Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 14

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yrp ?rpr-n fjt?
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.,l - kk"M-k'i
Ik, 1
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lr 11
:4 (
fit A
. ir
ced son ro
lfi acres, 3 miles from Tnlcr,,
! fenced, limbSr, 'alfalfa riinl fruit'
Intnl. iinml tmnwn. mifn writer. '.'
. ......... , ... ...... ,..,... ...... r , ,
mile from school, .'100 young pent
Boy's Body is Found In Swamp Two of Greatest Corporation Battiest Republicans Refuse to Enter Joint itm,Pt 0VcIy pme'(,. ono, one-halt
F .t 11
!m! Relieved Her nml Dmnk' Flnlc Ever Waned in Hislorv of world Caucus In West V ru win and Dem- down
Without Question Wanted
Marry Again
to I
Submitted to Highest Tribunal
Opinion Is Last Resort
ocrats Threaten
to Cause Thefr
ALBANY N. V., .Tnn. M. Ivros WASHINGTON, .Tan. M.-Publio! CHARLESTON, W. Va., Jan. 34;-
tiTitotl with grief "" remore, Miv j poinion mny inlluouoo tiio house nnll Troiihle whii'h way reshk in the call-
Edith .Melbur, confessed iiuinlorosj- ' icnnto in the framing of a bill; llicjhifc ,,llt of t,1,! tntcr militia is threat-
or her son, Georgi', n in the can. o j oico f l0 people m.n mnfco llwlf' j;fd J" tI!" Wfst Vf,r,nI,ft I"i"l'l(rc-
, , . i ,i.t. ( i mi. . ;. . .. ., ...., ' "' topub bonus nliil democrats arc
II,o thnlrnl, oi (lib .mil bore. ib. , V ,y ,. present of flic L'nitrc ,lf.n(,,ook,.,, ovH. ,ho orunilj,n,jfl o,
woman was brought today fron Untes but nothing can penetrate in- the senate. The republicans rcfuu.v
Jioohoster, where he wiib nrrcHtei j to Hie chiiiiihnr of the supreme! to oilier u joint caucus.
nnd where, the police nllcgo, hbo tnb i 'ourt of tlic United SIuIcm .md make' (-rats Ibreaten to cnuso tlio arrest o
of inducing her little son to drink' lint tribunal reHo.ifiivo to popular ihe republicans.
n btt!e ofonrbiilie neid. District At 1 e.nnnd. It in the unalterable, im Menrn of Wheeling, giving the domo-
tofffey Snnford will urge that tin ' nutnble, insorntnble, omniscient par .rutn n majority in the swiatu. Uov-
1 11
caio be tried speedily, and the gran
jury was nHkcd today to'
tho boy'.s death at once and retiu
a murder indictment against tli
The boy'.s body was found in .
Mvnnip near Schenectady. Then
Mrs. felber told the police, after 'i
struggle to find a home for the bu
she guvo him the poiriou. The bo 1
tired and Unruly and nMod fo
Also ?,l norcB, 1 mile from Talent,,
12 acres of fruit, family orcbnrd ii
beririfig; nppIdV, Nen1owns, 12
acres, peacli filled; 7 nercn timber,
irrigated, d welling house shaded i
large Inurol trees, plenty of water,
fertile soil, gaidoh rtjwt, f tumping
tlinnt; terms, $1:1,00(1. $7ll()) cash,
tlio balance in payments of .flOOtl
yearly at fi per cent.
Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit
land witli limber, 1 mile from Talent
.fOoOO cash down; just tbiul: what c
snap, a httlo over .?.J00 nil ncre.
Von can't afford to do without
this splendid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a case sent to
the hotise. The purest, most
healthful drink iaiowu is
P. C. BlGHAM. Agent.
- krV -tkrrr1 A Y
And Arc Not flettilit'g
Almost dnitv people cometo me i-oinpfiuiiiitR Unit they have had
several pairs of Rlasses yet they cannot oe woll, or else the eyes
ire, pain, smart, blurr or become drowsy. Yet I have no trouble
' ' . .!,.. .. ii...ji 1....1. ...,..,t'..,.i oiw1 unlisfhn..
y seientme metiiotis 10 give inem mmi -
by m
. - mt . . I ....ft l....fc nkt fl -
I succeed by Suecessful l-'itlmg. u you siuier i.u.u r. -IjIch,
come hero and gain relief.
