Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1911, SECTION ONE, Page 8, Image 8

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Central Point Items
Pace Set by Metropolis of Southern Calls For Construction to Benin Wallace G. Bishop, Pioneer, Dies at Students at University of Oreaon Or-1 Small Boys Having Time of Thpir
Orcnon Is FollowedSome Cities' Within Thirty Days A. J. Olsenj His Home In Phoenix Survived by, dered to Use Only Boiled Water Lives On West Main Where Base
o'f State Arc More Than Twice as Will Be Owner Enterprise Will Bci Widow and Seven Children Well' Not Allowed to Eat Down Town In j ment of New Building Forms Skat-
Large as They Were In 1900. i Boost for Gold Hill. j Known In County. . Eugene. . ing Rink
WASHINGTON'. I). C .Inn. 11.
If I'urlland'K corporate limits had
been extended to Include the suburbs
or Groshnm, Llnnton, Allhvuuklo, Os
wego, 5$t. .IoIiiib and Troutdale, Its
total population as shown liy the re
cent census would have been 2lfi,
f.25 Instead or 107,2 II, as announc
ed. Incidentally, bad Uicho suburbs
been part or Portland, Oregon's me
tropollH would linvo shown a greater
po))iilatlon than Denver and St, I'aul,
both of which exceed Portland jih tbu
figures stand, 1iut both of which bnvo
less than 21G.000 poiiulatlon.
Oregon Cities Grow Kust.
Tbo ct'iiHUH bureau today alno un
ununcod tho population of all eltlcs
In Oregon, having 'i populnllon of
over 5000. Thin Hat, exclusive of
Portland, follews:
City 1910.
Ashland 0,020
Astoria 0,590
linker City .,.. 0,742
Eugcno .,..., 0,009
Medford K.S40
Baloni . ..' 14,094
Cities liuvlni: a population of more
tbnn 5000 contributed G.5 per cent or
tho state's total Increase- or 259,229
In tbu last decade. Portland's In
crease was 81.5 per cent of tho total
Jnrreaso of these cities, and 110 per
ckiiI of the state's total.
.Metirord U'ads In I'erecntnge.
Statistics show seven cities or more
than 5000, nn Increase of four slnco
1900. .Most of them showed largo In
creases. Medford Itoads tho list with
:t0.l.5 per cont; Hugono with 178.:i
per cent; Portland with 120.2 per
rent, and Ashland with 90.5 per cont.
None or the cities showed a Iobs.
In Utnh there are only four cities
having a population In excess of 5000.
Thoy contributed 55.1 per cunt of tho
state's total Increase of 90,007. Their
increaso was Oh. 4 por cent over the
811 8 1
on nn
001,1) .JILL. Jan. !, Clolfl Hill'
in to have a .-f 1 0,0(10 ice plunl with
, in a few weel-, us lus refill t of n
conduct which vn elocd yester
day between the Frick company, irc-
pluiit iniiiiufacliircrfi of Wnync-boio,
I'll., ami A. .). ONen. The con) met
calls for iiiimcdinle Hliipiucnt of tho
uifichincry, I he erection of (lie plant
to begin within .'10 day. The ma
chinery wi's uilc:,c(l by wire a soon
as 1 lie contn'cl wan Mimicd.
The plant will he located on the
ooiilhern I'tic'ilu ri'sht-of-way, ,jul
wcM of the (lold Mill Lumber con -pan.v'rt
new planinjr mill. Mr. ONen
has u lease on Hie ground, and III"
lailimid people have promised to lay
a h i I i i ut once for t lit; acconunixlti
lio uof iheice plant mid pinning mill.
.Mi. Olsen has considered cinburl:-
ing in Ihe enlerprise for some time,
and believes thai Hold Hill, wi'h
Itogue Ih'ver an a source of waler
supply is Hie IichI poiul. in Miiilheni
Oriiiu lor Ilic plant,
The deal wan handled by the
Dmluo company lor .Mr. Olscu, and
Arlluir .Meller of Low Angeles for
Jhe I'Vick company.
From impcrs found Tn his 'i'feet
.ve.-dunlny by Deputy Coroner J. A.
