" fgfmfmpf J-T" m-7W.-, - -jp. j-t y,,, , TO A' - W ' ' x s 6 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1911. - wz. ' RIN M KCfc SL - l,t I JAP'S OBJECTION California May Pass All the Anti Alien Laws Sh&'Wants as Lotifl as P V j" All Aliens Arc Included Itvlt, Says Jap Lcjiation. ' 1 t , SACIMMBXTO, Cal.. Jim. II. .Jhlnui will nol object to atili-ali-ni IluiU law-felt ll Tftitioualltlub ftiiTi!:- uliulod, noconlhi;; to 'the ' klnlumeut made today by ono of the lcuclhiir pioj;fe&;1i.,t in tin lower house oi the legislature who says ho ha lit intorinntion from a fodeiai author ity close to the Japanese legation in Washington. "I was icccntly advhoil," said this nsi.'inbl.Yiunii, who nskcil liiat hi- name be withheld for the pn-Ke ,j "Irom this high diplomatic oure.' thai i California should ciuict'i li w' similar to the one in Japan, the.' will not be a word of protect Irc.ini Japan at a nation. It was explain d to him, as ho inioims me, (liat a law barrinc all alieiiH irom owning lcusiiitf land will bo considered a fair measure by the JapanorfO. "Japan ohjoolyto being Hinj-ied oat b a nation that cannot iiavo eiiui'l righto tfitu others. They want a German, ltit&simi frenchman or an other foreigner placed n the xni ' elabs. They say it in unfair to alio v a European to come hero and buv property ten minutes after his ar:i- viil-il tile same cannot bo the ca e with the Jupuuou. Tlie emperor wi'l then have an advantage bocaus nt can become naturalized, while t .0 Japanese cauiiol, but tluil is a lc' cral question, not up to the (.V.i tornia legislature.' This same legislator intimated that ho would oxprcjiH these bentinientw on the floor when anti-Japanese moa mvfc come up tor debaU". MAN WHO MADE ATTACK ON PRINCE CONVJCVED, WOMEN WANT NO CHANGE IN LAW OAKLAND, Cat., Jet. M. C'i4' Foiig, member of the Vouo; C'huii oailv. wan found iruil t y of utieunl"d aisault on Prince Tnii Ilauti. undo tif the omperoi' of C'liinn, 111 Jidci . Wells' court may. Vmit v.v. ut-! Emphatic Protest Is Voiced By i!ored to nijifom- tor sentence .IrUui-j Spca;lrs at Mectflin of Equal Sllf- my 11, t- frage' Association Aijainst Pro posed Tampering With Law. ifoiig urft'i arreted lit, the UUlni"i .mole while tlie rcuflfilioii to w prince was in progress. Detecfiu'H standing in the crowd that aw l ounded the ntval train saw him at tempt to diaw a pistol from bis TACOMA. Viibliv Jan. M. -Watii pochcl ami ovui powered him bei'mo ington nifltruiruU'i Vum no tumpet- l0 cqijlil fae it. inKj,v tl. ie;4U ti.iic with tiieit iif -' 0ulitlll pryiniing ,u ra.icl,.- .v iii-Mu- ... ... ins .. i - -- h IK.((Ui,.cd ii,;!il eiliv.. ... p jlnnchii dynasty and cMubhh a ic-. ' , public was believed to have prompted Ullh 10 wonu, I,,,-l,1,,' ,v ' l" ' ' Kong to want to Jull Prince 'JWiihalf of them delegates to the Sti te Usuu. ., 1 'JCqual,, Sat f rage. ns,o"ii .ion here I .. da, an emphatic prat 'it w.iv liecd., by, tlie speakers tigai. -I th-' lcti-'a-lure busying? i) s.'lf in sj'.y elfoi to exempt women from ji'.vy duly or any other dity dcvolvh? upon ih-ui by reason of' their "u'ri'.iichi-ctr.CDt. Urs. Abigail Scott ljiiway of Portland accorded ?c efl'Of honor on the eouvcntiou phitfrrm, ugoi ed that poSf.iI)li it wa the f'V-. a jurymen thitt war-'ba'U iiTlw move ment of the men to h"v such n:md- oration lor vofiieti 'h.H iheyt'TMMte'l them to bo oxcmptwl fnom. itjrv- ilf. Following a statement livn ,,mi pia that no women wore to be' em ployed as c1cI:h In t'm Icginlrhirc niecaii'-e tlieve weie io Svoama cn atois" tfui