Eve Right Rpecialil.
redfoni, Ore. Over Kentncr's
and railroad n cheaper plnco7
Town lots in the newlv incorporat
ed town of Talent, Or., on tho in
stallment plnn.
Want to Rem
constitutional. Two weeks agi
'ie court was asked for a const rie'
m of the "coiinnodiliert elaiiso" or
ie act to regulate commerce. 'Km
overs' liability is shorllv to bo ar
led. TliciV are many oilier mpnrl
I suits.
water. Hi 1 niolber told him the bo.
tie contained water and hn drnnl: i I
'IIi iiKcni'u ti'tixleil inn.'' knlilieil II '
giicf stricken mother. "He believe'
Hie nnd ditink without (iiestion."
Tlio police nvort that .Mr. .Me'lb
murdered her boy to get rid of li
in older to marry again, floor.
Smith, her brother, (hoy say, to
them that sho repeatedly daelnr
that tho boy vne in Ibe wnj and
it wore not for him she would g
along bolter in the world.
Aetir.g on the theory that, tl
woman had an accomplice, the
thoiflies are Henrchfng for n m.
left Sehenlu'lady at Iho rfjime tie
Mir. ileibor did. Tho man hqught
ticket for Hnn FrauciHco, It is 0'
-cited, nid the Kansas (!ity ulltbo
ities wcru asked trt'inlercept him.
"Sin, Alcllwv in Miid to htivn ti
many conflicting stoiioHtvcniieeriii
liei-Hulf aijd her boy to jieoplo
Hchcnootiidy. To fcoine hhe said si
was a Widow To others she sn'
she had no children of her own, h
that., tho boy was an adopted ch'il
To a Schenectady plumber, to wim
it was reported she. was engaged i
be mnvried, slit snid the boy w.
her nd))heu. Ho win tho sou of h
dead brother and gj.e was uatnarrie
she is said to have staled,
The, police say the woman hud i
conception of tho enormity of'tl
crime of which she is licensed. S
l-elievcd be could escnpu puilisluiioi
liv brhxouly denying all knowledge
the murder, they say, in spite of o
deneo ngniiist Iter,
Whon firt ciueMinuod at Uoelie
ttr, Irs. JMolhor was cooL and
lected, and held to her original slor;, J
Alter long Hweatiug the police ai
he oxclniined dramatically:
yry find I I haven't seen uiy da
ling since I lett him with my cousin
Then sho bloke down and finiii
...d her story, the officers say.
Mrp. JIlber, according to the n
tbui ities, said she gave the boy tl
pui.oii ttftor u long oft oil to tlud
Imine for him. The lad bad boon
.i Stboncclridv children's home, si
ii.''. but he wan refused ponuiMi
In stnv tlliMV llwl' becillIKo of h
inability to uy nd Alio took Iho b
tu the homo of hor livotlior, I'har!
iiuitli. lie remained there until afi
the holida.VH, when, the woman w
she wbs told she nitisl find a hoi
i-lcwhom for him. She tool; hi
back to the children's homo in A, but could find no one thei
mii uutliurity to enuaidor her oa
end she wan again turned adiift. 1
v. "- then, aei'ording to the polio
(but ihe woman decided to end th
bn'-. life.
.Mter her cufi'ion, she Mas ooi
ei.itw villi ttii't :nl today in the A "'"U. M. 05. MrlCeuile, W
batty iail ha-, given way to lemori- ' vIU, Ous Nlelioln, .Mm. Harry
f the three-fold plan of govern- emor Glasscock says ho will protect Whoro can vou find near the detoi
incni. (im rcpuhlicans, it uresis are at
It is this very aloofness of lb- emptcd, even if he has to call out th
highest court which is causing the stnte mililin.
idniinistration a great deal of ap-
rehcnsipii just now. Some of the I Use Old License to Weil.
lost importaiil legislative. aetH of I . lhao in ;! 1inii,l.ln.,1,nn,l
'ie prcsetit day are belore the .nnlr , WJMCUSHAIJMO, l'a. Jan. M.--I Also 11 nnros, 14 acres comme--j ' " h
r eoiiHfriielion. Tlley Here frame' J After obtaining u miirriago license! cial fruit bearing orchard, 2 milo-Will take short lilllclcaSO. i
111 llir lilell of eniliilWi' iinrnninln 10 t-nmo !,. III. lit. n;.. .....1 Mir .. i :. 1. .. ....
. " -.,. ... ,,i.,i-. f.., .ii.i.ii inn., hum ...inn irnin "nun.! Sill. I . inn., in I n
. . r -- -.. -.....w, .r4.vuwvf u.. ......
