit." Tho funeral Borvlcea ovor the ro maliiu of Ceorgo K. Osgood, who died nt his homo at 714 West 13lovontli xtroot, Sunday morning, will lo hold nt tho residence Tuesday nrterrioon al 1:30 o'clock. Tho Rev. W. F. Shields will officiate Tho deceased, who was a native of tho Htato of Maine and a thirty-second dogiPt Mason, Is Hiirvlved by a widow; two daughters, Mrs. II, A. Morgan of Los Angeles nnd Miss .lennnotte Osgood, nnd a boii, T. W. Osgood. Tho Interment, under tho direction of tho Weeks & McOownn company, will take plnco nt tho I. O. O. F. cem-otory. DIG WHITE SALE GREAT SUCCESS SMALL BOY NOW IN HIS ELEMENT For First Time In Many Lonrj Years Coastlnrj Is Enioycd By Younu stcrs Descent, However, Is Full ot Trials anil Tribulations. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4- -- - - FOR SALE Alfalfa liny delivered, $17 n ton. Fanners 110. 2f( WANTED A second hand type writer, underwood preferred. Ad dress W. S. ISrookc, Ilox 20:), Med ford Or. 2o7 For tho first time In many long yoara tho amnll boB of M9dford nro oxpcrlericliiB llie dellghto of coaBtliig, using renl filcda and real enow. All day Sundny on.tho foothills to tho cast'or tho city tho youngsters darted down tho lilllc nnd although their why wn's besofc with bumps and trlb ulatlonu, they enjoyed It novorthe lcss. So holriom does such a condition oxlat In Bouthcrn Otegon that only a fow "btoro" alcds weio scon for tho most jifirt tli'ey wero " home-made. Tho fow which boro factory Imprints wero thoso Imported wh6n tho boy's family came hero from the cast. From piesent Indications, tho sport Ih nearly ovor for this year at east. A GOOD Japanese cook wants .ipobt lion in hotel, restaurant or bourditi;; hoiiBo. Tel. 003, City. '2.'0 FOR SALE Two loth in Los An geles Cftlif., to exehnnge for Med ford propel ty. Addre&s P. O. llo J'JG. 2r7 FOR RENT Fifteen dollars per month, new '1-room house, close in: city wnter. Call tit 514 S. llollj sreot. 257 WANTED A good Jnpnnce liov wnnt.s domostio hottcclcauitig work h.V day or hours. Speaks English. S. Yoma. City.; Trl. C051. 23 Even a very enthusiastic adver tisement of wml cstnte is not often misleading 'for n good real estnte bargain justifies bomo cnlhusinsm in ndvcrlisintr. Mann's Place Is Throngctl With Shoppers Earjcr to Take Ativan tarjo of Bio Bargains Offered Windows Show Up Well. sJQS0fc PAY IOHIIT; POLICE TAKE HAND In a raid on tho bay barn nt tho Phlppa ranch early Sunday morning Chief or Police Shearer and orflcor Illuton secured four tramps, whom thoy took .to the city Jail. Tho raid wuh mado following com plaints to tho effect that tramps wore nightly holding a congress In tlio barn, to the detriment of tho hay stored there and contrary to tho wishes ot the owner. Phlpps himself, ho told tho police, had ventured Into his own barn one morning last week to remonstrate with his unwelcome boarders, an,d, becoming angry when thoy laughed at hlin, peremptorily ordered thorn out. This provoked members ot the "Sons of Host" therein congregated Into handing the Irnto owner several musical peals of tho merry lin-ha, so ho requested tho police to play his hand for htm. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Wooks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT LEAVES PULPIT FOR Mann's big whlto sale ntartcd off with n rush. Early this morning the crowd began to gather at the popular store and long before 10 o'clock the stoio was packed with an eager tluong of buyers. So many times when n sale of this kind Is put on In a store In a town the size of this th ore is lit t lo Interest manifested and tho salo tends to drag. Mann'H hnvo succeeded In showing tho public that when thoy advertise a sale that one can como ami find tho goods that ''live boon advertised and tho best mrt of the whole thing Is tho fact that ono finds even bettor values than 'My wore led to bollevo thoy would find. Mr, Mann stated this morning that 'o was moie than pleased with tho esult of his efforts at advertising. "Tho only reason," ho said, "why people don't respond to advertising is ! because no real