eonvonti'.'i 'h)i ed it jc- he 1 lcel i.i legislation. "gHTshippino 1 STRIKE IN SIGHT Haflkino for IlcaUh. ounui'a are adjusted. The admission was made today by J; llaveloek Wil son, member of parliament mid president of the Xationnl Sailors and 1 Firemen's union of Oreat Britain, lie admitted that the leaders intended to , make the strike world-wide, as was 1 planned nt the Copenhagen congress . . . . in August. The union has a member tng.antli ij ,. ,. JO. (Kid Unless I -. Having Much Trouble Union Has!11'? employers aecedo to the demanl of the men. a tie-up is certain. The Membership Over 40,000 Men u.n nrt. U8kjlljr um lliiy; the es- Are Asking Higher Pay. . I "''l'""''t f ' 'neiliation boaid - 1 and" impiovement in luod on verfcels. Men and Shipowners In Avniiv 1 nt r Panamo Toll Bill Drawn. LONDON. Jan. 14. A monster ftrike that vi! affect the -hiiipimri AhlttNU'lON, U. (.., Jan. 1 J of Oreat Miitaiu mid spi'. j..j to oth-r CougressUiau M.vn (111.) Joday in eountries of th" World will be call. 1 ' U'odueed 11 bill authouzing tho prC-i-during Coronation week, next Ala .'. dnit to liv charges lor the a'1 oi tho lunlcfs in tho nicnnthno the dit'tor- Pauamr. oanal and provide for ito atl U'lKte J-ie-tVt'cvii the men and the s.hip-1 mini'-tration iimmi completion. WASHINGTON WANTS 11 SHORTtR BALLOT OliVMIMA, Wash., Jim, 14 Washington will have the shortest state ballot ..1 any suue m tne union It a 'ol Inlrouucod uy nciuoKcnta tlve Wright of Seattle Is enacted Into law. Wright would have only tho governor arid suprome court judges elected by U10 people, all oJlior state officials to be appointed by the ssov ernor. The governor will bo r.ubjeet to recall, 1Mb bill reads. This bill follows the tiuggestloa inailo in his message of Inauguration by Govern or Hay. Hasklns for Health. to EXfEKD mm I if I Ki:W YOltK. Jan. 1 1. - Ucsolulio , vccomnieiidiiig the cU'iihiou ot t' dmau aibijnilion law to inelu.'e interstate public utilities eoncerni ;r particularly telegraph and leluplioi e compauich, were adopted at a lhul bussion of tho uutional civic t'edera tiou hero today. Tho rowhuiuji. 1- rceo'timciidod -tale laws giving lule labor departmuiils powei to make a. bitration coinpulMiry in lahm di.v puteh. The HeHion wa- largely (' -voted lo a discussion of ynivtu jilt aiothods of prou'iiliug strikos. Ala v ot the speaker nMMrted that li Canadian law on thin (itiostioii eon Id bo profitably copied by tho Uuitu 'States. "Tho present machinery lor inve.--tigatiou and aibitratiou is. puuiatue and iuofl'icieut," hiiid Mareu- M. iiiuks, who led the dcuMin on flii subject. "Tho strike and lockout "'! crude, buibaiio and uxpoiiivc. V ' main propoMtls are to oxloud tho Kim ; man not to (unbrace all public nu .-. ties doing an HihWKtnlo busine-- i.., ' Amend tho Ibwh o that intcree-.-. 1 need not wait lyr the a)Htl 01 1 liiiwiml purticH. "We would hImi luakc -(like 1 J. cling tiiilitit'- hlugul und 111 1111 ' li coiiiinil-i tulNti'Hlion. Then Icihintt . Miitucrcc .Hmuui)wiou a l public Horvieu coiuinioionk sIioimJ hac the inmcis uf liual eibili.ilvi . in matteis of wagen, liotu- .md c ditioas of employment." , BILLS PREPARED TO ENLARGE CARICULUM CORVALI.IS, Jan. 1 1. Thai I . tigrieultuial college will be pbu d in 11 position lo eanv in-tracium .1. agiicultuic, doiaexlie science a urlt coiuincice and liiechuincul in 1 liooriug to the )M'oplc ot tin -1. ' ilihtoad of eompelliUK thw poupl.