Strictlv moclern G or 7-rooin I
This frenueutly occurs many times at
night. Just step to the telephone
and call up we will respond nt onco
almost any moment, night or dny,
and fix the break.
Southern Oregon Electric Go.
Imne, Xlght i.'MM, Day ll. 'J7 South tentnil Avenue
onc-lialf down.
Also .14 acres, Jmlf liiiln from
opression; most of ihe people wan' J Teresa Lovicro of Lattiirter. this'
em eiiloreeil. IJiil the unrenie count v. have iust henn liiai-ripd. m-'
url of the Cnited States has tlt'j, cording to a return made this week1 Also SO acres vfino timber. $2000.
tsic 01 (iispassioiiutcly (lisseclunr; n the oflico of the marriage register
bein and deciding', irrespective o. if this city. Tho groom is fiG yenr
Iml Ihe people think, whether lhc ild nnd Ihe biide jk fil. 'J'hey got a
ere a nroncr nverehn nl' leoiblnlii , !;.,,,.i.. .. ........... ,.. i..,.i. r mm
nver. - M wmp ,. ol. ,ier wllr,' lent. fine bouse, fruit trees, al-
Tho fainoiiH tobacco trust ease, ho ivlurn does not cxplaili were not f,fn "H under cultivation; pme
ive lieon'siibiiuled to the court fo ' named until November 2.r,, J i 10 8750, bnlanue to suit purchaser
m second tune, the Standard O)', ho officiating clergyman being Rev
'li-lnihl suit 5s now being argued V. I'npilien.
'tli involve the conslitulionalifv o '
'ie Sherman anli-trust nv, or. wlml j WS AX(;i!l,l KXCUKSIOX.
nearly ns iniporlnnt, the scope ol , Two' I'ullmnn nlconora hnvo already
lmt mensure. The eolimrnlion lax. eu engaged for Ihe t-a Ang-les ox-
Plione Main 2121
shortly to bo argued, the court be ' ,liri'lnii "I'd IniMcntlons aro thnt two
t asked to decide Whether that ta i ,loro wI11 lo vcttulred. If you are
ntondluK tnUitis thin trip, notify the
ocal offleo at once. Call, wrlto or
ihoao. This will cnotro you a berth.
Uuinembor tho date, .Innunry J!).
Koniombor tho low rate round trip,
Also for sale, homo in Tnfcitt
jJiKikson county, Oregon (:t newly iu-
eorpornted town), a fine home of IS
aerce; level, fertile alfalfa and fruit
'and, irrignted; one block from post
office, on tho main road and extondt
to Hear creek: has two acres bearing
Nowfowns, Jl years old; 12 aens
rtartlett and U'Alijou peurs: 2 acre-
alfalfa; all is find garden land; '
six-room house; olhuato very mild .
Agency Grand Union
Tea Go.
. 110 Tripp St. Plione 901
Tons, Coffees, Baking Pow
der, Spices, Soaps, Slaroh,
etc. Odors taken.
Prompt Delivery
Land For Sale.
Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large
tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price
Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon
Limit, no dr.vs
Stop off whon and whoro vou1!1'0 wnk'1' fro,n tIlc mountains; von
midway between the thriving oitio
of Medford and. Ashland; price $10,-
III the li'jlll lit' lliis lllieiilinn. n.i
oik here aie watching Ihe supreme' '1(';i8,' Cin nnd return via either I healthy: churches, schools and lit
art closely these days. Eve route. jernrv societies; no snlonns o'
net' tile becinuing of. tilings itt tb! I I'-urtlior InformaUon, phono lncirir .lruukcnncHs it is a drv town; it r-
'vernmeni, me Hiiprenie court im i " " " 'midway between tiiv
'io aiieaii wiiii itr. won; ol iiilerpre
tinn in uvnnllf ll,, r..r. .,.,,. V!.... OKIMNANTI? N'O. .Ill)
' in t.iiiiii iiii- niliill' llll, .ll I" ---.
lemn-looklag justiceh listen to ore ' An ordlnnneo amending ordinance 000.4r00 down, the, remainder 01
"giniieuls In' a erise in n sluffV lift' N'. J.ria'of tho city of Mod ford, Ore- limo at C per cept. '
oni. Four hours a day on Mondays !gon.
