Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1911, SECTION ONE, Page 7, Image 7

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"The Beginning of the Creation
of God."
Pastor Russell Quotes Scriptural Au
thority Proving That the Loqos Was
the First and the Last, the Beginning
and the Concluslqn, of Jehovah's
Philadelphia. Pa.,
January 3. Pas
tor Russell preach
ed yesterday from
the text. "In the
beginning was the
Word (Logos) and
the Wool (Logos)
was yrlth ",c Go'1
and the Word (Lo
gos) was u (Sod.
The same was In
the beeinning with the God. By him
wore all things tuado and without him
was not anything made that was
made" (John 1, 1, 2). Ho said:
A week ago we considered the time
when God was alone. Today let us
discuss the first creative act ns re
spects Intelligent beluga. Long before
man was created, or our earth was
brought from its chaotic condition,
long before angels and cherubim were
created, Divine power brought forth a
Son on the spirit plane .leho villi's First
Begotten glorious, perfect, beautiful.
hN own Image and likeness.
This glorious Ono Is In our text
designated the Logos, tho Word, the
Message, tho Expression of God. In
Ihe Old Testament he is symbolically
referred to as "Wisdom" in the words,
"Jehovah possessed me In the begin
ning 'f his way, before his works of
old. Thou I was by him. as one
brought up with him, and I was daily
his delight, rejoicing always before
him" (Proverbs vlll. 22-CO).
This mighty one, personified ns Wis
dom, Is doctoral by St. Paul to be "tho
llrst-horn of all creation" (Colosslnns J.
J.'-lSl. The Psalmist similarly, refers
to him as Jehovah's "first-born, high
or than the kings of earth" (Psalm
l.v.vxl.v. 27). Jesus thus refers to him
self as one who had a prehuman ex
istence, saying, "Re fore Abraham was.
I am" (John vlll, 11, S5, -12-u8). The
glorified, ascended Christ, In Apoca
llptlc vision, declared tho same great
truth, that he was "tho beginning of
Iho creation of God" (Revclatiou ill.
I I). And again ho declared, "I am the
First and tho Last" (Rev. i, 17; II, 8).
All of these Scriptures fully corrobo
rate the statement of our text that he
who subsequently became the world's
Redeemer was long before the primary
Son of God. lo ranked first, not only
in seniority, but also in honor, dignity
and station, abovo all other sons of
God. not ono of whom wns llko him--self
the direct creation of Jehovah
"For all things were made by tho Lo
gps, and without hlni wqs not one
thing made that -was made." lie was
not the creator In the primary sense
of the word, but in tho secondary
sense. Ho was tho active agent of
Jehovah in all of his subsequent crea
tive work; thus he was uot only the
llrst-horn of all creation, but, individu
ally, ho wns also tho last of Jehovah's
orontlou. To this agrees tho word of
St; Paul, "All things are of the Father
and all things are by the Bon."
Surely many have failed to appreci
ate not only tho Divine personality
of Jehovah, but also tho greatness of
lilni who is styled "The S6n of God."
In the Dark Ages.
Thoro was a time when God's people
did not possess the Bible In their own
lnngunge, and when education to read
It was extremely limited, and when
nobody possessed such wonderful
Bibles (with references and concord
ances) as aro common todny. It should
not surprlso us that In that far-off
time confusing errors crept Into the
traditional faith of tho Church. The
contention of tho Jews was that Jesus
of Nazareth was an impostor and that
ills mighty works wero done under
the Influence, of tho fallen angel. Be
elzebub. Should we think It strange
that In tho heat of discussion some of
tho followers of Jesus would make ex
travagant claims fop him lu their en
deavor to opposo the theory that made
of Messiah a mere sinful man?
It does not surprise us, therefore,
that early in tho third century clijlms
wero put forward in tho name of
Christ and Ids Apostles which neither
ho nor they ever authorized. The
Apostles declared him to bo "the Sou
of God with power" and that ho -whs
"holy, harmless, undofiled and sepa
rate troin Mnners'' (Hebrews vll, til!).
The Master himself declared, "My
Father Is .greater than J." "He is
above all;" "ho sent mo;" "I camo lo
do the will of my Fafher lu heaven
and not mlno own will;'' "I delight to
do thy will, oh my God; thy law is
written in my heart."