Ti'rl, It Win' Learned That George
Hoggs, (," yea iv old, who was tound
to have died durintr i lie night at liis
lodging at "(II) Sc.h Onkilnlo 'trcet
of iipiioplcw, line, it'liilives, h,o si
tors. living in Chicngo, III.
They lime been notified mid the
body will be held ut the 1 'oil under
lukii.g cMnbli'diiiienl until (bey are
beard Irom.
Little is known ol the dead man
except that lie was a carpenter, wa-.
a member of the carpenter's union
and that prior to bis coming here i.
weeks ngo, lie was in Spokane, Wash,
and Lewislou, Ida. A bank book
found union;; his belongings showed
Mint he bad an account in the bitter
city. '
lie lirsl became ill on I'Yidnv eveii
t iitr when a timber wl -h be tried to
lift 111 upon him. A pli,iciiui w.i-
siimmoud and Hoggs was oi tiered
bis bed. The next morning, KuJur
day, lie was dead when called.
Perhaps most of your "bad luck"
consisM in failing lo answer Ihe
waul mis Hint contain opportunities
for you.
Tho most profitable as well as the
most IntorestliiK "llttlo Journeys'
are those made In answering clau3
Ifled ads.
population of 1000. Their porcontngo
of Incrcnso wns: Halt Lake City 7M.U,
Ogttou 50.8, 1'rovo 41. II and Logan
IIS. 2.
Nevada has only ono city of moru
than 5000 population. It Is Iteno,
which Increased 141.1 per cent In the
The typhoid fever epidemic that
was reported to be gaining ground
In Hugcno fast abating. Within the
last three weeks only two new enses
have been reported and all that are
sick with tho disease are convalescing. I
There seems to be no further dnimer!
from the spread of the disease, ror
every menus to prevent tho spread I
of the ccntnujlon Is being used. Es
pecially Is this true concerning the
students. The faculty provides In
spection for all boarding and club
houses. Furthermore, thoy deliver
boiled water In sealed cans to all the
places where students live. A com
mittee of the faculty have been ap
pointed to see that certain rules of
conduct of tho students aro observed.
Hating down town In boarding houses
wheie city water Is used Is absolute
ly forbidden. Any student breaking
Ibis rule will bo expelled.
The new filter plant similar to the
one In use at Oregon City, Is Hearing
completion. City water of Oregon
City analyzes purer than Hull Hun
water In Portland. So with the com
pletion of tho new 'filter here, the
faculty fear no further danger.
As far as the small boys nre con
cerned the basement of the proposed
Hotel Medford has taken the place
of the Kntntorluin rink.
The pool of water In tho basement,
which Is the only part of the build
ing completed, has been coated with
two Inches of Ice by the recent cold
weather. A largo crowd of young
sters gnthered there in the afternoon
and enjoyed a sknje. The eastern
lads could be distinguished from the
natives by the adroitness in cutting
antics, dodging around the concrete
pillars of tho foundation, while the
Medford boy, less adept, furnished
fun by his frequent tumbles.
Most women have a great yearning
for blond hair unless they have It.
(.'. .M. Hover el al., nie named as
plaiutifls mid Granville N'aylor et al.
defendants in it complaint in a suit to
quiet title entered' on the register of
actions in the office of Count v t'leik
V. A. Coleman on .lanunry 11.
.Ic.Iiii A. Harvey mid G. C. iMcAHU
ler arc representing the plaintiffs.
.laiiii'f A. .Martin and I Yuri llass.
both of Jackson count v. secured a
limriage lieeiine ut the office ot Coun
ty Clerk William A. Coleman on
January I "J. l
Tho murriajre certificate of A. A.
Gillette mid Clara Schocmnker was1
filed Snliirdny by the Itcv. L. .M. I)u-
belle ol Cnnyoiivillc, who performed
the ceremony.
Unsklufl 'or Health.
on Umbrellas
Palm DlocK
Merrell Kindle, who lias been vis
iting friends and relatives at Corum
Sim Francisco, Oakland and other
southern points, returned home on
Thursday evening.