values uro offered. I People have learned by past o.porl- J enco that It Is usolobs to look for bar- ( wlna whoro none hnvo boon found lu tho pabt.." Mr. Ferguson deserves credit for tho way tho store was decorated. If ono Is fond of viewing decorations lu I windows and Interiors or city stores they will enjoy a visit to this store Just to see tho decora (Ioub. At noon a large amount or white Kooris and muslin wear bad boon dis posed or niiri tho way tho women wero linvlng Indicates the uuust suc cessful salo that Medford has oer seen. :fr44444e: ". ! Wo Are the House ThatMaKeilt Possible for You. to Buv Your Piano for $100.00 Less Than You can Obain Same for E'so where : i : t t t i - CORNER TENTH AND OAKDALE AVE. I . r r 5 wo Are tue uniy factory to Jtiome uistnoutors of tho world's host Pianos and Player Piaiios at tho loast possible oxponso. ' i When yon tail to investigate our proposition and buy elsewhere you just take $100.00 from your bank t account and give to the other fellow. Isn't it to your t interest to investigate this matter? tt costs you t nothing to look, and nine out of every ten persons that enter our warerooms find such tremendous fine $ pianos at such low prices and on such easy terms that they most always buy t'roni us. Tho expense is what creates the price of any com modity. This is the reason why we can save .you money on the piano deal, as wc don't have to contend with high rents and we hire no one to sell our goods, and for this reason alone we can save you $100.00 and then make the same amount of money as the other fellow. We Tune Pianos. We Rent Pianos. We Repair Pianos. We Sell Pianos. In fact, we do the Piano S I .1 i . - -ri bw; - j sm T.tH ..-.jumoH1 -m&wmBa&mM MT- w III I J-U' nt !!'- A Narrow Escape from Getting Rich has been the common lot of a number of men in Medford during the last few years, from their failure to follow tho good advice wo hnvo given them. Tnko a straight hunch from us on this: Wc offer for quick ac tion 2S acres of land adapted to subdivision, factory sites, townslte platting, or small acre age tracts, with city water and sewerage already available, and can make extremely good terms on the tract, for only twelve thousand dollars for entire holdings. Take a quick step in the light direction and land on a solid basis by buy ing this at once. Seo us only in regard to it. Will make the best terms possible. This will lay the foundation for a fortune to tho lucky purchaser. Don't delay on this. Rogue River Land Company CFTKttt No. 11 XORTII CKXTHAI' AVENUE. ssrssr.ssssN.srrss rvssssrNsjs, ' s T To contemplate advertlFing won't bring business. Start now and you will becotrio convinced that It pays to advortlso all tho time. - I business of Southern Oregon. ! Che finest Sample Rooms in thp nitv Single rooms or en suite also room's with hatl Hotel Moore Telephone in Every llooin RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN STRENGTH SECURITY CONSERVATISM Three important factors to consider when selecting a bank to transact your business CAPITAL' JURPLUS AND PROFITS $100,000 $ 65,000 it4'tair:it BENEDICTINE FATHERS TO WRITE UP VALLEY UTAKING The Ucuoihotiiit iiFthoin of .Mt. Angel, Or., who have worked in tlu ! lato siiioo 1SS2, me to imhli-h a oon-i tennifu number in whieh Modfoul oitv h lo he u ooiiNpiouous ioi- , lion. "The Mt. Anisol Ma-anni ' LOS ANtU'l.KS J.m 1. Tho' ttmt oiioiilatoh nil oer the Vnion, oongroKittlou nf MomoiI.il llaptUt ' and Kuropo, in previous yeni-s hnj church todn; had not looo.orod from Meno much lo lulvorlibod Oreini uiul1 Its suiprUo oor tho Hiiuouncomoutj liriui; priHWMVo oitieus to tin" yentorilu) ot iu phtor, Hoy. C. C.,wtM, X. lloury Ifoliinwu. tho field i Boys Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers 25c Each We are closing out several lines of our Ladies' Misses' and Boys' winter weight underwear very cheap. If you want quality as well as low prices it will pay you to seo our line before buying. Plorcu, tlmt Uo intends to retire Irom tho mlnUtry to becomo an undertaker. !..., 111....... 