True, ho also declared. "I nnd my
Father are one;" but ho showed in
what this oneness consisted that It
was a ojioncfc" of will. 0,f purpose, of
work Bmiue fie had fully biibml'ttod
his will to the Father's will' and had
made tho Father's will his own, there
fore they were one.
The Master again Illustrated this
oneness when ho prayed for his dis
ciples that "they all might ho one.
even as thou Father and I are one"
(Jolm xvl. 11. 21. 221. Evidently the
Master did not pray that his disciples
should all beenmo one in person, but
that they should all become of one
niiwl, of' one heart, of one disposition
through their loyalty and obedleneo to
tho Word and to the spirit of God
And thts oneness, he declared, avbs tho
kind which subsisted between the
flonvenly Father and hlnsqf.
"'Leaving the simplicity of the teach
Jngs of Je-us aud of tho Apostles.
Kpmu went to the evlruine of declaring
tk-at Jesus was his own Father; that
tho terms Father. Son and holy Spirit
all applied to ouo person, who waul
I . c. . ' ' ' ' -
r .
fested himself to mankind In three dif
ferent ways corresp6ndlng to these
nq nies ope God In three manifesta
tions. Others took a still different
view and clalnird that the Father.
Son and holy Spirit were three lod
who operated as one. In proportion as
these uitserlptural human theories
wero received, tliey prodifccd confu
sion. And when asked how three per
sons could logically bo one person, nnd
how one person could be three persons
equal in glory and power, of course ho
answer could be, given. Then the sub
tcrfuijo was raised, "This Is a great
mystery which nobody can. explain."
It should not; surprise us from what
wo know of the structure of human
ntilnrp that these extreme views were
opposed by others of the opposite ex
treme, souie clnlmlng that Jesus was
a morp man: that ho-was born as arc
other men; that Joseph was his father,
etc. Thus wo behold tho danger of
any variation whatever froip the pro
else teachings of the Word of God.
It should be needless to say to Bible
Students that there is nothing Jn the
Bible which declares a trinity of Gods.
Thero is Just ono passage of Scripture
quilted In proof of the Trinity (I John,
v, 7), and it is never quoted by schol
ars, because all scholars know that it
was tampered with, several words hav
ing been added Ip thp seventh century
which are not found In any New Tes
tament manuscript of earlier date.
And those added words make the
statement as a wholo foolish.
If ypi? will tprn in your Bibles to
this passage, you may strike out the
Fpurious words as follows in verso
Bcvun: " heaven the leather, tho Word
and tho llolu Ghost, and these three arc
one;" and In verso eight the words,
"and there are three that bear witness fi
After thus eliminating tho spurious
additions, after thus removing from
tho precious ointment this dead fly of
falsehood Which was Inserted for the
very purpose of deceiving, and be
cause no Scripture could be found to
give color to tho doctrluo of the trin
ity then yon will be able to rend that
portion of tho Word of God In its pu
rity and simplicity. Then the "mys
tery" part will be gone from It for
evor. It will bo In full accord with the
entlro Bible In declaring, "To ns thoro
is one God, the Father, of whom aro al
things, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by
whom are all things nnd wo by him"
(1 Corluthlans vlll, 0). How absurdly
the passage reads in our common ver
sion, stuting that the Father and tho
Son and tho holy Spirit aro bearing
witness in heaven that Jesus to tho
Son of God!
The pure Word of God presents
simply nnd beautifully tho fact that
the great Creator, the Father of all
morales, is Jehovah God. aud that ho
has an only begotten Sou who is yet to
be tho Savior or Deliverer of all of
Adam's race' willing to accept the
grace of God provided In him. And
there is one holy Spirit, "tho spirit of
ruth." "the spirit of wisdom." "the
spirll of n sound mind." the spirit of
power, energy, will. mlndcqf thoFnther
which Is also iho..8plrIt"of tho-Spu.
am which uiust'.bc'nlso the spirit, dis
position, niind. will"- of all thqso who
noy,- epmoMihto the Father us sons
through' tho . adoption, which is in
Christ Jesus.
The Only Begotten Honored.
Before the beginning of the creation
of God, before the Only Begotten of
the Father became' the Alpha of Crea
tion, tho Father had woudcrful pur
pores lu himself respecting all hs
great plan for tho everlasting future.