'lo'dnys; 'c(lno.-.(biy.s, Thiir-day- The qlty. or .Modfoni doth ordain
d Frjdavsnre devoti'd to the hear na follows;
i of aiKiunent, the comt meotiii' ' Section 1. That section 'l of onll-
noon. Kaeh .justice receives c naiuo No. lfii! of the city of Medford
mplete "ropord'' in Hie case, am' bo amended by adding therein after
Also lands, nlfalf.i and fruit, from '
20 to 800 acres. Write, inclosing
'tamps, or come nnd see me.
e bnels of compel on both side"
takes them homo, looks them ove
d some Saturday, when the coiir'
Ms in tho conference chamber i'
e .capitol, the chief justice psk-
'o oic,hl assneinle juslieen win.'
'icir opinion on the case inc. Tic
iliildav conferences are Held he-
the words "Central aveuiio" the
words "or North l)'AaJou street."
The foregoing ordlnanre was pas.s
d by tho city council of thrt city of!
Medford, Orogrtu, on tlio IStli day of I
Vovoinhor, IfUO, by tlio following1
Welch absent, Morrlel; absent, Km
L. N. JUDD, Talent. Or.
0Wo have a splendid assortment
of fobs aiid chains in the very
newest designs.
At all prices.
CI Fine watch and jewelry repair
ing. Agates mounted, and tho
finest engraving and diamond
setting done at
someone s weaumg or
Rich, Sparkling Cut Glass
QFor brightiilg up and beauti
lying your own table
tfOr for
birthday present.
You 4tni select hero from a fine
assortment of elegant pieces, m
hnniKomo patterns, rich, scintillat
ing cut glass of highest quality.
MAKTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler, Near Post Office
;nd closed doors and not even court1 crick aye, Wortniun nye, Klfort aye,
and Domnier aye.
Approved November lath. 1910.
W. M. CANON, Mayor.
Mployes are admit led.
Wrlflht For Senate.
S'ASIIVIUVroini.. .Inn. 14.-Oe.i-il
laike Wrialit former secrelary
' war will, it is expected, aiuuimitr
euudidncv for Iho United iSatc
mle some lime next week. Then
's no ballot todnv.
ttlra refused to make uny furtlic
sttrtouient rcKarding the camc.
" " p
ADVKIlTIHIili Mfrri'int MST.
The following let tors remain un
filed Tor at tho postoffldn at Med
"ril Oregon, Weduetiday, .Inniihry
1, l'.Ul:
Hazel Januw CO, Clnronco Jiuiich.
'tov. K. n. Jone.f, Itobert Jones, (i.
If .loluirioti. A. .1. Krokelor. 'A.
I lunder (-'), John N. Mann, Jennlo
'oore, Datl Mcfnity. Will McDon
I id. Kivd Miller, O. 1). Morris. Itiiv.
! V. T. Mortsu. Artie Moroy, Mwltel
alter K.
'. Cbnrllo Nue. (ioornln Pa Inter.
j vlr. ud Mm (loo. w. Pnrsona, Chaa.
arrlan, John U. Pieieo, Kdna Poole,
'ail II. I'omeroy. llert lUndnll, A.
'. Iteudor, (loo. Ueed. W. Uevlt,
!ntei' I,, .1. Uolnhiirl, Anna Hooney.
r. Nlim Uubel, Mrs. M. 11. Koborts,
"Im. U. M. Sntder. L'ukohIo Sonnlii-
City Recorder
Dr. F. C. Page
Mgr. Local Agency
I "There's just one drug store where I know I will get
exactly what I ask for.'1
I rL bPOJmisio goods
Sacramento. California
The largest exclusive Sporting Goods House
on the Const. Wholesale and Retail.
Fire Arms, Ammunition, Fishlnfl Tackle
Bicycle, Automobile, Hunting, Photographic
and Athletic Supplies.
Rambler, Ideal and Overland Blcycees.
Big New Catalogue. Send us your name,
and receive copy.
tJWlien you hear that remark van can take it for granted
the speaker means us. GJYVhsitevor you want from any drug
store can be had here if we havn't got it we will get it for
you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get
what you ask for or what your doctor wants you to have,
or you get nothing you never get "something just as
good" here, because we only have one best. ..CJDocs not
this assurance warrant vour trading here "Wo think so.
The Home of Orange Blossom and Lownev's Candies Always Fresh.
Both Phones Main 101 Night and Day.
i ?