1 I . .. .. .. nv. rwu' una ucwn HUiur Ol IUOI HPUJ ih cluucli twolo jir. Chxtlnr at! with Mr Mtlieitor, u hoiv to take up the work wuh the Ooinmoioial club. Tho nrivtntMt!OK of e.toii!ive puh- ohvioiu uiul oo-oporalion ltobiitkoii w ill advertise John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmcr Succesuor to tho undertaking de partmbut Ot Mfcdfo.-d Furniture Co Office With Medford FMrnitiire Company About February 1, Prhato Am bulance Sorvlce, Sick and Injured conveyed to nuy. irt ot elty or count i y. Telephenes: Day 361. NlRhtt John A. Perl 4111. C W. CoRkiia, S601. J. H. Hutlc. J571. lub, ?IW0 PLUNGE 10 DEATH FROM WINDOW lonoiniiiallanmiiiu ud longtni; foi , without co-t to tho Cniiueivml rivedym." a he uxuruitod It. v I U. UKic Ifivor ;lhv. Vim vo otordny informed Ins con-; KrogHtlou tiixt lie would retlio mi the IukI Suuda In February. "I 0o not want to be bound to iioHomiUNiiiifti Htnimtlon vul I want to bo Hide to proflch when, whoro.unJ whMt I ulua." ho told hi flock. ' I do not cure for tboolog). but own thiB for civic rbjhteouroe; aud ' iToiiomlr inform. Tkuro aro too j SKVTTI.K. YMi., Jan. It? -Tlmt iimny denouiiuttonii in out.v town; j0Un AMdwMHi nd IUhi Cknlcnion that U not ChiUtlautty but dvuoiul-1 wm, my wunnjod in m friondlv' lutloNRlUiM Auntkar thins, tht com-, uiMiiiM. Immi ukdii il.ov oi-h.1ij' tkruutrh h third torv window in n1 locnl hotel wnd were hurled to death on the iMvetuent below wnS deter- minthl todn.v nflor iHveelilion b tke polieo, AndonNMi whs. proprietor of m u ioon nnd CbiinlenMiu w cuiidoyed iu hu idnee of busiue s Ixtr tfiider. Aflr ciiMiuv wp the mUhui wnrl' Sunday Htoruiag tk twx uitu went to the leMntc1uu hotel when ( both iHmed Thev enlaced iu Misses Jersey Ribbed Fleece Lined Grey Mixed Union Suits, Sale Price ,each.... 25c Hunt UunhUuI utralu ror OMt&itto iutiliJ nmke n jnibtor's life kard."' Visible Supply. KW YORK. Jan. 1 The lol lowing tlRtirtM on th WaUtltt HppJ-wei-o potted on tke New York nru duco oxrhanxit thi worninR. WhwlTutal IS.T'i&.ttua buUeU DrtMUH ((S4.000 biinaeU. Com Total T.S.ie bukeW. lnctoat JCt eoi) bushoU. 0.U Total l.. i:i i''0 bushels I Dcircaee 44? 0i0 buxbelc tiundiV t-Miilh hae u o tr i whuh did i ot t " a l ..- ei Men's Work Gloves 50c, 75c; $1.00, $1.50 A good, heavy, woll made, work glove, one thai will wear and give satisfaction as well. This Store Is Full of Bargains For everybody and in must every Jiue of goods. JACKSON COUNTY BANK of Medford, Ore. W. I. VAWTER, Presidont G. R. LIXDLCY, Vice-Presidont C. W. McDOXALD, Cnshior Founded by W. I. Vawter in 1888 I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Sables and will conduct a general feed and boarding e&tnblishme .1 Ur hnurded b the day. wool, or month I i;uanntee h miunrt- 1. i all R. CUANYAW UNION UVERY BARN RIVERSIDE AVENU --" ----- ..... ...ALFALFA LAND.... SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Cljoieest dnirv and alfalfa imposition in ilt. .xVi located on the mam line of tho Southern Paiitie r.uho.ul, between Sacramento and San Francibco. IDEAL CLIMATE. ABUXDAXCE OK WATER FOR IRRIGATION. Write 18 for Information. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co, Dixon, Cal. Ton thousand Post Cards at 1 cent each. Hussey's The Popular Priced Store. Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. Traffic Department Announcement The above named compam uas iiieornoi-ilod On ;:,l,o;. a 1010, to the inuiW of ,iSS o oiu,c tollewinyrlmes: a i' XaviL'atinn Pamn.,,. 1 ' "iii(i . The Oregon Kailroad The Xorth L le North Coast Kailroad Conipnnv ' .ogoii & AVjishington Railroad Coumanv .alio Northern Railroad Oompanv ivaco Railroad Oomi)anv. WM. McMURRAY, 't'li'l Passongor Agent, Poi-tland, Oregon. W. D. SKINNER, (.eneral Freight ami lWu?t-r Api,Il Sentu Wash K. Ji, MILLER, Trat'fie Alanager. Or Idaho Hwaeo Railroad Ooinni In future thee lines will be operated bv mil in the name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav- ItiilUl'U V i.iiiii;iliv. F. W. ROBINSON, General Kreiglit Agent, Q Portland, Oregon. 4 i -S IIktn for heUh. lliukuj for hettlth. sxr .a m