It. Included this world, and mankind,
and tho ponnlssloirof sin. nnd tho re
demption of mau from hiu nnd Its
penalty, and Uiq restoration to bo ac
complished by Messiah' Kingdom and
the glorious work of utornlty In fur
ther creations In world nfter world.
Rut, as the Master declared, these
thlnj.3 the Father had kept in his own
power In his own hand. Ho divulged
them not to tho nngcls. nor pvp.q to hlc
dearly beloved "ouly begotten Son."
Wo havo seen how this Divine secret.
Divine purpose, waH symbolically rep
resented In tho scroll In tiio hands
of Jehovah, an pictured in Revelation
v, 1. We have seen that this revela
tion was delivered to tho Lamb, the
Only Begotten One, nfter ho had been
slain after his consecration at Jordan,
and In its fulness after his death at
Cnluiry, when he ascended up on high,
glorified at the right baud of lio
Father's majesty.
But before tho Logos was made
flesh, beforo he undertook to bo man's
Redeemer, the Heavenly Father set
beforo him the glorious propositi.
He (nfomed him ho had u plun,
a scroll, and that tho execution thereof
was to bo given to one who would
prou himself worthy, by demonstrat
ing his loyalty to tho Divine will.
We read that God sent his only be
gotten Son Into tho world, hut 'we are
not to understand from this that ho
came under Divine commands, tho re
fusal of which would havo meant PI
vino displonsuro and his own degrada
tion. On tho contrary, wo understand
the matter clearly when wo hearken
to tho Apostle's statement, He" do.
elarej' that Messiah loft tho glory,
which ho had with the Father before
the world was, and bumbled himself
to take upon himself man's form nud
then consecrated lilnvutf even linto
death all because of the Joy Chat tho
Father had hot before him.
Tho Joy set before the Logos was (1)
That thus he might serve tho Heaven
ly Father's gracious purposes.
(2i That he might recover mankind
from the state of sin and death Into
which ull wero plunged by father
Adam's ono act of disobedience.
13' AMItlgnajjy Ii wn3 prppiisea mp
honor and distinction of the Messianic
Klugdom by and through which man
kind would tie blessed and uplifted.'
(ll Hp wns promjsed a special nrldo
i Ian to he selected, from among the
redeemed raco of mou u class having
Lib owu disposition of loyalty to God
and to righteousness, qnd faithful nil
to death which like himself, would be
exalted lu the chief resurrection from
the earthly to heavenly condition, far
ribovo principalities aud powers nnd
every name lint, Is iptmed.
(3) He was promised that hi own
personal dlsjlpctloq would be to all
eternity n participation In the qualities
of tlo divine nature: he would possess.
Cot only glory and liotior, but also In
ereht life, dcnthlossnoss. Ipimortallty.
For these Joys, ho left his glory, he
wns made flesh, ho sacrificed his
pnrthly llfo and, being raised from the
dead, ho entered Into his promised Joy.
Since, he'ls waiting In expectation for
(he , completion of tho Church, his
Bride, the members of his Body, ns
siircd that then tho Father will give
him the heathen for an Inheritance
drid tho uttermost parts of the earth
fot his possession, that he may bind
SaMnn, put down sin nnd uplift tho
sinner and bring everlasting order out
of parlh's cpnfuslon by destroying tho
wflfully wicked.
A God but Not the God.
As nil Bible scholars know, the word
elohtln in the Old Testament Hebrew
Is of plural form, somewhat like our
Kngllsb word sheep. Thus wo read n
Gpnesls. "Tho clohlm (Godsi said, lot
ug jnne wan hi qur image." This
wotili) yery properly apply to. the
Heavenly Father and the Heavenly
Son, in full accord with our text.
"Without him (tho Logos) was not
anything made that was made." Tho
word elohlm signifies, literally, the
tniifhty, the powerful, the great. Surely
It would )c strictly proper to consider
tiio Logos mighty, great, poywrful as
the nctlvo agent of the Almighty 6ne.
Johovah, who is also styled tho Mighty
Tills word clohtm not only is used In
respect to tho Heavenly Father and
his H6ayculy Son, but (t is also used
in respect tq angels ns tho messengers
of qod li'nd of Christ, mighty to the do
Ing of tho will of God (Psnlni vlll. 5).