J. N. .Matinley of Klamath Falls
has been the guesl of bi.s sister, .Mrs.
K. K. Kinerson. From here lie went
to Applegnte to visit with relative.',
but will return to Central Point Sun
day. Among those who attended the
play at Medford from Central Point
Thursday night were M. K. Knglainl
and wife, Hobert Newman and Miss
Heulali Caldwell, Wayne Leever and
Miss, Pearl ifoss,
.Miss Rose Hickman of Grants Pass
is visiting hi're, the guest of Miss
F.dith Hrown.
Mr. Hale ol the Hale piano house
of .Medford wan transacting business
here Friday.
C. S. .Sanderson was a Medfoid
visitor Thursday.
George Oberebnin and Nick Jerry
were nt Medford Friday.
The revival meetings at the M. il
church began Thursday evening with
n good attendance.
The Y. M. C. A. is well attended
every Sunday ufteruoon. Hev. Colin,
the Presbyterian minister, will con
duct (he services Sunday iifteruimii
and Mr. Faniuin will sing a solo en
titled "Face to Face." Mr. Farnuin
lias a splendid voice, which is giently
appreciated by all who hear him.
Every man and boy in Central Point
should make an effort to be piescnt
ut meetings, as they are in
structive mid uplifting. The mem
bership of this o'rganizntion is daily
increasing, and it ij predicted that
before long every man ami boy in
this town will be enrolled.
The Lendaliand club will give a
fire sale nt Kentner & Co.'s More.
Saturday, Jan. 14., from 11 to ,"l. "
If the real estate ad "reads all
right," go and see the property, mid
you'll probably find that the ad is
"straight" and candid.
Oregon-Washington Railroad
and Navigation Co.
TrafflG Department Announcement
The above named company was incorporated Oc
cember 20, 1910, for the purpose oi.' taking over the
following lines:
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company.
The North Coast Railroad Company.
Oregon & Washington Railroad Company.
Idaho Northern Railroad Compaq-.
Thvaeo Railroad Company.
In future these lines will be operated by and in
the name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav
igation Company.
General Freight Agent, Gen'l Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
General Freight and Passenger Agent, Seattle, Wash.
Traffic Manager.
rnnnrrrrr rr r--1 " "" '' "" .. . .,.rrrr nnnnnriririifirijnijftinjfJtAnn jijfiAiriniirinjfiLA jijfii
The Final Closinsf Out Sale
Don't Miss This Chance-tke Best Chance You Ever Had to Save Money
l ft Ef fo'' II Kr,'y ,mlul l'll. Heml-ritllnK Coat,
JplO.OUtttli pocUctB, velvet collar, skirt pleated In
front and hack; Kr'd over hip; wiih $10 00
'i lllaclt and nroy check. Ioiik velvet tuxedo velvet roll,
tilmuied In miulache hniltl; velvet cuffH; - q p-w
Bklrt pleated In cluMeru; VDDY $10 0ft . ipIJ.OU
II AltlV -Catawha urn Suit: fancy military collar;
buttoned to the Hide; trimmed In braid, HUlrt
trimmed trimmed In braid; In modified (fcOQ ((
hobble effect; $ U..00. for yJ,JJ
i AMQ lllack ami Kiey utiipo dlnKonnl Halt. Jack t
Kenii-flitlm;; Htrletly tailored; lined In Sklnuei satin,
hklrt pleated front, Bonid over hlt; lQfl"77n
$U dO. for CpiU.UU
5 -VUQY Hot. mixed tweml; Jacket neml-flltliiK
Hti Icily tailored; Skinner satin lined; Hklrt koiviI, plain
back and butlonn on Hide; jh-i rj rr
(i Lavender chiffon black fancy Suit; jacket braided in
lavender silk braid; bklrt ploteil front and Kotvd owi
hlpti; bt aided on Hide; J?00 CC
AICIII - $00.00 jpcy.uu
7 AMD Lluht green I'rench nerge fancy Suit, jacket
one button cutaway; iK'ttullfully braUled. Skinner trntui
lined: klrt pleated In cluntru; dOCT Cf
AMD- $00.00 tjO.UU
S- VI1KI - l)Hrk Hroatlcloth Suit. Jacket mml
flttliiK; Idpeii In xreuii wtttn; lluml with Skinner miUii.