- i. ooinu to it, hein.w now lo be t. jnobablo, . Tho uiluiumlioii b.i Toaohed tho cullege to tlie clt 1 ilijit ocvoral blate urxuiiixulioiiN i .v muparing bills whUUi einr.v nppi nih-itiDiis to incut the o.iciiia ot i'i vflrv. urout cxteniiion ol thi line oi fs "'5':.: m , mm.. n ij ... v rf.lf 'tltefco appropriate arc Ov:r. f ut'ti mere win uv iwht juruivi- 111- ff iJJitutu work, iuojo ltuittuvrs k.ui .t; W.' Tl... fj.il.l llllll'i. lllMlUHIHtllltll.n tlll-lv r Wm 11 1'ii'ni iiicrcih in tin- u ! ,bbr of itinerant -clioo-. - b..- .Vuhilion ol bulk-tiiw, cu-ul. 1- i ja5d other public i.tioin. and .. mm. glncrnl m- ol i ' oi.ii t tlQiicuHil douling with the w.v.. u ,' jii-oblomu.' School", of tgrtuaiu '(OHUUOrCKf dnuiCMie ciwii'v tud m und inochwuici U '"' l"ld " ' variouB towns d -',t- 0l tl)l -" ll to "ivo liiHtruuliun l" '" h11- thftse localities Vuunv will t tunghl hW o fl,V,n '"'',,'1 SMd mmh1' iv vv:U bo iiblc p k'imi the hwt Mciillfio inothod houBekeepuig without leuMnK lh,r The BuildJiip- of the Largest Manufacturing, Center on the.. Pacific Coast Is Now Going on at "I Richmond 1 California "THE PITTSBURG OF THE WEST" ,, - wazz V J ,. A I Richmond is tho Hiii'd largest shipping point in tho Slate ol' California. Richmond has every facility and is destined to be one oi the greatest industrial cen ters of the "West. Richmond is only 10 years old, but already 1ms $i!0,000,000.00 invested in factories. Richmond with Us 12 miles of deep water frontage, its low tax rato and Its advantageous faetoij sites, Is the logical home for manufactures, capitalists and artisans. THE ANDRADE TRACTS Are located about tho center of the peninsula, a reasonable distance from the factories, railroads and shops and waterfront, where the managers and bookkeepers can get to and from work quickly. NOTHIN& CAN PREVSNT THE RAISE IN VALUE OF THESE LOTS. These lots will always be the most valuable property in the City of Richmond. They are high, dry land and accessible to any faotoiy that will ever come to the city. Electric cars pass on all sides of these tracts. Only five minutes' walk to public and high schools. , UJ.',t , , v . Manufacturing Plants Which Have Located at Richmond in Nine Years Tilden & Eakle Lumber Company Shaw-Harrington Gas Engine Works Richmond Cut Stone Company Pacific Porcelain Ware Company Santa Fo Railroad Shops Westorn Pole and Piling Company California Chair Company Arctic Oil Company Standard Oil Can Factory Associated Oil Plant Berkeley Steel Works -California Cap Company Central Brick Company California Wine Association East Shoro Company Great Western Brick Company I-Iealy & Tibbitts Quarry Company San Pablo Quarry Company Standard Oil Company Los Angeles Brick Company Stove Foundry Pullman Car Company Western Pipe and Steel Company Furniture Company Metropolitan Cap Company United States Briquetts Company Richmond Lumber Company I ANDRADE Tracts Are Central and Must Be the Inc Property of the Future REAL INCOME PROPERTY IS ALWAYS IN DEMAND LOTS $300 UP Terms $25 down, $5 per month. NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, NO Assessment 'It is agreed that during the illness or the unavoidable loss of employment by the said purchaser, payments on this contraot may bo suspended for the period of such loss of employment or sickness, provided notice in writing has been given." Improvements Will Be the Best Ever Put in Any Sub-Division of Richmond . V HERBERT F. BROWN, OWNER, 912 PHELAN BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. For Literaturo or Further Particulars, Call On or Address T ..'?' i.rss: ;-'&5p& fK o. JLJ TRACY Hotel Nash J Agent Medlord, Ore JH Vi 1 Jhoine ooHuntnutJes.