"Thou hast made man a little lower
thhn the nngcls (clohlm)." Still rnr
ther notice that this word olohlm is
used in respect to mpn; when Divinely
appointed nud nctlvo as God's agents
they tt'erc mighty, or elohlm. Thus
wo rend of tho seventy Judges of Is
rael appointed by' Moses, "The master
shall bring him uuto tho Judges tejo
him)" (Exodus xxl. 0).
We have given a very literal render
ing pf our text, showing the lino dis
tinction of tho Greek original In a way
that our English version docs not show
U As Bible students we have pot in
the pitst been sufficiently critical lu
our study' of God's Word, but now, u
Divine providence, t Is possible for
those oven who have practically no
knowledge of tho Greek and Hobrejv
to understand tho Scripture presenta
tions thoroughly. If any amongst my
largo congregation arc unsuccessful fn
finding nuthorltatlvc works that show
the Interpolations nnd mistranslations
of .the1' Holy Scriptures. I Rhnll be
pleased to bqyo them; write fo tno for
'Our text in tho common English ver
sion inlsroprcsoits the true thought of
llio dngflinl, but as wo have rendered
It the matter is so simple, and clear
that a child may understand, ..lohoyuli
Gail lis 'fr6ni,uvqrlaBting to everlasting
nnd' had no'begiiinhig. The Logo's had
a 'Ueg)nhinghe'ljrtuspir ,wn?nthe be
ginning; "In.u'io rK'glnhiiig'.was' rtbe
L6gos-nnd tlH"L-rigo& wiis'n. God" In"
was, a ihlglityone. the -bt''giliulug 'of
i7ealtoX''tueflifct aiul the Iast0rcn
tiol -qf the God. the .'Almighty Onc
"of whom, by wlirfm nnd through
whont are all things.
AH'Jionnr and majesty and worship
belong primarily to the great Father
of lights and to him Jesus directed the
uttPntlon of his followers. saylig.
"After tlls manner pray ye Our
Fat'iin' -which art in heaven, hallowed
bo thy name." It Is ulwqys therefore
l'jnhieitly proper in the highest nonse
of the word that our petitions should
ascend to 'tho Father of Lights, from
whom coinelh every good utid every
nerfcrt gift."
It has pleased tho Father fd"sn honor
his. First Begotten Son, mid to so re
ward his faithfulness unto death, aud
to so make him the Head lu all things
over lit- Church- y'hc'lj la Ills. l)ody,
fhat' it Is eminently proper that, lu tho
language of tho Master. "MI men
should honor the Son. even ns thoy
honor the Father" (John v, 2.1). They
should not honor the Son Insto'id of
the Father, however, for tho latter de
clares, "My glory will I npt give to
nnother." Tho exalted Christ Is to bo
honored, yea, worshiped, hecauso the
Father has highly expltcd him and
given him a name abovo pvory other
name, that at muno of Jesus every
Icnoo should bow and every tongue
qonfess to tho glory of God tho
Father (Phlllppians II, 8-11).
Moreover, there Is u special reason
why ull who recognzo Jchuh ns tho
world's Redeemer sliould recognize tho
propriety of including him with tho
Father in their thoughts and in their
prayers. This Is because, by DJviip
appointment, io is tho Churali'w Advo
cate with tho Father (ho Ono through
whom wo aro acceptable to God, oven
tho Father, How could wo, tliprefpro,
Ignore our Advocate, our Attornoy. our
And with tho world fn the future,
throughout Messiah's reign, this will
he equally proper, beenpse then ho will
I'O the world's Mediator, standing b
twoitii God and men. until by his v
dlaiorlnl Kingdom he shall have lift
mankind from sin and degradation it
death, jiack in actual Justification no
harippny with Qod.
ErfJBJS'R, Or., 'Jan. U. Tho er
rors of "Jack-tho-Grahber" aro kcop
ipg Home of tho university gjrlb off
tho streets without an escort after
lark, and tho obnoxious actions of
this crazed fiend havo stirred tho
mpn of Uio college to action. An ef
fort Is being niado by a, nuruhor of
students to catch tbo supposed man
lac who has from titno to time an-
upvjjd women on tho Btrepjs by uprlng-
Ing nut from behind u covering aud
grubbing tbo victim by tho ankles
and then running. Two women ln-i
'-. VJv.- , ,," t,..i-s .,
?Misf82- ""t5i - ..SON
JPf?,?SBIst .IV
1 I L ft '
X-IJ .