plain bklrt In modified hobble offcti; k.. q ns
V1IICI -$87 00 , iplO.UU
U AQV(J - Uventlur chirrou llroiiilelollt Suit. Jacket
Hcmt-flUliiK; Htrlctl) tailored; Hklit plain, (hn-i aa
In modified hobble effect ; $. 00, for J1.UU
10 VSXI- (Ireea (lllufii worsted; Jacket heini-flitum
Skinner watln IIiiIiik. klit plain I.-koi: -i r rrr
$:i-ro tplO.OU
Kvery person visiting this store and investigating the of'lerings state that they have
never seen such values offered in this section of the state before. This is (lie last week
and if you expect to share in these wonderful bargains you should come Monday or
some day this week and make your selection. This store will in all probability be sold
to other parties, and you know that no such values can be offered in a regular way as
we are offering this week.
Every Article On Sale
At Reductions of 33 1-3 to 60 Per Cent
black all uool Suit, Kood st.vlo;
vu'll made ami JntKci lined with a
dm able wttin: plain tailored Kklrt.
Jin kit a neat, staple htle; an c.cep
tluiial alue at $jo oo. now on wile
it tliU final cUmc tn p. p.
f. mill tiSIU.UU
Klne. btilixh Suit; made of dliiKoaal
fancy stilled all wool worsted, bklrt
bcuuUfulh m.ule ami iieall trimmed;
SMniiri .-at iu lined; an exceptlmial
value t the regular price of $3. mi;
now mi i.ile for tu-i r nn
i.uh iiSlo.UU
A fancy herrliiKbone stripe, grey all
wool worsted Suit; similar stylo to
one at $l.VO0. well tailored ami a
style that will be good for spi Ihk and
viimuier wear; n splendid alue at
$.17 ". now on sale tUi r rn
at qlo.00
11 -AQAI Ulnck and white stripe Suit; Jacket serul-flt-tiiiK
with watch pocket; Skinner satin lined; skirt plain
with band around bottom to form mud- tnnri -.
Ifled hobble; $45.00 IjhcU.UU
12 AKYI Urown and black lined; Jacket senil-flUluu;
Skinner satin UiiJub; plain skirt with flno aa
pleated flounce; $.10.00 3;O.(J0
U VDUI Grey mixed, Gilbert worster; Jacket semi
flttltiB: Skinner satin lining; skirt pleated in front and
back and Rored over hips;
VDHt I0.00 $19.00
11 Hluo French serge; Jackot soml-fittlng; strictly
tailored, with watoh pocket; light grey Skinner satin
lined; flfteon gored;
A1UQ-H5.00 $23.00
15 Hluo Fronch sorgo Suit; Jacket semi-fitting; strict
ly tailored with watoh pockot lined with grey satin;
fifteen gorod skirt;
VEAQ-40.00 $18.25
10 lilack chiffon broadcloth Suit: Jacket senil-fltting;
plain skirt;
AYVQ-W.00 $22.00
17 Hluo C.llbort worsted Suit; Jacket tight-fitting; Btrlct
ly tailored; full pluatud skirt;
ANA1 $50.00 $24.00
is -nine sorgo Suit; Jacket soml-fittlng with watch
pockot; light groy Sklnnor satin lining; skirt pleated
front and back and gored ovor hips; air ,r.
VIUII $30.00 $13.75
lti nine cheviot Suit; Jackot soml-flttliig; perfectly
plain, with pockets in sldo; skirt ploatod front and
back ami gored over hl:
AI)IM)-$20.00 $9.75
20 nine storm srgu Salt; Jackot soml-fittlng; patch
pockets; trimmed In buttons; skirt pleated In front and
back and gorod over hli;
VSOY I3R00 $16.00
126 East
Main. Street
O. E. Tackstrom
frTTTrrriIM'l'i " "' ii-l .rrrv.r..rrryrrrrrrrTrrrrryyVyvvirrvJlj.vv