WADIS0N'. Wi-.. J..n. 14. 1?
fornui of a radical nature were do
mandiHl by Governor Medovera in bl tor d'). (tone SenuliiHcr (a), l'blllp
utMSntfO to the WUcuiiain le;;bdaiur. ' 'urueui. Una Steudnian, tioo. Sluboll,
JLoi$y, Climer ooiuervntiou of imt-Viu. H.mIc Stalker. Lector Slaeey,
ural roatiUKOa. the borne rulo of eltloi ' lelmer 11. Swan. Mm. Sutuuel A.
and tho hmtltutlou ot the Initiative I tyndi. Clmuto Silioeb, Mm. II. L.
roforondum and recall wero ailvoont 'Uort. Arthur Stiibblutltdd, Howard
cd. . R. Stovofc, Joromo Smith, Kitgeno
huiltb. John r. smith, Mm. Mlillo
Lock Step Abandoned 'Trunin. Mil Thoinimon. . u. I'nyior,
SPOluVNi:, Jun. 34. DeeUring it WWmn & Dlutrleb. Mm. A. I). War
lit lerly ttwltts and worlhlevh, a thing nur ScoU WrlBhL Dottle WtUou. C
without tiood, U. S. Heed, w.udcn of ' Wltoou.. Mm. A. A. WRou. T. 1.
iUn Walla Walla Woll. Mm. Chauler WwlwrUalil. W
...v i - . . .
AVtwh.. forilHULv .aunWKiU'cl ' lnsoi
201 Acres b Miles
B. Wollu. Mm. W. A. Wiwt. Mrs. Lain
From Grants Pass !
Fronting on Rogue River
25 acres in orchards, part full bearing, the finest
That NOW is the time to ro d.uo vour old ieuce with a new one. That it will improve the appear-
unco of your properly fully KITTY IKK ( KNT it the feme i. n,ht and proper!) constructed. J
That The Page Wire Fence
i bot suited for tho purpoe, a-, it is made up of the host IIih Carbon Steel Wire that is found in
fcncinir; in addition to tin?, it i the oulv fence which hn-. the l'AOT. KNOT, and continuous cross
wire to weave it together, li-nce it
Is The, Best Fence
that money can buy or modem science produce. Owing to each line who being coiled before the
fence i- woven, I'age Veneo is en ilv erected ocr hills nnd through dales, without the necessity of
cutting mid splieiug. It is iiilitviftiiah,u.. .
A. Z
jock fcion i iho oblivion in.n wi.ioi. m mv ,,.,c. weaver, wi . mi- f)f ,Vujj i0nt ion ideal, water fiticl wajor rights ex- i? ?
it owiio 8inno hu beginning th (,H- Dul-y Wlndploy. Henry Whitney. " : !
lock eiw. Jinn boon iho ouW" -'i Hu Mr ami Mm. w. Mr. and j eeptioual. Vow host best of soil for pews, apples, J, J :
Dutilw tjuiy. When tho, l-u .onei Mm .Trunk Xluuuor, HurlUan .im- ? . w,mmnn'VPn S5
!Si in to their luuiils or marched " v peaches, Tokay grapes or altalfa. AVRLTIOO MjK, ti
out hum theia Ihoy did -Bo "' l"d. 1'nrlhK eallluB for Uiu aboo let-, ,irnpmn at ir prTRTTVlP 5 J '
' The Joeh it op btfipeH ,,: tora UU pleuo uy "advertlwd.- A 5 BOX LVi, CAUh KuhQiW LvlL IhllSl M, 2
i.'. '.. v. I! . ut a more hiUbatoUK .. rbavifo of ono cent will be xaado upon MrnvnTn ni? I
at Adrian, Mich,, and hhip.R'd by it, m cuilond lot-, direct trom the FACTORY TO TUK CON
SUMEK, thus injuvjug tho gnMtet alue at the lowest p i'e piiee.
Let us bhow you wliy you sbonld u-e Vu Tence in ., 'teivtue t. any other. We furnish
without eliHrgo, estimator oi c.i ot tent-ing tr.u ts, i.nd contr.ut to build fences coinplytu.
Wc will figure with yo - on .ui amount ot teuciug, trom u"C rod to a carload. If you are
wanting Fence, Gates, or eilur cw or cedar P'-t-, lelt Us ti.uiv with ou. We furuisli man and
lools and assist in the cree i ; l'j go Feme extra cost.
"Till; l'AHE FF.NCF Mi:N"
Distubutoi- i..r Southern Oie-..n . ,il N.iiiheru C.Iit'ornin.
. . .. .1 .... . w.
y .ii.a.
i illli.rv vij xt - 9
i j -w m.
'' fiAi AA m-M. . .... -