Annual Clearance Sale
Continues All This Week
Wo arp cleaning tho store of odds nnd ends, and to t.hls ond wo nro literally SLASHING THE PRICES. Qn Monday morning wo open tho
second week of this wonderful sale with u record-breaking nal" of Domestics, Comforts, Blankets, etc. They nro wonderful values and
will go llko hot cakes. Nolo these prices. Thoy aro only a few of tho many bargains offored nt this BHj DHPARTMENr STORE. Our
guaranteo goes with every nrticlo. You'll find thorn Just as represented.
Domestic Specials
Hemmed cotton Towels; soft and clofely woven:
regular He quality; special :t 1-tic
lluck Towels; extra fine finality; size lSx;)C;
rpgulnr 12 l-2c value; apodal . .8 J-Jtc
Hemmed blenched Turkish Towels; extra heavy;
bIzo; regular 15r value; special ..le
Hemmed Huek Towoln; extra flno, soft nud close
ly woven and a towel you very -often pay 20c
for and considered extra vnluo nt Ifio; ltfx
US; HporilUl Hie
Brown tnen crash Toweling; 17 Inches wldo;
o,tra qood.vnltip at 8 1-Hc; special ...M 1-Uc
Brown liiiiui crash; soft gloss finish; IS inchos
v.'Ido; regular 10c quality; special 7 l-i!c
Bleached l!ntm.,Towp1lug; gloria finish; 10 Inches
wide; regular 8 l-c; special ; tl l-l!c
Ready niado Shoots; all ono plecp; no sen ins; size
72x00;' regular 7i"c quality;, special. ..'. .57c
Ready niado Sheets; oxtru heavy; beautiful
quality; regular Silo quality; apodal . . .J7u
Soft finished; oxlra good vnluo at 12 i-2c: could
not bo bought today In carload lots for loss
than 1 lo; ; special On
will'lx'iiindo i a J'ow tliiys ol'
ouivLnpo ii(l. -Emlu'oidoi'.v
Sale:, which will iako i)lacn
i 'I ' '"i"11" i if
The Bigu'cst Bargains you
fivov saw.
Comrorts; oxlra ulio, 72xK4; iintoou figured tops with plain sllkollno
lining; regular $3.50; special .$'J.7l
Extra heavy -Comforts; uIIlod figured on both sidos; regular $15.75;
special ip-.Hli
Extra size and heavy Comforts; figured on both shies and tied with
wool yarn: SOxOO Inehos; .rogular $11.75; special $2.fl
E.vora flno Comforts; figured on both sides with the finest qualltv
of sllkollno and bound with plain colored silk; rpgulnr $5.00;
special JiJiLKl)
Extra heavy Comforts, filled with one shoot of whlto halting; fig
ured on hoih sides nnd tied wUh wool yarn; regular $2 50;
special SI .Hl
The Big
structors nt the university woro held
up by this flond two nights ugo and
jovoral other Instances havo been re
ported, recently. Tho man bus been
'ndulging bis strnpo performances
ror some time, but bocauBo or tho
length or tlmo between tho assaults
Eden Valley Nursery
, ----. f , i ,j i i
Office, 1201 N, Central Ave.
Phone 3711
ivflr Your Chance;
To - Buy
Ono of tho most phenomenal offers
over inndn Ihe people of Medfqrd.
Bleached -Muslin of gopd quality;
Hfi Inches wldo; no dressing; finished
like long elolh; ennnot bo duplicated
for 12 l-3o yard; for six dnys only,
yard 8 l-:io
Dress floods, unusually good values;
.'llie and -10c quality SiHe
S.'e Sicilian; special . ..IDo
Black Taffeta Silk; !!0 inches wldo;
regular $1.25 values; up'cl ..Kilo
Diagonal Pqngce Silk; regular $1.25;
special OHc
Hero Is an exceptionally good bar
gain. Silk Hose, In black and tun,
cotton top, heel nnd ton, bala'uco nil
silk; will wear better than all Bilk
lioao, and will appear Just as well;
7"c valued, while they lust -IHc
50c el) lid roll's Crib Blankets, now.
Q5c Slieet Iiliiukots, now . . .'
75c Shoot lllnnkcts, tnu and grey, now
$2.00 BlankotK; gr'H nd tans; sI?o 11-1, now'.
$2.00 Blankets; extra fine, fluff-, groy and vh,Ito
$2.75 Blankots; oxlra fine; ll-l; plaid
$2.75 lluiilfoln; nxtrii heavy, tans aud gioys . . . .
$.00 and $0.50 Wool Blankets; ll-l
. i ' i . .I.
SPECIAL ,.v.; ...,.!.!, $1.39
SPECIAL :.......: .". $1.49
aud tho dirflrully of captprjng him
in thi dark ho has remained at largo.
Tho reports of several of tho cases
ylthin tho past two weeks hnvu
arniiHod tbo li' r tho men students
and u determined otfort Is being
made to run down the man, If It Is
Nursery That Comes Through With the
Biggest and Best Stock of Trees in the
. p I.S1I
Largo six.o Comforts) figured on jiotf) sides with ullkullnc cqvci'lnK!
sI.o 72x78; filled with ono sheet of whlto hating? regular $2.25;
special .,........,..;..............,........ ? i '
JJxtra lieavy Comforts; covered with figured sateen and bound with
plain colored Hiileeil; regular $1,00; spoclal !!.!)
$2.50 regular, pair ..,..,... $1.1)8
Ext)a heavy Coinfqrs nid full sl?.ed figured top nud philn sllkollno
lining; flllod with white halting;, tied' with wool yarn; roguldr
$1.75; special 1.W
Comrorts wltlj sotne flgurod and plain lining and filled with ono
sheet of white cotton batting; regular 51,05; special tfl.-l)
Comforts with 'ullkolluo figured top and plain colorod lining nnd
filled with ono sheet of white batting; regular $1.50; special OHe
necessaiy to patrol oory block In tbo
vicinity ot tbo. campus at night. Tho
"grii))hr" mnkes bis appearance
wltlilu i) certain iireu near tho cam-
' )iih, mill he is thought to bo some
I probably demented person living near
l -'' m, li 1
sJ r
Domestic Specials
Cream Outing Flnnnn); 25 Inphea vdo; regular
0 l-2c value; tq olo.q q. .,,.,,,.,.. ,;j wc
Flannelettes; all colors nnd mixtures; 10c,
12 i-2c, lGcniM) 2f) values; (q cjqso out 0 tr"c
Dark colored Porpalca; rpgu-Jar 10c, quality;
special ;' , . . O 1-iic
Dark colored Pprcajos; I2vl-2p klid; special Oc
Dark mirt TlRht Porcnjcs; best jijc nunMtJ'5
!ll ' l,'l.fV
ill .............................. Jm a mI
' .'. .' ' "''
Best Apron Ginghams; o l-!le values. . . . .l"t:c
New Spring" Glqgbnnis. havo nrrjyod ai)dbceu
plncod on our tables nt special prices H t-Jtc",
1 tic, It! l-2c nud i5c.
Fall Slandnrd Cotton Chnlllos; rogujnr c i-2c
vu1)U'h; special 5c
I)otton Dqtjlng; froe from dark npnt,; nlcp,
whllo cotton; yogtilnv 15c; special ...I2 1-2c
Bleached Tnblo Linen; f2 Inches wldo qnd. war
ranted all puro ltion; rogiJar 75c qualltyf
special .,'.', , ', -10c
oho6 opdcials
Mp;ir) chroinotan, high top lilco
Bunts; 2 buck-lea; a good, heavy,
Hi'irvfceahlo lwot and most excellent
values at tho regular prices;
$8700 vtlluoit; spbcliii K15.0H
5C.D0 values; special yi.08
?.r),r0 aud$(,50 valunu; special . 1. 1H
Uolsecko's inon,s Ilopt; $1,00 val
ues; special ijin.-tf)
$7.00 niOn'H tan Riding- BpoIb; ft
high class boot aud doslrablo lu
every way; spoc'al $t,08
Any man's Slipper In tbo house; val-
2ICH up t.o $3.00; special ... 81.41)
75,ipnlnv ladles' Slippers; valuoB up
to $2,25 .,,.,.. .05c
The Store That
Lives Up to Its
Suspicion has been placed upon u
certain half-witted man, and 4n c'"
fort will bo nuulo to jieutit'y Itjm b?
tho teachers assaulted two nights
ago. .
Ilaskius for Health.
A. !
w vr,nfWl-